May 1976, Volume 425, Issue 1
- 188-189 HANS TOCH. Men in Crisis: Human Breakdowns in Prison. Pp. vii, 340. Chicago, Ill.: Aldine Publishing Company, 1975. $14.75
by Alex Simirenko - 189-190 FRANCES WILLARD VON MALTITZ. Living and Learning in Two Languages: Bilingual-Bicultural Education in the United States. Pp. xvi, 221. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1975. $8.95
by Frederick Shaw - 190-191 ROBERT S. WEISS. Marital Separation. Pp. 326. New York: Basic Books, 1975. $11.95
by Kenneth G. Summersett - 191-192 ECONOMICS A. M. AGAPOS. Government-Industry and Defense: Economics and Administration. Pp. viii, 184. University: University of Alabama Press, 1975. $9.50
by Andrew Dobelstein - 192-193 S. G. CHECKLAND. Scottish Banking: A History, 1695-1973. Pp. vi, 785. Glasgow, Scotland: Collins, 1975. No price
by Rondo Cameron - 193-194 ROBERT F. LANZILLOTTI, MARY T. HAMILTON and R. BLAINE ROBERTS. Phase II in Review: The Price Commission Experience. Pp. 209. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1975. $9.95
by Marshall R. Colberg - 194-195 CYNTHIA B. LLOYD, ed. Sex, Discrimination, and the Division of Labor. Pp. ix, 431. New York: Columbia University Press, 1975. $17.50
by Bruce Frankel - 195-201 HAROLD L. WILENSKY. The Welfare State and Equality: Structural and Ideological Roots of Public Expenditure. Pp. 173. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975. $8.95
by David G. Gil
March 1976, Volume 424, Issue 1
- 1-1 Preface
by Kenneth Holland - 1-5 The Most Significant and Important Activity I Have Been Privileged to Engage in during My Years in the Senate
by J.William Fulbright - 6-15 Who Participates in Education Exchange?
by Wallace B. Edgerton - 16-28 Developing Education v. Education for Development
by Kenneth W. Thompson - 29-42 Exchanges with the People's Republic of China: Symbols and Substance
by Douglas P. Murray - 43-51 Institutional Linkages: A Key to Successful International Exchange
by Ralph H. Smuckler - 52-66 Exchange of People among International Companies: Problems and Benefits
by Susan S. Holland - 67-77 Study and Training Abroad in the United Nations System
by William D. Carter - 78-84 International Exchange in the Arts
by Joan H. Joshi - 85-95 The Military Assistance Training Program
by Ernest W. Lefever - 96-106 Citizen Diplomat: The Community's Role Today
by Alice Reynolds Pratt - 107-117 Results and Effects of Study Abroad
by Michael J. Flack - 119-120 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND POLITICAL THOUGHT NISSIM BAR-YAACOV. The Handling of International Disputes by Means of Inquiry. Pp. viii, 370. New York: Oxford University Press, 1974. $24.00. MANUS I. MIDLARSKY. On War: Political Violence in the International System. Pp. ix, 229. New York: The Free Press, 1975. $14.95
by Riordan Roett - 120-121 SIR GEORGE CATLIN. Kissinger's Atlantic Charter. Pp. 144. Totowa, N.J.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1975. $12.00. J. ROBERT SCHAETZEL. The Unhinged Alliance: America and the European Community. Pp. v, 184. New York: Harper & Row, 1975. $8.95
by F. Roy Willis - 121-122 ROBIN EDMONDS. Soviet Foreign Policy, 1962-1973: The Paradox of Super Power. Pp. xiv, 197. New York: Oxford University Press, 1975. $12.50
by Donald D. Barry - 122-123 GALVIN KENNEDY. The Economics of Defense. Pp. 251. Totowa, N.J.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1975. $17.50
by Russell P. Bellico - 123-124 LEONARD KRIEGER. An Essay on the Theory of Enlightened Despotism. Pp. xi, 115. Chicago, Ill.: The University of Chicago Press, 1975. $9.25
by Paul L. Rosen - 124-125 STOCKHOLM INTERNATIONAL PEACE RESEARCH INSTITUTE. Nuclear Proliferation Problems. Pp. 312. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1974. No price. STOCKHOLM INTERNATIONAL PEACE RESEARCH INSTITUTE. Safeguards against Nuclear Proliferation. Pp. 114. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1974. No price. STOCKHOLM INTERNATIONAL PEACE RESEARCH INSTITUTE. Tactical and Strategic Antisubmarine Warfare. Pp. 148. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1974. No price
by W. Scott Thompson - 125-127 THOMAS GEORGE WEISS. International Bureaucracy. Pp. vii, 187. Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1975. $14.00
by Michael E. Akins - 127-127 AFRICA, ASIA AND LATIN AMERICA GARY D. ALLINSON. Japanese Urbanism: Industry and Politics in Kariya,1872-1972. Pp. xiii, 276. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975. $16.75
by F.G. Notehelfer - 127-128 LEWIS AUSTIN. Saints and Samurai: The Political Culture of the American and Japanese Elites. Pp. vii, 197. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1975. $12.50
by Douglas H. Mendel JR - 128-130 RALPH N. CLOUGH, A. DOAK BARNETT, MORTON H. HALPERIN and JEROME H. KAHAN. The United States, China, and Arms Control. Pp. 153. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1975. $8.95. Paperbound, $2.95
by Peter Van Ness - 130-131 ROBERT L. GALLUCCI. Neither Peace nor Honor: The Politics of American Military Policy in Vietnam. Pp. 187. Baltimore, Md.: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975. $10.00. Paperbound, $2.95. PETER D. TROOBOFF, ed. Law and Responsibility in Warfare: The Vietnam Experience. Pp. 280. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1975. $13.95
by William S. Turley - 131-132 PETER HARRIES-JONES. Freedom and Labour: Mobilization and Political Control on the Zambian Copperbelt. Pp. 256. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1975. $19.95. RICHARD L. SKLAR. Corporate Power in an African State: The Political Impact of Multinational Mining Companies in Zambia. Pp. x, 245. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975. $12.00
by Thomas H. Etzold - 132-133 KUNG-CHUAN HSIAO. A Modern China and a New World: K'ang Yu-wei, Reformer and Utopian, 1858 -1927. Pp. 669. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1975. $25.00
by Edward L. Farmer - 133-134 E. J. KAHN, JR. The China Hands: America's Foreign Service Officers and What Befell Them. Pp. xi, 336. New York: Viking Press, 1975. $12.95
by John Lewallen - 134-135 CLAUDIO G. SEGRÈ. Fourth Shore: The Italian Colonization of Libya. Edited by Robin W. Winks. Pp. vii, 237. Chicago, Ill.: The University of Chicago Press, 1974. $15.00
by Gary L. Fowler - 135-136 TARLOK SINGH. India's Development Experience. Pp. vii, 458. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1975. $25.00
by Dana D. Reynolds - 136-137 W. SCOTT THOMPSON. Unequal Partners: Philippine and Thai Relations with the United States, 1965-75. Pp. vii, 183. Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1975. $13.50
by Donald Hindley - 137-138 FRANKLIN TUGWELL. The Politics of Oil in Venezuela. Pp. 210. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1975. $8.95
by Fred Miller - 138-139 FRANZ A. VON SAUER. The Alienated "Loyal" Opposition. Pp. vii, 197. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1974. $12.00. EVELYN P. STEVENS. Protest and Response in Mexico. Pp. 372. Lawrence, Mass.: MIT Press, 1974. $17.95
by Manoel Cardozo - 139-140 EUROPE DANIEL R. BROWER. Training the Nihilists: Education and Radicalism in Tsarist Russia. Pp. 248. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1975. $12.50
by David H. Kitterman - 140-140 JOSEPH FRANKEL. British Foreign Policy, 1945-73. Pp. vi, 356. New York: Oxford University Press, 1975. $22.50
by Frank Bealey - 140-141 RICHARD S. LEVY. The Downfall of the Anti-Semitic Political Parties in Imperial Germany. Pp. vii, 335. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1975. $18.50
by Eugene Davidson - 141-142 PETER H. MERKL. Political Violence under the Swastika: 581 Early Nazis. Pp. xiv, 735. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1975. $30.00. Paperbound, $10.75
by L.L. Farrar JR - 142-144 MARSHALL LEE MILLER. Bulgaria During the Second World War. Pp. viii, 290. Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1975. $10.95. ANTONY POLONSKY. The Little Dictators : The History of Eastern Europe Since 1918. Pp. xi, 212. Boston, Mass.: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1975. $16.50
by Forrestt A. Miller - 144-144 STEVEN E. OZMENT. The Reformation in the Cities: The Appeal of Protestant-ism to Sixteenth-Century Germany and Switzerland. Pp. vii, 237. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1975. $12.50
by John S. Wozniak - 144-145 GEORGE DANIEL RAMSAY. The City of London in International Politics at the Accession of Elizabeth Tudor. Pp. x, 310. Totowa, N.J.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1975. $21.50
by James A. Casada - 145-146 A. J. SHERMAN. Island Refuge: Britain and Refugees from the Third Reich, 1933-1939. Pp. 291. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974. $11.50
by Israel Rubin - 146-147 GRAHAM WOOTON. Pressure Groups in Britain,1720-1970. Pp. 375. Hamden, Conn.: Shoe String Press, 1975. $20.00
by Austen Albu - 147-148 UNITED STATES THOMAS M. COFFEY. The Long Thirst: Prohibition in America, 1920-1933. Pp. xii, 346. New York: W. W. Norton, 1975. $9.95
by Athan G. Theoharis - 148-149 JOHN PATRICK FINNEGAN. Against the Specter of a Dragon: The Campaign for American Military Preparedness, 1914-1917. Contributions in Military History, no. 7. Pp. ix, 253. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1975. $12.95
by Thomas M. Hill - 149-150 ALTON FRYE. A Responsible Congress: The Politics of National Security. Pp. xii, 238. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1975. $10.00
by David Fellman - 150-150 EDWARD F. HAAS. DeLesseps S. Morrison and the Image of Reform: New Orleans Politics, 1946-1961. Pp. xii, 368. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1974. $12.95
by William M. Leary JR - 150-151 COY HILTON JAMES. Silas Deane— Patriot or Traitor? Pp. viii, 152. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1975. $8.50
by Arthur W. Munk - 151-152 BERNARD KNOLLENBERG. Growth of the American Revolution, 1766-1775. Pp. v, 551. New York: Free Press, 1975. $15.00
by Ronald Hoffman - 152-153 STEPHEN C. SCHLESINGER The New Reformers: Forces for Change in American Politics. Pp. vii, 238. Boston, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin, 1975. $7.95
by D. Lincoln Harter - 153-154 JON C. TEAFORD. The Municipal Revolution in America: Origins of Modern Urban Government, 1650-1825. Pp. 152. Chicago, Ill.: The University of Chicago Press, 1975. $9.75
by Harold F. Alderfer - 154-154 HANS L. TREFOUSSE. 1 mpeachment of a President: Andrew Johnson, the Blacks, and Reconstruction. Pp. xii, 252. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1975. $10.95
by Robert J. Sickels - 154-155 SOCIOLOGY GEOFF DENCH. Maltese in London: A Case-Study of the Erosion of Ethnic Consciousness. Pp. 302. Boston, Mass.: Routledge & Kegan Paul,1975. $21.00
by William Petersen - 155-156 ROGER HOOD, ed. Crime, Criminology and Public Policy: Essays in Honour of Sir Leon Radzinowicz. Pp. xxii, 650. New York: The Free Press, 1975. $29.95
by David M. Petersen - 156-157 J. HOWARD KAUFFMAN and LELAND HARDER Anabaptists Four Centuries Later: A Profile of Five Mennonite and Brethren in Christ Denominations. Pp. 399. Scottsdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1975. $9.95
by Hobert Detweiler - 157-158 EUGENE LITWAK and HENRY J. MEYER. School, Family, and Neighborhood: The Theory and Practice of School-Community Relations. Pp. xi, 300. New York: Columbia University Press, 1974. $11.00
by William H. Cartwright - 158-159 CHARLES R. PERRY et al. The Impact of Government Manpower Programs: In General, and on Minorities and Women. Pp. 511. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1975. $18.50
by Sally Bould-Van Til - 159-160 PAUL RABINOW. Symbolic Domination: Cultural Form and Historical Change in Morocco. Pp. xv, 107. Chicago, Ill.: The University of Chicago Press, 1975. $8.95
by Philip Carl Salzman - 160-161 ECONOMICS HENRY J. AARON. Who Pays the Property Tax?: A New View. Pp. ix, 110. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1975. $5.95. Paperbound, $2.50
by Paul Kantor - 161-162 GEORGE F. BREAK and JOSEPH A. PECHMAN. Federal Tax Reform: The Impossible Dream? Pp. ix, 142. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1975. $6.95. Paperbound, $2.95
by William E. Spellman - 162-163 MARY O. FURNER. Advocacy and Objectivity: A Crisis in the Professionalization of American Social Science, 1865-1905. Pp. xv, 357. Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 1975. $17.50
by Louis Billington - 163-165 JOHN KENNETH GALBRAITH. Money: Whence It Came, Where It Went. Pp. 324. Boston, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1975. $10.00
by Jon Harkness - 165-165 IRVING B. KRAVIS et al. A System of International Comparisons of Gross Product and Purchasing Power. Pp. xi, 294. Baltimore, Md.: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975. $20.00. Paperbound, $7.50
by Oleg Zinam - 165-167 PETER D. MCCLELLAND. Causal Explanation and Model Building in History, Economics, and the New Economic History. Pp. 290. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1975. $12.50
by Claudia D. Goldin - 167-174 MIRIAM OSTOW and ANNA B. DUTKA. Work and Welfare in New York City. Pp. v, 93. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975. $7.95
by N/A
January 1976, Volume 423, Issue 1
- 1-1 Preface
by Graeme R. Newman - 1-13 Criminal Violence in America: The First Hundred Years
by Roger Lane - 14-22 The Great American Search: Causes of Crime 1876-1976
by Travis Hirschi & David Rudisill - 23-30 The Growth of Crime in the United States
by Harold E. Pepinsky - 31-46 American Women and Crime
by Rita J. Simon - 47-66 The Heritage of Cain: Crime in American Fiction
by M.E. Grenander - 67-74 Psychoanalysis and Crime: A Critical Survey of Salient Trends in the Literature
by John J. Fitzpatrick - 75-88 Mafia: The Prototypical Alien Conspiracy
by Dwight C. Smith JR - 89-98 Blacks, Crime, and American Culture
by John A. Davis - 99-116 Progress and Prosecution
by Jack M. Kress - 117-132 Criminal Sentencing in the United States: An Historical and Conceptual Overview
by Alan M. Dershowitz - 133-141 No Excuse for Crime
by Ernest Van den Haag - 142-151 Controlling "Dangerous" People
by John Monahan & Gilbert Geis - 152-161 Equity and Republican Justice
by Leslie T. Wilkins - 163-211 Book Department
by N/A
November 1975, Volume 422, Issue 1_suppl
- 1-106 Index To Subjects, Contributors, Titles, and Names
by N/A - 107-178 Index To Book Reviews
by N/A - 179-189 Index To Book Reviewers
by N/A
September 1975, Volume 422, Issue 1
- 1-1 Preface
by Louis H. Masotti - 1-9 Suburbia and the Metropolitan Turf
by Robert L. Lineberry - 10-24 Beyond Suburbia
by Sylvia F. Fava - 25-35 From Suburb to Urban Place
by David L. Birch - 36-44 Implications of Suburbanization for Metropolitan Political Organization
by Thomas M. Scott - 45-60 A Theoretical Structure for the Study of Suburban Politics
by Joseph Zikmund - 61-76 Dilemmas of Suburbanization and Growth Controls
by James W. Hughes - 77-86 The Urban-Suburban Investment-Disinvestment Process: Consequences for Older Neighborhoods
by Calvin P. Bradford & Leonard S. Rubinowitz - 87-96 Racial Segregation: The Persisting Dilemma
by Karl E. Taeuber - 97-104 Metropolitan School Desegregation: Practical Remedy or Impractical Ideal?
by Everett F. Cataldo & Michael Giles & Douglas S. Gatlin - 105-117 Aging Suburbs and Black Homeownership
by George Sternlieb & Robert W. Lake - 118-128 Suburbanization of Ethnics of Color
by William J. Siembieda - 129-140 Administration Hara-Kiri: Implementation of the Urban Growth and New Community Development Act
by Helene V. Smookler - 141-151 Suburban Foundations of the New Congress
by Richard Lehne - 153-204 Book Department
by N/A
September 1975, Volume 421, Issue 1
- 1-1 Preface
by Philip G. Altbach & Sheila McVey - 1-13 Publishing and the Intellectual System
by Philip G. Altbach - 14-22 Publishers as Gatekeepers of Ideas
by Lewis A. Coser - 23-31 Role of the Publisher in the Dissemination of Knowledge
by Gordon B. Neavill - 34-41 Shapers of Culture
by Michael Lane - 43-55 Demythologizing Scholarly Publishing
by Ann Orlov - 56-65 College Textbook Publishing in the 1970s
by Phillip Whitten - 67-79 Nineteenth Century America
by Sheila McVey - 81-84 Pity Poor Pascal
by John P. Dessauer - 93-103 Independent Publishing
by Bill Henderson - 106-117 Scholarly Publishing in Western Europe and Great Britain
by Ben Russak - 118-129 Publishing in the USSR and Yugoslavia
by Edward E. Booher - 130-136 The Bright Promise of Publishing in Developing Countries
by Datus C. Smith Jr. - 140-150 Who Controls Book Publishing in Anglophone Middle Africa?
by Keith Smith - 151-152 International Relations and Politics
by Charles A. Joiner - 152-152 East Asia and U.S. Security
by Albert E. Kane - 153-154 A Discourse on Statesmanship
by David Fellman - 154-155 Building States and Nations
by Wesley D. Clark Jr. - 155-155 Improving the Legal Process
by Gerald L. Sharboro - 155-157 Research and Development and the Prospects for International Security
by Paul F. Kress - 157-158 Decisions in Israel's Foreign Policy
by Herbert Rosenblum - 158-159 Professionals in China
by Hung-mao Tien - 159-160 Backward Toward Revolution
by S. Y. Teng - 160-161 Three and a Half Powers
by John F. Melby - 161-162 The Venture of Islam
by M. N. Pearson - 162-163 Iemoto
by Arvin Palmer - 163-164 Russia and the Roots of the Chinese Revolution, 1896–1911
by Michael Gasster - 165-166 The Strained Alliance
by Sungjoo Han - 166-167 Russia and Black Africa
by Edward L. Jones - 167-168 The Mythical World of Nazi War Propaganda, 1939–1945
by F. B. Marbut - 168-169 French Legislators, 1800–1834
by Jacques Fomerand - 169-169 Bureaucratic Politics and Administration in Chile
by Robert H. Dix - 169-170 The United States and Latin America
by Larry D. Hill - 170-171 Photian and Byzantine Ecclesiastical Studies
by Ludvik Nemec - 171-172 Struggle in the Andes
by Marvin Alisky - 172-173 German Politics under Soviet Occupation
by Albert L. Weeks - 173-174 The Irish
by Alfred McClung Lee - 174-174 Holding the Line
by Holbert N. Carroll - 175-196 The Political South in the Twentieth Century
by Jennings B. Sanders - 176-176 Salem Possessed
by D. A. Tomasic - 176-177 Too Proud to Fight
by George Osborn - 177-178 The Civil War, A Narrative
by Donald H. Stewart - 178-179 Black Migration
by Harold M. Rose - 179-180 Alternative to Extinction
by Arthur H. DeRosier Jr. - 180-182 Space, Time, and Freedom
by Otto H. Olsen - 182-182 The New Negro on Campus
by Guy B. Johnson - 182-183 Jails
by Graeme R. Newman - 183-184 Prison Life and Human Worth
by Joseph W. Rogers - 184-185 Blue Collar Community
by William M. Dobriner - 185-186 Breaking the Bonds of Racism
by M. Elaine Burgess - 187-187 Schoolteacher
by Frederick E. Ellis - 187-188 Communalism
by D. P. Verene - 188-189 The Current State of Sociological Theory
by Mark Oromaner - 189-190 Community in a Black Pentecostal Church
by Robert Lee - 190-191 Police and the Black Community
by Oscar Glantz - 191-192 The Uncertain Search for Environmental Quality
by William M. Ross - 192-193 Health Care Politics
by Anthony R. Kovner - 193-194 The American Banking Community and the New Deal Banking Reforms, 1933–1935
by Ronald H. Wolf - 194-195 Planning for an Urban World
by James M. Hicks Jr. - 195-195 Monitoring Revenue Sharing
by Carol S. Greewald - 195-197 The Rise of the Western World
by S. G. Checkland - 197-198 Organizing Science for Technology Transfer in Economic Development
by Howard M. Teaf Jr. - 198-199 Intercountry Income Distribution and Transnational Enterprises
by Philip W. Bell - 199-200 American Land Planning Law
by Charles S. Ascher - 210-215 Index
by N/A
July 1975, Volume 420, Issue 1
- 1-1 Preface
by Marvin E. Wolfgang - 1-10 Population and Scarcity of Food
by Everett S. Lee - 11-30 Food, Fertilizer, and the New Global Politics of Resource Scarcity
by James P. Grant - 31-45 Natural Distribution of Metals and Some Economic Effects
by Ian D. Macgregor - 46-59 Commodity Shortages and Changes in World Trade
by Kenji Takeuchi & Bension Varon - 60-71 Government Response to Commodity Shortages
by Monte E. Canfield JR & John R. Hadd - 72-85 Scarcity: Prerequisite to Abundance
by Wilfred Malenbaum - 86-97 Petroleum and Energy
by H. Robert Sharbaugh - 98-110 A Creative Adaptation to a World of Rising Shortages
by Amitai Etzioni - 111-124 The Developing World in the Fifth Kondratieff Upswing
by W.W. Rostow - 125-176 Recent Developments in Minority and Race Relations
by Milton L. Barron - 178-181 Statement of Revenue and Expense for the Years Ended December 31
by Norman D. Palmer & Howard C. Petersen & Walter M. Phillips & Paul R. Anderson & Karl R. Bopp & Elmer B. Staats & Marvin E. Wolfgang & Lee Benson & A. Leon Higginbotham JR & Richard D. Lambert & Rebecca Jean Brownlee & Covey T. Oliver - 183-237 Book Department
by N/A
May 1975, Volume 419, Issue 1
- 1-1 Preface
by David A. Caputo - 1-11 A Legislative History of Revenue Sharing
by Will S. Myers - 12-22 The Goals and Objectives of General Revenue Sharing
by Graham W. Watt - 23-35 The Pro and Con Arguments
by Michael D. Reagan - 36-49 The Fiscal Impact of Revenue Sharing
by Allen D. Manvel - 50-62 Revenue Sharing and Governmental Reform
by Carl W. Stenberg - 63-74 Revenue Sharing: Citizen Participation and Social Service Aspects
by Richard L. Cole - 75-87 General Revenue Sharing and Environmental Quality
by William P. Angrick - 88-99 Should We Abandon Revenue Sharing?
by Henry S. Reuss - 100-119 Revenue Sharing and Structural Features of American Federalism
by Deil S. Wright - 120-129 Federalism and the Shifting Nature of Fiscal Relations
by Richard P. Nathan - 130-142 General Revenue Sharing and American Federalism: Towards the Year 2000
by David A. Caputo - 143-201 Book Department
by N/A
March 1975, Volume 418, Issue 1
- 1-1 Preface
by Stanley Moses - 1-12 "Full" Employment Growthmanship and the Expansion of Labor Supply
by Bertram M. Gross & Jeffrey D. Straussman - 13-16 Planning for Personal Choice: The Equal Opportunity and Full Employment Act
by Augustus F. Hawkins - 17-25 Guaranteed Jobs for Human Rights
by Hubert H. Humphrey