November 1976, Volume 428, Issue 1
- 22-32 European Responses to the American Revolution
by Leslie Lipson - 33-42 Political Modernization in the Developing World: Contributions from American Experience
by Richard L. Park - 43-51 The Influence of American Institutions in Latin America
by Martin C. Needler - 52-64 Judicial Review: Its Influence Abroad
by Donald P. Kommers - 65-76 The American Experience in Diffusing Administrative Technology
by Ralph Braibanti - 77-90 Structuring the Global System: American Contributions to International Organization
by Harold K. Jacobson - 91-103 American Influences in the Occupation of Germany
by Richard L. Merritt - 104-113 The American Occupation of Japan— Perspectives after Three Decades
by Robert A. Scalapino - 114-133 Filipino Democracy and the American Legacy
by Jose Veloso Abueva - 134-134 Sociology and Jurisprudence of Leon Petrazycki
by Jan Gorecki - 134-134 Discretionary Justice in Europe and America
by Kenneth Culp Davis - 135-136 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND POLITICS MAURICE COWLING. The Impact of Hitler: British Politics and British Policy, 1933-1940. Pp. 561. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1975. $42.50
by Peter Mellini - 136-137 RICHARD A. FALK. A Global Approach to National Policy. Pp. 320. Lawrence, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1975. $12.50
by Alan James - 137-138 MATTI GOLAN. The Secret Conversations of Henry Kissinger: Step-by-Step Diplomacy in the Middle East. Pp. 273. New York: Quadrangle, 1976. $8.95
by Charles A. Joiner - 138-138 DAVID HEALY. Gunboat Diplomacy in the Wilson Era: The U.S. Navy in Haiti, 1915-1916. Pp. ix, 268. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1976. $15.00
by Theodore Ropp - 139-140 DONALD F. MCHENRY. Micronesia: Trust Betrayed. Pp. xiii, 260. Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1976. $10.00. Paperbound, $4.95
by Timothy J. Macnaught - 140-141 DAVID MITRANY. The Functional Theory of Politics. Pp. v, 294. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1975. $18.95
by Carol S. Greewald - 141-142 JOHN T. NOONAN, JR. Persons and Masks of the Law. Pp. xiii, 206. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1976. $10.00
by William C. Louthan - 142-143 JAMES P. SEWELL. UNESCO and World Politics: Engaging in International Relations. Pp. 363. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1975. $18.50
by William Spencer - 143-144 ANDREW SHONFIELD, ed. International Economic Relations of the Western World, 1959-1971. Vol. I: Politics and Trade. Pp. xii, 459. Vol. II: International Monetary Relations. Pp. xi, 416. New York: Oxford University Press, 1976. £11.50 per set
by Arthur I. Bloomfield - 144-145 TIMOTHY ALAN TILTON. Nazism, Neo-Nazism, and the Peasantry. Pp. xv, 186. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1975. $8.95
by Herbert Rosenblum - 145-146 ADAM ZWASS. Monetary Cooperation between East and West. Pp. xvii, 265. White Plains, N.Y.: International Arts and Sciences Press, 1975. $15.00
by Philip W. Bell - 146-147 ASIA, AFRICA AND LATIN AMERICA LAWRENCE A. BABB. The Divine Hierarchy: Popular Hinduism in Central India. Pp. viii, 266. New York: Columbia University Press, 1975. $10.00
by Charles S.J. White - 147-148 COLE BLASIER. The Hovering Giant: U.S. Responses to Revolutionary Change in Latin America. Pp. x, 315. Pittsburgh, Pa.: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1976. $15.95
by Robert H. Dix - 148-149 GEORGE C. BOND. The Politics of Change in a Zambian Community. Pp. vii, 178. Chicago, Ill.: The University of Chicago Press, 1976. $13.50
by Dennis L. Dresang - 149-149 WILLIAM BRUGGER. Democracy and Organization in the Chinese Industrial Enterprise, 1948-1953. Pp. 374. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1976. $27.50
by Michael Gasster - 149-150 ERNEST DUFF and JOHN MCCAMANT. Violence and Repression in Latin America. Pp. 322. New York: The Free Press, 1976. $15.95
by Ronald H. Chilcote - 150-151 L. CARRINGTON GOODRICH and CHAO-YING FANG, eds. Dictionary of Ming Biography,1368-1644. Vol. I and Vol. II. Pp. xxviii, 1751. New York: Columbia University Press, 1976. $85.00 per set
by W. Allyn Rickett - 151-152 N. J. MINERS. The Government and Politics of Hong Kong. Pp. viii, 300. New York: Oxford University Press, 1975. $13.75
by Edward L. Farmer - 152-153 DAVID MOZINGO. Chinese Policy toward Indonesia, 1949-1967. Pp. 303. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1976. $14.50
by Tai Sung An - 153-154 HUGH PATRICK and HENRY ROSOVSKY, eds. Asia's New Giant: How the Japanese Economy Works. Pp. viii, 943. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1976. $19.95
by Stuart Kirby - 154-154 MARTIN STANILAND. The Lions of Dagbon : Political Change in Northern Ghana. Pp. v, 241. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1975. $22.50
by Jon Kraus - 154-155 A. JEYARATNAM WILSON. Politics in Sri Lanka, 1947-1973. Pp. xiv, 347. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1974. $18.95
by Hugh Tinker - 156-156 UNITED STATES LOUIS GALAMBOS. The Public Image of Big Business in America, 1880-1940: A Quantitative Study in Social Change. Pp. viii, 324. Baltimore, Md.: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975. $15.00
by Paul A. Varg - 156-158 WILLARD B. GATEWOOD, JR. Black Americans and the White Man's Burden, 1898-1903. Pp. xiii, 352. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1975. $12.95. GLADYS-MARIE FRY. Night Riders in Black Folk History. Pp. xi, 251. Knoxville : University of Tennessee Press, 1975. $9.50
by Edward Sagarin - 159-159 DAVID C. HUMPHREY. From King's College to Columbia, 1746-1800. Pp. xi, 413. New York: Columbia University Press, 1976. $15.00
by James Kirby Martin - 159-161 KENNETH L. KUSMER. A Ghetto Takes Shape: Black Cleveland, 1870-1930. Pp. xi, 295. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1976. $12.95
by Edward L. Jones - 161-162 EVERETT C. LADD, JR. and CHARLES D. HADLEY. Transformations of the American Party System. Pp. ix, 371. New York: W. W. Norton, 1975. $12.50
by John F. Manley - 162-163 MARY PENICK MOTLEY. The Invisible Soldier: The Experience of the Black Soldier, World War II. Pp. 364. Detroit, Mich.: Wayne State University Press, 1975. $13.95
by Robert T. Starks - 163-165 RICHARD E. NEUSTADT. Presidential Power: The Politics of Leadership with Reflections on Johnson and Nixon. Pp. 324. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1976. $10.95. BOB WOODWARD and CARL BERNSTEIN. The Final Days. Pp. 476. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1976. $10.95
by David Fellman - 165-166 DONALD L. PARMAN. The Navajos and the New Deal. Pp. xiii, 316. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1976. $17.50
by Arthur H. Derosier JR - 166-166 H. MARK ROELOFS. Ideology and Myth in American Politics: A Critique of a National Political Mind. Pp. 262. Boston, Mass.: Little, Brown and Co., 1976. No price
by Robert Allen Isaak - 166-167 FRANK J. SORAUF. The Wall of Separation : The Constitutional Politics of Church and State. Pp. xiii, 385. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1976. $15.00
by Holbert N. Carroll - 167-168 SANFORD J. UNGAR. FBI: An Uncensored Look Behind the Walls. Pp. xvii, 682. Boston, Mass.: Little, Brown, 1976. $14.95
by Joseph W. Rogers - 168-169 DONALD I. WARREN. The Radical Center: Middle Americans and the Politics of Alienation. Pp. xxiv, 260. Notre Dame, Ind.: The University of Notre Dame Press, 1976. $12.50. Paperbound, $4.95
by Don Lefave - 169-170 RALPH A. WOOSTER. Politicians, Planters and Plain Folk: Courthouse and Statehouse in the Upper South, 1850-1860. Pp. xiii, 204. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1975. $9.75
by Jennings B. Sanders - 170-170 SOCIOLOGY ANGUS CAMPBELL, PHILLIP CONVERSE and WILLARD RODGERS. The Quality of American Life. Pp. 598. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1976. $15.00
by Wesley D. Clark JR - 171-171 GORDON HAWKINS. The Prison. Pp. v, 217. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press, 1976. $10.95
by Graeme R. Newman - 171-173 SEYMOUR MARTIN LIPSET and DAVID RIESMAN. Education and Politics at Harvard. Pp. vii, 440. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1975. $15.95
by William W. Brickman - 173-174 JOEL S. MIGDAL. Peasants, Politics, and Revolution. Pressures toward Political and Social Change in the Third World. Pp. ix, 300. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1974. $15.00
by Donn V. Hart - 174-175 GILBERT ROZMAN. Urban Networks in Russia, 1750-1800, and Premodern Periodization. Pp. 337. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1976. $16.50
by Herbert E. Bowman - 175-176 EDWIN SCHUR. The Awareness Trap. Pp. 213. New York: Quadrangle, 1976. $7.95
by William Dobriner - 176-177 BARRY SCHWARTZ. Queuing and Waiting : Studies in the Social Organization of Access and Delay. Pp. 217. Chicago, Ill.: The University of Chicago Press, 1975. $12.00
by Richard A. Wright - 177-178 JACQUES VAN DOORN. The Soldier and Social Change: Comparative Studies in the History and Sociology of the Military. Pp. xii, 189. Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1975. $15.00
by Russell F. Weigley - 178-179 ECONOMICS ALFRED E. ECKES, JR. A Search for Solvency: Bretton Woods and the International Monetary System, 1941-1971. Pp. xiii, 355. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1975. $10.00
by M.O. Clement - 180-180 ROBERT L. HEILBRONER. Business Civilization in Decline. Pp. 126. New York: W. W. Norton, 1976. $6.95
by Ronald H. Wolf - 180-181 KIERAN A. KENNEDY and BRENDAN R. DOWLING. Economic Growth in Ireland : The Irish Experience since 1947. Pp. xvi, 337. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1975. $22.50
by Noel J.J. Farley - 181-182 GUY ROUTH. The Origin of Economic Ideas. Pp. vii, 321. White Plains, N.Y.: International Arts and Sciences Press, 1975. $18.00
by Broadus Mitchell - 182-182 WILLIAM G. SHEPHERD. The Treatment of Market Power: Antitrust, Regulation and Public Enterprise. Pp. 326. New York: Columbia University Press, 1975. $15.00
by Horace M. Gray - 183-183 JAMES TOBIN. The New Economics— One Decade Older. Pp. v, 105. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1974. $6.50
by Joseph A. Hasson - 184-192 PHYLLIS A. WALLACE, ed. Equal Employment Opportunity and the AT&T Case. Pp. ix, 355. Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 1976. No price
by Margaret Andersen
September 1976, Volume 427, Issue 1
- 1-1 Preface
by L. John Martin - 1-11 The Reporter and the Presidential Candidate
by Carl P. Leubsdorf - 12-22 The Press and the Local Candidate
by David L. Rosenbloom - 23-32 The Candidate in the Living Room
by Sig Mickelson - 33-44 Political Image Makers and the Mass Media
by Dan Nimmo - 45-52 The Press and the Pollster
by Albert H. Cantril - 53-64 The President and the Press: Phases in the Relationship
by Elmer E. Cornwell JR - 65-72 The President and the Press: Struggle for Dominance
by George E. Reedy - 73-83 "Equal Opportunities" and "Fairness" in Broadcast Coverage of Politics
by Michael J. Petrick - 84-94 Changing Role of the Mass Media in American Politics
by Edwin Emery - 95-103 The Press and the Voter
by John P. Robinson - 104-113 American Politics and the Press: A View from Abroad
by John Midgley - 114-124 Media Costs and Effects in Political Campaigns
by Joseph Napolitan - 125-133 Recent Theory on Mass Media Potential in Political Campaigns
by L. John Martin - 135-183 Book Department
by N/A
July 1976, Volume 426, Issue 1
- 1-1 Opening Remarks At Dedication Ceremony
by Marvin E. Wolfgang - 1-1 Preface
by Marvin E. Wolfgang - 1-2 Dedicatory Ceremony at Independence Hall
by William H. Hastie - 3-8 Introductory Remarks
by Herbert Wechsler - 9-24 Keynote Address
by Louis H. Pollak - 25-52 Maintenance of Revolutionary Values
by Alfred H. Kelly & Richard D. Miles - 53-69 Values and Society in Revolutionary America
by Jack P. Greene - 70-80 Report on Committee I
by Paul Bender & Martha A. Field - 81-97 Effectiveness of Governmental Operations
by Henry J. Abraham - 98-105 Report on Committee II
by James O. Freedman - 106-115 Report on Committee II
by Frank Goodman - 116-151 The Shaping of Public Policy
by Charles E. Gilbert - 152-158 Report on Committee III
by Gerald Frug - 159-165 Report on Committee III
by John Honnold - 166-197 The United States and the World
by Covey T. Oliver - 198-203 Report of Committee IV
by Stephen J. Schulhofer - 204-212 Report on Committee IV
by Noyes Leech - 213-224 Luncheon Speech
by Herbert Wechsler - 225-226 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND POLITICAL SCIENCE SYDNEY D. BAILEY. The Procedure of the U.N. Security Council. Pp. vii, 424. New York: Oxford University Press, 1975. $26.00
by W.E. Langley - 226-226 ROBERT M. BATSCHA. Foreign Affairs News and the Broadcast Journalist. Pp. v, 254. New York: Praeger, 1975. $15.00
by William E. Ames - 226-228 DAVID CARLTON and CARLO SCHAERF, eds. International Terrorism and World Security. Pp. 332. New York: Halsted Press, 1975. $19.75. FRANK BARNABY and RONALD HUISKEN. Arms Uncontrolled. Pp. xiii, 232. Lawrence, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1975. $12.50
by Daniel C. Turack - 228-229 HARRY ECKSTEIN and TED ROBERT GURR. Patterns of Authority: A Structural Basis for Political Inquiry. Pp. vii, 488. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1975. $19.95
by Winfield H. Rose - 229-229 DORIS GRABER. Verbal Behavior and Politics. Pp. xiii, 377. Urbana, Ill.: University of Chicago Press, 1976. $12.95
by Jay A. Sigler - 229-230 JEROME H. KAHAN. Security in the Nuclear Age: Developing U. S. Strategic Arms Policy. Pp. vii, 361. Washington, D. C.: The Brookings Institution, 1975. $12.50
by Trond Gilberg - 230-231 RICHARD LITTLE. Intervention: External Involvement in Civil Wars. Pp. xii, 236. Totowa, N. J.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1975. $18.75
by Oliver Benson - 231-232 DREW MIDDLETON. Can America Win the Next War? Pp. 271. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1975. $8.95
by Andrew Gyorgy - 232-233 HENRY T. NASH. Nuclear Weapons and International Behavior. Pp. vii, 172. Leyden, The Netherlands: A. W. Sijthoff, 1975. No price
by John D. Elliott - 233-234 HENRY R. NAU. National Politics and International Technology: Nuclear Reactor Development in Western Europe. Pp. v, 287. Baltimore, Md.: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1974. $12.50
by Richard C. Giardina - 235-235 ROBERTO MANGABEIRA UNGER. Knowledge and Politics. Pp. x, 336. New York: The Free Press, 1975. $12.95
by Charles T. Barber - 235-236 ASIA, LATIN AMERICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST CYRIL E. BLACK et al. The Modernization of Japan and Russia. Pp. xi, 386. New York: The Free Press, 1975. $17.95
by Douglas H. Mendel JR - 236-237 VIVIAN A. BULL. The West Bank-Is It Viable? Pp. vii, 170. Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1975. $14.00
by Harry N. Howard - 237-238 HSI-SHENG CH'I. Warlord Politics in China, 1916-1928. Pp. 282. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1976. $11.50
by Edward Friedman - 239-239 PETER WARD FAY. The Opium War, 1840-1842: Barbarians in the Celestial Empire in the Early Part of the Nineteenth Century and the War by which they Forced Her Gates Ajar. Pp. xxi, 406. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1975. $14.95
by Edmund S. Wehrle - 239-240 STANLEY E. HILTON. Brazil and the Great Powers, 1930-1939: The Politics of Trade Rivalry. Pp. xv, 304. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1975. $9.95
by Philip Evanson - 240-241 JOYCE PETTIGREW. Robber Noblemen: A Study of the Political System of the Sikh Jats. Pp. 225. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1975. No price
by Thomas J. Rice - 241-242 G. REICHEL-DOLMATOFF. The Shaman and the Jaguar: A Study of Narcotic Drugs Among the Indians of Colombia. Pp. vii, 280. Philadelphia, Pa.: Temple University Press, 1975. $15.00
by William F. Sharp - 242-244 FREDERIC WAKEMAN, JR. The Fall of Imperial China. Pp. xi, 276. New York: The Free Press, 1975. $10.95. JAMES E. SHERIDAN. China in Disintegration : The Republican Era in Chinese History. Pp. ix, 338. New York: The Free Press, 1975. $12.95
by John F. Copper - 244-244 EUROPE JON D. GLASSMAN. Arms for the Arabs: The Soviet Union and War in the Middle East. Pp. viii, 243. Baltimore, Md.: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975. $12.50
by Joseph P. Smaldone - 245-245 LAWRENCE R. PRATT. East of Malta, West of Suez: Britain's Mediterranean Crisis, 1936-1939. Pp. 215. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1975. $17.95
by Wallace Sokolsky - 245-247 S. SERGEICHUK. Through Russian Eyes: American-Chinese Relations. Pp. vi, 220. Arlington, Va.: International Library Book Publishers, 1975. $11.95
by Charles B. Mclane - 247-248 HEDRICK SMITH. The Russians. Pp. 527. New York: Quadrangle, 1976. $12.50
by Andrew Swatkovsky - 248-249 DALE VAN KLEY. The Jansenists and the Expulsion of the Jesuits from France, 1757-1765. Pp. ix, 270. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1975. $15.00
by Dewey D. Wallace JR - 249-250 JOHN P. VLOYANTES. Silk Glove Hegemony: Finnish-Soviet Relations, 1944-1974. Pp. xiii, 208. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1975. $10.00
by Stephen P. Dunn - 250-251 UNITED STATES MICHAEL LES BENEDICT. A Compromise of Principle: Congressional Republicans and Reconstruction, 1863-1869. Pp. 493. New York: W.W. Norton, 1974. No price
by Roger H. Brown - 251-252 W. AVERELL HARRIMAN and ELIE ABEL. Special Envoy to Churchill and Stalin, 1941-1946. Pp. xii, 595. New York: Random House, 1975. $15.00
by James R. Silkenat - 252-253 ROBERT C. MCMATH, JR. Populist Vanguard : A History of the Southern Farmers' Alliance. Pp. xiv, 221. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1975. $13.95
by Donald H. Stewart - 253-253 CLARK R. MOLLENHOFF. Game Plan for Disaster: An Ombudsman's Report on the Nixon Years. Pp. 384. New York: W.W. Norton, 1976. $9.95
by John Kincaid - 253-254 WILLIAM E. NELSON. The Americanization of the Common Law: The Impact of Legal Change on Massachusetts Society, 1760-1830. Pp. viii, 269. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1975. $14.00
by Colin Brooks - 254-255 CHARLES P. ROLAND. The Improbable Era: The South Since World War II. Pp. 228. Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 1975. $11.95
by James J. Flynn - 255-256 BRUCE M. RUSSETT and ELIZABETH C. HANSON. Interest and Ideology: The Foreign Policy Beliefs of American Businessmen. Pp. xiv, 296. San Francisco, Calif.: W.H. Freeman & Co., 1975. $10.95. Paperbound, $4.95
by Ghulam M. Haniff - 256-257 DWIGHT C. SMITH, JR. The Mafia Mystique. Pp. 400. New York: Basic Books, 1975. $15.00
by Alfred Aversa JR - 257-258 ERIC VEBLEN. The Manchester Union Leader in New Hampshire Elections. Pp. xi, 205. Hanover, N.H.: University Press of New England, 1975. $9.00
by Donald B. Schewe - 258-259 SOCIOLOGY GENE E. CARTE and ELAINE H. CARTE. Police Reform in the United States: The Era of August Vollmer. Pp. x, 137. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975. $7.95
by Alvin Boskoff - 259-259 NATHAN GLAZER. Affirmative Discrimination: Ethnic Inequality and Public Policy. Pp. 248. New York: Basic Books, 1976. $10.95
by Ino Rossi - 259-260 JOHN HELMER. Drugs and Minority Oppression. Pp. 192. New York: Sea-bury Press, 1975. $9.95
by Donald J. Rogers - 260-261 CURT LAMB. Political Power in Poor Neighborhoods. Pp. 315. New York: Halsted Press, 1975. $19.50. Paperbound, $9.50
by Robert A. Rosenstone - 261-261 SAR A. LEVITAN and KAREN CLEARY ALDERMAN. Child Care and ABC's Too. Pp. vii, 125. Baltimore, Md.: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976. $8.50
by Thomas F. Garrity - 261-263 GRANT NOBLE. Children in Front of the Small Screen. Pp. 256. Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1975. $15.00
by Elizabeth J. Levinson - 263-265 DAVID J. O'BRIEN. Neighborhood Organization and Interest-Group Processes. Pp. ix, 263. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1976. $13.50. RUTH R. MIDDLEMAN and GALE GOLDBERG. Social Service Delivery: A Structural Approach to Social Work Practice. Pp. 233. New York: Columbia University Press, 1974. $10.00
by Francis G. Caro - 265-266 LEONARD ORLAND. Prisons: Houses of Darkness. Pp. xv, 224. New York: The Free Press, 1975. $10.00
by Daniel Glaser - 266-266 EDWARD SHORTER. The Making of the Modern Family. Pp. 369. New York: Basic Books, 1975. $15.00
by Walter Friedlander - 266-267 JOSEPH WEIZENBAUM. Computer Power and Human Reason: From Judgment to Calculation. Pp. xii, 300. San Francisco, Calif.: W. H. Freeman & Co., 1976. $9.95
by Robert Bierstedt - 267-268 CHRISTOPHER WHEELER. White Collar Power. Pp. vii, 210. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1975. $12.00
by David Rodnick - 268-269 ECONOMICS RONALD ANDERSEN, JOANNA KRAVITS and ODIN W. ANDERSON, eds. Equity in Health Services: Empirical Analysis in Social Policy. Pp. xxiii, 295. Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger, 1975. No Price. HELEN M. WALLACE, ed. Health Care of Mothers and Children in National Health Services: Implications for the United States. Pp. x, 330. Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger, 1975. No price
by Lawrence Podell - 269-270 RALPH L. BEALS. The Peasant Marketing System in Oaxaca, Mexico. Pp. ix, 419. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975. $20.00
by Wayne M. Clegern - 270-270 SAMUEL BOWLES and HERBERT GINTIS. Schooling in Capitalist America: Educational Reform and the Contradictions of Economic Life. Pp. 340. New York: Basic Books, 1976. $13.95
by Rush Welter - 270-272 HYMAN P. MINSKY. John Maynard Keynes. Pp. vi, 169. New York: Columbia University Press, 1975. $12.00. Paperbound, $2.95
by Sidney Weintraub - 272-278 JEFFERY M. PAIGE. Agrarian Revolution : Social Movements and Export Agriculture in the Underdeveloped World. Pp. vii, 435. New York: The Free Press, 1975. $15.95
by E. Stuart Kirby
May 1976, Volume 425, Issue 1
- 1-1 Preface
by Herbert E. Alexander - 1-16 Rethinking Election Reform
by Herbert E. Alexander - 17-32 The Sources of Money: An Overview
by David Adamany - 33-58 Corporations and Labor Unions in Electoral Politics
by Edwin M. Epstein - 59-73 Political Finance and Participation in Congressional Elections
by Paul A. Dawson & James E. Zinser - 74-87 Incumbent Television: A Case of Indecent Exposure
by Newton N. Minow & Lee M. Mitchell - 88-97 Television and the Less-Interested Voter: The Costs of an Informed Electorate
by Thomas E. Patterson & Robert D. Mcclure - 98-113 Impact of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971
by Elmer B. Staats - 114-123 Public Interest Litigation and Political Finance Reform
by Joel L. Fleishman & Carol S. Greenwald - 124-133 The Constitution and Campaign Finance Regulation after Buckley v. Valeo
by Albert J. Rosenthal - 134-142 Public Financing after the Supreme Court Decision
by George E. Agree - 143-149 Establishing Public Confidence in the Electoral Process
by Alexander Heard - 151-152 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS PHILLIP KNIGHTLEY. The First Casualty: From the Crimea to Vietnam: The War Correspondent as Hero, Propagandist, and Myth Maker. Pp. 465. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975. $12.95
by Joseph R. Conlin - 152-153 SAUL H. MENDLOVITZ, ed. On the Creation of a Just World Order. Pp. v, 302. New York: The Free Press, 1975. $9.95. RAJNI KOTHARI. Footsteps into the Future: Diagnosis of the Present World and a Design for anAlternative. Pp. x, 173. New York: The Free Press, 1975. $8.95
by Surjit Mansingh - 153-155 JOHN NORTON MOORE, ed. The Arab-Israeli Conflict. Vol. I, pp. xxviii, 1067; Vol. II, pp. ix, 1193; Vol. III, pp. xxii, 1248. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1975. $95.00 per set
by H. Paul Castleberry - 155-156 KEITH L. NELSON. Victors Divided: America and the Allies in Germany, 1918-1923. Pp. xiii, 441. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975. $20.00
by Birdsall S. Viault - 156-156 ANTHONY SAMPSON. The Seven Sisters: The Great Oil Companies and the World They Shaped. Pp. xv, 318. New York: Viking Press, 1975. $10.00
by Harold L. Johnson - 156-157 KARL L. SCHONBORN. Dealing with Violence : The Challenge Faced by Police and Other Peacekeepers. Pp. vii, 354. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas, 1975. $16.75. Paperbound, $12.95
by Arthur Lewis Wood - 157-158 P. H. VIGOR. The Soviet View of War, Peace and Neutrality. Pp. 256. Boston, Mass.: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1975. $20.00
by Donald G. Bishop - 158-159 MARVIN R. ZAHNISER. Uncertain Friendship: American-French Diplomatic Relations Through the Cold War. Pp. 314. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1975. $7.95
by Marjorie M. Farrar - 159-160 ASIA, AFRICA, EUROPE AND LATIN AMERICA IRVINE H. ANDERSON, JR. The Standard-Vacuum Oil Company and United States East Asian Policy, 1933-1941. Pp. xii, 260. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1975. $12.50
by Ivar Spector - 160-161 RICHARD BAUM. Prelude to Revolution. Mao, the Party, and the Peasant Question, 1962-66. Pp. x, 222. New York: Columbia University Press, 1975. $10.00
by Alan P.L. Liu - 161-162 EDOUARD BUSTIN. Lunda Under Belgian Rule: The Politics of Ethnicity. Pp. vi, 303. Lawrence, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1975. $11.00
by Thomas Q. Reefe - 162-162 MICHAEL HECHTER. Internal Colonialism : The Celtic Fringe in British National Development, 1536-1966. Pp. 363. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975. $15.75
by Franklin B. Wickwire - 162-163 ROBERT E. HINSHAW. Panajachel: A Guatemalan Town in Thirty-Year Perspective. Pp. xxvii, 203. Pittsburgh, Pa.: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1975. $16.95
by Donald Pierson - 163-164 WAYNE H. HOLTZMAN, ROGELIO DIAZ-GUERRERO and JON D. SWARTZ. Personality Development in Two Cultures : A Cross-Cultural Longitudinal Study of School Children in Mexico & the United States. Pp. xvii, 427. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1975. $15.00
by Morton Levitt - 164-165 GEORGE LENCZOWSKI, ed. Political Elites in the Middle East. Washington, D.C.: The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1975. $9.50. Paperbound, $3.50
by Harry N. Howard - 165-166 E. MICHAEL MENDELSON. Sangha and State in Burma: A Study of Monastic Sectarianism and Leadership. Pp. 400. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1975. $19.50
by Donald E. Smith - 166-166 JAMES H. MITTELMAN. Ideology and Politics in Uganda: From Obote to Amin. Pp. 302. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1975. $15.00
by James A. Casada - 166-167 RICHARD B. REMNEK. Soviet Scholars and Soviet Foreign Policy: A Case Study in Soviet Policy Towards India. Pp. viii, 343. Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press, 1975. $11.00
by Margaret Cormack - 167-168 UNITED STATES HISTORY AND POLITICS DAVID W. ADAMANY and GEORGE E. AGREE. Political Money. Pp. viii, 342. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University, 1975. $11.95
by Larry Garner - 168-169 JOSEF BARTON. Peasants and Strangers: Italians, Rumanians and Slovaks in an American City, 1890-1950. Pp. viii, 213. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1975. $12.00
by Laura Leff Becker - 169-170 SACVAN BERCOVITCH. The Puritan Origins of the American Self. Pp. x, 250. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1975. $15.00
by Richard Schlatter - 170-171 PATRICK J. BUCHANAN. Conservative Votes, Liberal Victories. Pp. 184. New York: Quadrangle, 1975. $7.95
by Fred Rotondaro - 171-171 ROBERT M. COVER.Justice Accused: Antislavery and the Judicial Process. Pp. xii, 322. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1975. $15.00
by Edward A. Stettner - 171-172 GLEN H. ELDER, JR. Children of the Great Depression: Social Change of Life Experience. Pp. xxiii, 400. Chicago, Ill.: The University of Chicago Press, 1974. $15.00
by Martin E. Danzig - 172-173 FRANCIS JENNINGS. The Invasion of America: Indians, Colonialism, and the Cant of Conquest. Pp. xvii, 369. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1975. $14.95
by Arthur H. Derosier JR. - 173-174 RICHARD H. KOHN. Eagle and Sword: The Federalists and the Creation of the Military Establishment in America, 1783-1802. Pp. xx, 443. New York: The Free Press, 1975. $13.95
by Harry L. Coles - 174-175 WILLIAM ALAN MURASKIN. Middle-Class Blacks in a White Society: Prince Hall Freemasonry in America. Pp. 329. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975. $14.95
by Robert Lewis Gill - 175-176 ALAN ROGERS. Empire and Liberty: American Resistance to British Authority, 1755-1763. Pp. 213. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975. $8.95
by David M. Roth - 176-177 JOHN W. ROWELL. Yankee Artillerymen: Through the Civil War with Eli Lilly's Indiana Battery. Pp. xvi, 320. Knoxville : The University of Tennessee Press, 1975. $11.95
by Ranz C. Esbenshade - 177-178 THEODORE C. SORENSON. Watchmen in the Night. Pp. xvi, 178. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1975. $8.95. FRANK MANKIEWICZ. U.S. v. Richard M. Nixon: The Final Crisis. Pp. 276. New York: Quadrangle, 1975. $8.95
by R.J. Novogrod - 178-179 J. A. STOCKFISCH. Plowshares Into Swords: Managing the American Defense Establishment. Pp. xi, 328. New York: Mason & Lipscomb Publishers, 1973. $12.50
by Patrick M. Morgan - 179-180 THOMAS R. WOLANIN. Presidential Advisory Commissions: Truman to Nixon. Pp. xii, 298. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1975. $17.50
by Ora W. Eads JR. - 180-181 SOCIOLOGY STEPHEN K. BAILEY. Education Interest Groups in the Nation's Capital. Pp. ix, 86. Washington, D.C.: American Council on Education, 1975. $7.50
by Carl Grafton - 181-182 T. R. BALAKRISHNAN, J. F. KANTER and J. D. ALLINGHAM. Fertility and Family Planning in a Canadian Metropolis. Pp. xvi, 217. Quebec, Canada: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1975. $14.50
by George H. Conklin - 182-182 ANTON BLOK. The Mafia of a Sicilian Village, 1860-1960: A Study of Violent Peasant Entrepreneurs. New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1975. $3.95
by Alfred Mcclung Lee - 182-183 DAVID DAVIES. The Centenarians of the Andes. Pp. 150. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1975. $6.95
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by Harry Cohen - 184-184 YONA GINSBERG. Jews in a Changing Neighborhood: The Study of Mattapan. Pp. v, 214. New York: The Free Press, 1975. $10.95
by Seymour Leventman - 184-185 SAR A. LEVITAN, WILLIAM B. JOHNSTON and ROBERT TAGGART. Still A Dream: The Changing Status of Blacks Since 1960. Pp. v, 381. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1975. $15.00
by Miriam Ershkowitz - 185-186 ERDMAN PALMORE. The Honorable Elders: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Aging in Japan. Pp. 148. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1975. $8.95. Paperbound, $3.75
by Ralph L. Beals - 186-187 JACK E. ROSSMANN et al. Open Admissions at City University of New York: An Analysis of the First Year. Pp. v, 265. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1975. No price
by Ann Baker Cottrell - 187-187 ANNE SUTHERLAND. Gypsies: The Hidden Americans. Pp. x, 330. New York: The Free Press, 1975. $13.95
by Dorothy Rudy