March 1993, Volume 526, Issue 1
January 1993, Volume 525, Issue 1
- 8-11 Preface
by Gilbert Geis & Paul Jesilow - 12-30 Transnational Regulation of the Pharmaceutical Industry
by John Braithwaite - 31-45 White-Collar Crime in the Savings and Loan Scandal
by Henry N. Pontell & Kitty Calavita - 46-58 Insider Trading: The SEC Meets Carl Karcher
by Elizabeth Szockyj - 59-70 Crime in the Pits: The Regulation of Futures Trading
by Kip Schlegel - 71-82 White-Collar Crime: The British Scene
by Michael Levi - 83-94 Accountancy and White-Collar Crime
by Joseph T. Wells - 95-106 White-Collar Crime and the Study of Embezzlement
by Gary S. Green - 107-118 Maiming and Killing: Occupational Health Crimes
by Nancy Frank - 119-133 Crimes Against the Environment: Superfund Enforcement at Last
by Harold C. Barnett - 134-146 Criminal Enforcement of Environmental Law
by JOSEPH F. DiMENTO - 147-156 The U.S. Sentencing Commission on Corporate Crime: A Critique
by Amitai Etzioni - 157-169 Organizational Probation and the U.S. Sentencing Commission
by William S. Lofquist - 170-171 International Relations and Politics
by Richard M. Merelman - 171-172 International Relations and Politics
by Stephen W. White - 173-174 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Franklin R. Root - 174-175 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by John F. Melby - 175-176 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Kevin F. Dwyer - 176-176 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Richard S. Newell - 176-177 Europe
by Rita J. Simon - 177-178 Europe
by William Moskoff - 178-179 Europe
by Peter Van Der Veer - 179-180 United States
by James Russell Harris - 180-181 United States
by Anne Permaloff - 181-182 United States
by Norman D. Palmer - 182-183 United States
by Lee C. Bollinger - 183-184 United States
by Larry Lankton - 184-185 United States
by John P. Beck - 185-186 United States
by William P. Kreml - 186-187 United States
by Janet Duitsman Cornelius - 187-188 United States
by Christopher Clark - 188-189 United States
by HARRY W. REYNOLDS Jr. - 189-190 Sociology
by Sherry L. Smith - 190-191 Sociology
by Richard Gambino - 191-192 Sociology
by Lynne M. Woehrle - 192-193 Sociology
by William Petersen - 193-194 Sociology
by RAYMOND A. JUSSAUME Jr. - 194-195 Sociology
by JOSEPH STEWART Jr. - 195-196 Sociology
by Stephanie Riger - 196-197 Sociology
by Meredeth Turshen - 197-198 Sociology
by Ronald L. Filippelli - 198-199 Sociology
by Wallace F. Smith - 199-200 Sociology
by Bruce P. Frohnen - 200-201 Economics
by D. Bruce Johnsen - 201-202 Economics
by Dan A. Lewis
November 1992, Volume 524, Issue 1
- 8-12 Preface
by Charles E. Butterworth & I. William Zartman - 13-25 The Golden Age: The Political Concepts of Islam
by Ira M. Lapidus - 26-37 Political Islam: The Origins
by Charles E. Butterworth - 38-51 Popular Islam
by Patrick D. Gaffney - 52-65 Militant Islam and the Politics of Redemption
by Mary-Jane Deeb - 66-78 Conservative and Traditional Brotherhoods
by John Obert Voll - 79-91 State Islam and Communal Plurality
by Nazih N. Ayubi - 92-102 The Clergy's Concepts of Rule in Egypt and Iran
by Shahrough Akhavi - 103-119 Monarchs, Mullas, and Marshals: Islamic Regimes?
by Ibrahim A. Karawan - 120-130 Islamicist Utopia and Democracy
by Lahouari Addi - 131-142 Islam in the States of the Former USSR
by Vitaly Naumkin - 143-155 An African Case Study of Political Islam: Nigeria
by John Hunwick - 156-169 Political Islam in Asia: A Case Study
by Alain-Gã‰Rard Marsot - 170-180 Maghrebi Immigration to Europe: Double Insertion or Double Exclusion?
by Rã‰My Leveau - 181-191 Democracy and Islam: The Cultural Dialectic
by I. William Zartman - 192-193 International Relations and Politics
by Donald M. Snow - 193-194 International Relations and Politics
by David L. Schalk - 194-195 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Ronald M. Schneider - 195-197 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by William O. Beeman - 197-197 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Don Peretz - 198-198 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Charles S. Kamen - 198-199 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Craig Baxter - 199-200 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Charlotte G. O'Kelly - 200-201 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Benedicte Grima - 201-203 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Dickson A. Mungazi - 203-205 Europe
by Dan Usher - 205-206 Europe
by Daniel J. Leab - 206-207 Europe
by Karl H. Cerny - 207-207 Europe
by George H. Quester - 207-208 Europe
by Paul M. Hohenberg - 209-209 United States
by Fred Rotondaro - 209-210 United States
by Richard H. Collin - 210-211 United States
by Kenneth W. Goings - 211-212 United States
by Olive Checkland - 212-214 United States
by Robert E. Calvert - 214-215 United States
by John A. Hardin - 215-217 Sociology
by Reynolds Farley - 217-217 Sociology
by Loren Schweninger - 218-218 Sociology
by A. Reza Vahabzadeh - 218-219 Sociology
by Daniel G. Solorzano - 219-220 Sociology
by Daniel Mitchell - 220-222 Sociology
by Valerie E. Lee - 222-223 Sociology
by Joe W. Trotter - 223-224 Economics
by David Lewis Feldman - 224-225 Economics
by Ronald L. Filippelli
September 1992, Volume 523, Issue 1
- 7-9 Preface
by Harold Orlans & June O'Neill - 10-18 Affirmative Action and the Clash of Experiential Realities
by Charles V. Hamilton - 19-29 Incentive Effects of Affirmative Action
by Glenn C. Loury - 30-37 Affirmative Action in the 1990s: Staying the Course
by William L. Taylor & Susan M. Liss - 38-49 Affirmative Action and Its Negative Repercussions
by Wm. Bradford Reynolds - 50-62 The Origins of Affirmative Action: Civil Rights and the Regulatory State
by Hugh Davis Graham - 63-74 Equal Chances versus Equal Results
by Seymour Martin Lipset - 75-87 Hispanics, Affirmative Action, and Voting
by Linda Chavez - 88-103 Affirmative Action in the Labor Market
by Dave M. O'Neill & June O'Neill - 104-116 Split Visions: Minority Business Set-Asides
by GEORGE R. LaNOUE - 117-130 Affirmative Action in Government Employment
by J. Edward Kellough - 131-143 The Drive for Racially Inclusive Schools
by Abigail Thernstrom - 144-158 Affirmative Action in Higher Education
by Harold Orlans - 159-174 Work for Americans with Disabilities
by Walter Y. Oi - 175-185 Positive Action for Women in Britain
by Margery Povall - 186-195 National Bank of Greenwood
by Harold Orlans - 196-206 Affirmative Action in the Military
by John Sibley Butler - 207-220 Affirmative Action at Harvard
by John B. Williams - 224-226 International Relations and Politics
by Henry R. Nau - 226-227 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by William O. Beeman - 227-228 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Perry Link - 228-229 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by N. Patrick Peritore - 229-231 Europe
by Liliane Weissberg - 231-232 Europe
by John R. Lampe - 232-234 Europe
by John K. Roth - 234-235 United States
by Kristen Borr㉠- 235-236 United States
by EMMIT B. EVANS Jr. - 236-237 Sociology
by Bruce M. Stave - 237-238 Sociology
by Richard L. Zweigenhaft - 238-239 Sociology
by Bron R. Taylor - 239-240 Economics
by Robert Isaak - 240-240 Economics
by W. E. Spellman - 241-241 Economics
by David W. Schodt - 241-243 Economics
by Dan Usher
July 1992, Volume 522, Issue 1
- 8-11 Preface
by Joseph F. Coates & Jennifer Jarratt - 12-24 Exploring the Future: A 200-Year Record of Expanding Competence
by Joseph F. Coates & Jennifer Jarratt - 25-35 The Methods of Futures Research
by Theodore Jay Gordon - 36-44 The Future of American-Japanese Trade
by Pat Choate - 45-56 The Future of Information Technology
by Vary T. Coates - 57-66 The Future of the Environment
by Richard D. Lamm - 67-78 The Future of Governance in the United States: 1992-2002
by Jan M. Grell & Gary Gappert - 79-91 A Quasi Certainty: Europtimism
by Michel Godet - 92-103 Consequences of the Changing Sexual Division of Labor
by Ian Miles - 104-115 Education in the Twenty-First Century
by Christopher J. Dede - 116-129 Aging America
by Walter A. Hahn - 130-139 Health Care and AIDS
by Jonathan Peck & Clement Bezold - 140-151 The Good-Books Imperative: Keeping up in Futures Studies
by Michael Marien - 152-155 International Relations and Politics
by Eric Waldman - 156-156 International Relations and Politics
by Edmund S. Wehrle - 156-157 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Karen A. Mingst - 157-158 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Lawrence Ziring - 158-160 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Donald C. Hodges - 160-161 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Dickson A. Mungazi - 161-162 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Peter Van Der Veer - 162-163 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Franklin R. Root - 163-165 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Joseph E. Schwartzberg - 165-166 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Linda K. Richter - 166-167 Europe
by LOYD S. SWENSON Jr. - 167-168 Europe
by Rand C. Lewis - 168-169 Europe
by Erwin K. Welsch - 169-170 Europe
by Mary Beth Emmerichs - 170-171 United States
by Sig Mickelson - 171-172 United States
by Christopher E. Smith - 172-173 United States
by Louis Filler - 173-174 United States
by Martin J. Schiesl - 174-175 United States
by Mary E. Stuckey - 175-176 United States
by James M. Lindsay - 176-178 Sociology
by Joe W. Trotter - 178-179 Sociology
by Howard M. Leichter - 179-180 Sociology
by Lawrence J. Friedman - 180-182 Sociology
by Joseph D. Bronzino - 182-184 Sociology
by Dorothy Rudy - 184-185 Sociology
by Lawrence J. R. Herson - 185-186 Economics
by Donald A. Ritchie - 186-187 Economics
by Gary D. Libecap - 187-188 Economics
by W. E. Spellman - 188-188 Economics
by JEROME S. LEGGE Jr. - 189-189 Economics
by Eugene V. Schneider - 189-190 Economics
by Susan M. Yohn - 190-191 Economics
by H. Peter Gray
May 1992, Volume 521, Issue 1
- 8-10 Preface
by Eric D. Wish - 11-27 Prenatal Cocaine Exposure and Young Children's Development
by Linda C. Mayes - 28-41 Drug Abuse among Juvenile Detainees
by Richard Dembo & Linda Williams & James Schmeidler - 42-65 AIDS and Legal Access to Sterile Drug Injection Equipment
by Don C. Des Jarlais & Samuel R. Friedman - 66-90 Ensuring Success in Interventions with Drug-Using Offenders
by M. Douglas Anglin & Thomas H. Maugh Ii - 91-111 Operation Tripwire Revisited
by ROBERT L. DuPONT & ERIC D. WISH - 112-131 Pretrial Drug Testing: Panacea or Pandora's Box?
by Christy A. Visher - 132-150 New Approaches in Drug Testings: A Review of Hair Analysis
by Tom Mieczkowski - 151-162 The Limits and Consequences of U.S. Foreign Drug Control Efforts
by Peter Reuter - 163-174 Heroin Policy for the Next Decade
by Mark A. R. Kleiman & Jonathan P. Caulkins - 175-188 How to Maximize Utilization of Evaluation Research by Policymakers
by Douglas S. Lipton - 189-190 International Relations and Politics
by Charles Burdick - 190-191 International Relations and Politics
by Mark Oromaner - 191-192 International Relations and Politics
by Harold Molineu - 192-193 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Hugh Tinker - 193-194 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Henry S. Albinski - 194-194 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Tamara Sonn - 195-196 Africa, Asia, and Latin America
by Hilary Conroy - 196-197 Europe
by Donald W. Treadgold - 197-198 Europe
by Russell F. Weigley - 199-200 Europe
by W. Bruce Lincoln