March 1915, Volume 58, Issue 1
- 237-237 SLOANE, WILLIAM MILLIGAN. Party Government in the United States of America. Pp. xvii, 451. Price, $2. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1914
by N/A - 237-237 SLADEN, DOUGLAS. The Real Truth about Germany. Pp. xiii, 272. Price, $1. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1914
by N/A - 237-237 REELY, MARY KATHARINE. Selected Articles on World Peace. Pp. xxv, 199. Price, $1. White Plains, N. Y.: H. W. Wilson Company, 1914. ROBBINS, EDWIN CLYDE. Railway Conductors: A Study in Organized Labor. Pp. 183. Price, $1.50. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1914. A scholarly discussion, covering history, government, trade regulations and beneficiary features of this railway brotherhood. SELIGMAN, EDWIN R. A. Principles of Economics. (Sixth Edition). Pp. liv, 711. Price, $2.50. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1914
by N/A - 238-238 URLIN, ETHEL L. A Short History of Marriage. Pp. xi, 269. Price, $1.25. Philadelphia: David McKay, 1914
by N/A - 238-238 TRIMBLE, WILLIAM J. The Mining Advance into the Inland Empire. Pp. 254. Price, 40 cents. Madison: University of Wisconsin, 1914
by N/A - 238-238 VAN KLEECK, MARY. Working Girls in Evening Schools. Pp. xi, 252. Price, $1.50. New York: Survey Associates, Inc., 1914
by N/A - 239-239 WEAVER, E. W. Vocations for Girls. Pp. 200. Price, 75 cents. New York: The A. S. Barnes Company, 1913
by N/A - 239-239 ZEBALLOS, E. S. La Nationalité au point de vue de la Législation Comparée et du Droit Privé Humain. Pp. 557. Price, 25 fr. Paris: Recueil Sirey, 1914
by N/A - 239-239 WHITRIDGE, FREDERICK W. One American's Opinion of the European War. Pp. xi, 79. Price, 50 cents. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, 1914. WOODBURN, JAMES A. Political Parties and Party Problems in the United States. (Second revised and enlarged edition). Pp. xiii, 487. Price, $2.50. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1914
by N/A - 239-239 WHITE, HORACE. Money and Banking. (5th Ed., Revised and Enlarged.) Pp. xiv, 541. Price, $1.50. Boston: Ginn and Company, 1914
by N/A - 240-241 Reviews BIZZELL, WILLIAM BENNETT. Judicial Interpretation of Political Theory. Pp. v, 273. Price, $1.50. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1914
by Clyde L. King - 241-242 BÃœLOW, PRINCE BERNHARD VON. Imperial Germany. (Trans. by Marie A. Lewenz). Pp. 342. Price, $3. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1914
by Roscoe J. Ham - 242-243 DAVIS, HORACE, A. The Judicial Veto. Pp. vi, 148. Price, $1. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1914
by Chester Lloyd Jones - 243-244 DEARLE, N. B. Industrial Training. Pp. xiii, 596. Price, 10/6. London: P. S. King and Son, 1914
by John C. Frazee - 244-245 ESCHER, FRANKLIN. Practical Investing. Pp. 177. Price, $2.00. New York : Bankers Publishing Company, 1914
by Earle H. Raudnitz - 245-245 FRANK, TENNEY. Roman Imperialism. Pp. xiii, 365. Price, $2.50. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914
by Kenneth C.M. Sills - 246-247 GODDARD, H. H. Feeble-Mindedness. Its Causes and Consequences. Pp. xii, 559. Price $5, New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914
by Carl Kelsey - 247-248 GORDON, ERNEST. The Anti-Alcohol Movement in Europe. Pp. 333. Price, $1.50. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1913
by Arthur J. Todd - 248-249 GULICK, SIDNEY L. The American Japanese Problem. Pp. x, 349. Price, $1.75. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1914
by Chester Lloyd Jones - 249-250 HALL, HUBERT. (Compiled by.) A Select Bibliography for the Study, Sources and Literature of English Mediaeval Economic History. Pp. xiii, 350. Price, 5s. London: P. S. King and Son, 1914
by A.C. Howland - 250-251 HIRST, F. W. The Six Panics and Other Essays. Pp. vii, 302. Price, 3s. 6d. London: Methuen and Company, Ltd., 1913
by Clyde Lyndon King - 251-252 HOBSON, J. A. Work and Wealth. Pp. xvi, 367. Price, $2. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1912
by Scott Nearing - 253-253 MALLET, BERNARD. British Budgets. 1887-1888 to 1912-1913. Pp. xxiv, 511. Price, $3.25. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914
by E.M. Patterson - 253-254 MANGOLD, GEORGE B. Problems of Child Welfare. Pp. xv, 522. Price, $2. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914
by Henry W. Thurston - 255-255 MORGAN, GEORGE WILSON, AND PARKER, AMASA J. Banking Law of New York. Pp. vi, 547. Price, $3.50. New York: The Bank Law Publishing Company, 1914
by Earle H. Raudnitz - 255-256 PIGOU, A. C. Unemployment. Pp. viii, 256. Price, 50 cents. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1913
by Alexander Fleisher - 256-257 ROSS, EDWARD ALSWORTH. The Old World in the New. Pp. 327. Price, $2.40. New York: The Century Company, 1914
by J.P. Lichtenberger - 257-257 THOMPSON, CLARENCE BERTRAND. (Ed. by.) Scientific Managemeni. Pp. vii, 878. Price, $3. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1914
by R. Malcolm Keir - 257-258 WELLINGTON, RAYNOR G. The Political and Sectional Influence of the Public Lands, 1828-1842. Pp. 131. Price, $1. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1914
by T.W. Van Metre - 259-266 Report of the Board of Directors, Year Ending December 31, 1914, American Academy of Political and Social Science
by Charles J. Rhoads & Edward P. Moxey
January 1915, Volume 57, Issue 1
- 1-6 Proceedings of the Conference of American Mayors, November 12-14, 1914
by N/A - 7-7 Practical Utility Problems
by N/A - 8-19 Fundamental Planks in a Public Utility Program
by Delos F. Wilcox - 20-27 The Regulation of Municipal Utilities
by Nathaniel T. Guernsey - 28-32 Philadelphia's Transit Problem
by A. Merritt Taylor - 33-44 Municipal Lighting Rates
by Ray Palmer - 45-49 Interlocking Directorates
by Louis D. Brandeis - 50-53 Open Discussion
by N/A - 54-61 The Regulation of Public Utilities
by Carter H. Harrison - 62-71 Some Present-Day Issues of Public Utility Regulation
by Edward W. Bemis - 72-82 What Certain Cities Have Accomplished without State Regulation
by Stiles P. Jones - 83-93 A Constructive Policy for Public Service Corporations
by Charles Day - 94-110 What Regulation Must Accomplish if it is to Be Permanent
by John M. Eshleman - 111-117 Open Discussion
by N/A - 118-122 Local and State Regulation of Municipal Utilities
by N/A - 123-162 The Advantages of State Regulation
by Halford Erickson - 163-169 The Distribution of Functions Between Local and State Regulation
by Milo R. Maltbie - 170-174 The Case for Home Rule
by Charles E. Merriam - 175-185 State and Local Regulation in Pennsylvania
by Ira W. Stratton - 186-187 Concluding Remarks of Presiding Officer
by John Purroy Mitchel - 188-193 Municipal Ownership
by Newton D. Baker - 194-208 Municipal Ownership—the Testimony of Foreign Experience
by Frederic C. Howe - 209-227 Pasadena's Municipal Light and Power Plant
by C. Wellington Koiner - 228-245 South Norwalk's Municipal Electric Works
by Albert E. Winchester - 246-253 The Hydro-Electric System in Toronto
by H.C. Hocken - 254-273 Some Limitations and Objections to Municipal Ownership
by Clarke M. Rosecrantz - 274-276 Open Discussion
by N/A - 277-278 Remarks of Hon. Rudolph Blankenburg
by N/A - 279-281 Municipal Ownership and Operation of Water Works
by M.N. Baker - 282-292 Why I Believe in Municipal Ownership
by Robert Crosser - 293-294 The Utilities Bureau
by Felix Frankfurter - 295-296 Report of the Committee on Recommendations
by N/A - 297-303 Open Discussion
by N/A - 304-304 Remarks of Hon. Thomas L. Raymond, Mayor-Elect of Newark, At Session of Saturday Evening, November Fourteenth
by N/A - 305-312 Holding Companies and the Public Welfare
by Charles F. Mathewson - 313-322 Public Advantages of Holding Companies
by Francis T. Homer - 323-334 The Public Welfare and the Holding Company
by J.P. Goodrich - 335-336 Notes
by N/A - 336-337 Reviews : ASHLEY, WILLIAM J. The Economic Organisation of England. Pp. viii, 213. Price, 90 cents. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1914
by T.W. Van Metre - 337-338 Reviews : BEARD, CHAS. A. and MARY RITTER. American Citizenship. Pp. xiii, 330. Price, $1. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914
by Scott Nearing - 338-338 Reviews : CROW, CARL. America and the Philippines. Pp. xi, 287, Price, $2. New York: Doubleday, Page and Company, 1914
by Chester Lloyd Jones - 338-339 Reviews : LE ROY, JAMES A. The American in the Philippines. Pp. xxviii, 774. Price, $10. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1914
by Chester Lloyd Jones - 340-342 Reviews : MITCHELL, SYDNEY K. Studies in Taxation under John and Henry III. Pp. xiii, 407. Price, $2. New York: Yale University Press, 1914
by W.E. Lunt - 342-343 Reviews : SEEBOHM, F. Customary Acres and Their Historical Importance. Pp. xiii, 274. Price, $4. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1914
by Abbott Payson Usher - 343-344 Reviews : VINOGRADOFF, PAUL (Ed. by). Oxford Studies in Social and Legal History Vol. IV. Pp. vii, 403. Price, 12/6. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1914
by Abbott Payson Usher
November 1914, Volume 56, Issue 1
- 1-8 The Larger Aspects of the Woman's Movement
by Jane Addams - 9-17 Woman's Place in the New Civilization
by Earl Barnes - 18-26 The Economic Basis of Feminism
by Maurice Parmelee - 27-37 Changed Ideals and Status of the Family and the Public Activities of Women
by George Elliott Howard - 38-46 The Education of Women and Sex Equality
by Gertrude S. Martin - 47-53 Feminism and Conventionality
by Elsie Clews Parsons - 54-61 The Legislative Influence of Unenfranchised Women
by Mary R. Beard - 62-70 Women and Social Legislation in the United States
by Florence Kelley - 71-77 Women in Municipal Activities
by Neva R. Deardorff - 78-87 Civic Activities of Women's Clubs
by Mary I. Wood & Percy V. Pennybacker - 88-92 Women in the Juvenile Court
by Emily Foote Runge - 93-98 Equal Suffrage—a Problem of Political Justice
by Anna Howard Shaw - 99-104 Woman Suffrage Opposed to Woman's Rights
by Arthur M. Dodge - 105-110 The Socializing Influence of the Ballot Upon Women
by Emilie J. Hutchinson - 111-121 The Evolution of a New Woman
by Simon N. Patten - 122-133 Political Equality for Women and Women's Wages
by S.P. Breckinridge - 134-142 The Militant Suffrage Movement
by Mary Winsor - 134-152 Woman Suffrage and the Liquor Traffic
by Ella Seass Stewart - 153-160 The Equal Suffrage Campaign in Pennsylvania
by Jennie Bradley Roessing - 161-171 Communication
by Harley W. Nehf - 173-177 Notes
by N/A - 177-178 Reviews
by Rufus M. Jones - 178-179 CHEYNEY, EDWARD P. A History of England from the Defeat of the Armada to the Death of Elizabeth. (2 vols.). Vol. I. Pp. x, 560. Price, $3.50. New York: Longmans, Green & Company, 1914
by W.E. Lunt - 179-180 FERRERO, GUGLIELMO. Ancient Rome and Modern America. Pp. vi, 352. Price, $2.50. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1914
by J.P. Lichtenberger - 180-181 VONIHERING, RUDOLF. Law as a Means to an End. (Trans. by Isaac Husik). Pp. lix, 483. Price, $3.50. Boston: The Boston Book Company, 1913
by J.P. Lichtenberger - 181-182 JONES, ROBERT. The Nature and First Principle of Taxation. Pp. xvii, 299. Price, 7/6. London: P. S. King & Son, 1914
by E.M. Patterson - 182-183 Low, SIDNEY. Egypt in Transition. Pp. xxiv, 316. Price, $2.50. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914
by G.B. Roorbach - 183-183 LYTTON, CONSTANCE and WARTON, JANE. Prisons and Prisoners. Pp. 337. Price, $1.00. New York: George H. Doran Company, 1914
by J.P. Lichtenberger - 184-184 THOMPSON, W. GILMAN. The Occupational Diseases. Pp. xxvi, 724. Price, $6.00. New York: D. Appleton & Company, 1914
by Alexander Fleisher - 184-185 TILLETT, ALFRED W. Introduction to Herbert Spencer's Synthetic Philosophy. Pp. xx, 177. Price 5/-. London: P. S. King & Son, 1914
by J.P. Lichtenberger - 185-186 WICKERSHAM, GEORGE W. The Changing Order. Pp. v, 287. Price, $1.25. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1914
by Eliot Jones - 186-187 WORCESTER, DEAN C. The Philippines Past and Present. 2 vols. Pp. 1024, 128 plates. Price, $6.00. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914
by G.B. Roorbach
September 1914, Volume 55, Issue 1
- 1-16 Competition Versus Coöperation in the Steamship Business: Proposed Legislation
by Emory R. Johnson - 17-47 Extent of Regulation of Ocean and Inland Water Transportation By the Federal Government
by Grover G. Huebner - 48-74 Historical Development of Steamship Agreements and Conferences in the American Foreign Trade
by Paul Gottheil - 75-111 Steamship Line Agreements and Affiliations in the American Foreign and Domestic Trade
by S.S. Huebner - 112-143 The Administration and Enforcement of Steamship Conferences and Agreements
by William H.S. Stevens - 144-154 Pooling Agreements
by W.G. Sickel - 155-163 Rate Agreements Between Carriers in the Foreign Trade
by P.A.S. Franklin - 164-167 Deferred Rebate Systems
by Herbert Barber - 168-184 Contracts Between Steamship Lines and Shippers
by D.J. Donovan - 185-193 Traffic Agreements Between Steamship Lines and American Railroads
by Rufus Hardy - 194-204 Agreements and Conferences in Their Relation To Ocean Rates
by William Boyd - 205-231 Rate Making in Domestic Water Transportation
by E.O. Merchant - 232-236 Relation of the Contractor or Speculator To the World's Ocean Transportation Problem
by T. Ashley Sparks - 237-242 Water Terminals in the United States and Their Control
by Ernest S. Bradford - 243-252 Appendix I Advantages and Disadvantages of Shipping Conferences and Agreements in the American Foreign Trade
by N/A - 252-255 Methods of Controlling Competition Between Domestic Carriers By Water
by N/A - 255-263 Recommendations of the Committee On the Merchant Marine and Fisheries
by J.W. Alexander - 263-274 Bill To Regulate Carriers By Water Engaged in the Foreign and Interstate Commerce of the United States
by J.W. Alexander - 275-275 ADAMS, CHARLES FRANCIS. The Monroe Doctrine. Pp. 42. Price, 50 cents. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1914. ANTRIM, SAIDA BRUMBACK, and ANTRIM, ERNEST IRVING. The County Library. Pp. xiv, 306. Price, $2. Van Wert, Ohio: The Pioneer Press, 1914. BABSON, ROGER W. The Future Method of Investing Money. Pp. 107. Price, 60 cents. Boston: Babson's Statistical Organization, 1914
by N/A - 275-275 BACKHOUSE, E., and BLAND, J.O.P. Annals and Memoirs of the Court of Peking. Pp. x, 531. Price, $4. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1914
by N/A - 276-276 BEST, R. H., and OGDEN, C. K. The Problem of the Continuation School and Its Successful Solution in Germany. Pp. xv, 80. Price, ls. London: P. S. King & Son, 1914
by N/A - 276-276 BEST, HARRY. The Deaf. Pp. xviii, 340. Price, $2. New York: Thos. Y. Crowell Company, 1914
by N/A - 276-277 BRANFORD, VICTOR. Interpretations and Forecasts. Pp. 411, xxiv. Price, $2.50 New York: Mitchell Kennerley, 1914
by N/A - 277-277 BROWN, W. JETHRO. The Underlying Principles of Modern Legislation. Pp. 331. Price, 10/6. London : John Murray
by N/A - 277-278 VON BÃœLOW, PRINCE BERNHARD. Imperial Germany. (Trans. by Marie A. Lewenz). Pp. 342. Price, $3. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1914. CLARK, JOHN BATES. Social Justice Without Socialism. Pp. 49. Price, 50 cents. Berkelev: Universitv Press. 1914
by N/A - 278-278 FISCHER, Louis E. Economics of Interurban Railways. Pp. ix, 116. Price, $1.50. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1914. FOSTER, W. T. (Ed.) The Social Emergency. Pp. viii, 224. Price, $1.35. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1914
by N/A - 278-278 ENGEL, SIGMUND. The Elements of Child Protection (Trans. by Dr. Eden Paul). Pp. xi. 276. Price. $3.50. New York: The Macmillan Company
by N/A - 278-279 General Survey of Events, Sources, Persons and Movenaents in Continental Legal History, by various European Authors (Trans. from second French edition by Rapelje Howell). The Continental Legal History Series, vol. 1, pp. liii, 754. Price, $6. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. GETTELL, RAYMOND G. Problems in Political Evolution. Pp. vii, 400. Price, $2. Boston: Ginn and Company, 1914. GILBRETH, L. M. The Psychology of 11;fanagement. Pp. 344. Price, $2. New York: Sturgis and Walton Company, 1914
by N/A - 279-279 GILBERT, L.M. The Psychology of Managment. Pp. 344. Price, $32. New York: Sturgis and Walton Company, 1914
by N/A - 279-279 GOLDMAN, SAMUEL P. Stock Exchange Laws. Pp. ix, 290. Price, $1.50. New York: Doubleday, Page and Company, 1914
by N/A - 279-280 HAINES, CHARLES G. The American Doctrine of Judicial Supremacy. Pp. xviii, 365. Price, $2. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914
by N/A - 280-280 HILLQUIT, MORRIS, and RYAN, JOHN A. Socialisyn: Promise or Menace. Pp. xiii, 270. Price, $1.2-5. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914. HIRST, F. W. The Six Panics and Other Essays. Pp. vii, 271. Price, 3 s. 6 d. London: Methuen and Company, Ltd., 1913. ILLINGWORTH, S. Roy. The Co-operation of Science and Industry. Pp. 91. Price, 75 cents. London: Charles Griffin and Company, 1914
by N/A - 280-281 JOHNSTON, SIR HARRY. Common Sense in Foreign Policy. Pp. x, 119. Price, $1.25. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, 1913
by N/A - 281-281 JONES, ROBERT. The Nature and First Principle of Taxation. Pp. xvii, 299. Price, 7/6. London: P. S. King and Son, 1914. KEPHART, HORACE. Our Southern Highlanders. Pp. 395. Price, $2.50. New York: Outing Publishing Company
by N/A - 281-282 KOHLER JOSEF. Philosophy of Law (Trans. by Adalbert Albrecht). Pp. xliv, 390. Price, $3.50. Boston: The Boston Book Company, 1914
by N/A - 282-282 Le Roy, JAMES A. The American in the Philippines. Pp. xxviii, 774. Price, $10. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1914. MAYREDER, RosA. A Survey of the Woman Problem (Trans. by Herman Scheffauer). Pp. ix, 275. Price, $1.50. New York: George H. Doran Company. 1913
by N/A - 282-283 MECKLIN, JOHN M. Democracy and Race Friction. Pp. xi, 273. Price, $1.25. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914
by N/A - 283-283 MICHAELS, ROBERT. Sexual Ethics. Pp. xv, 296. Price, $1.50. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1914
by N/A - 283-283 PEEL, HON. GEORGE. The Reign of Sir Edward Carson. Pp. xi, 240. Price, 2/6. London: P. S. King & Son. 1914
by N/A - 283-283 MORLEY, JOHN. On Politics and History. Pp. 201. Price, $1. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914
by N/A - 283-284 RACINE, SAMUEL F. Graded Corporation Problems. Price, $1.25; Guide to the Study of Auditing. Pp. 63. Price, $1. Seattle: Western Institute of Accounting, Commerce and Finance, 1914
by N/A - 284-284 RUSSELL, W. S. C. Iceland: A Horseback Trip through Saga Land. Pp. 314. Price $2. Boston: Richard G. Badger, 1914
by N/A - 284-285 SELIGMAN, EDWIN A. R. The Income Tax. (Revised and enlarged.) Pp. xi. 743. Price. $3. New York: The Macmillan Company. 1914
by N/A - 285-285 SHEPHERD, WILLIAM R. Latin America. Pp. viii, 256. Price, 50 cents. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1914
by N/A - 285-285 VEBLEN, THORSTEIN. The Instinct of Workmanship. Pp. ix, 355. Price, $1.50. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914. VEDDER, HENRY C. The Reformation in Germany. Pp. xlix, 466. Price, $3. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914. VERHOEFF, MARY. The Kentucky Mountains-Transportation and Commerce, 1750-1911. Pp. xviii, 208. Price, $5. Louisville: John P. Morton and Company
by N/A - 286-286 WOOLF, C. N. Bartolus of Sassoferrato. Pp. xxiv, 414. Price $2.50. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1913
by N/A - 286-286 WRIGHT, SIR ROBERT S., and HOBHOUSE, RT. HON. HENRY. An outline of Local Government and Local Taxation. Pp. vii, 211. Price, 7/6. London: Sweet & Maxwell, Ltd., 1914
by N/A - 286-287 Reviews : CABOT, RICHARD C. What Men Live By. Pp. xxi, 341. Price, $1.50. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1914
by Carl Kelsey - 287-287 Reviews : GUYOT, YVES. Where and Why Public Ownership Has Failed. Pp. ix, 459. Price, $1.50. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914
by Eliot Jones - 288-290 Reviews : HOAG, CLARENCE G. A Theory of Interest. Pp. xi, 228. Price, $1.50. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914
by Esther L. Little - 290-291 Reviews : JOHNSON, STANLEY C. Emigration from the United Kingdom to North America, 1763-1912. Pp. xvi, 387. Price, $2. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, 1914
by Henry Pratt Fairchild - 291-292 Reviews : JONES, CHESTER LLOYD. Statute Law Making. Pp. xii, 327. Price, $2.50. Boston: Boston Book Company
by Samuel M. Lindsay - 292-292 Reviews : Low, SIDNEY. The Governance of England. (Revised and enlarged edition). Pp. xi. 320. Price $2. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1914
by Raymond Garfield Gettell - 293-293 Reviews : ORAGE, A. R. National Guilds: An Enquiry into the Wage-System and the Way Out. Pp. viii, 370. Price, $1.60. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914
by Scott Nearing - 293-294 Reviews : OSBORNE, THOMAS MOTT. Within Prison Walls. Pp. vii, 327. Price, $1.50. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1914
by J.P. Lichtenberger - 294-294 Reviews : REEVES, MRS. PEMBER. Round about a Pound a Week. Pp. 231. Price, $1. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1913
by Scott Nearing - 294-296 Reviews : SEAGER, H. R. Principles of Economics: Being a Revision of Introduction to Economics. Pp. xx, 650. Price, $2.25. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1913
by Leonard Stott Blakey - 296-296 Reviews : SIEGFRIED, ANDRÉ, Democracy in New Zealand. (Trans. by E. V. Burns.) Pp. xxiii, 398. Price, $1.75. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914
by R.C. Mccrea - 296-297 Reviews : WELLS, H. G. Social Forces in England and America. Pp. 415. Price, $2. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1914
by Bruce D. Mudgett - 297-298 Reviews : WILLIAMSON, J. A. Maritime Enterprise, 1485-1558. Pp. 416. Price, $1. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1913
by Abbott Payson Usher - 299-306 Index
by N/A
July 1914, Volume 54, Issue 1
- 1-4 A Pan-American Policy: the Monroe Doctrine Modernized
by John Barrett - 5-19 A Study of Iberic-America
by Rear-admiral F. E. Chadwick - 20-27 The Present Status of the Monroe Doctrine
by Rear-admiral coley N. Chester - 28-56 The Monroe Doctrine and Its Application To Haiti
by William A. Maccorkle - 57-62 The Latin View of the Monroe Doctrine
by Leopold Grahame - 63-65 The South American View as To the Monroe Doctrine1
by Paxton Hibben - 66-83 The Monroe Doctrine and Latin America
by Joseph Wheless - 84-91 The Effects of the Panama Canal On Our Rela Tions With Latin America
by John Holladay Latané - 92-98 The Monroe Doctrine and the Canning Myth
by Charles H. Sherrill - 99-106 The Attitude of Europe Toward the Monroe Doctrine
by A. Maurice - 107-112 What European Countries Think of the Monroe Doctrine
by Herbert Kraus - 113-118 The Meaning of the Monroe Doctrine
by Charles M. Pepper - 119-123 The Monroe Doctrine: a Solution of Its Problem
by Philip M. Brown - 124-129 The Monroe Doctrine and the Foreign Policy of the United States in the Western Hemisphere
by J.J. Slechta - 130-131 Communications the Monroe Doctrine
by Achille Loria - 131-133 The Monroe Doctrine
by A. Pillet - 134-135 The Policy of the United States Toward Mexico
by Willard Saulsbury - 136-147 The Postulates of the Mexican Situation
by Albert Bushnell Hart - 148-161 Errors With Reference To Mexico and Events That Have Occurred There
by Henry Lane Wilson - 162-165 The Mexican Situation
by Henry Clews - 166-174 The Constitutionalist Party in Mexico: What It Is Fighting for
by Roberto V. Pesqueira - 175-182 The Duty of the United States Toward Mexico
by Frank W. Mondell - 183-185 Mexico
by Austen G. Fox - 186-190 Mexico and Her People
by Alfred Bishop Mason - 191-200 A Revision of American Policies
by Simon N. Patten - 201-210 Mexico: Its People and Its Problem
by Major cassius E. Gillette - 211-218 The Remedy for Mexico
by Leslie C. Wells - 219-235 The Scope and Limits of Our Obligations Toward Mexico
by L.S. Rowe - 236-242 American Citizens in Foreign Countries
by Robert J. Kerr - 243-244 Factors Affecting the Policy of the United States in the Pacific
by Rear-admiral C. H. Stockton