November 1915, Volume 62, Issue 1
- 223-234 County Budgets and Their Construction
by Otho Grandford Cartwright - 235-248 Budget Making for Small Cities
by Lent D. Upson - 249-263 The Preparation of Estimates and the Formulation of the Budget—the New York City Method
by Tilden Adamson - 264-269 Budget Making in Cleveland
by Mayo Fesler - 270-276 Budget Making in Chicago
by Charles E. Merriam - 277-287 Select List of References on National, State, County and Municipal Budgets in the United States
by Harry A. Rider - 288-290 General Works in Economics
by N/A - 290-293 Money, Banking and Finance
by N/A - 293-310 Political and Governmental Problems
by N/A
September 1915, Volume 61, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Clyde lyndon king - 1-3 America's Industries as Affected By the Euro Pean War
by Alba B. Johnson - 4-10 European War Influences Upon American Industry and Labor
by Samuel Gompers - 11-23 America's Unemployment Problem
by Henry Bruère - 24-29 Some Recent Surveys of Unemployment
by Royal Meeker - 30-39 The War and Immigration
by Frank Julian Warne - 40-44 Unemployment and Immigration
by Frances A. Kellor - 45-50 Some Industrial Lessons of the European War
by John Price Jackson - 51-59 American Export Policies
by Franklin Johnston - 60-65 Commercial Isolation Versus International Trade
by Moritz J. Bonn - 66-70 The Relations of Central and South America With the United States as Affected By the European War
by Luis F. Corea - 71-80 What Can the United States and Latin America Do for Each Other?
by Charles M. Muchnic - 81-85 Transportation Facilities Needed for Latin American Trade
by Welding Ring - 86-89 The Effect of Idle Plant On Costs and Profits
by H.L. Gantt - 90-102 The Effect of Unemployment On the Wage Scale
by Mary Van kleeck - 103-111 Scientific Management Applied To the Steady Ing of Employment, and Its Effect in an Industrial Establishment
by Richard A. Feiss - 112-120 A Functionalized Employment Department as a Factor in Industrial Efficiency
by Ernest Martin Hopkins - 121-126 The New Profession of Handling Men
by Meyer Bloomfield - 127-137 The Labor Turn-Over and the Humanizing of Industry
by Joseph H. Willits - 138-145 A National System of Labor Exchanges in Its Relation To Industrial Efficiency
by John B. Andrews - 146-164 Scientific Management as a Solution of the Unemployment Problem
by Morris Llewellyn Cooke - 165-173 Simplified Cost Accounting for Manufacturers
by Walter B. Palmer - 174-182 Working Conditions Necessary for Maximum Output
by Norris A. Brisco - 183-186 The Principles of Industrial Efficiency Applied To the Form of Corporate Organization
by Henry S. Dennison - 187-198 Greater Agricultural Efficiency for the Black Belt of Alabama
by C.E. Allen - 199-207 Development of Standards in Municipal Government
by Henry Bruère - 208-216 What Scientific Management Means To Ameri Ca's Industrial Position
by Frank B. Gilbreth & Lillian Moller Gilbreth - 217-229 The Basis of Constructive Internationalism
by W.G.S. Adams - 230-234 How America May Contribute To the Permanent Peace of the World
by George W. Kirchwey - 235-238 How Can America Best Contribute To the Main Tenance of the World's Peace ?
by G. Lowes Dickinson - 239-242 America's Possible Contribution To a Constructive Peace
by Morris Hillquit - 243-244 How Can America Best Contribute Toward Constructive and Durable Peace?
by Charles W. Eliot - 245-251 Acquisitive Statesmanship
by W. Morgan Shuster - 252-256 War—or Scientific Taxation
by C.H. Ingersoll - 257-262 The Constructive Work of the American Army
by Leonard Wood - 263-269 Some Problems of Defense
by Amos S. Hershey - 270-273 Economic Pressure as a Means Toward Con Serving Peace
by Herbert S. Houston - 274-275 An International Court, an International Sheriff and World Peace
by Talcott Williams - 276-283 World Court and League of Peace
by Theodore Marburg - 284-285 General Works in Economics
by Scott Nearing - 285-286 CLARK, WALTER E. The Cost of Living. Pp. 168. Price, 50 cents. Chicago: A. C. McClurg and Company, 1915
by N/A - 286-286 Commerce and transportation
by N/A - 286-288 Commerce and Transportation
by T.W. Van Metre - 288-288 HOUGH, B. OLNEY. Ocean Traffic and Trade. Pp. vi, 432. Price, $3.00. Chi cago: La Salle Extension University, 1914
by N/A - 288-289 Labor Problems
by Malcolm Keir - 289-289 HEDGES, ANNA CHARLOTTE. Wage Worth of School Training. Pp. xvi, 173. Price, $2.00. New York: Teachers' College, Columbia University, 1915
by N/A - 289-289 KELLOR, FRANCIS A. Out of Work: a Study of Unemployment. (Rev. Ed.) Pp. xiii, 569. Price, $1.50. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1915
by N/A - 289-290 MARTIN, ELEANOR; POST, MARGARET A., and OTHERS. Vocations for the Trained Woman. Pp. xvii, 175. Price, $1.50. PERSONS, CHARLES E.; PARTON, MABEL; MOSES, MABELLE, and THREE "FELLOWS." Labor Laws and Their Enforcement, with special reference to Massachusetts. Pp. xxii, 419. Price, $2.00. BOSWORTH, LOUISE MARION. The Living Wage of Women Workers. Pp. vi, 90. Price, $1.00. New York: Longmans, Green and Company. HEWES, AMY (Prepared under direction of). Industrial Home Work in Massa chusetts, Pp. 183. Price, 80 cents. ALLISON, MAY (Prepared under direction of). The Public Schools and Women in Office Service. Pp. xv, 187. Price, 80 cents. Boston: Women's Educational and Industrial Union
by N/A - 290-290 SUFFERN, ARTHUR E. Conciliation and Arbitration in the Coal Industry of Amer ica. Pp. xvii, 376. Price, $2.00. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1915
by N/A - 290-291 Money, Banking and Finance
by E.M. Patterson - 291-291 CHEN, SHAO-KWAN. The System of Taxation in China in the Tsing Dynasty, 1644-1911. Pp. 118. Price, $1.00. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1914
by N/A - 291-292 SECRIST, HORACE. An Economic Analysis of the Constitutional Restrictions upon Public Indebtedness in the United States. Pp. 131. Price, 40 cents. Madi son: University of Wisconsin, 1914
by N/A - 292-292 SMITH, HARRY EDWIN. The United States Federal Internal Tax History from 1861-1871. Pp. xix, 357. Price, $1.50. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Com pany, 1914
by N/A - 292-293 Sociology and Social Problems
by Carl Kelsey - 293-294 HEALY, WILLIAM. The Individual Delinquent. 'Pp. xi, 830. Price, $5.00. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1915
by J.P. Lichtenberger - 294-294 MELVIN, FLOYD J. Socialism as the Sociological Ideal. Pp. 216. Price, $1.25. New York: Sturgis and Walton Company, 1915
by C.E. Reitzel - 294-295 MORGAN, BARBARA SPOFFORD. The Backward Child: A Study of the Psychology and Treatment of Backwardness. Pp. vii, 263. Price, $1.25. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1914
by F.N. Maxfield - 295-295 BOWLEY, A. L. The Measurement of Social Phenomena. Pp. viii, 241. Price, 3s. 6d. London: P. S. King and Son, 1915
by N/A - 295-295 ANTIN, MARY. They Who Knock at Our Gates. Pp. x, 142. Price, $1.00. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1914
by N/A - 295-295 BERNHEIMER, CHAS. S. and COHEN, JACOB M. Boys' Clubs. Pp. 136. Price, $1.00. New York: The Baker and Taylor Company, 1914
by N/A - 295-296 Boyhood and Lawlessness; with The Neglected Girl. Pp. xix, 215; iii, 143. Price, $2.00. The Middle West Side; with Mothers Who Must Earn. Pp. xiii, 67; viii, 223. Price, $2.00. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1914
by N/A - 296-296 BRIGGS, JOHN E. History of Social Legislation in Iowa. Pp. xiv, 444. Price, $2.00. GILLIN, JOHN L. History of Poor Relief Legislation in Iowa. Pp. xiv, 404. Price, $2.00. Iowa City: The State Historical Society of Iowa, 1915
by N/A - 296-297 CAPEN, EDWARD WARREN. Sociological Progress in Mission Lands. Pp. 293. Price, $1.50. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1914
by N/A - 297-297 MAYO, MARION J. The Mental Capacity of the American Negro. Pp. 70. Price, 85 cents. New York: The Science Press
by N/A - 297-297 ELLIS, GEORGE W. Negro Culture in West Africa. Pp. 290. Price, $2.00. New York: The Neale Publishing Company, 1914
by N/A - 297-297 KELLOGG, PAUL U. (Ed.) Wage-Earning Pittsburgh. Pp. xv, 582. The Pitts burgh District—Civic Frontage. Pp. xviii, 554. Price, $2.50 each. New York: Survey Associates, Inc., 1914
by N/A - 297-297 DEVINE, EDWARD T. The Normal Life. Pp. 233. Price, $1.00. New York: Survey Associates, Inc., 1915
by N/A - 298-298 REEVES, EDITH. Care and Education of Crippled Children in the United States. Pp. xi, 252. Price, $2.00. New York: Survey Associates, Inc., 1914
by N/A - 298-298 REDFIELD, CASPER L. Dynamic Evolution. Pp. xi, 210. Price, $1.50. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1914
by N/A - 298-298 MOOREHEAD, WARREN K. The American Indian in the United States. Pp. 440. Price, $3.25. Andover: The Andover Press, 1914
by N/A - 299-299 ROMAN, FREDERICK W. The Industrial and Commercial Schools of the United States and Germany. Pp. xv, 382. Price, $1.50. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1915
by N/A - 299-299 SUMNER, WILLIAM GRAHAM. (Ed. by Albert G. Keller.) The Challenge of Facts and Other Essays. Pp. xii, 450. Price, $2.25. New Haven: Yale Univer sity Press, 1914
by N/A - 299-300 Political and Governmental Problems
by Robert P. Reeder - 300-301 McLAUGHLIN, ANDREW C. and HART, ALBERT BUSHNELL. Cyclopedia of Ameri can Government. (3 vols.) Pp. xxxiii, 2290. Price, $22.50. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1914
by Clyde Lyndon King - 301-301 MOSES, ROBERT. The Civil Service of Great Britain. Pp. 324. Price, $2.00. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1914
by Clyde Lyndon King - 301-302 TAFT, WILLIAM HOWARD. The Anti-Trust Act and the Supreme Court. Pp. 133. Price, $1.25. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1914
by W.H.S. Stevens - 302-303 VAN HISE, CHARLES R. Concentration and Control. (Rev. Ed.) Pp. xiii, 298. Price, $2.00. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914
by W.H.S. Stevens - 303-303 HUNT, GAILLARD. The Department of State of the United States: Its History and Function. Pp. viii, 459. Price, $2.25. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1914
by N/A - 303-304 International Questions
by Philip Marshall Brown - 304-305 HODGES, H. G. The Doctrine of Intervention. Pp. xii, 288. Price, $1.50. Princeton: The Banner Press, 1915
by Chester Lloyd Jones - 305-305 ANGELL, NORMAN. Arms and Industry. Pp. xlv, 248. Price, $1.25. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1914
by N/A - 306-306 MASAOKA, NAOICHI. (Ed.) Japan to America. Pp. xii, 235. Price, $1.25. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1914
by N/A - 306-306 LONGFORD, J. H. The Evolution of New Japan. Pp. 166. Price, 40 cents. N. Y.: G. P. Putnam's Sons
by N/A - 306-306 RUSSELL, LINDSAY. (Ed.) America to Japan. Pp. xv, 318. Price, $1.25. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1915
by N/A - 307-307 Miscellaneous
by N/A
July 1915, Volume 60, Issue 1
- 1-16 America's International Trade as Affected by the European War
by William C. Redfield - 17-21 The Future of America's Foreign Trade
by Theodore H. Price - 22-34 The Effect of the European War on America's Trade with India
by Daniel Folkmar - 35-38 Trade Possibilities in Germany and Austria
by Isaac Wolf JR - 39-51 Coöperation in Export Trade
by William S. Kies - 52-57 The Importance of an American Merchant Marine
by Bernard N. Baker - 58-59 The Function of Government in its Relation to Industry
by Joseph E. Davies - 60-68 Central and South American Trade as Affected by the European War
by James A. Farrell - 69-71 Trade Relations with Central and South America as Affected by the War
by John Hays Hammond - 72-97 Trade Conditions in Latin America as Affected by the European War
by Edward Ewing Pratt - 98-103 Existing Obstacles to the Extension of our Trade with Central and South America
by Maurice Coster - 104-105 The Present Financial Situation
by Frank A. Vanderlip - 106-112 The Effect of the War on America's Financial Position
by Thomas W. Lamont - 113-118 The Results of the European War on America's Financial Position
by W.P.G. Harding - 119-122 America's Financial Position as Affected by the War
by Alexander J. Hemphill - 123-129 The Financial Menace to America of the European War
by Simon N. Patten - 130-137 The Probable Condition of the American Money Market After the War is Over
by Joseph French Johnson - 138-142 The Situation of the United States at the Close of the War as a Question of National Defense
by Edward S. Mead - 143-144 The Effect of the European War on American Business
by A.B. Leach - 145-146 The Meaning of Neutrality
by John Bassett Moore - 147-154 The Neutrality Rules Adopted by Brazil by his Excellency, the Brazilian Ambassador, Senhor Dom Domicio Da Gama
by Hermes Da Fonseca & Lauro Müller - 155-167 Neutral Rights and Obligations of American Republics
by Paul Fuller - 168-182 The Right of Citizens of Neutral Countries to Sell and Export Arms and Munitions of War to Belligerents
by William Cullen Dennis - 183-191 The Sale of Munitions of War by Neutrals to Belligerents
by Charles Noble Gregory - 192-194 An Argument Against the Exportation of Arms
by Edmund Von Mach - 195-196 Germany and American Policies
by Bernhard Dernburg - 197-212 Force and Peace
by H.C. Lodge - 213-221 Unarmed Neutrality
by Albert Bushnell Hart - 222-229 Six Essentials to Permanent Peace
by August Schvan - 230-234 America's Possible Contribution to the World's Peace
by Oscar S. Straus
May 1915, Volume 59, Issue 1
- 1-11 Newer Tendencies in American Taxation1
by Edwin R.A. Seligman - 12-14 The Underwood Tariff Act as a Producer of Revenue
by Andrew J. Peters - 15-31 Some Aspects of the Income Tax
by Mortimer L. Schiff - 32-43 Amending the Federal Income Taxi
by Roy G. Blakey - 44-58 British Finance and the European War
by W.M.J. Williams - 59-64 The Relation Between Federal and State Taxation
by James E. Boyle - 65-76 The Wisconsin Income Tax
by Kossuth Kent Kennan - 77-86 The Wisconsin Income Tax
by Thomas E. Lyons - 87-94 The Inheritance Tax
by John Harrington - 95-104 Taxation of Intangible Property
by A.E. James - 105-111 The Extent and Evils of Double Taxation in the United States
by Frederick N. Judson - 112-130 The Central Control of the Valuation of Taxable Subjects
by Samuel T. Howe - 131-139 Separation of State and Local Revenues
by T.S. Adams - 140-148 Taxation of Public Utilities
by Delos F. Wilcox - 149-157 The Recent Increase in Land Values
by Scott Nearing - 158-167 Assessed Vs. Real Values of Real Estate in Pennsylvania
by Ralph E. George - 168-182 The Disproportion of Taxation in Pittsburgh
by Shelby M. Harrison - 183-188 Reduction of Tax On Buildings in the City of New York
by Edward Polak - 189-193 What Properties Should Be Exempt From Taxation
by John J. Murphy - 194-197 The Houston Plan of Taxation
by J.J. Pastoriza - 198-201 The Heavier Land Tax
by Allan Robinson - 202-213 Annual Reassessment Versus the Unearned Increment Tax
by Alfred D. Bernard - 214-221 Municipal Taxation in Relation To Speculative Land Values
by Adam Shortt - 222-227 Single Tax
by W.S. U'Ren
March 1915, Volume 58, Issue 1
- 1-11 Newer Tendencies in American Taxation
by Edwin R.A. Seligman - 12-14 The Underwood Tariff Act as a Producer of Revenue
by Andrew J. Peters - 15-31 Some Aspects of the Income Tax
by Mortimer L. Schiff - 32-43 Amending the Federal Income Tax
by Roy G. Blakey - 44-58 British Finance and the European War
by W.M.J. Williams - 59-64 The Relation Between Federal and State Taxation
by James E. Boyle - 65-76 The Wisconsin Income Tax
by Kossuth Kent Kennan - 77-86 The Wisconsin Income Tax
by Thomas E. Lyons - 87-94 The Inheritance Tax
by John Harrington - 95-104 Taxation of Intangible Property
by A.E. James - 105-111 The Extent and Evils of Double Taxation in the United States
by Frederick N. Judson - 112-130 The Central Control of the Valuation of Taxable Subjects
by Samuel T. Howe - 131-139 Separation of State and Local Revenues
by T.S. Adams - 140-148 Taxation of Public Utilities
by Delos F. Wilcox - 149-157 The Recent Increase in Land Values
by Scott Nearing - 158-167 Assessed VS. Real Values of Real Estate in Pennsylvania
by Ralph E. George - 168-182 The Disproportion of Taxation in Pittsburgh
by Shelby M. Harrison - 183-188 Reduction of Tax On Buildings in the City of New York
by Edward Polak - 189-193 What Properties Should Be Exempt from Taxation
by John J. Murphy - 194-197 The Houston Plan of Taxation
by J.J. Pastoriza - 198-201 The Heavier Land Tax
by Allan Robinson - 202-213 Annual Reassessment Versus the Unearned Increment Tax
by Alfred D. Bernard - 214-221 Municipal Taxation in Relation to Speculative Land Values
by Adam Shortt - 222-227 Single Tax
by W.S. U'Ren - 229-229 BIGELOW, JOHN. American Policy. Pp. vi, 184. Price, $1. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1914
by N/A - 229-229 NOTES BABASAHEB, NARAYANRAO (Chief of Ichalkaranji). Impressions of British Life and Character. Pp. xxiii, 243. Price, $2.25. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914. BABSON, ROGER W. The Future of Nations. Pp. 123. Price, $1. Wellesley Hills: Babson's Statistical Organization, 1914. BARRINGTON, MRS. RUSSELL. The Life of Walter Bagehot. Pp. viii, 478. Price, $4. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1914
by N/A - 229-230 BRERETON, CLOUDESLEY. Who is Responsible? Armageddon and After! Pp. ix, 104. Price, 50 cents. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1914. BUCK, SOLON JUSTUS. Travel and Description 1765-1865. Pp. xi, 514. Spring-field, Illinois: State Historical Library, 1914
by N/A - 230-230 BULLARD, ARTHUR. Panama. (Revised Edition.) Pp. xiv, 601. Price, $2. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914
by N/A - 230-230 Catholic Encyclopedia Index, The. Pp. ix, 959. Price, $6. New York: The Encyclopedia Press, Inc., 1914
by N/A - 230-231 CHESSER, ELIZABETH SLOAN. Woman, Marriage and Motherhood. Pp. xv, 287. Price, $1.50. New York: Funk and Wagnalls Company, 1913
by N/A - 231-231 COLEMAN, CHRISTOPHER BUSH. Constantine the Great and Christianity. Pp. 257. Price, $2. New York: Longmans, Green & Company, 1914. DAVIES, EMIL. The Collectivist State in the Making. Pp. xviii, 267. Price, $1.60. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914
by N/A - 231-231 DICK, W. J. Conservation of Coal in Canada. Pp. xii, 212. Toronto: Commission of Conservation, 1914
by N/A - 232-232 FISKE, AMOS KIDDER. Honest Business . Pp. vii, 333. Price, $1.25. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1914
by N/A - 232-232 EMERICK, CHARLES F. The Struggle for Equality in the United States. Reprinted from Popular Science Monthly , Vol. lxxxiii, No. 6, December, 1913; Vol. lxxxiv, Nos. 1-6, January to June, 1914; Vol. lxxxv, No. 1, July, 1914. Pp. 99. Price, 50 cents. New York: Popular Science Monthly, 1914. FARRINGTON, FREDERIC ERNEST. Commercial Education in Germany. Pp. ix, 258. Price, $1.10. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914
by N/A - 232-232 FOUNTAIN, PAUL. The River Amazon from Its Sources to the Sea. Pp. xi, 321. Price, $2.50. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1914
by N/A - 233-233 HAYNES, JOHN. Economics in the Secondary School. Pp. xii, 93. Price, 60 cents. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1914
by N/A - 233-233 GUEST, GEORGE. A Social History of England. Pp. xi, 209. Price, 40 cents. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914
by N/A - 233-233 HANEY, LEWIS H. Business Organization and Combination. Pp. xv, 523. Price, $2. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914
by N/A - 233-234 HOWE, C. D. and WHITE, J. N. Trent Watershed Survey. Pp. 156, with pocket map. Toronto: Commission of Conservation, 1913
by N/A - 234-234 JAY, JUNIUS. Open-Air Politics. Pp. 235. Price, $1.25. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1914
by N/A - 234-234 JENNINGS, AL and IRWIN, WILL. Beating Back. Pp. 355. Price, $1.50. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1914
by N/A - 234-234 JOHNSON, JOSEPH FRENCH. Money and Currency. (Rev. Ed.) Pp. x, 423. Price, $1.75. Boston: Ginn and Company, 1914
by N/A - 235-235 JONES, LOUIS T. The Quakers of Iowa. Pp. 360. Price, $2.50. Iowa City: Iowa State Historical Society, 1914
by N/A - 235-235 JOSEPH, SAMUEL. Jewish Immigration to the United States from 1881 to 1910. Pp. 209. Price, $1.50. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1914
by N/A - 235-236 KEY, ELLEN. The Younger Generation . Pp. v, 270. Price, $1.50. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1914
by N/A - 236-236 PAGE, EDWARD D. Trade Morals: Their Origin, Growth and Province. Pp. xv, 287. Price, $1.50. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1914
by N/A - 236-236 KOBAYASHI, TERUAKI. La Société Japonaise (translated by M. Junkichi Yoshida). Pp. xx, 223. Price, 5 francs. Paris: Librairie Felix Alcan, 1914. MAGEE, H. W. Supplement to Magee on Banks and Banking. The Federal Reserve Act. Pp. 116. Price, $1. Albany: Matthew Bender and Company, 1914
by N/A - 236-236 PARKER, GEORGE H. Biology and Social Problems. Pp. xix, 130. Price, $1.10. New York: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1914
by N/A