January 1919, Volume 81, Issue 1
- 1-1 Who's Who of Contributors
by N/A - 1-1 Privileged Comment
by C.H. Crennan - 1-12 British Demobilization Plans
by Robert C. Clothier - 13-18 Release of Industrial Leaders from Government Service for Industrial Supervision
by Mark M. Jones - 19-27 United States Employment Service and Demobilization
by I.W. Litchfield - 28-37 Lessons of the War in Shifting Labor
by John B. Densmore - 38-46 The Extension of Selective Tests to Industry
by Beardsley Ruml - 47-50 War's Challenge to Employment Managers
by Joseph H. Willits - 51-55 Housing and Transportation Problems in Rela tion to Labor Placement
by John Ihlder - 56-61 A National Policy—Public Works to Stabilize Employment
by Otto T. Mallery - 62-72 Placing Soldiers on Farm Colonies
by Elwood Mead - 73-79 Immigration Standards After the War
by Henry Pratt Fairchild - 80-86 Seven Points for a Reconstruction Labor Policy
by V. Everit Macy - 87-94 Federal Policies for Women in Industry
by Mary Van Kleeck - 95-100 Can We Eliminate Labor Unrest?
by Robert W. Bruère - 101-109 Post-War Causes of Labor Unrest
by Malcolm Keir - 110-122 Measurement of the Cost of Living and Wages
by William F. Ogburn - 123-129 Wages for Women Workers
by Mary Anderson - 130-136 Health Problems of Industrial Workers
by John A. Lapp - 137-143 Training Labor: A Necessary Reconstruction Policy
by C.T. Clayton - 144-147 The Employment Manager and Applied Voca tional Guidance
by Ida May Wilson - 148-156 The Resolutions of the War Emergency Congress of the United States Chamber of Commerce
by N/A - 157-162 Capital and Labor
by Charles M. Schwab - 163-166 Post-War Standards for Industrial Relations 1
by Henry P. Kendall - 167-181 Representation in Industry1
by John D. Rockefeller - 182-186 Labor Standards After the War
by Samuel Gompers - 187-203 Resolutions on Reconstruction of the British Labor Party
by N/A - 204-205 Book Reviews
by N/A
January 1918, Volume 80, Issue 1
- 1-10 The Meaning of Rehabilitation
by Major john L. Todd - 11-22 Military Surgery in 1861 and in 1918
by Major W.W. Keen - 23-28 Tuberculosis and the War
by Captain Joseph Walsh - 29-34 Reclamation of the Disabled From the Industrial Army
by Harry E. Mock - 35-39 Reconstruction of Defects of Hearing and Speech
by Charles W. Richardson - 40-42 Industrial Training for the Wounded
by Francis D. Patterson - 43-50 A Story of Rehabilitation By a Cripple Who Is Not a Cripple
by Michael J. Dowling - 51-57 The Supremacy of the Spirit
by Howard R. Heydon - 58-61 Philadelphia School for Occupational Therapy
by Margaret A. Neall - 62-69 Returning the Disabled Soldier To Economic Independence
by Douglas C. McMurtrie - 70-78 Employment Opportunities for Pennsyl- Vanians Disabled in War Service
by Lew R. Palmer - 79-83 Placing the Disabled in Industry
by Gertrude R. Stein - 84-94 The Employment of Disabled Service Men
by Frederic W. Keough - 95-96 A Practical Help for Cripples, an Open Sugges Tion To All Employers of Labor
by Francis W. Mack - 97-103 The Organization and Operation of the St. Louis Placement Bureau for Handicapped Men1
by G. Canby robinson - 104-110 The Blind as Industrial Workers
by James Bordlfy - 111-116 Blinded Soldiers as Masseurs in Hospitals and Sanatoria for Reconstruction and Rehabili Tation of Disabled Soldiers
by S. Adolphus Knopf - 117-122 A Federal Program for the Vocational Reha Bilitation of Disabled Soldiers and Sailors
by Charles A. Prosser - 123-130 The Advantages of National Auspices of Re-Education
by James Phinney Munroe - 131-140 The Role of the American Red Cross in the National Program for the Rehabilitation of the Wounded
by Curtis E. Lakeman - 141-149 Vocational Work of the Invalided Soldiers' Commission of Canada
by T.B. Kidner - 150-152 A Constructive Program for the Rehabilita Tion of the Returning Soldiers
by Frederic C. Howe - 153-157 Plans for the Education of Disabled and Con Valescent Officers of British and Allied Forces
by Henry Chellew
September 1918, Volume 79, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by J.P. Lichtenberger - 1-8 War Relief Work in Europe
by Edward T. Devine - 9-23 The Expanding Demands for War Relief in Europe
by Paul U. Kellogg - 23-39 Belgium and the Red Cross—a Partnership
by Ernest P. Bicknell - 40-45 Canada's War Relief Work
by Hbbert Ames - 46-51 The Social Significance of War Risk Insurance
by Thomas B. Love - 52-68 Purpose and Scope of War Risk Insurance
by Samuel Mccune Lindsay - 68-79 Eight Months of War Risk Insurance Work
by S.H. Wolfe - 80-87 Training for the Home Service of the Red Cross
by Porter R. Lee - 88-96 The Scope and Organization of the Department of Civilian Relief
by Margaret F. Byington - 97-105 Purpose and Methods of a Home Service Section
by Mary Willcox Glenn - 105-113 Information Service of the Red Cross
by Clarence King - 114-129 The After-Care of Our Disabled Soldiers and Sailors
by Curtis E. Lakeman - 130-142 The War and Navy Departments Commissions On Training Camp Activities
by Raymond B. Fosdick - 143-151 Making the Camps Safe for the Army
by George J. Anderson - 152-160 Work Among Delinquent Women and Girls
by Henrietta S. Additon - 160-166 The Segregation of Delinquent Women and Girls as a War Problem
by Martha P. Falconer - 167-177 Women's Education in Social Hygiene
by Katharine Bement Davis - 178-189 The Promotion of Social Hygiene in War Time
by Walter Clarke - 189-194 War Camp Community Service
by Joseph Lee - 194-203 Working with Men Outside the Camps
by William H. Zinsser - 204-208 The War Work of the Young Men's Christian Associations of the United States
by John R. Mott - 208-212 War Work of Young Women's Christian Association
by A. Estelle Paddock - 213-220 Special Catholic Activities in War Service
by John J. Burke - 221-228 American Jewish Relief in the World War
by Albert Lucas - 229-232 The War Relief Work of the Council of National Defense
by N/A - 232-234 Department of Home and Foreign Relief of the Woman's Committee
by Elisabeth Carey - 235-238 Legal Advice for Selectives
by Luther H. Gulick - 239-245 Health Activities of State Councils of Defense
by Arthur W. Macmahon - 245-253 Health and Recreation
by Philip North Moore - 253-256 Maintenance of Existing Social Service Agencies
by Philip North Moore - 257-262 The Children's Year and the Woman's Committee
by Jessica B. Peixotto - 263-270 War Work in Vocational Education
by C.A. Prosser - 270-274 Housing for War Workers Engaged on Army and Navy Contracts
by James Ford - 275-282 The National League for Woman's Service
by Coffin Van Rensselaer - 283-288 The Supervision of Solicitation of Funds for War Relief
by Dorothy Pope - 289-296 The War Chest Plan
by Horatio G. Lloyd - 297-299 Book Department
by N/A
July 1918, Volume 78, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Carl Kelsey - 1-6 Mobilization of Population for Winning the War
by Talcott Williams - 7-15 The Dynamics of Mobilization of Human Resources
by Miles Menander Dawson - 15-18 Self Owning Towns
by Lawson Purdy - 19-24 The Housing of the Mobilized Population
by Lawrence Veiller - 24-31 The Mobilization of Women
by Nevada Davis Hitchcock - 32-33 American Idealism in the War
by Joseph I. France - 34-40 Military Health Dependent on Civil Health
by J.C. Perry - 41-47 Physicians as a Factor in National Efficiency
by Ennion G. Williams - 48-50 Waste Caused by Preventable Disease of in Testinal Origin
by Victor G. Heiser - 50-57 National Effectiveness and Health Insurance
by John B. Andrews - 58-60 National Efficiency Through Health
by Wilmer Krusen - 60-64 Eliminating Vice From Camp Cities
by Major Bascom Johnson - 65-66 Labor Efficient
by Henry F. Hollis - 66-74 The Efficiency of Labor
by William B. Wilson - 74-80 Labor Policies that Will Win the War
by V. Everit Macy - 80-85 How England Meets Her Labor
by J. Borden Harriman - 85-90 Business as Usual
by Edward A. Filene - 90-96 The Maintenance of Labor Standards
by J.W. Sullivan - 96-106 Problems in Industrial Mobilization
by H.G. Moulton - 106-111 Stimulating Labor Efficiency in War Times
by Richard A. Feiss - 112-117 How the Public Should Pay for the War
by Irving Fisher - 118-129 Some Tendencies in the Federal Reserve System
by E.M. Patterson - 129-142 The Fallacy of Price Bidding
by Simon N. Patten - 144-148 The Need for a Budget System in the United States
by Charles Beatty Alexander - 149-156 International and National Food Control
by Alonzo E. Taylor - 156-163 Essentials to a Food Program for Next Year
by Gifford Pinchot - 164-168 The Supply of Wheat
by George W. Norris - 168-175 The Live-Stock and Meat Situation
by L.D.H. Weld - 175-184 The Work of the Federal Food Administration
by Jay Cooke - 185-194 Public Opinion in War Time
by George Creel - 194-204 Freedom of Discussion in War Time
by Norman Angell - 204-210 The Attitude of Public Opinion Towards Congress
by Henry Jones Ford - 211-221 Book Department
by N/A
May 1918, Volume 77, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Frank D. Watson - 1-8 The Opportunities of Social Case Treatment
by Karl Deschweinitz - 9-12 Case Work and Social Reform
by Mary Van Kleeck - 13-27 The Normal Family
by Margaret F. Byington - 28-35 Offsetting the Handicap of Blindness
by Lucy Wright - 36-44 The Cripple and His Place in the Community
by Amy M. Hamburger - 45-59 The Sick
by Edna G. Henry - 60-70 Principles of Case Work With the Feeble-Minded
by Catherine Brannick - 71-78 Case Work in the Field of Mental Hygiene
by Elnora E. Thomson - 79-90 The Fatherless Family
by Helen Glenn Tyson - 91-102 Desertion and Non-Support in Family Case Work
by Joanna C. Colcord - 103-116 The Illegitimate Family
by Amey Eaton Watson - 117-130 The Foster Care of Neglected and Dependent Children
by J. Prentice Murphy - 131-139 Essentials of Case Treatment With Delinquent Children
by Henry W. Thurston - 140-153 The Homeless
by Stuart A. Rice - 154-159 Alcohol and Social Case Work
by Mary P. Wheeler - 160-170 The Immigrant Family
by Eva W. White - 171-184 The Soldiers' and Sailors' Families
by W. Frank Persons - 185-194 Book Department
by N/A
May 1918, Volume 77, Issue 1_suppl
- 1-1 Foreword
by John A. Lapp - 1-19 Chapter I
by N/A - 20-25 Chapter II
by N/A - 26-35 Chapter III
by N/A - 36-62 Chapter IV
by N/A - 63-90 Chapter V
by N/A - 91-109 Chapter VI
by Legislative Leadership
March 1918, Volume 76, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by N/A - 1-1 Short Biography of Contributors
by L. Mary - 1-13 Failures and Possibilities in Railroad Regulation
by T.W. Van Metre - 14-24 Federal Control of Railroads in War Time
by Max Thelen - 25-33 Principles and Practices of Car Service Regulation
by H.E. Byram - 34-41 Regulation of Car Service Under Government Control of Operation
by John J. Esch - 42-58 Physical Needs of the Railways Under Govern Ment Control
by Julius H. Parmelee - 59-69 Adjustment of Labor's Demands During Federal Control of Railroad Operation
by Glenn E. Plumb - 70-83 Precedents for Private Ownership and Gov Ernment Operation of Transportation Facilities
by Delos F. Wilcox - 84-110 Government Operation of American Railroads
by Clifford Thorne - 111-120 Railroad Security Issues Under Government Operation
by Thomas Conway JR - 121-124 Status of Existing Railroad Laws and Regula Tive Agencies Under Federal Control
by Edgar Watkins - 125-130 Has the Importance of Federal Valuation of Railroads Been Increased or Lessened By Federal Control of Operation?
by H.B. Whaling - 131-138 Control of Railroads After the War
by Henry A. Palmer - 139-141 Reconstituting Railroad Regulation
by George A. Post - 142-156 A Suggested Plan for Permanent Govern Mental Supervision of Railroad Operation After the War
by Alexander W. Smith - 157-166 The Necessity for Public Ownership of the Railways
by Frederic C. Howe - 167-190 State Regulation of the Securities of Railroads and Public Service Companies 1
by Mary L. Barron - 191-201 Desirable Scope and Method of Federal Regulation of Railroad Securities
by Max Thelen - 202-213 The Point Now Reached in the Federal Regu Lation of Intrastate Rates
by J.A. Little - 214-228 Necessity for Exclusive Federal Control Over State and Interstate Rates
by Edgar J. Rich - 229-238 How Could Nationalization of Rate Regulation Best Be Accomplished?
by Martin S. Decker - 239-251 Legal Questions Involved in Nationalization of Rate Regulation
by William E. Lamb - 252-256 Regional Railroad Commissions: Their Rela Tion To the State Commissions and To the Interstate Commission
by J.E. Love - 257-271 The Tomorrow of Finance
by S.N. Patten - 272-274 I possession and Control of Rail and Water Transporta Tion Systems
by C.H. Crennan & W.E. Warrington & Robert Lansing & Newton D. Baker - 275-277 II the President's Address To Congress On Federal Control of Railroads, January 4, 1918
by N/A - 277-281 III Official Orders of Director General McAdoo
by N/A - 282-302 IV Railroad Statistics
by N/A - 303-304 V statistical Bibliography
by N/A
January 1918, Volume 75, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by N/A - 1-11 The Financial Situation: a General Survey
by F.W. Taussig - 12-18 The Task of Financing the War
by John J. Fitzgerald - 19-22 Reaching the Individual Investor
by Albert W. Atwood - 23-30 Borrowing as a Phase of War Financiering
by Henry C. Adams - 31-37 Financing with War Savings Certificates
by Frank A. Vanderlip - 38-51 War Time Borrowing by the Government
by Mortimer L. Schiff - 52-82 Loans Versus Taxes in War Finance
by Edwin R.A. Seligman - 83-89 The Relationship Between Loans and Taxes in War Finance
by Oliver M.W. Sprague - 90-104 Shifting the War Burden Upon the Future
by Roy G. Blakey - 105-112 Do Government Loans Cause Inflation?
by Jacob H. Hollander - 113-134 War Finance and Inflation
by A.C. Miller - 135-139 The Argument Against Inflation From Government Loans
by Alexander D. Noyes - 140-146 War Loans, Inflation and the High Cost of Living
by Carl Snyder - 147-158 Principles of Excess Profits Taxation
by T.S. Adams - 159-164 The War Revenue Act of 1917
by Daniel C. Roper - 165-181 Liquidation Taxes
by S.N. Patten - 182-190 A Criticism of the War Revenue Act of 1917
by J.F. Zoller - 191-200 War and Finance in Russia
by His Excellency