March 1920, Volume 88, Issue 1
- 63-72 Public Service Bonds
by H.M. Addinsell - 73-78 Industrial Bonds
by John Moody - 79-94 Real Estate Bonds as an Investment Security
by George A. Hurd - 95-101 Farm Loan Bonds Under the Rural Credits Act
by Richard S. Stoyle - 102-113 Reclamation of Swamp Lands and the Modern Drainage Bond
by J. Sheppard Smith - 114-120 The Need for American Investment in Foreign Securities
by James Sheldon - 121-129 Foreign Government Bonds
by Thomas W. Lamont - 130-138 Foreign Corporate Bonds in the American Market
by Arthur J. Rosenthal - 139-143 Canadian Bonds
by G.A. Macpherson - 144-155 Latin American Securities
by William S. Kies - 156-168 The Effect of Taxation on Securities
by Roy C. Osgood - 169-176 The Installment Plan and the Baby Bond
by Robert Riegel - 177-187 "Blue Sky" Laws
by Robert R. Reed - 188-199 The History of Bond Prices
by Hermann F. Arens & James R. Bancroft - 200-212 Causes Affecting the Value of Bonds
by Hermann F. Arens & James R. Bancroft - 213-214 Book Department
by N/A - 215-219 Report of the Board of Directors
by N/A
January 1920, Volume 87, Issue 1
- 1-3 America's New Conception of Thrift
by Roy G. Blakey - 4-8 The Relation of Thrift to Nation Building
by T.N. Carver - 9-10 Freedom Through Thrift
by William Mather Lewis - 11-19 Thrift as a Family and Individual Problem
by Benjamin R. Andrews - 21-26 The Insurance of Thrift
by John A. Lapp - 27-31 The Nation's Call for Thrift
by Frank L. McVey - 32-43 Wealth, Income and Savings
by David Friday - 44-49 Thrift and Labor
by Alvin H. Hansen - 50-51 Organized Labor's Attitude Toward the National Thrift Movement
by Frank E. Wolfe - 52-56 Thrift and Business
by George W. Dowrie - 57-64 Thrift and the Financial Situation
by A.C. Miller - 65-70 Governmental Thrift Through a National Budget
by Charles Wallace Collins - 71-82 Capital Needs for Education in the United States
by David Snedden - 83-88 An Analysis of the Need of Capital for Transportation in the United States
by Holcombe Parkes - 89-94 American Farmers' Need for Capital
by Edward H. Thomson - 95-99 Capital Needs for American Industrial Development
by Francis H. Sisson - 100-105 Capital Needs of Foreign Trade
by Thomas W. Lamont - 106-111 Memorandum on the Economic Situation
by Herbert Hoover - 112-117 What Fuel Conservation Means to America
by Robert W. Woolley - 118-127 Food Thrift
by Raymond Pearl - 128-135 The Garbage Pail, a National Thrift Barometer
by H.L. Baldensperger - 136-141 The Function of Salvage in the Education of Industrial Workers
by George W. Sherman - 142-150 Efficiency and Thrift
by W. Rockwood Conover - 151-154 Requisites of a Good Investment
by Albert W. Atwood - 155-157 Speculation and the Small Investor
by Theo H. Price - 158-167 United States Government Bonds as Investments
by Joseph E. Cummings - 168-171 The Development of Thrift Facilities
by Milton Harrison - 172-182 Coöperative Credit Institutions in the United States
by James B. Morman - 183-189 Life Insurance in Its Relation to Thrift
by S.S. Huebner - 190-196 Promotion and Practice of Thrift in Foreign Countries
by S.W. Straus - 197-204 National Saving in the United Kingdom
by William Schooling - 205-211 Thrift in the United States
by George F. Zook - 212-218 Psychological Notes on the Motives for Thrift
by Edward L. Thorndike - 219-224 Thrift in the School Curriculum
by W.H. Carothers - 225-232 The Consumer's Responsibility1
by Hartley Withers - 233-242 The Promotion of Thrift in America
by Alvin Johnson - 243-244 Appendix
by George F. Zook
January 1919, Volume 86, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by N/A - 1-16 The Old System of Railroad Regulation
by Samuel O. Dunn - 17-34 Public Service Under Government Operation of the Railroads
by Max Thelen - 35-59 The Accomplishments of the United States Rail road Administration in Unifying and Stand ardizing the Statistics of Operation
by William J. Cunningham - 60-66 The Abolition of The Off-Line Offices
by Charlton A. Swope - 67-76 The Case for Government Operation and Ownership
by Wilber L. Stonex - 77-90 The Advantages of National Operation
by Joseph B. Eastman - 91-102 Proposed Plans for Railroad Legislation
by Richard Waterman - 103-120 Our Railroad Problem
by Samuel Rea - 121-126 Should Railroad Income Be Guaranteed by the Government?
by S. Davies Warfield - 127-131 The Elements of a Satisfactory Railway Policy
by Nathan L. Amster - 132-151 Invested Earnings
by Charles Reitell - 152-155 Discussion
by H.M. Beardsley - 156-169 How Freight Rates Should Be Made
by Robert W. Woolley - 170-177 Financial Needs of the Railways
by Julius H. Parmelee - 178-187 The Unification of Terminals at New York
by Calvin Tomkins - 188-198 Facilities of the Port of New Orleans
by Walter Parker - 199-204 Efforts of the Port District of the Port of Seattle to Own and Operate a Public Belt Line
by Robert Bridges - 205-213 True Cost-Finding—What It Can Do for the Railroads
by Morris Llewellyn Cooke - 214-221 Women in the Railroad World
by Pauline Goldmark - 222-226 Should Labor Participate in Management?
by Glenn E. Plumb - 227-243 Railway Efficiency and Labor
by Capt O.S. Beyer JR - 243-248 Discussion
by Samuel O. Dunn
September 1919, Volume 85, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Morris Llewellyn Cooke - 1-7 Production the Goal
by George L. Bell - 8-11 The Key to Successful Industrial Management
by A. Lincoln Filene - 12-27 Some Twentieth Century Problems
by William B. Dickson - 28-36 The Drift in Industry
by Joseph E. Cohen - 37-47 On the Motives of Industrial Enterprise
by B. Preston Clark - 48-60 The Community Relationships of an Industrial Plant
by J.C. Heckman - 61-61 Some Considerations Affecting the Size of Industrial Plants
by N/A - 62-63 Contributed by JOSEPH W. POWELL, Vice-President, Bethlehem Ship-building Corporation, Ltd., South Bethlehem, Pa
by N/A - 63-65 Contributed by H. H. TITSWORTH, Chairman of the Board, Clay Products Co., Indianapolis, Ind
by N/A - 66-89 Planning for a New Manufacturing Plant
by Henry T. Noyes - 90-99 Executive and Administrative Organization
by J.E. Otterson - 100-109 Centralization versus Decentralization in Management
by Edwin G. Rust - 110-112 Introduction
by Morris Llewellyn Cooke - 113-119 The Selection, Discipline, Training and Placing of Workers
by James M. Boyle - 120-145 Wages, Hours and Individual Output
by N.I. Stone - 146-151 The Foreman
by Hollis Godfrey - 152-165 The Manager's Part
by D.M. Bates - 166-179 Labor Agreements with a Powerful Union
by Jacob M. Moses - 180-188 The Newer Industrial Relationship Between Employer and Worker
by David A. Brown - 189-204 The Philadelphia Rapid Transit Plan
by John J. Kerr Caskie - 205-213 The Background of Industrial Democracy
by John Leitch - 214-219 The Organization of an Open Shop Under the Midvale Plan
by Edward Wilson - 220-230 Statistical Control Including Costs as a Factor in Production
by Harlow S. Person - 231-256 On the Technique of Manufacturing
by H.K. Hathaway - 257-263 Influence of Executives
by H.L. Gantt - 264-270 Financing as the Manager Sees It
by Howard Coonley - 271-278 Corporation Finance and the Wage Worker
by Frank Julian Warne - 279-286 The Investor and the Industrial Enterprise
by George W. Norris - 287-301 Building a Sales Policy
by John M. Bruce - 302-308 Development—The Strategy of Industry
by W.S. Carpenter JR - 309-313 Research as an Everyday Aid in Manufacturing
by Arthur A. Hamerschlag - 314-320 Publicity as a Policy
by Edward D. Jones
January 1919, Volume 84, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Carl Kelsey - 1-5 Problems in the Reconstruction of the Ottoman Empire
by Abram I. Elkus - 6-29 The Future of the Ottoman Empire
by Henry W. Jessup - 30-40 The Turks and the Future of the Near East
by Morris Jastrow JR - 41-50 The Disposition of the Turkish Empire
by Talcott Williams - 51-57 An Eyewitness of the Serbian Apotheosis
by Madame Slavko Grouitch - 58-63 An Experiment in Progressive Government
by Charles Pergler - 64-69 Reconstruction Among the Small Nations of Middle Europe
by Stephen P. Duggan - 70-80 A Danubian Confederation of the Future
by V.R. Savić - 81-89 Russia—Present and Future
by R.M. Story - 90-97 The Russian Tragedy
by W.C. Huntington - 98-101 The Menace of Bolshevism
by Baron Rosen - 102-107 Democracy and Bolshevism
by A.J. Sack - 108-113 The Soviet Republic
by Santeri Nuorteva - 114-120 The Intelligentzia and the People in the Russian Revolution
by Moissaye J. Olgin - 121-126 Economic Force and the Russian Problem
by Thomas D. Thacher - 127-145 Social Control In Russia Today
by Colonel Raymond Robins - 146-146 Foreword
by James Bryce - 147-151 The Economic Organization of Peace
by Samuel J. Graham - 152-160 Wanted—A Foreign Trade Policy
by John Hays Hammond - 161-170 The Freedom of the Seas
by John H. Latané - 171-176 The Need of Social Reorganization in America
by Oswald Garrison Villard - 177-193 The Amended Covenant of the League of Nations
by Thomas Raeburn White - 194-200 America, the Nations and the League
by Thomas R. Marshall - 201-207 In Defense of the League of Nations
by Gilbert M. Hitchcock - 208-214 Wanted: A League of Nations Likely to Promote Peace
by George Wharton Pepper - 215-218 Peace and Democracy
by Samuel W. Mccall
May 1919, Volume 83, Issue 1
- 1-15 Economic Internationalism
by E.M. Patterson - 16-21 International Phases of the Land Question
by T.N. Carver - 22-34 The Declining Independence of the United States
by Grosvenor M. Jones - 35-47 The Vital Concern of Agriculture in Foreign Trade
by Charles J. Brand - 48-69 Commercial Dehydration: A Factor in the Solution of the International Food Problem
by S.C. Prescott & L.D. Sweet - 70-85 Economic Aspects of the World Mineral Situation
by Alfred G. White - 86-117 The American Trade Balance and Probable Trade Tendencies
by J. Russell Smith - 118-132 American Industries and Foreign Trade Following the War
by Walter B. Palmer - 133-140 The International Trademark Question
by Lawrence Langner - 141-144 What America's New Merchant Marine Means to the World
by Edward N. Hurley - 145-154 American Tariff Policies From an International Point of View
by William Smith Culbertson - 155-166 The United States and Mexican Finance
by Edward D. Trowbridge - 167-178 An International "Gold Fund"
by Henry Parker Willis - 179-185 Coöperation in International Banking
by John E. Rovensky - 186-201 The International Labor Situation
by W. Jett Lauck - 202-232 Hours of Labor in Foreign Countries
by Leifur Magnusson - 233-248 Recent Phases of Competition in International Trade
by William B. Colver - 249-265 Economic Factors in the Peace Settlement
by Isaac Lippincott - 266-273 The Activities of the Government in Promoting Foreign Trade
by L.F. Schmeckebier - 274-286 The Problem of Government Control
by Burwell S. Cutler & Louis Domeratzky - 287-305 Trade and a League of Nations or Economic Internationalism
by J. Russell Smith - 306-312 Economic Factors in the Maintenance of Peace
by O.M.W. Sprague - 313-316 Economic Foundations of the League of Nations
by Frederic C. Howe - 317-321 Report of the Board of Directors, Year Ending December 31, 1918, American Academy of Political and Social Science
by Charles J. Rhoads
February 1919, Volume 82, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Clyde L. King - 1-6 Industries in Readjustment
by Ernest T. Trigg - 7-10 Food in the Reconstruction Period
by J.S. Crutchfield - 11-18 Readjustments in the Retail Grocery Business
by A.B. Ross - 19-29 Readjustment of American Industries through the Development of Foreign Trade
by Walter F. Wyman - 30-38 Thrift and Readjustment
by Roy G. Blakey - 39-51 Making National Debts National Blessings
by Simon N. Patten - 52-82 The Readjustment of Industry in the United Kingdom
by C. Delisle Burns - 83-90 Humanizing Industry
by Irving Fisher - 91-99 The Labor Aspect of Reconstruction
by Clarence M. Woolley - 100-110 The Civil Service in Post-War Readjustment
by Herbert E. Morgan - 111-123 Reconstruction—A Survey and a Forecast
by A.J. Portenar - 124-134 How American Manufacturers View Employment Relations
by Stephen C. Mason - 135-142 International Business Coöperation
by Edward A. Filene - 143-149 The World-Wide Trend Toward Coöperation
by Francis H. Sisson - 150-158 Combinations for Export Under the Webb Act
by Joseph E. Davies - 159-169 The Trade Association as a Factor in Reconstruction
by Franklin D. Jones - 170-174 The Federal Trade Commission and the Meat- Packing Industry
by William B. Colver - 175-182 The Government and the Packers
by L.D.H. Weld - 183-188 Regulation of the Perishable Food Industries After the War
by G. Harold Powell - 189-200 Who Should Fix Resale Prices?1
by Claudius Temple Murchison - 201-214 Competition and Combination
by B.M. Anderson JR - 215-230 The Sherman Anti-trust Law and Readjustment
by Rush C. Butler - 231-246 The Advantage of Preventing Unfair Competition through an Administrative Body
by W.H.S. Stevens - 247-252 Summary of the Work of the British Engineer ing Standards Association1
by C. Lemaistre - 253-262 National Welfare Through Standardized Reports of Industrial Experience
by John W. Riegel - 263-270 Grading and Standardization in Marketing Foods
by W.F. Gephart - 271-277 Standardization and its Relation to Industrial Concentration
by Homer Hoyt - 278-288 The Work of the Bureau of Standards
by P.G. Agnew - 289-299 Industrial Standardization
by C.A. Adams - 300-305 Lessons of War Cost Finding
by William B. Colver - 306-322 After-War Readjustment: Rectifying the Price Situation
by Hon A.C. Miller - 323-329 Sanity in Reconstruction Legislation
by Albert C. Ritchie - 330-337 The Outlook for America's Industrial Future
by W.L. Saunders - 338-341 Some Thoughts on Our Shipping Policy
by Bainbridge Colby - 342-346 The Industrial and Commercial Outlook
by H.A. Garfield - 347-373 Some Phases of Financial Reconstruction
by Paul M. Warburg