January 1933, Volume 165, Issue 1
- 210-218 The United States and Gold
by Ralph A. Young - 219-227 The Gold Clause
by Roy L. Garis - 229-229 ORTEGA Y GASSET, JOSÉ. The Revolt of the Masses. Authorized Translation. Pp. 204. New York: W. W. Norton Co., Inc., 1932. $2.75
by H.M. Kallen - 229-230 CHASE, STUART. A New Deal. Pp. vii, 258. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1932. $2.00
by Aaron Director - 230-231 JAMES, F. CYRIL. The Road to Revival. Pp. xv, 335. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1932. $2.75
by Alvin H. Hansen - 231-232 JAMES, F. CYRIL. England Today: A Survey of Her Economic Situation. Pp. xiii, 238. London: P. S. King & Son, Ltd., 1932. 6 s
by H. Parker Willis - 232-232 JAVITS, BENJAMIN A. Business and the Public Interest. Pp. xix, 304. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1932. $2.50
by John G. Hervey - 232-233 FLEDDERUS, M. L. (Ed.). World Social Economic Planning. Pp.lxiii,585. The Hague: The International Industrial Relations Institute, 1932. $2.50. —. World Social Economic Planning: Addendum. Pp. 587-935. 1932. $1.40. —. International Unemployment. Pp. iii, 496. The Hague: The International Industrial Relations Institute, 1932. $2.50
by Ewan Clague - 233-234 KIEHEL, CONSTANCE A. Unemployment Insurance in Belgium. Pp. xvi, 509. New York: Industrial Relations Counselors, Inc., 1932. $3.50
by Ewan Clague - 234-234 INTERNATIONAL WAGE COMPARISONS. Pp. viii, 262. New York: Social Science Research Council, Bul. 22, June 1932. $1.00
by Jacob Perlman - 234-235 STAMP, SIR JOSIAH (and others). Collected Papers: The International Gold Problem. Pp. 240. New York and London: Oxford University Press, 1931
by Ernest Minor Patterson - 235-235 HERSEY, REXFORD B. Workers' Emotions in Shop and Home. Pp. xvii, 441. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1932. $3.00
by Leroy M.A. Maeder - 235-236 TAUSSIG, F. W., and JOSLYN, C. S. American Business Leaders. Pp. xv, 319. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1932. $3.75
by Arthur Dahlberg - 236-237 BONBRIGHT, JAMES C., and MEANS, GARDINER C. The Holding Company. Pp. xv, 398. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1932. $4.00
by G. Llyod Wilson - 237-237 HARDY, CHARLES O. Credit Policies of the Federal Reserve System. Pp. 348 + appendix, index, and bibliography. Washington, D. C.: Institute of Economics, The Brookings Institution, Publication No. 45,1932. $2.50
by R.B. Warren - 237-238 DANIELS, WINTHROP M. American Railroads. Pp. 120. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1932. $1.50
by Henry R. Trumbower - 238-238 MARIBURG, THEODORE. (Edited by John H. Latané.) Development of the League of Nations Idea. 2 vols. xv, 886. New York: The Macmillan Company. 1932. $8.00
by William E. Lingflbach - 238-239 STONE, JULIUS. International Guarantees of Minority Rights. Pp. xiii, 288. London : Oxford University Press, 1932. $4.25
by Clarence A. Berdahl - 239-239 CORY, HELEN MAY. Compulsory Arbitration of International Disputes. Pp.281. New York: Columbia University Press, 1932. $3.50. MASTERS, RUTH D. International Law in National Courts: A Study of the Enforcement of International Law in German, Swiss, French and Belgian Courts. Pp. 244. New York: Columbia University Press, 1932. $3.75
by Johannes Mattern - 239-240 FISH, CARL RUSSELL, SIR NORMAN ANGELL, and REAR ADMIRAL CHARLES L. HUSSEY, U. S. N. Retired. The United States and Great Britain. Pp. xii, 235. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1931. $1.50
by Clinton Rogers Woodruff - 240-240 HERMAN, ARTHUR. Metternich. Pp. 370. New York: The Century Company, 1932. $5.00
by William E. Lingelbach - 240-240 DAWSON, CHRISTOPHER. The Making of Europe. Pp. xxiv, 317. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1932. $3.75
by William E. Lingelbach - 241-241 THOMPSON, WALLACE. Greater America. Pp. 275. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, 1932. $3.00
by J. Fred Rippy - 241-242 RIPPY, J. FRED. Historical Evolution of Hispanic America. Pp. 580. New York: F. S. Crofts & Company, 1932. $5.00
by L.S. Rowe - 242-243 SOKOLSKY, GEORGE E. The Tinder Box of Asia. Pp. x, 376. New York: Double-day, Doran & Company, Inc., 1932. $2.50
by Ronald L. Kramer - 243-243 KAWAKAMI, K. K. Japan Speaks on the Sino-Japanese Crisis. Pp. xvi, 184. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1932. $1.50. MENG, CHIH. China Speaks on the Conflict Between China and Japan. Pp. xx, 211. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1932. $1.50
by Roland L. Kramer - 243-244 TAFT, HENRY W. Japan and America: A Journey and a Political Survey. Pp. viii, 359. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1932. $3.50
by Roland L. Kramer - 244-244 CONDLIFFE, J. B. China To-day: Economic. Pp. 214. Boston: World Peace Foundation, 1932. $2.50, cloth, indexed; 75 cents paper edition
by George B. Cressey - 244-244 FRANK, WALDO. Dawn in Russia. Pp. 272. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1932. $2.25
by Karl Scholz - 244-245 POLLOCK, JAMES KERR. Money and Politics Abroad. Pp. xv, 328. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1932. $3.50
by Walter R. Sharp - 245-245 ROBINSON, CLAUDE E. Straw Votes, A Study of Political Prediction. Pp. xxi, 203. New York: Columbia University Press, 1932. $2.75
by Stuart A. Rice - 245-246 BETTERS, PAUL V. State Centralization in North Carolina. Pp. xi, 261. Washington : The Brookings Institution, 1932. $2.00
by Charles C. Rohlfing - 246-246 HOWE, M. A. DE WOLFE. Portrait of an Independent : Moorfield Storey, 1845-1929. Pp. 384. Boston: Houghton, Mifliin Company, 1932. $3.50. ROWNTREE, HAROLD, and McCREE, BEATRICE. Smash the Political Machine. Pp. xx, 236. New York: Brentano's, 1932. $2.00
by Clinton Rogers Woodruff - 247-247 DARLING, ARTHUR B. (Ed.). The Public Papers of Francis G. Newlands. Vol. I, pp. xii, 434; Vol. II, pp. xii, 426. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1932. $10.00
by Clinton Rogers Woodruff - 247-248 BRADLEY, A. G. Colonial Americans in Exile. Pp. 288. New York: E. P. Dutton & Company, Inc., 1932. $3.75
by Alphonse B. Miller - 248-249 BARZUN, JACQUES. The French Race. Pp. 275. New York: Columbia University Press, 1932. $4.25
by F.H. Hankins - 249-249 STEPHENSON, GEORGE M. The Religious Aspects of Swedish Immigration. Pp. viii, 542. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1932. $4.50
by Constantine Panunzio - 249-250 ADAMS, WILLIAM FORBES. Ireland and Irish Emigration to the New World from 1815 to the Famine. Pp. vii, 444. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1932. $4.00. EATON, ALLEN H. Immigrant Gifts to American Life. Pp. 185. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1932. $3.00
by Donald Young - 250-250 MEAD, MARGARET. The Changing Culture of an Indian Tribe. Pp. ix, 313. New York: Columbia University Press, 1932. $4.50
by A.M. Tozzer - 250-251 RADIN, PAUL. Social Anthropology. Pp. ix, 432. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1932. $3.50
by Ralph Linton - 251-251 MARSHALL, LEON C., and MAY, GEOFFREY. The Divorce Court. Volume One, Maryland. Pp. 359. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1932. $3.00
by Herbert F. Goodrich - 251-251 HEARD, GERALD. The Emergence of Man. Pp. 297. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Company, 1932. $2.75
by Nathan Miller - 252-252 WATSON, MAUDE E. Children and Their Parents. Pp. ix, 362. New York: F. S. Crofts and Company, 1932. $3.50
by James H.S. Bossard - 252-253 MANGOLD, GEORGE B. Societal Pathology. Pp. xxii, 736. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1932. $3.00
by W. Wallace Weaver
November 1932, Volume 164, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Harry Viteles & Khalil Totah - 1-11 Constitutional Aspects of the Mandate for Palestine
by S.D. Myres Jr. - 12-21 The Balfour Declaration
by Aouni Bey Abdul Hadi - 22-26 The Proposed Palestine Constitution
by Jamaal Bey Husseini - 27-33 Local Autonomy in Palestine
by Isaac Ben-Zwi - 34-38 Local Self-Government—Past and Present
by Omar Bey Salih Al-Barghuthi - 39-46 Palestine Legislation Under the British
by Bernard Joseph - 47-54 Palestine Legislation Under the British
by Mogannam E. Mogannam - 55-61 The Machinery of Government in Palestine
by George Antonius - 62-71 Palestine and the Proposed Arab Federation
by Ameen Rihani - 72-83 Palestine Agriculture
by Frank Adams - 84-94 Jewish Colonization in Palestine
by J. Elazari-Volcani - 95-107 Commerce, Industry, and Banking
by A.P.S. Clark - 108-115 The Economic Effects of Jewish Immigration in Palestine1
by W. Preuss - 116-126 The Concessions for the Mosul-Haifa Pipe Line
by Alfred Bonné - 127-138 The Coöperative Movement
by Harry Viteles - 139-154 Jewish Education in Palestine
by Isaac B. Berkson - 155-166 Education in Palestine
by Khalil Totah - 167-177 Public Health in Palestine
by I.J. Kligler - 178-183 Arab-Jewish Unity in Palestine
by Fuad Shatara - 184-189 Palestine in the Light of Archaeology
by W.F. Albright - 190-197 A Selected List of Books on Modern Palestine
by Florence S. Hellman - 198-203 Mandate for Palestine, Together With a Note by the Secretary-General Relating to Its Application to the Territory Known as Trans-Jordan, Under the Provisions of Article 25
by N/A - 204-208 Text of Premier's Letter on Palestine
by Ramsay Macdonald - 211-248 The French Social Insurance Act
by Paul H. Douglas - 250-272 HOCKING, WILLIAM ERNEST. The Spirit of World Politics, with Special Studies of the Near East. Pp. xiv, 571. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1932. $5.00
by N/A
September 1932, Volume 163, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by James H.S. Bossard & Thorsten Sellin - 1-9 The Liquor Traffic before the Eighteenth Amendment
by Ernest A. Grant - 10-29 The Enforcement of National Prohibition
by Albert E. Sawyer - 30-38 State Coöperation in Enforcement
by William G. Brown - 39-45 The Illegal Liquor Traffic
by E.P. Sanford - 46-52 The Drinking Habit
by Rufus S. Lusk - 53-60 Prohibition and Mortality and Morbidity
by Haven Emerson - 61-88 Prohibition and Mental Hygiene
by Frederick W. Brown - 89-97 Prohibition and Economic Welfare
by Clark Warburton - 98-104 Prohibition and Economic Change
by Deets Pickett - 105-112 Prohibition and Real Estate Values
by John C. Gebhart - 113-119 Prohibition and Agriculture
by E.L. Kirkpatrick & Evelyn G. Tough - 120-129 Prohibition and Crime
by John Landesco - 130-146 College Seniors and the Liquor Problem
by J.H. Barnett - 147-154 The Foreign Born and Prohibition
by Constantine Panunzio - 155-162 Prohibition—A Step in a Process
by Harry S. Warner - 163-171 License and Liquor or Law and Loyalty?
by Clarence True Wilson - 172-180 Movement Against Prohibition
by John C. Gebhart - 181-187 Alternatives to Prohibition
by George E.G. Catlin - 188-196 Control of the Liquor Traffic in Canada
by L.W. Moffit - 197-205 The Drink Problem in Great Britain
by Henry Carter - 206-215 Temperance Legislation in Sweden
by Olov Kinberg - 216-226 Finland's Prohibition Experiment
by John H. Wuorinen - 227-233 Liquor Regulation in Russia
by Joseph Barnes - 234-236 NORTH, CECIL CLARE. Social Problems and Social Planning. Pp. x, 409. New York and London: The McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1932. $3.50
by Erville B. Woods - 236-237 CANTOR, NATHANIEL F. (Introduction by Raymond Moley.) Crime: Criminals and Criminal Justice. Pp. xiv, 470. New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1932. $3.50. Students' edition, $2.80
by Arthur Evans Wood - 237-238 ETTINGER, CLAYTON J. The Problem of Crime. Pp. viii, 538. New York: Ray Long & Richard R. Smith, Inc., 1932. $3.00
by J.P. Shalloo - 238-238 SEN, PROSANTO KUMAR. From Punishment to Prevention. Pp. xv, 152. London: Oxford University Press, 1932. $3.75
by J.P. Shalloo - 238-238 BREARLEY, H. C. Homicide in the United States. Pp. x, 249. Chapel Hill, N. C.: University of North Carolina Press, 1932. $2.50
by George B. Vold - 239-239 ROBINSON, LOUIS N. Should Prisoners Work? Pp. xii, 355. Philadelphia: John C. Winston, 1931. $2.50
by Thorsten Sellin - 239-239 SCHINDLER, DIETRICH. Verfassungsrecht und soziale Struktur. Pp. viii, 162. Zurich: Schulthess & Company, 1932. 8 francs
by Howard Becker - 239-239 BERG, Louis. Prison Doctor. Pp. 304. New York: Brentano's, 1932. $2.00
by William Rex Crawford - 239-240 CALLCOTT, MARY STEVENSON, in collaboration with WATERMAN, WILLOUGHBY C. Principles of Social Legislation. Pp. xix, 416. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1932. $3.00
by Alexander Fleisher - 240-241 BURTT, HAROLD ERNEST. Legal Psychology. Pp. xiv, 467. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1931. $6.00. BARNES, HARRY ELMER. Can Man Be Civilized? Pp. xi, 307. New York: Brentano's, 1932. $2.50. NEMILOV, ANTON (Trans. by Stephanie Ofental). The Biological Tragedy of Woman. Pp. vii, 200. New York: Covici-Friede, 1932. $2.50. PATON, STEWART. Prohibiting Minds. Pp. xi. 198. New York: Paul B. Hoeber, Inc., 1931. $2.00. BERRY, RICHARD J., and GORDON, R. G. The Mental Defective. Pp. xiii, 225. New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1931. $2.50. THOMPSON, Dow. A Mind That Was Different. Pp. xiii, 117. Oklahoma City: Harlow Publishing Company, 1931
by Donald A. Laird - 241-242 FIELD, ALICE WITHROW. The Protection of Women and Children in Soviet Russia. Pp. 241. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, Inc., 1932
by Jerome Davis - 242-242 HUSSLEIN, JOSEPH. The Christian Social Manifesto. Pp. 327. $2.50. SMITH, THURBER M. The Unemployment Problem. Pp. 218. $2.00. Milwaukee: The Bruce Publishing Company, 1932
by Philip H. Burkett - 242-243 PEFFER, NATHANIEL. Educational Experiments in Industry. Pp. 207. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1932. $1.50
by William C. Ash - 243-243 SPARKS, EARL SYLVESTER (Foreword by THOMAS N. CARVER). Agricultural Credit in the United States. Pp. xiii, 476. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1932. $3.75
by Bernhard Ostrolenk - 243-244 WOOD, EDITH ELMER, Recent Trends in American Housing. Pp. x, 317. New York City: The Macmillan Company, 1931. $3.00
by W. Sigrid & Thomas D. Eliot - 244-244 LANDMAN, J. H. Human Sterilization. Pp. vii-xviii, 3-241. New York: Macmillan. 1932. $4.00
by Norman E. Himes - 244-245 DUNKMANN, D. KARL (Ed.). Lehrbuch der Soziologie und Sozialphilosophie. Pp. viii, 486. Berlin: Junker und Dünnhaupt, 1931. Paper covers, RM 19.50, bound RM 22.50
by Howard Becker - 245-245 THURNWALD, RICHARD. Die Menschliche Gesellschaft in ihren ethnosoziologischen Grundlagen. Vol. II. Pp. 360. Berlin and Leipzig : Walter de Gruyter & Company, 1932
by Pitirim A. Sorokin - 245-246 GINI, CORRADO, MARCELLO BOLDRINI, LUIGI DE BERARDINIS, and GAETANO ZINGALI. Demografia: antropometria-statistica sanitaria-dinamica delle popolazioni. Pp. 735. Torino: Unione tipografico-editrice Torinese, 1930. 100 Italian lira
by Pitirim A. Sorokin - 246-246 JANSON, FLORENCE E. The Background of Swedish Immigration. Pp. xi, 517. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1931. $5.00
by Constantine Panunzio - 246-246 VAN VLECK, WILLIAM C. The Administrative Control of Aliens. Pp. ix, 260. New York: The Commonwealth Fund, 1932. $3.00
by Donald Young - 246-247 FINER, HERMAN. The Theory and Practice of Modern Governement. 2 Vols. Pp. xvi, 740, and vii, 815. New York: Lincoln MacVeagh, The Dial Press, 1932. $12.00
by Lawrence H. Gipson - 247-248 WRIGHT, BENJAMIN F., JR. American Interpretations of Natural Law. Pp. x, 360. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1931. $3.50
by L.M. Pape - 248-248 FRIEDRICH, CARL JOACHIM, and COLE, TAYLOR. Responsible Bureaucracy: A Study of the Swiss Civil Service. Pp. xvi, 95. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1932
by Clinton Rogers Woodruff - 248-248 BRUCE, HAROLD R. American Parties and Politics. Pp. vi, 589. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1932. $3.75; Students' Edition, $3.00
by Lane W. Lancaster - 248-248 JACOBSON, J. MARK. The Development of American Political Thought. Pp. 723. New York: The Century Company, 1932. $5.00
by Lane W. Lancaster - 249-249 DENISON, J. H. Emotional Currents in American History. Pp. xvi, 420. New York and London: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1932. $5.00
by Frederic L. Paxson - 249-249 FUESS, CLAUDE MOORE. Carl Schurz: Reformer. Pp. xiii, 421. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1932. $3.75
by Clinton Rogers Woodruff - 250-250 WOOLF, L. After the Deluge: a Study of Communal Psychology. Vol. I. Pp. xv, 347. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1931. $3.50
by L.M. Pape - 250-251 MALAPARTE, CURZIO (Trans. by Sylvia Saunders). Coup d'Etat: The Technique of Revolution. Pp. 251. New York: E. P. Dutton & Company, Inc., 1932
by William E. Lingelbach - 251-251 MOWAT, R. B. International Relations. Pp. vii, 180. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1931. 90 cents
by Henry Kittredge Norton - 251-251 MALLORY, WALTER H. (Ed.). Political Handbook of the World, 1932. Pp. 200. New York: Harper & Bros., 1932. $2.50
by Harold M. Vinacke - 251-252 LIPPMANN, WALTER, and SCROGGS, WILLIAM O. The United States in World Affairs, 1931. Pp. xv, 375. New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1932. $3.00
by Harry J. Carman - 252-253 WRIGHT, PHILIP G. The Cuban Situation and Our Treaty Relations. Pp. xiv, 207. Washington: The Brookings Institution, 1931. $2.50
by J. Fred Rippy - 253-253 CALLAHAN, JAMES MORTON. American Foreign Policy in Mexican Relations. Pp. x, 644. New York: Macmillan, 1932. $4.00
by J. Fred Rippy - 253-254 FRANK, WALDO. America Hispana. Pp. xviii, 388. New York and London: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1931. $3.50
by J. Fred Rippy - 254-254 FETTER, FRANK WHITSON. Monetary Inflation in Chile. Pp. xiii, 213. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1931. $2.50
by Harry T. Collings - 254-254 HERMANOS, PARRA LEON. Archivo del General Miranda. Revolución Francesa. Comunicaciones oficiales 1792-1793. Tomo IX, Tomo X. (The Personal Papers of General Miranda. Official reports dealing with the French Revolution. Volumes IX and X.) Caracas, Venezuela: Editorial Sur-America, 1931
by Harry T. Collings - 255-255 URIBE, ANTONIO JOSÉ. Colombia y los Estados Unidos de America. Pp. 442. Bogota, Colombia: Libreria Colombiana de Camacho Roldan & Cia, 1931. $4.00
by Harry T. Collngs - 255-255 ELLIOTT, W. Y. The New British Empire. Pp. xvi, 519. New York and London: Whittlesey House, McGraw-Hill Co., 1932. $5.00
by Witt Bowden - 255-259 VON ECKHARDT, HANS. (Trans. by CATH-ERINE ALLLISON PHILLIPS). Russia.Pp. xxix, 711. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1933. $7.50. DERETCHIN, JOSEPH. Russia and the Brigand. Pp.121. Boston: The Christopher Publishing House, 1932. $1.75. HOPPER, BRUCE. Pan-Sovietism. Pp. xiii, 288. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1931. $2.50. OSSINSKT-OBOLENSKY, V. V.; RONIN, S. L.; GAYSTER, A.; and KRAVAL, J. A. Social Economic Planning in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Pp.168. Issued by the International Industrial Relations Association, The Hague, Holland. New York, Room 600, 130 East 22nd St. 1931. KINGSBURY, SUSAN M., and FAIRCHILD, MILDRED. Employment and Unemploy ment in Pre-War and Soviet Russia. Pp. 132. Issued by the International Indus trial Relations Association, The Hague, Holland. New York, Room 600, 130 East 22nd St. 1931. CHAMBERLIN, W M. HENRY. The Soviet Planned Economic Order. Pp. vii, 258. Boston: World Peace Foundation, 1931. $2.50. RUXEYSER, WALTER ARNOLD. Working for the Soviets. Pp. xvi, 286. New York: Covici-Friede, 1932. $3.00. LONG, RAY. An Editor Looks at Russia. Pp. ix, 114. New York: Ray Long and Richard R. Smith, Inc., 1931. $1.00. CHESTERTON, MRS. CECIL. My Russian Venture. Pp. 283. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1931. $2.50. DARLING, JAY N. Ding Goes to Russia. Pp. ix, 195. New York and London : Whittlesey House, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1932. $2.50. BUEHLER, E. C.; MAXWELL, B. W.; and PFLAUM, GEORGE R. R. Recognition of Soviet Russia. Pp. 387. New York: The H. W. Wilson Company, 1931. $2.40. COUNTS, GEORGE S.; VILLARI, LUIGI ; RORTY, MALCOLM C.; and BAKER, NEWTON D. Bolshevism, Fascism and Capitalism. Pp. 274. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1932. $3.00
by Karl Scholz - 259-260 T'ANG LEANG-LI. Wang Ching-wei. A Political Biography. China United Press Series. Pp. ix, 223. Peiping: The French Book Store, Distributing Agents. 1931. Mex. $6.50. WANG CHING-WEI and others. The Chinese National Revolution. Essays and Documents. China United Press Series. Pp. xi, 188. Peiping: The French Book Store, Distributing Agents. 1931. Mex. $6.00. Hu SHIH and LIN Yu-TANG (Commentaries by WANG CHING-WEI). China's Own Critics. A Selection of Essays. China United Press Series. Pp. viii, 166. Peiping: The French Book Store, Distributing Agents. 1931. Mex. $6.00
by K.S. Latourette - 260-263 LATTIMORE, OWEN. Manchuria: Cradle of Conflict. Pp. xvi, 311. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1932. $3.00
by Arthur W. Hummel
July 1932, Volume 162, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Ernest Minor Patterson - 1-5 Can Planning Be Effective without Control?
by Wallace B. Donham - 6-11 Socialist and Capitalist Planning
by Paul Blanshard - 12-18 Planning: an Orderly Method for Social Change
by Eduard C. Lindeman - 19-26 The Approach of Scientific Management to the Problem of National Planning
by H.S. Person - 27-35 Limitations and Possibilities of Economic Planning
by Ralph E. Flanders - 36-42 International Planning: Its Necessity and Its Special Features
by Hugo Haan - 43-48 An Automatic Governor for Business
by Henry Kittredge Norton - 49-57 Planning in a Free Country: Managed Money and Unmanaged Men
by William Trufant Foster - 58-66 Prerequisites and Aims of Soviet Planning
by Peter A. Bogdanov - 67-80 A Ten-Year Plan1
by Léon Hénnebicq - 81-92 Regional Economy and Economic Regionalism 1
by Lucien Brocard - 93-99 Are Sanctions Necessary for a Successful International Organization?
by Raymond Leslie Buell - 100-102 Economic Sanctions as Instruments of National Policy
by Jerome D. Greene - 103-108 Should Economic Sanctions Be Applied in International Disputes ?
by John Foster Dulles - 109-113 The Case Against Recent Proposals for Use of the Economic Boycott
by Frederick J. Libby - 114-120 Public Works Planning and Economic Control: Federal, State, and Municipal
by William N. Loucks - 121-126 Does City Planning Assist Economic Planning?
by Charles W. Eliot - 127-132 Long-Range Budgeting of Public Capital Expenditures
by Karl T. Compton - 133-135 Municipal Construction as Unemployment Relief
by D.H. Sawyer - 136-138 A Program of International Public Works
by Leifur Magnusson - 139-140 Expansion of Public Works for Preservation of Prosperity
by Harold S. Buttenheim - 141-147 The Mountain and the Valley
by Frank G. Dickinson - 148-160 Notes on the Renewal of America
by Glenn Frank - 161-169 The Governmental Task
by Florence E. Allen - 170-180 World Economics
by Ernest Minor Patterson - 184-184 Foreword
by Constantine Panunzio - 184-184 Introduction
by Arthur G. Coons - 185-197 Population and Culture
by Lyman Bryson - 198-205 The Quantitative Optimum of Population
by Glenn E. Hoover - 206-214 Governmental Protection of American Foreign Investments
by Irvin Stewart - 215-223 Some Geographical Problems of the British Empire
by Ernest Young - 224-229 Some Aspects of French Imperialism in Morocco Since the World War
by Luther Harris Evans - 230-234 Mussolinian Italy Among the Nations
by Henry R. Spencer - 235-240 The Prospects of Peace in Europe
by Robert J. Kerner - 243-244 Introduction
by Emil Dovifat - 245-264 The Organization of the Press at the Disarmament Conference
by N/A - 265-268 The International Combination of News Agencies
by N/A - 269-295 The Organization of the Foreign Press in a Capital European City
by N/A
May 1932, Volume 161, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by S.S. Huebner - 1-6 The Investment Return from Life Insurance
by M. Albert Linton - 7-13 Tendencies in Life Insurance Investment
by William A. Law - 14-19 The Investment Objectives of Life Insurance
by S.S. Huebner - 20-26 Determining Adequate Life Insurance Coverage
by John A. Stevenson - 27-32 The American Trend Toward Annuities
by Albert G. Borden - 33-39 Industrial Pensions
by Ingalls Kimball - 40-45 Group Insurance
by William J. Graham - 46-51 The Dubious Position of the Disability Income Provision in Life Insurance Contracts
by Edward W. Marshall - 52-57 Health Conservation Accomplishments
by Harold A. Ley - 58-64 Conservation of Life Insurance Policies
by John Marshall Holcombe JR - 65-71 Net Cost of Life Insurance Contracts
by John S. Thompson - 72-76 Increasing Coöperation Between Life Underwriters and Trust Officers
by Franklin W. Ganse - 77-84 Business Interruption Insurance
by Clyde M. Kahler - 85-90 Automobile Insurance
by H.J. Loman - 91-97 Inland Marine Insurance
by David McCahan - 98-104 Workmen's Compensation Insurance
by William Leslie - 105-110 Fidelity Insurance and Suretyship
by Edward C. Lunt - 111-117 Tendencies in the Insurance of Aviation Hazards
by Stephen B. Sweeney - 118-127 Unemployment Compensation in the United States
by C.A. Kulp - 128-133 Accident and Health Insurance
by Stewart M. La Mont - 134-139 Burglary Insurance
by L.A. Sawyer