July 1933, Volume 168, Issue 1
- 226-234 Imperial Preference in the British Empire 1
by Brice M. Mace & T. Ritchie Adam - 235-239 Reciprocal Trade with the Soviet Union1
by Cecil A. James - 240-243 Import Possibilities of the Soviet Union
by J.A. Lambert - 244-244 MONROE, A. E. Value and Income. Pp. ix, 286. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1931. $3.50
by Z.C. Dickinson - 244-245 BRAITHWAITE, DOROTHEA, and DOBBS, S. P. Distribution of Consumable Goods. Pp. xiii, 304. London: George Routledge & Sons, Ltd., 1932. 10s. 6d
by C.E. Griffin - 245-246 COLES, JESSIE V. Standardization of Consumers' Goods. Pp. x, 323. New York: Ronald Press Company, 1932. $3.00
by Day Monroe - 246-246 Ross, MALCOLM. Machine Age in the Hills. Pp. x, 248. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1933. $2.00
by Malcolm M. Willey - 246-247 National Industrial Conference Board. Unemployment Insurance and Relief in Germany. Pp. xvi, 107. New York, 1932. $2.00
by C.A. Kulp - 247-247 SEIDMAN, JOEL I. The Yellow Dog Contract. Pp. 96. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1932. $1.00
by Robert Rockafellow - 247-247 HANSEN, ALVIN H., and MURRAY, MERRILL G. A New Plan for Unemployment Reserves. Pp. 75. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1933. $1.00, cloth bound
by Robert R. Nathan - 247-248 SALTER, SIR ARTHUR (and others). The World's Economic Crisis and the Way of Escape. Pp. 185. New York: The Century Company, 1932. $1.75
by Otto T. Mallery - 248-248 HARWOOD, E. C. Cause and Control of the Business Cycle. Pp. xiii, 165. Boston: Financial Publishing Company, 1932. $2.00
by G. Wright Hoffman - 248-249 The National Industrial Conference Board. The Availability of Bank Credit. Pp. xiv, 146. New York, 1932. $3.00
by Leonard L. Watkins - 249-249 KEYNES, JOHN MAYNARD. Essays in Biography. Pp. x, 318. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Company, 1933. $2.50
by Alphonse B. Miller - 249-250 RICARDO, DAVID. (Edited with an Introduction and notes by Jacob H. Hollander.) Minor Papers on the Currency Question, 1809-1823. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1932. $3.00
by Max Handman - 250-250 DULLES, ELEANOR LANSING. The Bank for International Settlements at Work. Pp. ix, 631. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1932. $5.00
by F. Cyril James - 250-250 ROORBACH, GEORGE B. Problems in Foreign Trade. Pp. xii, 512. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1933. $5.00
by Roland L. Kramer - 250-251 NUSSBAUM, FREDERICK L. A History of the Economic Institutions of Modern Europe. Pp. xvi, 448. New York: F. S. Crofts & Company, 1933. $4.50
by Robert Weidenhammer - 251-252 Royal Institute of International Affairs. World Agriculture. Pp. viii, 314. London : Oxford University Press, 1932. $3.50
by Harry W. Laider - 252-252 GRATZ, GUSTAV, and GUSTAV BOKOR (Ed.). Ungarishes Wirtschafts-Jahrbuch (Hungarian Economic Yearbook). Vol. VIII. Pp. 448. Budapest, 1932. 17.50 Swiss francs
by Leo Pabvolsky - 252-252 EAST ASIATIC ECONOMIC INVESTIGATION BUREAU. The Manchuria Year Book 1932-33. Pp. xix, 534. Tokyo, 1932
by Roland L. Kramer - 252-253 VAN DORN, HAROLD ARCHER. Twenty Years of the Chinese Republic. Pp. xiv, 309, vii. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1932
by Roland L. Kramer - 253-253 HARVEY, EDWIN D. The Mind Of China. (Pp. x. 321.) New Haven: Yale University Press, 1933. $3.50
by Arthur W. Hummel - 253-254 LIAO, WÊN-KUEI. The Individual and the Community. Pp. xv, 314. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1933. $3.75
by Arthur W. Hummel - 254-254 FRIEDELL, EGON. (Translated by Charles Francis Atkinson.) A Cultural History of the Modern Age. Vol. III. Pp. ix, 489, xlix. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1932. $5.00
by William E. Lingelbach - 254-255 BREGMAN, ALEXANDRE. La Politique de la Pologne dans la Société des Nations. Pp. 329. Paris: Alcan, 1932. 30 francs
by Walter R. Sharp - 255-255 GERSHOY, LEO. The French Revolution and Napoleon. Pp. xiii, 576. New York: F. S. Crofts & Company, 1932. $5.00
by William Renwick Riddell - 255-256 LUTZ, RALPH HASWELL (Ed.). (Translators, David G. Rempel and Gertrude Rendtorff.) The Fall of the German Empire, 1914-1918. Vol. I, pp. xxiii, 868; Vol. II, pp. xiv, 593. Los Angeles: Stanford University Press, 1933. $12.00
by William E. Lingelbach - 256-256 WEDEL, OSWALD HENRY. Austro-German Diplomatic Relations, 1908-1914. Stanford University Press, 1933. $3.00. Pp. viii, 233. Los Angeles
by William E. Lingelbach - 257-259 COHEN-PORTHEIM, PAUL. The Discovery of Europe. Pp. 296. New York: E. P. Dutton & Company, Inc., 1932. $3.00
by Howard Becker - 259-260 GRATTAN, C. HARTLEY. The Three Jameses—A Family of Minds. Pp. xi, 376. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1932. $3.50
by William Rex Crawford - 260-260 KEPPEL, FREDERICK P., and DUFFUS, R. L. The Arts in American Life. Pp. xii, 227. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1933. $2.50
by William Rex Crawford - 260-261 KELLER, ALBERT GALLOWAY. Societal Evolution (Revised Edition). Pp. IX, 419. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1931. $2.50
by Constantine Panunzio - 261-261 CONNOR, L. R. Statistics in Theory and Practice. Pp. xvi, 371. London and New York City: Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd., 1932. $3.75
by Frank A. Ross - 261-262 ADAMIC, LOUIS. Laughing in the Jungle. Pp. x, 335. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1932. $3.00
by C. Arnold Anderson - 262-262 MONROE, DAY. Chicago Families. Pp. xxi, 344. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1933. $3.00
by Clinton Rogers Woodruff - 263-263 GROVES, ERNEST R. Marriage. Pp. xvi, 552. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1933. $3.50
by Sidonie Matsner Gruenberg - 263-264 KARPF, MAURICE J. The Scientific Basis of Social Work. Pp. xviii, 424. New York: Columbia University Press, 1931. $3.75
by James H.S. Bossard - 264-264 GILLIN, JOHN LEWIS. Social Pathology. Pp. viii, 612. New York: The Century Company, 1933. $3.75
by W. Wallace Weaver
May 1933, Volume 167, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Raymond Moley & Schuyler C. Wallace - 1-11 The General Structure of Court Organization
by Charles Grove Haines - 12-23 The Executive Judge
by Edward B. Boies - 24-31 The Cleveland Court of Common Pleas
by Homer G. Powell - 32-51 Costs, Fees, and Expenses in Litigation
by Kenneth Dayton - 52-59 The Importance of Records
by W.C. Jamison - 60-83 Improving the Administration of Civil Justice
by Edson R. Sunderland - 84-90 Extension of the Right of Summary Judgment
by Edward R. Finch - 91-101 The Argument for Judicial Rule-Making
by Herbert Harley - 102-105 Rule-Making by the Legislature
by Burton D. Esmond - 106-118 The Social Sciences and Scientific Method in the Administration of Justice
by Sheldon Glueck - 119-134 Some Basic Problems in Criminology
by Jerome Hall - 135-142 Judicial Statistics in the United States
by L.C. Marshall - 143-155 Judicial Personnel
by Rodney L. Mott & Spencer D. Albright & Helen R. Semmerling - 156-164 Parallels in the Development of Legal and Medical Education
by Herman Oliphant - 165-172 The Educational and Scientific Objectives of the Yale School of Law
by Charles E. Clark - 173-176 What Every Present-Day Lawyer Should Know
by Samuel Untermyer - 177-192 The Bar Specializes—With What Results?1i
by K.N. Llewellyn - 193-200 Legal Ethics in Theory and in Practice
by I. Maurice Wormser - 201-220 Accident Litigation and the Automobile Compensation Plan
by Patterson H. French - 221-221 KRAUS, HERBERT. The Crisis of German Democracy. Pp. xviii, 223. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1932. $2.50
by Rowland Egger - 221-222 PITAMIC, LEONIDAS. A Treatise on the State. Pp. X, 301. Baltimore: J. H. Furst Company, 1933. $2.00
by Walter Sandelius - 222-222 WHITE, LEONARD D. Further Contribu tions to the Prestige Value of Public Em ployment. Pp. xviii, 88. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1932. $1.50
by Lane W. Lancaster - 222-223 LEPAWSKY, ALBERT. The Judicial System of Metropolitan Chicago. Pp. xv, 265. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1932. $3.00
by Clarence N. Callender - 223-223 BETTMAN, ALFRED (and others). Ohio Criminal Statistics, 1931. Pp. xiv, 189. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1932. $2.00. MARSHALL, LEON C. Comparative Judi cial Criminal Statistics: Six States, 1931. Pp. viii, 61. Baltimore: The Johns Hop kins Press, 1932. $1.00. —. Judicial Criminal Statistics. Bul. 11. Pp. 56. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1932. 50 cents. —. Judicial Criminal Statistics in Maryland, 1931. Bul. 5. Pp. 26. Bal timore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1932. 35 cents
by J.P. Shalloo - 223-224 HELM, WILLIAM P. Washington Swindle Sheet. Pp. 249. New York: Albert & Charles Boni, 1932. $2.50
by Clinton Rogers Woodruff - 224-224 THE SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS OF PRINCETON UNIVERSITY. Re port on a Survey of Administration and Expenditures of the State Government of New Jersey. Pp. 403. Princeton, 1932
by Lane W. Lancaster - 224-225 RIDLEY, CLARENCE E., and NOLTING, ORIN F. (Eds.). City Manager Year Book: 1933. Pp. viii, 356. Chicago: Interna tional City Managers Association, 1933. $2.00
by Clinton Rogers Woodruff - 225-225 WHITE, LEONARD D. Whitley Councils in the British Civil Service. Pp. xvii, 357. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1933. $3.00
by William Renwick Riddell - 225-225 STONE, DONALD C. and ALICE B. Some Comments on Municipal Practices in European Cities. Pp. 158. Chicago: International City Managers' Associa tion, Nov., 1932
by Clinton Rogers Woodruff - 225-226 DIETZ, FREDERICK C. English Public Fi nance, 1558-1641. Pp. 470. New York: The Century Company, 1932. $4.00
by William Renwick Riddell - 226-227 SELIGMAN, EDWIN R. A., and SHOUP, CARL S. A Report on the Revenue System of Cuba. Pp. 430. Habana, Cuba: Tal leres Tipograficos de Caras y Cia, 1932
by Andrew J. Newman - 227-227 FRIEDMAN, ELISHA M. Russia in Transi tion ; A Business Man's Appraisal. New York: The Viking Press, 1932
by Karl Scholz - 227-228 LENIN, V. I. Toward the Seizure of Power. (Collected works of Lenin) Vol. XXI. Two books. Pp. 304, 350. New York: International Publishers, 1932. $3.50 each
by Walter Sandelius - 228-229 WHITE, WILLIAM C. Made in Russia. Pp. 206. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1932. $2.00
by Karl Scholz - 229-229 LOBANOV-ROSTOVSKY, PRINCE A. Russia and Asia. Pp. 334. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1933. $2.50
by Henry Kittredge Norton - 229-229 YAKHONTOFF, VICTOR A. Russia and the Soviet Union in the Far East. Pp. xxii, 454. New York: Coward-McCann, Inc., 1931. $5.00
by Roland L. Kramer - 229-230 DULLES, FOSTER RHEA. America in the Pacific. Pp. xiii, 299. Boston and New York: Houghton AEfflin Company, 1932. $3.50
by Roland L. Kramer - 230-230 BIXLER, RAYMOND W. Anglo-German Im perialism in South Africa, 1880-1900. Pp. 181. Baltimore: Warwick & York, Inc., 1932. $2.75 (postage 10¢)
by H.K. Norton - 230-230 WOODHEAD, H. G. W. (Ed.). The China Year Book 1932. Pp. xvi, 831. Shang hai : The North China Daily News and Herald, Ltd., 1932. $12.00
by Roland L. Kramer - 230-231 DUMBAULD, EDWARD. Interim Measures of Protection in International Contro versies. Pp. xv, 204. The Hague: (Martinus Nijhoff), 1932
by Norman L. Hill - 231-231 YNTEMA, THEODORE OTTE. A Mathemati cal Reformulation of the General Theory of International Trade. Pp. xii, 120. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1932. $2.50
by Ralph A. Young - 231-233 LIEFMANN, ROBERT. Cartels, Concerns and Trusts. Pp. xxix, 379. New York: E. P. Dutton & Company, Inc., 1932. $6.00
by Robert Weidenhammer - 233-233 WEBER, ADOLPH. Weltwirtschaft. Pp. xiv, 334. München: F. Bruckman AG, 1932. RM 4.80
by Ralph A. Young - 233-234 MILLS, FREDERICK C. Econamic Tend encies in the United States. Pp. xx, 639. New York: The National Bureau of Eco nomic Research, Inc., 1932. $5.00
by Woodlief Thomas - 234-235 GRAYSON, THEODORE J. Leaders and Peri ods of American Finance. Pp. viii, 566. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1932. $4.00
by W.C. Macleod - 235-235 WILLIAMS, JAMES M. Human Aspects of Unemployment and Relief. Pp. xvi, 235. Chapel Hill: University of North Caro lina Press, 1933. $2.50
by Constance A. Kiehel - 235-236 HOGG, MARGARET H. The Incidence of Work Shortage. Pp. 136. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1932. $2.50
by Frederick E. Croxton - 236-236 FILIPETTI, GEORGE, WILLTAM DACHTLER, and JUDSON BURNETT. Operating Re sults of Manufacturing Plants in Minne sota, 1926-1930. Vol. 1, No. 7. Pp. 101. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, Dec. 1932. $1.00
by Robert R. Nathan - 236-237 BOOTHE, VIVA. Salaries and the Cost of Living in Twenty-seven State Univer sities and Colleges, 1913-1932. Pp. xvi, 158. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1932. $1.75
by J.O. Hertzler - 237-237 TURNER, FREDERICK JACKSON. Introduc tion by Max Farrand. The Significance of Sections in American History. Pp. ix, 347. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1932. $3.00
by Frederic L. Paxson - 237-238 DODSON, LEONIDAS. Alexander Spotswood, Governor of Colonial Virginia, 1710-1722. Pp. x, 323. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1932. $3.00
by Verner W. Crane - 238-238 NEVINS, ALLAN. Grover Cleveland: A Study in Courage. Pp. xiii, 832. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1932. $5.00
by Clinton Rogers Woodruff - 238-239 KONKLE, BURTON ALVA. Benjamin Chew 1722-1810. Pp. xx, 316. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1932. $4.00
by Alphonse B. Miller - 239-240 KARPF, FAY BERGER. American Social Psychology: Its Origins, Development, and European Background. Pp. xvii, 461. New York: McGraw-Hill Com pany, 1932. $3.50
by Kimball Young - 240-241 MURCHISON, CARL (Ed.). A History of Psychology in Autobiography. Vol. I. Pp. xvii, 516. Worcester, Mass.: Clark University Press, 1930. $5.00
by Donald A. Laird - 241-241 BRIDGES, JAMES WINFRED. Personality, Many in One. Pp. 215. Boston: The Stratford Company, 1932. $2.00
by John Dollard - 241-245 ROSENTAL, ERWIN. Ibn Khalduns Gedan ken über den Staat: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der mittelalterlichen Staats lehre. Pp. x, 118. Munich and Berlin: Oldenbourg, 1932. 6.50 marks. BECKER, CARL. The Heavenly City of the Eighteenth-Century Philosophers. Pp. x, 168. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1932. $2.00. MÜLLER, GEORG. Die Gesellschafts- und Staatslehren des Abbes Mably und ihr Einfluss auf das Werk der Konstituante. Pp. 123. Berlin: Ebering, 1932. 5 marks. VAN DEUSEN, G. G. Sieyes: His Life and His Nationalism. Pp. 170. New York: Columbia University Press, 1932. $3.00. HEARNSHAW, F. J. C. (Ed.). The Social and Political Ideas of Some Repre sentative Thinkers of the Age of Reaction and Reconstruction. Pp. 220. London: Harrap, 1932. 8s. 6d. SPANN, OTHMAR. Geschichtsphilosophie. Pp. xviii, 456. Jena: Fischer, 1932. Paper 15 marks, cloth 16.30 marks. FREYER, HANS. Einleitung in die Soziol ogie. Pp. 150. Leipzig: Quelle and Meyer, 1931. 1.80 marks. WEBER, ALFRED (dedicated to). Soziolog ische Studien. Pp. 305. Potsdam: Protte, 1930. Paper 9 marks, cloth 12 marks. ABRAMOWITSCH, MARK. Hauptprobleme der Soziologie (Probleme marxistischer Lebenserkenntnis. Pp. 112. Berlin: Verlagsanstalt "Courier," 1930. ADLER, MAX (and others). Festschrift für Carl Grünberg zum 70. Geburtstag. Pp. iv, 560. Leipzig: Hirschfeld, 1932. Paper 27 marks, cloth 30 marks. LÖWITH, KARL. "Max Weber und Karl Marx," I and II. Articles in the Archiv für Sozialwissemehaft und Sozialpolitik, Vol. 67, 1 and 2 (March, April, 1932). Pp. 175 to 214 and 53 to 99. Tübingen: Mohr, 1932. Price for both numbers, 10 marks. SCHÜTZ, ALFRED. Der sinnhafte Aufbau der sozialen Welt: eine Einleitung in die verstehende Soziologie. Pp. vii, 286. Vienna: Springer, 1932. Paper 12 marks, cloth 13.50 marks. OTAKA, TOMOO. Grundlegung der Lehre vom sozialen Verband. Pp. xii, 280. Vienna: Springer, 1938. Paper 12 marks, cloth 13.50 marks
by Howard Becker - 245-245 ORTEGA Y GASSETT, JOSÉ. The Modern Theme. Pp. 152. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1933. $2.00
by H.M. Kallen - 245-245 PLANCK, MAX. Where Is Science Going? Pp. 221. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1932. $2.75
by Chas P. Olivier - 246-246 GREENE, EVARTS B., and HARRINGTON, VIRGINIA D. American Population be fore the Federal Census of 1790. Pp. xxiii, 228. New York: Columbia Uni versity Press, 1932. $3.50
by J.O. Hertzler - 246-247 SANDERSON, Ross W. The Strategy of City Church Planning. Pp. xvi, 245. New York: Institute of Social and Re ligious Research, 1932. $2.00
by W. Wallace Weaver - 247-247 DEVINE, EDWARD T. Progressive Social Action. Pp. xv, 225. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1933. $1.75
by Jerome Davis
March 1933, Volume 166, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Alice S. Cheyney - 1-3 Introduction
by H.B. Butler - 4-9 How the International Labor Organization Operates
by E.J. Phelan - 10-17 The Principles of International Labor Legislation
by Ernest Mahaim - 18-25 The International Labor Organization as an Alternative to Violent Revolution
by James T. Shotwell - 26-29 International Economic Organization
by Felix Morley - 30-45 Legislation in a Changing Economic World
by Joseph P. Chamberlain - 46-52 Legal Competence of the International Labor Organization
by Jean Morellet - 53-65 The International Labor Organization and Unemployment
by Bryce M. Stewart - 66-74 Scientific Management and Economic Planning
by Hugo Haan - 75-79 The International Labor Office and Industrial Relations
by G.A. Johnston - 80-85 Forced Labor
by Joseph P. Chamberlain - 86-94 The Conference at Work
by Amy Hewes - 95-101 The Enforcement of International Labor Standards
by Francis G. Wilson - 102-106 An International Civil Service
by Royal Meeker - 107-113 The Dual Nature of Research Activities
by Leifur Magnusson - 114-118 The Character and Accessibility of Office Research Materials
by Alice S. Cheyney - 119-123 The Service of the International Labor Office to Legislative Projects
by Samuel Mccune Lindsay - 124-134 Relations with the League of Nations
by Charles W. Pipkin - 135-145 American Relations with the International Labor Office, 1919-1932
by James Myers - 146-155 The Employers of the United States and the International Labor Organization
by T.G. Spates - 156-161 American Labor's Relation to the International Labor Organization
by Spencer Miller JR - 162-167 The International Cost-of-Living Inquiry
by Hugh S. Hanna - 168-175 Possibilities of United States Collaboration with the International Labor Organization
by Joseph H. Willits - 176-189 A Comparison of Convention Provisions with Labor Legislation in the United States
by Alice S. Cheyney - 190-194 Appendix A
by N/A - 194-202 Appendix B
by N/A - 202-204 Appendix C
by N/A - 204-205 Appendix D
by N/A - 206-207 Appendix E
by N/A - 208-210 Report of the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Political and Social Science for the Year Ending December 31, 1932
by N/A - 211-212 PRESIDENT'S RESEARCH COMMITTEE ON SO CIAL TRENDS. (Foreword by Herbert Hoover.) Recent Social Trends in the United States. 2 vols. New York: Mc- Graw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1933. $10.00
by Otto T. Mallery - 212-213 NEVINS, ALLEN (Ed.). Walter Lippmann's Interpretations 1931-1932. Pp. xi, 361. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1932. $2.50
by Eleanor Lansing Dulles - 213-214 SULLIVAN, MARK. Our Times 1909-1914. Vol. IV, pp. 600. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1932. $3.75
by Alphonse B. Miller - 214-214 BOWERS, CLAUDE G. Beveridge and the Progressive Era. Pp. xxiv, 609. Bos ton : Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1932. $5.00
by Alphonse B. Miller - 214-215 VIERECK, GEORGE SYLVESTER. The Strang est Friendship in History: Woodrow Wil son and Colonel House. New York: Liveright, Inc., 1932. $3.00
by Clinton Rogers Woodruff - 215-215 DOUGLAS, PAUL H. The Coming of a New Party. Pp. ix, 236. New York: Whit tlesey House, 1932. $2.00
by L.M. Pape - 215-215 ROSEWATER, VICTOR. Back Stage in 1912. Pp. xi, 227. Philadelphia: Dorrance & Company, Inc., 1932. $2.00
by Louise Overacker - 215-216 ADAMS, JAMES TRUSLOW. The March of Democracy—The Rise of the Union. Vol. I, pp. xvi, 428. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1932. $3.50
by Otto T. Mallery - 216-216 POUND, ARTHUR. The Penns of Pennsyl vania and England. Pp. x, 349. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1932. $3.50
by Clinton Rogers Woodruff - 216-217 SPAULDING, E. WILDER. New York Dur ing the Critical Period 1783-1789. Pp. xiii, 334. New York: Columbia Uni versity Press, 1932. $4.50
by Alphonse B. Miller - 217-217 CHURCHILL, WINSTON S. Amid These Storms. Pp. 320. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1932. $3.50
by Harry Elmer Barnes - 217-217 KUNSTENAAR, DR. JACQUES. Der Finanz haushalt des Völkerbundes. Pp. 119. Zürick: Gutzwiller Aktiengesellschaft, 1932
by Ralph A. Young - 217-218 MORLEY, FELIX. The Society of Nations. Pp. 678. Washington, D. C.: The Brookings Institution, 1932. $3.50
by Ernest Minor Patterson - 218-219 MOULTON, HAROLD G., and PASVOLSKY, LEO. War Debts and World Prosperity. Pp. xx, 498. Washington: The Brook ings Institution Institute of Economics, 1932. $3.00
by Ernest Minor Patterson - 219-219 SINCLAIR, HUNTLY M. The Principles of International Trade. Pp. xvii, 482. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1932. $3.50
by Roland L. Kramer - 219-219 REID, HELEN DWIGHT. International Servitudes in Law and Practice. Pp. xxii, 254. Chicago: University of Chi cago Press, 1932. $3.00
by Johannes Mattern - 219-220 WELLS, ROGER HEWES. German Cities: A Study of Contemporary Municipal Poli tics and Administration. Pp. xii, 283. Princeton: The Princeton University Press, 1932. $3.00
by Rowland Egger - 220-221 NORTON, HENRY KITTREDGE. The Coming of South America. Pp. 300. New York: The John Day Company, 1932. $3.50
by Roland L. Kramer - 221-221 ROUCEK, JOSEPH S. Contemporary Rou mania and Her Problems. A Study in Modern Nationalism. Stanford Books in World Politics. Pp. xxv, 422. Map and illustrations. Stanford University, California: Stanford University Press, 1932. $4.00
by David K. Bruner - 221-222 QUIGLEY, HAROLD S. Japanese Govern ment and Politics. Pp. ix, 442. New York: The Century Company, 1932. $3.75
by W.W. McLaren - 222-223 LYON, LEVERETT S. Advertising Allow ances. Pp. 125. Washington, D. C
by Raymond D. Thomas - 223-223 MCCABE, DAVID A. National Collective Bargaining in the Pottery Industry. Pp. x, 449. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1932. $3.50
by John Troxell - 223-224 NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL CONFERENCE BOARD, INC. Cost of Government in the United States, 1929-30. Pp. xii, 167. New York, 1932. $3.00
by H.R. Enslow - 224-224 FREDERICK, J. GEORGE. Readings in Eco nomics. Pp. xiv, 359. New York: The Business Bourse, 1932. $3.50
by Otto T. Mallery - 224-224 BARTHOLOMEW, HARLAND. Urban Land Uses. Pp. xv, 174. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1932. $3.50
by Karl Scholz - 224-224 HANEY, L. H., LOGAN, L. S., and GAVENS, H. S. Brokers' Loans. Pp. x, 244. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1932. $5.00
by G. Weight Hoffman - 224-225 MASON, BENJAMIN A. (Preface by Rolf Hoffman.) Masses vs. Classes. Pp. 141. Los Angeles: California University Press, 1932. $1.00
by L.M. Pape - 225-225 FREEMAN, JOSEPH. The Soviet Worker. Pp. vii, 408. New York: Liveright, Inc., 1932. $2.50
by Karl Scholz - 225-225 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR OF CANADA. Labour Legislation in Canada, 1931. Pp. xii, 106. Ottawa, 1932. 25 cents
by Robert Rockafellow - 225-226 DUNLAP, KNIGHT. Habits and Their Making and Unmaking. Pp. x, 326. New York: Horace Liveright, Inc., 1932. $3.00
by John Dollard - 226-230 LURIA, A. R. (W. Horsley Gantt, trans lator). The Nature of Human Conflicts. Pp. xvii, 431. New York: Horace Live right, Inc., 1932. $4.00
by Donald A. Laird - 230-230 COE, GEORGE A. Educating for Citizen ship. Pp. xvi, 204. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1932. $2.00
by L.M. Pape - 230-230 BOSSARD, JAMES H. S. AND ASSOCIATES. Man and His World. Pp. 748. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1932. $3.50
by Albert Kerr Heckel - 231-231 NIEBUHR, REINHOLD. Moral Man and Immoral Society. Pp. xxv, 277. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1932. $2.00
by Jerome Davis - 231-232 GAULT, ROBERT H. Criminology. Pp. x, 461. Boston: D. C. Heath & Company, 1932. $3.48
by C.E. Gehlke - 232-232 WARBURTON, CLARK. The Economic Re sults of Prohibition. Pp. 273. New York: Columbia University Press, 1932. $3.25
by J.H. Barnett
January 1933, Volume 165, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Ernest Minor Patterson - 1-12 The Immediate Unemployment Problem
by Sumner H. Slichter - 13-19 The Share-the-Work Movement
by L.C. Walker - 20-23 Stabilization or Insurance
by Leo Wolman - 24-30 The Dismissal Compensation Movement
by Everett D. Hawkins - 31-37 Power as a Factor in Economic Readjustments
by Walter N. Polakov - 38-47 The Responsibility of the Church in Our New Age
by J. Gresham Machen - 48-56 The Catholic Church and Social Questions
by John A. Ryan - 57-63 The Church in Relation to the Worker
by Whiting Williams - 64-71 Functions of the Church
by William H. Fineshriber - 72-84 How the Anti-Trust Laws Should Be Modified
by J. Harvey Williams & Frank A. Fetter - 85-92 Better Administration of the Anti-Trust Laws
by Gilbert H. Montague - 93-100 The Truth About Competition
by Frank A. Fetter - 101-108 What Is a Democratic Approach to Economic Problems?
by Ordway Tead - 109-115 New Aspects of the Distribution Problem
by David Cushman Coyle - 116-124 The Human Aspects of Business in the New Consumption Era
by Herbert W. Hess - 125-130 How Can Federal Expenditures Be Reduced?1
by Lillian M. Gilbreth - 131-137 Reducing Federal Expenditures
by Henry P. Seidemann - 138-145 Government Economies
by Herbert D. Brown - 146-153 The Treaty Status of Manchuria
by John V.A. Macmurray - 154-158 A Chinese View of the Manchurian Situation
by Sao-Ke Alfred Sze - 159-166 A Japanese View of the Manchurian Situation
by Hirosi Saito - 170-170 Preface
by John Donaldson - 171-175 The Gold Standard Before and After the War
by Leo Pasvolsky - 176-180 Increasing Ratio of Gold Production to Business
by Percy E. Barbour - 181-196 Gold and International Trade
by John Donaldson - 197-201 Gold and Credit
by Charles O. Hardy - 202-206 The Partial Abandonment of the Gold Standard, 1931-1932
by Marcus Nadler - 207-209 Germany and Gold
by Robert R. Kuczynski