March 1995, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 89-94 Velocity and the Variability of Yields on Financial and other Assets
by James E. Payne - 95-96 Testing the Quadratic Relationship between Economic Development and the Fertility Rate: A Comment
by Yu Hsing - 97-97 Reply
by Roberto J. Rios - 98-99 Book Review: The Choice: A Fable of Free Trade and Protectionism
by Robert Whaples - 99-100 Book Review: Monetary Policy and Investment Opportunities
by James R. Lothian - 101-110 Chapter Roll
by N/A
October 1994, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 3-11 Deficits, Saving, and Economic Policy
by Robert Eisner - 12-27 Not Only an Economist—Autobiographical Reflections of a Historian of Economic Thought
by Mark Blaug - 28-35 Confessions of an Aging Enfant Terrible
by Philip Mirowski - 36-39 Competition and the Equivalence of Tariffs and Quotas
by Xiangqun Chen - 40-51 Advertising Rivalry in the U. S. Automobile Industry: A Test of Bain's Hypothesis
by Lall B. Ramrattan - 52-57 An Expanded Graphical Representation of the Portfolio Balance Model of Exchange Rate Determination
by Joachim Zietz - 58-65 Hyperlecturing and Linkages
by David H. Gillette - 66-77 New York Free Banks and the Role of Reputations
by Michael J. Haupert - 78-84 A Note on Modelling Opec Behavior 1983–1989: A Test of the Cartel and Competitive Hypotheses
by Sargon J. Youhanna - 85-86 Contractual Governance in Trucking: A Comment
by Franklin G. Mixon Jr. & Kamal P. Upadhyaya - 87-91 The Stolper-Samuelson Theorem in the Presence of Domestic Distortions
by Yeong-Her Yeh - 92-94 Yet More on Misery: Optimization along the Short-Run Phillips Curve Revisited, a Comment on Recent Papers
by John Golden
March 1994, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 3-9 Lessons from Developing Countries about Economic Policy
by Anne O. Krueger - 10-16 My System of Work (Not!)
by Avinash Dixit - 17-26 The Demand for Chess in the United States, 1946–1990
by George A. Chressanthis - 27-35 An Econometric Analysis of Money Demand in Taiwan, 1950–1989
by A. C. Arize - 36-46 Liquidity: Its Origins and Implications in an Uncertain Multiperiod World with Limited Borrowing
by Edward Miller - 47-52 External Debt, Growth and Debt-Service Capacity in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis
by Gerald Scott - 53-61 The U. S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement: Impact on the U. S. Steel Industry
by Harold R. Williams & Thomas J. Botzman - 62-69 Beyond High School: Does the High School Economics Curriculum Make a Difference?
by Jane S. Lopus & Nan L. Maxwell - 70-74 Towards a Symmetric Treatment of the Marshallian Demand Curve in the Product and Factor Market Analyses
by Robert Y. Awh - 75-81 Neoclassical Development Theory and the Prebisch Doctrine: A Synthesis
by Linus J. Thomas - 82-91 An Analysis of Secondary Child Care Arrangements
by Todd P. Steen - 92-93 The President's Report on the International Honor Society in Economics
by Harold F. Williamson Jr. - 94-94 Book Review: Adam Smith Goes to Moscow: A Dialogue on Radical Reform
by Janet C. Goulet - 95-104 Chapter Roll
by N/A
October 1993, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 3-4 Kenneth E. Boulding: 1910–1993
by Michael Szenberg - 5-16 The other Side of the Coin
by William S. Vickrey - 17-24 Education and Its Consequences: My Philosophy of Life
by Victor R. Fuchs - 25-31 How I Work
by Paul Krugman - 32-36 Life Philosophy: Ethics and Economists
by Thomas Havrilesky - 37-39 Pareto Optimality in a Becker Model of Time Allocation
by A. G. Holtmann & Todd L. Idson & Qian Ding - 40-45 Determinants of Income Velocity in the United Kingdom: Multivariate Granger Causality
by Augustine C. Arize - 46-52 Earnings Differentials between Natives and Immigrants with College Degree
by N. Daneshvary - 53-58 Replacing the Autarky Factor Prices with the Corresponding Post-Trade Prices: An Extension of Deardorff's Factor-Proportions Theory of Trade
by Mehrdad Madresehee - 59-61 Minimizing the Political/Economic Time Lag for Economic Recovery
by Seymour Patterson - 62-67 Equivocation in Mathematical Economics
by Edward M. Miller - 68-77 National Security at What Price? the Economic Consequences of Military Spending
by Kevin Lapidus - 78-84 The Relationship of the Current Account Balance and the Budget Balance
by L.E. Winner - 85-90 Regional Economics: Survey of Reading Lists in Universities in Canada and the United States
by Tadiboyina Venkateswarlu - 91-91 Book Review: Second Thoughts: Myths and Morals of U.S. Economic History
by Robert Whaples - 91-93 Book Review: An Illustrated Guide to the American Economy
by William C. Perkins - 93-94 Book Review: Changing Fortunes
by Irene Unterberger - 94-95 Book Review: The Twilight of Sovereignty
by Irene Unterberger - 95-96 Book Review: Stealing the Market: How the Giant Brokerage Firms, with Help from the SEC, Stole the Stock Market from Investors
by Marcia M. Vinci - 96-98 Book Review: The Bankrupting of America
by Tuan Q. Dang
March 1993, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 3-9 Trains of Thought
by Harry M. Markowitz - 10-20 Philosophical Pattern Comparisons among Eminent Economists
by Michael Szenberg - 21-30 An Analysis of Protectionist First-Price Auctions
by Winston T. H. Koh - 31-44 Interpersonal Comparisons and Labor Supply: An Empirical Analysis
by George Kosicki - 45-50 Measuring Discrimination against Females: Is the “Non-Discriminatory†Wage the Male or the Female Wage?
by Michael D. Robinson - 51-55 A Demand System for a Gambling Market: On the Relative Efficiency of Restricted Estimators for Singular Systems of Equations
by Samuel Schwarz - 56-63 Contractual Governance in Trucking: Maislin V. Primary Steel and the Undercharge Crisis
by Brian R. Smith II - 64-67 Sector-Specific Unemployment and Corporate Income Tax Incidence: A Geometric Exposition
by Leonard F. S. Wang - 68-71 The Intifada and Its Impact on the Banking System in the State of Israel
by Philip Levine - 72-79 Allen's ARC Vs. Assumed Isoelasticity, Pedagogical Efficacy Vs. Artificial Accuracy: A Comment
by Wm. A. Phillips - 80-80 Elasticity of Demand: Pedagogy and Reality: Reply
by L. A. Daellenbach & A. W. Khandker & G. J. Knowles & K. R. Sherony - 81-82 Economic Development and Family Size: A Comment
by J. Wilson Mixon Jr. - 83-83 Economic Development and Family Size: Reply
by Roberto J. Rios - 84-90 Industrial Organization: Survey of Reading Materials in Universities in Canada and the United States
by Tadiboyina Venkateswarlu - 91-100 Chapter Roll
by N/A
October 1992, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 3-11 The Economic Transformation of Eastern Europe: The Case of Poland
by Jeffrey Sachs - 12-18 Poverty and Health: Asking the Right Questions
by Victor R. Fuchs - 19-29 A Daily Inflation Index
by Lorene S. Hiris - 30-38 Bank's Portfolio Management under Uncertainty
by Subarna K. Samanta & Ali H. Mohamad-Zadeh - 39-49 Persuasive Advertising and Market Competition
by Winston T.H. Koh & H.M. Leung - 50-57 Savings and Loan Capital and the Use of Interest Rate Swaps
by David Vang - 58-60 Optimal Rent-Seeking Group
by Sanghack Lee - 61-65 Working Capital Finance and the Balanced Budget Multiplier
by Wen-ya Chang & Ching-chong Lai - 66-71 Economic Education, Experimental Methods and the Structure-Conduct-Performance Paradigm
by Margaret A. Ray - 72-80 The Demand for Major League Baseball: A Test of the Uncertainty of Outcome Hypothesis
by Glenn Knowles & Keith Sherony & Mike Haupert - 81-84 Tariffs, Quotas and the Terms of Trade
by Yeong-Her Yeh - 85-88 More on Misery: How Consistent Are Alternative Indices? A Comment
by Clark Wiseman - 89-91 Optimality on the Short-Run Phillips Curve Revisited
by Bijou Yang - 92-93 The President's Report on the International Honor Society in Economics
by Alex J. Kondonassis - 94-94 Book Review: Essentials of Econometrics
by Waldo John Lombardi - 94-95 Book Review: Antitrust Economics on Trial
by Ronald W. Cotterill - 95-97 Book Review: The Great Savings and Loan Debacle
by Steven Pressman - 97-98 Book Review: The Good Society
by James Daly - 98-99 Book Review: Paying for Productivity: A Look at the Evidence
by Lawrence M. Bellman - 99-100 Book Review: Management in the Socialist Countries: USSR and Central Europe
by Joseph V. Scuralli
March 1992, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 3-6 Institutions and Economic Theory
by Douglass C. North - 7-12 The Thatcher Supply-Side ‘Miracle’: Myth or Reality?
by Nigel M. Healey - 13-17 Spillover Asymmetries and a Comparative Technological Advantage
by E. R. Carlisle - 18-21 Slave Labor as Labor Hoarding-Input Use inside the Economic Region of Production
by Bruce Henry Smith - 22-28 An Estimation of Target Effective Exchange Rates: The Case of the U.S
by Nicholas Apergis - 29-34 The Publication Incidence of Replications and Critical Commentary in Economics
by Raymond Hubbard & Daniel E. Vetter - 35-43 Intersegment and Racial Differences in Nonemployment Mobility
by Jeffrey Waddoups & Djeto Assane - 44-52 The Efficient Tariff: Systematically Balancing Security and Welfare Concerns
by Michael Ashton - 53-64 An Economic Approach to Abortion Demand
by Donna S. Rothstein - 65-70 The Effects of Monopolization on Newspaper Advertising Rates
by Eric Reimer - 71-76 Is Capitalism Kaput?
by Linda Diehl-Callaway - 77-84 The Soviet Union as a Great Power: The Need for Reform
by Thomas G. Brown - 85-86 The Relationship between Interest Rates and Bond Prices: A Complete Proof
by Dale Bremmer & Randall Kesselring - 87-96 Chapter Roll
by N/A
October 1991, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 3-7 Random Walk and Life Philosophy
by Gerard Debreu - 8-15 Life and Philosophy
by Hirofumi Uzawa - 16-24 The Chaotic Behavior of Foreign Exchange Rates
by Amir D. Aczel & Norman H. Josephy - 25-31 Effect of Interest Rate on Consumption under Alternative Expectations Hypotheses: Evidence from Pakistan
by Abbas Pourgerami & Salman Saif Ghouri - 32-40 Tax Policy and the Federal Budget
by Annette E. Meyer - 41-48 The Link between the Rate of Growth of Stock Prices and the Rate of Growth of GNP in the United States: A Granger Causality Test
by Saeid Mahdavi & Ahmad Sohrabian - 49-59 Inflation: Some Empirical Evidence
by M. Osman Suliman & Kevin McCann - 60-66 The Impact of Imports on Price Competition in the Automobile Industry
by Lall B. Ramrattan - 67-72 Currency Substitution in Korea
by Augustine C. Arize - 73-80 Investment in Name Brand Capital: Evidence from the Free Banking Era
by Michael J. Haupert - 81-85 Economic Development and Family Size
by Roberto J. Rios - 86-89 A Geometric Method for Analyzing Many-Firm or Many-Period Problems in Micro Theory
by Syed M. Ahsan - 90-91 Book Review: Strategy of a Megamerger: An Insider's Account of the Baxter Travenol-American Hospital Supply Combination
by Mary Brownell - 91-92 Book Review: Unlimited Wealth
by Albert D. Widman - 92-93 Book Review: Perspectives on Risk-Based Capital
by Gregory Jeffries - 93-94 Book Review: The Machine That Changed the World
by Thomas J. Cawley - 93-94 Book Review: Made in America: Regaining the Productive Edge
by Thomas J. Cawley
March 1991, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 3-9 How Our Economy Stands up to Scrutiny
by Tibor Scitovsky - 10-18 My Life Philosophy
by Everett E. Hagen - 19-20 The Walters-Lawson Affair and the Two Worlds of Communication: A Collision Course
by Michael Szenberg - 21-29 The Role of Agriculture in Industrial Development Symbiotic vs. Parasitic Relationship
by T. P. Barbiero & A. A. Brown - 30-39 Winning an Educational Scholarship
by A. G. Holtmann & Todd L. Idson - 40-51 A Primer on the Use of Canonical Forms and Transformations in the Linear Regression Model
by Lee C. Adkins & R. Carter Hill & Bob Russell - 52-55 Service Capacity, Demand Fluctuations, and Economic Behavior
by Yuri Arenberg - 56-61 Restrictions of Allen's ARC Elasticity of Demand: Time to Consider the Alternative?
by L. A. Daellenbach & A. W. Khandker & G. J. Knowles & K. R. Sherony - 62-74 World Agricultural Production: Growth Paths and Environmental Effects
by Jonathan M. Harris - 75-78 Export Subsidy and Foreign Welfare
by Sanghack Lee - 79-81 In Memoriam
by Rodney D. Peterson & Ronnie J. Phillips - 82-83 A Comment on Design of Financial Systems for Economic Stability
by Robert F. Stauffer - 84-85 Book Review: The Antitrust Revolution
by George Kosicki - 85-86 Book Review: Who Killed John Maynard Keynes? Conflicts in the Evolution of Economic Policy
by Thomas J. Pierce - 87-96 Chapter Roll
by N/A
October 1990, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 3-13 My Life Philosophy
by Irma Adelman - 14-19 Economics at Columbia: Recollections of the Early 1930S
by Eli Ginzberg - 20-27 Some Properties of the Durations of Economic Expansions and Contractions
by Arnold Zellner - 28-33 Mean-Preserving Spread of Price Distribution Revisited
by Eli Feinerman - 34-41 A Modification and Re-Examination of the Bachelier Option Pricing Model
by J. Austin Murphy - 42-45 Measuring Terms of Trade of LDCS: A Different Approach
by G. R. Ghorashi - 46-54 Getting down to Business; Tactics and Ethics of the National Grange, 1905–1911
by Tom Velk & A. R. Riggs - 55-59 Commodity Concentration and Export Earnings Instability: The Evidence from African Countries
by Abebayehu Tegene - 60-64 The Economics of the Golden Arches: A Case Study of the Mcdonald's System
by D. L. Noren - 65-71 Rate of Return and Optimal Investment in an Imperfect Capital Market
by James P. Liu & Roland Y. Wu - 72-74 A Note on Taxation and the Real Balance Effect in a Rational Expectations Model
by Chien-Hsun Chen - 75-78 The Effect of Factor Price Changes on Factor Intensities: The Case of the Marginal Machine
by Edward M. Miller - 79-84 Economics 101 and an Economic Way of Thinking
by Stephen L. Jackstadt & Lee Huskey & Don L. Marx & Pershing J. Hill - 85-87 Inflationary Expectations and Consumption over Time
by Tikva Darvish & Nava Kahana - 88-89 Comparative Statics without Differentiability
by Wayne L. Winston - 90-91 On the Optimal Level of Macroeconomic Misery: A Comment
by Peter A. Zaleski - 92-92 Optimality on the Short-Run Phillips Curve: A “Misery Index†Criterion, a Reply
by J. M. Golden & Robert Orescovich & David Ostafin - 93-94 Reading List in History of Economic Thought
by R. L. Bishop - 94-94 Book Review: Managerial Economics
by W. J. Lombardi
March 1990, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 5-21 The Triumph of the Adaptive Society
by Herbert Stein - 22-32 My Life Philosophy
by Allan H. Meltzer - 33-39 A Philosophy of Life
by Carl F. Christ - 40-44 Income Redistribution and Aggregate Consumption: Implications of the Relative Income Model
by George Kosicki - 45-53 The Tobacco Program: An Econometric Analysis of its Benefits to Farmers
by B. Gordon Watkins III - 54-61 The Effects of Ownership and Investment upon the Performance of Franchise Systems
by Wade L. Thomas & Michael J. O'Hara & Frank W. Musgrave - 62-68 Baseball Attendance and the Designated Hitter
by Bruce R. Domazlicky & Peter M. Kerr - 69-75 Capital Mobility, Monetization, and Money Demand in Developing Economies
by Augustine C. Arize & Ali F. Darrat & Donald J. Meyer - 76-82 The Effect of Employment and Welfare on Family Structure: Explaining the Time Trend of Female-Headed Families
by Steven C. Hess - 83-87 Anticipated and Unanticipated Money in Thailand
by Janardan B. Khatri-Chhetri & Ampon Kittiampon & Myles S. Wallace - 88-96 Omicron Delta Epsilon List of Chapters
by N/A
October 1989, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 3-17 My Life Philosophy
by Maurice Allais - 18-24 A Life Philosophy
by A. Walters - 25-33 Is Financial Deepening a Reliable Prescription for Economic Growth?
by Ali F. Darrat & Karin P. LaBarge & Richard A. LaBarge - 34-38 Asymmetric Behavior of the Prime Rate of Interest
by Philip Levine & Peter D. Loeb - 39-52 Design of Financial Systems for Economic Stability
by Edward M. Miller - 53-59 General Equilibrium Effects of Regulation
by Robert W. Kling - 60-63 An Empirical Study of the Life-Cycle Hypothesis with Respect to Alumni Donations
by Katherine Olsen & Amy L. Smith & Phanindra V. Wunnava - 64-67 Wages, Corners and the Wife's Work at Home
by Richard J. Claycombe - 68-69 A Comment on Work Disincentive Effects of Government Income Maintenance Programs
by Bruce H. Smith - 70-70 The Work Disincentive Effects of Government Income Maintenance Programs: A Reply
by John J. Bethune - 71-76 History of Economic Thought: Survey of Course Outlines in Universities in Canada and the United States of America
by Tadiboyina Venkateswarlu - 77-90 Reading Lists in History of Economic Thought
by A. Cohen - 91-92 Book Review: Health Policy in Transition, a Decade of Health Politics, Policy and Law
by Naomi Kunin - 92-93 Book Review: Economics for a Civilized Society
by William C. Perkins - 93-94 Book Review: Surveys in the Economics of Uncertainty
by Rajeev K. Goel - 94-94 Book Review: Crisis and Leviathan
by Peter A. Zaleski
March 1989, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 4-4 Errata
by N/A - 5-15 The Intermixture of Politics and Economics in the World Monetary Scandal: Diagnosis and Prescription Acceptance Paper, the Frank E. Seidman Distinguished Award in Political Economy (1988)
by Robert Triffin - 16-23 My Life Philosophy
by Bela Balassa - 24-27 An Uncertain Fine for Pollution as a Fixed Cost That Affects Output
by Allan Persky - 28-35 The Persistent U.S. External Imbalance: Its Causes and Policy Message
by Eric Youngkoo Lee - 36-44 Price Supports under Uncertainty: The U.S. Oats Market
by Frederick I. Johnson - 45-51 Book IV: The Inducement to Invest
by James M. Rock - 52-60 The Determinants of Conglomerate Mergers
by David B. Audretsch - 61-68 Determinants of the Value of the Mother's Time: Evidence from a Developing Country
by Karen Leppel - 69-79 Macroeconomic Policy Changes and the Forward Exchange Premium
by Miles R. Cook - 80-82 A Pedagogical Note on Monopoly Supply
by Joseph S. Rabianski & Jack H. Stone - 83-86 Perceived Wealth and Government Bonds: A Diagrammatic Exposition
by Chaim Fershtman & Anat Pirchi - 87-87 Book Review: Fiscal Limits of Absolutism: Direct Taxation in Early Seventeenth Century France
by T. P. Barbiero - 88-96 Chapter Roll
by N/A
October 1988, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 3-10 Instead of a Philosophy of Life
by Martin Bronfenbrenner - 11-19 Unanticipated Deficits and Interest Rates
by John D. Abell - 20-25 The Impact of Program and Labor Market Incentives on Applications for Welfare Appeals
by Fred Englander & Valerie Englander - 26-34 A Regression Analysis of Migration to Urban Areas of a Less-Developed Country: The Case of Iran
by Taghi Ramin - 35-40 The Forgotten Contribution of a Wage Tip
by David J. Hoaas