April 2016, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-1 Gender Relations and the Changing Agrarian Political Economies in the South
by N/A - 1-19 Gender, Land Tenure and Agrarian Production Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Dzodzi  Tsikata - 20-49 Adivasi Women, Agrarian Change and Forms of Labour in Neo-liberal India
by Archana Prasad - 50-76 Social Reproduction and the Agrarian Question of Women’s Labour in India
by Sirisha C. Naidu & Lyn Ossome - 77-97 Farm to Factory Gendered Employment: The Case of Blue Skies Outgrower Scheme in Ghana
by Gertrude Dzifa Torvikey & Joseph Awetori Yaro & Joseph Kofi Teye - 98-122 Women’s Agential Power in the Political Economy of Agricultural Land
by Govind Kelkar & Santosh Kumar Jha - 123-125 Book Review: Tukumbi Lumumba-Kasongo (Ed.) (2016), Land Rreforms and Natural Resource Conflicts in Africa: New Development Paradigms in the Era of Global Liberalization
by Walter Chambati - 126-128 Book Review: Ndèye Sokhna Guèye (Ed.) (2015), Mouvements sociaux des femmes au Sénégal
by Rama Salla Dieng - 128-130 Book Review: Lorenzo Cotula (2013), The Great African Land Grab? Agricultural Investments and the Global Food System
by Alexandre Cesar Cunha Leite & Maria Eduarda de Andrade e Sousa
December 2015, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 1-1 Editorial
by N/A - 259-288 Ten Years of Economic Recovery in Argentina (2003–2013): An assessment of ‘Neo-developmentalism’
by Vitor Eduardo Schincariol - 289-326 India’s Second Green Revolution: Portends for Future and Possible Alternatives
by Vikas Bajpai - 327-370 The Land Question and the Mobility of the Marginalized: A Study of Land Inequality in Kerala
by C. R. Yadu - 371-393 Brazil as an Emerging Donor in Africa’s Agricultural Sector: Comparing Two Projects
by LetÃcia Cesarino - 394-432 Estimating Poverty Including Social Expenditure: Adequacy and Implications of New Official Methods in the Context of Urban India
by Ruchira Bhattacharya - 433-442 Expropriating the Land and its Moral Grounds: A Review Essay
by Marcelo C. Rosa - 443-445 Book Review: Leão WalquÃria Rego and Alessandro Pinzani (2014), Vozes do Bolsa FamÃlia: Autonomia, dinheiro e cidadania
by Thiago Lima
August 2015, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 153-168 Capitalism and Inequality
by Prabhat Patnaik - 169-196 Economic Cycles, Deforestation and Social Impacts in the Brazilian Amazon
by Olympio Barbanti - 197-215 Household Production and Market Engagement among Resettled Hmong and Lao Loum Communities
by Phoutkanya Dalasavong & Nittana Southiseng & John Walsh - 216-231 Informal Economy in India: Persistence and Meagreness
by Arup Mitra - 232-258 Explaining the Rise in Agricultural Prices: Impact of Neoliberal Policies on the Agrarian Economy
by Shouvik Chakraborty
April 2015, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-1 The Agrarian Question in the North: Contemporary Trends, Historic Challenges
by N/A - 1-21 The Origins and Continuation of First World Import Dependence on Developing Countries for Agricultural Products
by Utsa Patnaik - 22-53 The Impact of the CAP on Agriculture and Rural Areas of EU Member States
by Apostolos G. Papadopoulos - 54-84 Agricultural Subsidies for Non-farm Interests: An Analysis of the US Agro-industrial Complex
by Thiago Lima - 85-124 North–South Imbalances in the Doha Round: The Use of Specific Duties as a Trade Policy Instrument
by Murali Kallummal - 125-146 Seeking an Alternative Development Paradigm for Greek Agriculture
by Fotis Bilias - 147-151 Book Review: Amiya Kumar Bagchi and Amita Chatterjee (Editors) (2014), Marxism with and Beyond Marx
by Dinesh Kumar Abrol
December 2014, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 313-335 Agricultural Trade Negotiations and the Challenges of Food Security
by Nilson de Paula & Huáscar Pessali - 337-367 Commodification and the Social Commons: Smallholder Autonomy and Rural–Urban Kinship Communalism in Turkey
by Murat Öztürk & Joost Jongerden & Andy Hilton - 369-402 Decomposing Change in Energy Consumption of the Agricultural Sector in Pakistan
by Vaqar Ahmed & Muhammad Zeshan - 403-426 How Efficiently is Chemical Fertilizer Used in Indian Agriculture? Challenges and Alternatives
by Abhijit Ghosh & Saurav Kumar Dey - 427-429 Book Review: Mahmood Mamdani (2012), Define and Rule: Native as Political Identity
by FabrÃcio Cardoso de Mello
August 2014, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 151-178 Unfree Labour under Capitalism: A Contradiction in (Useful) Terms
by J. Mohan Rao - 179-201 The Shack Settlement as a Site of Politics: Reflections from South Africa
by Richard Pithouse - 203-237 Discontents and Resistance of ‘Unverified’ Ex-combatants and Challenges to their Rehabilitation in Nepal
by D.B. Subedi - 239-273 Are Subsidies for Coffee Farmers Inclusive in India? Evidence and Implications from a Household Survey
by M.R. Narayana - 275-293 Class and Nation in the Agrarian Questions of the South: Notes in Response to Moyo, Jha and Yeros
by Fred Hendricks - 295-302 In Defense of Intellectual Autonomy: A Response to Hendricks
by Sam Moyo & Praveen Jha & Paris Yeros - 303-312 The Evolution of Cuban Agrarian Relations
by Gladys Hernández
April 2014, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-15 Imperialism and the Agrarian Question
by Prabhat Patnaik - 17-43 Land Grabbing in Latin America: Another Natural Resource Curse?
by Agostina Costantino - 45-61 Shifting Gender Dimensions and Rural Livelihoods after Zimbabwe’s Fast-Track Land Reform Programme
by Patience Mutopo & Jeanette Manjengwa & Manase Chiweshe - 63-107 The Rationalization of Agriculture in Kerala: Implications for the Natural Environment, Agro-ecosystems and Livelihoods
by P.K. Viswanathan - 109-110 Introduction
by William G. Martin - 111-123 China, Africa and the Bandung Idea, Then and Now
by Michael O. West - 125-150 Asian Land Acquisitions in Africa: Beyond the ‘New Bandung’ or a ‘New Colonialism’?
by William G. Martin & Ravi Arvind Palat
December 2013, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 241-245 Crisis and Global Transformation: What Role for Re-peasantization?
by N/A - 247-268 The Development Trap of Financial Capitalism: China’s Peasant Path Compared
by Sit Tsui & Du Jie & Lan Yonghai & Dong Xiaodan & Erebus Wong & Wen Tiejun - 269-289 Re-peasantization, Resistance and Subordination: The Struggle for Land and Agrarian Reform in Brazil
by Bernardo Mançano Fernandes - 291-314 Peasants of Manipur: Agrarian Change, Land Tenure and Emerging Patterns of Re-peasantization in India
by Ch. Priyoranjan Singh & Hanjabam Isworchandra Sharma - 315-343 Reproduction of the Chilean Peasantry under Neoliberalism
by Raúl Holz Cárcamo - 345-366 New People, New Land and New Livelihoods: A Micro-study of Zimbabwe’s Fast-track Land Reform
by Grasian Mkodzongi - 367-370 Conference on ‘Land, Race and Nation in South Africa’, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, 19–22 June 2013
by Kirk Helliker & Fred Hendricks & Lungisile Ntsebeza - 371-377 Book Review: Perry Anderson (2012). India Trilogy: Gandhi Centre Stage—Why Partition?—After Nehru, London Review of Books
by Vashna Jagarnath - 377-381 Book Review: Fred Hendricks, Lungisile Ntsebeza and Kirk Helliker (2013). The Promise of Land: Undoing a Century of Dispossession in South Africa
by Martin Legassick
August 2013, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 121-159 Not a Benign Market: An Analysis of Food Price Inflation and Volatility
by C.P. Chandrasekhar - 161-188 South Africa and the ‘New Scramble for Africa’: Imperialist, Sub-imperialist, or Victim?
by William G. Martin - 189-211 The Political Economy of Agrarian Labour Relations in Zimbabwe after Redistributive Land Reform
by Walter Chambati - 213-239 Irrigation and Agrarian Change in India: Two Village Studies of Differentiation Without De-peasantization
by Anil Kumar Vaddiraju
April 2013, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-40 Land Use and Rural Livelihoods in South Africa: Emerging Evidence from the Eastern Cape
by Horman Chitonge - 41-69 Land Grabbing, Agribusiness and the Peasantry in Brazil and Mozambique
by Elizabeth Alice Clements & Bernardo Mançano Fernandes - 71-92 From Peasants to ‘Project Beneficiaries’: The Case of the Brazilian Amazon PPG7 Demonstration Projects
by Olympio Barbanti - 93-119 The Classical Agrarian Question: Myth, Reality and Relevance Today
by Sam Moyo & Praveen Jha & Paris Yeros
December 2012, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 233-254 Some Aspects of the Contemporary Agrarian Question
by Utsa Patnaik - 255-290 Intellectual Property Rights and the North-South Contest for Agricultural Germplasm: A Historical Perspective
by Tung-Yi Kho - 291-313 The Economic Diplomacy of Tanzania: Accumulation by Dispossession in a Peripheral State
by Ng’wanza Kamata - 315-340 The Ox from the Four Corners of the World: The Historic Origins of the Brazilian Beef Industry
by Ricardo Ferreira Ribeiro - 341-346 Book Review: Henry Bernstein (2010). Class dynamics of agrarian change
by Paris Yeros
August 2012, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 109-160 Capitalism and the Common Man: Peasants and Petty Production in Africa and South Asia
by Barbara Harriss-White - 161-180 Migrant Workers in Sugarcane Mills: A Study of Social Networks and Recruitment Intermediaries in Brazil
by Marilda Aparecida de Menezes & Marcelo Saturnino da Silva & Maciel Cover - 181-203 Imperialism and Primitive Accumulation: Notes on the New Scramble for Africa
by Sam Moyo & Paris Yeros & Praveen Jha - 205-231 Landless: Meanings and Transformations of a Collective Action Category in Brazil
by Marcelo C. Rosa
April 2012, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-10 The Agrarian Question: Past, Present and Future
by N/A - 11-26 Contemporary Imperialism and the Agrarian Question
by Samir Amin - 27-42 The Peasant Question and Contemporary Capitalism: Some Reflections with Reference to India
by Prabhat Patnaik - 43-64 Accumulation Strategies and Human Development in India
by Jayati Ghosh - 65-83 Reclaiming the Land, Reclaiming the Nation: Adjacent or Twin Questions?
by Reginaldo C. Moraes - 85-107 Land and Territory: Meanings of Land between Modernity and Tradition
by Sérgio Sauer