2018, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 93-100 The Effect of Proactive Market Orientation on Company Performance: The Case of Medium and Large Manufacturing Companies in Ethiopia
by Aschalew Degoma Durie & Elias Shetemam Beshir - 101-112 Transformational Leadership and Contextual Performance: A Quantitative Study among Nursing Staff in Kuala Lumpur
by Mandana Heshmati Manesh & Jugindar Singh Kartar Singh & Ibiwani Alisa Binti Hussain - 113-142 Management and Agrarian Sustainability-Impact of Institutions in Bulgaria
by Hrabrin Bachev
2018, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-24 Modeling, Simulation and Stability Analysis Using MATLAB of a Hybrid System Solar Panel and Wind Turbine in The Locality of Puntahacienda-Quingeo In Ecuador
by D Icaza & S Sami - 25-31 The Relationship between Sport Organizational Management Practices and Coaching Leadership Style of Primer League Football Clubs in Ethiopian
by Biruk Hundito & N Vijay Mohan - 32-42 Disrupting Digital Future of Product Lifecycle
by A Seetharaman & Nitin Patwa & A.S Saravanan & Shital Vakhariya - 43-62 An Investigation into the Factors Affecting the Sustainability of the Land Reform Programme Beneficiaries in Kwa Zulu-Natal Province
by Nomapha Maureen Magula & Shaun Wilbur Pekeur - 63-71 Some Thoughts on Operationalizing the Concept of Sufficiency in Efficiency Analysis
by Malte L Peters & Stephan Zelewski
2017, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 63-74 Scale for Measuring Transformational Leadership in Public Sector Organizations in Sri Lanka: With Special Reference to Ministries of Western Provincial Council
by N Nilwala & K Gunawardana & R. L. S Fernando - 75-80 To Check the Effect of Advertising, Personal Selling and Public Relations on Consumer Preferences, A Case of Telecommunication Sector in Faisalabad
by Muhammad Salman Arshad & Abdul Ghafoor
2017, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 47-53 Ergonomic Analysis of Worker Postures in Waste Collection Job
by A .A Yussouff & K.A Adedeji & S.O Ismaila - 54-62 Exploring Learning Experience in a Total Enterprise Simulation Based on Means-End Theory
by Fuyume SAI
2017, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 23-32 Factors Influencing Consumer Purchase Intention of "KU Phuphan Black-Bone Chicken Product" in Sakon Nakhon Province, Thailand : A Study Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
by Jitpisut Bubphapant - 33-46 The Influence of Personality Traits on Entrepreneurial Intention
by Ozgur DEMIRTAS & Mustafa KARACA & A Hakan OZDEMIR
2017, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-7 The Influence of Strategy Implementation on the Performance of Micro Enterprises in Ruiru Sub County, Kiambu County, Kenya
by Lilian Njeri Ngigi & Wilson Odiyo - 8-22 Incorporating Pollution Taxes and/or Subsidies into Master Planning in Semiconductor Foundry Plants
by Chi Chiang & Hui-Lan Hsu
2016, Volume 5, Issue 12
- 94-101 Benefits and Risks of Satisficing Levels for Input and Output Quantities in Efficiency Analyses from a Corporate Social Responsibility Perspective
by Malte L Peters & Stephan Zelewski
2016, Volume 5, Issue 11
- 87-93 A Research on the Implementation of an ICT-Based Entry and Exit Control System to Prevent Hospital Infection
by Hyuk Ho & Wan Chol Ho & Bong Gyou Lee
2016, Volume 5, Issue 10
- 79-86 Stimulating Commercial Drones with Open Spectrum Paradigm
by Se Ho Kim & Sang Hoo Oh & Bong Gyou Lee
2016, Volume 5, Issue 9
- 72-78 Analysis of Infectious Diseases Spreading Process and ICT-Based Management System
by Hyun Ju Jo & Sung Gye Moon & Bong Gyou Lee
2016, Volume 5, Issue 8
- 61-71 Influence of Outside Directors on Performance of Japanese Companies
by Hiroyuki Matsuoka & Kazuhiro Manabe
2016, Volume 5, Issue 7
- 48-60 Contribution of Employee Engagement and Interpersonal Relationship to Improve Employee Performance
by Rolyana Ferinia & Tjutju Yuniarsi & H Disman
2016, Volume 5, Issue 6
- 38-47 The Creation of Financial Performance Based on the Economic Value Added Perspective: A Case of Indonesian Estate Firms
by Adi D Guritno & Henry Yuliando & Agustinus N Dairo
2016, Volume 5, Issue 5
- 30-37 The Role of Supervisory and Leadership Type in Budgeting Commitment on Hospitals’ Financial Performance in East Java Province, Indonesia
by Muhammad Zulfikar Asumta & Stefanus Supriyanto & Fitri Ismiyanti & Sri Hartiningsih
2016, Volume 5, Issue 4
2016, Volume 5, Issue 3
2016, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 11-16 Analysis Place Branding as a Local Culture Kampung Naga West Java Indonesia
by Mutia Tri Satya & Aneu Kuraesin
2016, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-10 Sustainability Risk Management (SRM): An Extension of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Concept
by Nazliatul Aniza Abdul Aziz & Norlida Abdul Manab & Siti Norezam Othman
2015, Volume 4, Issue 12
- 237-247 Comparison between Decision Making Method for Success Right or Wrong of Software Development Project
by Kazuhiro Esaki & Kizuku Kuwahara & Tetsu Sagae
2015, Volume 4, Issue 11
- 218-236 A Comprehensive Public-Private Partnership Concept for Resources Sustainability from a Mega-Project Management Multi-Level Perspective
by Christopher Mulanda Aura & Farida Hassan & Melckzedeck K Osore & Safina Musa & George Morara & Jacqueline Uku
2015, Volume 4, Issue 10
- 205-217 Exploring Potential Entrants’ Perceptions of the Performance of an Agrirural Social Enterprise in Taiwan
by Wen-Shan Chang & Chaoyun Liang
2015, Volume 4, Issue 9
2015, Volume 4, Issue 8
- 173-182 Future Forward: Banking on Youngsters to Create Value
by Ashwath K. S & Asha Thalisha Bala Krishnan & Asvattha Kumaran
2015, Volume 4, Issue 7
- 163-172 Strategic Supply Chain Framework as an Effective Approach to Procurement of Public Construction Projects in Nigeria
by N.U Dim & A.C.C Ezeabasili
2015, Volume 4, Issue 6
- 130-144 Effects of Servant Leader Behaviors on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors for the Individual (OCB-I) In the Nigeria’s Utility Industry Using Partial Least Squares (PLS)
by Abdu Ja’afaru Bambale & Faridahwati Mohd Shamsudin & Chandrakatan a/l Subramaniam - 145-162 Employer Branding Impact on Employee Behavior and Attitudes Applied Study on Pharmatecual in Egypt
by Mohamed Wahba & Dalia Elmanadily
2015, Volume 4, Issue 5
- 104-113 Application of Value Chain Analysis in the Sustainable Management of Tertiary Distance Education Programmes in Nigeria
by Nwizu Stella Chioma - 114-129 Does Organizational Learning Matter?
by Gholamreza Zandi & Mohamed Sulaiman
2015, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 75-88 Liability of the Insurance Company in International Insurance of Carriage of Goods
by Nashat Mahmoud Abdalla Jaradat - 89-103 The International Logistics Center of Turkey: Situational Analysis of Mersin Port’s Seaways Logistics
2015, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 39-59 Implementing IFRS for SMEs: Challenges for Developing Economies
by Helen Samujh & S Susela Devi - 60-74 The Sudan Civil Service: One Century of Development
by Garoot Suleiman Eisa & Ahmed Ibrahim Abu Sin
2015, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 20-25 Features of a Strategic Approach to Human Resource Management
by Sergey A Surkov & Ellen G Trofimova - 26-38 Mental Disorders Signs in Afghan Immigrants/Refugees
by Mahboubeh Dadfar & David Lester & Mohammad Kazem Atef Vahid & Ahmed M Abdel-Khalek & Mehrdad Mohammadian & Jafar Bolhari & Fazel Bahrami & Ali Asghar Asgharnejad Farid
2015, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-9 The Potential of Scientific Research Support and Its Role in Enhancing the Competitiveness of Universities “Zarqa University as Case Study”2001-2013
by Ahmad Assaf - 10-19 Business Strategies for Effective Entrepreneurship: A Panacea for Sustainable Development and Livelihood in the Family
by Chika Oguonu
2014, Volume 3, Issue 12
- 673-683 Impact of Family Ownership on Market Value of a Firm: A Comparative Analysis of Family and Non-Family Companies Listed at Karachi Stock Exchange (Pakistan)
by Safdar Husain Tahir & Hazoor Muhammad Sabir - 684-696 Effect of Exchange Rate Volatility on Exports in Nigeria: A Test of Cochrane-Orcutt Technique
by Bello Malam Sa’idu
2014, Volume 3, Issue 11
- 648-652 Equilibrium of E-Channel Relationship and Decisions
by Huei-Chen Hsu & Hui-Chu Chen & Li-Fen Tsai & Sheng-Wen Liu - 653-663 Poverty, Inequality and Millennium Development Goals’ Expenditure: A Probabilistic Linkage
by Bello Malam Sa’idu - 664-672 A Fractional Cointegration Analysis of Purchasing Power Parity: Evidence of ELW
by Nadhem Selmi
2014, Volume 3, Issue 10
- 596-614 Marketing Location as a Key Determinant for Inflow of Direct Investments into Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Ermina Smajlović & Alma Kamarić & Boro Ninić - 615-623 Performance Based Budgeting System Design in Universitas Sebelas Maret
by Santosa Tri Hananto & Lulus Kurniasih & Adi Firman Ramadhan - 624-632 Asset System Design Based on Accrual To Improvement Quality of Financial Information (A Case Study in the City of Pacitan)
by Subekti Djamaluddin & Santoso Tri Hananto & Bandi - 633-647 Protectionism and Containment in the Twenty-First Century: Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
by Claude V Chang & Karl Kluegel
2014, Volume 3, Issue 9
- 530-539 Diagnosis of the Process of Building Relationships between Customer and Company and Company and Employee
by Lukasz Skowron & Marcin Gasior - 540-551 Improving the Perceived Quality of Private Brands Using Co-Branding: The Role of Brand Equity and Store Image
by Shihyi Chien & Chiahui Yu & Yichuan Wang & Pao-Le Kuo - 552-566 Cumulative Average Abnormal Return and Semistrong Form Efficiency Testing in Indonesian Equity Market over Restructuring Issue
by Faizil Ikram & Anggoro Budi Nugroho - 567-579 Strategic Communication: Impact on Productivity and Company Image
by Irene Akuamoah-Boateng & Kwame A Domfeh - 580-595 Strategic Determinants of Family Firm Performance: A Proposed Research Framework
by Issa M. H Smirat & Mohd Noor Mohd Sharif
2014, Volume 3, Issue 8
- 469-483 Corporate Governance, Sustainability and Capital Markets Orientation
by Daniela M Salvioni & Francesca Gennari - 484-492 The Inclination of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Students towards Entrepreneurship
by Mior Nasir Mior Nazri & Zarinah Hamid & Herna Muslim - 493-499 Evaluation of Conservation Costs and Benefits of Developing Conservation Strategies
by Olanipekun N. O - 500-516 Management in Public Utility Companies in Ghana: An Appraisal of Ghana Water Company Limited
by Kwaku D Kessey & Irene Ampaabeng - 517-529 Influence of the Entrepreneur and Enterprise Characteristics on Success of Cage Fish Farming In the Asuogyaman and South Dayi Districts, Ghana
by Anaglo J. N & Freeman C. K & Kumah W. K & Boateng S. D & Manteaw S. A
2014, Volume 3, Issue 7
- 393-414 An Exploratory Study of Financial Management Practices Among Ghanaian Households
by Redeemer Yao Krah & Felix Kwame Aveh & Rebecca Addo - 415-432 The Impact of Team Diversity, Task Interdependence, Team Conflict and Team Cooperation on Job Performance: Using Real Estate Brokers as Examples
by Chun-Chang Lee & Yu-Hsuan Lee & Hsiao-Han Chen & Pei-Shan Hsieh & Yung-Yun Yeh & Mei-Chu Lin - 433-447 Critical Success Factors for Franchised Restaurants Entering the Kenyan Market: Customers’ Perspective
by Lucy Gikonyo & Adele Berndt & Joseph Wadawi - 448-456 Analysis of Nigeria Firms, Export Marketing Configuration in the Global Market
by Bright C Opara - 457-468 E-Retailers and Environmental Sustainability
by Peter Jones & Daphne Comfort & David Hillier
2014, Volume 3, Issue 6
- 321-340 Interactive Relationship between Job Involvement, Job Satisfaction, Organisational Citizenship Behaviour, and Organizational Commitment in Nigerian Universities
by B.M Nwibere - 341-359 Business Ethics in Insurance Industry in Nigeria
by Isimoya O - 360-373 Analysis of Workplace Stress and Organizational Performance in Human Resource Management: A Case Study of Air Traffic Controllers of Pakistan
by Muhammad Iqbal & Ayse Kucuk Yilmaz - 374-383 Performance Audit: A Tool for Fighting Corruption in the Nigeria’s Public Sector Administration
by Sunny Agbo & Jude A Aruomoaghe - 384-392 Theories of Knowledge: A Critical Examination of the Validity of Different Kinds of Explanations
by Sirajul Haque & Sharif Ahmed Abbasi
2014, Volume 3, Issue 5
- 261-268 Modern Organization Theory: Analyzing the Complexity of Coordination and Cooperation in the Modern Organizations
by Sirajul Haque & Naveed Rehman - 269-278 Performance Culture – The E.Q., Support of the Reposition of Companies on the Market – Answer To the Impact of Economic Crisis
by Mihaela Cristina Gheorghe - 279-294 An Investigation of Servqual Dimensions in the Delivery of Satisfied Services to Customers in the Domestic Airlines Industry in Ghana
by Isaac Ofori – Okyere & Seyram Pearl Kumah - 295-306 The Impact of Credit Risk Management on the Commercial Banks Performance in Nigeria
by Idowu Abiola & Awoyemi Samuel Olausi - 307-320 Do it Helps SMEs Gain Better Performance: A Conceptual Analysis on RBV Theory
by Wan Nur Syahida Wan Ismail & Mohd Zulkifli Mokhtar & Azwadi Ali & Mohd Shaari Abdul Rahman
2014, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 186-202 On Energy Subsidy Reform and Sustainable Development in Nigeria
by Christopher N Ekong & Usenobong F Akpan - 203-224 Financial Performance Assessment of Large Scale Conglomerates Via Topsis and Critic Methods
by Halim Kazan & Omer Ozdemir - 225-233 Analysis of Batik Semarang Business Performance Using SCP (Structure-Conduct-Performance) Approach
by Ngatindriatun - 234-249 Stock Market Volatility under Sanctions
by Hojatallah Goudarzi - 250-260 Strategies to Increase the Self- Efficacy of Educational Administrators
by Mitra Ebrahimi & Ramezan Jahanian
2014, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 124-139 Discovering Opportunities in the Solar Energy Industry: A Subjectivistic View of Entrepreneurial Activity
by Gloria Cuevas-Rodriguez & Carmen Cabello-Medina - 140-146 Impacts of Macroeconomy on Stock Market: Evidence from Pakistan
by Farid Ullah & Ijaz Hussain & Abdur Rauf - 147-159 Antecedents and Outcome of Sustainable Environmental Manufacturing Practices
by Hameed Olusegun Adebambo & Hasbullah Ashari & Norani Nordin - 160-175 The Relationship between Spirituality and Meaning at Work and the Job Happiness and Psychological Well-Being: A Spiritual-Affective Approach to the Psychological Well-Being
by Mohsen Golparvar & Hassan Abedini - 176-185 ROSCAS Remain Strong in India Despite Greater Financial Inclusion
by Alka Bramhandkar & Mary Ellen Zuckerman
2014, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 16-23 An Architecture for Personal Achievement Evaluation System in An University By Applying Open Source ECM and Bi Software
by Muslin Ridhrod & Taratip Suwannasart & Arthit Thongtak - 24-41 FDI in Indian Retail Sector: Strategic Issues and Implications
by A Vijayakumar - 42-50 How to Use Cobit Applications in Educational Institutes
by K. L Ertürk & G Şengül & M Rehan - 51-61 Hospital At Home: Sustainable Healthcare in Developing Countries through Reducing Average Length of Stay in Hospitals
by Veerasingam Nerminathan & Wan Noor Amalyna Binti Wan Fadzil Adlan & Arany A Nerminathan - 62-71 Government and Poverty Alleviation in Ondo State, Nigeria
by Akinmulegun Sunday Ojo - 72-83 Foreign Direct Investment Affluences in Iskandar Malaysia
by Patmawati Ibrahim & Maimunah Ali - 84-96 Poverty Alleviation and Long-Term Sustainability of Microfinance Project: With Special Reference to Matale District
by P.W.N.A Kumari & P.J Kumara Singhe - 97-110 Does Risk Management Affect on Bank Efficiency? An Analysis of Sri Lankan Banking Sector
by J.M Ruwani Fernando & P.D Nimal - 111-123 The Relationship between Servant Leadership and Organizational Commitment: The Malaysian Perspectives
by Aznarahayu Ramli & Nasina Mat Desa
2014, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-15 Price Distortions, Exports, and Economic Growth: Evidence from the Non-Oil Sectors of Nigeria
by Benedict N Akanegbu
2013, Volume 2, Issue 12
- 193-207 Measuring SMEs’ Sustainability: A Literature Review and Agenda for Research
by Bulan Prabawani - 208-219 Analysis of the Determinants of Marriage to First Birth Interval in Bangladesh
by Md Mukhlesur Rahman & Mohitul Ameen Ahmed Mustafi & Mir Mohammad Azad - 220-230 Impact of Product Development and Innovation on Organisational Performance
by UDEGBE Scholastica E & UDEGBE Maurice I - 231-236 Resource Dependency, Institutional, and Stakeholder Organizational Theories in France, Nigeria, and India
by Samuel O Fadare
2013, Volume 2, Issue 11
- 172-185 The Different Types of Delinquent Behavior in the Hospitality Industry. Case Study from Greece
by Polyxeni Moira & Dimitrios Mylonopoulos & Panagiota Vasilopoulou - 186-192 Solutions to Improve Educational Management Quality
by Ramezan Jahanian & Masoomeh Motahari
2013, Volume 2, Issue 10
- 156-171 Factors Influencing the HRD Climate of an Organization
by Neeraj Kumari
2013, Volume 2, Issue 9
2013, Volume 2, Issue 8
- 138-149 Towards Low Carbon Society: Exploring Users Perceptions on the Service Quality Level Performance of Public Transport Staff in the Klang Valley
by Khairul Baharein Mohd Noor & Kamariah Dola
2013, Volume 2, Issue 7
- 127-137 The Place of Physical Infrastructure in Realizing Nigeria’s Vision 20: 2020
by Akhalumeh Paul B & Ohiokha Friday Izien
2013, Volume 2, Issue 6
- 113-126 Widening the Breadth of Knowledge Diffusion among Nigerian Employees: The Upsides of Globalization
by Onodugo Vincent A & Nwoji Stanley C
2013, Volume 2, Issue 5
- 107-112 Invigorating Entrepreneurial Spirit among Workforce
by Al Mutairi Aned O & Al Mutairi Alya O
2013, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 40-62 Some Aspects about Financial Knowledge of Undergraduate Students
by Elena Moreno-García & Arturo García-Santillán & Juan Pablo Munguía-Tiburcio - 63-71 Tourism Industry of Kashmir (1947-1989)
by Mushtaq Ahmad Itoo - 72-85 Competitiveness of Ciit Sahiwal
by Raja Irfan Sabir & Muhammad Shahnawaz & Bilal Iqbal Mian & Waseem Bahadur & Salman Zulfiqar - 86-96 The Role of Teacher Characteristics and Managerial Support in Implementation of History and Government Curriculum in Wareng District, Kenya
by Zipporah Jerotich Ruto - 97-106 Fiscal Federalism and Its Role in Optimization of the Financial Sistem Country
by George Abuselidze
2013, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 28-39 Affective Factors on the Empowerment of Human Resources
by Laya Pouresmaeil & Maryam Baluchi
2013, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 14-27 Compliance Behavior Analysis of the Ship Crew to the International Safety Management (Ism) Code in Indonesia
by Desi Albert Mamahit & Heny K Daryanto & Ujang Sumarwan & Eva Zhoriva Yusuf
2013, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-13 The Role of the Gestalt Theory in Understanding Persian Architectural Masterpieces, Case Study: Fin-Garden of Kashan
by Mohammadjavad Mahdavinejad & Nasim Gholami Rostam & Sepide Mahdavi
2012, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 31-44 The Impact of Neighborhood Characteristics on Housing Prices-An Application of Hierarchical Linear Modeling
by Lee Chun Chang & Hui-Yu Lin - 45-52 Users’ Attitudes towards Institutional Repository in Jadavpur University: A Critical Study
by Sambhu Nath Halder & Suvra Chandra - 53-65 Differentiation and Positioning Strategy: A Toss of the Same Coin
by Oghojafor Ben Akpoyomare & Ladipo Patrick Kunle Adeosun & Rahim Ajao Ganiyu
2012, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-12 Perception And Management of Human Fertility: A Shona Landscape
by Agrippa Chingombe & Mandova Evans & Simon Nenji - 13-22 Attitude and Motivation in L2 Learning among Ummaster Students
by Xiang Yang (Alex) - 23-30 Socio-Cultural Implications of Breast Feeding in Urban Area of Pakistan: (A Case Study of District Faisalabad)
by Muhammad Asim & Shahid Mahmood & Malik Muhammad Sohail & Farkhanda Anjum & Farhat Nazir