- 162 An Axiomatization of the Banzhaf Index to Measure Influence in Qualitative Comparative Analysis
by Claus-Jochen Haake & Martin R. Schneider
- 161 Application Of A Dynamic Welfare-Centered Energy Transition Model
by Iuliia Myroshnychenko & Thomas Gries - 160 A Measure For Contestedness Of A Two-Person Bargaining Problem
by Claus-Jochen Haake & Thomas Streck - 159 Institutions and challenges to development: "An Analysis of Economic Growth, Governance, and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa"
by Youssouf Sangare & Edem Adotey - 158 Size Reduction Reform in German Parliament: a game theoretic analysis of power indices in the Bundestag
by Papatya Duman & Claus-Jochen Haake - 157 Developing A Dynamic Welfare-Centered Energy Transition Model: Methodological Challenges And Perspectives
by Iuliia Myroshnychenko & Thomas Gries
- 156 FIEGARCH, modulus asymmetric FILog-GARCH and trend-stationary dual long memory time series
by Yuanhua Feng & Thomas Gries & Sebastian Letmathe - 155 Distortion through modeling asymmetric bargaining power
by Claus-Jochen Haake & Thomas Streck - 155 Distortion through modeling asymmetric bargaining power
by Claus-Jochen Haake & Thomas Streck - 154 A Model of Cycles and Bubbles under Heterogeneous Beliefs in Financial Markets
by Carina Burs
- 153 An Early Indicator for Anomalous Stock Market Performance
by Marlon Fritz & Thomas Gries & Lukas Wiechers - 152 Data-driven P-Splines under short-range dependence
by Sebastian Letmathe - 151 An iterative plug-in algorithm for P-Spline regression
by Sebastian Letmathe & Yuanhua Feng - 150 Playing games with QCA: Measuring the explanatory power of single conditions with the Banzhaf index
by Claus-Jochen Haake & Martin Schneider - 149 Decision-making under Imperfect Information with Bayesian Learning or Heuristic Rules
by Carina Burs & Thomas Gries
- 147 COVID-19 and Triage - A Public Health Economic Analysis of a Scarcity Problem
by Bernard Michael Gilroy & Marie Wegener & Christian Peitz - 146 Bandwidth selection for the Local Polynomial Double Conditional Smoothing under Spatial ARMA Errors
by Bastian Schäfer - 145 An extended exponential SEMIFAR model with application in R
by Yuanhua Feng & Jan Beran & Sebastian Letmathe - 144 Boundary modification in local polynomial regression
by Yuanhua Feng & Bastian Schäfer - 143 Fast Computation and Bandwidth Selection Algorithms for Smoothing Functional Time Series
by Bastian Schäfer & Yuanhua Feng - 142 Uni- and multivariate extensions of the sinh-arcsinh normal distribution applied to distributional regression
by Yuanhua Feng & Wolfgang Karl Härdle - 141 Semiparametric GARCH models with long memory applied to Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall
by Sebastian Letmathe & Yuanhua Feng & André Uhde - 140 Socio-legal Systems and Implementation of the Nash Solution in Debreu-Hurwicz Equilibrium
by Claus-Jochen Haake & Walter Trockel - 139 Testing as an Approach to Control the Corona Epidemic Dynamics and Avoid Lockdowns
by Thomas Gries & Paul Welfens
- 138 Non-cohesive TU-games: Efficiency and Duality
by Fatma Aslan & Papatya Duman & Walter Trockel - 137 Fractionally integrated Log-GARCH with application to value at risk and expected shortfall
by Yuanhua Feng & Jan Beran & Sebastian Letmathe & Sucharita Ghosh - 135 Conflict Economics and Psychological Human Needs
by Thomas Gries & Veronika Müller - 134 Prudence and prevention - Empirical evidence
by Thomas Mayrhofer & Hendrik Schmitz - 133 Marginal College Wage Premiums under Selection into Employment
by Matthias Westphal & Daniel A. Kamhöfer & Hendrik Schmitz - 132 Income polarization and stagnation in astochastic model of growth: When the demand side matters
by Thomas Gries - 131 A note on Bergstrand's 1985 gravity model
by Nico Stoeckmann - 130 Nash Smoothing on the Test Bench: Ha-Essential Equilibria
by Papatya Duman & Walter Trockel - 129 Oligopolistic Upstream Competition with Differentiated Inputs
by Joachim Heinzel & Simon Hoof
- 128 The Decomposability of the Nash Bargaining Solution in Labor Markets
by Claus-Jochen Haake & Thorsten Upmann & Papatya Duman - 127 The Impact of Product Qualities on Downstream Bundling in a Distribution Channel
by Angelika Endres & Joachim Heinzel - 126 Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall under General Semi-parametric GARCH models
by Xuehai Zhang - 125 A Box-Cox semiparametric multiplicative error model
by Xuehai Zhang - 124 The Impact of Product Qualities on Downstream Bundling in a Distribution Channel
by Angelika Endres & Joachim Heinzel - 123 Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall under General Semi-parametric GARCH models
by Xuehai Zhang - 122 A Box-Cox semiparametric multiplicative error model
by Xuehai Zhang - 121 Duality for General TU-games Redefined
by Fatma Aslan & Papatya Duman & Walter Trockel - 120 Bundling in a Distribution Channel with Retail Competition
by Joachim Heinzel - 119 Credence Goods Markets with Fair and Opportunistic Experts
by Joachim Heinzel - 118 Credence Goods Markets with Heterogeneous Experts
by Joachim Heinzel
- 117 Does Informational Equivalence Preserve Strategic Behavior? An Experimental Study on Trockel's Game
by Papatya Duman - 116 Incentives for the finance sector: How the ECB affects banks' business assembling
by Bernard Michael Gilroy & Alexander Golderbein & Christian Peitz & Nico Stöckmann - 115 New Dimensions of Service Offshoring in World Trade
by Marc Atkins & Bernard Michael Gilroy & Volker Seiler - 114 The Influence of Bribery and Relative Reciprocity on a Physician's Prescription Decision - An Experiment
by Vanessa Hilleringmann - 113 On unification of solutions to the bargaining problem
by Claus-Jochen Haake & Cheng-Zhong Qin - 112 Feedback Pareto weights in cooperative NTU differential games
by Simon Hoof - 111 A Note on Manipulability in School Choice with Reciprocal Preferences
by Claus-Jochen Haake & Nadja Stroh-Maraun
- 110 Matching Strategies of Heterogeneous Agents under Incomplete Information in a University Clearinghouse
by Britta Hoyer & Nadja Stroh-Maraun - 109 The German Precariat and the Role of Fundamental Security - Is the Unconditional Basic Income a Possible Solution for the Growing Precarity in Germany?
by Bernard Michael Gilroy & Julia Günthner - 108 Lobbying over Exhaustible-Resource Extraction
by Achim Voss & Mark Schopf - 107 Thoughts on Social Design
by Walter Trockel & Claus-Jochen Haake - 106 Maintaing vs. Milking Good Reputation when Customer Feedback is Inaccurate
by Behnud Djawadi & Rene Fahr & Claus-Jochen Haake & Sonja Recker - 105 The varying relevance of impact factors in gravity models: An explanation of the delayed development towards global trade
by Bernard M. Gilroy & Nico Stöckmann - 103 Do Announcements of WTO Dispute Resolution Cases Matter? Evidence from the Rare Earth Elements Market
by Juliane Proelss & Denis Schweizer & Volker Seiler - 102 Data-driven local polynomial for the trend and its derivatives in economic time series
by Yuanhua Feng & Thomas Gries - 101 Network Formation and Disruption - An Experiment. Are efficient networks too complex?
by Sonja Brangewitz & Behnud Mir Djawadi & Angelika Endres & Britta Hoyer - 100 Efectiveness of Official Development Assistance - Further Evidence from DAC Countries
by Volker Seiler & Evgenia Taach - 99 "The Impact of Refugees on Per Capita Income" A Gravity Model Approach
by Nico Stöckmann
- 98 Stackelberg Competition among Intermediaries in a Differentiated Duopoly with Product Innovation
by Jochen Manegold - 97 Do WTO Rulings Really Matter? Evidence from the Rare Earth Elements Market
by Juliane Proelss & Denis Schweizer & Volker Seiler - 96 Growth Trends and Systematic Patterns of Booms and Busts - Testing 200 Years of Business Cycle Dynamics -
by Marlon Fritz & Thomas Gries & Yuanhua Feng - 95 An Economic Theory of 'Destabilization War'
by Thomas Gries & Claus-Jochen Haake - 94 Identifying the preferences and heterogeneity of consumer groups in multiplayer video games
by Daniel Kaimann & Nadja Maraun & Joe Cox - 93 Do WTO Rulings Really Matter? Evidence from the Rare Earth Elements Market
by Juliane Proelss & Denis Schweizer & Volker Seiler
- 92 Wealth Effects of Rare Earth Prices and China's Rare Earth Elements Policy
by Maximilian Mueller & Denis Schweizer & Volker Seiler - 91 Strategic Formation of Customer Relationship Networks
by Sonja Brangewitz & Claus-Jochen Haake & Philipp Moehlmeier - 90 Competition and Product Innovation of Intermediaries in a Differentiated Duopoly
by Sonja Brangewitz & Jochen Manegold - 88 Wealth Effects of Rare Earth Prices and China's Rare Earth Elements Policy
by Maximilian Mueller & Denis Schweizer & Volker Seiler - 87 An iterative plug-in algorithm for realized kernels
by Yuanhua Feng & Chen Zhou
- 86 Wealth Effects of Rare Earth Prices and China's Rare Earth Elements Policy
by Maximilian Mueller & Denis Schweizer & Volker Seiler - 85 Quality Choices and Reputation Systems in Online Markets - An Experimental Study
by Sonja Brangewitz & Behnud Djawadi & Rene Fahr & Claus-Jochen Haake - 84 The Interaction of Signals: A Fuzzy set Analysis of the Video Game Industry
by Daniel Kaimann & Joe Cox - 83 Institutional environment, human capital, and firm growth: Evidence from Vietnam
by Thomas Gries & Ha van Dung - 82 Short-term precaution, insurance and saving mechanisms in rural Vietnam
by Ha van Dung - 81 Household Savings and Productive Capital Formation in Rural Vietnam: Insurance vs. Social Network
by Thomas Gries & Ha van Dung - 79 The Nature of Corruption - An Interdisciplinary Perspective
by Eugen Dimant - 78 Uncertainty and Conflict Decision
by Natasa Bilkic & Thomas Gries - 77 Investment under Threat of Disaster
by Thomas Gries & Natasa Bilkic - 76 Destructive Agents, Finance Firms, and Systemic Risk
by Natasa Bilkic & Thomas Gries - 75 Maritime Piracy: Socio-Economic, Political, and Institutional Determinants
by Thomas Gries & Margarete Redlin - 74 Constitutions and Social Networks
by Ana Mauleon & Nils Roehl & Vincent Vannetelbosch
- 73 Two-Stage Allocation Rules
by Nils Roehl - 72 Changes of China's agri-food exports to Germany caused by its accession to WTO and the 2008 financial crisis
by Zhichao Guo & Yuanhua Feng & Thomas Gries - 71 A Crook is a Crook … But is He Still a Crook Abroad? - On the Effect of Immigration on Destination-Country Corruption
by Eugen Dimant & Tim Krieger & Margarete Redlin - 70 The Nature of Corruption - An Interdisciplinary Perspective
by Eugen Dimant - 69 A semi-APARCH approach for comparing long-term and short-term risk in Chinese financial market and in mature financial markets
by Yuanhua Feng & Lixin Sun - 68 The Signaling Effect of Critics - Evidence from a Market for Experience Goods
by Joe Cox & Daniel Kaimann - 67 The Effect of Corruption on Migration, 1985-2000
by Eugen Dimant & Tim Krieger & Daniel Meierriecks - 66 On the iterative plug-in algorithm for estimating diurnal patterns of financial trade durations
by Yuanhua Feng & Sarah Forstinger & Christian Peitz - 65 Double-conditional smoothing of high-frequency volatility surface in a spatial multiplicative component GARCH with random effects
by Yuanhua Feng - 64 Cooperative Transfer Price Negotiations under Incomplete Information
by Sonja Brangewitz & Claus-Jochen Haake - 63 Preserving Eastern or Offshore Oil for Preventing Green Paradoxes?
by Mark Schopf - 62 Unilateral Climate Policy: Harmful or even Disastrous?
by Hendrik Ritter & Mark Schopf - 61 Comment on Ameriks, Caplin, Leahy & Tyler (2007): Measuring Self-Control Problems
by Volker Seiler - 60 Gibt es eine optimale Frauenquote?
by B. Michael Gilroy & Anastasia Heimann & Mark Schopf - 59 Forecasting financial market activity using a semiparametric fractionally integrated Log-ACD
by Yuanhua Feng & Chen Zhou - 58 Robust Equilibria in Location Games
by Berno Buechel & Nils Roehl - 55 Water as an Asset Class (Revised Version)
by B. Michael Gilroy & Heike Schreckenberg & Volker Seiler - 38 "To infinity and beyond!"? A genre-specific film analysis of movie success mechanisms
by Daniel Kaimann
- 57 Grundeinkommen und Arbeitsangebot: Die Perspektive Deutschlands
by B. Michael Gilroy & Mark Schopf & Anastasia Semenova - 56 Unsustainable Sovereign Debt - is the Euro Crisis only the Tip of the Iceberg?
by Natasa Bilkic & Ben Carreras Painter & Thomas Gries - 54 Basic Income and Labor Supply: The German Case
by B. Michael Gilroy & Mark Schopf & Anastasia Semenova - 53 Es geht nicht ohne internationalen Ordnungsrahmen: Zum Verhältnis von Markt und Staat im Angesicht der Finanzkrise
by Tim Krieger - 52 Trade Openness and Economic Growth: A Panel Causality Analysis
by Thomas Gries & Margarete Redlin - 51 Reassessing the Green Paradox
by Mark Schopf & Hendrik Ritter - 50 A Multivariate Random Walk Model with Slowly Changing Drift and Cross-correlation Applied to Finance
by Yuanhua Feng & David Hand & Yuanhua Feng - 49 Looking Back on Anger: Explaining the Social Origins of Left-Wing and Nationalist-Separatist Terrorism in Western Europe, 1970-2007
by Sarah Brockhoff & Tim Krieger & Daniel Meierrieks - 48 Stability of Coalitional Equilibria within Repeated Tax Competition
by Sonja Brangewitz & Sarah Brockhoff - 47 Great Expectations and Hard Times — The (Nontrivial) Impact of Education on Domestic Terrorism
by Sarah Brockhoff & Tim Krieger & Daniel Meierrieks
- 46 “Honey, I shrunk the kids’ benefits!” — Revisiting intergenerational conflict in OECD countries
by Tim Krieger & Jens Ruhose - 45 9/11's Legacy: How Abstract Fear and Collective Memory Lead to Real Economic Costs
by Tim Krieger - 44 Data-driven estimation of diurnal duration patterns
by Yuanhua Feng - 43 Ist Fairer Handel Wirklich Fair?
by B. Michael Gilroy & Birke Thuy Duong Nguyen - 42 A tree-form constant market share model for growth causes in international trade based on multi-level classification
by Yuanhua Feng & Zhichao Guo & Christian Peitz & Xiangyong Tan - 41 Ökonomische Aspekte des neuen globalen Terrorismus
by Tim Krieger & Daniel Meierrieks - 40 Terrorist Financing and Money Laundering
by Tim Krieger & Daniel Meierrieks - 39 New Firm Creation and Failure: A Matching Approach
by Thomas Gries & Stefan Jungblut & Wim Naude - 37 A tree-form constant market share analysis for modelling growth causes in international trade
by Yuanhua Feng & Zhichao Guo & Christian Peitz & Xiangyong Tan - 36 Impact of China's accession to WTO and the financial crisis on China's exports to Germany
by Zhichao Guo & Yuanhua Feng & Xiangyong Tan - 35 Competition for the International Pool of Talent: Education Policy and Student Mobility
by Alexander Haupt & Tim Krieger & Thomas Lange - 34 Die Prinzipal-Agent-Theorie als Erklärungsinstrumentarium von Korruption: Angewendet auf den Praxisfall „Siemens“
by B. Michael Gilroy & Daniel Kruse
- 33 An iterative plug-in algorithm for decomposing seasonal time series using the Berlin Method
by Yuanhua Feng - 32 Short- and long-term impact of remarkable economic events on the growth causes of China-Germany trade in agri-food products
by Zhichao Guo & Yuanhua Feng & Xiangyong Tan - 31 Welchen Einfluss hat die Anwesenheit von ausländischen und multinationalen Unternehmungen auf die deutschen Exporte?
by B. Michael Gilroy & Elmar Lukas & Christian Heimann - 30 Income and disparity in Germany and China
by Stefan Gravemeyer & Thomas Gries - 29 Short-run and Long-run Dynamics of Growth,Inequality and Poverty in the Developing World
by Thomas Gries & Margarete Redlin - 28 Poverty in Shenzhen
by Stefan Gravemeyer & Thomas Gries & Jinjun Xue - 27 A Note on Brain Gain and Brain Drain: Permanent Migration and Education Policy
by Alexander Haupt & Tim Krieger & Thomas Lange - 26 Ties That Do Not Bind (Directly): The Education-Terrorism Nexus Revisited
by Sarah Brockhoff & Tim Krieger & Daniel Meierrieks - 25 On the institutional design of burden sharing when financing external border enforcement in the EU
by Claus-Jochen Haake & Tim Krieger & Steffen Minter
- 24 Wie hat sich die intragenerationale Umverteilung in der staatlichen Säule des Rentensystems verändert? Ein internationaler Vergleich auf Basis von LIS-Daten
by Tim Krieger & Stefan Traub - 23 Policies on illegal immigration in a federation
by Karin Mayr & Steffen Minter & Tim Krieger - 22 Terrorism in the Worlds of Welfare Capitalism
by Tim Krieger & Daniel Meierrieks - 21 The role of mobility in tax and subsidy competition
by Alexander Haupt & Tim Krieger - 20 Causal Linkages Between Domestic Terrorism and Economic Growth
by Thomas Gries & Tim Krieger & Daniel Meierrieks - 19 The Origins of Terrorism - Cross-Country Estimates on Socio-Economic Determinants of Terrorism
by Andreas Freytag & Jens J. Krüger & Daniel Meierrieks & Friedrich Schneider - 10 Stay at school or start working? - Optimal timing of leaving school under uncertainty and irreversibility
by Natasha Bilkic & Thomas Gries & Margarethe Pilichowski - 9 Statutory Retirement Age and Lifelong Learning
by Thomas Gries & Stefan Jungblut & Tim Krieger & Henning Meier - 7 Education, unemployment and migration
by Wolfgang Eggert & Tim Krieger & Volker Meier
- 18 China’s provincial disparities and the determinants of provincial inequality
by Thomas Gries & Magarete Redlin - 17 Financial Deepening, Trade Openness and Economic Growth in Latin America and the Caribbean
by Thomas Gries & Manfred Kraft & Daniel Meierrieks - 16 Discrimination, Income Determination and Inequality – The case of Shenzhen
by Stefan Gravemeyer & Thomas Gries & Jinjun Xue - 15 Linkages between Financial Deepening,Trade Openness and Economic Development: Causality Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
by Thomas Gries & Manfred Kraft & Daniel Meierrieks - 14 Diskretionäre rentenpolitische Maßnahmen und die Entwicklung des Rentenwerts in Deutschland von 2003-2008
by Tim Krieger & Sven Stöwhase - 13 Back to Bismarck? Shifting Preferences for Intragenerational Redistribution in OECD Pension Systems
by Tim Krieger & Stefan Traub - 12 What causes terrorism?
by Tim Krieger & Daniel Meierrieks - 11 Local Public Funding of Higher Education when Students and Skilled Workers are Mobile
by Thomas Lange - 8 Education policy and tax competition with imperfect student and labor mobility
by Tim Krieger & Thomas Lange
- 6 Immigration amnesties in the southern EU member states - a challenge for the entire EU?
by Tim Krieger & Steffen Minter - 5 Diesel price convergence and mineral oil taxation in Europe
by Axel Dreher & Tim Krieger - 4 Pensions, Education and Life Expectancy
by Michael Gorski & Tim Krieger & Thomas Lange - 3 Konvergenz- und Wachstumseffekte der europäischen Regionalpolitik in Deutschland
by Wolfgang Eggert & Maximilian von Ehrlich & Robert Fenge & Günther König
- 2 Public pensions and return migration
by Tim Krieger - 1 The Measurement of Firm Ownership and its Effect on Managerial Pay
by Wolfgang Eggert & Alfons Weichenrieder & Jeremy S.S. Edwards