2003, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 1-1 Sources of Economic Growth in East Asia: A Nonparametric Assessment
by Shigeru Iwata & Mohsin S. Khan & Hiroshi Murao - 1-2 Can Inheritances Alleviate the Fiscal Burden of an Aging Population?
by Erik Lueth - 1-3 Population Aging and Global Capital Flows in a Parallel Universe
by Robin Brooks - 1-4 The Properties of the Equity Premium and the Risk-Free Rate: An Investigation Across Time and Countries
by Fabio Canova & Gianni De Nicoló - 1-5 Resources and Incentives to Reform
by Alberto Dalmazzo & Guido de Blasio - 1-6 A Dynamic General Equilibrium Framework of Investment with Financing Constraint
by Danyang Xie & Chi-Wa Yuen - 1-7 Refocusing the Fund: A Review of James M. Boughton's Silent Revolution: The International Monetary Fund, 1979–1989
by Peter B. Kenen
2003, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 1-1 On the Origins of the Fleming-Mundell Model
by James M. Boughton - 1-2 Ownership Concentration and Performance in Ukraine's Privatized Enterprises
by Alexander Pivovarsky - 1-3 A Panic-Prone Pack? The Behavior of Emerging Market Mutual Funds
by Eduardo Borensztein & R. Gaston Gelos - 1-4 Aid Volatility: An Empirical Assessment
by Ale Bulir & A. Javier Hamann - 1-5 Does Monetary Policy Stabilize the Exchange Rate Following a Currency Crisis?
by Ilan Goldfajn & Poonam Gupta - 1-6 Tight Money, Real Interest Rates, and Inflation in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Edward F. Buffie - 1-7 The Plutocratic Gap in the CPI: Evidence from Spain
by Mario Izquierdo & Eduardo Ley & Javier Ruiz-Castillo
2002, Volume 49, Issue Special issue
- 1-34 Dornbusch's Overshooting Model After Twenty-Five Years International Monetary Fund's Second Annual Research Conference Mundell-Fleming Lecture
by Kenneth Rogoff - 1-35 Remarks on the 2001 Mundell-Fleming Lecture
by Rudiger Dornbusch - 36-67 Conditionality and Ownership in IMF Lending: A Political Economy Approach
by Allan Drazen - 68-86 Limits of Conditionality in Poverty Reduction Programs
by Tito Cordella & Giovanni Dell'Aricca - 87-110 What Determines Individual Preferences over Reform? Microeconomic Evidence from Russia
by Stephanie Eble & Petya Koeva - 111-155 Boom-Bust Cycles in Middle Income Countries: Facts and Explanation
by Aaron Tornell & Frank Westermann - 156-184 Why Don't They Lend? Credit Stagnation in Latin America
by Adolfo Barajas & Roberto Steiner - 185-213 Interest Rate Effects on Output: Evidence from a GDP Forecasting Model for South Africa
by Janine Aron & John Muellbauer - 214-238 How Do Large Depreciations Affect Firm Performance?
by Kristin J Forbes
2002, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 1-1 The Impact of Banking Crises on Money Demand and Price Stability
by Maria Soledad Martinez Peria - 1-2 Inflation Targeting in the Context of IMF-Supported Adjustment Programs
by Mario I. Blejer & Alfredo M. Leone & Pau Rabanal & Gerd Schwartz - 1-4 Centripetal Forces in China's Economic Takeoff
by Anuradha Dayal-Gulati & Aasim M. Husain - 1-5 What Caused the 1991 Currency Crisis in India?
by Valerie Cerra & Sweta Chaman Saxena - 1-6 Technology and Epidemics
by Alberto Chong & Luisa Zanforlin - 1-7 A Prudent Central Banker
by Francisco J. Ruge-Murciá - 1-8 Bankruptcy Procedures for Sovereigns: A History of Ideas, 1976-2001
by Kenneth Rogoff & Jeromin Zettelmeyer - 339-363 Wage Inequality in the United Kingdom, 1975-99
by Eswar S. Prasad
2002, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 1-1 Explaining Russia's Output Collapse
by Irina Dolinskaya - 1-2 The Long-Run Behavior of Commodity Prices: Small Trends and Big Variability
by Paul Cashin & C. John McCDermott - 1-3 Human Capital Convergence: A Joint Estimation Approach
by Randa Sab & Stephen C. Smith - 1-4 The Inverted Fisher Hypothesis: Inflation Forecastability and Asset Substitution
by Woon Gyu Choi - 1-5 The Optimal Subsidy to Private Transfers Under Moral Hazard
by Ralph Chami & Connel Fullenkamp - 1-6 Uncovered Interest Parity in Crisis
by Robert P. Flood & Andrew K. Rose
2002, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 1-1 Symposium on Forecasting Performance: An Introduction
by Francis X. Diebold - 1-2 Copycats and Common Swings: The Impact of the Use of Forecasts in Information Sets
by Giampiero M. Gallo & Clive W.J. Granger & Yongil Jeon - 1-3 Comparing Projections and Outcomes of IMF-Supported Programs
by Alberto Musso & Steven Phillips - 1-4 Further Cross-Country Evidence on the Accuracy of the Private Sector's Output Forecasts
by Grace Juhn & Prakash Loungani - 1-5 Purchasing Power Parity and the Real Exchange Rate
by Lucio Sarno & Mark P. Taylor - 1-6 Tax Policy, the Macroeconomy, and Intergenerational Distribution
by Ben J. Heijdra & Jenny E. Ligthart - 1-7 Money Demand in Mongolia: A Panel Data Analysis
by Torsten Sl¯k - 1-8 The Distribution of Fixed Capital in the Multinational Firm
by Alexander Lehmann
2001, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 1-1 Ten Years of Transition: Looking Back and Looking Forward
by Stanley Fischer - 1-2 The Transition in Central and Eastern Europe: The Experience of Two Resident Representatives
by Mark Allen & Rick Haas - 1-3 Ten Years After . . . Transition and Economics
by GÈrard Roland - 1-4 Recovery and Growth in Transition: A Decade of Evidence
by Oleh Havrylyshyn - 1-5 Escaping the Under-Reform Trap
by Anders ‰slund & Peter Boone & Simon Johnson - 1-6 What Moves Capital to Transition Economies?
by Pietro Garibaldi & Nada Mora & Ratna Sahay & Jeromin Zettelmeyer - 1-7 The Gains from Privatization in Transition Economies: Is "Change of Ownership" Enough?
by Clifford Zinnes & Yair Eilat & Jeffrey Sachs - 1-8 Federalism With and Without Political Centralization: China Versus Russia
by Olivier Blanchard & Andrei Shleifer - 1-9 Falling Tax Compliance and the Rise of the Virtual Budget in Russia
by Brian Aitken
2001, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 1-1 Northwest of Suez: The 1956 Crisis and the IMF
by James Boughton - 1-2 Redistribution Through Public Employment: The Case of Italy
by Albert Alesina & Stephan Danninger & Massimo Rostagno - 1-3 How Does U.S. Monetary Policy Influence Sovereign Spreads in Emerging Markets?
by Vivek Arora & Martin Cerisola - 1-4 Modeling the IMF's Statistical Discrepancy in the Global Current Account
by Jaime Marquez & Lisa Workman - 1-5 Reform and Growth in Latin America: All Pain, No Gain?
by Eduardo Fern·ndez-Arias & Peter Montiel - 1-6 Risk, Resources, and Education: Public Versus Private Financing of Higher Education
by Berthold U. Wigger & Robert K. von Weizs?cker - 1-7 Social Fractionalization, Political Instability, and the Size of Government
by Anthony Annett - 1-8 Deposit-Refund on Labor: A Solution to Equilibrium Unemployment?
by Ben J. Heijdra & Jenny E. Ligthart
2001, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 1-1 Product Variety and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence for the OECD Countries
by By Michael Funke & Ralf Ruhwedel - 1-2 Inflation, Money Demand, and Purchasing Power Parity in South Africa
by By Gunnar Jonsson - 1-4 Military Spending, the Peace Dividend, and Fiscal Adjustment
by By Davoodi & Benedict Clements & Jerald Schiff & Peter Debaere - 1-5 Inflation Targeting in Korea: An Empirical Exploration
by By Alexander W. Hoffmaister - 1-6 Can Currency Demand Be Stable Under a Financial Crisis? The Case of Mexico
by By May Khamis & Alfredo M. Leone - 1-7 Comovements and Sectoral Interdependence: Evidence for Latin America, East Asia, and Europe
by By Norman Loayza & Humberto Lopez & Angel Ubide - 1-8 The Complier Pays Principle: The Limits of Fiscal Approaches Toward Sustainable Forest Management
by By Luc Leruth & Remi Paris & Ivan Ruzicka - 266-289 Exchange Rate Movements and Tradable Goods Prices in East Asia: An Analysis Based on Japanese Customs Data, 1988–1999
by By Shinji Takagi & Yushi Yoshida
2001, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-1 Threshold Effects in the Relationship Between Inflation and Growth
by By Mohsin S. Khan & Abdelhak S. Senhadji - 1-2 A Peek Inside the Black Box: The Monetary Transmission Mechanism in Japan
by By James Morsink & Tamim Bayoumi - 1-3 Recapitalizing Banks with Public Funds
by By Charles Enoch & Gillian Garcia & V. Sundararajan - 1-4 Exchange-Rate-Based Stabilization: A Critical Look at the Stylized Facts
by By A. Javier Hamann - 1-5 Income Inequality: Does Inflation Matter?
by By Ales BulÌr - 1-6 Welfare Effects of Uzbekistanís Foreign Exchange Regime
by By Christoph B. Rosenberg & Maarten de Zeeuw - 1-7 Crash-Free Sequencing Strategies for Financial Development and Liberalization
by By Jorge A. Chan-Lau & Zhaohui Chen - 1-8 Dynamic Gains from Trade: Evidence from South Africa
by By Gunnar Jonsson & Arvind Subramanian
2001, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 1-1 Herd Behavior in Financial Markets
by Sushil Bikhchandani & Sunil Sharma - 1-2 Exchange Market Pressure and Monetary Policy: Asia and Latin America in the 1990s
by Evan Tanner - 1-3 A Survey of Recent Empirical Money Demand Studies
by Subramanian S. Sriram - 1-4 Inflation and Sovereign Default
by Turalay Kenc & William Perraudin & Paolo Vitale - 1-5 Exchange Rate Regimes and Inflation Persistence
by Michael Bleaney
2000, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 1-1 Portfolio Diversification, Leverage, and Financial Contagion
by Garry J. Schinasi & R. Todd Smith - 1-2 How Persistent Are Shocks to World Commodity Prices?
by Paul Cashin & Hong Liang & C. John McDermott - 1-3 Ratchet Effects in Currency Substitution: An Application to the Kyrgyz Republic
by Joannes Mongardini & Johannes Mueller - 1-4 Safety from Currency Crashes
by Kent Osband & Caroline Van Rijckeghem - 1-5 Japan's Stagnant Nineties: A Vector Autoregression Retrospective
by Ramana Ramaswamy & Christel Rendu
2000, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 1-1 The Rise and Fall of the Pyramid Schemes in Albania
by Chris Jarvis - 1-2 International Trade and Productivity Growth: Exploring the Sectoral Effects for Developing Countries
by Ehsan U. Choudhri & Dalia S. Hakura - 1-3 Crises, Contagion, and the Closed-End Country Fund Puzzle
by Eduardo Levy-Yeyati & Angel Ubide - 1-4 Intragenerational Redistribution in Unfunded Pension Systems
by Luis Cubeddu - 1-5 The Long-Run Relationship Between Real Exchange Rates and Real Interest Rate Differentials: A Panel Study
by Ronald MacDonald & Jun Nagayasu - 1-6 Sources of Economic Growth: An Extensive Growth Accounting Exercise
by Abdelhak Senhadji
1999, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 1-1 Determinants and Leading Indicators of Banking Crises: Further Evidence
by Daniel C. Hardy & Ceyla Pazarbasioglu - 1-2 Time Series Analysis of Export Demand Equations: A Cross-Country Analysis
by Abdelhak S. Senhadji & Claudio E. Montenegro - 1-3 The Uzbek Growth Puzzle
by Jeromin Zettelmeyer - 1-4 Monetary Policy and Public Finances: Inflation Targets in a New Perspective
by Christian H. Beddies - 1-5 Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Trade Flows: Evidence from the European Union
by Giovanni Dell'Ariccia
1999, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 1-1 Are Currency Crises Predictable? A Test
by Andrew Berg & Catherine Pattillo - 1-2 East Asian Growth Before and After the Crisis
by Nicholas Crafts - 1-3 Financial Market Contagion in the Asian Crisis
by Taimur Baig & Ilan Goldfajn - 1-4 Interest Spreads in Banking in Colombia, 1974-96
by Adolfo Barajas & Roberto Steiner & Natalia Salazar - 1-5 Policy Responses to External Imbalances in Emerging Market Economies: Further Empirical Results
by Chorng-Huey Wong & Luis Carranza - 1-6 Countries' Repayment Performance Vis-à-Vis the IMF: A Comment on Aylward and Thorne
by Arno Bäcker - 1-7 Countries' Repayment Performance Vis-à-Vis the IMF: A Response to Bäcker
by Lynn Aylward
1999, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-1 How Do the Skilled and the Unskilled Respond to Regional Shocks?: The Case of Spain
by Paolo Mauro & Antonio Spilimbergo - 1-2 Growth, Trade, and Deindustrialization
by Robert Rowthorn & Ramana Ramaswamy - 1-3 Regional Trade Agreements or Broad Liberalization: Which Path Leads to Faster Growth?
by Athanasios Vamvakidis - 1-4 Exchange and Capital Controls as Barriers to Trade
by Natalia T. Tamirisa - 1-5 Deviations of Exchange Rates from Purchasing Power Parity: A Story Featuring Two Monetary Unions
by Tamim Bayoumi & Ronald MacDonald
December 1998, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 559-594 Corruption Around the World: Causes, Consequences, Scope, and Cures
by Vito Tanzi - 595-618 Countries' Repayment Performance Vis-Ã -Vis the IMF: An Empirical Analysis
by Lynn Aylward & Rupert Thorne - 619-646 Virtual Deficits and the Patinkin Effect
by Eliana Cardoso - 647-671 Anticipation and Surprises in Central Bank Interest Rate Policy: The Case of the Bundesbank
by Daniel C. Hardy - 672-710 Warning: Inflation May Be Harmful to Your Growth
by Atish Ghosh & Steven Phillips
September 1998, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 401-439 International Evidence on the Determinants of Trade Dynamics
by Eswar S. Prasad & Jeffery A. Gable - 440-453 Open Regionalism in a World of Continental Trade Blocs
by Shang-Jin Wei & Jeffrey A. Frankel - 454-485 Vertical Tax Externalities in the Theory of Fiscal Federalism
by Michael Keen - 486-521 Does the Introduction of Futures on Emerging Market Currencies Destabilize the Underlying Currencies?
by Christian Jochum & Laura Kodres - 522-553 Investment, Uncertainty, and Irreversibility in Ghana
by Catherine Pattillo
June 1998, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 207-235 Contagion and Volatility with Imperfect Credit Markets
by Pierre-Richard Agénor & Joshua Aizenman - 236-268 Time-Series Estimation of Structural Import Demand Equations: A Cross-Country Analysis
by Abdelhak Senhadji - 269-308 Labor Market Institutions and Unemployment Dynamics in Transition Economies
by Pietro Garibaldi & Zuzana Brixiova - 309-362 Competitiveness in Transition Economies: What Scope for Real Appreciation?
by Kornélia Krajnyák & Jeromin Zettelmeyer - 363-373 The Macroeconomic Impact of Privatization
by G. A. Mackenzie - 374-396 The Real Effects of Monetary Policy in the European Union: What Are the Differences?
by Ramana Ramaswamy & Torsten Sløk
March 1998, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 1-48 Leading Indicators of Currency Crises
by Graciela Kaminsky & Saul Lizondo & Carmen M. Reinhart - 49-80 Can High Personal Tax Rates Encourage Entrepreneurial Activity?
by Roger H. Gordon - 81-109 The Determinants of Banking Crises in Developing and Developed Countries
by Asli Demirgüç-Kunt & Enrica Detragiache - 110-131 Public Disclosure and Bank Failures
by Tito Cordella & Eduardo Levy Yeyati - 132-160 Macroeconomic Fluctuations in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Alexander W. Hoffmaister & Jorge E. Roldós & Peter Wickham - 161-202 Capital Flows to Brazil: The Endogeneity of Capital Controls
by Eliana Cardoso & Ilan Goldfajn
December 1997, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 405-429 Liberalization and the Behavior of Output during the Transition from Plan to Market
by Ernesto Hernández-Catá - 430-461 Equilibrium Exchange Rates in Transition Economies
by László Halpern & Charles Wyplosz - 462-484 Explaining Consumption: A Simple Test of Alternative Hypotheses
by Tamim Bayoumi - 485-509 The Effect of Expected Effective Corporate Tax Rates on Incremental Financing Decisions
by Reint E. Gropp - 510-533 Market Information and Signaling in Central Bank Operations, or, How Often Should a Central Bank Intervene?
by Daniel C. Hardy - 534-556 A Provincial View of Economic Integration
by Tamim Bayoumi & Michael W. Klein - 557-584 The Asymmetric Effects of Monetary Policy on Job Creation and Destruction
by Pietro Garibaldi
September 1997, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 295-314 Determinants of Banking System Fragility: A Case Study of Mexico
by Brenda González-Hermosillo & Ceyla Pazarbaşioğlu & Robert Billings - 315-327 A Credit Crunch? Finland in the Aftermath of the Banking Crisis
by Ceyla PazarbaÅŸioÄŸlu - 328-355 Real Exchange Rate Fluctuations and the Business Cycle: Evidence from Japan
by Bankim Chadha & Eswar Prasad - 356-373 Do Labor Market Policies and Growth Fundamentals Matter for Income Inequality in OECD Countries?: Some Empirical Evidence
by Patrick Vanhoudt - 374-382 Government Debt, Life-Cycle Income, and Liquidity Constraints: Beyond Approximate Ricardian Equivalence
by Hamid Faruqee & Douglas Laxton & Steven Symansky - 383-390 Policy Implications of "Second-Generation" Crisis Models
by Robert P. Flood & Nancy P. Marion - 391-400 Disinflation and Real Wages: An Alternative Approach: Comment on Agénor
by Ching-Chong Lai & Wen-Ya Chang
June 1997, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 149-178 Pension Reform, Financial Market Development, and Economic Growth: Preliminary Evidence from Chile
by Robert Holzmann - 179-209 Fiscal Policy and Long-Run Growth
by Vito Tanzi & Howell H. Zee - 210-248 Fiscal Adjustments in OECD Countries: Composition and Macroeconomic Effects
by Alberto Alesina & Roberto Perotti - 249-282 Is the Phillips Curve Really a Curve? Some Evidence for Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States
by Guy Debelle & Douglas Laxton - 283-288 Internal Migration, Center-State Grants, and Economic Growth in the States of India: A Comment on Cashin and Sahay
by M. Govinda Rao & Kunal Sen - 289-291 Internal Migration, Center-State Grants, and Economic Growth in the States of India: A Reply to Rao and Sen
by Paul Cashin & Ratna Sahay
March 1997, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-35 Policy Complementarities: The Case for Fundamental Labor Market Reform
by David T. Coe & Dennis J. Snower - 36-58 Currency Unions, Economic Fluctuations, and Adjustment: Some New Empirical Evidence
by Tamim Bayoumi & Eswar Prasad - 59-80 Does the Gap Model Work in Asia?
by David T. Coe & C. John McDermott - 81-102 Transfers, Social Safety Nets, and Economic Growth
by Xavier Sala-I-Martin - 103-131 Why Is China Growing So Fast?
by Zuliu F. Hu & Mohsin S. Khan - 132-144 Macroeconomic Conditions and Pressures for Protection under Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Laws: Empirical Evidence from the United States
by Michael P. Leidy
December 1996, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 639-687 A Survey of Literature on Controls over International Capital Transactions
by Michael P. Dooley - 688-724 The Economic Content of Indicators of Developing Country Creditworthiness
by Nadeem Ul Haque & Manmohan S. Kumar & Nelson Mark & Donald J. Mathieson - 725-753 An Empirical Analysis of Fiscal Adjustments
by C. John McDermott & Robert F. Wescott - 754-778 Do Government Wage Cuts Close Budget Deficits? Costs of Corruption
by Nadeem Ul Haque & Ratna Sahay - 779-795 Inflation Targeting: Theory and Policy Implications
by John H. Green - 796-825 Wage Indexation and the Cost of Disinflation
by Esteban Jadresic
September 1996, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 461-501 Volatility and Predictability in National Stock Markets: How Do Emerging and Mature Markets Differ?
by Anthony J. Richards - 502-544 Stylized Facts before IMF-Supported Macroeconomic Adjustment
by Julio A. Santaella - 545-570 Rational Liquidity Crises in the Sovereign Debt Market: In Search of a Theory
by Enrica Detragiache - 571-586 Target Zones and Realignment Expectations: The Israeli and Mexican Experiences
by Alejandro M. Werner - 587-604 Economic Transformation and Income Distribution: Some Evidence from the Baltic Countries
by Peter K. Cornelius & Beatrice S. Weder - 605-634 Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Dhaneshwar Ghura & Michael T. Hadjimichael
June 1996, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 261-335 The Labor Market and Economic Adjustment
by Pierre-Richard Agénor - 336-354 Wage Dispersion in the 1980s: Resurrecting the Role of Trade through the Effects of Durable Employment Changes
by Elaine Buckberg & Alun Thomas - 355-394 Disinflation and The Recession-Now-versus-Recession-Later Hypothesis: Evidence from Uruguay
by Alexander W. Hoffmaister & Carlos A. Végh - 395-418 Auction Format Matters: Evidence on Bidding Behavior and Seller Revenue
by Robert A. Feldman & Vincent Reinhart - 419-451 Labor Market Representation in Quantitative Macroeconomic Models for Developing Countries: An Application to Côte d'Ivoire
by Vincent Bodart & Jean Le Dem - 452-454 Long-Run Exchange Rate Modeling: A Comment on MacDonald
by Imad A. Moosa - 455-456 Long-Run Exchange Rate Modeling: A Reply to Moosa
by Ronald MacDonald
March 1996, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-37 The Peace Dividend: Military Spending Cuts and Economic Growth
by Malcolm Knight & Norman Loayza & Delano Villanueva - 38-71 Saving Behavior in Low- and Middle-Income Developing Countries: A Comparison
by Masao Ogaki & Jonathan D. Ostry & Carmen M. Reinhart - 72-96 Are Exchange Rates Excessively Volatile? And What Does "Excessively Volatile" Mean, Anyway?
by Leonardo Bartolini & Gordon M. Bodnar - 97-122 Relative Price Convergence in Russia
by Paula De Masi & Vincent Koen - 123-171 Internal Migration, Center-State Grants, and Economic Growth in the States of India
by Paul Cashin & Ratna Sahay - 172-198 The Costs of Taxation and the Marginal Efficiency Cost of Funds
by Joel Slemrod & Shlomo Yitzhaki - 199-215 Nonlinear Effects of Inflation on Economic Growth
by Michael Sarel - 216-251 Asymmetry in the U.S. Output-Inflation Nexus
by Peter Clark & Douglas Laxton & David Rose
December 1995, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 707-733 Early Contributions of “Staff Papers” to International Economics
by Mario I. Blejer & Mohsin S. Khan & Paul R. Masson - 734-761 Fifty Years of Exchange Rate Research and Policy at the International Monetary Fund
by Jacques J. Polak - 762-791 The Historical Development of the Principle of Surveillance
by Harold James - 836-854 Wage Structures in the Transition of the Czech Economy
by Robert J. Flanagan - 855-881 Pricing to Market and the Real Exchange Rate
by Hamid Faruqee - 882-893 Unemployment Hysteresis, Wage Determination, and Labor Market Flexibility: The Case of Belgium
by Reza Moghadam & Caroline Van Rijckeghem - 894-902 German Unification and Asymmetry in the ERM: Comment on Gardner and Perraudin
by Jérôme Henry & Jens Weidmann
September 1995, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 437-489 Long-Run Exchange Rate Modeling: A Survey of the Recent Evidence
by Ronald Macdonald - 490-516 Foreign Exchange Hedging and the Interest Rate Defense
by Peter M. Garber & Michael G. Spencer - 517-551 Economic Effects and Structural Determinants of Capital Controls
by Vittorio Grilli & Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti - 552-576 Consumption, Income, and International Capital Market Integration
by Tamim Bayoumi & Ronald Macdonald - 577-607 “Human Capital Flight”: Impact of Migration on Income and Growth
by Nadeem U. Haque & Se-Jik Kim