2025, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-57 Land Policies and Institutions for Equitable and Resilient Growth in Africa
by Klaus Deininger & Aparajita Goyal - 58-103 The Power and Roots of Aspirations
by Anna Fruttero & Noël Muller & Óscar Calvo-González - 104-146 The Impact of Climate Change on Work: Lessons for Developing Countries
by Moustafa Feriga & Nancy Lozano Gracia & Pieter Serneels - 147-184 Does Trade Reform Promote Economic Growth? A Review of Recent Evidence
by Douglas A Irwin
2024, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 159-176 School Meals Are Evolving: Has the Evidence Kept Up?
by Harold Alderman & Donald Bundy & Aulo Gelli - 177-226 Impacts of Extreme Weather Events on Education Outcomes: A Review of Evidence
by Sergio Venegas Marin & Lara Schwarz & Shwetlena Sabarwal - 227-258 Measuring Total Carbon Pricing
by Paolo Agnolucci & Carolyn Fischer & Dirk Heine & Mariza Montes de Oca Leon & Joseph Pryor & Kathleen Patroni & Stéphane Hallegatte - 259-288 Is There Job Polarization in Developing Economies? A Review and Outlook
by Antonio Martins-Neto & Nanditha Mathew & Pierre Mohnen & Tania Treibich - 289-318 Revisiting the Measurement of Digital Inclusion
by Matthew Sharp
2024, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-46 The Relationship between Climate Action and Poverty Reduction
by Hans Peter Lankes & Rob Macquarie & Éléonore Soubeyran & Nicholas Stern - 47-74 Girls’ Education at Scale
by David K Evans & Amina Mendez Acosta & Fei Yuan - 75-96 Fears and Tears: Should More People Be Moving within and from Developing Countries, and What Stops this Movement?
by David McKenzie - 97-123 The Impact of Private Schools, School Chains and PPPs in Developing Countries
by Lee Crawfurd & Susannah Hares & Rory Todd - 124-158 Social Norms and Gender Disparities with a Focus on Female Labor Force Participation in South Asia
by Maurizio Bussolo & Jessy Amarachi Ezebuihe & Ana Maria Muñoz Boudet & Stavros Poupakis & Tasmia Rahman & Nayantara Sarma
2023, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 179-212 Improving the Well-Being of Adolescent Girls in Developing Countries
by Katy Bergstrom & Berk Özler - 213-248 Quasi-Experimental Evidence on Carbon Pricing
by Kasper Vrolijk & Misato Sato - 249-294 Impacts of Temporary Migration on Development in Origin Countries
by Laurent Bossavie & Çağlar Özden - 295-324 The Promise and Limitations of Information Technology for Tax Mobilization
by Oyebola Okunogbe & Fabrizio Santoro - 325-346 What Makes Public Sector Data Valuable for Development?
by Dean Jolliffe & Daniel Gerszon Mahler & Malarvizhi Veerappan & Talip Kilic & Philip Wollburg
2023, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-35 Greater than the Sum of the Parts? Evidence on Mechanisms Operating in Women's Groups
by Lucía Díaz-Martin & Akshara Gopalan & Eleonora Guarnieri & Seema Jayachandran - 36-72 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Women-Led Businesses
by Jesica Torres & Franklin Maduko & Isis Gaddis & Leonardo Iacovone & Kathleen Beegle - 73-114 Childcare and Mothers’ Labor Market Outcomes in Lower- and Middle-Income Countries
by Daniel Halim & Elizaveta Perova & Sarah Reynolds - 115-146 A Puzzle with Missing Pieces: Explaining the Effectiveness of World Bank Development Projects
by Louise Ashton & Jed Friedman & Diana Goldemberg & Mustafa Zakir Hussain & Thomas Kenyon & Akib Khan & Mo Zhou - 147-178 Services, Jobs, and Economic Development in Africa
by Leonardo Baccini & Matteo Fiorini & Bernard Hoekman & Marco Sanfilippo
2022, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 137-170 Factors Affecting Technological Diffusion Through Social Networks: A Review of the Empirical Evidence
[Just a Few Seeds More: Value of Network Information for Diffusion.” SSRN Scholarly Paper ID 3062830]
by Hoi Wai Jackie Cheng - 171-203 EdTech in Developing Countries: A Review of the Evidence
[From Proof of Concept to Scalable Policies: Challenges and Solutions, with an Application]
by Daniel Rodriguez-Segura - 204-228 Do Government Incentives to Promote R&D Increase Private R&D Investment?
[Productivity Differences]
by Jieun Choi - 229-263 Social Protection for Child Development in Crisis: A Review of Evidence and Knowledge Gaps
[School Feeding Reduces Anemia Prevalence in Adolescent Girls and Other Vulnerable Household Members in a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial in Uganda]
by Elisabetta Aurino & Sara Giunti
2022, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-38 Measure for Measure: Comparing Survey Based Estimates of Income and Consumption for Rural Households
[Obtaining Useful Data on Household Incomes from Surveys]
by Gero Carletto & Marco Tiberti & Alberto Zezza - 39-72 Mentoring Migrants for Labor Market Integration: Policy Insights from a Survey of Mentoring Theory and Practice
[A Marginal Cost Analysis of a Big Brothers Big Sisters of America Youth Mentoring Program: New Evidence Using Statistical Analysis]
by Lisa Bagnoli & Antonio Estache - 73-106 Teacher Beliefs: Why They Matter and What They Are
[Instructional Time Loss in Developing Countries: Concepts, Measurement, and Implications]
by Shwetlena Sabarwal & Malek Abu-Jawdeh & Radhika Kapoor - 107-136 Teacher Professional Development around the World: The Gap between Evidence and Practice
[Training to Teach Science: Experimental Evidence from Argentina]
by Anna Popova & David K Evans & Mary E Breeding & Violeta Arancibia
2021, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 131-163 Public Procurement, Regional Integration, and the Belt and Road Initiative
[How China Got Sri Lanka to Cough Up a Port]
by Tania Ghossein & Bernard Hoekman & Anirudh Shingal - 164-196 What Drives Successful Economic Diversification in Resource-Rich Countries?
[“Blocking the Pathway out of the Resource Curse: What Hinders Diversification in Resource-rich Developing Countries?”]
by Addisu A Lashitew & Michael L Ross & Eric Werker - 197-233 Financial Inclusion and Stability: Review of Theoretical and Empirical Links
[Risk in Islamic Banking]
by Martin Čihák & Davide Salvatore Mare & Martin Melecky - 234-259 Can Jobs Programs Build Peace?
[Intergroup Conflict and Intra-Group Punishment in an Experimental Contest Game]
by Tilman Brück & Neil T N Ferguson & Valeria Izzi & Wolfgang Stojetz - 260-287 Public Service Reform in Post-Conflict Societies
[Labor Contracts as Partial Gift Exchange]
by Jurgen Rene Blum & Daniel Rogger
2021, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-40 Simulating the Potential Impacts of COVID-19 School Closures on Schooling and Learning Outcomes: A Set of Global Estimates
[Tackling Inequity in Education during and after COVID-19]
by João Pedro & Amer Hasan & Diana Goldemberg & Koen Geven & Syedah Aroob Iqbal - 41-66 Policies to Support Businesses through the COVID-19 Shock: A Firm Level Perspective
[Economic Uncertainty before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic]
by Xavier Cirera & Marcio Cruz & Elwyn Davies & Arti Grover & Leonardo Iacovone & Jose Ernesto Lopez Cordova & Denis Medvedev & Franklin Okechukwu Maduko & Gaurav Nayyar & Santiago Reyes Ortega & Jesica Torres - 67-100 Who on Earth Can Work from Home?
[Secular Stagnation? The Effect of Aging on Economic Growth in the Age of Automation]
by Daniel Garrote Sanchez & Nicolas Gomez Parra & Caglar Ozden & Bob Rijkers & Mariana Viollaz & Hernan Winkler - 101-130 Replication Redux: The Reproducibility Crisis and the Case of Deworming
[Economics of Mass Deworming Programs]
by Owen Ozier
2020, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-18 Putting Global Governance in Its Place
by Dani Rodrik - 19-43 Supporting Policy Reform from the Outside
by Lodewijk Smets - 44-86 Illicit Financial Flows: Concepts, Measurement, and Evidence
by Matthew Collin - 87-121 Preventing More “Missing Girls”: A Review of Policies to Tackle Son Preference
by Sneha Kumar & Nistha Sinha
2019, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 161-197 What Explains Uneven Female Labor Force Participation Levels and Trends in Developing Countries?
by Stephan Klasen - 198-238 Jobs and Land Use within Cities: A Survey of Theory, Evidence, and Policy
by Arti Grover Goswami & Somik V Lall - 239-273 Beyond Poverty Escapes—Social Mobility in Developing Countries: A Review Article
by Vegard Iversen & Anirudh Krishna & Kunal Sen - 274-308 The Turnaround of the Swedish Economy: Lessons from Large Business Sector Reforms
by Fredrik Heyman & Pehr-Johan Norbäck & Lars Persson - 309-346 Gender Matters in Economic Empowerment Interventions: A Research Review
by Mayra Buvinić & Megan O'Donnell
2019, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-33 The World Bank Human Capital Index: A Guide
by Aart Kraay - 34-64 Governance and Women's Economic and Political Participation: Power Inequalities, Formal Constraints and Norms
by Annamaria Milazzo & Markus Goldstein - 65-94 Globalization and Structural Change around the World, 1985–2015
by Adrian Wood - 95-118 Changing Behavioral Patterns Related to Maternity and Childbirth in Rural and Poor Populations: A Critical Review
by Ariadna Garcia-Prado - 119-159 Long-Term Impacts of Conditional Cash Transfers: Review of the Evidence
by Teresa Molina Millán & Tania Barham & Karen Macours & John A Maluccio & Marco Stampini
2018, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 135-188 Mobile Money and the Economy: A Review of the Evidence
by Janine Aron - 189-217 Industrial Policy, Information, and Government Capacity
by William F Maloney & Gaurav Nayyar - 218-258 A Mixed-Method Review of Cash Transfers and Intimate Partner Violence in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
by Ana Maria Buller & Amber Peterman & Meghna Ranganathan & Alexandra Bleile & Melissa Hidrobo & Lori Heise - 259-298 Myth-Busting? Confronting Six Common Perceptions about Unconditional Cash Transfers as a Poverty Reduction Strategy in Africa
by Sudhanshu Handa & Silvio Daidone & Amber Peterman & Benjamin Davis & Audrey Pereira & Tia Palermo & Jennifer Yablonski
2018, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-33 The Whys of Social Exclusion: Insights from Behavioral Economics
by Karla Hoff & James Walsh - 34-64 Generalization in the Tropics – Development Policy, Randomized Controlled Trials, and External Validity
by Jörg Peters & Jörg Langbein & Gareth Roberts - 65-102 Privatization in Developing Countries: What Are the Lessons of Recent Experience?
by Saul Estrin & Adeline Pelletier - 103-134 Public-Private Partnerships in Developing Countries: The Emerging Evidence-based Critique
by James Leigland
2017, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 127-154 How Effective Are Active Labor Market Policies in Developing Countries? A Critical Review of Recent Evidence
by David McKenzie - 155-184 Debunking the Stereotype of the Lazy Welfare Recipient: Evidence from Cash Transfer Programs
by Abhijit V. Banerjee & Rema Hanna & Gabriel E. Kreindler & Benjamin A. Olken - 185-210 The Impacts of Fiscal Openness
by Paolo de Renzio & Joachim Wehner - 211-226 The Opportunities and Challenges of Digitizing Government-to-Person Payments
by Leora Klapper & Dorothe Singer
2017, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-20 “Well-fare” Economics of Groundwater in South Asia
by Hanan G. Jacoby - 21-74 Minimum Wages in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Primer
by Haroon Bhorat & Ravi Kanbur & Benjamin Stanwix - 75-106 Improving Learning Outcomes in South Asia: Findings from a Decade of Impact Evaluations
by Salman Asim & Robert S. Chase & Amit Dar & Achim Schmillen - 107-125 Big Numbers about Small Children: Estimating the Economic Benefits of Addressing Undernutrition
by Harold Alderman & Jere R. Behrman & Chloe Puett
2016, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 199-241 Decentralization of Health and Education in Developing Countries: A Quality-Adjusted Review of the Empirical Literature
by Anila Channa & Jean-Paul Faguet - 242-270 What Really Works to Improve Learning in Developing Countries? An Analysis of Divergent Findings in Systematic Reviews
by David K. Evans & Anna Popova - 271-289 Producer Insurance and Risk Management Options for Smallholder Farmers
by Vincent H. Smith - 290-319 Payment by Results in Development Aid: All That Glitters Is Not Gold
by Paul Clist
2016, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-28 The Economic Effects of Counterfeiting and Piracy: A Review and Implications for Developing Countries
by Carsten Fink & Keith E. Maskus & Yi Qian - 29-58 Measuring Violent Conflict in Micro-level Surveys: Current Practices and Methodological Challenges
by Tilman Brück & Patricia Justino & Philip Verwimp & Alexandra Avdeenko & Andrew Tedesco - 59-101 Promoting Women's Economic Empowerment: What Works?
by Mayra Buvinić & Rebecca Furst-Nichols - 102-134 Employer Voices, Employer Demands, and Implications for Public Skills Development Policy Connecting the Labor and Education Sectors
by Wendy V. Cunningham & Paula Villaseñor - 135-167 Revisiting the "Cash versus Food" Debate: New Evidence for an Old Puzzle?
by Ugo Gentilini - 168-197 The Price Is Not Always Right: On the Impacts of Commodity Prices on Households (and Countries)
by Daniel Lederman & Guido Porto
2015, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 155-192 Evidence on Policies to Increase the Development Impacts of International Migration
by David McKenzie & Dean Yang - 193-219 Child Development in a Changing World: Risks and Opportunities
by Jo Boyden & Stefan Dercon & Abhijeet Singh - 220-246 Can You Help Someone Become Financially Capable? A Meta-Analysis of the Literature
by Margaret Miller & Julia Reichelstein & Christian Salas & Bilal Zia - 247-276 Diet Quality, Child Health, and Food Policies in Developing Countries
by Alok Bhargava - 277-305 Drivers of Entrepreneurship and Post-entry Performance of Newborn Firms in Developing Countries
by Francesco Quatraro & Marco Vivarelli
2015, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 3-38 Firm Dynamics, Productivity Growth, and Job Creation in Developing Countries: The Role of Micro- and Small Enterprises
by Yue Li & Martín Rama - 39-73 Growing through Cities in Developing Countries
by Gilles Duranton - 74-94 Does FDI Bring Good Jobs to Host Countries?
by Beata S. Javorcik - 95-123 Pathways from Jobs to Social Cohesion
by Frank-Borge Wietzke - 124-153 Labor Market Regulations: What do we know about their Impacts in Developing Countries?
by Gordon Betcherman
2014, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 137-162 Progress on Global Health Goals: Are the Poor Being Left Behind?
by Adam Wagstaff & Caryn Bredenkamp & Leander R. Buisman - 163-185 Is Green Growth Good for the Poor?
by Stefan Dercon - 186-201 Entry Regulation and the Formalization of Microenterprises in Developing Countries
by Miriam Bruhn & David McKenzie - 202-234 Cash Transfers and Child Labor
by Jacobus de Hoop & Furio C. Rosati - 235-264 The Promise of Performance Pay? Reasons for Caution in Policy Prescriptions in the Core Civil Service
by Zahid Hasnain & Nick Manning & Jan Henryk Pierskalla
2014, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-19 Inequality in China: An Overview
by John Knight - 20-47 Can Civil Society Overcome Government Failure in Africa?
by Shantayanan Devarajan & Stuti Khemani & Michael Walton - 48-82 What Are We Learning from Business Training and Entrepreneurship Evaluations around the Developing World?
by David McKenzie & Christopher Woodruff - 83-108 Population, Poverty, and Climate Change
by Monica Das Gupta - 109-135 Orderly Sovereign Debt Restructuring: Missing in Action! (And Likely To Remain So)
by Otaviano Canuto & Brian Pinto & Mona Prasad
August 2013, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 139-158 How Long Will It Take to Lift One Billion People Out of Poverty?
by Martin Ravallion - 159-190 What Is a Civil War?A Critical Review of Its Definition and (Econometric) Consequences
by Mark Gersovitz & Norma Kriger - 191-219 Global Imbalances: Origins and Prospects
by Luis Servén & Ha Nguyen - 220-235 Multidimensional Poverty Analysis: Looking for a Middle Ground
by Francisco H. G. Ferreira & Maria Ana Lugo - 236-266 The Impact of Health Insurance Schemes for the Informal Sector in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review
by Arnab Acharya & Sukumar Vellakkal & Fiona Taylor & Edoardo Masset & Ambika Satija & Margaret Burke & Shah Ebrahim - 267-289 Rural Households in a Changing Climate
by Javier E. Baez & Dorothy Kronick & Andrew D. Mason
February 2013, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editors' Note
by Emmanuel Jimenez & Ana L. Revenga - 2-21 Does Gender Inequality Hinder Development and Economic Growth? Evidence and Policy Implications
by Oriana Bandiera & Ashwini Natraj - 22-51 The Role of Men in the Economic and Social Development of Women: Implications for Gender Equality
by Lídia Farré - 52-78 Intrahousehold Bargaining and Resource Allocation in Developing Countries-super-1
by Cheryl Doss - 79-109 Gender and Agriculture: Inefficiencies, Segregation, and Low Productivity Traps
by Andre Croppenstedt & Markus Goldstein & Nina Rosas - 110-138 Violent Conflict and Gender Inequality: An Overview
by Mayra Buvinic & Monica Das Gupta & Ursula Casabonne & Philip Verwimp
August 2012, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 143-184 The Odds of Achieving the MDGs
by Delfin S. Go & José Alejandro Quijada - 185-203 The Challenges of Bankruptcy Reform
by Elena Cirmizi & Leora Klapper & Mahesh Uttamchandani - 204-221 School Feeding Programs and Development: Are We Framing the Question Correctly?
by Harold Alderman & Donald Bundy - 222-260 International Grain Reserves And Other Instruments to Address Volatility in Grain Markets
by Brian D. Wright - 261-287 Using Contingent Valuation in the Design of Payments for Environmental Services Mechanisms: A Review and Assessment
by Dale Whittington & Stefano Pagiola
February 2012, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-32 Mashup Indices of Development
by Martin Ravallion - 33-51 Impact Analysis of Rural Electrification Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Tanguy Bernard - 52-73 What Can We Learn about the "Resource Curse" from Foreign Aid?
by Kevin M. Morrison - 74-105 Density and Disasters: Economics of Urban Hazard Risk
by Somik V. Lall & Uwe Deichmann - 106-141 Coping with Crises: Policies to Protect Employment and Earnings
by Pierella Paci & Ana Revenga & Bob Rijkers
August 2011, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 193-221 New Structural Economics: A Framework for Rethinking Development
by Justin Yifu Lin - 222-226 Comments on "New Structural Economics"; by Justin Yifu Lin
by Anne Krueger - 227-229 Comments on "New Structural Economics"; by Justin Yifu Lin
by Dani Rodrik - 230-236 Rethinking Development Economics
by Joseph E. Stiglitz - 237-257 Gender and the Business Environment for New Firm Creation
by Leora F. Klapper & Simon C. Parker - 258-309 Explaining Enterprise Performance in Developing Countries with Business Climate Survey Data
by Jean-Jacques Dethier & Maximilian Hirn & Stéphane Straub - 310-340 The Effects of Business Environments on Development: Surveying New Firm-level Evidence
by Lixin Colin Xu
February 2011, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-41 HIV Testing: Principles and Practice
by Mark Gersovitz - 42-70 Corporate Governance and Performance around the World: What We Know and What We Don't
by Inessa Love - 71-104 A Comparative Perspective on Poverty Reduction in Brazil, China, and India
by Martin Ravallion - 105-137 Adaptation amidst Prosperity and Adversity: Insights from Happiness Studies from around the World
by Carol Graham - 138-161 Financial Transactions Tax: Panacea, Threat, or Damp Squib?
by Patrick Honohan & Sean Yoder - 162-191 Urban Road Transportation Externalities: Costs and Choice of Policy Instruments
by Govinda R. Timilsina & Hari B. Dulal
August 2010, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 177-207 Ideas and Innovation in East Asia
by Milan Brahmbhatt & Albert Hu - 209-233 Impact Assessments in Finance and Private Sector Development: What Have We Learned and What Should We Learn?
by David McKenzie - 235-262 Scale Economies and Cities
by Indermit S. Gill & Chor-Ching Goh - 263-294 Estimation of Water Demand in Developing Countries: An Overview
by Céline Nauges & Dale Whittington - 295-321 To Mitigate or to Adapt: Is that the Question? Observations on an Appropriate Response to the Climate Change Challenge to Development Strategies
by Zmarak Shalizi & Franck Lecocq - 323-362 Nuclear Power and Sustainable Energy Policy: Promises and Perils
by Ioannis N. Kessides
February 2010, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-20 Agricultural Growth and Poverty Reduction: Additional Evidence
by Alain de Janvry & Elisabeth Sadoulet - 21-55 Policy Reforms Affecting Agricultural Incentives: Much Achieved, Much Still Needed
by Kym Anderson - 57-89 Agricultural Employment Trends in Asia and Africa: Too Fast or Too Slow?
by Derek Headey & Dirk Bezemer & Peter B. Hazell - 91-124 Are All the Sacred Cows Dead? Implications of the Financial Crisis for Macro- and Financial Policies
by Asli Demirgüç-Kunt & Luis Servén - 125-155 The 2007 Meltdown in Structured Securitization: Searching for Lessons, not Scapegoats
by Gerard Caprio & Asli Demirgüç-Kunt & Edward J. Kane - 157-176 Higher Food Prices in Sub-Saharan Africa: Poverty Impact and Policy Responses
by Quentin Wodon & Hassan Zaman
February 2009, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 55-82 Timing and Duration of Exposure in Evaluations of Social Programs
by Elizabeth M. King & Jere R. Behrman - 119-145 Access to Financial Services: Measurement, Impact, and Policies
by Thorsten Beck & Asli Demirgüç-Kunt & Patrick Honohan
March 2009, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 29-53 Evaluation in the Practice of Development
by Martin Ravallion
April 2009, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-28 Rural Poverty: Old Challenges in New Contexts
by Stefan Dercon - 83-118 Competition in the Financial Sector: Overview of Competition Policies
by Stijn Claessens
May 2008, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 201-217 Can Biological Factors Like Hepatitis B Explain the Bulk of Gender Imbalance in China? A Review of the Evidence
by Monica Das Gupta - 219-246 Industrial Location in Developing Countries
by Uwe Deichmann & Somik V. Lall & Stephen J. Redding & Anthony J. Venables
March 2008, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 107-138 Collecting the Pieces of the FDI Knowledge Spillovers Puzzle
by Roger Smeets
April 2008, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 161-200 The Growing Phenomenon of Private Tutoring: Does It Deepen Human Capital, Widen Inequalities, or Waste Resources?
by Hai-Anh Dang & F. Halsey Rogers
June 2008, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 139-159 Can Survey Evidence Shed Light on Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment?
by Beata S. Javorcik
January 2008, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-30 Governance Indicators: Where Are We, Where Should We Be Going?
by Daniel Kaufmann & Aart Kraay - 37-56 Walking up the Down Escalator: Public Investment and Fiscal Stability
by William Easterly & Timothy Irwin & Luis Servén - 57-76 What Can Countries in Other Regions Learn from Social Security Reform in Latin America?
by Indermit S. Gill & Ceren Ozer & Radu Tatucu
February 2008, Volume 23, Issue 1
October 2007, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 77-105 Why OECD Countries Should Reform Rules of Origin
by Olivier Cadot & Jaime de Melo
August 2007, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 159-164 Comment on "Evaluating Recipes for Development Success": The Policy Usefulness of Institutional and Political Analyses of Development
by Philip Keefer - 197-215 Inside Decentralization: How Three Central American School-based Management Reforms Affect Student Learning Through Teacher Incentives
by Ilana Umansky & Emiliana Vegas
June 2007, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 131-157 Evaluating Recipes for Development Success
by Avinash Dixit
September 2007, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 165-195 Domestic Bond Market Development: The Arirang Bond Experience in Korea
by Jonathan A. Batten & Peter G. Szilagyi - 217-241 Using Global Positioning Systems in Household Surveys for Better Economics and Better Policy
by John Gibson & David McKenzie
2006, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 151-178 Macroeconomic Stability in Developing Countries: How Much Is Enough?
by Peter Montiel & Luis Servén - 179-206 Banking and Regulation in Emerging Markets: The Role of External Discipline
by Xavier Vives - 207-240 Access to Financial Services: A Review of the Issues and Public Policy Objectives
by Stijn Claessens - 241-265 What Have We Learned from a Decade of Manufacturing Enterprise Surveys in Africa?
by Arne Bigsten & Mans Söderbom - 267-297 Is There a Case for Industrial Policy? A Critical Survey
by Howard Pack & Kamal Saggi
2006, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-23 Who is Not Poor? Dreaming of a World Truly Free of Poverty
by Lant Pritchett - 25-48 Reducing the Incidence of Low Birth Weight in Low-Income Countries Has Substantial Economic Benefits
by Harold Alderman & Jere R. Behrman - 49-89 Choosing a System of Unemployment Income Support: Guidelines for Developing and Transition Countries
by Milan Vodopivec - 91-122 Corporate Governance and Development
by Stijn Claessens - 123-150 Enforcement and Good Corporate Governance in Developing Countries and Transition Economies
by Erik Berglöf & Stijn Claessens
2005, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 145-175 Globalization, Poverty, and Inequality since 1980
by David Dollar - 177-199 Data and Dogma: The Great Indian Poverty Debate
by Angus Deaton & Valerie Kozel - 201-231 Insights on Development from the Economics of Happiness
by Carol Graham - 233-257 Housing Policy in Developing Countries: Conjectures and Refutations
by Robert M. Buckley & Jerry Kalarickal - 259-281 Public Debt Management and Macroeconomic Stability: An Overview
by Peter J. Montiel
2005, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-27 Democracy, Public Expenditures, and the Poor: Understanding Political Incentives for Providing Public Services
by Philip Keefer & Stuti Khemani - 29-55 Evaluating the Impact of Conditional Cash Transfer Programs
by Laura B. Rawlings - 57-80 Reassessing Conditional Cash Transfer Programs
by Jishnu Das - 81-108 Infrastructure Privatization and Regulation: Promises and Perils
by Ioannis N. Kessides - 109-144 The "Cotton Problem"
by John Baffes
2004, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 141-169 How Have the World's Poorest Fared since the Early 1980s?
by Shaohua Chen & Martin Ravallion - 171-197 Much Ado about Nothing? Do Domestic Firms Really Benefit from Foreign Direct Investment?
by Holger Görg & David Greenaway - 199-230 Policies on Managing Risk in Agricultural Markets
by Donald F. Larson & Jock R. Anderson & Panos Varangis - 231-257 Oil, Macroeconomics, and Forests: Assessing the Linkages
by Sven Wunder & William D. Sunderlin - 259-280 Vouchers for Basic Education in Developing Economies: An Accountability Perspective
by Varun Gauri & Ayesha Vawda
2004, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-39 Community-Based and -Driven Development: A Critical Review
by Ghazala Mansuri - 41-60 Agricultural Extension: Good Intentions and Hard Realities
by Jock R. Anderson - 61-85 Targeting Outcomes Redux
by David Coady - 87-118 An Assessment of Privatization
by Sunita Kikeri - 119-139 Managing Oil Price Risk in Developing Countries
by Julia Devlin
2003, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 129-157 Infectious Diseases, Public Policy, and the Marriage of Economics and Epidemiology
by Mark Gersovitz & Jeffrey S. Hammer