- 20 The Trade and Trade Policy Implications of Different Policy Responses to Societal Concerns
by Monika Tothova - 19 Impact of Animal Disease Outbreaks and Alternative Control Practices on Agricultural Markets and Trade: The case of FMD
by Franziska Junker & Joanna Ilicic-Komorowska & Frank van Tongeren - 18 Development Dimensions of High Food Prices
by Philip Abbott - 17 Extensive Margins in Agriculture
by Peter S. Liapis - 16 Role, Usage and Motivation for Contracting in Agriculture
by Pavel Vavra - 15 Interaction of Public and Private Standards in the Food Chain
by Garry Smith - 14 Policy Initiatives Concerning Diet, Health and Nutrition
by Linda Fulponi - 13 New Avenues of Value Creation in the Agro-Food Sector
by Céline Giner
- 12 Smallholder Adjustment in Middle-Income Countries: Issues and Policy Responses
by Dalila Cervantes-Godoy & Jonathan Brooks - 11 Modelling Agricultural Trade and Policy Impacts in Less Developed Countries
by Jonathan Brooks & George Dyer & Ed Taylor - 10 Global Change in African Fish Trade: Engine of Development or Threat to Local Food Security?
by Christophe Béné - 9 Agricultural Progress in Cameroon, Ghana and Mali: Why It Happened and How to Sustain It
by Joe Dewbre & Adeline Borot de Battisti - 8 Major Challenges for Fishery Policy Reform: A Political Economy Perspective
by Jon G. Sutinen - 7 Agricultural Policy Design and Implementation: A Synthesis
by Frank van Tongeren
- 3 Analysis of Price Transmission Along the Food Chain
by Pavel Vavra & Barry K. Goodwin - 2 Estimating the Pass-Through of Agricultural Policy Reforms: An Application to Brazilian Commodity Markets
by Jonathan Brooks & Olga Melyukhina - 1 Is the Concept of the Producer Support Estimate in Need of Revision?
by Stefan Tangermann