- 2401 Introducing the AFOM as an alternative metric to AUC for Imbalanced Data
by Julen Perales Barriendo & Maria Jesus Campion Arrastia & Emilio Dominguez Irastorza & Nuria Oses Eraso
- 2301 The post-covid inflation episode
by Idoia Aguirre & Miguel Casares
- 2201 Understanding Soft Commitment: Evidence from a Field Experiment on Recycling
by Eduard Alonso-Pauli & Pau Balart & Lara Ezquerra & Inigo Hernandez-Arenaz
- 2110 Spatial Inequality, Civil Conflict and Cells: A Dynamic Spatial Probit Approach
by Vicente Rios & Beatriz Manotas-Hidalgo & Lisa Gianmoena - 2109 Addressing Oil Spills and Agricultural Productivity. Evidence of Pollution in Nigeria
by Beatriz Manotas-Hidalgo - 2108 A Journey in the History of Sovereign Defaults on Domestic Law Public Debt, Sovereign Histories
by Aitor Erce & Enrico Mallucci & Mattia Picarelli - 2107 Profit Sharing, Interconnected Autonomous Teams, and Employee Productivity
by Marco A. Barrenechea-Mendez & Sara Martinez-de-Morentin - 2106 A Journey in the History of Sovereign Defaults on Domestic Law Public Debt
by Aitor Erce & Enrico Mallucci & Mattia Picarelli - 2105 Did US Business Dynamism Recover in the 2010s?
by Asier Aguilera-Bravo & Miguel Casares & Hashmat Khan - 2104 Wars, Depression, and Fascism: Income Inequality in Italy, 1900-1950
by Maria Gomez-Leon & Giacomo Gabbuti - 2103 Provincial health inequalities in Spain since 1860
by Gregori Galofre-Vila & Maria Gomez-Leon - 2102 A Lesson from History? The 1918 Inuenza pandemic and the rise of Italian Fascism: A cross-city quantitative and historical text qualitative analysis
by Gregori Galofre-Vila & Maria Gomez-Leon & David Stuckler - 2101 The Costs of Hyperinflation: Germany 1923
by Gregori Galofre-Vila
- 9915 A Dynamic Model of COVID-19: Contagion and Implications of Isolation Enforcement
by Miguel Casares & Hashmat Khan - 2002 COVID-19 Pandemic and Economic Scenarios for Ontario
by Miguel Casares & Paul Gomme & Hashmat Khan
- 1902 On Staggered Prices and Optimal Inflation
by Asier Aguilera-Bravo & Miguel Casares Polo - 1901 A portfolio-choice model to analyze the recent gross capital flows between Canada and the US
by Miguel Casares Polo & Alba Del Villar
- 1803 Fair Competition Design
by Ritxar Arlegi & Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics (INARBE) & Dinko Dimitrov - 1802 A structural analysis of US entry and exit dynamics. Tecnnical Appendix
by Miguel Casares Polo & Hashmat Khan & Jean-Christophe Poutineau - 1801 A structural analysis of US entry and exit dynamics
by Miguel Casares Polo & Hashmat Khan & Jean-Christophe Poutineau
- 1701 Trade-offs in health investments: HIV, Malaria and Malnutrition
by Ariadna García Prado & Sandra Miñes
- 1602 Why are labor markets in Spain and Germany so different?
by Mikel Casares & Jesús Vázquez - 1601 Business Dynamism and Economic Growth: U.S. Regional Evidence
by Mikel Casares & Hashmat Khan
- 1503 Entry and exit in recent US business cycles
by Mikel Casares - 1502 Strategy-proof location of public facilities
by Jorge Alcalde Unzu & Marc Vorsatz - 1501 Does globalization promote civil war? An empirical research
by Roberto Ezcurra & Beatriz Manotas
- 1403 Motivational Capital and Incentives in Health Care Organizations
by Mikel Berdud & Juan M. Cabasés Hita & Jorge Nieto - 1402 Motivational Capital and Incentives in Health Care Organizations
by Mikel Berdud & Juan M. Cabasés Hita & Jorge Nieto - 1401 A Pilot Inquiry on Incentives and Intrinsic Motivation in Health Care: the Motivational Capital Explained by Doctors
by Mikel Berdud & Juan M. Cabasés Hita & Jorge Nieto
- 1310 Fiscal decentralization and internal conflict: An empirical investigation
by Roberto Ezcurra - 1309 On firm-level, industry-level, and aggregate employment fluctuations
by Miguel Casares - 1308 Comparing the psychometric properties of the EQ-5D-5L between mental and somatic chronic patients populations
by Juan M. Cabasés & MarÃa Errea & Inigo Hernández-Arenaz - 1307 Reflexiones sobre la sanidad pública en España en el horizonte de 2020
by Juan M. Cabasés - 1306 The Process of Wage Adjustment: An Analysis Using Establishment- Level Data
by Alberto Bayo-Moriones & Jose Enrique Galdon-Sanchez & Sara Martinez-de-Morentin - 1305 Incentives to give up resource extraction and avoid the tragedy of the commons
by Juan Miguel Benito-Ostolaza & Nuria Osés-Eraso - 1304 Business cycle and monetary policy analysis with market rigidities and financial frictions
by Miguel Casares & Luca Deidda & Jose E. Galdon-Sanchez - 1303 Cost-effectiveness analysis of the surgical treatment of female urinary incontinence using slings
by Manuel F. Montesino-Semper & Jesús M. Jiménez-Calvo & Juan M. Cabasés & Eduardo Sánchez-Iriso & Antonio Hualde-Alfaro & Diego García-García - 1302 Incentives when altruism is impure: The case of blood and living organ donations
by María Errea & Juan M. Cabasés - 1301 Sharing the costs of cleaning a river: the Upstream Responsibility rule
by Jorge Alcalde-Unzu & María Gómez-Rúa & Elena Molis
- 1215 The Great Moderation of Inflation: a structural analysis of recent U.S. monetary business cycles
by Miguel Casares & Jesús Vázquez - 1214 Incentives Beyond the Money: Identity and Motivational Capital in Public Organizations
by Mikel Berdud & Juan M. Cabasés & Jorge Nieto - 1213 Enrolling the Self-Employed in Mandatory Health Insurance in Colombia: are we missing other factors?
by Alejandro Arrieta & Ariadna García Prado & Giota Panopoulou - 1212 Non-elective cesarean sections in public hospitals: hospital capacity constraints and doctor´s incentives
by Alejandro Arrieta & Ariadna García-Prado - 1211 Cost Sharing and Hospitalizations for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions
by Alejandro Arrieta & Ariadna García-Prado - 1210 The Diffusion of Pay for Performance Across Occupations
by Alberto Bayo-Moriones & Jose Enrique Galdon-Sanchez & Sara Martinez-de-Morentin - 1209 Motivational Capital and Incentives in Health Care Organisations
by Mikel Berdud & Juan M. Cabasés Hita & Jorge Nieto - 1208 A Theory of Choice under Internal Conflict
by Ritxar Arlegi & Miriam Teschl - 1207 Performance Appraisal: Dimensions and Determinants
by Alberto Bayo-Moriones & Jose Enrique Galdon-Sanchez & Sara Martinez-de-Morentin - 1206 A simple test for the equality of integration orders
by Javier Hualde - 1205 Estimation of the cointegrating rank in fractional cointegration
by Javier Hualde - 1204 El trabajo forzado en infraestructuras ferroviarias bajo el franquismo (1938 – 1957): una estimación cuantitativa
by Fernando Mendiola - 1203 Efectos de la reducción de la jornada laboral en un modelo con dos sectores
by Emilio Domínguez & Miren Ullibarri & Idoya Zabaleta - 1202 Lorenz and lexicographic maximal allocations for bankruptcy problems
by Javier Arin & Juan Miguel Benito - 1201 Incentives Beyond the Money and Motivational Capital in Health Care Organizations
by Mikel Berdud & Juan M. Cabasés Hita
- 1104 Data Revisions in the Estimation of DSGE models
by Miguel Casares & Jesús Vázquez - 1102 Firm entry under financial frictions
by Miguel Casares & Jean-Christophe Poutineau - 1101 EQIS 1.0 User Guide
by María Errea Rodríguez & Eduardo Sánchez-Iriso - 1101 Non-anonymous ballot aggregation: an axiomatic generalization of Approval Voting
by Jorge Alcalde-Unzu & Marc Vorsat
- 1004 Attitudes towards blood and living organ donations
by Juan M. Cabasés Hita & María Errea Rodríguez - 1003 An Estimated New-Keynesian Model with Unemployment as Excess Supply of Labor
by Miguel Casares & Antonio Moreno & Jesús Vázquez - 1002 Short-run and Long-run Effects of Banking in a New Keynesian Model
by Miguel Casares & Jean-Christophe Poutineau - 1001 Claim Problems and Egalitarian Criteria
by Javier Arin & Juan Miguel Benito
- 0903 A New Keynesian analysis of industrial employment fluctuations
by Miguel Casares - 0902 Wage Stickiness and Unemployment Fluctuations: An Alternative Approach
by Miguel Casares & Antonio Moreno & Jesús Vázquez - 0901 An Economic Model of Behaviour: Attitudes Towards Altruistic Blood and Organ Donations
by Juan M. Cabasés Hita & María Errea Rodríguez
- 0804 The Location Decisions of Multinationals and the Cultural Link: Evidence from Spanish Direct Investment Abroad
by Juan Miguel Benito-Ostolaza & Salvador Barrios - 0803 Health-related Quality of Life of Patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder
by Juan Manuel Cabasés Hita & Eduardo Sánchez Iriso & Joan Rovira i Forns - 0802 The drawbacks of Welfare Effort in Measuring Social Spending Trends
by Ricardo Aláez Aller & Pablo Díaz de Basurto Uraga & Jon Olaskoaga Larrauri - 0801 Sticky Prices, Sticky Wages, and also Unemployment
by Miguel Casares
- 0704 Uncertainty with Ordinal Likelihood Information
by Jorge Alcalde-Unzu & Ritxar Arlegi - 0703 Size Approval Voting
by Jorge Alcalde-Unzu & Marc Vorsatz - 0702 Monopolistic Competition, Sticky Prices, and the Minimal Mark-Up in Steady State
by Miguel Casares - 0701 Wage Setting Actors, StickyWages, and Optimal Monetary Policy
by Miguel Casares
- 0611 Instrumentos económicos para la priorización de pacientes en lista de espera: Los modelos de elección discreta
by Juan Manuel Cabasés Hita & Eduardo Sánchez Iriso & Fernando San Miguel Inzar - 0610 Ranking Sets Additively in Decisional Contexts: An Axiomatic Characterization
by Ritxar Arlegi & José C. R. Alcantud - 0609 On the Equivalence of the Two Existing Extensions of the Leximax criterion to the Infinite Case
by R. Arlegi & M. Ballester & M. Besada & J.R. De Miguel & J. Nieto & C. Vázquez - 0608 Freedom of Choice: The Leximax Criterion in the Infinite Case
by AR. Arlegi & AR. M. Besada & J. Nieto & AR. C. Vázquez - 0607 On Freedom of Choice, Ambiguity, and the Preference for Easy Choices
by Ricardo Arlegi & Dinko Dimitrov - 0606 A Profitable Strategy in the Pelota Betting Market
by Loreto Llorente - 0605 Gender Bias in Sex Ratio at Birth: The Case of India
by Rebeca A. Echávarri - 0604 Rank Dependent Expected Utility in the Pelota Betting System: an Experiment
by Loreto Llorente - 0603 A BETTING MARKET: Description and a theoretical explanation of bets in Pelota Matches
by Loreto Llorente & Josemari Aizpurua - 0602 Dynamics, welfare and migration
by Alexandra M. Espinosa & Ignacio Díaz-Emparanza - 0601 Un análisis cuantitativo de los ingresos presupuestarios
by Aurelia Hernández Moyés
- 0505 Self-Perceived Health Status Of Schizophrenic Patients In Spain: An Analysis Of Geographical Differences Using Bayesian Approach
by Juan M Cabasés & Eduardo Sánchez & Francisco J Vázquez-Polo & Miguel A Negrín & Emilio J Domínguez - 0504 Territorial Mobility: A Measuring Proposal
by Roberto Ezcurra & Pedro Pascual & Manuel Rapún - 0503 Simulating The Effects Of The European Single Market: A Cge Analysis For Spain
by Oscar Bajo & Antonio Gómez - 0502 Freedom Of Choice And Conflict Resolution
by Ricardo Arlegi - 0501 Minimal Books Of Rationales
by José Apesteguía & Miguel A. Ballester
- '0405' Using Bayesian Techniques To Build Up An Inconsistency Free Health Status Index
by Juan M. Cabasés & Eduardo Sánchez - 0404 Regional Specialization In The European Union
by Roberto Ezcurra & Carlos Gil & Manuel Rapún - 0403 Inequality, polarisation and regional mobility in the European Union
by Roberto Ezcurra & Carlos Gil & Pedro Pascual & Manuel Rapún - 0402 A Theory Of Reference-Dependent Beavior
by José Apesteguía & Miguel A. Ballester - 0401 On Procedural Freedom of Choice
by Ritxar Arlegi & Dinko Dimitrov
- 0307 Uso de índices de necesidad relativa para estimar opciones de financiación sanitaria en las regiones venezolanas
by Natalie C. Espinoza & Juan M. Cabasés - 0306 Imitation-Theory and Experimental Evidence-
by José Apesteguía & Steffen Huck & Jorg Oechssler - 0305 Development Theories and Development as Social Capability Expansion
by Rebeca Echávarri - 0304 Market allocations of location choice: An example
by Josemari Aizpurua & Juan Miguel Benito & Javier Puértolas - 0303 Blowing the Whistle
by José Apesteguía & Martin Dufwenberg & Reinhard Selten - 0302 Theory On Economic Development: From Growth of Wealth To Expansion Of Freedom
by Rebeca Echávarri - 0301 Cost-effectiveness analysis of therapeutic strategies for patients with chronic hepatitis C previously non-responders to interferon
by Juan M. Cabasés & Ramón San Miguel & Javier Mar & Francisco Guillén & María Butí
- 0207 Geografía y dinámica de la desigualdad regional en la Unión Europea
by Roberto Ezcurra & Carlos Gil & Pedro Pascual & Manuel Rapún - 0206 Disparidades espaciales en productividad y estructura sectorial de las regiones europeas
by Roberto Ezcurra & Pedro Pascual & Manuel Rapún - 0205 Movilidad Y Desigualdad Regional En La Unión Europea
by Roberto Ezcurra & Pedro Pascual & Manuel Rapún - 0204 Costs and Effectiveness of a syringe distribution and needle exchange programme for HIV prevention in a regional setting
by Juan Manuel Cabasés Hita & Eduardo Sánchez Iriso - 0203 Una Aplicación De La Tion98 Como Instrumento De Análisis Y Simulación
by María Dolores Montávez Garcés - 0202 A Note on Bossert, Pattanaik and Xu’s “Choice Under Complete Uncertainty: Axiomatic Characterization of Some Decision Rules”
by Ritxar Arlegi - 0201 Participation, Cooperatives And Performance: An Analysis Of Spanish Manufacturing Firms
by José Alberto Bayo Moriones & Pedro Javier Gailea Salvatierra & Javier Merino Díaz de Cerio
- 0116 International immigration and mobility across sectors: an exploration of alternative scenarios for Spain
by Javier Ferri & Antonio Gómez Gómez-Plana & Joan Martín Montaner - 0115 Employment protection legislation and the IT-sector in OECD countries
by José Enrique Galdón Sánchez - 0114 Rational Evaluation of Actions Under Complete Uncertainty
by Ritxar Arlegi - 0113 Sobre Modelos Dinámicos De Segregación
by Juan Miguel Benito Ostolaza - 0112 Desigualdad Salarial y Mercado de Trabajo en Argentina: Instituciones, oferta y demanda laboral en el período 1980-1999
by Sebastián Waisgrais - 0111 Convergencia Y Cambio Estructural En La Unión Europea
by Roberto Ezcurra - 0110 The Debate Surrounding The New Economy: An Approach For An Analysis
by Margarita Billón Currás & Nuria Hernández Nanclares & Fernando Lera López - 0109 Business Cycle and Monetary Policy Analysis in a Structural Sticky- Price Model of The Euro Area
by Miguel Casares - 0108 Dynamic Analysis in an Optimizing Monetary Model with Transaction Costs and Endogenous Investment
by Miguel Casares - 0107 Long-Run Analysis in Alternative Optimizing Monetary Models
by Miguel Casares - 0106 Las reglas de política monetaria en la actuación del Banco de España 1978-1998
by Carmen Díaz Roldán & Alberto Montero Soler - 0105 Dismissal conflicts and unemployment
by José Enrique Galdón Sánchez & Maia Güell - 0104 Internalising externalities: are cogeneration subsidies high enough?
by Montserrat Viladrich-Grau - 0103 How much are people willing to pay for sinlence? A one and one-half-bound DC CV estimate
by Jesús Barreiro & Mercedes Sánchez & Montserrat Viladrich-Grau - 0102 Reducing social contributions on unskilled labour as a way of fighting unemployment: An empirical evaluation for the case of Spain
by Óscar Bajo Rubio & Antonio Gómez Gómez-Plana - 0101 A General Framework For The Macroeconomic Analysis Of Monetary Unions
by Óscar Bajo Rubio & Carmen Díaz Roldán
- 0013 Variable population egalitarian ethics and the critical-level: A note
by Ritxar Arlegi & Miguel Angel Ballester & María del Carmen Marco & Jorge Nieto - 0012 On The Insurance Function Of Fiscal Policy In A Monetary Union
by Óscar Bajo Rubio & Carmen Díaz Roldán - 0011 Contracting Arrangements In The Health Strategy Context. A Regional Approach For Spain
by Juan M. Cabasés & Luis Gabilondo & Idoia Gaminde - 0010 Societal perspective on the eliciting of health states preferences
by Juan Manuel Cabasés & Idoia Gaminde & José M. Ugalde - 0009 Freedom of choice: the leximax criterion in economic environments
by Ritxar Arlegi & Manuel Besada & Jorge Nieto & Carmen Vázquez - 0008 La Competitividad Externa De Las Manufacturas Españolas: Un Análisis Dinámico Para El Período 1973-1993
by Sara Bercenilla Visús & Mª Dolores Montávez Garcés - 0007 Diferencias salariales en España: un análisis sectorial/regional
by Ricardo Aláez Aller & Juan Carlos Longás García & Miren Ullibarri Arce - 0006 Extensiones de la Matriz de Contabilidad Social de España
by Antonio Gómez Gómez-Plana - 0005 The Role of Country Size and Returns to Scale in Empirical Assessments of Economic Integration: The Case of Spain
by Óscar Bajo Rubio & Antonio Gómez Gómez-Plana - 0004 Supply policies coordination in a monetary union
by Carmen Díaz Roldán - 0003 Coordination of fiscal policies in a monetary union
by Carmen Díaz Roldán - 0002 International monetary policy coordination under asymmetric shocks
by Carmen Díaz Roldán - 0001 Asymmetry In The Ems: New Evidence Based On Non-Linear Forecasts
by Óscar Bajo Rubio & Simón Sosvilla Rivero & Fernando Fernández Rodríguez
- 9908 Growth with Technical Change and Human Capital: Transition Dynamics Versus Steady State Predictions
by Fidel PÈrez Sebasti·n & Chris Papageorgiou - 9907 Growth and Public Support to Research and Imitation: The International Connection
by Fidel PÈrez Sebasti·n - 9906 There Was Monetary Autonomy In Europe On the Eve Of Emu? The German Dominance Hypothesis Re-Examined
by Oscar Bajo & Maria Dolores Montavez - 9905 Efectos de cambios impositivos en un modelo de equilibrio general aplicado: un análisis de la reforma de 1995
by Oscar Bajo & Antonio Gómez Gómez-Plana - 9904 Fiscal Policy and Growth Revisited: The Case of The Spanish Regions
by Oscar Bajo & Carmen DÌaz Rold·n & Maria Dolores Montavez - 9903 ¿Es sostenible el sistema de Seguridad Social en España? Situación actual y perspectivas
by Oscar Bajo & Jose M. Da Rocha Alvarez & María Montero-Muñoz - 9902 Foreign Direct Investment and Trade: A Causality Analysis
by Oscar Bajo & Maria Montero Mu–oz - 9901 Inequality Foundations of Concentration Measures: An Application to the Hannah-Kay Indices
by Oscar Bajo & Rafael Salas
- 9822 Analisis de la eficiencia tecnica de las explotaciones lecheras
by Belén Iraizoz Apezteguia & Manuel Rapun Garate & Idoia Zabaleta Arregui - 9821 Análisis de la eficiencia tecnica en explotaciones horticolas
by Belen Iraizoz Apezteguia & Manuel Rapun Garate & Idoia Zabaleta Arregui - 9820 La estabilizacion en una unión monetaria: Implicaciones para las politicas de oferta
by Maria del Carmen Diaz Roldan - 9819 Incomplete Preferences and The Preference for Flexibility
by Ricardo Arlegi - 9818 Equality of Opportunities: Cardinality-Based Criteria
by Ricardo Arlegi & Jorge Nieto - 9817 El sector agrario espa–ol. Una aproximacion regional a su eficiencia y al impacto de la PAC
by Belen Iraizoz Apezteguia & Manuel Rapun Garate - 9816 Efectos de la coordinación de la política fiscal en una unión monetaria: Implicaciones para la Unión Monetaria Europea
by María del Carmen Díaz - 9815 Efectos de la coordinación internacional de la política monetaria en presencia de perturbaciones asimétricas
by María del Carmen Díaz - 9814 Incidencia, riesgo y evolucion de las fracturas osteoporoticas de cuello de femur en las mujeres en España, a partir de un modelo de Markov
by Juan M. Cabases & Guadalupe Carmona López & Raman Hernandez Vecino - 9813 La financiacion sanitaria autonomica. Bases para una propuesta
by Juan M. Cabases - 9812 Mental Health Services Utilization and Costs of Patients with Schizophrenia in Three Areas of Spain
by Josep Maria Haro & Luis Salvador & Juan M. Cabases Hita & Vicente Madoz & Jose Luis Vazquez-Barquero & Cristina Agustench - 9811 Public Capital, Regional Productivity and Spatial Spillovers
by Carlos Gil Canaleta & Pedro Pascual Arzoz & Manuel Rapun Gurate - 9810 ¿Existe un efecto Fisher en el largo plazo? Evidencia para la economía española, 1962-1996
by Oscar Bajo & Vicente Esteve - 9808 La coordinacion internacional de la politica monetaria en presencia de perturbaciones simetricas: ¿Resulta beneficioso cooperar?
by Mª del Carmen Díaz Roldán - 9806 Monetary and Fiscal Policies in Dynamic Models of the Open Economy
by Oscar Bajo Rubio - 9805 Distribucion, compensacion y fondos estructurales: una propuesta metodologica
by Jorge Nieto Vazquez & Pedro Pascual Arzoz & Manuel Rapun Garate - 9804 An Industry Analysis of Foreign Direct Investment in Spanish Manufacturing, 1986-1992
by Oscar Bajo Rubio - 9803 The Adoption and Adaptation of Externally Originated Ideas
by Fidel Perez Sebastian - 9802 Transitional Dynamics In An R&D-Based Growth Model With Imitation: Comparing Its Predictions To The Data
by Fidel Perez Sebastian - 9801 Tipo de cambio, expectativas y nueva información: evidencia para el caso de la peseta, 1986-1996
by Oscar Bajo Rubio & María Dolores Montávez Garcés