- wp085 Back to Work: Expectations and Realizations of Work After Retirement
by Nicole Maestas - wp084 Global Aging: Issues, Answers, More Questions
by Axel Börsch-Supan - wp083 Precautionary Saving Over the Lifecycle
by John Laitner - wp082 Understanding Patterns of Social Security Benefit Receipt, Pensions Incomes, Retirement and Saving by Race, Ethnicity, Gender and Marital Status: A Structural Approach
by Alan L. Gustman & Thomas L. Steinmeier - wp081 Correcting Second Home Equity in HRS/AHEAD: the Issues, a Method, and Preliminary Results
by Honggao Cao & Thomas Juster - wp080 Decaying Asymmetric Information and Adverse Selection in Annuities
by David McCarthy - wp079 The Impact of the 1996 SSI Childhood Disability Reforms: Evidence from Matched SIPP-SSA Data
by Lynn A. Karoly & Paul S. Davies - wp078 How to Evaluate the Effects of Social Security Policies on Retirement and Saving When Firm Policies Affect the Opportunities Facing Older Individuals
by Alan L. Gustman & Thomas L. Steinmeier - wp076 SSI for the Aged and the Problem of 'Take-Up'
by Todd E. Elder & Elizabeth T. Powers - wp075 Economic Adjustment of Recent Retirees to Adverse Wealth Shocks
by Gabor Kezdi & Purvi Sevak - wp074 Modeling Lifetime Earnings Paths: Hypothetical versus Actual Workers
by Andrew Au & Olivia S. Mitchell & John W. R. Phillips - wp073 Random Scenario Forecasts Versus Stochastic Forecasts
by Shripad Tuljapurkar & Ronald D. Lee & Qi Li - wp072 Life, Death, and the Economy: Mortality Change in Overlapping-Generations Model
by Qi Li & Shripad Tuljapurkar - wp071 A Cross-National Comparison of the Employment for Men With Disabilities: The United States and Germany in the 1980s and 1990s”
by Richard V. Burkhauser & Mathis Schröder - wp070 Elderly Households and Housing Wealth: Do They Use It or Lose It?
by Lina Walker - wp069 The Retirement-Consumption Puzzle: Anticipated and Actual Declines in Spending at Retirement
by Michael Hurd & Susann Rohwedder - wp068 Payout Choices by Retirees in Chile: What Are They and Why?
by Estelle James & Guillermo Martinez & Augusto Iglesias - wp067 Personal Accounts and Family Retirement
by Alan L. Gustman & Thomas L. Steinmeier - wp066 Trading with the Unborn: A New Perspective on Capital Income Taxation
by Kent A. Smetters
- wp065 Medicare Gaps and Widow Poverty
by Kathleen McGarry & Robert F. Schoeni - wp064 Early Retirement Windows
by Charles Brown - wp063 Betting on Death and Capital Markets in Retirement: A Shortfall Risk Analysis of Life Annuities versus Phased Withdrawal Plans
by Ivica Dus & Raimond Maurer & Olivia S. Mitchell - wp062 Expectation Formation of Older Married Couples and the Rational Expectations Hypothesis
by Hugo Benítez-Silva & Debra S. Dwyer - wp061 The Impact of Financial Education on Savings and Asset
by Annamaria Lusardi - wp060 The Demand for Guarantees in Social Security Personal Retirement Accounts
by Olivia S. Mitchell & Alexander Muermann - wp059 Expectations in Micro Data: Rationality Revisited
by Hugo Benítez-Silva & Debra S. Dwyer & Wayne-Roy Gayle & Thomas J. Muench - wp058 Defined Benefit Pension Plan Liabilities and International Asset Allocation
by Tongxuan Yang - wp057 The Impact of Poor Health Behaviors on Workforce Disability
by Caroline Richardson & Jennifer T. Hanlon & Hillary J. Mull & Sandeep Vijan & Rodney Hayward & Linda A. Wray & Kenneth M. Langa - wp056 Labor Supply Flexibility and Portfolio Choice: An Empirical Analysis
by Hugo Benítez-Silva - wp055 The Annuity Puzzle Revisited
by Hugo Benítez-Silva - wp054 Social Security, Retirement and Wealth: Theory and Implications
by Miles S. Kimball & Matthew D. Shapiro - wp053 A Lifecycle Analysis of Defined Benefit Pension Plans
by David McCarthy - wp052 The Social Security Reform Process in Italy: Where do We Stand?
by Agar Brugiavini & Vincenzo Galasso - wp051 Lifetime Earnings Variability and Retirement Wealth
by Olivia S. Mitchell & John W. R. Phillips & Andrew Au & David McCarthy - wp050 Labor Supply Responses to Social Security
by John Laitner - wp049 How Important Are Wages to the Elderly? Evidence from the New Beneficiary Data System and the Social Security Earnings Test
by Steven J. Haider & David S. Loughran - wp048 Microsimulations in the Presence of Heterogeneity
by Constantijn W.A. Panis - wp047 Mental Health and Labor Force Exits in Older Workers: The Mediating or Moderating Roles of Physical Health and Job Factors
by Linda A. Wray - wp046 The Economic Status of Elderly Divorced Women
by Steven J. Haider & Alison Jacknowitz & Robert F. Schoeni - wp045 Saving for Retirement: Wage Growth and Unexpected Events
by Michael Hurd & Julie Zissimopoulos - wp044 Key Equations in the Tuljapurkar-Lee Model of the Social Security System
by Ryan D. Edwards & Ronald D. Lee & Michael W. Anderson & Shripad Tuljapurkar & Carl Boe - wp043 Stochastic Forecasts of the Social Security Trust Fund
by Ronald D. Lee & Michael W. Anderson & Shripad Tuljapurkar - wp042 Disability Benefits as Social Insurance: Tradeoffs Between Screening Stringency and Benefit Generosity in Optimal Program Design
by Timothy Waidman & John Bound & Austin Nichols - wp041 The German Public Pension System: How it Was, How it Will Be
by Axel H. Börsch-Supan & Christina B. Wilke - wp040 Widowhood, Divorce, and Loss of Health Insurance Among Near Elderly Women: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study
by David R. Weir & Robert J. Willis - wp039 Who Becomes a Stockholder? Expectations, SUbjective Uncertainty, and Asset Allocation
by Gábor Kézdi & Robert J. Willis - wp038 Retirement Effects of Proposals by the President’s Commission to Strengthen Social Security
by Alan L. Gustman & Thomas L. Steinmeier - wp037 What to Expect when you are Expecting Rationality: Testing Rational Expectations using Micro Data
by Hugo Benítez-Silva & Debra S. Dwyer - wp036 The Supplemental Security Income Program and Incentives to Claim Social Security Retirement Early: Empirical Evidence from Matched SIPP and Social Security Administrative Files
by Elizabeth T. Powers & David Neumark - wp035 Understanding Individual Account Guarantees
by Marie-Eve Lachance & Olivia S. Mitchell - wp034 The Impact of Diabetes on Work-force Participation: Results from a National Household Sample
by Sandeep Vijan & Kenneth M. Langa
- wp033 How Exits from the Labor Force of Death Impact Household Incomes: A Four Country Comparison of Public and Private Income Support
by Richard V. Burkhauser & Phil Giles & Dean R. Lillard & Johannes Schwarze - wp032 Applications, Denials, and Appeals for Social Security Disability Insurance
by Olivia S. Mitchell & John W.R. Phillips - wp031 The New Social Security Commission Personal Accounts: Where is the Investment Principal?
by Alan L. Gustman & Thomas L. Steinmeier - wp030 Ensuring Time-Series Consistency in Estimates of Income and Wealth
by F. Thomas Juster & Joseph P. Lupton & Honggao Cao - wp029 The Social Security Early Entitlement Age in a Structural Model of Retirement and Wealth
by Alan L. Gustman & Thomas L. Steinmeier - wp028 Early Retirement Windows
by Charles Brown - wp027 Wealth Shocks and Retirement Timing: Evidence from the Nineties
by Purvi Sevak - wp026 The Retirement Behavior of Federal Civil Service Workers
by Beth Asch & Steve Haider & Julie Zissimopoulos - wp025 Transition Paths and Social Security Reform
by John Laitner - wp024 The Welfare Implications of Increasing DI Benefit Generosity
by John Bound & Julie Berry Cullen & Austin Nichols & Lucie Schmidt - wp023 The Economic Consequences of Widowhood
by David R. Weir & Robert J. Willis & Purvi A. Sevak - wp022 Dropping Out of Social Security
by Kent Smetters & Jan Walliser - wp021 The Effects of Subjective Survival on Retirement and Social Security Claiming
by Michael D. Hurd & James P. Smith & Julie M. Zissimopoulos
- wp077 Characteristics of and determinants of the density of contributions in a Private Social Security System
by Alberto Arenas de Mesa & Jere Behrman & David Bravo - wp020 Secular Changes in Wealth Inequality and Inheritance
by John Laitner - wp019 Wealth Accumulation in the U.S.: Do Inheritances and Bequests Play a Significant Role?
by John Laitner - wp018 Social Security, Pensions and Retirement Behavior Within the Family
by Alan L. Gustman & Thomas L. Steinmeier - wp017 Wealth, Inequality, and Altruistic Bequests
by John Laitner - wp016 Health, Wealth and Gender: Do Health Shocks of Husbands and Wives Have Different Impacts on Household Wealth?
by Jennifer Ward-Batts - wp015 Modeling the Macroeconomic Implications of Social Security Reform
by John Laitner - wp014 Long-term Labor Force Exit and Economic Well-being: A Cross-National Comparison of Public and Private Income Support
by Richard V. Burkhauser & Dean R. Lillard & Paola M. Valenti - wp013 Informal Caregiving for Diabetes and Diabetic Complications Among Elderly Americans
by Kenneth M. Langa & Sandeep Vijan & Rodney A. Hayward & Michael E. Chernew & Caroline S. Blaum & Mohammed U. Kabeto & David R. Weir & Steven J. Katz & Robert J. Willis & Mark Fendrick - wp012 Imperfect Knowledge, Retirement and Saving
by Alan L. Gustman & Thomas L. Steinmeier - wp011 Eligibility for Social Security Disability Insurance
by Olivia S. Mitchell & John W.R. Phillips - wp010 Stochastic Rates of Return for Social Security Under Various Policy Scenarios
by Michael Anderson & Hisashi Yamagata & Shripad Tuljapurkar - wp009 Tracking the Household Income of SSDI and SSI Applicants
by John Bound & Richard Burkhauser & Austin Nichols - wp008 Chances are...Stochastic Forecasts of the Social Security Trust Fund and Attempts to Save It
by Michael Anderson & Shirpad Tuljapurkar & Ronald D. Lee - wp007 Cognition and Wealth: The Importance of Probabilistic Thinking
by Lee Lillard & Robert J. Willis - wp002 Retirement and Wealth
by Alan L. Gustman & Thomas L. Steinmeier
- wp006 Retirement Responses to Early Social Security Benefit Reductions
by Olivia S. Mitchell & John W. R. Phillips - wp005 How Effective is Redistribution Under the Social Security Benefit Formula?
by Alan L. Gustman & Thomas L. Steinmeier - wp004 Saving for Retirement: Household Bargaining and Household Net Worth
by Shelly J. Lundberg & Jennifer Ward-Batts - wp003 Marriage, Divorce and the Work and Earning Careers of Spouses
by Lee Lillard & Linda Waite