2017, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 36-57 Possible Paths for GDP Per Capita – Simulation with a Demographic Growth Model
by Éva Berde & Izabella Kuncz - 58-85 Fiscal Policy and the Business Cycle
by György Molnár & Gábor Dániel Soós & Balázs Világi - 86-121 Trade Credit or Bank Credit? – Lessons Learned from Hungarian Firms between 2010 and 2015
by Dániel Havran & Péter Kerényi & Attila Víg - 122-150 Explanations of Asset Price Bubbles
by Gergely Lakos & Tibor Szendrei - 151-186 Operation of the International Monetary and Financial System – Structural Tensions of a "Non-system"
by Gusztáv Báger - 187-200 Equity-based Crowdfunding
by Mónika Kuti & Zsolt Bedõ & Dorottya Geiszl - 201-214 Presentation of the Hungarian Publications of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank Published between 1950 and 1990 from a Visual Communication Perspective
by Ákos Vajas
2017, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 5-31 Resolving Conflicts in Measuring Banking System Competitiveness – MNB Banking System Competitiveness Index
by Péter Asztalos & Gábor Horváth & Štefan Krakovský & Tamás Tóth - 32-50 The Impact of the Fintech Phenomenon – Radical Change Occurs in the Financial Sector?
by Ádám Kerényi & Júlia Molnár - 51-73 Role and Measurement of Fair Valuation in the Hungarian Credit Institution Sector
by Tamás Szücs & József Ulbert - 74-97 Capital Allocation in the Insurance Sector
by Dóra Balog - 98-118 Optimal Resource Allocation at the Blue Economy Type of Firms
by Katalin Hartung - 119-149 “Resources in the Service of the Nation” – Alternative Options for the City Loan of 1925 and Its Spending
by Tamás Fülöp
2017, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 5-27 An Analysis of the Incomes and Current Personal Transfers of Hungarians Living Abroad
by Orsolya Csortos & Balázs Kóczián - 28-39 Experiences of the National Deposit Insurance Fund on the Age Composition of Depositors and on the Distribution of Deposit Amounts
by Katalin Csaba-Kalló & Balázs Vajai - 40-63 The Role of Individual Firms in Aggregate Fluctuations: Evidence from Hungary
by Norbert Czinkán - 64-85 Social Responsibility in the Operation of Central Banks
by Csaba Lentner & Krisztina Szegedi & Tibor Tatay - 86-118 Endogenous Imbalances in a Single Currency Area
by Eszter Boros - 119-147 A possible methodology for determining the initial margin
by Marcell Béli & Kata Váradi - 148-155 Thoughts about the Life Work of Kenneth Arrow
by Péter Medvegyev - 156-169 Behavioural Finance and Consumer Loan Contracts
by Barna Fömötör & Anett Parádi-Dolgos & Zoltán Sipiczki
2017, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 5-45 Indicators Used for the Assessment of the Reserve Adequacy of Emerging and Developing Countries – International Trends in the Mirror of Theories
by Csávás Csaba & Csom-Bíró Gabriella - 46-73 Developments in Government Interest Expenditure for Hungary, 2000–2015
by Gergely Kicsák - 74-91 Risks of Commercial Real Estate Financing Based on the Experiences of Supervisory Reviews
by Márk Szenes & András Tomsics & Dávid Kutasi - 92-118 The Impact of Climate Change on the Insurance Sector
by Anett Pandurics & Péter Szalai - 119-142 Insight into the Hungarian Automotive Industry in International Comparison
by János Rechnitzer & Róbert Hausmann & Tamás Tóth - 143-161 Financial Supervision in Hungary between the Two World Wars
by Bence Varga - 162-174 Hart and Holmström’s Contributions to Contract Theory
by László Á. Kóczy & Hubert János Kiss
2016, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 5-44 Identifying the determinants of housing loan margins in the Hungarian banking system
by Ákos Aczél & Ádám Banai & András Borsos & Bálint Dancsik - 45-64 The International Practice of Statistical Property Valuation Methods and the Possibilities of Introducing Automated Valuation Models in Hungary
by Áron Horváth & Blanka Imre & Zoltán Sápi - 65-87 Impact of the Funding for Growth Scheme on the Hungarian economy
by András László - 88-114 The insurance sector at a milestone: positive initial experiences with the newly introduced Solvency II system
by Zsuzsanna Bora & Norbert Holczinger & Koppány Nagy & Gabriella Merész - 115-150 The Wealth Position of Hungarian Households based on HFCS
by Anna Boldizsár & Zsuzsa Kékesi & Balázs Kóczián & Balázs Sisak - 151-166 Value-Creating Uncertainty – A Real Options Approach in Venture Capital
by Balázs FazekasBalázs Fazekas
2016, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 5-26 Bank resolution as a new MNB function – resolution of MKB Bank
by Krisztina Földényi Láhm & András Kómár & Antal Stréda & Róbert Szegedi - 27-50 Bank resolution as a new MNB function – resolution of MKB BankAdministrative law aspects of the macroprudential regulation and supervision of the financial intermediary system – normativity, organisation, toolkit
by János Kálmán - 51-78 Supervision by robust risk monitoring – a cycle-independent Hungarian corporate credit rating system
by György Inzelt & Gábor Szappanos & Zsolt Armai - 79-109 How to set listing criteria for small and medium-sized enterprises in Hungary?
by Ádám Banai & Szilárd Erhart & Nikolett Vágó & Péter Varga
2016, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 5-32 The interaction between fiscal and monetary policy in Hungary over the past decade and a half
by György Matolcsy & Dániel Palotai - 33-58 The controversial treatment of money and banks in macroeconomics
by István Ábel & Kristóf Lehmann & Attila Tapaszti - 59-87 Review of Hungarian EU transfers – at the border of two fiscal periods
by Anna Boldizsár & Zsuzsa Kékesi & Péter Koroknai & Balázs Sisak - 88-113 Key features of the Chinese bond market
by Zsanett Sütõ & Tamás Tóth - 114-128 Risk Management Approaches and Bank Size
by Dániel Homolya - 129-152 Macroeconomic effects of the increase of electronic retail payments – A general equilibrium approach using Hungarian data
by Tamás Ilyés & Lóránt Varga - 153-172 Financial personality types in Hungary – research methods and results
by Erzsébet Németh & Dániel Béres & Katalin Huzdik & Boglárka Zsótér
2016, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 7-32 Methodological issues of credit rating – Are sovereign credit rating actions reconstructible?
by Imre Ligeti & Zsolt Szõrfi - 33-50 Revision of the quantification of market risk in the Basel III regulatory framework
by Gyöngyi Bugár & Anita Ratting - 51-69 Transformation of the international and European project finance market as a result of the crisis
by Ágnes Csiszárik-Kocsir - 70-90 Before and after acquisition in Hungary: focus on working capital management
by László Zoltán Kucséber - 91-123 Volatility capital buffer to prevent the breach of the Solvency II capital requirements
by Zoltán Zubor - 124-144 The Pénzintézeti Központ was established 100 years ago
by Bence Varga
2015, Volume 14, Issue 5
- 14-32 Hajlító csapások - Az állami segítség ára az Amerikai Egyesült Államok bankrendszerében
by István Ábel & Zsolt Kovalszky & Dániel Módos - 33-44 Válságból válságba – Az argentin bankrendszer elmúlt 20 évének története
by Banai Ádám & Méhes Attila & Winkler Sándor - 45-57 A bolgár bankrendszer története a rendszerváltás óta elmúlt 20 évének története
by Horváth Dániel & Pintér Cecília & Tóth Tamás - 58-71 A chilei bankrendszer elemzése
by Kálmán Péter & Monoki Péter & Vágó Nikolett - 72-89 Iszlám bankrendszer az Egyesült Arab Emírségekben
by Ádám Dénes & Bodnár László & Luspay Miklós - 90-101 Az Egyesült Királyság bankrendszerének története: univerzális bankok létrejötte
by Felcser Dániel & Plajner Ádám & Schindler István - 116-132 A japán bankrendszer átalakulásának fõbb állomásai
by Hidasi Balázs & Papp István - 133-144 Kína: a tervgazdaságtól a modern bankrendszerig
by Komlóssy Laura & Kovalszky Zsolt & Körmendi Gyöngyi & Lang Péter & Stancsics Martin - 145-155 A lengyel bankrendszer nemzetköziesedése és a devizahitelezés
by Mucsi Balázs & Csortos Orsolya & Kóczián Balázs - 156-171 Bankválságok és sokkok: a lett bankrendszer fejlõdése
by Baksay Gergely & Módos Dániel & Olasz Henrietta - 172-190 A német bankrendszer három pillére
by Bokor Csilla & Lányi Bence & Tapaszti Attila - 191-206 Az orosz bankrendszer
by Balla Gergely Patrik & Szabó Lajos Tamás & Váradi Balázs - 207-219 Duális bankrendszer Svájcban
by Fáykiss Péter & Szalai Zoltán & Tóth Ede - 220-230 A török bankrendszer: A reorganizációtól a túlfûtöttségig
by Csortos Orsolya & Dancsik Bálint & Molnár György - 231-245 Az ukrán bankrendszer evolúciója és felépítése
by Kicsák Gergely & Ligeti Imre & Sulyok András
2015, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 5-38 The Phillips curve – history of thought and empirical evidence
by Szabolcs Szentmihályi & Balázs Világi - 29-56 Possible explanations of the low inflation environment and restrained investment activity
by Orsolya Csortos & Zoltán Szalai - 57-86 Micro- and macroprudential regulatory instruments compared across the European Union
by László Seregdi & János Szakács & Ágnes Tõrös - 87-109 Level of interest rates in the light of the changing interest rate policy in Hungary between 1924 and 2015 – How did the central bank base rate get to its historic low levels?
by Annamária Madarász & Zsuzsanna Novák - 110-125 Bank controlling with a marketing attitude – applied statistics in the service of controlling
by Péter Kalmár & Zoltán Zéman & János Lukács - 126-154 Timing characteristics of overnight unsecured interbank transactions in VIBER
by László Bodnár & Miklós Luspay & Cecília Pintér
2015, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 5-38 Difficulties in them management of the global financial crisis: academic and economic policy lessons
by Orsolya Csortos & Zoltan Szalai - 39-59 The impact of the easing cycle on the Hungarian macroeconomy and financial markets
by Dániel Felcser & Gábor Dániel Soós & Balázs Váradi - 60-87 Phasing out household foreign currency loans: schedule and framework
by Pál Péter Kolozsi & Ádám Banai & Balázs Vonnák - 88-105 An analysis of the determinants of labour productivity in financial sectors in the context of intellectual property rights
by Domicián Máté - 106-121 Incentives and restrictions in venture capital contracts
by Anita Lovas & János Pereczes & Viktória Rába - 122-146 Savings cooperatives + integration = More efficient payment services?
by László Bodnár & László Delikát & Bence Illés & Ádám Szepesi
2015, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 5-24 Labor’s Share in Hungary
by J. Michael Orszag & Peter R. Orszag - 25-61 Show me how you pay and I will tell you who you are – Socio-demographic determinants of payment habits
by Tamás Ilyés & Lóránt Varga - 28-157 Topology of the foreign currency/forint swap market
by Ádám Banai & András Kollarik & András Szabó-Solticzky - 62-88 Analysis methodology of interbank reference rates - International trends and the results of the first Hungarian annual statistical analysis for 2014
by Dániel Horváth & Eszter Makay - 89-127 The macroeconomic impacts of demographic changes in Hungary in the context of the European Union
by Emese Kreiszné Hudák & Péter Varga & Viktor Várpalotai
2015, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 5-30 Bad product development results in systemic market failure – Foreign currency mortgage loans to Hungarian households
by András Bethlendi - 31-55 Diverging financial regulations after the crisis? A comparison of the EU’s and the United States’ responses
by Zsuzsánna Biedermann & Ágnes Orosz - 56-78 International Trends in Student Lending
by Máté Vona - 79-110 The role of household portfolio restructuring in financing of the general government
by Zsuzsa Kékesi & Balázs Kóczián & Balázs Sisak - 111-138 The safety trap – the financial market and macroeconomic consequences of the scarcity of safe assets
by Dániel Horváth & Róbert Szini - 139-165 The most important steps of BUBOR reforms led by the Central Bank of Hungary in an international comparison
by Szilárd Erhart & Róbert Mátrai - 166-192 Four hours is actually how many hours? – The actual time required for intraday transfers
by Péter Császár
2014, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 11-34 Credit crunch in Hungary between 2009 and 2013: is the creditless period over?
by Ádám Balog & György Matolcsy & Nagy Márton & Balázs Vonnák - 35-56 Inflation targeting in the light of lessons from the financial crisis
by István Ábel & Orsolya Csortos & Kristóf Lehmann & Annamária Madarász & Zoltán Szalai - 57-85 Recovery from crises and lending
by Katalin Bodnár & Zsolt Kovalszky & Emese Hudák - 86-99 Resolution Reform
by Thomas F. Huertas - 100-124 Crowdfunding – could it become a viable option for Hungarian small businesses?
by András Bethlendi & Richárd Végh - 125-151 Back to basics – good indicators for good fiscal institutions!
by Ludovit Ódor & Gábor P. Kiss - 152-177 Two scenarios of the evolution of modern pension systems
by József Banyár - 178-193 The application of ensemble methods in forecasting bankruptcy
by Miklós Virág & Tamás Nyitrai