July 2018, Volume 52, Issue 3
- 694-716 Rethinking Land Reform in East Asia: Egalitarian or Inegalitarian?
by Qunyi Liu - 717-748 The Nature of Financial Innovation: A Post-Schumpeterian Analysis
by Çinla Akdere & Pelin Benli - 749-769 An American-Style Transfer Union in Europe, A First Glance at How Much It Might Cost
by Casimir Dadak & Roman Matkovskyy - 770-794 Education and the Public Goods Type of Social Capital: Are the Well Educated Free Riding in the Provision of Public Goods?
by Ryo Takashima - 795-815 Cornelius Castoriadis on the Scope and Content of Neoclassical and Marxian Economics
by Angelos T. Vouldis - 816-834 The Power of Scientometrics and the Development of Economics
by Matthias Aistleitner & Jakob Kapeller & Stefan Steinerberger - 835-859 Consumer Boycotts: Does Trust in Law-Making and Law-Enforcing Institutions Matter?
by Maïva Ropaul - 860-868 Reasserting Institutionalist Insights on the Good Society: 30 Years After Petr’s Call for a Mixed Economy
by Barbara E. Hopkins - 869-890 Labor-Leisure Choice and Relative Income Concerns in the Shadow of the Housing Market
by Dimitry Rtischev
April 2018, Volume 52, Issue 2
- 291-292 The Veblen-Commons Award: The 2018 Veblen-Commons Award Recipient: James Peach
by Richard V. Adkisson - 293-305 Habits of Thought and the Process of Economic Development: Remarks on Receiving the Veblen-Commons Award
by James Peach - 306-322 The Post-Apartheid Development Debacle in South Africa: How Mainstream Economics and the Vested Interests Preserved Apartheid Economic Structures
by Geoffrey E. Schneider - 323-335 The 2018 Clarence Ayres Scholar An Institutional Riposte to the “After the Washington Consensus”
by John Marangos - 349-357 Military Planning in a Context of Complex Systems and Climate Change
by F. Gregory Hayden - 358-367 Global Production Networks and the Private Organization of World Trade
by Ann E. Davis - 368-377 Social Entrepreneurship in China: Driving Institutional Change
by Tonia Warnecke - 378-386 Institutional Change and the Evolution of the World Leisure Industries
by Ricardo C.S. Siu - 387-395 High-Frequency Trading, Liquidity Withdrawal, and the Breakdown of Conventions in Foreign Exchange Markets
by Stenfors Alexis & Susai Masayuki - 396-404 John R. Commons’s Criticism of Classical Economics
by Uni Hiroyuki - 405-412 Rethinking John R. Commons’s Theory of Collective Action: The Viewpoint of Regulation and Convention
by Takayuki Nakahara - 413-421 How Necessary Are Unions? Insights from John R. Commons
by J. Dennis Chasse - 422-429 Rethinking Money as an Institution of Capitalism and the Theory of Monetary Circulation: What Can Modern Heterodox Economists/Institutionalists Learn from Karl Polanyi?
by Seccareccia Mario & Correa Eugenia - 430-437 The Institutionalist Theory of Capital in the Modern Business Enterprise: Appropriation and Financialization
by Avraham I. Barane & Eric R. Hake - 438-444 The Policy Ramifications of Capital as Ideas
by Eric Scorsone & Mary Schulz & David Schweikhardt - 445-454 Is China Living a Minsky Moment? Between the “Lender of Last Resort” and the Chinese Shadow Financial System
by Alicia Girón - 455-463 Three Decades After James Street’s “The Institutionalist Theory of Economic Development”: What Does Institutional Approach to Economic Development Mean Today?
by Ivan Gambus & Felipe Almeida - 464-472 Development Processes Seen Through Non-Marginalist Lenses with Considerations of Complementarities
by P. Sai-wing Ho - 473-482 Institutional Quality and Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Can Management Effort and Bribes Compensate for Low-Quality Institutions?
by Gori Olusina Daniel & Kun Fu & Wilfred Dolfsma - 483-489 Uncertainty, Control, and Karl Polanyi’s Protective Response
by David A. Zalewski - 490-497 A Systemic Debt Payoff Policy
by Timothy Wunder - 498-508 Income Polarization of the U.S. Working Class: An Institutionalist View
by Kosta Josifidis & Novica Supic - 509-516 The “Forgotten Lands”: An Institutional Analysis of Post-Soviet Transitions
by Liudmila Malyshava - 517-526 An Unfortunate Alignment of Heterodoxy, Nationalism, and Authoritarianism in Putin’s Russia
by Anna Klimina - 527-533 The Death and Revival of Usury in China: An Institutional Analysis
by Hao Cheng - 534-540 The Stories That Economists Tell: Mainstream, Hyman Minsky, and Institutional Views of Consumer Behavior
by John P. Watkins - 541-549 Collective Action and the Institutionalist Approach to Financial Regulation
by Faruk Ülgen - 550-558 The Legal-Economic Nexus from the Perspective of New Institutional Economists and Original Institutional Economists
by Antoon Spithoven - 559-569 To Trust or to Control: Informal Value Transfer Systems and Computational Analysis in Institutional Economics
by Claudius Gräbner & Wolfram Elsner & Alexander Lascaux - 570-579 The Rate of Change in Evolutionary Systems and Evolutionary Economic Modeling
by Torsten Heinrich - 580-588 Big Data: An Institutional Perspective on Opportunities and Challenges
by Baban Hasnat - 589-599 Are We Forgetting Something? Remarks on the Connections Between Douglass North’s Contributions and Original Institutional Economics
by Manuel Ramon Souza Luz & Ramon Garcia Fernandez - 600-603 Esteban Pérez Caldentey and Matías Vernengo: Why Latin American Nations Fail: Development Strategies in the Twenty-First Century
by Rubén Berríos
January 2018, Volume 52, Issue 1
- 1-30 Britain’s Industrial Evolution: The Structuring Role of Economic Theory
by Sue Konzelmann & Marc Fovargue-Davies & Frank Wilkinson - 31-56 When Galbraith Frightened Conservatives: Power in Economics, Economists’ Power, and Scientificity
by Alexandre Chirat - 57-79 Religion and Economic Development in History: Institutions and the Role of Religious Networks
by Mehmet Karaçuka - 80-102 Promotion and Coevolutionary Dynamics in Contemporary Capitalism
by Isabel Almudi & Francisco Fatas-Villafranca - 103-116 Institutionalism and Fiscal Policy at Midcentury
by Marianne Johnson - 117-135 Institutional Economics as Theory of Policy Change: Impact of Past Policy Failures on Present Policy
by Koji Noda - 136-156 The Confidence Paradox: Can Confidence Account for Business Cycles?
by Michael Lainé - 157-172 Destructive Entrepreneurship: The Cost of the Mafia for the Legal Economy
by Clotilde Champeyrache - 173-204 Cultural Corridors: An Analysis of Persistence in Impacts on Local Development — A Neo-Weberian Perspective on South-East Europe
by Annie Tubadji & Peter Nijkamp - 205-226 The Role of Foreign Capital in the Banking Sector of Korea and Its Implications for Developing Countries
by Na Kyung Kim & Jai S. Mah - 227-245 The Great Escape: The Multinational Trade Deficit in Historical Perspective
by Craig Medlen - 246-269 Access to Preferential Loans for Poverty Reduction and Rural Development: Evidence from Vietnam
by Lan Thanh Nguyen & Anh Pham Hoai Nguyen & Steven van Passel & Hossein Azadi & Philippe Lebailly - 270-272 Richard P.F. Holt: The Selected Letters of John Kenneth Galbraith
by Alexandre Chirat - 273-276 Hiroyuki Uni: Contemporary Meanings of John R. Commons’s Institutional Economics: An Analysis Using a Newly Discovered Manuscript
by Antoon Spithoven - 277-280 Kenneth I. Wolpin: The Limits of Inference Without Theory
by Chee Kian Leong - 281-284 John Dennis Chasse: A Worker’s Economist: John R. Commons and His Legacy from Progressivism to the War on Poverty
by Glen Atkinson - 285-287 Atul K. Shah and Aidan Rankin: Jainism and Ethical Finance: A Timeless Business Model
by Daniel T. Ostas - 288-290 Arjun Appadurai: Banking on Words: The Failure of Language in the Age of Derivative Finance
by Mariam Majd
October 2017, Volume 51, Issue 4
- 891-914 Logic of Scientific Inquiry and the Evolutionary Process: In Search of a Veblenian Descriptive Model
by Manuel Ramon Souza Luz - 915-938 “Social Freedom” in the Twenty-First Century: Rereading Polanyi
by Michele Cangiani - 939-978 Complexity Economics as Heterodoxy: Theory and Policy
by Wolfram Elsner - 979-1000 Income Inequality and Technological Adoption
by Marcelo Santos & Tiago Neves Sequeira & Alexandra Ferreira-Lopes - 1001-1018 Modern Money Theory and Distributive Justice
by Justin P. Holt - 1019-1032 Should Banks Be Banned From Creating Money? An Analysis From the Perspective of Hierarchical Money
by Susanne von der Becke & Didier Sornette - 1033-1046 Marginal Economy: Growth Strategies for Post-Growth Societies
by Steffen Roth - 1047-1053 Comment: Marrying Functional Differentiation and Institutional Economics: Reflections on Steffen Roth’s Article
by Vladislav Valentinov - 1054-1073 Financial Structure Changes and the Central Bank Policy
by Laurent Le Maux - 1074-1093 The Labor-Managed Firm: Permanent or Start-Up Subsidies?
by Loek Groot & Daan van der Linde - 1094-1113 Institutionalism and the “Common Man” Through the Lens of Philip Klein: Business Cycles, the Public Sector, and Keynes’s Economics
by Charles J. Whalen - 1114-1136 Imperfect Information and Opportunism
by Ashok Chakravarti - 1137-1157 Toward a Wider Analysis of Market Definition: Theory and Evidence from the Turkish Telecommunications Industry
by Tamer Çetin - 1158-1161 Hiding in Plain Sight: A Note on Public Goods, Information Technology, and Productivity
by Russell Houldin - 1162-1164 Rick Tilman: Thorstein Veblen and His European Contemporaries, 1880–1940: A Study of Comparative Sociologies
by William Dugger - 1165-1167 Michael Jacobs and Mariana Mazzucato, eds.: Rethinking Capitalism: Economics and Policy for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth
by Avraham Baranes - 1168-1170 Fred Block and Margaret R. Somers: The Power of Market Fundamentalism: Karl Polanyi’s Critique
by Paul J. Kubik - 1171-1178 Index: Volume LI — 2017
by The Editors - 1179-1180 Acknowledgements
by The Editors
July 2017, Volume 51, Issue 3
- 567-587 Habit, Decision-Making, and Rationality: Comparing Thorstein Veblen and Early Herbert Simon
by Olivier Brette & Nathalie Lazaric & Victor Vieira da Silva - 588-612 Toward Generalized Evolutionism: Beyond “Generalized Darwinism” and Its Critics
by Shiping Tang - 613-634 A History of the Founding and Early Years of AFEE
by Marco Cavalieri & Felipe Almeida - 635-650 Banking on ELR: How Hyman Minsky’s Ideas Can Help Tackle Unemployment
by Giuseppe Mastromatteo & Lorenzo Esposito - 651-662 Rethinking the Links between Human Relationships and Economic Efficiency Using Local Institutions: The Case of Two Emerging Economies
by Camille Baulant - 663-687 Institutional Foundations of Heritage Railways: The High Cost of Low Trust in the Preservation of Merit Goods
by Manuel J. Muriel-Ramirez - 688-697 The Role of Governments in Aligning Functional Income Distribution with Full Employment
by Antoon Spithoven - 698-720 Courts and Firm Investments in Real Property
by Michael Troilo & J. Markham Collins - 721-747 Listen Libertarians!: A Review of John Tomasi’s “Free Market Fairness”
by David Ellerman - 748-781 The Impact of Higher Education Funding on Socio-Economic Variables: Evidence from EU Countries
by Emilia Câmpeanu & Dalina Dumitrescu & Ionela Costică & Iustina Boitan - 782-812 The Index of “Economic Independence”: A New Measure of an Economy’s Ability to Survive Unilaterally
by Heba E. Helmy - 813-827 Asset Mapping, the Social Fabric Matrix, Economic Impact Analysis, and Criteria for Sustainability and Justice: Operational Elements for Holistic Policy Planning
by Daniel A. Underwood & Dan Friesner - 828-842 Mismatch between Material Deprivation and Income Poverty: The Case of Turkey
by Aysenur Acar & Bulent Anil & Seyfettin Gursel - 843-862 The Impact of Administrative Reform on the Central Functions of Larger Polish Cities
by Katarzyna Przybyła & Marian Kachniarz - 863-871 Dave Elder-Vass: Profit and Gift in the Digital Economy
by William Waller - 872-876 Hiroyuki Uni, ed.: Contemporary Meanings of John R. Commons’s Institutional Economics: An Analysis Using a Newly Discovered Manuscript
by Charles J. Whalen - 877-880 Michael J. Murray and Mathew Forstater, eds.: The Job Guarantee: Toward True Full Employment
by Barbara Hopkins - 881-888 In Memoriam: A. Allan Schmid (1935–2017)
by Eric Scorsone - 889-890 In Memoriam: David Hamilton (1918–2016)
by William Waller
April 2017, Volume 51, Issue 2
- 247-248 The 2017 Veblen-Commons Award Recipient: John F. Henry
by Mario Seccareccia - 249-261 The 2017 Veblen-Commons Award Recipient: John F. Henry: “Brutus Is an Honorable Man”
by John F. Henry - 263-284 Three Short Stories of Progressive Institutional Change
by Deborah M. Figart - 285-296 The Concept of Development Conventions: Some Suggestions for a Research Agenda
by David Dequech - 297-304 Reproducing the Firm: Routines, Networks, and Identity
by Wilfred Dolfsma & Liza Chong-Simandjuntak & Amber Geurts - 305-314 Social Innovation, Gender, and Technology: Bridging the Resource Gap
by Tonia Warnecke - 315-322 Vested Interests and the Common People in Developing Countries: Understanding Oppressive Societies and Their Effects
by Lane Vanderslice - 323-331 Growth Miracle or Endangered Development? Vested Interests, Policy-Making, and Economic Development in the Dominican Republic
by Svenja Flechtner - 332-340 Financialization and Vested Interests: Self-Regulation vs. Financial Stability as a Public Good
by Faruk Ülgen - 341-350 Which Vested Interests Do Central Banks Really Serve? Understanding Central Bank Policy Since the Global Financial Crisis
by Mario Seccareccia - 351-358 Financialization in the American Pharmaceutical Industry: A Veblenian Approach
by Avraham Izhar Baranes - 359-365 Countering the Power of Vested Interests: Advancing Rationality in Public Decision-Making
by Joseph E. Stiglitz - 366-374 A Veblenian Analysis of For-Profit Universities
by John P. Watkins & James E. Seidelman - 375-382 The Higher Earning in America: Are 529 Plans a Good Way to Save for College?
by Steven Pressman & Robert H. Scott - 383-391 The Narrow and Broad Approaches to Evolutionary Modeling in Economics
by Torsten Heinrich - 392-400 The Complementary Relationship Between Institutional and Complexity Economics: The Example of Deep Mechanismic Explanations
by Claudius Gräbner - 401-408 Inequality and Income Distribution in Global Value Chains
by Carlos Aguiar de Medeiros & Nicholas Trebat - 409-416 Rethinking the Foundation of the Original Institutional Economics Policy and Reform Program: Reactions to Thomas C. Leonard’s “Illiberal Reformers”
by Eric Scorsone & David B. Schweikhardt - 417-422 An Institutional Perspective on International Financial Governance: How Much Has Happened Since the Crisis?
by Eugenia Correa & Alicia Girón - 423-430 Technological and Institutional Interaction in the Shale Oil Revolution
by James T. Peach & Richard V. Adkisson - 431-439 The Meritocratic Elite vs. the Common Man: Income Inequality in the Affluent OECD Countries
by Kosta Josifidis & Novica Supic - 440-445 Vested Interests and the Common Man as Seen Through Monetary and Fiscal Policy: Flooding Wall Street or Main Street?
by Gregorio Vidal & Wesley C. Marshall - 446-457 Premature Deindustrialization and the Defeminization of Labor
by Joshua Greenstein & Bret Anderson - 458-466 The Lost Promise of Democratic Socialism in Russia
by Anna Klimina - 467-475 An Evaluation of Institutional Matrices Theory Which Was Designed to Illustrate Differences Between Russian and Western Political Economies
by F. Gregory Hayden - 476-485 Institutional Matrices Theory, or X- and Y-Theory: A Response to F. Gregory Hayden
by Svetlana Kirdina-Chandler - 486-494 Public Policy, Vested Interest, and Common People in Brazil in the Twenty-First Century
by Ivan Gambus & Felipe Almeida - 495-502 Care and the Neoliberal Individual
by Mary V. Wrenn & William Waller - 503-510 The Vested Interests and the Evolving Moral Economy of the Common People
by Olivier Brette - 511-519 From Mass Flourishing to Vested Interests: A Conceptual Model for the Evolution of Organizational Institutions
by Lauri Pietinalho - 520-540 Information Asymmetries and Risk Management in Healthcare Markets: The U.S. Affordable Care Act in Retrospect
by Roger Lee Mendoza - 541-562 Veblen’s Two Types of Instinct and the Cognitive Foundations of Evolutionary-Institutional Economics
by Vincent Barnett - 563-566 Heather Boushey: Finding Time: The Economics of Work-Life Conflict
by Janice Peterson
July 2016, Volume 50, Issue 3
- 647-666 Sustainable Development in Affluent Countries and the Neo-Institutionalist Synthesis
by Daphne T. Greenwood & Richard P.F. Holt - 667-694 Contemporary China’s Rural Landownership with Reference to Antony M. Honoré’s Concept of Ownership
by Gaofeng Meng - 695-715 The Impossibility of Entrepreneurship Under the Neoclassical Framework: Open vs. Closed-Ended Processes
by Gabriel A. Giménez Roche - 716-744 A $15 U.S. Minimum Wage: How the Fast-Food Industry Could Adjust Without Shedding Jobs
by Robert Pollin & Jeannette Wicks-Lim - 745-768 Finance Is Not the Economy: Reviving the Conceptual Distinction
by Dirk Bezemer & Michael Hudson - 769-787 Commons, Collective Action, and Corruption
by Philippe Broda - 788-813 Riding the Bubble: Financial Market Crises in Twenty-Two OECD Countries
by Paul Windolf - 814-833 The Politics of Canadian Monetary Policy: Reassessing Canadian Inflation, Part II
by Scott Aquanno & Jordan Brennan - 834-850 Thorstein Veblen’s Financial Macroeconomics
by Giorgos Argitis - 851-871 Serving SMEs Via the Stock Exchange: Historical Lessons from the Lisbon Stock Exchange
by José Rodrigues da Costa & Maria Eugénia Mata - 872-895 Pareto Efficiency, the Coase Theorem, and Externalities: A Critical View
by Andrea Ventura & Carlo Cafiero & Marcello Montibeller - 896-899 Stephen Bell and Andrew Hindmoor: Masters of the Universe, Slaves of the Market
by Michael Keaney - 900-903 Isabelle Guérin, Solène Morvant-Roux and Magdalena Villarreal, eds.: Microfinance, Debt and Over-Indebtedness: Juggling with Money
by Nicolas Lainez - 904-906 James R. Barth and George G. Kaufman, eds.: The First Great Financial Crisis of the 21st Century: A Retrospective
by Ronnie J. Phillips - 907-909 Jeff Madrick: Seven Bad Ideas: How Mainstream Economists Have Damaged America and the World
by Timothy A. Wunder - 910-911 Aldo Musacchio and Sergio G. Lazzarini: Reinventing State Capitalism: Leviathan in Business, Brazil and Beyond
by Oliver Stuenkel
April 2016, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 309-325 The 2016 Veblen-Commons Award Recipient: Daniel W. Bromley: Institutional Economics
by Daniel W. Bromley - 327-344 What If There Are No Conventional Price Mechanisms?
by Tae-Hee Jo - 345-361 Inside Institutions of Progressive-Era Social Sciences: The Interdisciplinarity of Economics and Sociology
by Marco Cavalieri - 362-372 Let There Be Light: Social Enterprise, Solar Power, and Sustainable Development
by Tonia Warnecke & Ahiteme N. Houndonougbo - 373-381 Awash in a Sea of Confusion: Benefit Corporations, Social Enterprise, and the Fear of “Greenwashing”
by Michelle J. Stecker - 382-389 Outside vs. Inside Entrepreneurs: When Institutions Bind and Favors Blind
by Wilfred Dolfsma & Francis de Lanoy - 390-397 Evolution-Based Approaches in Economics and Evolutionary Loss of Information
by Torsten Heinrich - 398-405 Complex Systems Characteristics and Theoretical Development for Analysis Inside Institutions
by F. Gregory Hayden - 406-414 Institutionalist Theories of the Wage Bargain: Beyond Demand and Supply
by Daphne T. Greenwood - 415-423 Inside the Institution of Growthmanship: Reprising the Stagnation Hypothesis
by James M. Cypher - 424-434 Income Inequality and Workers’ Powerlessness in Selected OECD Countries
by Kosta Josifidis & Novica Supic - 435-443 Limits of the New Institutional Economics Approach to African Development
by Geoffrey Schneider & Berhanu Nega - 444-451 Celso Furtado: Culture and Creativity Matter
by Jair do Amaral Filho & Deborah B.L. Farias - 452-460 Kicking Away the Ladder, Too: Inside Central Banks
by Matías Vernengo - 461-470 Inside Shadow Banking in China: Credit Driven Growth vs. Financial Stability
by Yan Liang - 471-477 Post-Crisis Gender Gaps: Women Workers and Employment Precariousness
by Alicia Girón & Eugenia Correa - 478-484 The Experience of Selling Experiences
by Ellen Mutari & Deborah M. Figart - 485-493 Financial Liberalization as a Process of Flawed Institutional Change
by Faruk Ülgen - 494-502 Selectivity and Transparency in Social Banking: Evidence from Europe
by Simon Cornée & Panu Kalmi & Ariane Szafarz - 503-509 Economics, Ethics, and the Long Arc of Public Utilities: A Paper in Honor of Harry M. Trebing
by Rodney Stevenson - 510-518 Broadband Policy: Industry Planning and the Public Interest
by Robert Loube - 519-526 Institutionalizing “the Public Interest” in Public Utility Regulation: Harry M. Trebing and the Second Wave of Reform
by William H. Melody - 527-534 Uber and the Persistence of Market Power
by David Gabel - 535-541 Trouble in Market Paradise: Development of the Regional Transmission Operator
by Kenneth Rose - 542-548 Evolution of U.S. Household Agency Over Stages of Capitalism
by Laura Cardwell & Zdravka Todorova - 549-556 Credit as a Means of Social Provisioning
by Susan K. Schroeder - 557-565 The Role of Culture, Historicity, and Human Agency in the Evolution of the State: A Case Against Cultural Fatalism
by Anna Klimina - 566-574 Inside the Organizational Institutions of Institutional Economics: Why Are There Two Institutionalist Associations?
by Felipe Almeida - 575-583 Institutions and Values: A Methodological Inquiry
by Tara Natarajan & Wayne Edwards - 584-593 Wallace C. Peterson: A Post-Keynesian Institutionalist
by Charles J. Whalen - 594-602 Neoliberalism, Polanyi’s Protective Response, and Veblenian Waste
by Mary V. Wrenn - 603-610 Thinking Like a Trader: The Impact of Neoliberal Doctrine on Habits of Thought
by Quentin Duroy - 611-619 Contested Continuity: Competing Explanations of the Evolution of the Corporate Form
by Ann E. Davis - 620-629 Matching Economic Development Policy to the Local Context: Must We?
by Richard V. Adkisson & Robert L. Steiner - 630-638 The Influence of Vested Interests on Healthcare Legislation in the USA, 2009–2010
by Antoon Spithoven - 639-641 Jonathan B. Wight: Ethics in Economics: An Introduction to Moral Frameworks
by David Zalewski - 642-644 Jonathan Levy: Freaks of Fortune: The Emerging World of Capitalism and Risk in America
by David Zalewski - 645-646 Thomas Kemp: Basic Macroeconomics
by Timothy A. Wunder
January 2016, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 1-3 Introduction
by Christopher Brown - 4-22 Social Capital: A Roadmap of Theoretical and Empirical Contributions and Limitations
by Luca Andriani & Asimina Christoforou - 23-42 The Organizational Embeddedness of Social Capital: A Comparative Case Study of Two Voluntary Organizations
by Richard Tacon - 43-58 Social Capital and the Shadow Economy
by Mel Evans - 59-71 Social Capital Accumulation and the Exercise of Power: The Case of P2 in Italy
by Eleonora Lollo - 72-94 Can Culture Account for Investment Expectations?
by Michael Lainé - 95-120 The Relationship Between Inclusive Institutions, Proximate Causes of Growth, and Economic Growth: A Case Study of the Four Mandate Territories of Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, and Trans-Jordan, 1918-1946/1948
by Andrew Schein - 121-144 Corporate Communication and Economic Theory: An Institutionalist Perspective
by Marko Lah & Andrej Sušjan & Tjaša Redek - 145-164 An Alternative Approach to the Institutional Economics of the Eurozone Crisis
by Sascha Engel - 165-196 An Exploration of the Greek Shadow Economy: Can Its Transfer into the Official Economy Provide Economic Relief Amid the Crisis?
by Aristidis Bitzenis & Vasileios Vlachos & Friedrich Schneider - 197-216 The Future of Work in the Twenty-First Century
by Geoffrey M. Hodgson - 217-244 Some Inflationary Aspects of Distributive Conflict:Reassessing Canadian Inflation, Part I
by Scott Aquanno & Jordan Brennan - 245-268 "The Reality of the Present and the Challenge of the Future": J. Fagg Foster for the Twenty-First Century
by L. Randall Wray