- 2016-008 Ecological Modernisation in Japan: The Role of Interest Rate Subsidies and Voluntary Pollution Control Agreements
by Robert J.R. Elliott & Toshihiro Okubo - 2016-007 Current Status of the Local Income Tax in New York City
by Tatsuhiko Tani - 2016-006 The Process of Universalism in the Danish Welfare System: The multi-tiered need's testing system in Denmark
by Shintaro Kurachi - 2016-005 The Effect of Offshoring on Skill Premiums: Evidence from Japanese Matched Worker-Firm Data
by Masahiro Endoh - 2016-004 Vaccination policy of Japanese municipalities
by Shun-ichiro Bessho & Yoko Ibuka - 2016-002 Evaluating Professor Value-added: Evidence from Professor and Student Matching in Physics
by Yuta Kikuchi & Ryo Nakajima - 2016-001 Why international cooperation on greening tax system failed? -The Case of EU, Nordic Countries, and Netherlands -
by Shintaro Kurachi & Kazuaki Sato & Leo Shimamura
- 2015-014 Export of Recyclable Materials: Evidence from Japan
by Toshihiro Okubo & Yuta Watabe & Kaori Furuyama - 2015-013 Public Preferences for Alternative Electricity Mixes in Post-Fukushima Japan
by Katrin Rehdanz & Carsten Schroeder & Daiju Narita & Toshihiro Okubo - 2015-012 Principal-Agent Problems When Principal Allocates a Budget
by Kimiko Terai & Amihai Glazer - 2015-011 Export Destinations and Plant Heterogeneity: Evidence from Thai Manufacturing
by Thanapol Srithanpong - 2015-010 Toward an International Comparison of Economic and Educational Mobility: Recent Findings from the Japan Child Panel Survey
by Hideo Akabayashi & Ryosuke Nakamura & Michio Naoi & Chizuru Shikishima - 2015-009 Basic information about war-damaged cities in Japan
by Junichi Hasegawa - 2015-008 The Effect of Moving to a Territorial Tax System on Profit Repatriation: Evidence from Japan
by Makoto Hasegawa & Kozo Kiyota - 2015-007 Misallocation, Productivity, and Trade Liberalization: The Case of Vietnamese Manufacturing
by Doan Thi Thanh Ha & Kozo Kiyota - 2015-006 Wholesale Transactions under Economies and Diseconomies of Scope in Search Activities in a Model of Search and Match
by Shigeru Makioka - 2015-005 Changes in Population Movements and Employment after the Great East Japan Earthquake
by Fang HE - 2015-004 Local Income Taxation and Intergovernmental Relationships in Denmark -Budget cooperation in the 1980s-
by Shintaro Kurachi - 2015-003 Local risk-minimization for Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard models
by Takuji Arai & Ryoichi Suzuki - 2015-002 Monetary Policy and Controlling Asset Bubbles
by Masaya Sakuragawa - 2015-001 Non-Western Marxist Traditions in Northeast Asia
by Hiroshi Onishi
- 2014-010 Effects of the Great East Japan Earthquake on Subjective Well-Being
by Takuya Ishino & Akiko Kamesaka & Toshiya Murai & Masao Ogaki - 2014-009 'Age of Large-population Countries' and Marxian Optimal Growth Theory
by Hiroshi Onishi & Ryo Kanae - 2014-008 Insufficient Experimentation Because Agents Herd
by Kimiko Terai & Amihai Glazer - 2014-007 Budgets under Delegation
by Kimiko Terai & Amihai Glazer - 2014-006 Effect of upfront payment on utilization and health: Evidence from a nationwide physician strike in Japan
by Shun-ichiro Bessho & Reo Takaku - 2014-005 An Experimental Study of Intergenerational Altruism with Parent-Child Pairs
by Hideo Akabayashi & Akiko Kamesaka & Ryosuke Nakamura & Masao Ogaki & Teruyuki Tamura - 2014-004 Re-thinking debt burden: Going with the Flow?
by Vipul Bhatt & Andre R. Neveu - 2014-003 No discounting as a moral virtue in intertemporal choice models
by Vipul Bhatt - 2014-002 A Survey of Theory and Empirics of Foreign Direct Investment
by Toshiyuki Matsuura - 2014-001 Political Selection Tournament and Environmental Policy in China
by Eiji SAWADA & Xu Yirui
- 2017-025 Firms and Regional Favoritism
by Tien Manh Vu & Hiroyuki Yamada