January 1997, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 137-156 Percolation Processes, Technological Externalities and the Evolution of Technological Clubs
by Cristiano Antonelli
October 1996, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 207-226 The modern welfare state: Problems and suggested reforms
by Dennis Snower - 227-228 Merger policy symposium: Introduction
by Dennis Mueller - 229-253 Antimerger policy in the United States: History and lessons
by Dennis Mueller - 255-278 Bandwagon mergers, international competitiveness, and government policy
by Hans Schenk - 279-302 International merger activity and the national regulation of mergers: A UK perspective
by Andy Cosh & Alan Hughes - 303-316 The effects of regulations on state liquor prices
by Julian Simon & David Simon - 317-328 Ownership advantages, home production, foreign production and exports of direct investing firms—Some evidence from austrian firms
by Michael Pfaffermayr
June 1996, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 119-128 The economics of information: An exposition
by Kenneth Arrow - 129-148 Incomplete information in the acid rain game
by George Halkos - 149-172 Optimal incentives to reduce transboundary emissions: Theory and empirical illustration to sulphur emissions in Austria and (former) Czechoslovakia
by Claus Huber & Franz Wirl - 173-189 An international comparison of the determinants of retail gross margins
by Roger Betancourt & David Gautschi - 191-206 Provision of health care services in Austria
by Ulrike Radosch
February 1996, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Robert Holzmann - 3-23 Fiscal restrictions and monetary union: Rationales, repercussions, reforms
by Barry Eichengreen & Jürgen Hagen - 25-58 The maastricht fiscal criteria: Required but ineffective?
by Robert Holzmann & Yves Hervé & Roland Demmel - 59-89 Tax competition, tax coordination and tax harmonization: The effects of EMU
by Bernd Genser & Andreas Haufler - 91-105 Determinants of new-firm startups in Italy
by David Audretsch & Marco Vivarelli - 107-118 The determinants of variations in exit rates
by James Love