- 202103 Behavioral New Keynesian Models: Learning vs. Cognitive Discounting
by Greta Meggiorini & Fabio Milani - 202102 Impact of Colonial Institutions on Economic Growth and Development in India: Evidence from Night Lights Data
by Priyaranjan Jha & Karan Talathi
- 202101 Perceived Uncertainty Shocks, Excess Optimism-Pessimism, and Learning in the Business Cycle
by Pratiti Chatterjee & Fabio Milani - 192008 The Decline of US Power and the Future of Conflict Management after COVID
by Stergios Skaperdas - 192007 Understanding Socioeconomic Disparities in Travel Behavior during the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Rebecca Brough & Matthew Freedman & David C. Phillips - 192006 Why Are There Strikes?
by Kyung nok Chun & Zachary Schaller & Stergios Skaperdas - 192005 Heterogeneity in Individual Expectations, Sentiment, and Constant-Gain Learning
by Stephen J. Cole & Fabio Milani - 192004 COVID-19 Outbreak, Social Response, and Early Economic Effects: A Global VAR Analysis of Cross-Country Interdependencies
by Fabio Milani - 192003 Heterogeneous Expectations, Indeterminacy, and Postwar US Business Cycles
by Francisco Ilabaca & Fabio Milani
- 192002 International Trade and Employment: Theory and Evidence from Korean Firms
by Priyaranjan Jha & Jae Yoon Lee & Yang Liang & Devashish Mitra - 192001 Monopsonistic Labor Markets and International Trade
by Priyaranjan Jha & Antonio Rodriguez-Lopez - 181910 On Trade and the Stability of (Armed) Peace
by Michelle R. Garfinkel & Constantinos Syropoulos - 181909 Bargaining and Conflict with Up-front Investments: How Power Asymmetries Matter
by Zachary Schaller & Stergios Skaperdas - 181908 Why Did Pre-Modern States Adopt Big-God Religions?
by Stergios Skaperdas & Samarth Vaidya - 181907 Planar Beauty Contests
by Mikhail Anufriev & John Duffy & Valentyn Panchenko - 181906 Bounded Rationality, Monetary Policy, and Macroeconomic Stability
by Francisco Ilabaca & Greta Meggiorini & Fabio Milani - 181905 Property Tax Reform and Land Use: Evidence from Japan
by Tomomi Miyazaki & Motohiro Sato
- 181904 Gradual Bargaining in Decentralized Asset Markets
by Guillaume Rocheteau & Lucie Lebeau & Tai-Wei Hu & Younghwan In - 181903 Globalization and Taxation: Theory and Evidence
by Priya Ranjan & Giray Gozgor - 181902 Living a Lie: Theory and Evidence on Public Preference Falsification
by John Duffy & Jonathan Lafky - 181901 Problems of Commitment in Arming and War: How Insecurity and Destruction Matter
by Michelle R. Garfinkel & Constantinos Syropoulos - 171806 Stock Market Response to Public Investment under the Zero Lower Bound: Cross-industry Evidence from Japan
by Tomomi Miyazaki & Kazuki Hiraga & Masafumi Kozuka
- 171805 Rules for Dividing a Disputed Resource in the Context of the Classical Liberal Argument for Peace
by Michelle R. Garfinkel & Constantinos Syropoulos - 171804 Supply-Side Subsidies to Improve Food Access and Dietary Outcomes: Evidence from the New Markets Tax Credit
by Matthew Freedman & Annemarie Kuhns - 171803 The Elusive Effects of CAFE Standards
by Kenneth A. Small - 171802 Introduction and Notes to Garfinkel-Syropoulos: "Trading with the Enemy"
by Martin McGuire - 171801 Adoption of a New Payment System: Theory and Experimental Evidence
by Jasmina Arifovic & John Duffy & Janet Jiang - 161705 External Intervention, Identity, and Civil War
by Nicholas Sambanis & Stergios Skaperdas & William Wohlforth
- 161704 Contested Persuasion
by Stergios Skaperdas & Samarth Vaidya - 161703 Central Bank Reputation, Cheap Talk and Transparency as Substitutes for Commitment: Experimental Evidence
by John Duffy & Frank Heinemann - 161702 Lifecycle Consumption Under Different Income Profiles: Experimental Evidence
by John Duffy & Yue Li - 161701 An Experimental Study of Bond Market Pricing
by Matthias Weber & John Duffy & Arthur Schram - 151608 Financial Contagion in the Laboratory: Does Network Structure Matter?
by John Duffy & Aikaterini Karadimitropoulou & Melanie Parravano - 151607 Governmental Provision of Public Goods Need Not Crowd Out Private Provision
by Hiroki Kondo & Amihai Glazer - 151606 Family Decision of Investment in Human Capital and Migration in a Model of Spatial Agglomeration
by Hiroki Kondo
- 151605 Identity-Based Organizations
by Jean-Paul Carvalho - 151604 Sacrifice and Sorting in Clubs
by Jean-Paul Carvalho - 151603 Trading with the Enemy
by Michelle R. Garfinkel & Constantinos Syropoulos - 151602 Voting with Endogenous Information Acquisition: Theory and Evidence
by Sourav Bhattacharya & John Duffy & Sun-Tak Kim - 151601 Globalization, Inequality, and Redistribution: Theory and Evidence
by Giray Gozgor & Priya Ranjan - 141512 Difference-Form Persuasion Contests
by Stergios Skaperdas & Amjad Toukan & Samarth Vaidya - 141511 Myths and Self-Deceptions about the Greek Debt Crisis
by Stergios Skaperdas - 141508 Trade Openness and the Settlement of Domestic Disputes in the Shadow of the Future
by Michelle R. Garfinkel & Constantinos Syropoulos - 141506 The Bottleneck Model: An Assessment and Interpretation
by Kenneth Small
- 141510 Political Party Representation and Electoral Politics in England and Wales, 1690-1747
by Dan Bogart - 141509 Nation-Building through War
by Nicholas Sambanis & Stergios Skaperdas & William Wohlforth - 141507 Globalization, Jobs, and Welfare: The Roles of Social Protection and Redistribution
by Priya Ranjan - 141505 Equilibrium Selection in Similar Repeated Games: Experimental Evidence on the Role of Precedents
by John Duffy & Dietmar Fehr - 141504 Sentiment and the US Business Cycle
by Fabio Milani - 141503 The Rebound Effect for Automobile Travel:Asymmetric Response to Price Changes and Novel Features of the 2000s
by Kent M. Hymel & Kenneth Small - 141501 An Experimental Study of Network Formation with Limited Observation
by Michael Caldara & Michael McBride - 131407 The Misspecification of Expectations in New Keynesian Models: A DSGE-VAR Approach
by Stephen Cole & Fabio Milani - 131406 Why Go to Court? Bargaining Failure under the Shadow of Trial with Complete Information
by Michael McBride & Stergios Skaperdas & Pi-Han Tsai - 131405 Forward Markets to Spur Innovation
by Linda Cohen & Amihai Glazer - 131404 The Profit-maximizing Non-profit
by Amihai Glazer
- 141502 The Effects of Globalization on Macroeconomic Dynamics in a Trade-Dependent Economy: the Case of Korea
by Fabio Milani & Sung Ho Park - 131403 Endogenous Scheduling Preferences and Congestion
by Mogens Fosgerau & Kenneth Small - 131402 How to Commit to a Future Price
by Keisuke Hattori & Amihai Glazer - 131401 Off the Rails: Is State Ownership Bad for Productivity?
by Dan Bogart & Latika Chaudhary - 121312 Offshoring, Exporting, and Jobs
by Jose Luis Groizard & Priya Ranjan & Jose Antonio Rodriguez-Lopez - 121311 Liquidity Provision, Interest Rates, and Unemployment
by Guillaume Rocheteau & Jose Antonio Rodriguez-Lopez - 121310 Party Representation in English and Welsh Constituencies, 1690-1740
by Dan Bogart & Robert Oandasan - 121309 Optimizing Road Capacity and Type
by Kenneth Small & Chen Feng Ng - 121306 The Transportation Revolution in Industrializing Britain: A Survey
by Dan Bogart
- 121308 Crime, Punishment, and Evolution in an Adversarial Game
by Michael McBride & Ryan Kendall & Martin B. Short & Maria R. D'Orsogna - 121307 The Enemy You Can't See: An Investigation of the Disruption of Dark Networks
by Michael McBride & David Hewitt - 121305 Observed Expectations, News Shocks, and the Business Cycle
by Fabio Milani & Ashish Rajrhandari - 121304 Profiting from Public Works: Financial Returns to Infrastructure and Investment Strategies during Britain's Industrial Revolution
by Dan Bogart - 121303 Fairness, Search Frictions, and Offshoring
by Devashish Mitra & Priya Ranjan - 121302 Offshoring, Unemployment, and Wages: The Role of Labor Market Institutions
by Priya Ranjan - 121301 The Modeling of Expectations in Empirical DSGE Models: a Survey
by Fabio Milani - 111214 Contest Functions: Theoretical Foundations and Issues in Estimation
by Hao Jia & Stergios Skaperdas & Samarth Vaidya - 111213 Competition and Offshoring
by Jose Antonio Rodriguez-Lopez - 111212 Expectation Formation and Monetary DSGE Models: Beyond the Rational Expectations Paradigm
by Fabio Milani & Ashish Rajbhandari - 111211 How An Agenda Setter Induces Legislators to Adopt Policies They Oppose
by Matthias Dahm & Amihai Glazer - 111210 Handicaps on Timing to Improve Reputation
by Amihai Glazer - 111209 Governmental Transfers and Altruistic Private Transfers
by Amihai Glazer & Hiroki Kondo - 111208 Trade Costs and Job Flows: Evidence from Establishment-Level Data
by Jose Luis Groizard & Priya Ranjan & Jose Antonio Rodriguez-Lopez - 111206 Regression Discontinuity Applications with Rounding Errors in the Running Variable
by Yingying Dong - 111204 Simple Estimators for Binary Choice Models with Endogenous Regressors
by Yingying Dong & Arthur Lewbel
- 111207 Jumpy or Kinky? Regression Discontinuity without the Discontinuity
by Yingying Dong - 111205 Regression Discontinuity Marginal Threshold Treatment Effects
by Yingying Dong & Arthur Lewbel - 111203 Governance and Norms as Determinants of Arming
by Michelle R. Garfinkel & Michael McBride & Stergios Skaperdas - 111202 Seven Myths about the Greek Debt Crisis
by Stergios Skaperdas - 111201 Trade and Insecure Resources
by Michelle R. Garfinkel & Stergios Skaperdas & Constantinos Syropoulos - 101112 Policymaking in the Eurozone and the Core Vs. Perifphery Problem
by Stergios Skaperdas - 101111 Technologies of Conflict
by Hao Jia & Stergios Skaperdas - 101110 Proprietary Public Finance: On Its Emergence and Evolution Out of Anarchy
by Stergios Skaperdas - 101109 The Effects of Monetary Policy "News" and "Surprises"
by Fabio Milani & John Treadwell - 101108 Energy Policies for Passenger Motor Vehicles
by Kenneth Small
- 101107 Political Institutions and War Initiation: The Democratic Peace Hypothesis Revisited
by Michelle R. Garfinkel - 101106 Reducing Rent Seeking by Providing Wide Public Service
by Amihai Glazer & Stef Proost - 101105 Trade in the Shadow of Power
by Michelle R. Garfinkel & Stergios Skaperdas & Constantinos Syropoulos - 101104 Cyclical Persistence and the Cyclicality of R&D
by Min Ouyang - 101103 Virtue of Bad Times and Financial Market Frictions
by Min Ouyang - 101102 Governmental Transfers Can Reduce a Moral Hazard Problem
by Amihai Glazer & Hiroki Kondo - 101101 Subsidizing Consumption to Signal Quality of Workers
by Bruno De Borger & Amihai Glazer - 091006 Peer Group Effects, Sorting, and Fiscal Federalism
by Sam Bucovetsky & Amihai Glazer - 091005 What Drives Gasoline Prices?
by Fay Dunkerley & Amihai Glazer & Stef Proost
- 091004 Carve-Outs Under Airline Antitrust Immunity
by Jan K. Brueckner & Stef Proost - 091003 Sprawl and Blight
by Jan K. Brueckner & Robert W. Helsley - 091002 Peace and War with Endogenous State Capacity
by Michael McBride & Gary Milante & Stergios Skaperdas - 091001 Has Globalization Transformed U.S. Macroeconomic Dynamics?
by Fabio Milani - 080926 Lobbying of Firms by Voters
by Matthias Dahm & Robert Dur & Amihai Glazer - 080925 Experienced Utility versus Decision Utility: Putting the 'S' in Satisfaction
by Steven Carter & Michael McBride - 080924 The Costs of Organized Violence: A Review of the Evidence
by Stergios Skaperdas - 080923 Expectations, Learning, and the Changing Relationship between Oil Prices and the Macroeconomy
by Fabio Milani - 080922 Conflict, Settlement, and the Shadow of the Future
by Michael McBride & Stergios Skaperdas - 080921 International Trade and Transnational Insecurity: How Comparative Advantage and Power are Jointly Determined
by Michelle R. Garfinkel & Stergios Skaperdas & Constantinos Syropoulos - 080920 The Effect of Global Output on U.S. Inflation and Inflation Expectations: A Structural Estimation
by Fabio Milani - 080919 Global Slack and Domestic Inflation Rates: A Structural Investigation for G-7 Countries
by Fabio Milani - 080918 Did the Glorious Revolution Contribute to the Transport Revolution? Evidence from Investment in Roads and Rivers
by Dan Bogart - 080917 Private Provision of Highways: Economic Issues
by Kenneth A. Small - 080916 Airline Emission Charges: Effects on Airfares, Service Quality, and Aircraft Design
by Jan K. Brueckner & Anming Zhang - 080915 Manipulable Congestion Tolls
by Jan K. Brueckner & Erik T. Verhoef
- 080914 Reducing Current Taxes to Raise Future Revenue
by Amihai Glazer - 080913 Capital-Intensive Projects Induce More Effort Than Labor-Intensive Projects
by Amihai Glazer & Stef Proost - 080912 When Does Legal Origin Matter?
by Mohammad Amin & Priya Ranjan - 080911 Nonlinear Exchange Rate Predictability
by Carlos Felipe Lopez Suarez & Jose Antonio Rodriguez Lopez - 080910 Does Global Slack Matter More than Domestic Slack in Determining U.S. Inflation?
by Fabio Milani - 080909 Competition for Private Capital and Central Grants: The Case of Japanese Industrial Parks
by Shun-ichiro Bessho & Kimiko Terai - 080908 Crowding Out Wasteful Activities by Wasteful Activities
by Amihai Glazer - 080907 International Coordination and Domestic Politics
by Kimiko Terai - 080906 Minimum Divergence, Generalized Empirical Likelihoods, and Higher Order Expansions
by Giuseppe Ragusa - 080905 Bayesian Interpretations of Heteroskedastic Consistent Covariance Estimators Using the Informed Bayesian Bootstrap
by Dale Poirier - 080904 Tradeoffs among Free-flow Speed, Capacity, Cost, and Environmental Footprint in Highway Design
by Chen Feng Ng & Kenneth Small - 080903 Regulation with Budget Constraints Can Dominate Regulation by Price and by Quantity
by Linda Cohen & Amihai Glazer - 080902 Prices and Exchange Rates: A Theory of Disconnect
by Jose Antonio Rodriguez Lopez - 080901 Globalization and Insecurity: Reviewing Some Basic Issues
by Michelle R. Garfinkel & Stergios Skaperdas & Constantinos Syropoulos - 070819 Learning about the Interdependence between the Macroeconomy and the Stock Market
by Fabio Milani - 070818 Informational Benefits of International Environmental Agreements
by Amihai Glazer & Vesa Kanniainen & Panu Poutvaara - 070817 Competition and Commitment: the Supply and Enforcement of Rights to Improve Roads and Rivers in England, 1600-1750
by Dan Bogart - 070816 A Theory of Urban Squatting and Land-Tenure Formalization in Developing Countries
by Jan K. Brueckner & Harris Selod - 070815 On The Economics oF Organized Crime
by Vimal Kumar & Stergios Skaperdas - 070814 Socio-Political Conflict and Eonomic Performance in Bolivia
by Jose Luis Evia & Roberto Laserna & Stergios Skaperdas - 070813 Interregional Disparities in Productivity and the Choice of Fiscal Regime
by Kimiko Terai - 070812 Inter-modal Network Externalities and Transport Development: Evidence from Roads, Canals, and Ports during the English Industrial Revolution
by Dan Bogart - 070811 Signaling Commitment by Excessive Spending
by Amihai Glazer & Stef Proost - 070810 Informational Benefits of International Environmental Agreements
by Amihai Glazer & Stef Proost
- 070809 Persuasion as a Contest
by Stergios Skaperdas & Samarth Vaidya - 070808 International Trade and Unemployment: Theory and Cross-National Evidence
by Pushan Dutt & Devashish Mitra & Priya Ranjan - 070807 Innovation and Imitation Across Jurisdictions
by Amihai Glazer & Hiroki Kondo - 070806 Grade Inflation under the Threat of Students' Nuisance: Theory and Evidence
by Wan-Ju Iris Franz - 070805 Political Business Cycles in the New Keynesian Model
by Fabio Milani - 070804 Partial Fiscal Decentralization
by Jan K. Brueckner - 070803 On the Factors that Affect Airline Flight Frequency and Aircraft Size
by Vivek Pai - 070802 Learning and Time-Varying Macroeconomic Volatility
by Fabio Milani - 070801 Dynamic and Structural Features of Intifada Violence: A Markov Process Approach
by Ivan Jeliazkov & Dale J. Poirier - 060724 Urban Transportation Policy: A Guide and Road Map
by Kenneth A. Small - 060723 Should Urban Transit Subsidies Be Reduced?
by Ian W.H. Parry & Kenneth A. Small - 060722 Why Churches Need Free-riders: Religious Capital Formation and Religious Group Survival
by Michael McBride - 060721 Money, Happiness, and Aspirations: An Experimental Study
by Michael McBride - 060720 Technological Innovation in the Airline Industry: The Impact of Regional Jets
by Jan K. Brueckner & Vivek Pai - 060719 Offshoring and Unemployment
by Devashish Mitra & Priya Ranjan - 060718 Strategies of the Political Opposition
by Amihai Glazer - 060717 Market Structure and Internalization of Congestion in Air Transportation
by Kurt Van Dender - 060716 Competitive Proposals to Special Interests
by Ashish Chaturvedi & Amihai Glazer - 060715 An Economic Approach to Analyzing Civil War
by Stergios Skaperdas - 060714 Bayesian Likelihoods for Moment Condition Models
by Giuseppe Ragusa - 060713 Earmarking: Bundling to Signal Quality
by Amihai Glazer & Stef Proost - 060712 The Preferences of Voters Over Road Tolls and Road Capacity
by Amihai Glazer & Stef Proost
- 060711 The Effects of Wal-Mart on Local Labor Markets
by David Neumark & Junfu Zhang & Stephen Ciccarella - 060710 Workplace Segregation in the United States: Race, Ethnicity, and Skill
by Judith Hellerstein & David Neumark - 060709 Externalities, Social Pressures, and Political Parties
by Amihai Glazer - 060708 Minimum Wages and Employment: A Review of Evidence from the New Minimum Wage Research
by David Neumark & William Wascher - 060707 Social Interaction and Urban Sprawl
by Jan K. Brueckner & Ann G. Largey - 060706 Airport Noise Regulation, Airline Service Quality, and Social Welfare
by Jan K. Brueckner & Raquel Girvin - 060705 Bargaining Versus Fighting
by Stergios Skaperdas - 060704 The Evolution of the Fed's Inflation Target in an Estimated Model under RE and Learning
by Fabio Milani - 060702 Two-Sided Matching and Spread Determinants in the Loan Market
by Jiawei Chen - 060701 The Effects of Mergers with Dynamic Capacity Accumulation
by Jiawei Chen - 050632 Plant Life Cycle and Aggregate Employment Dynamics
by Min Ouyang - 050631 Spatial Hedonics and the Willingness to Pay for Residential Amenities
by Kenneth A. Small & Seiji Steimetz - 050630 Social Networks and the Convergence of Population Attributes: A Generalization
by Jan K. Brueckner & Oleg Smirnov - 050629 Airline Schedule Competition: Product-Quality Choice in a Duopoly Model
by Jan K. Brueckner & Ricardo Flores-Fillol - 050628 SSI, Labor Supply, and Migration
by David Neumark & Elizabeth T. Powers - 050626 Minimum Wage Effects in the Longer Run
by David Neumark & Olena Nizalova - 050624 Employment Dynamics and Business Relocation: New Evidence from the National Establishment Time Series
by David Neumark & Junfu Zhang & Brandon Wall - 050623 Economics of Conflict: An Overview
by Michelle R. Garfinkel & Stergios Skaperdas - 050622 Air Travel Choices in Multi-Airport Markets
by Jun Ishii & Sunyoung Jun & Kurt Van Dender - 050621 Predicting Committee Action
by Amihai Glazer - 050620 Urban Extremism
by Jan K. Brueckner & Amihai Glazer - 050619 How To Avoid Awarding a Valuable Asset
by Sam Bucovetsky & Amihai Glazer - 050603 Fuel Efficiency and Motor Vehicle Travel: The Declining Rebound Effect
by Kenneth A. Small & Kurt Van Dender - 050601 Globalization and Domestic Conflict
by Michelle R. Garfinkel & Stergios Skaperdas & Constantinos Syropoulos
- 060703 A Bayesian DSGE Model with Infinite-Horizon Learning: Do "Mechanical" Sources of Persistence Become Superfluous?
by Fabio Milani - 050625 Do School-to-Work Programs Help the "Forgotten Half"?
by David Neumark & Donna Rothstein - 050618 Cohort Changes in the Transition from School to Work: What Changed and What Consequences Did it have for Wages?
by Marigee Bacolod & V. Joseph Hotz - 050617 Two Sides of the Same Coin: U.S. "Residual" Inequality and the Gender Gap
by Marigee Bacolod & Bernardo S. Blum - 050616 Differentiated Road Pricing, Express Lanes and Carpools: Exploiting Heterogeneous Preferences in Policy Design
by Kenneth A. Small & Clifford Winston & Jia Yan - 050615 Direct Democracy and the Stability of State Policy
by Amihai Glazer & Anthony McGann - 050614 Competitive Proposals of Policies by Lobbies
by Ashish Chaturvedi & Amihai Glazer - 050613 Migration in Search of Good Government
by Amihai Glazer & Hiroki Kondo - 050612 Fiscal Federalism and Economic Growth
by Jan K. Brueckner - 050611 Gentrification and Neighborhood Housing Cycles: Will America’s Future Downtowns Be Rich?
by Jan K. Brueckner & Stuart S. Rosenthal - 050610 Urban Growth Boundaries: An Effective Second-Best Remedy for Unpriced Traffic Congestion?
by Jan K. Brueckner - 050609 The Scarring Effect of Recessions
by Min Ouyang - 050608 Expectations, Learning and Macroeconomic Persistence
by Fabio Milani - 050607 Adaptive Learning and Inflation Persistence
by Fabio Milani