- WP1985-07-01_00648 On Organizing Euiqty: Are Solutions Really the Problem?
by Gupta, Anil K. - WP1985-07-01_00647 Managing Common Properties: Some Issues in Institutional Design
by Gupta, Anil K. - WP1985-07-01_00646 Manpower Planning for Irrigation Sector in the Seventh Plan
by Srivastava Uma Kant - WP1985-07-01_00645 Policies for Rapid Growth in Use of Modern Agriculture Inputs: The Case of Fertilizers
by Desai G M - WP1985-07-01_00644 Ivestment Allowance Vs. General Tax Reduction Evaluation of Policy Option
by Gupta Ramesh & Srinivasan G - WP1985-07-01_00643 Rural Development Programmes: A Management Approach
by Barua, Samir K. & Gurdev Singh & Seetharaman S P - WP1985-07-01_00642 The School Incentives Program: A Case Study of Ambakach Primary School, Limkheda Taluka, Gujarat
by Pandya Mamta & Rao Arunashree P - WP1985-06-01_00641 Organizational Designs for Technology Oriented Integrated Rural Development
by Gaikwad V R - WP1985-06-01_00640 Inflation and Tax Reforms: A Study in Individual Taxation
by Gupta Ramesh - WP1985-06-01_00639 Individual Taxation: A Proposal for Reform
by Gupta Ramesh - WP1985-06-01_00638 Some Notes on Equal Yield Income and Expenditure Taxes
by Das Gupta A - WP1985-05-01_00637 A Note on the Effects of Tax-Subsidy Polcies on the Personal Distribution of Income in Dual Economies
by Das Gupta A - WP1985-05-01_00636 Inter-Organisational mobility of Management Graduates of Selected Institutions in India
by Jain, A. K. & Saha Jahar - WP1985-04-01_00635 Approach and Avoidance Behaviour of Managers
by Pareek Udai - WP1985-04-01_00634 The PI Motive: A Base for Development
by Khandwalla P N - WP1985-04-01_00633 How Fairly is the Fair-Sex Treated? An Agenda for Research on Managerial Women in a Male-Dominated Organization
by Bhatnagar, Deepti - WP1985-03-01_00632 Ethnicity - The Indian Situation
by Pestonjee D M & Nair Vidya - WP1985-03-01_00631 The Biogas Program in India and China: A Comparative Analysis of Experiences
by Moulik T K - WP1985-03-01_00630 Manpower Requirement Planning: A Framework and Case Studies
by Korgaonkar M G - WP1985-02-01_00629 Poverty, Inequality and Development in Dual Economies with Urban Informal Sector
by Das Gupta A & Gang Ira N - WP1985-02-01_00628 Managing Socio-Political Environment in India: A New Task for Top Management
by Chaudhari Shekhar - WP1985-01-01_00627 Distribution and Development Effects of Tariff Subsidy Policies in a Small, Open Dual Economy
by Das Gupta A & Gang Ira N - WP1985-01-01_00626 Inflation Accounting: Perspective and Prospects
by Gupta Ramesh - WP1985-01-01_00625 The Indian and Chinese Growth Experience as Case Studies in the Application of the Feldman-Mahalanobis Model Strategy under a Wage Goods Constraints
by Kumar Saurabh
- WP1984-12-01_00624 Household Energy Behaviour and Urban Development: The Case of Ahmedabad
by Ganapathy R S & Norman Kent L - WP1984-12-01_00623 On the Estimation of Elasticity in Economics
by Das Gupta A & Misra P N - WP1984-12-01_00622 Indian Business Houses and Entrepreneurship: A Note on Research Trends
by Tripathi Dwijendra - WP1984-12-01_00621 Manufacturing Resources Planning - A Study
by Korgaonkar M G - WP1984-12-01_00620 Vinchur Handloom Weavers Cooperative Society: A Case Study
by Shingi P M - WP1984-12-01_00619 Issues for Research on Rural Development in South Asia
by Gupta, Anil K. - WP1984-12-01_00618 Why Dont We Learn?
by Gupta, Anil K. - WP1984-12-01_00617 Models of Productivity Measurement: A Study
by Korgaonkar M G - WP1984-11-01_00616 Learning by Doing: Technology Transfer to an Indian Manufacturing Firm
by Chaudhari Shekhar & Moulik T K - WP1984-11-01_00615 Incentives and Disincentives in the Indian Family Planning Programme: A Case Study
by Satia J K & Maru Rushikesh - WP1984-11-01_00614 Practice of Environmental Scanning in Large Private Corporations in India
by Dixit, M. R. - WP1984-11-01_00613 Agenda for Research in Dry Regions: Sociological Perspective
by Gupta Ramesh - WP1984-11-01_00612 Analytical Review of Selected CMA Studies in Dry Regions: 1973-1983
by Gupta Ramesh - WP1984-11-01_00611 Lease Evaluation-Yet Again
by Ragunathan V - WP1984-11-01_00610 Marketing of Oilseeds and Oils in India: Present and Future
by Srivastava Uma Kant & Sah Abhay - WP1984-11-01_00609 PLC: State-of-the-art Review
by Nathan S V - WP1984-10-01_00608 Indian Work on Organizational Effectiveness
by Khandwalla P N - WP1984-10-01_00607 Feasibility of Introducing a Fisheries Management Course at Post-Graduate Level: Some Observations
by Srivastava Uma Kant - WP1984-10-01_00606 Urban Agriculture: Urban Planning and the ahmedabad Experience
by Ganapathy R S - WP1984-10-01_00605 Self Sufficiency in Community Health Programmes of Voluntary Organizations
by Subramanian Ashok K & Mehta Mona - WP1984-09-01_00604 Group Based Savings and Credit Programmes in Rural India
by Desai B M - WP1984-09-01_00603 Attitudes and Social Cognition
by Singh Ramadhar - WP1984-08-01_00602 The Cost of Doordarshan Programmes for Women and Children: Some Preliminary Estimates
by Srivastava Uma Kant - WP1984-08-01_00601 Socio-Ecology of Land Use Planning in Semi-Arid Regions
by Gupta Ramesh - WP1984-08-01_00600 Socio-Ecology of Frazing Land Management: Inventory of Issuses
by Gupta Ramesh - WP1984-08-01_00599 Integrated Energy System: Some Case Studies on Food-Energy Nexus in India
by Moulik T K - WP1984-08-01_00598 Stress Research: An Indian Perspective
by Pestonjee D M - WP1984-08-01_00597 Declining Work Motivation in India: How to Get the Reluctant Horse to Drink?
by Kanungo R N & Misra Sasi B - WP1984-08-01_00596 Growth in Fertilizer Consumption: Price and Non-Price Ploicies
by Desai G M - WP1984-07-01_00595 Analysis of Rice Production and Productivity in Eastern India
by Desai D K - WP1984-07-01_00594 The Art and Science of Identification of Agricultural Research Projects of the ICAR: Some Observations
by Gupta Tirath - WP1984-07-01_00593 Cognitive Algebra of Exam Performance: Tests of Hypothesis of Cultural Difference, task Difficulty, and Imputations
by Singh Ramadhar - WP1984-07-01_00592 Developing an Environmental Scanning and Reporting Sytem-A Study of Process and Influencing Factors
by Dixit, M. R. - WP1984-07-01_00591 Implementing an Inflation Accounting System: A Case Study
by Dixit, M. R. - WP1984-06-01_00590 The Minimum Weight Rooted Aborescence Problem: A Branch and Bound Solution
by Venkata Rao, V. & Ginnia L F Mc - WP1984-06-01_00589 Multi-Item Inventory with Multiple Restrictions
by Tripathy Arabinda - WP1984-06-01_00588 Technological Innovations in a National Laboratory in India: A Case Study
by Chaudhari Shekhar - WP1984-06-01_00587 Role of Public Enterprises in Backward Regions Generating Peasants Perspectives?
by Gupta Ramesh - WP1984-05-01_00586 Quantification of Optimal Role of Government Expenditure on Education for Regional Development in Gujarat, India
by Misra P N - WP1984-05-01_00585 A Profile of Voluntary Health Effort in Gujarat
by Subramanian Ashok K & Mehta Mona - WP1984-05-01_00584 Mid-Term Appraisal of the Sixth Plan: Why Poverty Allevation Lags Behind
by Paul Samuel - WP1984-05-01_00583 A Need for Location Specific Rice Research in India
by Desai D K - WP1984-04-01_00582 Accounting Internship Programmes in the United States: A Lesson for India
by Chandra Gyan & Paperman Jacob B - WP1984-04-01_00581 Renewable Energy Development in India: A Macro Analysis
by Ganapathy R S - WP1984-04-01_00580 Energy Planning in India: A review
by Ganapathy R S - WP1984-04-01_00579 Sociology for Indian Organizations
by Sheth N R - WP1984-04-01_00578 Sociology for Industrial Relations
by Sheth N R - WP1984-04-01_00577 Tax Experiences of Indo-American Joint Ventures
by Gupta Anand P - WP1984-03-01_00576 Recent Governement Policies and their Implications for Management of Technology in Manufacturing Industries
by Chaudhari Shekhar - WP1984-03-01_00575 Entrepreneurship and Indian Management: A Historians Glimpse of the Future
by Tripathi Dwijendra - WP1984-03-01_00574 Infrastructure Needs of Small Scale Industry in Guajarat
by Misra P N - WP1984-03-01_00573 A Simulation Model for Sizing Decision in a Large Irrigation/Power Project in India
by Barua, Samir K. & Patel Nitin R - WP1984-02-01_00572 Socio-Cultural Determinants of Conflicts in Organization
by Agrawal N M - WP1984-02-01_00571 A Survey of Research in Business Policy in India (1970-1982)
by Murthy K R S - WP1984-02-01_00570 Planning for Rural Road in India
by Patel Nitin R & Madhavan, T. - WP1984-02-01_00569 A Note on Two-Phase Method for a Class of Metric Models in Individual Scaling
by Raghavacahari M & Vani Vina - WP1984-01-01_00568 Prospects of Growth in Fertiliser Consumption in the Western Region
by Desai G M - WP1984-01-01_00567 Organizational Goals as Determinants of Lower Management Job Satisfaction
by Khandwalla P N - WP1984-01-01_00566 Two Problems in Cognitive Algebra: Imputations and Adveraging - Versus- Multiplying
by Singh Ramadhar - WP1984-01-01_00565 Internationalisation of Indian PES
by Khandwalla P N - WP1984-01-01_00564 Culture as a Moederating Factor on the Effect of Centextual Variables on Operating Organizational Structure
by Reddy Prathap
- WP1983-12-01_00563 Economics of Sustianed Rapid Growth in India Fertiliser Consumption
by Desai G M - WP1983-12-01_00562 Design of an Organization Structure for Ocean Development
by Ganapathy R S & Subramanian Ashok K - WP1983-12-01_00561 Directing Programme Evaluation Towards the Field Worker: An Experiment in Adult Education
by Bhatt Anil & Subramanian Ashok K - WP1983-11-01_00560 A Case for Disallowing Interest Deductibility and Reducing Corporate Tax Rate
by Pandey I M - WP1983-11-01_00559 A Nutrition Profile of Ahmedabad
by Ganapathy R S - WP1983-10-01_00558 Development of Urban Agriculture in India: Public Policy Options
by Ganapathy R S - WP1983-10-01_00557 On Methodologies for Policy Analysis
by Ganapathy R S - WP1983-10-01_00556 Deterministic and Random Single Machine Sequencing with Variance Minimization
by Vani Vina & Raghavacahari M - WP1983-09-01_00555 The Declaration Hypothesis and Yield Increasing Inputs in Indian Agriculture
by Desai G M & Namboodiri N V - WP1983-09-01_00554 Credit Arrangements for Drought Prone Regions: Policy Prescriptions and Planners Relations
by Gupta Ramesh - WP1983-09-01_00553 Technology Transfer in Agriculture - Case of Hybrid Bajra
by Patel Gunvant A & Bapna S L & Pichholiya K R - WP1983-09-01_00552 An Uneasy Look at Work, Nonwork and Leisure
by Kanungo R N & Misra Sasi B - WP1983-09-01_00551 Management of Diversification in the Public Sector
by Chaudhari Shekhar & Khandwalla P N - WP1983-09-01_00550 The Regulation of Translational Corporations: National & Global Interventions
by Paul Samuel - WP1983-08-01_00549 Fertilizer Use on Indias Unirrigated Areas: A Perspective Based on Past Record and Future Needs
by Desai G M - WP1983-08-01_00548 The Pattern of Financial Leverage: A Cross-Section A Study of Listed Indian Companies
by Pandey I M - WP1983-08-01_00547 The Motivational Formulation of Job and Work Involvement: A Cross-National Study
by Misra Sasi B & Kanungo R N & Rosenstiel Lutz Von & Stuhler Elmar A - WP1983-08-01_00546 Why Development Programmes Fail?
by Paul Samuel - WP1983-07-01_00545 Indian Business and the Bulk Export Opportunities Generated by International Funding Agencies
by Srivastava Uma Kant & Singh Amar Jeet - WP1983-07-01_00544 Why People Dont Cooperate? A Study of Traditional Forms of Cooperation with Implications for Modern Organizations
by Gupta Ramesh - WP1983-07-01_00543 Commercialization of Renewable Energy technologies: Some Policy Framework
by Moulik T K - WP1983-07-01_00542 The Aggregate and Branch Method for Solving Multi Constraint Linear Programs with Zero-One Variables
by Barua, Samir K. - WP1983-07-01_00541 Fiscal Policy and the Poor: Miles to Go
by Gupta Anand P - WP1983-06-01_00540 Production Function and Optimum Input Mix in Fish Farming in India
by Gupta G S - WP1983-06-01_00539 Income Inequality Across Nations Over Time: How Much and Why?
by Gupta G S & Singh Ram D - WP1983-06-01_00538 Public Management Training in Developing Countries: A Review
by Paul Samuel - WP1983-06-01_00537 Shaping the Amorphous: Organizational Form for a National Railway System
by Ganesh S R - WP1983-06-01_00536 Some Properties of Optimal Schedule of Jobs with a Common Due Date
by Raghavacahari M - WP1983-06-01_00535 The PI Style of Management
by Khandwalla P N - WP1983-05-01_00534 Lighting Candles: Impact of Leadership Actions on Institution Building
by Ganesh S R & Joshi Padmanabh - WP1983-05-01_00533 Developing Linear Programming Models for Farm Planning
by Gurdev Singh - WP1983-05-01_00532 International Transfer of Technology to India: The Case of the Tractor Industry
by Chaudhari Shekhar - WP1983-04-01_00531 Personal Characteristics and Job Satisfaction - India-Nigeria Comparison
by Saiyadain M S - WP1983-03-01_00530 Integrating Environmental Scanning into Corporate Planning - Need for a Total View
by Dixit, M. R. - WP1983-03-01_00529 Nepal-Asean Economic Relations
by Wadhva Charan D & Pradhan Radhe S - WP1983-02-01_00528 From Campus to Community Building: Changing Perspectives and Programmes of Development Agencies
by Subramanian Ashok K - WP1983-02-01_00527 India-Asean Economic Relations
by Parasher Pradnya - WP1983-01-01_00526 Spatial Underdevelopment, Small Towns and Public Policy: The Indian Experience
by Ganapathy R S - WP1983-01-01_00525 An Upper Bounding Heuristic for Nonlinear Integer Programs
by Gupta Omprakash K & Ravindran V - WP1983-01-01_00524 Correlation Functions in Reliability Theory
by Ravichandran, N. & Subramanian R - WP1983-01-01_00523 Analysis of Two-Unit Parallel Redundant System - A Review
by Ravichandran, N.
- WP1982-11-01 Bio-Gas Plants - A Challenge to Rural Entrepreneurs
by Desai D K - WP1982-12-01_00522 Management of Tax Expenditures: A Study of the Indian Case
by Gupta Anand P - WP1982-11-01_00520 Designing Developmental Organisation: Search for an Indian Theory
by Gupta Ramesh - WP1982-11-01_00519 Transfer of Technology in Informal Sector: A Case of Power Ghanis in a Tamil Nadu Village
by Moulik T K & Purshotham P - WP1982-11-01_00518 Research on Rural Savings in India
by Desai B M - WP1982-10-01_00517 Agricultural Mechanization, Related Industry and Education and Research Institutions in China
by Girja Sharan - WP1982-10-01_00516 Action Research for Micro Level Planning: A Self Appraisal
by Mathur Kuldeep & Gupta, Anil K. - WP1982-10-01_00515 The Small Step and the Great Leap: Issues in Managing Replication in Development Programmes
by Subramanian Ashok K - WP1982-09-01_00514 Development Programmes for the Poor: Do Strategies make a Difference?
by Paul Samuel & Subramanian Ashok K - WP1982-09-01_00513 Management Contribution to Population Programs - An Overview
by Satia J K - WP1982-09-01_00512 Performances Determinants of Public Enterprises
by Khandwalla P N - WP1982-09-01_00511 Managing Grass Roots Organizations: A Study of Voluntary Agencies in Development Programmes
by Subramanian Ashok K - WP1982-09-01_00510 Management Interventions in Established Bureaucracies: IIMA Experiences in Population Programme Management
by Maru Rushikesh & Murthy Nirmal S & Satia J K - WP1982-08-01_00509 Quantification of Distributional Impact of Government Expenditure on Selected Social Services
by Misra P N - WP1982-08-01_00508 Surface Irrigation Cooperative: A Case Study
by Seetharaman S P & Jayaraman T K - WP1982-08-01_00507 Processing of Sugarbeet in India
by Gurdev Singh & Guleria Amar - WP1982-07-01_00506 South Asian Experience in Agricultural Mechanization
by Vyas Vijay Shankar - WP1982-07-01_00505 Inflation Hedge in India-Stocks or Bullion
by Barua, Samir K. & Ragunathan V - WP1982-06-01_00504 Seasonality, Stratification and Staying on Process in Semi-Arid Regions
by Gupta, Anil K. - WP1982-06-01_00503 Sugarbeet Cultivation in India
by Gurdev Singh & Guleria Amar - WP1982-05-01_00502 Learning from Antyodaya: Some Lessons for IRDP
by Khanna Inderjit - WP1982-05-01_00501 External Aid and Development Strategy in Rajasthan
by Khanna Inderjit - WP1982-04-01_00500 On the Computation of Hodges-Lehmann Efficiency of Test Statistics
by Raghavacahari M - WP1982-04-01_00499 Experiment on Individual Investment Decision Making Process
by Barua, Samir K. & Srinivasan G - WP1982-04-01_00498 Performance in Relation to Anxiety and Job Involvement
by Pestonjee D M & Singh Y K - WP1982-04-01_00497 Agricultural Mechanization in Gujarat
by Girja Sharan - WP1982-03-01_00496 Introduction of Community Biogas Plant in a Gujarat Village: A Case Study of Technological and Organisational Interventions
by Moulik T K - WP1982-03-01_00495 Pesticides Industry: An Analysis of Imposts, Production and Consumption
by Patel Gunvant A & Srivastava Uma Kant & Pichholiya K R - WP1982-03-01_00494 Famine and Famine Relief - Coping Strategy at the District Level
by Vyas Vijay Shankar & Khanna Inderjit - WP1982-03-01_00493 Spurs and Props of Agricultural Research - Economic and Social under Plumings - A Case Study of Rice Research in India
by Desai D K - WP1982-03-01_00492 Enculturation and Commitment in Creative Organizations: A Theoretical Perspective
by Dhuru Jyotsana D & Balaji C - WP1982-03-01_00491 Rural Development Programmes in India: An Analytical Review at the District Level
by Srivastava Uma Kant - WP1982-03-01_00490 HRD Practices in Indian Industry
by Rao, T. V. - WP1982-02-01_00489 Control Systems in Public Enterprises
by Murthy K R S - WP1982-02-01_00488 Growth and Instability in Gujarat Agriculture
by George P S & Kumar M Krishna - WP1982-02-01_00487 Organisational Behaviour Research on Public Enterprises
by Pareek Udai - WP1982-02-01_00486 Simpsons Reversal Paradox and Cost Allocation
by Sunder Shyam - WP1982-02-01_00485 Models of Role Identity in Indian Women Barriers to Growth
by Parikh Indira J - WP1982-01-01_00484 Choice of Technology: Some Forethoughts on a Socio-Technical
by Moulik T K & Gupta R K - WP1982-01-01_00483 QWL in Indian Organisations: An Irrelevant View
by Ganesh S R - WP1982-01-01_00482 Land Reforms Legislations: Problems and Prospects
by Moulik T K & Tripathi B L - WP1982-01-01_00481 Bureaucracy for Peoples Development: A Contradiction or Congruence?
by Moulik T K - WP1982-01-01_00480 Phase of Divergent Thinking
by Khandwalla P N
- WP1981-12-01_00479 Formats for Reply Coupons in Advertisements
by Shingi P M - WP1981-12-01_00478 Locus of Control as a Moderator of Role Stress - Satisfaction Relationship
by Pestonjee D M & Singh U B - WP1981-12-01_00477 Typology of Headlines
by Shingi P M - WP1981-12-01_00476 Indian Managers: Perception of Self and Others
by Parikh Indira J - WP1981-12-01_00475 Worker Efficiency in Relation to Alienation, Participation and Anxiety
by Gupta P K & Pestonjee D M & Singh U B - WP1981-12-01_00474 Credit Policy for Small and Marginal Farmers - A Second Look
by Desai D K - WP1981-12-01_00473 Sorting and Shaping: Explorations in Helplessness of Higher Education Institutions
by Ganesh S R & Sengupta D N - WP1981-11-01_00472 Health for All: An Alternative Strategy: A Note on the Current TaskA
by Subramanian Ashok K - WP1981-11-01_00471 Socio-Economic Profile and Performance of CHVs in Gujarat: Implications for Selection and Support
by Bhatt Anil & Maru Rushikesh & Prabhakar A S - WP1981-11-01_00470 Corporate Image Advertising
by Shingi P M - WP1981-11-01_00469 New and Renewable Energy Projects: From Policy to Action
by Srivastava Uma Kant & Subramanian Ashok K - WP1981-11-01_00468 Trade Union and Industrial Relations in the Banking Industry
by Sheth N R - WP1981-11-01_00467 Industrial Relations in Gujarat
by Sheth N R - WP1981-11-01_00466 Strategic Management of Public Programmes: Evidence from an International Study
by Paul Samuel - WP1981-11-01_00465 Accounting Policy Choices: Some Expirical Evidence
by Govindarajan V & Srinivasan G - WP1981-11-01_00464 Towards a Radical Look at the Role of Top Mangement
by Gupta R K - WP1981-10-01_00463 Organisation Building in Cooperative - A Framework
by Seetharaman S P & Mohan N - WP1981-10-01_00462 Workers Cooperative - An Indian Experience
by Seetharaman S P & Mohan N - WP1981-10-01_00461 A Survey of Advertising Themes in 1970
by Mittal B L - WP1981-09-01_00460 Visuals in Advertising
by Shingi P M - WP1981-09-01_00459 Alienation: Some Theory, Some Research
by Pestonjee D M & Singh U B - WP1981-09-01_00458 Learning about the task: First steps in Relating the Organisation and Environment in Community Service Organisations
by Subramanian Ashok K - WP1981-09-01_00457 Supplier Evaluation Criteria for Special Products: Differences from Standard Products
by Mehta Subhash C & Rao C P & Kiser G E - WP1981-09-01_00456 Vanishing Boundaries
by Ganesh S R - WP1981-09-01_00455 Comparison of Substitutive Chemicals Recommended by Manufacturers and Agricultural Institutions for Cotton Pest Control
by Patel Gunvant A & Srivastava Uma Kant - WP1981-09-01_00454 A Note on Non Neutrality of Capital Subsidy under IRR Criterian
by Srinivasan G - WP1981-09-01_00453 A Cross-Cultural Study of Teaching effectiveness of the Case Method Versus the Lecture Method of Teaching in Lecture-Oriented Environments: Some Preliminary Findings
by Stuhler Elmar A & Misra Sasi B - WP1981-08-01_00452 Allocators Maturity as an Explanation for Inconsistency in Cognitive Algebra of Reward Distribution
by Singh Ram D - WP1981-08-01_00451 Performance of Task-Oriented and Relation Oriented Persons on a Reward Allocation Task
by Singh Ram D