- WP12-19 The Renminbi Bloc is Here: Asia Down, Rest of the World to Go?
by Arvind Subramanian & Martin Kessler - WP12-18 Developing the Services Sector as Engine of Growth for Asia: An Overview
by Marcus Noland & Donghyun Park & Gemma B. Estrada - WP12-17 Prospects for Services Trade Negotiations
by Jeffrey J. Schott & Minsoo Lee & Julia Muir - WP12-16 Transactions: A New Look at Services Sector Foreign Direct Investment in Asia
by Jacob Funk Kirkegaard - WP12-15 Choice and Coercion in East Asian Exchange Rate Regimes
by C. Randall Henning - WP12-14 Capital Account Policies and the Real Exchange Rate
by Olivier Jeanne - WP12-13 John Williamson and the Evolution of the International Monetary System
by Edwin M. Truman - WP12-12 Sovereign Debt Sustainability in Italy and Spain: A Probabilistic Approach
by William R. Cline - WP12-11 Gender in Transition: The Case of North Korea
by Stephan Haggard & Marcus Noland - WP12-10 The Dollar and Its Discontents
by Olivier Jeanne - WP12-9 The Microeconomics of North-South Korean Cross-Border Integration
by Stephan Haggard & Marcus Noland - WP12-8 Networks, Trust, and Trade: The Microeconomics of China–North Korea Integration
by Marcus Noland & Stephan Haggard - WP12-7 Lessons from Reforms in Central and Eastern Europe in the Wake of the Global Financial Crisis
by Anders Aslund - WP12-6 Transportation and Communication Infrastructure in Latin America: Lessons from Asia
by Barbara Kotschwar - WP12-5 Global Imbalances and Foreign Asset Expansion by Developing Economy Central Banks
by Joseph E. Gagnon - WP12-4 A China Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations
by Aaditya Mattoo & Prachi Mishra & Arvind Subramanian - WP12-3 Chinese Investment in Latin American Resources: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
by Barbara Kotschwar & Theodore H. Moran & Julia Muir - WP12-2 Financial Reform after the Crisis: An Early Assessment
by Nicolas Veron - WP12-1 Fiscal Federalism: US History for Architects of Europe's Fiscal Union
by C. Randall Henning & Martin Kessler
- WP11-22 A China Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations
by Aaditya Mattoo & Arvind Subramanian - WP11-21 Asian Regional Policy Coordination
by Edwin M. Truman - WP11-20 Rent(s) Asunder: Sectoral Rent Extraction Possibilities and Bribery by Multinational Corporations
by Edmund Malesky & Nathan Jensen & Dimitar Gueorguiev - WP11-19 Delivering on US Climate Finance Commitments
by Trevor Houser & Jason Selfe - WP11-18 Applying Hubbert Curves and Linearization to Rock Phosphate
by Cullen S. Hendrix - WP11-17 India's Growth in the 2000s: Four Facts
by Utsav Kumar & Arvind Subramanian - WP11-16 Asia and Global Financial Governance
by C. Randall Henning & Mohsin S. Khan - WP11-15 How Flexible Can Inflation Targeting Be and Still Work?
by Kenneth N. Kuttner & Adam S. Posen - WP11-14 Renminbi Rules: The Conditional Imminence of the Reserve Currency Transition
by Arvind Subramanian - WP11-13 Integration in the Absence of Institutions: China-North Korea Cross-Border Exchange
by Marcus Noland & Stephan Haggard & Jennifer Lee - WP11-12 Sovereign Wealth Funds: Is Asia Different?
by Edwin M. Truman - WP11-11 Foreign Manufacturing Multinationals and the Transformation of the Chinese Economy: New Measurements, New Perspectives
by Theodore H. Moran - WP11-10 The Liquidation of Government Debt
by Carmen M. Reinhart & M. Belen Sbrancia - WP11-9 Coordinating Regional and Multilateral Financial Institutions
by C. Randall Henning - WP11-8 Resource Management and Transition in Central Asia, Azerbaijan, and Mongolia
by Richard Pomfret - WP11-7 Capital Controls: Myth and Reality--A Portfolio Balance Approach
by Nicolas E. Magud & Carmen M. Reinhart & Kenneth S. Rogoff - WP11-6 Capital Account Liberalization and the Role of the Renminbi
by Nicholas Lardy & Patrick Douglass - WP11-5 Integrating Reform of Financial Regulation with Reform of the International Monetary System
by Morris Goldstein - WP11-4 A Generalized Fact and Model of Long-Run Economic Growth: Kaldor Fact as a Special Case
by Daniel Danxia Xie - WP11-3 Foreign Direct Investment in Times of Crisis
by Lauge Skovgaard Poulsen & Gary Clyde Hufbauer - WP11-2 Too Big to Fail: The Transatlantic Debate
by Morris Goldstein & Nicolas Veron - WP11-1 Current Account Imbalances Coming Back
by Joseph E. Gagnon
- WP10-18 Sovereign Bankruptcy in the European Union in the Comparative Perspective
by Leszek Balcerowicz - WP10-17 Trade Disputes Between China and the United States: Growing Pains so Far, Worse Ahead?
by Gary Clyde Hufbauer & Jared C. Woollacott - WP10-16 Exchange Rate Policy in Brazil
by John Williamson - WP10-15 A Role for the G-20 in Addressing Climate Change?
by Trevor Houser - WP10-14 Reform of the Global Financial Architecture
by Garry J. Schinasi & Edwin M. Truman - WP10-13 The G-20 and International Financial Institution Governance
by Edwin M. Truman - WP10-12 Managing Credit Booms and Busts: A Pigouvian Taxation Approach
by Olivier Jeanne & Anton Korinek - WP10-11 The Design and Effects of Monetary Policy in Sub-Saharan African Countries
by Mohsin S. Khan - WP10-10 Wholesalers and Retailers in US Trade
by Andrew B. Bernard & J. Bradford Jensen & Stephen J. Redding & Peter K. Schott - WP10-9 US Trade and Wages: The Misleading Implications of Conventional Trade Theory
by Robert Z. Lawrence & Lawrence Edward - WP10-8 Do Developed and Developing Countries Compete Head to Head in High Tech?
by Robert Z. Lawrence & Lawrence Edward - WP10-7 The Realities and Relevance of Japan’s Great Recession: Neither Ran nor Rashomon
by Adam S. Posen - WP10-6 Toward a Sunny Future? Global Integration in the Solar PV Industry
by Jacob Funk Kirkegaard & Thilo Hanemann & Lutz Weischer & Matt Miller - WP10-5 Excessive Volatility in Capital Flows: A Pigouvian Taxation Approach
by Olivier Jeanne & Anton Korinek - WP10-4 The Margins of US Trade
by Andrew B. Bernard & J. Bradford Jensen & Stephen J. Redding & Peter K. Schott - WP10-3 Intra-Firm Trade and Product Contractibility
by Andrew B. Bernard & J. Bradford Jensen & Stephen J. Redding & Peter K. Schott - WP10-2 Economic Crime and Punishment in North Korea
by Stephan Haggard & Marcus Noland - WP10-1 Estimation of De Facto Flexibility Parameter and Basket Weights in Evolving Exchange Rate Regimes
by Jeffrey Frankel & Daniel
- WP09-16 The International Monetary Fund and Regulatory Challenges
by Edwin M. Truman - WP09-15 Reconciling Climate Change and Trade Policy
by Aaditya Mattoo & Arvind Subramanian & Dominique van der Mensbrugghe & Jianwu He - WP09-14 It Should Be a Breeze: Harnessing the Potential of Open Trade and Investment Flows in the Wind Energy Industry
by Jacob Funk Kirkegaard & Thilo Hanemann & Lutz Weischer - WP09-13 Mortgage Loan Modifications: Program Incentives and Restructuring Design
by Dan Magder - WP09-12 Capital Flows to Developing Countries: The Allocation Puzzle
by Pierre-Olivier & Olivier Jeanne - WP09-11 The Impact of the Financial Crisis on Emerging Asia
by Morris Goldstein & Daniel Xie - WP09-10 A Tractable Model of Precautionary Reserves, Net Foreign Assets, or Sovereign Wealth Funds
by Christopher D. Carroll & Olivier Jeanne - WP09-9 The World Trade Organization and Climate Change: Challenges and Options
by Gary Clyde Hufbauer & Jisun Kim - WP09-8 Reform from Below: Behavioral and Institutional Change in North Korea
by Stephan Haggard & Marcus Noland - WP09-7 Criss-Crossing Globalization: Uphill Flows of Skill-Intensive Goods and Foreign Direct Investment
by Aaditya Mattoo & Arvind Subramanian - WP09-6 What’s on the Table? The Doha Round as of August 2009
by Matthew Adler & Claire Brunel & Gary Clyde Hufbauer & Jeffrey J. Schott - WP09-5 Structural and Cyclical Trends in Net Employment over US Business Cycles, 1949–2009: Implications for the Next Recovery and Beyond
by Jacob Funk Kirkegaard - WP09-4 Sanctioning North Korea: The Political Economy of Denuclearization and Proliferation
by Stephan Haggard & Marcus Noland - WP09-3 American Multinationals and American Economic Interests: New Dimensions to an Old Debate
by Theodore H. Moran - WP09-2 Policy Liberalization and US Merchandise Trade Growth, 1980--2006
by Matthew Adler & Gary Clyde Hufbauer - WP09-1 The GCC Monetary Union: Choice of Exchange Rate Regime
by Mohsin S. Khan
- WP08-12 The (Non) Impact of UN Sanctions on North Korea
by Marcus Noland - WP08-11 On What Terms Is the IMF Worth Funding?
by Edwin M. Truman - WP08-10 Distance Isn’t Quite Dead: Recent Trade Patterns and Modes of Supply in Computer and Information Services in the United States and NAFTA Partners
by Jacob Funk Kirkegaard - WP08-9 Famine in North Korea Redux?
by Stephan Haggard & Marcus Noland - WP08-8 Multilateralism beyond Doha
by Aaditya Mattoo & Arvind Subramanian - WP08-7 Policy Liberalization and FDI Growth, 1982 to 2006
by Matthew Adler & Gary Clyde Hufbauer - WP08-6 Estimating Consistent Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates
by William R. Cline - WP08-5 Korean Institutional Reform in Comparative Perspective
by Marcus Noland & Erik Weeks - WP08-4 Migration Experiences of North Korean Refugees: Survey Evidence from China
by Yoonok Chang & Stephan Haggard & Marcus Noland - WP08-3 Exchange Rate Economics
by John Williamson - WP08-2 Currency Undervaluation and Sovereign Wealth Funds: A New Role for the World Trade Organization
by Aaditya Mattoo & Arvind Subramanian - WP08-1 Exit Polls: Refugee Assessments of North Korea's Transition
by Yoonok Chang & Stephan Haggard & Marcus Noland
- WP07-9 Merry Sisterhood or Guarded Watchfulness? Cooperation Between the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank
by Michael Fabricius - WP07-8 Congress, Treasury, and the Accountability of Exchange Rate Policy: How the 1988 Trade Act Should Be Reformed
by C. Randall Henning - WP07-7 North Korea's External Economic Relations
by Stephan Haggard & Marcus Noland - WP07-6 Measurement and Inference in International Reserve Diversification
by Anna Wong - WP07-5 A (Lack of) Progress Report on China's Exchange Rate Policies
by Morris Goldstein - WP07-4 Industrial Policy, Innovation Policy, and Japanese Competitiveness
by Marcus Noland - WP07-3 Do Markets Care Who Chairs the Central Bank?
by Kenneth N. Kuttner & Adam S. Posen - WP07-2 Offshoring, Outsourcing, and Production Relocation—Labor-Market Effects in the OECD Countries and Developing Asia
by Jacob Funk Kirkegaard - WP07-1 The Trade Effects of Preferential Arrangements: New Evidence from the Australia Productivity Commission
by Dean A. DeRosa
- WP06-7 Firm Structure, Multinationals, and Manufacturing Plant Deaths
by Andrew B. Bernard & J. Bradford Jensen - WP06-6 Has EMU Had Any Impact on the Degree of Wage Restraint?
by Adam S. Posen & Daniel Popov Gould - WP06-5 The Eurasian Growth Paradox
by Anders Åslund & Nazgul Jenish - WP06-4 The External Policy of the Euro Area: Organizing for Foreign Exchange Intervention
by C. Randall Henning - WP06-3 Offshoring in Europe—Evidence of a Two-Way Street from Denmark
by Peter D. Ørberg Jensen & Jacob Funk Kirkegaard & Nicolai Søndergaard Laugesen - WP06-2 The Case for an International Reserve Diversification Standard
by Edwin M. Truman & Anna Wong - WP06-1 Why Central Banks Should Not Burst Bubbles
by Adam S. Posen
- WP05-15 Outsourcing and Skill Imports: Foreign High-Skilled Workers on H-1B and L-1 Visas in the United States
by Jacob Funk Kirkegaard - WP05-14 The East Asian Industrial Policy Experience: Implications for the Middle East
by Marcus Noland & Howard Pack - WP05-13 Predicting Trade Expansion under FTAs and Multilateral Agreements
by Dean A. DeRosa & John P. Gilbert - WP05-12 Prospects for Regional Free Trade in Asia
by Gary Clyde Hufbauer & Yee Wong - WP05-11 The US Trade Deficit: A Disaggregated Perspective
by Catherine L. Mann & Katharina Plück - WP05-10 Importers, Exporters, and Multinationals: A Portrait of Firms in the U.S. that Trade Goods
by Andrew B. Bernard & J. Bradford Jensen & Peter K. Schott - WP05-9 Tradable Services: Understanding the Scope and Impact of Services Outsourcing
by J. Bradford Jensen & Lori G. Kletzer - WP05-8 Egypt after the Multi-Fiber Arrangement: Global Apparel and Textile Supply Chains as a Route for Industrial Upgrading
by Dan Magder - WP05-7 What Might the Next Emerging-Market Financial Crisis Look Like?
by Morris Goldstein - WP05-6 Postponing Global Adjustment: An Analysis of the Pending Adjustment of Global Imbalances
by Edwin M. Truman - WP05-5 Explaining Middle Eastern Authoritarianism
by Marcus Noland - WP05-4 South Korea's Experience with International Capital Flows
by Marcus Noland - WP05-3 Affinity and International Trade
by Marcus Noland - WP05-2 China's Role in the Revived Bretton Woods System: A Case of Mistaken Identity
by Morris Goldstein & Nicholas R. Lardy - WP05-1 Outsourcing and Offshoring: Pushing the European Model Over the Hill, Rather Than Off the Cliff!
by Jacob Funk Kirkegaard
- WP04-3 Selective Intervention and Growth: The Case of Korea
by Marcus Noland - WP04-2 Popular Attitudes, Globalization, and Risk
by Marcus Noland - WP04-1 Adjusting China's Exchange Rate Policies
by Morris Goldstein
- WP03-10 The Difficulty of Discerning What's Too Tight: Taylor Rules and Japanese Monetary Policy
by Kenneth N. Kuttner & Adam S. Posen - WP03-9 It Takes More than a Bubble to Become Japan
by Adam S. Posen - WP03-8 Religion, Culture, and Economic Performance
by Marcus Noland - WP03-7 Labor Standards and the Free Trade Area of the Americas
by Kimberly Ann Elliott - WP03-6 Empirical Investigations of Inflation Targeting
by Yifan Hu - WP03-5 Famine and Reform in North Korea
by Marcus Noland - WP03-4 Falling Trade Costs, Heterogeneous Firms, and Industry Dynamics
by Andrew B. Bernard & J. Bradford Jensen & Peter K. Schott - WP03-3 Survival of the Best Fit: Exposure to Low-Wage Countries and the (Uneven) Growth of US Manufacturing Plants
by Andrew B. Bernard & J. Bradford Jensen & Peter K. Schott - WP03-2 Is Germany Turning Japanese?
by Adam S. Posen - WP03-1 Debt Sustainability, Brazil, and the IMF
by Morris Goldstein
- WP02-6 Economic Issues Raised by Treatment of Takings Under NAFTA Chapter 11
by Edward M. Graham - WP02-5 Assessing Globalization's Critics: "Talkers Are No Good Doers???"
by Kimberly Ann Elliott & Debayani Kar & J. David Richardson - WP02-4 Towards a Sustainable FTAA: DOes Latin America Meet the Necessary Financial Preconditions?
by Liliana Rojas-Suarez - WP02-3 Home Bias, Transaction Costs, and Prospects for the Euro: A More Detailed Analysis
by Catherine L. Mann & Ellen E. Meade - WP02-2 Passive Savers and Fiscal Policy Effectiveness in Japan
by Kenneth N. Kuttner & Adam S. Posen - WP02-1 Moral Hazard and the US Stockmarket: Analyzing the "Greenspan Put"
by Marcus H. Miller & Paul Weller & Lei Zhang
- WP01-10 Can International Capital Standards Strengthen Banks in Emerging Markets?
by Liliana Rojas-Suarez - WP01-9 Macroeconomic Implications of the New Economy
by Martin Neil Baily - WP01-8 Finance and Changing US-Japan Relations: Convergence Without Leverage--Until Now
by Adam S. Posen - WP01-7 Beyond Bipolar: A Three-Dimensional Assessment of Monetary Frameworks
by Kenneth N. Kuttner & Adam S. Posen - WP01-6 Rating Banks in Emerging Markets: What Credit Rating Agencies Should Learn from Financial Indicators
by Liliana Rojas-Suarez - WP01-5 Unchanging Innovation and Changing Economic Performance in Japan
by Adam S. Posen - WP01-4 IMF Structural Conditionality: How Much is Too Much?
by Morris Goldstein - WP01-3 Foreign Direct Investment in China: Effects on Growth and Economic Performance
by Edward M. Graham & Erika Wada - WP01-2 Subsidies, Market Closure, Cross-Border Investment, and Effects on Competition: The Case of FDI in the Telecommunications Sector
by Edward M. Graham - WP01-1 Price Level Convergence and Inflation in Europe
by John H. Rogers & Gary Clyde Hufbauer & Erika Wada
- WP00-9 On Currency Crises and Contagion
by Marcel Fratzscher - WP00-8 Strengthening the International Financial Architecture: Where Do We Stand?
by Morris Goldstein - WP00-7 Transatlantic Issues in Electronic Commerce
by Catherine L. Mann - WP00-6 Inflation, Monetary Transparency, and G3 Exchange Rate Volatility
by Kenneth N. Kuttner & Adam S. Posen - WP00-5 How the Sick Man Avoided Pneumonia: The Philippines in the Asian Financial Crisis
by Marcus Noland - WP00-4 The New Asian Challenge
by C. Fred Bergsten - WP00-3 Electronic Commerce in Developing Countries
by Catherine L. Mann - WP00-2 International Economic Agreements and the Constitution
by Richard M. Goodman & John M. Frost - WP00-1 Regulatory Standards in the WTO
by Keith Maskus
- WP99-12 The Globalization of Services: What Has Happened? What are the Implications?
by Gary Clyde Hufbauer & Tony Warren - WP99-11 Hazards and Precautions: Tales of International Finance
by Gary Clyde Hufbauer & Erika Wada - WP99-10 Does Talk Matter After All? Inflation Targeting and Central Bank Behavior
by Kenneth N. Kuttner & Adam S. Posen - wp99-9 The Case for Joint Management of Exchange Rate Flexibility
by C. Fred Bergsten & Olivier Davanne & Pierre Jacquet - WP99-8 Sovereign Liquidity Crisis: The Strategic Case for A Payments Standstill
by Marcus H. Miller & Lei Zhang - WP99-7 Modeling Korean Unification
by Marcus Noland & Sherman Robinson & Tao Wang - WP99-6 The Global Trading System and the Developing Countries in 2000
by C. Fred Bergsten - WP99-5 Why EMU is Irrelevant for the German Economy
by Adam S. Posen - WP99-4 The Continuing Asian Financial Crisis: Global Adjustment and Trade
by Marcus Noland & Sherman Robinson & Zhi Wang - WP99-3 Competition Policy and FDI: A Solution in Search of a Problem?
by Marcus Noland - WP99-2 Famine in North Korea: Causes and Cures
by Marcus Noland & Sherman Robinson & Tao Wang - WP99-1 Rigorous Speculation: The Collapse and Revival of the North Korean Economy
by Marcus Noland & Sherman Robinson & Tao Wang
- WP98-7 The Relationship Between Trade and Foreign Investment: Empirical Results for Taiwan and South Korea
by Li-Gang Liu & Edward M. Graham - WP98-6 The Global Economic Effects of the Japanese Crisis
by Marcus Noland & Sherman Robinson & Zhi Wang - WP98-5 Local Government Spending: Solving the Mystery of Japanese Fiscal Packages
by Hiroko Ishii & Erika Wada - WP98-4 NAFTA Supplemental Agreements: Four Year Revie
by Jacqueline McFadyen - WP98-3 Fifty Years of the GATT/WTO: Lessons from the Past for Strategies for the Future
by C. Fred Bergsten - wp98-2 Asian Competitive Devaluations
by Li-Gang Liu & Marcus Noland & Sherman Robinson & Zhi Wang - WP98-1 The Costs and Benefits of Korean Unification
by Marcus Noland & Sherman Robinson & Li-Gang Liu
- WP97-5 The Economics of Korean Unification
by Marcus Noland & Sherman Robinson & Li-Gang Liu - WP97-4 Lessons from the Bundesbank on the Occasion of Its 40th (and Second to Last?) Birthday
by Adam S. Posen - WP97-3 Open Regionalism
by C. Fred Bergsten - WP97-2 US-Japan Civil Aviation: Prospects for Progress
by Jacqueline McFadyen - WP97-1 Chasing Phantoms: The Political Economy of USTR
by Marcus Noland - Working Paper Special (2) US Economic Sanctions: Their Impact on Trade, Jobs, and Wages
by Gary Clyde Hufbauer & Kimberly Ann Elliott & Tess Cyrus & Elizabeth Winston - Working Paper Special (1) Globalization and Productivity in the United States and Germany
by Catherine L. Mann
- WP96-15 Competitive Liberalization and Global Free Trade: A Vision for the Early 21st Century
by C. Fred Bergsten - WP96-14 Restructuring Korea's Financial Sector for Greater Competitiveness
by Marcus Noland - WP96-13 Some Unpleasant Arithmetic Concerning Unification
by Marcus Noland - WP96-12 APEC in 1996 and Beyond: The Subic Summit
by C. Fred Bergsten - WP96-7 The Market Structure Benefits of Trade and Investment Liberalization
by Raymond Atje & Gary Clyde Hufbauer - WP96-6 US-China Economic Relations
by Marcus Noland - WP96-5 China's Economic Reforms: Chronology and Statistics
by Gautam Jaggi & Mary Rundle & Daniel H. Rosen & Yuichi Takahashi - WP96-3 German Lessons for Korea: The Economics of Unification
by Marcus Noland - WP96-2 Public Policy, Private Preferences, and the Japanese Trade Pattern
by Marcus Noland
- WP95-6 China and the International Economic System
by Marcus Noland