2011, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 198-216 Perceptions and strategies in the negotiation process: a cross-cultural examination of USA, Vietnam and Malaysia
by Kathryn J. Ready & Mussie T. Tessema - 217-224 Fundacion Maquipucuna: an entrepreneurial Ecuadorian non-profit organisation
by Vanessa Ratten
2011, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-14 Entrepreneurship and rural development: role of street-level bureaucracy in India
by Madhusudana N. Rao - 15-29 Need for uniqueness as antecedents to purchase behaviour amongst Indian youth PAPER RETRACTED
by Arpita Khare & Meenakshi Handa - 30-43 The energy triangle of Japan, China and Russia: the political economics of Tokyo, Beijing and the East Siberian pipeline
by Tai Wei Lim - 44-53 Gender and the welfare state in China
by Tonia Warnecke - 54-72 Entrepreneurial activity of contemporary Ainu: an explanatory study
by Tatsuyoshi Masuda - 73-91 A comparative study between Japan and Korea on the diffusion process model for the IC-card system
by Donghun Yoon - 92-103 An ordered probit regression model for estimating the effects of demographic factors on rice consumption in Saudi Arabia
by Abdulla M. Alhemoud - 104-116 Self-service at UAE petrol forecourts: marketing in unfamiliar terrain?
by Nnamdi O. Madichie
2010, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 363-372 A study of Arab entrepreneurs in Christchurch, New Zealand
by Aamir Alsadiq - 373-387 Industry effects and micro firms' capital structure determinants empirical evidence from Swedish data
by Darush Yazdanfar & Linda Odlund - 388-410 Does country of foreign direct investment matter? A study of US and Japanese firms in India
by Umakrishnan Kollamparambil - 411-420 The acculturation and commercialisation of thematic holidays in the globalisation era
by Samuel K. Doss & Yong J. Wang - 421-435 Structure and performance of industries in Madhya Pradesh in India
by Gunjan Malhotra - 436-450 Customer perceived value and differences between customer's and firm's perception
by Irena Pandza & Claudio Vignali - 451-474 Leadership as a family affair: case of Lebanon
by Wafica Ghoul & Bernard Abou-Jaoude - 475-492 The global environment through the SLEPT framework
by Jaime Ortiz
2010, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 225-237 The future of strategic collaboration
by Frits D.J. Grotenhuis - 238-247 Entrepreneurship in Pakistan: government policy on SMEs, environment for entrepreneurship, internationalisation of entrepreneurs and SMEs
by Matthieu Chemin - 248-259 Customer orientation as corporate culture for improving customer satisfaction: evidence from the local authority sector
by Daniella Maria Ryding - 260-272 Managerial approaches to deal with corruption and bribery in a host country
by Achinto Roy - 273-279 An empirical examination of trade flows in the SAARC region
by P.R. Madhusoodanan - 280-296 The relationship between organisational behaviour and corporate entrepreneurship: an empirical study in Iran industries
by Arash Shahin & Behrouz Beheshtin - 297-303 Auctions and the New Zealand horse industry: What happens when global recession hits?
by Hannah Cunneen & Leo Paul Dana - 304-327 Novice founders and re-starters in Japanese business society
by Tatsuyoshi Masuda - 328-342 Changing cultural clusters: a research note
by Amir Shoham & Ilan Alon - 343-361 Equity and sustainable development
by Paul Dalziel & Caroline Saunders
2010, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 115-134 An exploratory comparison of US and international academically based entrepreneurship centres
by Michael R. Bowers & Ilan Alon - 135-146 Moving from creative to cultural industries: the case of the Australian wine sector
by David Aylward - 147-168 Entrepreneurs in learning networks: problems, opportunities and implications for program design
by Pontus Bergh - 169-187 Export barriers and internationalisation: evidence from SMEs in an emergent African economy
by John O. Okpara & Jean D. Kabongo - 188-199 Enron's Dabhol power project in India
by Achinto Roy - 200-210 The impact of timely succession planning on a firm's continuity: case of Lebanon
by Charbel Karam & Wafica Ghoul - 211-224 Financial analysis of Palestinian local government
by Rania Yaser Jaber & Nidal Rashid Sabri
2010, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 4-16 Developing entrepreneurial activity systems at the bottom of the pyramid
by Rebecca A. Luce - 17-30 Sustainable social development through innovations: understanding Indian cases
by Anita Sharma - 31-45 Micro-credit programmes, social capital and micro-enterprise performance
by Jasmine Tata & Sameer Prasad - 46-62 Comparative analysis of entrepreneurial growth strategies of two multinational conglomerates in emerging markets
by Refik Culpan & Ravi Chinta - 63-79 The role of innovation in value creation after spin-off in the USA
by Mina Lee & Thomas H. Brush & Jungpil Hahn - 80-89 Global corporate entrepreneurship: a conceptual model
by Daewoo Park & Hema A. Krishnan - 90-113 The impact of decision-maker's identity on SME internationalisation: Do origins matter?
by Lutz Sommer & Hans-Rudiger Kaufmann & Manuel Haug & Susanne Durst
2010, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 322-337 The handmaiden's tale: Japan's foreign investment as a reflection of its domestic economy
by Craig Freedman & Alexander Blair & Demi Chung - 338-358 Exogenous shocks and exchange rate management in developing countries: a theoretical analysis
by Syed Zahid Ali & Sajid Anwar - 359-398 New regionalism in Asia: the case of Singapore-Australia bilateral free trade agreement
by Rahul Sen - 399-412 Indian banking: changing landscape in a globalised era
by Milind Sathye - 413-434 Modelling the policy challenges confronting globalising developing countries
by Neil Dias Karunaratne
2010, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 208-221 The pursuit of Asian hegemony: a comparison of Chinese and Indian strategic objectives and containment policies
by Jeremy D. Moore - 222-236 Sino-Turkish relations in a globalising Asia-Pacific
by Rosita Dellios & Nadir Kemal Yilmaz - 237-249 Harmonisation of intellectual property: issues in the South Pacific
by Owen Morgan - 250-263 Averting Armageddon: in search of nuclear governance
by Joseph M. Siracusa - 264-278 D-company: a study of the crime-terror nexus in South Asia
by Ryan Clarke - 279-298 Developments of SMEs in Singapore's services and wholesale and retail sectors: issues and prospects
by Rosalind Chew - 299-313 The threat of chain stores to the character of an historic city's main street
by Stephen W. Litvin & Cassie Smid Jaffe
2010, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 95-109 Extent of globalisation in MENA countries: an empirical analysis
by Naeem Muhammad & Gwendolyn Rodrigues & Cedwyn Fernandes - 110-130 Global area conservation ideals versus the local realities of Reindeer Herding in Northernmost Finland
by Hannu Ilmari Heikkinen & Simo Sarkki & Mikko Jokinen & David Eric Fornander - 147-162 SMEs' knowledge development in foreign markets: the effects of knowledge intensity
by Sara Melen - 163-191 Ethnobanking in the USA: from antidiscrimination vehicles to transnational entities
by Gary Dymski & Wei Li & Carolyn Aldana & Hyeon-Hyo Ahn - 192-200 Respect for god's world: the Biblical and Rabbinic foundations of environmentalism
by Hershey H. Friedman & Yehuda L. Klein - 201-203 Who's wealthier: Entrepreneurs or employees?
by Michael Schaper & David Holloway & Hermina Burnett
2010, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 4-17 The dilemma of the Turkish Cypriot entrepreneur: the view from the 'Green Line'
by Karen Howells & Branka Krivokapic-Skoko - 18-34 The role of entrepreneurship- and technology transfer-oriented initiatives in improving the innovation system in the Western Balkans
by Rainer Harms & Malgorzata A. Wdowiak & Erich J. Schwarz - 35-54 Unleashing ethnic entrepreneurship: proactive policy-making in a changing Europe
by Harchand Singh Thandi & Kourosh Dini - 55-70 Serial entrepreneur and entrepreneurial learning – a case study from Finland
by Arto Kuuluvainen - 71-94 Entrepreneurial team characteristics and success of new technology-based firms in Germany
by Kirsti Dautzenberg & Guido Reger
2009, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 353-373 A Dutch-French comparison of dependence, trust and commitment in buyer-supplier relationships: a purchasing portfolio approach
by Mirjam I. Kibbeling & Cees J. Gelderman & Jan M. Ulijn & Arjan J. Van Weele & Richard Calvi - 374-400 Global brand's strategies for Ethical Brand Positioning in cross-cultural environment: an Indian context
by Mahim Sagar & Deepali Singh & D.P. Agrawal - 401-414 Customer perceptions of the dining market of East London, South Africa
by Dinesh Vallabh & Dimitri Tassiopoulos - 415-434 Causes of high volatility and stock market crises in the developed economies
by Nidal Rashid Sabri - 435-456 Contribution of the co-founder to new business performance
by Tatsuyoshi Masuda - 457-466 Differed Draw Business: a new philosophy for small entrepreneurial ventures
by Ganesh S. Hegde & N.S. Narahari
2009, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 237-255 Looking back at Scottish travellers as nomadic entrepreneurs?
by Robert Smith - 256-270 Entrepreneurship and neighbourhood among African Americans in Cleveland, Ohio
by David H. Kaplan & Bessie House-Soremekun - 271-287 State of entrepreneurship and globalisation in Pakistan
by Anjum Fayyaz & Sarfraz A. Mian & Jamshed H. Khan - 288-299 Gender differences in stress symptoms among Slovene managers
by Maja Mesko & Zlatka Mesko Stok & Petra Mijoc & Damir Karpljuk & Mateja Videmsek - 300-324 An empirical examination of alliances in the Australian technology industry
by Vanessa Ratten - 325-337 Relationship value in Thai business-to-business marketing: an empirical study
by Nattavud Pimpa - 338-351 International operations expansion to the South East European (SEE) markets: benefits, opportunities, challenges to consider
by Yunus Kathawala & Ivana Milosevic
2009, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 111-122 The international marketing of New Zealand merino wool: past, present and future
by Joseph D. Mitchell & Luke J. Smith & Leo-Paul Dana - 123-145 Agritourism sustainability in rural mountain areas of China: a community perspective
by Fujun Shen & Stuart P. Cottrell & Kenneth F.D. Hughey & Keith Morrison - 146-157 A study of Indian automotive vendors using cluster analysis
by Arvind Bhardwaj & S.K. Sharma & Sushil - 158-172 Rural entrepreneurship in post-communist Romania
by Calin Gurau - 173-187 CSR and social entrepreneurship: future global opportunities and challenges in Corporate Community Involvement strategies
by K. Nicolopoulou & M. Karatas-Ozkan - 188-206 The influence of cultural differences upon cooperation in a European Banking group: results from a study on mutual perception of bank employees across seven countries
by Jan M. Ulijn & Beatrice I.J.M. Van der Heijden & Raymond T. Festen - 207-213 Understanding Chinese management needs through ancient Chinese philosophy
by Marc Sardy & Ilan Alon - 214-235 A British and Italian case study on management philosophy
by Claudia Rasicci & Claudio Vignali
2009, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 4-21 Collective entrepreneurship and collective strategies: the case of tourism in France
by Katherine Gundolf & Annabelle Jaouen & Stephanie Loup - 22-46 The impact of entrepreneurs' cultural capital on early performance of new ventures: a comparison between Austria and Slovenia
by Erich J. Schwarz & Malgorzata A. Wdowiak & Robert J. Breitenecker & Ana Kuntaric - 47-65 A comparative study of cultural influences on intentions to found a new venture in Germany and Poland
by Ricarda B. Bouncken & Jevgenija Zagvozdina & Andreas Golze & Anna Mrozewska - 66-80 An integrated model of entrepreneurial intentions
by Tatiana Iakovleva & Lars Kolvereid - 81-93 Entrepreneurial strategies of small Romanian-Italian joint ventures
by Calin Gurau - 94-110 Ethnic enclaves or middleman minority? Regional patterns of ethnic minority entrepreneurship in Britain
by David McEvoy & Khalid Hafeez
2008, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 331-353 Community viability and well-being in northernmost Europe: social change and cultural encounters, sustainable development and food security in Finland's North
by Ludger Muller-Wille & Leo Granberg & Mika Helander & Lydia Heikkila & Anni-Siiri Lansman & Tuula Tuisku & Delia Berrouard - 354-372 What do teachers do when they do entrepreneurship education? …and How can we ask about it?
by Karin Berglund & Carina Holmgren - 373-402 Afghan women entrepreneurs: at the crossroads between globalisation and local traditions
by Ruxandra Boros - 403-418 Immigrant entrepreneurs in Lisbon: from diversity to Lusophony
by M. Margarida Marques & Nuno Dias - 419-436 Indigenous (Australian) entrepreneurship?
by Dennis Foley - 437-452 Usage and impact of Information Technology on the SSIs performance of Jammu region, North India
by Hardeep Chahal & Ruchi Kohli - 453-467 Target costing in a developing economy: Croatia's case
by Luca Devigili & Claudio Vignali & Dubravka Kopun - 468-493 Views, property rights, and New Zealand land reform
by John Page & Ann Brower - 494-497 Research note: Why a social impact study in Tanzania?
by Allen Nash
2008, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 209-226 Ethnicity and entrepreneurship in Morocco: a photo-ethnographic study
by Leo Paul Dana & Teresa E. Dana - 227-243 New business creation and growth and its spatial and sectoral components: a multivariate analysis of key variables, relationships and processes and their policy implications
by Jay Mitra & William Gleave - 244-264 The rise of women to leading positions in manufacturing SMEs from 1990 to 2005
by Pierre-Andre Julien & Martin Morin & Louise Cadieux - 265-274 The impact of communication and ethnicity on entrepreneurial success and education
by Yunxia Zhu & Beisheng Wang - 275-291 Anti-oriental legislation in early Saskatchewan and the development of small business
by Ken Leyton-Brown - 292-299 A comparison of entrepreneurial activity in the Netherlands, New Zealand and Singapore: a New Zealand perspective
by Bruce I. Donaldson - 300-309 Services marketing in the new global era: a case study of LIC
by Niladri Das - 310-329 Communication Planning: current situation analysis and future developments in different markets
by Claudio Vignali & Claudia Rasicci
2008, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 103-123 An overview of the relationship between the newly emerging field of International Entrepreneurship and the older fields of entrepreneurship and International Business
by Hamid Etemad - 124-132 The impact of age and reading on the desire for training of managers in entrepreneurial ventures
by George Solomon & David Tomczyk - 133-145 Organisational culture, national culture and performance in International Joint Ventures based in Israel
by Giora Avny & Alistair R. Anderson - 146-159 Impact of ethnicity on financing of immigrant businesses
by Sibylle Heilbrunn & Nonna Kushnirovich - 160-172 Tourism: a view from the fray: a Jamaican case study
by Stephen W. Litvin & Kadie-Ann Fyffe - 173-182 Identifying value hierarchies among indigenous women entrepreneurs in agriculture: a case of Iran
by Kiumars Zarafshani & Marjan J. Gorgievski & Khadigeh Moradi - 183-197 SME credit rationing: the case of Tunisia
by Mohamed Bouabidi & Mohamed Tahar Rajhi - 198-207 Three types of learning processes in entrepreneurship education
by Alain Fayolle
2008, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 5-27 Business education in emerging economies
by Ilan Alon & John R. McIntyre - 28-38 Entrepreneurship and education. The missing link in international development theory and practice
by Paul Dragos Aligica & Bogdan Florian - 39-55 A theoretical framework for teaching and learning entrepreneurship
by Paula Kyro - 56-71 Swedish inter-organisational learning network: outcomes in three dimensions
by Pontus Bergh - 72-91 The long-term effects of active entrepreneurial training on business school students' and graduates' attitudes towards entrepreneurship
by Jean-Charles Cachon & Barry Cotton - 92-102 Differences in attitudes toward business training: African-American female and male small business owners
by Warren Martin & Barbara A. Wech & John Sandefur
2007, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 451-465 A linguistic minority in Singapore
by Soon Beng Chew & Rosalind Chew - 466-492 Recognising and leveraging unique strengths of entrepreneurs in Malaysia
by Raduan Che Rose & Arfah Salleh & Naresh Kumar - 493-501 Tale of two Koreas
by Estelle Waechter & Vanessa Ratten - 502-521 A preliminary assessment of external support policy to new Japanese founders
by Tatsuyoshi Masuda - 522-535 The experience of privatisation in the Kyrgyz Republic
by Jyldyz Aknazarova - 536-543 Using path analysis to study factors involved in entrepreneurs' success in rural areas of Iran
by Ahmad Khatoonabadi & G.R. Andadeh - 544-552 Modalities for future prospects of small-scale agro-processing industries in India
by Pardip Singh Shehrawat
2007, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 311-327 Corruption in business: management theory and practice
by Achinto Roy - 328-344 In-group and out-group orientations and their relation to formation of Country of Origin Image stereotypes
by George Balabanis & Rene Dentiste Mueller & T.C. Melewar - 345-356 Indian women entrepreneurs in New Zealand
by Edwina Pio - 357-368 Making us marketable: reframing poverty through CED, ethnodevelopment and women's microenterprise
by Robyn Eversole - 369-390 The internationalisation of Portuguese SMEs
by Elisabeth T. Pereira - 391-403 Community initiatives for environment-based economic development in a depressed region: a case study from the West Coast of New Zealand
by Paul Dalziel & Caroline Saunders - 404-448 Building reservation economies: Cattle, American Indians and the American West
by J. Diane Pearson
2007, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 145-160 Social capital and business performance: ethnic enterprises in Canada
by Charles Perreault & Gabrielle A. Brenner & Teresa V. Menzies & Louis Jacques Filion & Charles Ramangalahy - 161-175 The value of the psychological capital of immigrant entrepreneurs
by Fred Luthans & Steven M. Norman & Susan M. Jensen - 176-221 Minority entrepreneurship in the USA
by Ying Lowrey - 222-240 Cuban-American entrepreneurs in Tampa, Florida: an evolutionary perspective
by Bella L. Galperin - 241-257 The new landscape of immigrant entrepreneurship in France
by Emmanuel Ma Mung & Bernard Dinh - 258-271 Nigerian restaurants in London: bridging the experiential perception/expectation gap
by Nnamdi O. Madichie - 272-292 Entrepreneurship in ethnic groups: the case of the multicultural city of Thessaloniki, Greece
by Panagiotis Piperopoulos & Theodor Ikonomu - 293-298 A study of Chinese-owned firms in New Zealand
by Yang Cao - 299-305 Research Note: Reviewing a childhood impression of British gypsy life through online search
by David Kilgour - 306-307 Book Review: The Handbook of Research on Ethnic Minority Enterprise
by Vanessa Ratten
2007, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 3-19 How do self-employed Sami people perceive the impact of the EU and globalisation?
by Leo Paul Dana & Teresa E. Dana - 20-33 The impact of ethnic-religious identification on buyer-seller behaviour: a study of two enclaves
by Curt H. Stiles & Carlos L. Rodriguez & Craig S. Galbraith - 34-50 A sub-economy in Montreal
by Morton Weinfeld - 51-59 Why do minorities launch businesses in Britain?
by Gozde Inal - 60-87 Growth and dynamics of unorganised industries in Punjab
by Lakhwinder Singh & Varinder Jain - 88-106 Influences on the survival and failure of small firms in Malaysia
by Graham Hall & Kalsom Abd. Wahab - 107-124 Mennonite communities in Belize
by Carel Roessingh - 125-142 Perceptions of the Andalusian independent retail sector
by Cathy Parker & Ruben Yuste Gimenez & J. Andres Coca-Stefaniak & John Byrom