2014, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 226-238 Does lack of timeliness explain low contemporaneous returns-earnings association?
by Jaouida Elleuch Trabelsi - 339-348 Assessing the cost of deposit insurance and moral hazard effect: evidence from banking sector in Sudan
by Ibrahim A. Onour - 349-366 Does income moderate between risk aversion, information search behaviour and risky decision-making behaviour of investor? A case from Pakistan
by Hifza Mahmood Rana & Saqib Murtaza & Fareeha Noor & Kashif ur Rehman - 367-386 How do investors' subscription rate and pattern affect underpricing? An empirical investigation for Indian IPOs
by Seshadev Sahoo
2014, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 95-111 Audit quality and cost of equity capital
by Rohaida Basiruddin & Prawat Benyasrisawat & Siti Zaleha Abdul Rasid - 112-140 Evolving efficiency of the Saudi Arabian stock market via Shannon entropy approach: a study on sector-based data
by Hela Ben Hamida - 141-162 IFRS adoption and the opinion of OHADA accountants
by Saidatou Dicko & Anne Fortin - 163-181 Financial sector reforms and economic growth: the West African experience
by Mohamed Jalloh - 182-202 Analysing security performance in Morocco and South Africa using CAPM
by William Coffie
2014, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-25 Standardisation of Islamic banking practices: a regulatory perspective
by Muhamed Zulkhibri & Reza Ghazal - 26-49 Behavioural factors influencing investment decisions in the Kenyan property market
by Nelson Maina Waweru & Geoffrey Gitau Mwangi & John M. Parkinson - 50-62 The effects of second language on ethical judgement in accounting
by Shahriar M. Saadullah & Zaki Abushawish & Rami Zeitun - 63-74 Real dividend - stock market price causality nexus: an application of Markov switching model
by Emmanuel Anoruo - 75-93 Underpricing, long-run performance and secondary-market liquidity: an empirical examination of Indian IPO market
by Kavita Wadhwa & Sudhakara Reddy Syamala & V. Nagi Reddy
2013, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 297-318 Role of organisational culture on performance measurement practice: the case of Malaysian manufacturing firms
by Muslim Har Sani Mohamad & Fazlin Ali & Amizawati Mohd Amir - 319-340 Corporate governance, ownership structure and voluntary disclosure: evidence from listed firms in Malaysia
by Poh-Ling Ho & Greg Tower & Grantley Taylor - 341-395 Corporate governance mechanisms and firm performance: a study of select Indian firms
by Pankaj Varshney & Vijay Kumar Kaul & V.K. Vasal
2013, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 195-207 Single and multiple risk factors in the Egyptian stock market
by Mohammed Fawzy Omran - 208-221 Asset pricing and co-skewness risk: evidence from India
by Sushma Vishnani - 222-240 Internal and external determinants of profitability of Islamic banks in Sudan: evidence from panel data
by Abuzar M.A. Eljelly - 241-257 Sukuk spreads determinants and pricing model methodology
by Nader Naifar & Slim Mseddi - 258-273 An investigation of return-volatility relationship using high-frequency VKOSPI data
by Debasis Bagchi & Changjun Lee & Doojin Ryu - 274-295 Value creation in going private transactions
by Pei-Ling Lee & Roy Wye Leong Khong & Suganthi Ramasamy
2012, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 105-120 Islamic banks' risk, profitability and risk disclosure
by Ashwag Dignah & Radziah Abdul Latiff & Aisyah Abdul Rahman - 121-135 Determinants of euro-dollar exchange rate: an empirical analysis
by Vivek Bhargava & Daniel Konku & Dheeraj Bhargava - 136-160 Momentum strategies, information diffusion, and investor conservatism in Asian-Pacific region
by Tony Chieh-Tse Hou & Phillip J. McKnight & Torng-Her Lee - 161-181 Financial instruments disclosure in an unregulated and regulated reporting environment: a proprietary cost perspective
by Faizah Darus & Indra Devi Rajamanoharan & Dennis Taylor - 182-194 Does one size fit all? An empirical investigation of board structure on family firms' financial performance
by Nirosha Hewa Wellalage & Stuart Locke & Frank Scrimgeour
2012, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-14 The role of leverage and stock-based variables in the prediction of cash flows and earnings - some evidence from India
by Santanu Das - 15-33 A study to examine the determinants of job satisfaction for professional accountants in Tanzania
by Rogatus L. Mpeka - 34-68 Determinants of personal saving: a study of salaried individuals in Thailand
by Preecha Swasdpeera & I.M. Pandey - 69-88 IPO underpricing and their determinants: penny stocks versus non-penny stocks
by Daniel Konku & Vivek Bhargava - 89-104 Regulation and risk taking in the banking industry: evidence from Tunisia
by Amel Belanes & Afef Ben Hajiba
2011, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 283-298 The governance role of the financial information: empirical evidence in the Tunisian context
by Nesrine Klai & Abdelwahed Omri - 299-332 Rethinking the antecedents of capital structure of Johannesburg Securities Exchange listed firms
by Tesfaye T. Lemma & Minga Negash - 333-348 Corporate governance and corporate performance in selected companies in Nigeria
by Chinwuba A. Okafor & Peter Okoeguale Ibadin - 349-368 Efficiency of public sector banks operating in India: post-reforms period analysis
by Namita Rajput & Monika Gupta
2011, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 185-209 The 2007 global financial crisis and the Malaysian stock market: a sectoral analysis
by Salina H. Kassim & M. Shabri Abd. Majid & Zarinah Hamid - 210-229 Promoting a greater financial stability after the 1997 and subprime crisis: exploring the opportunity of a regional monetary unit in East Asia
by Yves Rannou - 230-247 Market interdependence before, during, and after the 2007 US subprime crisis: evidence from index futures markets
by Debasis Bagchi & Doojin Ryu - 248-269 Financial performance, environmental performance and environmental disclosure: the case of Tunisian firms
by Montacer Belhaj & Salma Damak-Ayadi - 270-282 Impact of stock splits on stock price performance of selected companies in Indian context
by Kavita Chavali & Zaiby Zahid
2010, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 89-106 Dividend collectors and negative cash dividends: evidence from Istanbul Stock Exchange
by Berna Kirkulak - 107-134 An analytical study on value creation in Indian bank mergers
by B. Rajesh Kumar & K.M. Suhas - 135-153 The implementation of activity-based costing and the financial performance of the Jordanian industrial shareholding companies
by Husam Aldeen Al-Khadash & Mahmoud Nassar - 154-182 A critical analysis of auditors' perception of the impact of Section 404 of the Sarbanes Oxley Act on audit quality: an Egyptian perspective
by Mohamed Hegazy & Noha Abou Kamer
2010, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-21 Loan loss reserves of weakly provisioned banks: evidence from major Tunisian banks
by Neila Boulila Taktak & Abdelkader Boudriga & Dhouha Nefla Ajmi - 22-39 Corporate governance mechanisms and firms' financial performance in Nigeria
by Ahmadu U. Sanda & Aminu S. Mikailu & Tukur Garba - 40-69 Bank efficiency measurement using alternative techniques of frontier analysis: evidence from India
by Muneesh Kumar & Padmasai Arora - 70-87 The perceived importance of electronic sources of financial information to individual investors in Egypt: an empirical investigation
by Abdelmohsen M. Desoky
2009, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 295-305 Efficiency of the foreign exchange markets in South Asia
by Abdullah M. Noman & Minhaz U. Ahmed - 306-321 An investigation of long-run dynamic relationship of Korean and Indian futures indexes
by Debasis Bagchi - 322-332 Testing the arbitrage pricing theory in an emerging stock market: the case of Mauritius
by Sunil K. Bundoo - 333-352 An empirical analysis of auditors' evidence gathering techniques in Bahrain
by Prem Lal Joshi & Ashutosh Deshmukh - 353-366 Accounting education in developing countries: can accounting expert systems be an alternative/support solution to instructor-based teaching?
by Helmi Hammami & Hassouna Fedhila
2009, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 199-214 Ultimate ownership, investor protection and firm valuation: evidence for Asian countries non-financial firms
by Hela Ben Hamida & Chokri Mamoghli - 215-234 Optimal trading range and firm value around the Asian financial crisis
by Yunieta Anny Nainggolan - 235-250 The impact of lending relationship on risk premium and credit availability: evidence from Tunisia
by Meryem Bellouma & Abdelwahed Omri & Sami Bennaceur - 251-265 Financial integration of GCC capital markets: evidence of non-linear cointegration
by Ibrahim A. Onour - 266-294 Firm-specific determinants of the extent of compliance with international accounting standards in the corporate annual reports of companies listed on the Egyptian Stock Exchange: a positive accounting approach
by Khaled Samaha & Pamela Stapleton
2008, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 107-128 The influence of economic fluctuations on corporate financing decisions: South African evidence
by Ludwig Franz Martin Reinhard & Steven Li - 129-139 Forecasting volatility in Gulf Cooperation Council emerging markets: the predictive power of alternative models
by Ibrahim A. Onour - 140-150 Effect of futures trading on spot price volatility: evidence for NSE Nifty using GARCH
by Sathya Swaroop Debasish - 151-161 Dividend policy choice: do earnings or investment opportunities matter?
by Huson Joher Ali Ahmed & Junaid M. Shaikh - 162-179 The impact of differences in ambiguity tolerance on accounting standard interpretation: implications and responses
by Edward Leung & Noel Harding - 180-198 Corporate governance and earnings management: evidence from Iran
by Bita Mashayekhi
2008, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 6-16 Firm leverage and the private benefits of control in Chinese firms
by Zhang Zhaoguo & He Weifeng & Chen Jing - 17-25 What drives short-term GCC stock market returns? Empirical evidence from fat-tailed distribution
by Ibrahim A. Onour - 26-39 FII share and bank performance: an empirical analysis of Indian banks
by Umakrishnan Kollamparambil & Indrani Banerjee - 40-66 Compliance with International Accounting Standards in a national context: some empirical evidence from the Cairo and Alexandria Stock Exchanges
by Khaled Samaha & Pam Stapleton - 67-80 An empirical study on the relationship between ownership and firm performance: Taiwan evidence
by Yu-Chih Lin & Shaio Yan Huang & Shu-Chao Young - 81-104 Liberalisation and the value relevance of accrual accounting information: evidence from the Johannesburg securities exchange
by Minga Negash - 105-106 Book Review: Accounting for Governmental and Nonprofit Entities by Earl R. Wilson, Susan C. Kattelus and Jacqueline L. Reck
by Siriyama Kanthi Herath