Fall 1981, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 629-655 Italy: Economists in a Weak Political System
by Franco Ferraresi & Giuseppe Ferrari - 656-680 Brazil: Economists in a Bureaucratic-Authoritarian System
by Paulo Roberto Haddad
Summer 1981, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 179-188 Bertil Ohlin, 1899–1979
by Otto Steiger - 189-255 Stockholm and Cambridge: Four Papers on the Monetary and Employment Theory of the 1930s
by Bertil Ohlin - 256-277 Unemployment, Keynes, and the Stockholm School
by Bent Hansen - 279-284 Clark Warburton, 1896–1979
by Leland B. Yeager - 285-299 Monetary Disequilibrium Theory in the First Half of the Twentieth Century
by Clark Warburton - 301-308 William Jaffé, 1898–1980
by Vincent J. Tarascio - 309-312 A Bibliography of the Writings of William Jaffé
by Vincent J. Tarascio - 313-336 Another Look at Léon Walras's Theory of Tâtonnement
by William Jaffé
Spring 1981, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-18 The Origin of Rent in Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations: an Anti-Neoclassical View
by J. M. A. Gee - 19-38 Banknotes Versus Gold: The Monetary Theory of Thomas Attwood in his Early Writings, 1816–19
by David J. Moss - 39-54 Malthus' Theological Ideas and their Influence on his Principle of Population
by J. M. Pullen - 55-79 Malthus' Principles and British economic thought, 1820–1835
by Salim Rashid - 80-94 The Fiends of Commerce: Romantic and Marxist criticisms of classical political economy
by Cheyney C. Ryan - 95-120 British Thought on the Influence of Foreign Trade and Investment on Growth, 1800–1880
by Arthur I. Bloomfield - 121-155 Marxian Economics as ‘General Equilibrium’ Theory
by Samuel Hollander - 156-158 Veblen on Owners, Managers, and the Control of Industry: A Rejoinder
by Malcolm Rutherford
Winter 1980, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 469-488 The Economic Thought of Frederick Soddy
by Herman E. Daly - 489-498 A Note on Risk Taking, Entrepreneurship, and Schumpeter
by S. M. Kanbur - 499-523 Keynesianism vs. Monetarism in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century France
by Charles P. Kindleberger - 524-541 Three Forms of Resistance to Statistics: Say, Cournot, Walras
by Claude Ménard - 542-557 Frank A. Fetter and ‘Austrian’ Business Cycle Theory
by Gerald P. O'Driscoll, Jr. - 558-581 Primogeniture, Entails, and Endowments in English Classical Economics
by William L. Miller - 582-587 The Role of Nominal Wage Contracts in Keynes' General Theory
by Reuven Brenner - 588-609 The Culture and the Economists: Some Reflections on Anglo-American Differences
by A. W. Coats - 610-619 Toward a Theory of the History of Economics
by Craufurd D. Goodwin
Fall 1980, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 303-315 Lauchlin Currie and the Causes of the 1937 Recession
by Byrd L. Jones - 316-335 Causes of the Recession
by Lauchlin B. Currie - 336-371 The Active Role of ‘Use Value’ in Marx's Economic Analysis
by Shalom Groll - 372-382 ‘Uncertainty’ in Keynes' General Theory
by Mark Stohs - 383-395 Torrens, McCulloch, and the “Digression on Sismondi†: whose digression?
by D. P. O'Brien & A. C. Darnell - 411-419 A Rejoinder
by D. P. O'Brien & A. C. Darnell - 420-433 The International Transmission of Ideas: A Small-Country Case Study
by Mogens Boserup - 434-440 Veblen on Owners, Managers, and the Control of Industry
by Malcolm Rutherford - 441-448 Veblen on Owners, Managers, and the Control of Industry: A Reply
by John S. Evans & Charles G. Leathers
Summer 1980, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 141-160 Politics and Political Economy in the Thought of the Ideologues
by Thomas E. Kaiser - 161-173 Bickerdike's Monetary Growth Theory
by Vincent J. Tarascio - 174-205 English Historical Economics and the Emergence of Economic History in England
by Gerard M. Koot - 206-213 Chaining Leviathan: the Case of Gladstonian Finance
by Barry Baysinger & Robert Tollison - 214-233 A. T. Hadley on Monopoly Theory and Railway Regulation: an American Contribution to Economic Analysis and Policy
by Melvin Cross & Robert B. Ekelund, Jr. - 234-242 In Defense of Thomas Aquinas and the Just Price
by David D. Friedman - 243-266 Joseph S. Davis: “The Evolution of one Economist's Workâ€
by Saul Engelbourg - 267-276 Some Recent Interpretations of Mathematical Psychics
by John Creedy - 277-281 Some Recent Interpretations of Mathematical Psychics: a Reply
by Vincent J. Tarascio - 282-290 Money and Locke's Theory of Property
by John A. Weymark
Spring 1980, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-28 New Materials on the Development of Keynes’ Monetary Thought
by Don Patinkin - 29-40 Wicksell's Missing Equation, the Production Function, and the Wicksell Effect
by Bo Sandelin - 41-64 Is Frank Knight the Victor in the Controversy Between the two Cambridges?
by Wilfredo Santiago Valiente - 65-82 Irving Fisher on the Financial Economics of Uncertainty
by John H. Crockett, Jr. - 83-96 Economic Growth and the Poor in Malthus’ Essay on Population
by Geoffrey Gilbert - 97-123 Economic Dynamics and the Theory of Steady Growth: An Historical Essay on Harrod's ‘Knife-edge'
by J. A. Kregel
Winter 1979, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 459-476 A Reconsideration of the Additions to Mill's “Great Chapterâ€
by Dennis R. Appleyard & James C. Ingram - 477-500 Mill's “Superstructure†: How Well does it Stand up?
by John S. Chipman - 500-504 Further Thoughts on Mill's “Great Chapter†: A Reply
by Dennis R. Appleyard & James C. Ingram - 505-544 The Role in Parliament of the Economic Ideas of Adam Smith, 1776–1800
by Kirk Willis - 545-571 Utilitarianism and the Labor Theory of Value: A Critique of the Ideas of William Thompson
by E. K. Hunt - 572-587 David Hume and Monetary Adjustment
by Michael I. Duke - 588-605 Pigou: an extension of Sidgwickian thought
by Margaret G. O'Donnell - 606-607 The Beeke good: A Note on the Origins of the “Giffen Goodâ€
by Salim Rashid
Fall 1979, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 317-362 Continuity and Change in the Evolution of Marx's Theory of Alienation: From the manuscripts Through the Grundrisse to Capital
by John E. Elliott - 363-381 Resource Transferal in the Developing Economy: A Critique of the Classical Position
by Carl W. Hale - 382-394 Marx as an Historian of Economic Thought
by J.E. King - 395-405 The Concept of Indexation and Monetary Theory
by Reuven Brenner - 406-424 International Trade and Economic Development in the Work of J. A. Hobson Before 1914
by P. J. Cain
Summer 1979, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 179-191 Adam Smith and the American Revolutionists
by William D. Grampp - 192-198 Modern Economics As a Chapter in the History of Economic Thought
by Robert L. Heilbroner - 199-212 George Darwin, Jevons, and The Rate of Interest
by Klaus Hinrich Hennings - 213-239 Sir Edwin Chadwick on Competition and the Social Control of Industry: Railroads
by Robert B. Ekelund, Jr. & Edward O. Price III - 240-253 The Pattern of Citations in Economic Theory 1945–68: An Exploration Towards a Quantitative History of Thought
by Michael David Bordo & Daniel Landau - 254-270 Elements in Talmudic Monetary Thought
by Yehoshua Liebermann - 271-285 Alternative Views of Mengerian Entrepreneurship
by Dolores Tremewan Martin - 286-302 Aspects of Marx's Grundrisse as Intellectual Foundations for a Major Theme of Capital
by Allen Oakley - 303-308 Forchheimer on Partial Monopoly
by Gavin C. Reid
Spring 1979, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-1 Ronald Lindley Meek, 1917–1978
by Andrew Skinner - 1-20 The Pattern of Citation Practices in Economics
by George J. Stigler & Claire Freidland - 21-29 The German hegemony of location theory: a puzzle in the history of economic thought
by Mark Blaug - 30-63 Core Demi-Core Interaction: Toward a General Theory of Disciplinary and Subdisciplinary Growth
by Joseph V. Remenyi - 64-93 Henry George's System of Political Economy
by Charles Collier - 94-116 Bilateral Monopoly, Tariff Reform, and the Teaching of Economics: The Neglected Contribution of Langford Price (1862–1950)
by A. Petridis - 117-146 Three Stages in Marx's Thought
by Murray Wolfson - 147-157 The Invention of New Marxes to Debunk: A Comment on Wolfson's “Three Stages in Marx's Thoughtâ€
by E. K. Hunt - 157-165 Mr. Hunt and Mr. Marx: A Reply by Murray Wolfson
by Murray Wolfson
Winter 1978, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 509-524 Lauchlin Currie, Pump Priming, and New Deal Fiscal Policy, 1934-1936
by Byrd L. Jones - 525-533 Comments on Pump Priming
by Lauchlin Currie - 534-540 Federal Income-Increasing Expenditures, 1932-1935
by Lauchlin Currie & Martin Krost - 541-548 Comments and Observations
by Lauchlin Currie - 549-576 Patinkin, Keynes, and aggregate supply and demand analysis
by David L. Roberts - 577-596 Keynes’ Aggregate Supply Function: A Plea for Common Sense1
by Don Patinkin - 597-607 The Italian Contribution to the Four-Stages Theory
by Enzo Pesciarelli - 608-635 The Impact of Growth and Technology on Trade in Nineteenth-Century British Thought
by Arthur I. Bloomfield - 636-668 French Engineers, Welfare Economics, and Public Finance in the Nineteenth Century
by Robert B. Ekelund, Jr. & Robert F. Hébert - 669-678 Cantillon Versus Marx: The Land Theory and the Labor Theory of Value
by Hans Brems
Fall 1978, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 353-388 On the Formulation of Monetary Theory∗
by Bertil Ohlin & Hans J. Brems & William P. Yohe - 389-397 Substantive Changes in the Final Version of Ohlin's 1933 Paper
by Otto Steiger - 398-412 What was New in Ohlin's 1933–34 Macroeconomics?
by Hans Brems - 413-418 Some Observations on Ohlin's 1933 Article
by Don Patinkin - 419-419 A Comment
by Hans Brems - 420-446 Prelude to the Theory of a Monetary Economy: Origins and Significance of Ohlin's 1933 Approach
by Otto Steiger - 447-453 Ohlin's 1933 Reformation of Monetary Theory
by William P. Yohe - 454-490 Carl Snyder, Pioneer Economic Statistician and Monetarist
by George Garvy
Summer 1978, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 193-212 Henry Thornton and the Development of Ricardo's Economic Thought
by Charles F. Peake - 213-232 Der Zukunftsstaat: Carl Ballod's vision of a leisure-oriented socialism
by Nicholas W. Balabkins - 233-257 Campillo's pragmatic New System: A Mercantile and Utilitarian Approach to Indian Reform in Spanish Colonies of the Eighteenth Century
by Josefina Cintrón Tiryakian - 258-270 David Robinson and the Tory macroeconomics of Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine
by Salim Rashid - 271-285 Some Normative Aspects of the Malthusian Controversy
by David Levy - 286-297 The Editor of the Second Edition of T. R. Malthus' Principles of Political Economy
by John M. Pullen - 298-314 Economists in Government: A Research Field for the Historian of Economics
by A. W. Coats - 315-321 A Note Interpreting Cournot's Economics by his General Epistemology
by George F. Rhodes, Jr. - 322-328 J. E. Cairnes' Methodology in Theory and Practice
by Abraham Hirsch - 328-331 Reply
by Michael David Bordo
Spring 1978, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-8 Introduction by the Editors
by Jacob Viner - 9-45 Chapter One: The Economic Doctrines of the Christian Fathers1
by Jacob Viner - 46-113 Chapter Two: The Economic Doctrines of the Scholastics
by Jacob Viner - 114-150 Chapter Three: Secularizing Tendencies in Catholic Social Thought from the Renaissance to the Jansenist-Jesuit Controversy
by Jacob Viner - 151-189 Chapter Four: Protestantism and the Rise of Capitalism
by Jacob Viner
Spring 1977, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 191-192 Appendix: Protestant Casuistics
by Jacob Viner
Winter 1977, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 455-475 Pierre-Louis Roederer, Jean-Baptiste Say, and the Concept of Industrie
by Michael James - 476-489 Winners and Losers: Some Paradoxes in Monetary History Resolved and Some Lessons Unlearned
by Will E. Mason - 490-503 Some Conceptual Relationships in Capital
by Stephen Merrett - 504-521 Justum Pretium: One More Round in an “Endless Seriesâ€
by Stephen T. Worland - 522-534 The Genesis of Chamberlinian Monopolistic Competition Theory
by Thomas P. Reinwald - 535-547 Some Initial Formulations of the Monetary Growth-Rate Rule
by George S. Tavlas - 548-559 Marx and Darwin
by Enrique M. Ureña - 560-587 Irving Fisher, F. D. R., and the Great Depression
by William R. Allen
Fall 1977, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 303-321 Malthus on Sticky Wages, the Upper Turning Point, and General Glut
by Louis A. Dow - 322-345 Value Theory in the Writings of the Classical Economists, Thomas Hodgskin, and Karl Marx
by E. K. Hunt - 346-365 Richard Jones's Contribution to the Theory of Rent
by William L. Miller - 366-383 Malthus’ Model of General Gluts
by Salim Rashid - 384-411 Ashley's and Taussig's Lectures on the History of Economic Thought at Harvard, 1896–1897
by Warren J. Samuels - 412-441 William Forster Lloyd—a non-Ricardian?
by Richard M. Romano
Summer 1977, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 161-197 Some Neglected Aspects of Alfred Marshall's Economic and Social Thought
by John K. Whitaker - 198-214 The Birth of Léon Walras's Eléments
by William Jaffé - 215-236 Benthamism and the demise of Classical economic Ordnungspolitik
by Frank Petrella - 237-255 Veblen and Schumpeter on imperialism
by Dale L. Cramer & Charles G. Leathers - 256-272 Some Public-Choice Aspects of Hobbes's Political Thought
by Laurence S. Moss - 273-282 John A. Hobson and the Theory of Discriminating Monopoly
by W. P. Culbertson, Jr. & R. B. Ekelund, Jr. - 283-284 On the Origins of the Balanced-Budget-Multiplier Theorem
by Harold M. Somers - 285-289 Response By Walter S. Salant
by Walter S. Salant
Spring 1977, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-47 Ricardo and the Corn Laws: A Revision
by Samuel Hollander - 48-88 Economics, Economists, and Economic Policy: Modern American Experiences
by William R. Allen - 89-121 Economists and Policymaking 1930–1936: Sweden's Experience
by C. G. Uhr - 122-143 Economics and Economists in the Formation of a Monetary Policy for India, 1873–1893
by S. Ambirajan
Winter 1976, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 439-477 New Light on Adam Smith's Glasgow Lectures on Jurisprudence
by Ronald L. Meek - 478-493 Adam Smith's Heavenly City
by Henry W. Spiegel - 494-514 Smith's Growth Paradigm
by Ralph Anspach - 515-539 Adam Smith's Economics of Politics
by E. G. West - 540-563 Customs Unions: Trade Creation and Trade Diversion in Historical Perspective
by Denis O'Brien - 564-574 The Economics of Adam Smith: Professor Hollander's Reappraisal
by Laurence S. Moss
Fall 1976, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 311-323 Knut Wicksell's “The Two Population Questionsâ€
by Monica S. Fong - 324-340 The Teaching of Monetary Economics in the Early 1900's: Insight into the Development of Monetary Theory
by Warren J. Samuels & Andrew Gray - 341-366 Bertil Ohlin and the Origins of the Keynesian Revolution
by Otto Steiger - 367-379 Marginalism and Linear Economics East and West
by Gerhard Tintner & Peter Peek - 380-399 Monetary Theory in Ferdinando Galiani's Della moneta
by Filippo Cesarano - 400-411 From the Years of High Theory: Frederik Zeuthen (1888–1959)
by Hans Brems - 412-427 The U.S. Presidential Libraries and the History of Political Economy
by James L. Cochrane - 428-434 Keynes’ Employment Function Reexamined
by Barbara Henneberry & James G. Witte
Summer 1976, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 151-184 Marx and Contemporary Models of Socialist Economy
by John E. Elliott - 185-194 Marget on the Issue of Inconsistency in the Theories of Prices
by Will E. Mason - 195-206 The a Posteriori Method and the Creation of New Theory: W. C. Mitchell as a Case Study
by Abraham Hirsch - 207-234 James Mill and the Early Development of Comparative Advantage
by William O. Thweatt - 235-251 Ricardo and the Iron Law: A Correction of the Record
by David Levy - 252-265 Hume and Viner on the International Adjustment Mechanism
by Charles E. Staley - 266-273 Dupuit and Marginal Utility: Context of the Discovery
by Robert B. Ekelund, Jr. & Robert F. Hebert - 274-277 A Note on Dupuit's Bridges and the Theory of Marginal Cost Pricing
by Alan Abouchar - 278-296 William Bradford Greene and his System of “Mutual Bankingâ€
by Bowman N. Hall - 297-302 The Rehabilitation of the Peasant Proprietor in Nineteenth-Century Economic Thought: A Comment
by David E. Martin
Spring 1976, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 4-6 Dramatis Personae as of 1931
by Don Patinkin - 7-10 Introduction
by Don Patinkin - 11-25 Differences and Similarities: Some General Observations
by Don Patinkin - 26-32 From the Tract to the Treatise
by Don Patinkin - 33-43 The Theoretical Framework of the Treatise: The Fundamental Equations
by Don Patinkin - 44-49 The Theoretical Framework of the Treatise: The Dynamic Analysis, the Quantity Theory, and Wicksell
by Don Patinkin - 50-53 Some Further Reflections on the Fundamental Equations
by Don Patinkin - 54-63 From the Treatise to the General Theory: Criticism and Development
by Don Patinkin - 64-82 From the Treatise to the General Theory: The Development of the Theory of Effective Demand
by Don Patinkin - 83-94 The Theory of Effective Demand in the General Theory
by Don Patinkin - 95-107 The Conceptual Framework of the General Theory: I
by Don Patinkin - 108-119 The Conceptual Framework of the General Theory: II
by Don Patinkin - 120-137 Theory and Policy in Keynes' Monetary Thinking
by Don Patinkin - 138-143 After the General Theory
by Don Patinkin
Winter 1975, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 399-433 Kuhn Versus Lakatos, or Paradigms Versus Research Programmes in the History of Economics
by Mark Blaug - 434-455 Innovations and their Recognition in Social Science
by Joseph Ben-David - 456-481 Problems in the Economist's Conceptualization of Technological Innovation
by Nathan Rosenberg - 482-498 The Development of Communication Theory in Political Science
by Karl W. Deutsch - 499-529 New Causal Theory: An Elite Specialty in Social Science
by Nicholas C. Mullins - 530-548 “Uncertainty†and the Keynesian Revolution
by E. Roy Weintraub - 549-565 On the History of the Mathematical Theory of Games
by Norfleet W. Rives, Jr.
Fall 1975, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 279-292 Frank Knight's Social Economics
by Arthur Schweitzer - 293-298 Schumpeter on Preserving Private Enterprise
by Michael G. Prime & David R. Henderson - 299-311 The “Classical Dichotomy†in Ricardian Economics
by M. A. Akhtar - 312-336 T. E. Cliffe Leslie, Irish Social Reform, and the Origins of the English Historical School of Economics
by Gerard M. Koot - 337-359 John E. Cairnes on the Effects of the Australian Gold Discoveries, 1851–73: An Early Application of the Methodology of Positive Economics
by Michael David Bordo - 360-371 A Quantitative Study of the Breakdown and Resurrection of the Monetary Tradition in Economics
by Galen Burghardt, Jr. - 372-378 A Note on the Division of Labor in Plato and Smith
by Paul J. McNulty - 379-389 Smith and the Greeks: A Reply to Professor McNulty's comments
by Vernard Foley
Summer 1975, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 137-155 Inflation Theories of the SCAP Period
by Martin Bronfenbrenner - 156-173 Thomas Jefferson on Money and Banking: Disciple of David Hume and Forerunner of Some Modern Monetary Views
by Clifton B. Luttrell