Winter 1986, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 579-600 Hegel and the Riddle of Poverty: The Limits of Bourgeois Political Economy
by Robert Fatton, Jr. - 601-616 Money: Menger's Evolutionary Theory
by Gerald P. O'Driscoll, Jr. - 617-637 Clarence Ayres and his Gospel of Technology
by Floyd B. McFarland - 639-653 A Reconstruction of Marshall's Temporary Equilibrium Pricing Model
by Philip L. Williams - 655-660 The Authorship of Campomanes' Discurso Sobre el Fomento de la Industria Popular: A Note
by Donald R. Street - 661-668 Caldwell on Praxeology and its Critics: A Reappraisal
by Abraham Hirsch - 669-673 Flirting with Apriorism: Caldwell on Mises
by Eugene Rotwein - 675-681 Towards a Broader Conception of Criticism
by Bruce J. Caldwell
Fall 1986, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 365-382 The Impartial Spectator and Natural Jurisprudence: An Interpretation of Adam Smith's Theory of the Natural Price
by Jeffrey T. Young - 383-404 Sir John William Lubbock's On Currency—“An Interesting Book by a Still More Interesting Manâ€
by James P. Henderson - 405-417 Three Precursors of Modern Theories of Old-Age Pensions: A Contribution to the History of Social-Policy Doctrines
by J⊘rn Henrik Petersen - 419-441 Marx and Keynes on Effective Demand and Unemployment
by Claudio Sardoni - 443-454 Understanding the Significance of Piero Sraffa's Standard Commodity: A Note on the Marxian Notion of Surplus
by Pier Luigi Porta - 455-462 Professor Porta on the Significance of Understanding Sraffa's Standard Commodity and the Marxian Theory of Surplus: A Comment
by Peter Groenewegen - 463-469 ‘From Marx to Sraffa’: Comments on an Article by P. L. Porta and the Marxian Theory of Surplus: A Comment
by Gilles Dostaler - 471-478 ‘Understanding Sraffa's Standard Commodity’: A Comment
by Gilbert Faccarello - 479-484 Understanding the Significance of Piero Sraffa's Standard Commodity: A Rejoinder
by Pier Luigi Porta - 485-495 Charles Ellet, Jr., and the Theory of Optimal Input Choice
by Christopher Ross Bell - 497-513 Karl Marx and the Depletion of Human Capital as Open-Access Resource
by Murray Wolfson & Ze'ev B. Orzech & Susan Hanna - 515-521 Gladstonian Finance and the Virginia School of Public Finance: Comment
by Charles G. Leathers - 523-529 Aristotle as a Welfare Economist: A Comment, with a Reply by Stephen T. Worland
by Richard Temple-Smith
Summer 1986, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 187-235 On Malthus's Population Principle and Social Reform
by Samuel Hollander - 237-257 The Balance-of-Payments Adjustment Mechanism: The Doctrine According to Ohlin
by M. June Flanders - 259-279 “A Private, Perhaps, but not a Major …†: The Reception of C. H. Douglas's Social Credit Ideas in Britain, 1919–1939
by H. I. Dutton & J. E. King - 281-290 Forestry Economics in the Steady State: The Contribution of J. H. von Thünen
by Peter Manz - 291-305 John Locke and the Rise of Capitalism
by Neil J. Mitchell - 307-324 William Leggett: Jacksonian Editorialist as Classical Liberal Political Economist
by Lawrence H. White - 325-333 Senior's ‘Last Hour’: Suggested Explanation of a Famous Blunder
by J. Bradford DeLong
Spring 1986, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-32 The Emigration of the Austrian Economists
by Earlene Craver - 33-47 Romanticism and Neo-Romanticism in Political Economy
by G. Vandewalle - 49-64 W. S. Jevons and Lardner's Railway economy
by Samuel Bostaph & Yeung-Nan Shieh - 65-85 Expository Marxism and Comparative Economic Dynamics
by Larry Samuelson & Murray Wolfson - 87-110 Otto Bauer's ‘Accumulation of Capital’ (1913)
by J. E. King - 111-131 Agency or Alienation? Smith, Mill, and Marx on the Joint-Stock Company
by James P. Henderson - 133-154 Correspondence Between Malthus and his Parents
by John M. Pullen - 155-170 Marx, the Quantity Theory, and the Theory of Value
by Don Lavoie
Winter 1985, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 507-521 The Morning Chronicle, Poor Laws, and Political Economy
by Geoffrey Gilbert - 523-550 Jeffersonian Political Economy and the Classical Republican Tradition: Jefferson, Taylor, and the Agrarian Republic
by Andrew W. Foshee - 551-574 Heterogeneous Labour, Money Wages, and Marx's Theory
by Ian Steedman - 575-590 Method, Analysis, and Politics in Max Weber: Disentangling Marxian Affinities and Differences
by James W. Russell - 591-618 The consistency of Marx's categories of productive and unproductive labour
by David Leadbeater - 619-635 Harrod on Harrod: The Evolution of ‘a Line of Steady Growth’
by A. Asimakopulos - 637-649 Veblen and Commons on Goodwill: A Case of Theoretical Divergence
by A. M. Endres - 651-655 An error in Marx's Capital II: Fixed Capital in Kind
by A. B. Lyall
Fall 1985, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 337-353 Some Reactions to Jevons' Mathematical Program: The Case of Cairnes and Mill
by Margaret Schabas - 355-366 Wicksell on Technical Change and Real Wages
by William Coleman - 367-384 The Role of Profits in Physiocratic Economics
by Gianni Vaggi - 385-389 Keynes and the Keynesian cross: a note
by Daniel R. Fusfeld - 391-394 Aristotle and the Problem of Insatiable Desires: A Comment on Kern's Interpretation of Aristotle, with a Reply by William S. Kern
by Spencer J. Pack - 395-402 The Genesis of Chamberlinian Monopolistic Competition Theory: Addendum, with a Comment by Thomas P. Reinwald
by Charles P. Blitch - 403-418 The Uno School: a Marxian approach in Japan
by Shohken Mawatari - 419-454 Consumer Surplus: The First Hundred Years
by Robert B. Ekelund, Jr. & Robert F. Hébert - 455-460 Hobson, Wilshire, and the Capitalist Theory of Capitalist Imperialism
by Peter J. Cain
Summer 1985, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 159-186 Keynes as a Historian of Economic Thought: the Biographical Essays on Neoclassical Economists
by Donald A. Walker - 187-197 The Free Market for Goods and the Free Market for Ideas in the Platonic Dialogues
by William F. Campbell - 199-202 The Author of the Article on Owen in the October 1819 Edinburgh Review: Some Neglected Evidence. With a Reply by William O. Thweatt
by Giancarlo de Vivo - 203-218 An Economic Exile: Edward Stillingfleet Cayley, 1802–1862
by H. I. Dutton & J. E. King - 219-222 The Definition of Involuntary Unemployment in Keynes’ General Theory: a Note
by John Nicholas Smithin - 223-244 Causes of Unemployment: the Austrian Perspective
by J. Patrick Gunning - 245-264 The Functions of Numerical Data in the Writings of Graunt, Petty, and Davenant
by A.M. Endres - 265-285 Keynesian Economics as a Translation Error: an Essay on Keynes’ Financial Theory
by Edward Miller - 287-307 Hicks and the Keynesian Revolution
by Farhad Mahloudji - 309-321 Intertemporal Coordination and the Invisible Hand: an Austrian Perspective on the Keynesian Vision
by Roger W. Garrison
Spring 1985, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-16 Second Thoughts on Lakatos
by Douglas W. Hands - 17-30 Ricardo on Money: The Operational Significance of the Non-Neutrality of Money in the Short Run
by James C. W. Ahiakpor - 31-34 Bernier on Property Rights: A Note
by S. Neelakantan - 35-50 German Economists and the Depression of 1929–1933
by Michael Hudson - 51-71 Deductive Economic Methodology in the French Enlightenment: Condillac and Destutt de Tracy
by Daniel Klein - 73-95 “An English Communist, Mr. Bray [and] his Remarkable Workâ€
by James P. Henderson - 97-107 Veblen, Twain, and the Connecticut Yankee: A Note
by Jeff E. Biddle - 109-132 Karl Marx and General Equilibrium
by Dušan Pokorný
Winter 1984, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 489-517 Reflections on the Development of Economics as a Discipline
by Geoffrey C. Harcourt - 519-527 Alfred Marshall's Mother and Father
by Ronald H. Coase - 529-554 Walras and his Critics on the Maximum Utility of New Capital Goods
by Donald A. Walker - 555-575 Marx's Theory of Money: the Formative Years
by Arie Arnon - 577-582 Returns to Scale and Wicksell's Missing Equation: a Note
by Larry Samuelson - 583-590 Monetarism: a Paradoxical Counter-Revolution
by James Herman - 591-608 Malthus’ Theodicy: the Intellectual Background of his Contribution to Political Economy
by M.B. Harvey-Phillips - 609-618 Edgeworth: Utilitarianism and Arbitration
by John Creedy - 619-638 John Millar, the Four-Stages Theory, and Women's Position in Society
by Paul Bowles
Fall 1984, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 331-348 Thorstein Veblen and the Processes of Institutional Change
by Malcolm Rutherford - 349-362 Considerations on Utility, Benevolence, and Taxation
by Subroto Roy - 363-379 Praxeology and its Critics: an Appraisal
by Bruce J. Caldwell - 381-404 Marshall, the Human Agent and Economic Growth: Wants and Activities Revisited
by John Dennis Chasse - 405-421 Willard Phillips: a Neglected American Economist
by James H. Thompson - 423-430 Weaving a Tangled Web: the Transformation of Values into Prices
by Murray Wolfson - 431-436 Unsnarling the Tangle: a Rejoinder
by Richard D. Wolff & Bruce Roberts & Antonino Callari - 437-444 The Earliest History of Econometrics: Some Neglected Danish Contributions
by Niels KÅ“rgaard - 445-469 Is Walras's Theory of General Equilibrium a Normative Scheme?
by Donald A. Walker
Summer 1984, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 157-174 Henry George and Austrian economics
by Leland B. Yeager - 175-186 Marxian Macrodynamics and the Harrod Growth Model
by Martin Bronfenbrenner & Murray Wolfson - 187-205 Research Programmes in Economics
by G. Fulton - 207-232 Engels’ Outlines of a Critique of Political Economy (1843) and the Origins of the Marxist Critique of Capitalism
by Gregory Claeys - 233-253 On the Nature and Theory of Economic Organization: the Role of the Firm Reconsidered
by Paul J. McNulty - 255-262 Classical Roots of the Emerging Theory of Rent Seeking: the Contribution of Jean-Baptiste Say
by Patricia J. Euzent & Thomas L. Martin - 263-290 Levels of Discourse in New Classical Economics
by Arjo Klamer - 291-309 Rational Expectations Macrotheory: a Lakatosian Case Study in Program Adjustment
by Rodney Maddock - 311-326 The Transformation in Thomas Tooke's Monetary Theory Reconsidered
by Arie Arnon
Spring 1984, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-57 The Antecedents and Early Life of Léon Walras
by William Jaffé & Donald A. Walker - 59-67 The Role of Crucial Counterexamples in the Growth of Economic Knowledge: Two Case Studies in the Recent History of Economic Thought
by Douglas W. Hands - 69-88 Boisguilbert's Economic Views vis-à -vis those of Contemporary Réformateurs
by Joseph J. Spengler - 89-107 Constitutional tax constraints within a classical model of Leviathan
by Eugenia Froedge Toma & Mark Toma - 107-134 Aristotle and the Neoclassical Tradition: the Shifting Ground of Complementarity
by Stephen T. Worland - 135-138 Malthus' Theology: an Overlooked Letter and Some Comments
by Salim Rashid
Winter 1983, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 501-512 Returning to the Aristotelian Paradigm: Daly and Schumacher
by William Kern - 513-517 Slutsky's Equation is Pareto's Solution
by Peter C. Dooley - 519-528 The Economics of Kethubah Valuation
by Yehoshua Liebermann - 529-548 Otto Bauer's Scheme of Expanded Reproduction: An Early Harrodian Growth Model
by Ze'ev B. Orzech & Shalom Groll - 549-566 Apologiae for Chartered Monopolies in Foreign Trade, 1600–1800
by Gary Anderson & Robert D. Tollison - 567-583 James Wilson and the Commercial Crisis of 1847
by H. M. Boot - 585-616 Turgot's Place in the History of Economic Thought: A Bicentenary Estimate
by Peter Groenewegen - 617-620 Note: Keynes on Marx's Das Kapital
by William O. Thweatt
Fall 1983, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 303-319 The First Decade of HOPE (1968–79)
by A. W. Coats - 321-343 HOPE and the Journal Literature in the History of Economic Thought
by Neil de Marchi & John Lodewijks - 345-373 Utopian or Scientific? A Reconsideration of the Ricardian Socialists
by J. E. King - 375-389 John Bates Clark and the Marginal Product: an Historical Inquiry into the Origins of Value-Free Economic Theory
by John F. Henry - 391-396 ‘On Rent of Fishing Grounds’: a Translation of Jens Warming's 1911 Article, with an Introduction
by Peder Andersen - 397-421 Keynes's theory of investment
by Stephen F. LeRoy - 423-449 Mill on Proprietorship, Productivity, and Population: a Theoretical Reappraisal
by Michael E. Bradley - 451-494 Classical Political Economy and Primitive Accumulation: the Case of Smith and Steuart
by Michael Perelman
Summer 1983, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 149-179 The Oral Tradition in British Economics: Influential Economists in the Political Economy Club of London
by James P. Henderson - 181-205 Marshall's Views on ‘Short Period’ Value Formation
by J. M. A. Gee - 207-227 Ricardo's Invariable Measure of Value and Sraffa's ‘Standard Commodity’
by Nai-Pew Ong - 229-247 How did Keynes Conceive of Entrepreneurs' Motivation? Notes on Patinkin's Hypothesis
by Harald Dickson - 249-259 Edward Copleston, Robert Peel, and Cash Payments
by Salim Rashid - 261-264 The Faustmann-Ohlin Theorem: A Historical Note
by Karl G. Löfgren - 265-280 Jacob Viner and the Chicago Tradition
by Eugene Rotwein
Spring 1983, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-24 Allyn A. Young: a curious case of professional neglect
by Charles P. Blitch - 25-37 Schumpeter's 1947 course in the History of Economic Thought
by Charles E. Staley - 38-62 The capitalist theory of capitalist imperialism
by Norman Etherington - 63-82 On the role of the history of economic analysis
by Filippo Cesarano - 83-86 ‘Uncertainty’ in Keynes’ General theory: a comment
by C. Alan Garner - 87-91 ‘Uncertainty’ in Keynes’ General theory: a rejoinder
by Mark Stohs - 92-105 Did the theory of market socialism answer the challenge of Ludwig von Mises? A reinterpretation of the socialist controversy
by Peter Murrell - 106-121 Allan Sproul and the Treasury-Federal Reserve accord, 1951
by Joseph L. Lucia - 122-135 Pericles and the sophistication of economics
by William F. Campbell
Winter 1982, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 447-460 The Wicksell Effect in a Growing Economy
by Larry Samuelson - 461-482 The myth of the Darwin-Marx letter
by Ralph Colp, Jr. - 483-495 Natural Resource Economic Theory of the First Conservation Movement (1895–1927)
by Gerald Alonzo Smith - 496-520 Economic Opinion when Britain Turned to Free Trade
by William D. Grampp - 521-542 The Classification and Analysis of Precapitalist Economic Systems by Marx and Engels
by Frederic L. Pryor - 543-558 The Labor Theory of Value and Gold: Real and Nominal Standards of Value—and Implications for the Current Reconsideration of the Gold Standard
by Will E. Mason - 559-563 Aristotle and the Metallist Tradition: A Note
by Max Alter - 564-582 Marx's (not Ricardo's) ‘Transformation Problem’: A Radical Reconceptualization
by Richard D. Wolff & Bruce Roberts & Antonino Callari - 583-607 The Mysterious Career of Walter W. Stewart, Especially 1922–1930
by William P. Yohe
Fall 1982, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 301-307 On Wicksell's Missing Equation
by Larry Samuelson - 308-309 On Wicksell's Missing Equation: A Comment
by Bo Sandelin - 310-311 Wicksell's Missing Equation: A Comment
by Takashi Negishi - 312-322 Diamonds, Water, and Z Goods: an Account of the Paradox of Value
by David Levy - 323-341 Thorstein Veblen and his Marxist Critics: An Interpretive Review
by J. L. Simich & Rick Tilman - 342-365 Marx on the Use of History in the Analysis of Capitalism
by Richard Nordahl - 366-384 The Career of John Barton, Economist and Statistician
by R. P. Sturges - 385-405 The Economic Ideas of Charles Babbage
by Richard M. Romano - 406-426 Lending at Interest: Some Jewish, Greek, and Christian Approaches, 800 BC-AD 100
by Barry Gordon - 427-439 The Socialization of the Individual in Adam Smith
by Robert L. Heilbroner
Summer 1982, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 147-165 Ricardo on the Non-Neutrality of Money in a World with Taxes
by Jack L. Carr & James Ahiakpor - 166-177 The Transformation of John Bates Clark: an Essay in Interpretation
by John F. Henry - 178-198 Adam Smith, Empiricism, and the Rate of Profit in Eighteenth-Century England
by Philip Mirowski - 199-210 The Labor Theory of Value in the Ricardian Theory of International Trade
by Takashi Negishi - 211-227 Value and Physical Capital in Wicksell's Durable Goods Model
by Larry W. Samuelson - 228-241 Monopoly and Centralisation in Marx
by Philip L. Williams - 242-245 Gustav Cassel's Early Purchasing-Power-Parity Theory: A Note
by Michael Michaely - 246-250 A Note on Money and Prices in Cassel's PPP Theory
by Jacob A. Frenkel - 251-255 The Relationship Between the Absolute and the Relative PPP Theory of Cassel
by Lawrence H. Officer - 256-259 The Purchasing-Power-Parity Theory of Gerrard de Malynes
by Lawrence H. Officer - 260-283 Economic Freedom in Scholastic Thought
by Odd Langholm
Spring 1982, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-36 Rational Choice and Morality: Economics and Classical Philosophy
by David Levy - 37-64 Wicksell and Pareto: Their Relationship in the Theory of Public Finance
by P. Hennipman - 65-88 Discovery of the money-income relationship in the United States, 1921–1944
by Paul B. Trescott - 89-100 Notes on Garvy, Snyder, and the Doctrinal Foundations of Monetarism
by George S. Tavlas - 101-111 Henry Thornton: a mise au point
by Philippe Beaugrand - 112-114 Henry Thornton and the Development of Ricardo's Economic Thought: a Comment
by James C. W. Ahiakpor - 115-120 Henry Thornton: an Accurate Perspective
by Charles F. Peake
Winter 1981, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 695-725 Ragnar Frisch and Business Cycle Research During the Interwar Years
by Jens Christopher Andvig - 726-744 Political Economy and Geology in the Early Nineteenth Century: Similarities and Contrasts
by Salim Rashid - 745-771 Schumpeter's Corporatist Views: Links Among his Social Theory, Quadragesimo Anno, and Moral Reform
by Dale L. Cramer & Charles G. Leathers - 772-773 A Note on “Marx and Darwinâ€
by Enrique M. Ureña - 774-793 Thoughts of Some British Economists on Early Limited Liability and Corporate Legislation
by Christine E. Amsler & Robin L. Bartlett & Craig J. Bolton - 794-811 Notes from Malthus: the Inverarity Manuscript
by J. M. Pullen - 812-823 The Roots of Hedonism: an Ancient Analysis of Quantity and Time
by S. Todd Lowry - 824-845 A Nineteenth-Century Multiplier and its Fate: Julius Wulff and the Multiplier Theory in Denmark, 1896–1932
by Niels-Henrik Topp
Fall 1981, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 365-404 Britain: the Rise of the Specialists
by A. W. Coats - 405-435 Australia: Economists in a Federal System
by A. Petridis - 436-470 India: the Aftermath of Empire
by S. Ambirajan - 471-512 Norway: the Powerful Servants
by Trond Bergh - 513-547 The United States: Economists in a Pluralistic Polity
by William J. Barber - 548-579 Israel: Economists in a New State
by Ephraim Kleiman - 580-599 Hungary: Economists in a Socialist Planning System
by Egon Kemenes - 600-628 Japan: the Officer in Charge of Economic Affairs
by Ryutaro Komiya & Kozo Yamamoto - 629-655 Italy: Economists in a Weak Political System
by Franco Ferraresi & Giuseppe Ferrari - 656-680 Brazil: Economists in a Bureaucratic-Authoritarian System
by Paulo Roberto Haddad
Summer 1981, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 179-188 Bertil Ohlin, 1899–1979
by Otto Steiger - 189-255 Stockholm and Cambridge: Four Papers on the Monetary and Employment Theory of the 1930s
by Bertil Ohlin - 256-277 Unemployment, Keynes, and the Stockholm School
by Bent Hansen - 279-284 Clark Warburton, 1896–1979
by Leland B. Yeager - 285-299 Monetary Disequilibrium Theory in the First Half of the Twentieth Century
by Clark Warburton - 301-308 William Jaffé, 1898–1980
by Vincent J. Tarascio - 309-312 A Bibliography of the Writings of William Jaffé
by Vincent J. Tarascio