- a379 On the Existence of Procedurally Fair Allocation Rules in Economic Envionments
by Reiko Goto & Kotaro Suzumura & Naoki Yoshihara - a378 Asset Specificity and Change
by Bruno Dallago - a377 Foreign Trade of Central Asian Independent States: What is the main trend- Globalization and Regionalization or Re-integration?
by Islamov, Bakhtior - a376 Tax Policy and Consumer Spending: Evidence from Japanese Fiscal Experiments
by K. Watanabe & T. Watanabe & T. Watanabe - a375 Output-inflation Tradeoff at Near-zero Inflation Rates
by Kenji Nishizaki & Tsutomu Watanabe - a374 Bail-out, Moral Hazard, and Credibility: IMF and World Bank policies in crises of the 21 Century Type
by Takatoshi Ito - a373 An Estimation of Russian Industrial Production: 1960-1990
by Manabu Suhara - a372 Asian Exports: Principal Causes of Deceleration
by Takatoshi Ito - a371 Capital Flows in Asia
by Takatoshi Ito - a368 Bayesian Analysis of the Convergence Hypothesis in Economic Drowth: A Markov Approach
by Teruo Nakatsuma - a367 Welfare Economics and the Welfare State
by Kotaro Suzumura - a366 Welfarist-Consequentialism, Similarity of Attitudes and Arrow's Gerneral Impossibility Theorem
by Kotaro Suzumura & Yongsheng Xu - a365 Characterizations of Consenquentialism and Non-consequentialism
by Kotaro Suzumura & Yongsheng Xu - a364 American Factories/Japanese Factories
by Konosuke Odaka - a363 Five Kinds of Macroeconomic Activities --macroeconomic models and the analysis on Chinese economy(1991-1998)--
by Zhong Maochu - a360 Cell Production and Workplace Innovation in Japan: Toward a New Model for Japanese Manufacturing?
by Katsuhide Isa & Tsuyoshi Tsuru
- a359 Wages, Productivity and labour Costs in the CEECs
by Peter Havlik - a358 Insurance Market Efficiency and Crop Choices in Pakistan
by Takashi Kurosaki & Marcel Fafchamps - a356 Impacts of the Basle Capital Standard on Japanese Banks' Behavior
by Takatoshi Ito & Yuri Nagataki Sasaki - a354 FDI and Restructuring Business Organisations in Central Eastern Europe: Lessons from Sector and Region focused Projects in the Transformation Economies
by Csaba Mako - a353 R&D Expenditure and The Choice between Private and Public Debt --Do the Japanese Main Banks Extract the Firm's Rents?
by Kaoru Hosono - 352 日本企業の評価・処遇制度 : 現状と展望
by 都留, 康 - a350 A Maximal Extension of the Gauss-Markov Theorem and its Nonlinear Version
by Takeaki Kariya & Hiroshi Kurata - a349 Crawing Peg Exchange Rate System and the Related Economic Problems in Hungary
by Tibor Erdos - a348 Inflation and Its Main Effects in the Transition Period
by Tibor Erdos - a347 Heterogeneous Expectations and Tests of Efficiency in the Yen/Dollar Forward Exchange rate Market
by Graham Elliott & Takatoshi Ito - a346 Enterprise Reform in Russia: Emerging Modern Corporations and the Problem of Corporate Governance
by Elena Leontieva - a345 Modeling Individual US T- Bond Prices
by Hiroshi Tsuda & Takeaki Kariya - a343 Consequentialism and Procedural Evaluations in Social Welfare Judgements
by Suzumura Kotaro - a341 Paretian Welfare Judgements and Bergsonian Social Choice
by Suzumura Kotaro
- a340 Nonunion Employee Representation in Japan
by Motohiro Morishima & Tsuyoshi Tsuru - a339 Valuation of Time-Deposit Saving (CD) with Transfer Option
by Takeaki Kariya - a338 Consequences, Opportunities, and Procedures
by Kotaro Suzumura - a337 Dark Horses: Contemporary Challenges to Democratic Free Enterprise
by Steven Rosefielde - a336 Chinese Market Socialism: Managerial Autonomy, State Ownership and Economic Justice
by Steven Rosefielde - a334 On the Japanese Contribution to the Equalization of World Income
by Chigira, Makoto & Fukao, Kyoji & 深尾, 京司 & フカオ, キョウジ - a331 Structural Adjustment and the Political Economy of Japanese Aid Africa
by Howard Stein - a330 Industrial Policy and the Developmental State: Britain 1945-1990
by W.R.Garside - a327 Intrafirm Communication and Wage Determination in Japanese Nonunion Firms
by Tsuyoshi Tsuru
- a325 Were Keynes's Views on the Economic Role of the State More Radical and Interventionist Then U.S. Keynesians Acknowledged?: Evidence From the 1920s
by James Crotty - a324 The Nigerian Banking Crisis and Japanese Financial Development: In Search of Lessons
by Howard Stein - a323 Adjustment and Development in Africa: Toward an Assessment
by Howard Stein - a320 Money and Economic Growth Increasing Returns- to Scale
by Shi-ichi Fukuda - a319 Maximality, Optimality and Duality
by Kotaro Suzumura - a318 Shifting Fortunes: The Political Economy of Financial Liberalization in Nigeria
by Howard Stein & Peter Lewis - a315 Japanese Industrial Policy for Telecommunications: Anatomy of the 1985 Institutional Reform and Its Aftermath
by Kotaro Suzumura - a314 Industrial Policy in a Developing Market Economy
by Kotaro Suzumura
- a312 The Role of Technical Progress in Japanese Environmental Problems
by Tsutomu Miyagawa - a311 Human Resource Development and Economic Growth
by Xun Jinjun - a310 Cascading Contigent Protection and Vertical Market Structure
by Rene Belderbos & Clive Jie a Joen & Leo Sleuwaegen - a309 An Implementation of the HJM Model with Application to Japanese Interest Futures
by Kenji Kamizono & Takeaki Kariya - a307 The Structural Determinants of Invoice Currencies in Japan: The Case of Foreign Trades with East Asian Countries
by Shin-ichi Fukuda - a306 India's International Trade in Services
by P.C.Verma - a305 Economic Reforms in Russia and Japan's Experience in Post-War Economic Development
by Valery Zaitsev - a304 Moral Hazard in an Insurance Market and the Optimum Quantity of Money
by Shin-ichi Fukuda
- a301 Wage Austerity Or/And Educational Push: The French Dilemma
by Robert Boyer - a300 R&D Investment and Overseas Production: An Empirical Analysis of Japan's Electric machinery Industry Based on Corporate Data
by Kyoji Fukao & Toshiyasu Izawa & Morio Kuninori & Toru Nakakita - a299 Coordination Failures under Incomplete Information and Global Games
by Fukao, Kyoji & 深尾, 京司 & フカオ, キョウジ - a298 Feldstein-Horioka Paradox Revisited
by Hiroshi Fujiki & Yukinobu Kitamura - a297 Construction of Improved Estimators for the Regression Coefficient Matrix in GMANOVA Model
by Yoshihiko Konno & Takeaki Kariya & William E. Strawderman - a296 Asymmetric Information and Endogeneous Stock Price Volatility: An Asset Pricing Model of Sunspot Equibria
by Shin-ichi Fukuda - a295 Interpersonal Comparisons of the Extended Sympathy Type and the Possibility of Social Choice
by Kotaro Suzumura - a294 Technology Choice in the Cotton Spinning Industry: the Switch from Mules to ring Frames
by Yokihiko Kiyokawa - a292 Double Shrinkage Estimators in the GMANOVA Model
by Takeaki Kariya & Yoshihiko Konno - a291 The Changing Nature of Capital Formation in Pre-modern Japan
by Konosuke Odaka - a290 LUB for the Covariance Matrix of a GLSE in Regression with Applications to an SUR Model and a Heteroscedastic Model
by Hiroshi Kurata & Takeaki Kariya - a289 On the Choice of Invoice Currency by Japanese Exporters: The PTM Approach
by Shin-ichi Fukuda & Ji Cong - a288 Near Rationality and Sunspot Equilibria
by Shin-ichi Fukuda & Nobusumi Sagara - a287 The Limits of Enterprise Unionism: An Empirical Examination of the Causes of Union Decline in Japan
by James B. Rebitzer & Tsuyoshi Tsuru - a286 The Role of Human Capital Accumulation for Economic Growth in East Asian Countries
by Shin-ichi Fukuda & Hideki Toya
- a285 Labor Adjustment Policy in Japan
by Tuvia Blumenthal - a284 Oligopolistic Competition and Economic Welfare: The Effects of Owenership Structures
by Kotaro Suzumura - a283 New Bond Princing Models with Applications to Japanese Data
by Takeaki Kariya & Hiroshi Tsuda - a282 Intrinsic Uncertainty and Extraneous Uncertainty: Sunspot Equilibria and Periodic Cycles under Fundamental Shocks
by Shin-ichi Fukuda - a281 Collaborative Research and Devalopment: Economic Analysis in the Light of Japanese Experience
by Kotaro Suzumura & Akira Goto - a280 Household Saving Behavior in Japan
by Noriyuki Takayama & Yukinobu Kitamura - a278 The Adverse Selection Effects of Net Worth and the Crash of Land Price --Welfare Effects of Demand and Supply Shocks under Asymmetric Information--
by Shin-ichi Fukuda & Ji Cong - a277 The Japanese Experience in Social Protection
by Noriyuki Takayama - a276 On the Sustainability of Collaborative R&D through Private Incentives
by Bhaskar Dutta & Kotaro Suzumura - a275 The Political Economy of Trade Liberalization and Integration:The Case of U.S. -Mexico Relations
by Kwan S. Kim - a273 Infant mortality in pre-transition Japan: levels and trends
by Osamu Saito - a272 Voluntary Trade Restraints and Economic Welfare
by Kotaro Suzumura & Jota Ishikawa - a271 Endogenous Exchange Rate Fluctuations under the Flexible Exchange Rate Regime
by Shin-ichi Fukuda - a270 The Determinants of Capital Controls and Their Effects on Trade Balance During the Period of Capital Market Liberalization in Japan
by Shin-ichi Fukuda - a269 Competition, Commitment and Welfare
by Kotaro Suzumura - a268 Gender, workload and agricultural progress: Japan's historical experience in perspective
by Osamu Saito - a266 The Output and Price Structure of the Russian Economy
by Masaaki Kuboniwa
- a265 The Yen and the International Monetary System
by Takatoshi Ito - a264 Tests for Multinormality with Application to Time Series
by Takeaki Kariya & Ruey Tsay & Nobuhiko Terui & Hong Li - a263 Exchange Rate Economic Recovery of Japan in the 1930s
by Masanori Okura & Juro Teranishi - a262 A Study of Japanese Manufaturing Industry: Growth, Productivity, Factor Substitution and Industrial Structure
by Bishwanath Goldar - a261 Foreign Trade Regimes, Employment, and Income Distribution: Selected Developing Country Studies
by Kwan S. Kim - a260 An Alternative Strategy for Equitable Growth in Developing Countries: An Application to Mexico
by Kwan S. Kim - a258 The Role of Monetary Policy in Eliminating the Non-Convergent Dynamic Paths
by Shin-ichi Fukuda - a257 U.S. Political Pressure and Economic Liberalization in East Asia
by Takatoshi Ito - a256 Import Substitution Policy in Japan's Economic Development
by Juro Teranishi - a255 Accmulation of Human Capital and Business Cycle
by Kyoji Fukao & Masayuki Otaki - a253 Do Bulls and Bears Move Acoross Borders: International Transimission of Stock Returns and Volatility as the World Turns
by Wen-Ling Lin & Robert F. Engle & Takatoshi Ito - a251 The Problem of International Values
by Gabor Bakos - a250 Individual Rights and Social Evaluations: A Conceptual Framework
by Prasanta K. Pattanaik & Kotaro Suzumura - a247 The Spring Offensive: The Spillover Effect and the Wage-Setting Institution in Japan
by Tsuyoshi Tsuru
- a246 Industrial Policy of Japan: Whither Now?
by Kotaro Suzumura - a245 Cooperative and Non-Cooperative R&D in Oligopoly: Strategic Substitutes and Complements
by Kotaro Suzumura & Noriyuki Yanagawa - a244 Financial System Reform After the War
by Juro Teranishi - a243 Inflation Stabilization with Growth --Japanese Experience During 1945-1950
by Juro Teranishi - a242 Symmetric Cournot Oligopoly and Economic Welfare: A Synthesis
by Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara & Kotaro Suzumura - a241 Accumulation of Human Capital, Labor Market Hysteresis, and the Business Cycle
by Kyoji Fukao & Masayuki Otaki - a239 U.S.-Japan Macroeconomic Policy Coordinations: Agenda for the 1990s and beyond
by Takatoshi Ito - a238 Individual Rights Revisited
by Wulf Gaerther & Prasanta K. Pattanaik & Kotaro Suzumura - a237 Import Substitution Industrialization Where Does Sri Lanka Stand in the Japanese Experience
by S.M.S.Sathkumara - a233 Bequest Taxes and Accumulation of Household Wealth: U.S.-Japan Comparison
by Thomas A. Barthold & Takatoshi Ito
- a231 Professor Sen on Minimal Liberty
by Prasanta K. Pattanaik & Kotaro Suzumura - a229 International Trade and Investment under Different Rates of Time Preference
by Fukao, Kyoji & 深尾, 京司 & フカオ, キョウジ & Hamada, Koichi & 浜田, 宏一 & ハマダ, コウイチ - a228 The Land/ Housing Problem in Japan: A Macroeconomic Approach
by Takatoshi Ito - a226 Temporal Aggregation of Financial Time Series in Taylor's Model
by Takeaki Kariya & Yoshihiko Tsukuda - a223 A Note on Incentives and Efficiency; the Case of Public Good Economies
by Yoshifumi Fujigaki - a218 Cooperative and Non-cooperative R&D in Oligopoly with Spillovers
by Kotaro Suzumura - a217 Strategic Cost-Reduction Investment and Economic Welfare
by Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara & Kotaro Suzumura - a216 Strategic Aspects of International Lending and Borrowing: A Two-Country Dynamic Game Model
by Fukao, Kyoji & 深尾, 京司 & フカオ, キョウジ