- 2501 Inequality and Public Goods Provision in Transparent Contexts
by Christopher Oconnor
- 2301 A higher minimum wage promotes workplace safety: Evidence from the restaurant industry
by William LaFiandra & Daniel Schwab
- 2203 Legal Protection Against Retaliatory Firing Improves Workplace Safety
by Matthew S. Johnson & Daniel Schwab & Patrick Koval - 2202 The impacts of the use of data analytics and the performance of consulting activities on perceived internal audit quality
by Nathanael Betti & Steven DeSimone & Joy Gray - 2201 Asserting Independence: Optimal Monetary Policy When the Central Bank and Political Authority Disagree
by Justin Svec & Daniel L. Tortorice
- 2102 Effective Foreign Aid: Evidence from Gavi’s Vaccine Program
by Gauri Kartini Shastry & Daniel L Tortorice - 2101 Estimating the Economic Impact of Major League Baseball’s All-Star Game Using High Frequency Tourism Data
by Robert Baumann & Victor Matheson & E. Frank Stephenson & Robert Murray
- 2001 A Theory of Social Impact Bonds
by Daniel L Tortorice & David E. Bloom & Paige Kirby & John Regan
- 1910 Knowledge Spillovers Within China’s System of Research Institutes
by Renai Jiang & Daniel Tortorice & Zhaohui Xuan - 1909 Have China’s Unconverted Research Institutes Been Left Behind
by Renai Jiang & Daniel Tortorice & Zhaohui Xuan - 1908 The Roundness of Antiquity Valuations from Auction Houses and Sales
by Melissa Boyle & Justin Svec - 1907 The Impact of Impulsivity on Suicide and Homicide Rates
by Patrick Koval & Robert Baumann - 1906 Labor protection laws and the drain on productivity: Evidence from India
by Daniel Schwab - 1905 Correlates of Internal Audit Function Maturity
by Steven DeSimone & Giuseppe D’Onza & Gerrit Sarens - 1904 Determinants and Consequences of Internal Audit Functions within Colleges and Universities
by Steven DeSimone & Kevin Rich - 1903 International Welfare Spillovers of National Pension Schemes
by James Staveley-O'Carroll & Olena Staveley-O'Carroll - 1902 Is there an Economic Case for the Olympic Games?
by Chris Dempsey & Victor Matheson & Andrew Zimbalist - 1901 Mass Atrocities and their Prevention
by Charles H. Anderton & Jurgen Brauer
- 1817 Professional Sports, Hurricane Katrina, and the Economic Redevelopment of New Orleans: Revisited
by Victor Matheson & Robert Baade & Callan Hendershott - 1816 The Rise and Fall (and Rise and Fall) of the Olympic Games as an Economic Driver
by Victor Matheson - 1815 Laboratory Evidence on the Effects of Sponsorship on the Competitive Preferences of Men and Women
by Katherine Coffman & Nancy Baldiga - 1814 Point/Counterpoint: Is there a Case for Subsidizing Sports Stadiums?
by Victor Matheson - 1813 Nonlinearities in the Real Exchange Rates: New Evidence from Developed and Developing Countries
by Yamin Ahmad & Ming Chien Lo & Olena Staveley-O'Carroll - 1812 College Scholarships as a Tool for Community Development? Evidence from the Kalamazoo Promise
by Ashley Miller - 1811 Overhead Cost Allocation and Earnings Manipulation Between Quarters
by Susan Wahab & Karen Teitel - 1810 The Onset, Spread, and Prevention of Mass Atrocities:Perspectives from Network Models
by Charles H. Anderton & Jurgen Brauer - 1809 Toxic Effects of Lead Disposal in Water: An Analysis of TRI Facility Releases
by Patrick Koval - 1808 The persistent labor market effects of a criminal conviction and �Ban the Box� reforms
by Joshua M. Congdon-Hohman - 1807 The Economic Impact of Olympic Games: Effects of Host Country Announcements on Stock Market Returns
by Bryan Engelhardt & Victor Matheson & Alex Yen & Max Chisholm - 1806 International Risk Sharing in Overlapping Generations Models
by James Staveley-O'Carroll & Olena Staveley-O'Carroll - 1805 The Economics of the World Cup
by Victor Matheson - 1804 The Effects of Mass Shootings on Gun Sales
by Elliot Chau - 1803 Correlates of Sustainability Audits by Internal Auditors
by Steven DeSimone & Giuseppe D’Onza & Gerrit Sarens - 1802 Internal Audit and Financial Reporting Quality in the Public Sector
by Steven DeSimone - 1801 Can Risk Models Extract Inflation Expectations from Financial Market Data? Evidence from the Inflation Protected Securities of Six Countries
by Daniel L. Tortorice & Arben Kita
- 1710 Statutory Modification of the Collateral Source Rule
by David Schap & Kayla Horan & Andrew Feeley - 1709 The Impact of Regime Type on Food Consumption in Low Income Countries
by Kolleen Rask & Norman Rask - 1708 Factors Associated with Internal Audit Function Involvement with XBRL Implementation in Public Companies: An International Study
by Mohammad Abdolmohammadi & Steven DeSimone & Tien Shih Hsieh & Zhihong Wang - 1706 Corruption in the Bidding, Construction, and Organization of Mega-Events: An Analysis of the Olympics and World Cup
by Victor Matheson & Daniel Schwab & Patrick Koval - 1705 Hidden Subsidies and the Public Ownership of Sports Facilities: The Case of Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara
by Robert Baumann & Victor Matheson & Debra O'Connor - 1704 The Economic Impact of Olympic Games: Effects of Host Country Announcements on Stock Market Returns
by Bryan Engelhardt & Victor Matheson & Alex Yen & Maxwell Chisholm - 1703 Mega-Events and Tourism: The Case of Brazil
by Robert Baumann & Victor Matheson - 1702 Beyond Moneyball: Changing Compensation in MLB
by Joshua Congdon-Hohman & Jonathan A. Lanning - 1701 Unconventional Wisdom: Estimating the Economic Impact of the Democratic and Republican National Political Conventions
by Victor Matheson & Lauren R. Heller & E. Frank Stephenson
- 1623 Differences Among State Court Jurisdictions in Damages Calculations
by David Schap & David Rosenbaum - 1622 Federal and State Income Tax Aspects in Forensic Economics
by David Schap - 1621 Assessing Economic Damages in Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Litigation: The State of Rhode Island
by David Schap & Steven Shapiro & Caitlin Street - 1620 What If Piketty Is Right? Real Economic Costs of Rising Income Inequality
by Thomas Gottschang - 1619 State Variation in Certain Rules Governing Expert Witness Testimony
by David Schap & Kayla Horan - 1618 Recoverable Damages for Wrongful Death in the States: A 2015 Review of Statutory Law
by David Schap & Andrea Thompson - 1617 The Reduction for Decedent Self-Consumption: Jurisdictional Mandates for Personal Consumption or Personal Maintenance
by David Schap - 1616 Wrongful Death: Who Recovers What, Where, and How?
by David Schap & Victor A. Matheson & David I. Rosenbaum - 1615 Introduction to the Symposium on Wrongful Death
by David Schap - 1614 Genocides and other mass atrocities: a law and economics approach
by Charles Anderton & Jurgen Brauer & David Schap - 1613 Genocide and mass killing risk and prevention: perspectives from constrained optimization models
by Charles Anderton & Jurgen Brauer - 1612 Datasets and trends of genocides, mass killings, and other civilian atrocities
by Charles Anderton - 1611 On the economics of genocides, other mass atrocities, and their prevention
by Charles Anderton & Jurgen Brauer - 1610 Crime and labour market turnover
by Robert Baumann & Bryan Engelhardt - 1609 Estimating the Relationship Between Labour Market Tightness, Unemployment Insurance Benefits, and Union Election Activity
by Robert Baumann & Bryan Engelhardt & David L. Fuller & M. Ryan Haley - 1608 Laboratory Evidence on the Effects of Sponsorship on the Competitive Preferences of Men and Women
by Katherine Coffman & Nancy Baldiga - 1607 Correlates of External Quality Assessment and Improvement Programs in Internal Auditing
by Steven DeSimone & Mohammad Abdolmohammadi - 1606 Economic Windfalls and the Affordable Care Act: A Policy Proposal
by Joshua Congdon-Hohman & Victor Matheson - 1605 Going for the Gold: The Economics of the Olympics
by Victor Matheson & Robert Baade - 1604 Exchange Rate Targeting in the Presence of Foreign Debt Obligations
by James Staveley-O'Carroll & Olena M. Staveley-O'Carroll - 1603 Monopoly Power with a Short Selling Constraint
by Robert Baumann & Bryan Engelhardt & David L. Fuller - 1602 An Event Study of Patent Verdicts and Judicial Leakage
by Bryan Engelhardt & Zachary Fernandes - 1601 Impact of Pension System Structure on International Financial Capital Allocation
by James Staveley-O'Carroll & Olena M. Staveley-O'Carroll - 1206 Crime and the Decline of Unions
by Robert Baumann & Bryan Engelhardt
- 1516 A 2015 Survey of Forensic Economists: Their Methods, Estimates, and Perspectives
by David Schap & Michael Brookshire & David Rosenbaum & Frank Slesnick & Michael R. Luthy - 1515 Medical Net Discount Rates: Updated and Re-examined
by David Schap & Robert Baumann - 1514 The Consequences of Overstating Fuel Economy
by David Schap & Cory Beck - 1513 East Asian Economies in a Globalizing World
by Thomas Gottschang - 1512 The ‘‘Loss of Chance’’ Rule as a Special Category of Damages in Medical Malpractice: A State-by-State Analysis
by David Schap & Lauren Guest & Thi Tran - 1511 Habituation to atrocity: low-level violence against civilians as a predictor of high-level attacks
by Charles Anderton & Edward Ryan - 1510 A New Look at Weak State Conditions and Genocide Risk
by Charles Anderton & John Carter - 1509 Exploring International Differences in Inflation Dynamics
by Yamin Ahmad & Olena Mykhaylova - 1508 Genocide: Perspectives from the Social Sciences
by Charles Anderton - 1507 An Analysis of Drivers of Mega-Events in Emerging Economies
by Robert Baade & Victor Matheson - 1506 Potential Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Loss Calculations
by Joshua Congdon-Hohman & Victor Matheson - 1505 Many Happy Returns? The Pro-Bowl, Mega-events, and Tourism in Hawaii
by Robert Baumann & Victor Matheson - 1504 Unemployment and Public Budget Impacts of the Auto Bailout
by Robert Baumann & Andrea Thompson - 1503 The Effect of Natural Disasters on Housing Prices: An Examination of the Fourmile Canyon Fire
by Katherine A. Kiel & Victor Matheson - 1502 The Value of a Private Education: Differential Returns and Selection on Observables
by Anil Nathan & Sovita Hean & Ryan Elliot - 1501 Retirement Reversals and Health Insurance: the Potential Impact of the Affordable Care Act
by Joshua Congdon-Hohman
- 1416 Wage Net Discount Rates: 1981–2012
by David Schap & Robert Baumann & Lauren Guest - 1415 Rationales Concerning the Treatment of Federal Income Taxes in Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Litigation in the State Courts
by David Schap & Lauren Guest - 1414 Case Law Concerning the Treatment of Federal Income Taxes in Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Litigation in the State Courts
by David Schap & Lauren Guest - 1413 A research agenda for the economic study of genocide: signposts from the field of conflict economics
by Charles Anderton - 1412 Killing Civilians as an Inferior Input in a Rational Choice Model of Genocide and Mass Killing
by Charles Anderton - 1411 Using predetermined partial solutions for solving a heterogeneous truck fleet distribution model
by Iqbal Agha & Debra J. O'Connor - 1410 Measuring Food Consumption and Production According to Resource Intensity: The Methodology Behind the Cereal Equivalent Approach
by Kolleen Rask & Norman Rask - 1409 Economics of Genocide and International Law
by Charles Anderton & Jurgen Brauer - 1408 Economics and Genocide: Choices and Consequences
by Jurgen Brauer & Charles Anderton - 1407 The Social Evolution of Terror and Genocide across Time and Geographic Space: Perspectives from Evolutionary Game Theory
by Charles Anderton - 1406 Life-care Awards in the Age of the Affordable Care Act
by Joshua Congdon-Hohman & Victor Matheson - 1405 Learning Tastes Through Social Interaction
by Alice Hsiaw - 1403 Goal Setting and Energy Conservation
by Matthew Harding & Alice Hsiaw - 1402 Nonmedical Prescription Drug Use: Theory and Policy Implications
by Gabriele Camera & Bryan Engelhardt - 1401 The Long-Term Game: An Analysis of the Life Expectancy of National Football League Players
by Ruud Koning & Victor Matheson & Anil Nathan & James Pantano
- 1310 Total Offset and Medical Net Discount Rates: 1981–2012
by David Schap & Lauren Guest & Andrew Kraynak - 1309 Using truck-inventory-cost to obtain solutions to multi-period logistics models
by Iqbal Agha & Debra J. O'Connor - 1308 Evidence of Earnings Management and Managers’ Choice of Actuarial Assumptions for the Accounting of Retiree Health Care Costs
by Susan Machuga & Karen Teitel & A. Costello - 1307 Endogenous Voting Weights for Elected Representatives and Redistricting
by Justin Svec & James Hamilton - 1306 The Impact of Political Uncertainty: A Robust Control Approach
by Robert Baumann & Justin Svec - 1305 Infrastructure Investments and Mega-Sports Events: Comparing the Experience of Developing and Industrialized Countries
by Robert Baumann & Victor Matheson - 1304 Workers' Responses to Incentives: The Case of Pending MLB Free Agents
by Joshua Congdon-Hohman & Jonathan A. Lanning - 1303 Should Gambling Markets be Privatized? An Examination of State Lotteries in the United States
by Kent Grote & Victor Matheson - 1302 The Impact of State Lotteries and Casinos on State Bankruptcy Filings
by Kent Grote & Victor Matheson - 1301 Student Uncertainty and Major Choice
by Joshua Congdon-Hohman & Anil Nathan & Justin Svec - 1115 Love, Toil, and Health Insurance: Why American Husbands Retire When They Do
by Joshua Congdon-Hohman - 0416 Method For Calculating Reasonable Aggregate Range Estimates in Life Care Plan Analysis and Other Forensic Economic Applications
by David Schap
- 1404 Goal-Setting and Self-Control
by Alice Hsiaw - 1207 Historical Net Discount Rates: Amended and Reinterpreted
by David Schap & Andrew Kraynak - 1205 The Role of Expectations: An Application to Internal Migration
by Robert Baumann & Justin Svec & Francis Sanzari - 1204 Political Contributions and Insurance
by Bryan Engelhardt & Justin Svec - 1203 Assessing the infrastructure impact of mega-events in emerging economies
by Victor Matheson - 1202 A Model of Tradeable Capital Tax Permits
by Timothy P. Hubbard & Justin Svec - 1201 Potential Effects of the Affordable Care Act on the Award of Life Care Expenses
by Joshua Congdon-Hohman & Victor Matheson
- 1118 Conflict Datasets: A Primer For Academics, Policymakers, And Practitioners
by Charles Anderton & John Carter - 1117 Economic development and food production–consumption balance: A growing global challenge
by Kolleen Rask & Norman Rask - 1116 Explaining the Surprising Performance of Whisper Forecasts of Earnings
by Susan Machuga & Karen Teitel & R. Pfeiffer & E. Wu - 1114 The Lasting Effects of Crime: The Relationship of Discovered Methamphetamine Laboratories and Home Values
by Joshua Congdon-Hohman - 1113 Prison Work Programs with Unemployment Insurance: Generating Tax Revenue and Less Crime
by Robert Baumann & Bryan Engelhardt & Megan Morgano - 1112 An Evaluation of the Economic Impact of National Football League Mega-events
by Robert Baade & Victor Matheson - 1111 Spousal Labor Market Effects from Government Health Insurance: Evidence from a Veterans Affairs Expansion
by Melissa A. Boyle & Joanna N. Lahey - 1110 The Economics of Lotteries: An Annotated Bibliography
by Kent Grote & Victor Matheson - 1109 The Economics of Lotteries: A Survey of the Literature
by Kent Grote & Victor Matheson - 1108 Optimal Capital Taxation and Consumer Uncertainty
by Justin Svec & Ryan Chahrour - 1107 International Women's Soccer and Gender Inequality: Revisited
by Joshua Congdon-Hohman & Victor Matheson - 1106 Gender Differences in Competitive Balance in Intercollegiate Basketball
by Jaret Treber & Rachel Levy & Victor Matheson - 1105 Stealing History: How does Provenance Affect the Price of Antiquities?
by Katherine Kiel & Katherine Tedesco - 1104 Labor Market Effects of the World Cup: A Sectoral Analysis
by Robert Baumann & Bryan Engelhardt & Victor Matheson - 1103 Estimating economic impact using ex post econometric analysis: Cautionary tales
by Robert Baumann & Victor Matheson - 1102 Financing Professional Sports Facilities
by Robert A. Baade & Victor A. Matheson - 1101 The Bottom Line: Accounting for Revenues and Expenditures in Intercollegiate Athletics
by Victor A. Matheson & Debra J. O’Connor & Joseph H. Herberger
- 1010 Legal Requirements in the Practice of Forensic Economics in the Northeast States
by David Schap - 1009 Forensic Economics: An Overview
by David Schap - 1008 Differences Among State Court Jurisdictions in Damages Calculations
by David Schap - 1007 Vietnam’s Economy in Transition: Successes and Challenges
by Thomas Gottschang - 1006 Choosing Genocide: Economic Perspectives On The Disturbing Rationality Of Race Murder
by Charles Anderton - 1005 The Interaction of Audit Firm Quality and the Mexican Code of Best Corporate Practices on Earnings Quality
by Susan Machuga & Karen Teitel - 1004 Optimal Fiscal Policy with Robust Control
by Justin Svec - 1003 Booms, Busts, and Gambling: Can Gaming Revenues Reduce Budget Volatility?
by Brad R. Humphreys & Victor Matheson - 1002 The Labor Market Effects of the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics
by Robert Baumann & Bryan Engelhardt & Victor Matheson - 1001 The Effect of Sports Franchises on Property Values: The Role of Owners versus Renters
by Katherine A. Kiel & Victor Matheson & Christopher Sullivan
- 0916 Religious penalty in the U.S. News & World Report college rankings
by Robert Baumann & David Chu & Charles Anderton - 0915 Board of director characteristics and earnings quality surrounding implementation of a corporate governance code in Mexico
by Susan Machuga & Karen Teitel - 0914 Economics of the Super Bowl
by Victor Matheson - 0913 Sports Franchises, Stadiums, and City Livability: An Examination of Professional Sports and Crime Rates
by Robert Baumann & Bryan Engelhardt & Victor Matheson & Taylor Ciavarra - 0912 Anomalies in Tournament Design: The Madness of March Madness
by Robert Baumann & Victor Matheson & Cara Howe - 0911 Fiscal Policy Cyclicality and Growth within the U.S. States
by Ayako Kondo & Justin Svec - 0910 The Great Macroeconomic Experiment: Assessing the Effects of Fiscal Stimulus Spending on Employment Growth
by Robert Baumann & Bryan Engelhardt & Victor Matheson - 0909 Efficient Labor Force Participation with Search and Bargaining
by Bryan Engelhardt & David L. Fuller - 0908 Luck or Skill? An Examination of the Ehrlich - Simon Bet
by Katherine A. Kiel & Victor Matheson & Kevin Golembiewski - 0907 The Non-Linear Effect of Wealth on Crime
by Chihiro Muroi & Robert Baumann - 0906 Drawing Conclusions from Non-Random Samples: A Comment on “Race and Art: Prices for African American Painters and their Contemporaries” by Richard Agnello
by Melissa Boyle & Victor Matheson - 0905 Sorting and Statistical Discrimination in Schools: An Analysis Using the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health
by Anil Nathan - 0904 Spreading the Fortune: The Distribution of Lottery Prizes across Countries
by Victor Matheson & Kent Grote - 0903 Mega-Events and Housing Costs: Raising the Rent while Raising the Roof?
by Dennis Coates & Victor Matheson - 0902 Health and Utilization Effects of Increased Access to Publicly Provided Health Care: Evidence from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
by Melissa Boyle - 0901 Hail to the Chief: Assessing the Economic Impact of Presidential Inaugurations on the Washington, D.C. Local Economy
by Robert Baumann & Bryan Engelhardt & Victor Matheson
- 9907 Enterprise and Biodiversity: Do Market Forces Yield Diversity of Life?
by David Schap & Andrew Young - 0819 The Collateral Source Rule: Statutory Reform and Special Interests
by David Schap & Andrew Feeley - 0818 Recoverable Damages for Wrongful Death in the States: A Decennial View
by David Schap & Conor Carney - 0817 PILOTs and Public Policy: Steering through the Economic Ramifications
by Brad R. Humphreys & Victor Matheson - 0816 The Effects of Racial and Extracurricular Friendship Diversity on Achievement
by Anil Nathan - 0815 Slippery Slope? Assessing the Economic Impact of the 2002 Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, Utah
by Robert Baade & Robert Baumann & Victor Matheson - 0814 The Effect of Managed and Traditional Care Insurance Plans on Horizontal Inequity in Access to Health Care in the United States
by Frank Puffer & Elizabeth Pitney Seidler - 0813 Crime Networks with Bargaining and Build Frictions
by Bryan Engelhardt - 0812 Employment-Based Health Insurance and the Minimum Wage
by Laura Bucila - 0811 Measuring Tax Incidence: A Natural Experiment in the Hybrid Vehicle Market
by Melissa Boyle & Victor Matheson - 0810 Estimating the Speed of Convergence in the Neoclassical Growth Model: An MLE Estimation of Structural Parameters Using the Stochastic Neoclassical Growth Model, Time-Series Data, and the Kalman Filter
by Daniel G. Swaine - 0809 Moral Rights Protection for the Visual Arts
by Melissa Boyle & Debra O'Connor & Stacy Nazzaro - 0808 Bowling in Hawaii: Examining the Effectiveness of Sports-Based Tourism Strategies
by Robert Baumann & Victor Matheson & Chihiro Muroi - 0807 The Impact of Distribution System Characteristics on Computational Tractability
by Iqbal Agha & Debra J. O'Connor - 0806 Determinants of the Distribution of Congressional Earmarks Across States
by Melissa Boyle & Victor Matheson - 0805 The Effect of Employment Frictions on Crime: Theory and Estimation
by Bryan Engelhardt - 0804 Rejecting “Conventional” Wisdom: Estimating the Economic Impact of National Political Conventions
by Robert Baade & Robert Baumann & Victor Matheson - 0803 Costs and Benefits of Elderly Prescription Drug Coverage: Evidence from Veterans’ Health Care
by Melissa Boyle - 0802 U.S. Lotto Markets
by Victor Matheson & Kent Grote - 0801 Health Insurance and the Labor Supply Decisions of Older Workers: Evidence from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
by Melissa Boyle & Joanna N. Lahey
- 0708 The Effects of the Mexican Corporate Governance Code on Quality of Earnings and its Components
by Susan Machuga & Karen Teitel - 0707 The Impact of Wetlands Rules on the Prices of Regulated and Proximate Houses: A Case Study
by Katherine Kiel - 0706 Sports and the Law: Using Court Cases to Teach Sports Economics
by Victor Matheson - 0705 Differences in the College Enrollment Decision Across Race
by Robert Baumann - 0704 Big Men on Campus: Estimating the Economic Impact of College Sports on Local Economies
by Robert Baade & Robert Baumann & Victor Matheson - 0703 NFL Governance and the Fate of the New Orleans Saints: Some Observations
by Robert Baade & Victor Matheson - 0702 Down, Set, Hike: The Economic Impact of College Football Games on Local Economies
by Robert Baade & Robert Baumann & Victor Matheson - 0701 Alternative Methods of Calculating Optimal Timber Rotations: A Critique of the Stokey/Lucas/Prescott Tree-Cutting Problem
by Victor Matheson - 0612 Conditional Conservatism and the Value Relevance of Accounting Earnings: An International Study
by William D. Brown, Jr. & Karen Teitel & Haihong He
- 1613 Line Item Veto: Lessons from the Literature
by David Schap - 0611 Research Note: Assessing Household Service Losses with Joint Survival Probabilities
by Victor Matheson & Robert Baade - 0610 Mega-Events: The effect of the world’s biggest sporting events on local, regional, and national economies
by Victor Matheson - 0609 Gamblers’ Love for Variety and Substitution among Lotto Games
by Victor Matheson & Kent Grote - 0608 A Tale of Two Stadiums: Comparing the Economic Impact of Chicago’s Wrigley Field and U.S. Cellular Field
by Victor Matheson & Robert Baade & Mimi Nikolova - 0607 Environmental Contamination and House Values: A Study of Market Adjustment
by Katherine Kiel - 0606 The Collateral Source Rule: A Common Law Norm Under Special Interest Attack
by David Schap & Andrew Feeley - 0605 (Much) More on the Collateral Source Rule
by David Schap & Andrew Feeley - 0604 The Economic Consequences of Professional Sports Strikes and Lockouts: Revisited
by Robert Baade & Robert Baumann & Victor Matheson