- 2013-13 Market Reallocation and Knowledge Spillover: The Gains from Multinational Production
by Laura Alfaro & Maggie X. Chen - 2013-12 US-Tyres: Upholding a WTO Accession Contract – Imposing Pain for Little Gain
by Steve Charnovitz & Bernard Hoekman - 2013-11 Water, U.S. Foreign Policy and American Leadership
by Marcus King - 2013-10 Internet Governance and Internet Control: How to Safeguard Internet Freedom
by Susan Ariel Aaronson - 2013-9 Chinese Provincial Macroeconomic Data Revisions
by Shirley Hsuan Hsieh - 2013-8 Microfinance and Moneylenders: Long-run Effects of MFIs on Informal Credit Market in Bangladesh
by Claudia Berg & M. Shahe Emran & Forhad Shilpi - 2013-7 Statistical Versus Economic Output Gap Measures: Evidence from Mongolia
by Tara Sinclair & Julia Bersch - 2013-6 Cooperative in a Global Economy: Key Economic Issues, Recent Trends, and Potential for Development
by Stephen C. Smith & Jonathon Rothbaum - 2013-5 ‘Re-righting business’: John Ruggie and the struggle to develop international human rights standards for transnational firms
by Susan Ariel Aaronson & Ian Higham - 2013-4 How Well Does "Core" Inflation Capture Permanent Price Changes?
by Michael D. Bradley & Dennis W. Jansen & Tara M. Sinclair - 2013-3 Sanctuary Markets and Antidumping: An Empirical Analysis of U.S. Exporters
by Michael O. Moore - 2013-2 Are Sunday Babies Doomed for Life? Measuring the Sunday-Born Achievement Gap in Ecuador
by Gabriela Aparicio & Paul E. Carrillo & M. Shahe Emran - 2013-1 Driving Restrictions That Work? Quito's Pico y Placa Program
by Paul E. Carrillo & Arun S. Malik & Jiseon Yoo
- 2012-11 Can Tightness in the Housing Market Help Predict Subsequent Home Price Appreciation? Evidence from the U.S. and the Netherlands
by Paul E. Carrillo & Erik Robert De Wit & William D. Larson - 2012-10 Product Switching in a Model of Learning
by Olga A. Timoshenko - 2012-09 Characteristics and Implications of Chinese Macroeconomic Data Revisions
by Tara M. Sinclair - 2012-8 Adaptation to Climate Change in Low-Income Countries: Lessons from Current Research and Needs from Future Research
by Stephen C. Smith & Arun S. Malik - 2012-7 The Scope of NGOs and Development Program Design: Application to Problems of Multidimensional Poverty
by Stephen C. Smith - 2012-6 Awareness as an Adaptation Strategy for Reducing Mortality from Heat Waves: Evidence from a Disaster Risk Management Program in India
by Stephen C. Smith & Saudamini Das - 2012-5 The Effect of Labor Mobility Restrictions on Human Capital Accumulation in China
by Yao Pan - 2012-4 "Drill, Baby, Drill!" The Correlation of "Energy Independence" Policy in the United States
by Llewelyn Hughes & Francisco Flores-Macias - 2012-3 Evaluating a Vector of the Fed's Forecasts
by Tara Sinclair & Herman O. Stekler & Warren Carrow - 2012-2 A New Approach For Evaluating Economic Forecasts
by Tara Sinclair & Herman O. Stekler & Warren Carnow - 2012-1 Leverage and Asset Prices: An Experiment
by Ana Fostel
- 2011-25 Israel - Middle East North Africa (MENA) Trade: Is There Any Truth to the NEG Theory as Applied to the Israel-Jordan QIZs?
by Joseph Pelzman - 2011-24 Vietnam's Transition to a Market Economy: The Use of NME Standards in Dumping and Countervailing Investigations: or What Happened to Me On the Way to Rome?
by Joseph Pelzman - 2011-23 US-Regional Agreements with Latin America - The Long and Unsuccessful Saga of CAFTA and the FTAA
by Joseph Pelzman - 2011-22 Addicted to Oil: Implications for Climate Change Policy
by Steve Suranovic - 2011-21 The Regressive Demands of Demand-Driven Development
by Sarah Baird & Craig McIntosh & Berk Özler - 2011-20 Where Did Identification Go?
by James E. Foster & Sabina Alkire & Maria Emma Santos - 2011-19 Composite Indices: Rank Robustness, Statistical Association and Redundancy
by James E. Foster & Mark McGillivray & Suman Seth - 2011-18 Understandings and Misunderstandings of Multidimensional Poverty Measurement
by James E. Foster & Sabina Alkire - 2011-15 Trust and Trustworthiness in the Aftermath of Natural Disasters: Experimental Evidence from the 2010 Chilean Earthquake
by Alberto E. Chong & David A. Fleming & Hernán D. Bejarano - 2011-14 Poverty Measurement with Ordinal Data
by Chrysanthi Hatzimasoura & Christopher J. Bennett - 2011-13 Does the WTO Help Member States Clean Up?
by Susan Ariel Aaronson & M. Rodwan Abouharb - 2011-12 Peltzman on Ice: Evidence on Compensating Behavior Using a Natural Experiment from Ice Hockey
by Alberto Chong & Pascal Restrepo - 2011-11 Human Recognition among HIV-Infected Adults: Empirical Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial in Kenya
by Tony Castleman - 2011-10 Measurement of Human Recognition: A Methodology with Empirical Applications in India and Kenya
by Tony Castleman - 2011-08 Human Recognition and its Role in Economic Development: A Descriptive Review
by Tony Castleman - 2011-07 Tanker Ownership in non-OECD countries and the Rise of Government-Owned Fleets
by Al Wood - 2011-06 Argentina: There and Back Again?
by Michael Owen Moore - 2011-05 Differences in Early GDP Component Estimates Between Recession and Expansion
by Tara M. Sinclair & H.O. Stekler - 2011-04 Multidimensional Poverty and Interlocking Poverty Traps: Framework and Application to Ethiopian Household Panel Data
by Stephen C. Smith & Sungil Kwak - 2011-03 Do Cheaters Bunch Together? Profit Taxes, Withholding Rates and Tax Evasion
by Paul E. Carrillo & M. Shahe Emran & Anita Rivadeneira - 2011-02 Taxes, Prisons, and CFOs: The Effects of Increased Punishment on Corporate Tax Compliance in Ecuador
by Paul E. Carrillo & M. Shahe Emran & Gabriela Aparicio - 2011-01 Regional Agricultural Endowments and Shifts of Poverty Trap Equilibria: Evidence from Ethiopian Panel Data
by Stephen C. Smith & Sungil Kwak - 2011-9 Human Recognition and its Role in Economic Development: A Theoretical Model
by Tony Castleman
- 2010-20 Interdependence in Multinational Production Networks
by Maggie X. Chen - 2010-19 Patent Protecton and Strategic Delays in Technology Development: Implications for Econonmic Growth
by Maggie Xiaoyang Chen & Murat Iyigun - 2010-18 Why does Bad News Increase Volatility and Decrease Leverage?
by Ana Fostel & John Geanakoplos - 2010-17 Surviving the Global Financial Crisis: Foreign Direct Investment and Establishment Performance
by Maggie Chen & Laura Alfaro - 2010-16 The Global Agglomeration of Multinational Firms
by Maggie Xiaoyang Chen & Laura Alfaro - 2010-15 Freedom, Opportunity and Wellbeing
by James E. Foster - 2010-14 The Foster-Greer-Thorbecke (FGT) Poverty Measures: Twenty-Five Years Later
by James E. Foster & Joel Greer & Erik Thorbecke - 2010-13 On Measuring Vulnerability to Poverty
by James E. Foster & Indranil Dutta & Ajit Mishra - 2010-12 Unexpected Bedfellows: The GATT, the WTO, and Some Democratic Rights
by Susan Ariel Aaronson & M. Rodwan Abouharb - 2010-11 How China's Employment Problems Became Trade Problems: China, Labour Law, and the Rule of Law
by Susan Ariel Aaronson - 2010-08 Permanent and Transitory Macroeconomic Relationships between China and the Developed World
by Tara Sinclair & Yeuqing Jia - 2010-06 A Match Made in the Corporate and Public Interests: Marrying Voluntary CSR Initiatives and the WTO
by Susan Ariel Aaronson - 2010-02 Implementing Carbon Tariffs: A Fool's Errand?
by Michael Owen Moore - 2010-01 Herd Behavior and Contagion in Financial Markets
by Marco Cipriani & Antonio Guarino - 2010-3 A Post-Montesquieu Analysis of the WTO
by Steve Charnovitz
- 2010-28 Limited Partnership: Business, Government, Civil Society (NGOs) and the Public in the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI)
by Susan Ariel Aaronson & Jennifer Brinkerhoff - 2010-23 To Sell or Not to Sell: List Price, Transaction Price and Marketing Time in the Housing Market
by Paul E. Carrillo - 2010-22 Greed, Capitalism and the Financial Crisis
by Steve Suranovic - 2010-10 The Short-Term Impacts of as Schooling Cash Transfer Program on the Sexual Behavior of Young Women
by Sarah Baird & Ephraim Chirwa & Craig McIntosh & Berk Ozler - 2010-09 How Well Does "Core" CPI Capture Permanent Price Changes?
by Tara Sinclair & Dennis W. Jansen & Michael D. Bradley - 2010-07 Aggregate Income Shocks and Infant Mortality in the Developing World
by Sarah Baird & Jed Friedman & Norbert Schady - 2009-17 Location Decisions of Heterogeneous Multinational Firms
by Maggie Xiaoyang Chen & Michael Owen Moore - 2009-15 Education and Freedom of Choice: Evidence from Arranged Marriages in Vietnam
by Stephen C. Smith & M. Shahe Emran & Fenohasina Maret - 2009-13 How Well Does "Core" CPI Capture Permanent Price Changes?
by Tara M. Sinclair & Dennis W. Jensen & Michael D. Bradley - 2009-09 Lazy Banks? Government Borrowing and Private Credit in Developing Countries
by M. Shahe Emran & Subika Farazi - 2009-08 Public Information and Household Expectations in Developing Countries: Evidence From a Natural Experiment
by Paul Carrillo & M. Shahe Emran - 2009-06 Assessing the Frontiers of Ultra-Poverty Reduction: Evidence from CFPR/TUP, an Innovative Program in Bangladesh
by M. Shahe Emran & Stephen C. Smith & Virginia Robano - 2009-05 The Matching of Heterogeneous Firms and Politicians
by Maggie X. Chen - 2009-04 Coping with Rising Food Prices: Policy Dilemmas in the Developing World
by Nora Lustig - 2009-02 Financial Liberalization, Financial Restraint and Entrepreneurial Development
by M. Shahe Emran & Joseph E. Stiglitz - 2009-01 Third Country Effects in Multinational Production Networks
by Maggie Xiaoyang Chen - 2008-06 Can the Fed Predict the State of the Economy?
by Tara Sinclair & Frederick L. Joutz - 2008-05 Jointly Evaluating GDP and Inflation Forcasts in the Context of the Taylor Rule
by Tara Sinclair & H.O. Stekler & Elizabeth Reid & Edward N. Gamber
- 2010-25 Investing in Health: The Long-Term Impact of Head Start on Smoking
by James E. Foster & Kathryn H. Anderson & David E. Frisvold - 2009-16 Herd Behavior in Financial Markets: An Experiment with Financial Market Professionals
by Marco Cipriani & Antonio Guarino - 2009-14 Regionalism in Standards: Good or Bad for Trade?
by Maggie X. Chen & Aaditya Mattoo - 2009-07 Regional Economic Integration and Geographic Concentration of Multinational Firms
by Maggie X. Chen - 2008-17 Why Don't Foreign Firms Cooperate in U.S. Antidumping Investigations?: An Emperical Analysis
by Michael Owen Moore & Alan Fox - 2008-16 Third-Country Effects on the Formation of Free Trade Agreements
by Maggie Xiaoyang Chen & Sumit Joshi - 2008-14 The Desirability of Forgiveness in Regulatory Enforcement
by Arun Malik - 2008-13 Long-run Causes of Comparative Development: An Interpretation of the Recent Evidence
by Stephen C. Smith - 2008-12 Cultural Inheritance, Gender, and Intergenerational Occupational Mobility: Evidence from a Developing Economy
by M. Shahe Emran & Forhad Shilpi - 2008-11 The Extent of the Market and Stages of Agricultural Specialization
by M. Shahe Emran & Forhad Shilpi - 2008-10 Estimating Import Demand Function in Developing Countries: A Structural Econometric Approach with Applications to India and Sri Lanka
by M. Shahe Emran & Forhad Shilpi - 2008-09 Trade Liberalization and Antidumping: Is There a Substitution Effect?
by Michael Owen Moore & Maurizio Zanardi - 2008-07 Alternative Measures of Homeownership Gaps Across Segregated Neighboorhoods
by Paul Carrillo & Anthony Yezer - 2008-04 Output Fluctuations in the G-7: An Unobserved Components Approach
by Tara Sinclair & Sinchan Mitra - 2008-03 Asymmetry in the Business Model: Revisiting the Friedman Plucking Model
by Tara Sinclair - 2008-02 Location Decisions of Heterogeneous Multinational Firms
by Maggie Xiaoyang Chen & Michael Owen Moore - 2008-01 Does Antidumping Use Contribute to Trade Liberalization in Developing Countries?
by Maurizio Zanardi & Michael Owen Moore
- 2008-08 Efficient Delivery of Cash Transfers to the Poor: Improving the Design of a Conditional Cash Transfer Program in Equador
by Paul Carrillo & Juan Ponce Jarrin
- 2010-29 Reality Bites: The Myth of Labor Rights as a Non-trade Issue
by Susan Ariel Aaronson