- gueconwpa~03-03-24 Using Instrumental Varibles to Estimate the Share of Backward- Looking Firms
by Lars Sondergaard - gueconwpa~03-03-23 Fiscal Policy with Heterogeneous Agents and Incomplete Markets
by Jonathan Heathcote - gueconwpa~03-03-22 On the Distributional Effects of Reducing Capital Taxes (previously: Factor Taxation with Heterogeneous Agents)
by Jonathan Heathcote - gueconwpa~03-03-21 Housing and the Business Cycle
by Jonathan Heathcote - gueconwpa~03-03-20 Financial Globalization and Real Regionalization
by Jonathan Heathcote - gueconwpa~03-03-19 The Macroeconomic Implications of Rising Wage Inequality in the United States
by Jonathan Heathcote - gueconwpa~03-03-18 Poverty Reduction Using Self-Interested Intermediaries: Implications for the Design of Inter-Governmental Transfers
by Billy Jack - gueconwpa~03-03-17 Comparing the distortionary effects of alternative in-kind intergovernmental transfers
by Billy Jack - gueconwpa~03-03-16 Redistributing to the sick: How should health expenditures be integrated into the tax system?
by Billy Jack - gueconwpa~03-03-15 Financing Pharmaceutical Innovation: When Should Poor Countries Contribute?
by Billy Jack & Jenny Lanjouw - gueconwpa~03-03-14 The Organization of Public Service Provision
by Billy Jack - gueconwpa~03-03-12 When are Comparative Dynamics Monotone?
by Mark Huggett - gueconwpa~03-03-11 Precautionary Wealth Accumulation: A Positive Third Derivative is not Enough
by Mark Huggett and Edouard Vidon - gueconwpa~03-03-10 Human Capital and Earnings Distribution Dynamics
by Mark Huggett - gueconwpa~03-03-09 Precautionary Wealth Accumulation
by Mark Huggett - gueconwpa~03-03-08 International versus Domestic Auditing of Bank Solvency
by Andrew Feltenstein & Roger Lagunoff - gueconwpa~03-03-07 Global Games with Strategic Substitutes
by Rodrigo Harrison & Roberto Munoz - gueconwpa~03-03-06 Global Games with Strategic Substitutes
by Rodrigo Harrison - gueconwpa~03-03-05 State Rainy Day Funds and the State Budget Crisis 2002-?
by Christian Gonzalez & Arik Levinson - gueconwpa~03-03-04 Footlose and Pollution Free
by Josh Ederington, Arik Levinson & Jenny Minier - gueconwpa~03-03-03 Dynamic Enfrachisement
by William Jack & Roger Lagunoff - gueconwpa~03-03-02 Equilibrium Directed Search with Multiple Application
by James Albrecht, Pieter Gautier, & Susan Vroman - gueconwpa~03-03-01 Intercommection Incentives of a Large Network Facing Multiple Rivals
by David A. Malueg & Marius Schwartz
- gueconwpa~02-02-12 Are Different-Currency Assets Imperfect Substitutes?
by Martin Evans and Richard K. Lyons - gueconwpa~02-02-11 Informational Integration and FX Trading
by Martin Evans and Richard K. Lyons - gueconwpa~02-02-10 Real Risk, Inflation Risk, and the Term Structure
by Martin Evans - gueconwpa~02-02-09 Willingness to Pay for Environmental Quality: Testable Empirical Implications of the Growth and Environment Literature
by Debra Israel & Arik Levinson - gueconwpa~02-02-08 Labor Supply and Participation Effects of the Earned Income Tax Credit: Evidence form the National Survey of America's Families and Wisconsin's Supplemental Benefit for Families with Three Children
by Maria Cancian & Arik Levinson - gueconwpa~02-02-07 Environmental Regulatory Competition: A Status Report and Some New Evident
by Arik Levinson - gueconwpa~02-02-06 Money Market Rates and Implied CCAPM Rates: Some International Evidence
by Yamin Ahmad - gueconwpa~02-02-05 One Size and Structure of Group Cooperation
by Roger Lagunoff & Matthew Haag - gueconwpa~02-02-04 Credible Communication in Dynastic Government
by Roger Lagunoff - gueconwpa~02-02-03 A Theory of Exploitative Child Labor
by Carol Rogers & Kenneth A. Swinnerton - gueconwpa~02-02-02 Does Child Labor Decrease When Parental Incomes Rises
by Carol Rogers & Kenneth A. Swinnerton - gueconwpa~02-02-01 Same Price, Cash, or Card: Vertical Control by Payment Networks
by Marius Schwartz & Daniel Vincent
- gueconwpa~03-03-13 Purchasing Health Care Services from Providers with Unknown Altruism
by Billy Jack - gueconwpa~01-01-12 Order Flow and Exchange Rate Dynamics
by Martin Evans and David Lyons - gueconwpa~01-01-11 Time-Varying Liquidity in Foreign Exchange
by Martin Evans and David Lyons - gueconwpa~01-01-10 Inequality, Productivity, and Child Labor: Theory and Evidence
by Carol Rogers & Kenneth A. Swinnerton - gueconwpa~01-01-09 Energy Use By Apartment Tenants When Landlords Pay For Utilities
by Arik Levinson - gueconwpa~01-01-08 The Ups and Downs of the Environmental Kuznets Curve
by Arik Levinson - gueconwpa~01-01-07 Tinkering With or Tackling Unemployment Compensation
by Anja Decressin - gueconwpa~01-01-06 Evaluating Business Cycle Models with Labor Market Search
by Robert Hussey - 1 Organizations and Overlapping Generations Games: Memory, Communication, and Altruism
by Roger Lagunoff & Akihiko Matsui
- gueconwpa~01-01-03 Communication in Dynastic Repeated Games: 'Whitewashes' and 'Coverups'
by Luca Anderlini & Roger Lagunoff - gueconwpa~00-00-07 Reexamining the Empirical Evidence for an Environmental Kuznets Curve
by William Harbaugh & Arik Levinson & David Wilson - gueconwpa~00-00-06 Environmental Regulations and FDI Inflows to U.S. States
by Wolfgang Keller & Arik Levinson - gueconwpa~00-00-05 Are Different-Currency Assets Imperfect Substitutes?
by Martin D. D. Evans & Richard K. Lyons - gueconwpa~00-00-04 FX trading and Exchange Rate Dynamics
by Martin Evans - 00-03 Finding Costs in the U.S. Petroleum Industry: Assessing the Opposing Effects of Technological Change and Depletion with Error Correction Modeling
by John T Cuddington - 00-02 Baltic Monetary Regimes in the XX1st Century
by George Viksnins - 00-01 Will the Emergence of the Euro Affect World Commodity Prices?
by John T. Cuddington & Hong Liang
- gueconwpa~01-01-01 An Inequality Related to Chebyshev's
by F.W. McElroy - gueconwpa~00-00-08 An Industry-Adjusted Index of State Environmental Compliance Costs
by Arik Levinson