- gueconwpa~25-25-01 Greenhouse Gases Resulting from Grid-Connected Electricity Demand: Three Pillars and Scope Two
by Karl Dunkle Werner & Arik Levinson
- gueconwpa~24-24-05 Carbon Tariffs 101
by Claire Brunel & Arik Levinson - gueconwpa~24-24-04 Approximately Optimal Auctions With a Strong Bidder
by Luca Anderlini & GaOn Kim - gueconwpa~24-24-02 When is Trust Robust?
by Luca Anderlini & Larry Samuelson & Daniele Terlizzese - gueconwpa~24-24-02 The Law of General Average
by Luca Anderlini & Joshua Teitlebaum - gueconwpa~24-24-01 Tournament Auctions
by Luca Anderlini & GaOn Kim
- gueconwpa~23-23-06 The Emergence of Enforcement
by Luca Anderlini & Leonardo Felli & Michele Piccione - gueconwpa~23-23-05 Assigning Default Position for Digital Goods: Competition, Regulation and Welfare
by Marius Schwartz & Yongmin Chen - gueconwpa~23-23-04 Polarizing Persuasion
by Axel Anderson & Nikoloz Pkhakadze - gueconwpa~23-23-03 Disequilibrium Play in Tennis
by Axel Anderson & Jeremy Rosen & John Rust & Kin-ping Wong - gueconwpa~23-23-01 Product Innovation with Vertical Differentiation: Is a Monopolist's Incentive Weaker?
by Serge Moresi & Marius Schwartz
- gueconwpa~22-22-09 Inequality and Social Distancing during the Pandemic
by Martin Ravallion & Caitlin Brown - gueconwpa~22-22-08 The Emergence of Enforcement
by Luca Anderlini & Leonardo Felli & Michele Piccione - gueconwpa~22-22-07 Power, Property Rights, and the Dynamics of Local Wealth Appropriation
by Dan Cao & Roger Lagunoff & Yingqi Xu - gueconwpa~22-22-06 Status Quo Property Protection in Politico-Legal Systems
by Roger Lagunoff - gueconwpa~22-22-05 When Can Benefit Cost Analyses Ignore Secondary Markets?
by Matthew Kotchen & Arik Levinson - gueconwpa~22-22-04 Macroeconomic Covariates of Real Household Incomes in America
by Martin Ravallion - gueconwpa~22-22-03 Robot Adoption, Organizational Capital and the Productivity Paradox
by Rodimiro Rodrigo - gueconwpa~22-22-02 It's Always Sunny in Politics
by Carolina Concha-Arriagada & J.J. Naddeo - gueconwpa~22-22-01 Renewable Portfolio Standards
by Rachel Feldman & Arik Levinson
- gueconwpa~21-21-21 Women's Land Rights and Village Institutions in Tanzania
by Garance Genicot & Maria Hernandez de Benito - gueconwpa~21-21-20 Positive Skill Clustering in Role-Assignment Matching Models
by Axel Anderson - gueconwpa~21-21-19 Political Reservations as Term-Limits
by Garance Genicot & Cait Brown & Nishtha Kochhar - gueconwpa~21-21-18 America’s Regressive Wealth Tax: State and Local Property Taxes
by Arik Levinson - gueconwpa~21-21-17 Do Credit Constraints Explain the Energy Efficiency Gap? Evidence from the U.S. New Vehicle Market
by Kevin Ankney - gueconwpa~21-21-16 On the Foundations of Competitive Search Equilibrium with and without Market Makers
by James Albrecht & Xiaoming Cai & Pieter Gautier & Susan Vroman - gueconwpa~21-21-15 Missing Top Income Recipients
by Martin Ravallion - gueconwpa~21-21-14 Tolerance and Compromise in Social Networks
by Garance Genicot - gueconwpa~21-21-13 On the Gains from Tradeable Benefits-in-Kind
by Martin Ravallion - gueconwpa~21-21-12 The Dynamics of Property Rights in Modern Autocracies
by Dan Cao & Roger Lagunoff - gueconwpa~21-21-11 Distributional Effects of Environmental Trade Measures
by Lutz Sager - gueconwpa~21-21-10 A Correlated Random Coefficient Panel Model with Time-Varying Endogeneity
by Louise Laage - gueconwpa~21-21-09 Reconciling the Conflicting Narratives on Poverty in China
by Martin Ravallion & Shaohua Chen - gueconwpa~21-21-08 Assessing Sensitivity to Unconfoundedness: Estimation and Inference
by Matthew A. Masten & Alexandre Poirier & Linqi Zhang - gueconwpa~21-21-07 Disequilibrium Play in Tennis
by Axel Anderson & Jeremy Rosen & John Rust & Kin-Ping Wong - gueconwpa~21-21-06 The Comparative Statics of Sorting
by Axel Anderson & Lones Smith - gueconwpa~21-21-05 Positive Skill Clustering in Role Assignment Matching Models
by Axel Anderson - gueconwpa~21-21-04 Directed Search with Phantom Vacancies
by James Albrecht & Bruno Decreuse & Susan Vroman - gueconwpa~21-21-03 Vertical Mergers with Input Substitution: Double Marginalization, Foreclosure and Welfare
by Serge Moresi & Marius Schwartz - gueconwpa~21-21-02 Who Values Future Energy Savings? Evidence from American Drivers
by Arik Levinson & Lutz Sager - gueconwpa~21-21-01 Globalization and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Evidence from the United States
by Arik Levinson
- gueconwpa~20-20-04 MIT Shocks Imply Market Incompleteness
by Toshihiko Mukoyama - gueconwpa~20-20-03 Happiness and Air Pollution
by Arik Levinson - gueconwpa~20-20-02 Firm Growth through New Establishments
by Dan Cao & Henry Hyatt & Toshihiko Mukoyama & Erick Sager - gueconwpa~20-20-01 Job Duration and Match Characteristics over the Business Cycle
by Ismail Baydur & Toshihiko Mukoyama
- gueconwpa~19-19-07 Does Growing Up in Tax-subsidized Housing Lead to Higher Earnings and Educational Attainment?
by Elena Derby - gueconwpa~19-19-06 Does Increasing Block Pricing Decrease Energy Use? Evidence from the Residential Electricity Market
by Becka Brolinson - gueconwpa~19-19-05 Pegging the Interest Rate on Bank Reserves: A Resolution of New Keynesian Puzzles and Paradoxes
by Behzad Diba & Olivier Loisel - gueconwpa~19-19-04 Carbon Consumption, the Carbon-Based Ecosystem, and Output
by Roger Lagunoff & Cristian Figueroa & Rodrigo Harrison & Mario Miranda - gueconwpa~19-19-03 Platform Competition With Cash-back Rebates Under No Surcharge Rules
by Marius Schwartz & Daniel R. Vincent - gueconwpa~19-19-02 Front-Running and Collusion in Forex Trading
by Martin D. D. Evans - gueconwpa~19-19-01 Microstructure of Foreign Exchange Markets
by Martin D. D. Evans & Dagfinn Rime - gueconwpa~18-18-23 Non-Tariff Barriers and Bargaining in Generic Pharmaceuticals
by Sharat Ganapati & Rebecca McKibbin
- gueconwpa~18-18-22 How Strong Is The Weak Axiom?
by Peter Caradonna - gueconwpa~18-18-21 FX Trading and Exchange Rate Disconnect Puzzle
by Martin D. D. Evans - gueconwpa~18-18-20 Diffusion Centrality: Foundations and Extensions
by Garance Genicot & Yann Bramoullé - gueconwpa~18-18-19 Electoral Systems and Inequalities in Government Interventions
by Garance Genicot & Laurent Bouton & Michael Castanheira - gueconwpa~18-18-18 Fixing the Fix? Assessing the Effectiveness of the 4pm Fix Benchmark
by Martin D. D. Evans & Peter O'Neill & Dagfinn Rime & Jo Saakvitne - gueconwpa~18-18-17 Happiness, Behavioral Economics, and Public Policy
by Arik Levinson - gueconwpa~18-18-16 The Political Economy of Debt and Entitlements
by Laurent Bouton & Alessandro Lizzeri & Nicola Persico - gueconwpa~18-18-15 Guns, Environment, and Abortion: How Single-Minded Voters Shape Politicians' Decisions
by Laurent Bouton & Paola Conconi & Francisco Pino & Maurizio Zanardi - gueconwpa~18-18-14 Optimal Collateralized Contracts
by Dan Cao & Roger Lagunoff - gueconwpa~18-18-13 Recursive Equilibrium in Krusell and Smith (1998)
by Dan Cao - gueconwpa~18-18-12 Legal Efficiency and Consistency
by Luca Anderlini & Leonardo Felli & Alessandro Riboni - gueconwpa~18-18-11 Costly Pre-Trial Agreements
by Luca Anderlini & Leonardo Felli & Giovanni Immordino - gueconwpa~18-18-10 Competitive Differential Pricing
by Yongmin Chen & Jianpei Li & Marius Schwartz - gueconwpa~18-18-10 Competitive Differential Pricing
by Yongmin Chen & Jianpei Li & Marius Schwartz - gueconwpa~18-18-09 The Political Impact of Immigration: Evidence from the United States
by Anna Maria Mayda & Giovanni Peri & Walter Steingress - gueconwpa~18-18-08 The labor market integration of refugees to the United States: Do entrepreneurs in the network help?
by Anna Maria Mayda & Olivier Dagnelie & Jean-Francois Maystadt - gueconwpa~18-18-07 The political economy of protection in GVCs: Evidence from Chinese micro data
by Anna Maria Mayda & Rodney D. Ludema & Miaojie Yu & Zhi Yu - gueconwpa~18-18-06 China’s “Great Migration”: The impact of the reduction in trade policy uncertainty
by Anna Maria Mayda & Giovanni Facchini & Maggie Y. Liu & Minghai Zhou - gueconwpa~18-18-05 A Theory of Small Campaign Contributions
by Laurent Bouton & Micael Castanheira & Allan Drazen - gueconwpa~18-18-04 Cyclical Part-Time Employment in an Estimated New Keynesian Model with Search Frictions
by Toshihiko Mukoyama & Mototsugu Shintani & Kazuhiro Teramoto - gueconwpa~18-18-03 Energy Efficiency Standards Are More Regressive Than Energy Taxes: Theory and Evidence
by Arik Levinson - gueconwpa~18-18-02 Barriers to Reallocation and Economic Growth: the Effects of Firing Costs
by Toshihiko Mukoyama & Sophie Osotimehin - gueconwpa~18-18-01 Heterogeneous Jobs and the Aggregate Labor Market
by Toshihiko Mukoyama
- gueconwpa~17-17-10 Competitive Differential Pricing
by Yongmin Chen & Jianpei Li & Marius Schwartz - gueconwpa~17-17-09 Beyond Early Warning Indicators: High School Dropout and Machine Learning
by Dario Sansone - gueconwpa~17-17-08 Predicting the NFL Performance of Highly-Drafted Quarterbacks
by Jeremy Rosen & Alexandre Olbrecht - gueconwpa~17-17-06 The Lifecycle Wage Growth of Men and Women: Explaining Gender Differences in Wage Trajectories
by Mary Ann Bronson & Peter Skogman Thoursie - gueconwpa~17-17-05 Environmental Engel Curves
by Arik Levinson & James O'Brien - gueconwpa~17-17-04 Energy Intensity: Prices, Policy, or Composition in US States
by Arik Levinson - gueconwpa~17-17-03 Misreporting Trade: Tariff Evasion, Corruption, and Auditing Standards
by Derek Kellenberg & Arik Levinson - gueconwpa~17-17-02 Environmental Protectionism: The Case of CAFE
by Arik Levinson - gueconwpa~17-17-01 Energy Efficiency Standards Are More Regressive Than Energy Taxes: Theory and Evidence
by Arik Levinson
- gueconwpa~16-16-01 The Design of Optimal Collateralized Contracts
by Dan Cao & Roger Lagunoff
- gueconwpa~15-15-08 External Balances, Trade and Financial Conditions
by Martin D D Evans - gueconwpa~15-15-07 Churn vs. Diversion: An Illustrative Model
by Yongmin Chen & Marius Schwartz - gueconwpa~15-15-06 Shape Regressions
by Franco Peracchi & Samantha Leorato - gueconwpa~15-15-05 Strategic Incentives When Supplying to Rivals
by Serge Moresi & Marius Schwartz - gueconwpa~15-15-04 White or Black Hat? An Economic Analysis of Computer Hacking
by Caitlin Brown - gueconwpa~15-15-03 Multicandidate Elections: Aggregate Uncertainty in the Laboratory
by Laurent Bouton & Micael Castanheira & Aniol Llorente-Saguer - gueconwpa~15-15-02 Order Flow Information and Spot Rate Dynamics
by Martin Evans & Dagfinn Rime - gueconwpa~15-15-01 Tipping Points and Business-as-Usual in a Global Carbon Commons
by Rodrigo Harrison & Roger Lagunoff
- gueconwpa~14-14-04 Do Actions Speak Louder Than Words? Auditing, Disclosure, and Verification in Organizations
by Luca Anderlini & Dino Gerardi & Roger Lagunoff - gueconwpa~14-14-03 Forex Trading and the WMR Fix
by Martin Evans - gueconwpa~14-14-02 Taxing Top Earners: A Human Capital Perspective
by Mark Huggett & Alejandro Badel - gueconwpa~14-14-01 Pollution Offshoring and Emission Reductions in European and US Manufacturing
by Claire Brunel
- gueconwpa~13-13-07 Global Imbalances, Risk, and the Great Recession
by Martin Evans - gueconwpa~13-13-06 Dynamic Mechanism Design for a Global Commons
by Rodrigo Harrison & Roger Lagunoff - gueconwpa~13-13-05 Efficient Entry in Competing Auctions
by James Albrecht & Pieter Gautier & Susan Vroman - gueconwpa~13-13-04 Happiness as a Public Policy Tool
by Arik Levinson - gueconwpa~13-13-03 California Energy Efficiency: Lessons for the Rest of the World, or Not?
by Arik Levinson - gueconwpa~13-13-02 Measuring Environmental Regulatory Stringency
by Claire Brunel & Arik Levinson - gueconwpa~13-13-01 Differential Pricing When Costs Differ: A Welfare Analysis
by Marius Schwartz & Yongmin Chen
- gueconwpa~12-12-04 International Capital Flows and Debt Dynamics
by Martin Evans - gueconwpa~12-12-03 Household Search or Individual Search: Does It Matter? Evidence from Lifetime Inequality Estimates
by Luca Flabbi and James Mabli - gueconwpa~12-12-02 The Money Value of a Man
by Mark Huggett and Greg Kaplan - gueconwpa~12-12-01 Exchange-Rate Dark Matter
by Martin D. D. Evans
- gueconwpa~17-17-07 Platform Competition With User Rebates Under No Surcharge Rules
by Marius Schwartz & Daniel R. Vincent - gueconwpa~11-11-05 Risk Pooling, Risk Preferences, and Social Networks
by Garance Genicot, Orazio Attanasio, Abigail Barr, Juan Camilo Cardenas and Costas Meghir - gueconwpa~11-11-04 The Effect of Job Flexibility on Female Labor Market Outcomes: Estimates from a Search and Bargaining Model
by Luca Flabbi and Andrea Moro - gueconwpa~11-11-03 Fertility and Consumption when Having a Child is a Risky Investment
by Pedro Gete and Paolo Porchia - gueconwpa~11-11-02 A Real Options Analysis of Dual Labor Markets and the Single Labor Contract
by Pedro Gete and Paolo Porchia - gueconwpa~11-11-01 Collateral Shortages, Asset Price and Investment Volatility with Heterogeneous Beliefs
by Dan Cao
- gueconwpa~10-10-07 Racing Under Uncertainty: A Boundary Value Problem Approach
by Dan Cao - gueconwpa~10-10-06 Innovation by Entrants and Incumbents
by Dan Cao and Daron Acemoglu - gueconwpa~10-10-05 Understanding the Dynamics of the US External Position
by Martin Evans and Alberto Fuertes - gueconwpa~10-10-04 Micro Approaches to foreign Exchange Determination
by Martin Evans and Dagfinn Rime - gueconwpa~10-10-03 The Microstructure of Currency Markets
by Martin Evans - gueconwpa~10-10-02 Human Capital Values and Returns:Bounds Implied By Earnings and Asset Returns Data
by Mark Huggett and Greg Kaplan - gueconwpa~10-10-01 Revealed Political Power
by Jinhui Bai and Roger Lagunoff
- gueconwpa~09-09-04 Pollution and International Trade in Services
by Arik Levinson - gueconwpa~09-09-03 Valuing Public Goods Using Happiness Data: The Case of Air Quality
by Arik Levinson - gueconwpa~09-09-02 Product Innovation Incentives: Monopoly vs. Competition
by Yongmin Chen and Marius Schwartz - gueconwpa~09-09-01 International Diversification in Debt vs Equity
by David Amdur
- gueconwpa~08-08-05 Order Flows and The Exchange Rate Disconnect Puzzle
by Martin Evans - gueconwpa~08-08-04 Do Countries Free Ride on MFN?
by Rodney Ludema and Ann Maria Mayda - gueconwpa~08-08-03 Capital Structure Over The Business Cycle
by David Amdur - gueconwpa~08-08-02 On the 'Faustian' Dynamics of Policy and Political Power
by Jinhui Bai & Roger Lagunoff - gueconwpa~08-08-01 Communication and Learning
by Roger Lagunoff & Dino Gerardi & Luca Anderlini
- gueconwpa~07-07-11 International Financial Integration and The Real Economy
by Martin Evans and Viktoria Hnatkovska - gueconwpa~07-07-10 How Is Macro News Transmitted to Exchange Rates?
by Martin Evans and Richard Lyons - gueconwpa~07-07-09 Search by Committee
by James Albrecht & Axel Anderson & Susan Vroman - gueconwpa~07-07-08 Intergenerational Mobility and Schooling Decisions in Germany and Italy: the Impact of Secondary School Tracks
by Luca Flabbi & Daniele Checchi - gueconwpa~07-07-07 Prejudice and Gender Differentials in the U.S. Labor Market in the Last Twenty Years
by Luca Flabbi - gueconwpa~07-07-06 Counterfactual Distributions with Sample Selection Adjustments: Econometric Theory and an Application to the Netherlands
by Jim Albrecht & Aico van Vuuren & Susan Vroman - gueconwpa~07-07-05 Technology, International Trade, and Pollution from U.S. Manufacturing
by Arik Levinson - gueconwpa~07-07-04 Sources of Lifetime Inequality
by Mark Huggett & Gustavo Ventura & Amir Yaron - gueconwpa~07-07-03 Interpreting Life-Cycle Inequality Patterns asan Efficient Allocation: Mission Impossible?
by Mark Huggett & Alejandro Badel - gueconwpa~07-07-01 Social Memory and Evidence from the Past
by Luca Anderlini & Dino Gerardi & Roger Lagunoff
- gueconwpa~06-06-13 Financial Integration, Macroeconomic Volatility and Welfare
by Martin Evans and Viktoria Hnatkovska - gueconwpa~06-06-12 Assortative Matching and the Education Gap
by Ximena Peña - gueconwpa~06-06-11 How Well Does the US Social Insurance System Provide Social Insurance?
by Mark Huggett & Juan Carols Parra - gueconwpa~06-06-10 On Dynamic Compromise
by T. Renee Bowen & Zaki Zahran - gueconwpa~06-06-09 Tariffs and the Adoption of Clean Technology Under Asymmetric Information
by Rodney Ludema & Taizo Takeno - gueconwpa~06-06-08 Active Courts and Menu Contracts
by Luca Anderlini & Leonardo Felli & Andrew Postlewaite - gueconwpa~06-06-07 Should Courts Always Enforce What Contracting Parties Write?
by Luca Anderlini & Leonardo Felli & Andrew Postlewaite - gueconwpa~06-06-06 The Effects of Labor Market Policies in an Economy with an Informal Sector
by James Albrecht & Lucas Navarro & Susan Vroman - gueconwpa~06-06-05 Monetary Equilibria in a Cash-in-Advance Economy with Incomplete Financial Markets
by Jinhui H. Bai & Ingolf Schwarz - gueconwpa~06-06-04 Delegation versus Communication in the Organization of Government
by Rodney D. Ludema & Anders Olofsgård - gueconwpa~06-06-03 Do South-South Trade Agreements Increase Trade? Commodity-Level Evidence from COMESA
by Anna Maria Mayda & Chad Steinberg - gueconwpa~06-06-02 Individual Attitudes towards Immigrants: Welfare-State Determinants Across Countries
by Giovanni Facchini & Anna Maria Mayda - gueconwpa~06-06-01 A 'Super' Folk Theorem for Dynastic Repeated Games
by Luca Anderlini & Dino Gerardi & Roger Lagunoff
- gueconwpa~05-05-20 Foreign Exchange Market Microstructure
by Martin D. D. Evans (Georgetown University) - gueconwpa~05-05-19 Understanding Order Flow
by Martin D. D. Evans (Georgetown University) - gueconwpa~05-05-18 Solving General Equilibrium Models with Incomplete Markets and Many Assets
by Martin D. D. Evans (Georgetown University) and Viktoria Hnatkovska (Georgetown University) - gueconwpa~05-05-17 International Capital Flows, Returns and World Financial Integration
by Martin D. D. Evans (Georgetown University) and Viktoria Hnatkovska (Georgetown University) - gueconwpa~05-05-16 Quantifying the Inefficiency of the US Social Insurance System
by Mark Huggett (Georgetown University) and Juan Carlos Parra (Georgetown University) - gueconwpa~05-05-15 Social Conflict and Gradual Political Succession: An Illustrative Model
by William Jack (Georgetown University) and Roger Lagunoff (Georgetown University) - gueconwpa~05-05-14 When Do Health Savings Accounts Decrease Health Care Costs?
by Masahito Watanabe (Georgetown University) - gueconwpa~05-05-13 Do Countries Free Ride on MFN?
by Rodney Ludema (Georgetown University) and Anna Maria Mayda (Georgetown University and CEPR) - gueconwpa~05-05-12 Employee cost-sharing and the welfare effects of Flexible Spending Accounts
by William Jack (Georgetown University), Arik Levinson (Georgetown University), and Sjamsu Rahardja (World Bank) - gueconwpa~05-05-11 Why are some people (and countries) more protectionist than others?
by Anna Maria Mayda (Georgetown University) and Dani Rodrik (Harvard University) - gueconwpa~05-05-10 Who Is Against Immigration? A Cross-Country Investigation of Individual Attitudes towards Immigrants
by Anna Maria Mayda (Georgetown University) - gueconwpa~05-05-09 Bargaining Power and Enforcement in Credit Markets
by Garance Genicot (Georgetown University) and Debraj Ray (New York University) - gueconwpa~05-05-08 The Knowledge Lift: The Swedish Adult Education Program that Aimed to Eliminate Low Worker Skill Levels
by James Albrecht (Georgetown University), Gerard J. van den Berg (Free University Amsterdam), and Susan Vroman (Georgetown University) - gueconwpa~05-05-07 Markov Equilibrium in Models of Dynamic Endogenous Political Institutions
by Roger Lagunoff (Georgetown University) - gueconwpa~05-05-06 What are the Origins of Foreign Exchange Movements?
by Martin D. D. Evans(Georgetown University and NBER) - gueconwpa~05-05-05 How is Macro News Transmitted to Exchange Rates? (December 2003)
by Martin D. D. Evans(Georgetown University and NBER) and Richard K. Lyons(U.C. Berkeley and NBER, Haas School of Business) - gueconwpa~05-05-04 A New Micro Model of Exchange Rate Dynamics (March 2004)
by Martin D. D. Evans(Georgetown University and NBER) and Richard K. Lyons(U.C. Berkeley and NBER, Haas School of Business) - gueconwpa~05-05-03 Exchange Rate Fundamentals and Order Flow (July 2004)
by Martin D. D. Evans(Georgetown University and NBER) and Richard K. Lyons(U.C. Berkeley and NBER, Haas School of Business) - gueconwpa~05-05-02 Where Are We Now? Real-time Estimates of the Macro Economy
by Martin D. D. Evans(Georgetown University and NBER) - gueconwpa~05-05-01 Meese-Rogoff Redux: Micro-Based Exchange Rate Forecasting
by Martin D. D. Evans(Georgetown University and NBER) and Richard K. Lyons(U.C. Berkeley and NBER, Haas School of Business)
- gueconwpa~04-04-16 Informal Insurance in Social Networks
by Francis Bloch (GREQAM and Universite de la Mediterranee), Garance Genicot (Georgetown University, and Debraj Ray (New York University and Instituto de Analisis Economico (CSIC)) - gueconwpa~04-04-15 Optimal risk adjustment in a model with adverse selection and spatial competition
by William Jack(Georgetown University) - gueconwpa~04-04-14 Wage Mobility Through Job Mobility
by Marcela C. Perticara(Georgetown University/Ilades) - gueconwpa~04-04-13 Vertical Integration and Shared Facilities in Unregulated Industries
by Felipe Balmaceda(University of Chile), Eduardo Saavedra(Georgetown University/Ilades) - gueconwpa~04-04-12 Downward Adjustments in a Cyclical Environment: The Case of Chilean Pelagic Fisheries
by Julio Peña-Torres(Georgetown University/Ilades), Sebastián Vergara(ECLAC), Michael Basch(University of Chile) - gueconwpa~04-04-11 Tax Interdependence in the U.S. States
by Claudio A. Agostini(Georgetown University/Ilades) - gueconwpa~04-04-10 The Impact of State Corporate Taxes on FDI Location
by Claudio A. Agostini(Georgetown University/Ilades) - gueconwpa~04-04-09 The Folk Theorem in Dynastic Repeated Games
by Luca Anderlini (Georgetown University), Dino Gerardi (Yale University), Roger Lagunoff (Georgetown University) - gueconwpa~04-04-08 Gender Discrimination Estimation in a Search Model with Matching and Bargaining
by Luca Flabbi - gueconwpa~04-04-07 The Dynamic Reform of Political Institutions
by Roger Lagunoff - gueconwpa~04-04-06 Medicaid Stigma
by Arik Levinson and Sjamsu Rahardja - gueconwpa~04-04-05 Trade Liberalization and Pollution Havens
by Josh Ederington, Arik Levinson, and Jenny Minier - gueconwpa~04-04-04 Unmasking the Pollution Haven Hypothesis
by Arik Levinson and M. Scott Taylor - gueconwpa~04-04-03 Informal Insurance, Enforcement Constraints, and Group Formation
by Garance Genicot, Georgetown University and Debraj Ray, New York University and Instituto de An´alisis Econ´omico (CSIC) - gueconwpa~04-04-02 An Experimental Test of Risk-Sharing Arrangements
by Gary Charness, University of California, Santa Barbara and Garance Genicot,Georgetown University - gueconwpa~04-04-01 A Matching Model of the Housing Market: Searching for a Motivated Partner
by James Albrecht, Axel Anderson, Eric Smith and Susan Vroman
- gueconwpa~03-03-33 Inventory Information
by Martin D.D. Evans, H. Henry Cao, Richard K. Lyons - gueconwpa~03-03-32 Labor Turnover and the Dynamics of Labor Productivity
by Robert Hussey - gueconwpa~03-03-31 A Quantile Regression Decomposition of Urban-Rural Inequality in Vietnam
by Binh Nguyen & James Albrecht & Susan Vroman & Daniel Westbrook - gueconwpa~03-03-30 Contracts and Externalities: How Things Fall Apart
by Garance Genicot and Debraj Ray - gueconwpa~03-03-29 Should Courts Always Enforce What Contracting Parties Write?
by Luca Anderlini, Leonardo Felli, & Andrew Postlewaite - gueconwpa~03-03-28 Transaction Costs and the Robustness of the Coase Theorem
by Nabil Al-Najjar, Luca Anderlini & Leonardo Felli - gueconwpa~03-03-27 Transaction Costs and the Robustness of the Coase Theorem
by Luca Anderlini & Leonardo Felli - gueconwpa~03-03-26 Courts of Law and Unforeseen Contingencies
by Luca Anderlini, Leonardo Felli & Andrew Postlewaite - gueconwpa~03-03-25 Matching with Multiple Applications: The Limiting Case
by James Albrecht, Pieter Gautier, & Susan Vroman