2017, Issue 3
- 49-56 Interbudgetary Transfers as a Stimulation Mechanism of Regional Growth
by Anna A. Mikhaylova - 57-70 Management of Structural Liquidity Surplus of the Banking System
by Darya V. Shvandar & Olga V. Koncevich - 71-84 Taxes Impact on Private Investment
by Samvel S. Lazaryan & Mariya A. Chernotalova - 85-95 Mutual Funds Performance Assessment Techniques: Comparative Analysis
by Anna E. Olkova - 96-106 The Valuation Model of Company’s Bonds: Yield an Issuer and its Solvency
by Alexander S. Borgoyakov - 107-118 Survey as a Tool for Assessing the State of the Audit Services Market
by Maxim A. Bundin & Eugene M. Gutzŕit & Anton M. Maryasin - 119-130 Analysis of Regional Participatory Budgeting Practices in the Framework of Local Initiatives Support Program
by Marina V. Tsurkan
2017, Issue 2
- 9-19 Tax Burden Measurement Approaches
by Vladimir V. Gromov & Svetlana S. Shatalova - 20-26 Taxing Real Property Based on Cadaster Value
by Tatiana I. Semkina & Alexey V. Sorokin - 27-37 Accounting Development Perspective in the Russian Government Agencies
by Anton V. Dubovik & Roman V. Erzhenin - 38-45 Collisions and Prospects of Accounting Depreciation Fund of the Entity
by Olga N. Kuznetsova - 46-63 Risk Aversion for Investors with Memory: Hereditary Generalizations of Arrow-Pratt Measure
by Valentina V. Tarasova & Vasily E. Tarasov - 64-75 Comparison of the Predictive Ability of Single and Multi-Regime Models of Stock Market Dynamics
by Vadim Ye. Zyamalov - 76-90 Economic Growth and Financial Institutions: Influence on Macro- and Micro-levels
by Oleg S. Sukharev - 91-104 Harmonization of Approaches to Risk Management Activities of Central Depositories of the EAEU Member Countries
by Goar E. Shakhnazaryan - 105-114 Insurance Markets of the EAEU Member States: Current Status and Efficiency
by Yuri A. Spletukhov - 115-128 Financial Integration in ASEAN: Practice Analysis
by Olga V. Bogacheva & Ivan D. Rakov & Oleg V. Smorodinov - 129-131 Assessment of Initiative Budgeting Projects, Programs and Practices Methodologic Seminar
by Alexander Yu. Fenin
2017, Issue 1
- 9-21 Impact Evaluation of the Equalizing and Stimulating Effects of Intergovernmental Transfers to the Subjects of the Russian Federation
by Vladislav V. Bukharsky & Alexey M. Lavrov - 22-38 Heavily Non-Purpose Grants-Financed Russian Regions: Budgetary Conditions and Tools of State Support
by Mikhail V. Milchakov - 39-51 Prospects of Demand for Russia’s Ruble-Denominated Debt
by Igor V. Belyakov - 52-62 On the Activities of the Council for Professional Qualifications of the Financial Market
by Alexey V. Moiseev & Alexander V. Murychev & Diana K. Mashtakeeva & Petr N. Novikov - 63-76 Health Expenditure Forecast in Russia up to 2030
by Nikolay A. Avxentyev - 77-90 Financing of Modern Health Insurance Systems
by Natalia N. Sisigina - 91-102 Pension Savings Investments: Government or Private Sector?
by Karen A. Tumanyants & Igor V. Antonenko & Ljubov V. Antosik & Tatyana V. Shlevkova - 103-113 Factors, Opportunities and Restrictions for the Development of Initiative Budgeting in the Russian Federation
by Vladimir V. Vagin & Natalia A. Shapovalova & Nadezda V. Gavrilova - 114-127 QE4 — Inevitable and Near Future?
by Olga V. Koncevich & Vsevolod Y. Cherkasov
2016, Issue 6
- 7-19 Tax Base Erosion in Russian Federation: Problems of Measuring, Scale and Effects
by Nikolay S. Milogolov & Kermen N. Tserenova - 20-35 Private Health Expenditures in Russian regions: Determinants and Consequences
by Nikolay A. Avxentyev & Valery M. Baydin & Olga A. Zarubina & Natalia N. Sisigina - 36-45 On Business Activity in the Audit Services Market
by Bundin Maxim A. & Eugene M. Gutzait & Anton M. Maryasin & Igor A.Yakovlev - 46-61 Shadow Economy Fight in Russia: Some Aspects of Common Problems
by Aleksandra L. Suslina & Roman S. Leukhin - 62-70 State R&D Assignments: Approach to Determining their Budgets Based Normative Costs
by Olga V. Bogacheva & Olesya A. Feoktistova - 71-80 Introducing the Universal Minimum Income Support in Russia: The Cost of the Transition
by Elena I. Andreeva & Dmitry G. Bychkov - 81-89 Regional Road Funds: Should their Revenue Sources Be Determined at the Federal Level?
by Nataliya V. Golovanova - 90-102 Foreign Insurance Companies’ Direct Branches in Russia: Regulatory Perspectives
by Inna N. Rykova & Makar I. Kudelich & Alexander M. Shaykin - 103-109 Trends and Prospects of the Insurance Business Development in Russia
by Yuliya T. Akhvlediany - 110-120 Research of Network Interactions of Financial Institutions in the Russian Financial Market
by Yuliya S. Evlakhova - 121-128 Development of the Approaches to Calculation of Depreciation
by Leonid I. Sergeyev & Maxim I. Moroz - 129-134 Proactive Budgeting: Development Strategy, The Second All-Russian conference for Proactive Budgeting
by Vladimir V. Vagin
2016, Issue 5
- 7-15 The Allocation of Intergovernmental Transfers: Theoretical Background and the Russian Practice
by Vladimir V. Klimanov & Anna M. Korotkikh - 16-24 The Issue of Reform of Early Pensions for Health and Education Workers
by Yuri Ì. Gorlin & Elena E. Grishina & Victor Y. Lyashok & Vladimir S. Nazarov - 25-36 Regional Approaches to Optimization of Sub-federal Systems of Social Support Benefits in Russia
by Elena I. Andreeva & Dmitry G. Bychkov & Olesya A. Feoktistova - 37-51 Consolidated Groups of Taxpayers: How We Should Use the Moratorium
by Kirill M. Nikitin & Marina A. Avdienkova & Olga O. Zakharova & Eleonora A. Gilmanova - 52-62 Regional Financial Mechanisms and their Role in Financial Stability Ensuring (Experience of ASEAN)
by Igor' A. Yakovlev & Lyudmila S. Kabir & Svetlana I. Nikulina & Ivan D. Rakov - 63-74 Financial Integration in ASEAN: Theoretical Aspect
by Olga V. Bogacheva & Oleg V. Smorodinov - 75-81 On the Problem of External Debt Growth in the Context of Globalization of the World Economy
by Igor A. Balyuk - 82-93 Analysis of the Polish Special Economic Zone Development: Implications for Russia
by Mikhail A. Smirnov - 94-102 Development of National Payment Systems as the Current Trend
by Artur V. Glazunov & Kristina V. Shvandar & Anastasia A. Anisimova - 103-111 Statistical Data Implementation in Methodology of the National Payment System Analysis
by Mariya A. Mikhailova & Andrey V. Obynochny - 112-119 Real Estate Investment Trust Performance Efficiency Factors
by Yulia А. Burkova - 120-126 Management Decisions in Insurance as an Expression of Synergetic Management
by Mikhail L. Kozlov
2016, Issue 4
- 7-17 Financial Initiatives of ASEAN: Peculiarities of Financial Cooperation Model in Southeast Asia
by Igor A. Yakovlev & Lyudmila S. Kabir & Svetlana I. Nikulina - 18-29 Analysis of Foreign Insurers Subsidiaries Commercial Presence Conditions under the Terms of Russia’s WTO Accession
by Inna N. Rycova & Makar I. Kudelich & Alexander M. Shaikin - 30-36 Investment Cooperation of the Member States of the EAEU as a Key Factor of their Sustainable Development
by Valery L. Abramov & Petr V. Alekseev - 37-45 Insurance Companies’ Activities Control in the Member States of the EAEU
by Yury A. Spletukhov - 46-52 Investments Tax Deductions in Personal Income Tax in the Context of Tax Benefits Reduction
by Tatiana A. Malinina - 53-59 Features of the Taxation on the Gas Extraction in Russia
by Marina V. Kashirina & Maxim A. Zhuravlev - 60-65 Fiscal Burden Coefficient as one of the Tools to Estimation of the Business Climate in Regions
by Dmitriy I. Babansky - 66-75 The Correct Evaluation of the Investment Value of the Object in a Time of Crisis
by Maksim K. Shabalin - 76-87 Social Security Determinants of the Retirement Age: a Literature Review
by Vladimir A. Danielyan - 88-96 Public Participation as an Element of an Effective System of Public Finance Management
by Yury V. Belousov - 97-107 Financial Risk Management of Innovative Activity at the Institutional Level
by Darya D. Shkuta - 108-113 Guarantee Schemes at Insurance Sector and the Bank Sphere Interaction
by Oleg D. Averchenko
2016, Issue 3
- 7-15 Tax Control of Transfer Pricing on Intangible Assets
by Andrey S. Kizimov & Nadezhda A. Kuzmina & Milyausha R. Pinskaya - 16-25 Tax Field in the AIC of Russia and Belarus: Comparative Characteristics
by Anna V. Tihonova & Sergey O. Naumchik - 26-44 Equity vs. Bonds for Long-term Investors
by Alexander E. Abramov & Alexander D. Radygin & Maria I. Chernova - 45-54 Formation of an Optimum Portfolio of Russian Companies with Probabilistic Risk Function
by Victor À. Gorelik & Tatiana V. Zolotova - 55-65 Government Measures Aimed at Formation and Development of Green Bond Market
by Olga V. Bogacheva & Oleg V. Smorodinov - 66-78 Budgets of Russian Regions: Government Debt Accumulation and Public Spending
by Mikhail V. Milchakov - 79-88 The Development of a Eurocurrency Banking Market in the World Economy
by Evgeny A. Bogdanyuk & Pavel V. Trunin - 89-97 Public Debt Management: Foreign Practice
by Svetlana Yu. Filina - 98-104 Effectiveness of the Agricultural Machinery Industry State Support
by Inna N. Rycova & Elena O. Metelkova - 105-114 Theoretical Aspects of Development Initiative Budgeting in the Russian Federation
by Vladimir V. Vagin - 115-125 Efficiency of Pension Accruals Management in Non-State Pension Funds
by Ekaterina S. Lavrenova & Olga S. Belomyttseva
2016, Issue 2
- 7-27 Establishment of the National System of Quality Assessment in Public Finance Management
by Anna A. Belenchuk & Alexey M. Lavrov - 28-40 The Formation and Development of Vocational Qualifications of the Financial Market
by Alexey V. Moiseev & Diana K. Mashtakeeva & Petr N. Novikov - 41-51 Federal Center and Regions: Assignment of Powers Changes in 2005 - 2015
by Nataliya V. Golovanova & Evgeniy A. Dombrovskiy - 52-59 Growth Potential of Property Tax Revenue in the Russian Federation
by Tatiana I. Semkina & Alexey V. Sorokin - 60-69 Principles of Taxation of the Structural Instruments Based on Derivatives
by Tatiana Yu. Safonova - 70-81 Green Bonds as a Key Instrument for Financing Green Projects
by Olga V. Bogacheva & Oleg V. Smorodinov - 82-87 Improvement of Legal Regulation of Development Institutions Activity in the Russian Federation
by Makar I. Kudelich - 88-99 Patent as a Form of Intangible Assets and its Use in the Implementation of the Program of Innovative Development
by Roman S. Gubanov & Larisa V. Zhuravleva & Olga V. Korableva - 100-110 Insurance Mechanisms of Financial Support in the Field of Energy Conservation Activities
by Alexander A. Tsyganov & Nadezhda V. Kirillova & Valery V. Kurganov - 111-117 Banks as Subjects of the National Payment System: Contemporary Issues
by Svetlana V. Krivoruchko & Valery A. Lopatin - 118-125 The Current Trends in Participatory Budgeting
by Nadezda V. Gavrilova
2016, Issue 1
- 7-22 Factors of Pension Growth in Modern Russia
by Victor Yu. Lyashok & Vladimir S. Nazarov & Maxim S. Oreshkin - 23-32 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: New Financial Initiatives in the Asia-Pacific Region
by Anna V. Valkova - 33-40 The Harmonization of Banking Legislation and Regulation in the EAEU Countries
by Maxim A. Kotlyarov & Inna N. Rycova - 41-49 Intergovernmental Block Transfers in Developed Countries: USA, Australia and Canada
by Igor Yu. Arlashkin & Alexander S. Gangan & Alexander N. Deryugin & Kseniya Ar. Proka - 50-60 Consolidation of Federal Matching Grants to Russian Regions
by Igor Yu. Arlashkin & Alexander S. Gangan - 61-69 Public Expenditure Efficiency: Theoretical and Legislation Approach
by Roman S. Afanasev & Nataliya V. Golovanova - 70-78 Justification of Budget Expenditures for the Establishment of the Territories of Priority Development
by Tatiana S. Remizova - 79-88 The Project Approach Application in the Government Program Implementation
by Mikhail A. Smirnov - 89-100 The Quality of Audit Services and the Estimation of the Disciplinary Measures Impact
by Evgeny M. Gutzait & Anton M. Maryasin & Igor A. Yakovlev - 101-109 Trust Management: Issues for Recognition of Contract Expenses
by Vladimir V. Gromov - 110-116 Model for the Dynamic Evaluation of the Grey Imports Volume and Structure
by Evgeny G. Anisimov & Vladimir G. Anisimov & Sergey V. Shkodinsky - 117-121 State Support Arrangements for the Construction Industry Funding
by Oksana N. Khlebopasheva
2015, Issue 6
- 5-16 Performance Measures for Civil Servants: the Case of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation
by Sergey V. Romanov & Nikolay N. Klisch & Darya S. Reshetnikova - 17-23 The Role of Customs Control after the Release of the Goods in the Formation of the Federal Budget Revenues
by Gulzida I. Nemirova & Dmitry Yu. Lazarev - 24-33 Universal Income Support Benefits: International Practices and Outlooks for Russia
by Elena I. Andreeva & Dmitry G. Bychkov - 34-46 The Features of Federal Fiscal Transfers’ Allocation among Russian Regions
by Mikhail V. Milchakov - 47-58 Russian Banking System in Recent Years: General and Regional Perspectives
by Tatyana L. Zhuravleva & Maxim A. Leonov - 59-66 Development of the Formation Mechanism of the Russian Ruble Exchange Rate
by Nadezhda A. Smirnova - 67-79 Influence of Tax Shields, Default Risk and Transaction Costs on the Average Cost of the Capital
by Pavel E. Zhukov - 80-89 Investment Property: Russian and International Concept of Valuation and Accounting
by Alexey Yu. Popov - 90-101 Calculation Methods of the Cost of Information Technologies Goods (Works, Services) Based on the Target Costing and Kaizen Costing Systems
by Olga A. Fetisova - 102-111 Non-Banking Financial Intermediaries: Development of the Regulation and Supervision System
by Irina V. Pashkovskaya - 112-118 VAT on Transactions with Precious Metals: International Experience
by Tatiana I. Semkina & Olga V. Medvedeva
2015, Issue 5
- 5-25 Stimulation of the Sub-national Authorities in Realization of the Fiscal Reforms: Russian Experience
by Ya. Danilova & Alexey M. Lavrov & Vladislav V. Onischenko & Elena V. Pokatovich - 26-37 Standardization in the Procurement: Second Stage
by Tatyana V. Saakyan & Sergey G. Khabaev & Pavel G. Kradinov - 38-44 Divided Budgeting of Operating and Investment Costs Problem: International Practice
by Olga V. Bogacheva - 45-58 On Fiscal Costs of Banking Crises
by Igor V. Belyakov - 59-71 Problems and Prospects of Fiscal and Tax Policy in the Republic of Crimea
by Nina I. Malis & Natalya A. Gorokhova & Irina V. Kiviko - 72-79 Tax Instruments of Institutionalization of Import Substitution in Agriculture
by Milyausha R. Pinskaya - 80-90 Regression Analysis of Factors Influencing Willingness-to-Pay for Cooperative Medical Insurance
by Maria A. Kaneva & Nikolay A. Avxentyev & Valery M. Baydin - 91-102 Problems of the Coordinated Use of Pension and Social Statistics
by Arkady K. Solovyev & Svetlana A. Dontsova - 103-112 Floating Exchange Rate in Transition Economies
by Igor A. Yakovlev & Kristina V. Shvandar - 113-119 Determination of Global System-Important Financial Institutions in the Insurance and Securities Sectors of the Financial Market
by Yuliya S. Evlakhova - 120-122 Participatory Budgeting in Russia: Primary Features and Effects
by Vladimir V. Vagin - 123-124 International Taxation: Tax Base Erosion with the Use of Low-Tax Jurisdictions
by Maxim A. Kotlyarov
2015, Issue 4
- 5-12 International Practices in Stimulation of Subnational Authorities in Realization of the Fiscal Reforms in the Public Sector
by Ya. Danilova & Alexey M. Lavrov & Vladislav V. Onischenko - 13-21 Financial Markets of the Eurasian Economic Union: Harmonization of National Legislations
by Sergey R. Platonov & Roman S. Gubanov - 22-33 Tax Collection Trends in Russia: Macroeconomic Approach
by Evsey T. Gurvich & Alexandra L. Suslina - 34-40 Improvement of Legislative Regulation of Dividend Policy in the State-owned Companies
by Makar I. Kudelich & Inna N. Rycova - 41-52 Evaluating Social and Economic Effects of Infrastructure Projects
by Andrey A. Alaev & Svetlana V. Kozlova & Kirill M. Malyutin & Irina T. Perova - 53-61 Cyclical Conditions of Monetary Policy
by Igor Yu. Varjas - 62-71 Impact of Public Spending on Economic Growth
by Alexander D. Gromov - 72-84 Structured Derivatives: Universal Pricing Model
by Denis V. Zuev - 85-93 Separation of Jurisdiction between Governmental Tiers in Russia: Budgetary Issues
by Igor Yu. Arlashkin & Alexander N. Deryugin & Kseniya A. Proka - 94-103 Participatory Budgeting in Russia: Best Practices and Current Trends in Development
by Vladimir V. Vagin & Nadezda V. Gavrilova & Natalia A. Shapovalova - 104-111 Global Significance of the French Franc
by Vitaliy V. Shmelev - 112-121 Specifics of Implementation of the Third Generation Standards for Capital Adequacy in the Banking Practice of Foreign Countries
by Anna V. Brizitskaya
2015, Issue 3
- 5-15 Experience and Perspectives of the Quality Evaluation in Financial Management of Federal Government Authorities
by Stanislav S. Bychkov & Alexander A. Boldyr & Alexey M. Lavrov - 16-25 Formation of the Financial Supervisory Authorities of the Eurasian Economic Union: Adaptation of the European Experience
by Maxim A. Kotlyarov & Sergey R. Platonov & Inna N. Rycova - 26-34 Government Wealth Funds and Monetary Policy in Russia
by Sergey G. Sinelnikov-Murylev & Pavel V. Trunin - 35-42 Methodical Approaches to the Assessment of the Amount of Grey Imports and Loss of the Revenue Part of the Federal Budget
by Evgeny G. Anisimov & Vladimir E. Novikov & Sergey V. Shkodinsky - 43-54 Current State of Theoretical Researches on a Question of the Public Financial Policy
by Irek G. Nigmatullin - 55-62 The Comparative Analysis of the Methodological Approaches to Identification of Global Systemically Important Financial Institutions
by Yuliya S. Evlakhova - 63-74 Development of Long-term Budget Outlook: Regional Aspect
by Igor Yu. Arlashkin & Alexander N. Deryugin & Kseniya A. Proka - 75-82 Improving Taxation of Personal Incomes from Realization of Assets Acquired Without Compensation or at a Price below Market
by Tatyana A. Malinina & Vladimir V. Gromov - 83-90 Regulation of Insurance in the Countries of the Eurasian Economic Union: Similarity and Differences
by Yury A. Spletukhov - 91-97 The Modern Practice of Export Credit Insurance in the EU
by Tamara A. Belousova - 98-107 Measuring Budget Transparency: International and Russian Experience
by Nataliya V. Golovanova - 108-116 The Analysis of the Russian Federal Subjects Budget Transparency
by Yury V. Belousov & Olga I. Timofeeva - 117-122 Initiative Budgeting: International Context of Russian Version
by Vladimir V. Vagin & Nadezda V. Gavrilova & Natalia A. Shapovalova
2015, Issue 2
- 5-15 Standardization of Public Procurement as a Tool for their Integration with the Budget Process
by Tatyana V. Saakyan & Sergey G. Khabaev & Pavel G. Kradinov - 16-24 Fiscal Effect of Reduced Taxes for Small Businesses in Russia
by Karen A. Tumanyants - 25-32 Tax Revenues to Regional Budgets: Growth Reserves
by Nina I. Malis - 33-41 The ways of Tax Optimization of Holding Companies
by Tatiana A. Loginova - 42-51 Development of Refinancing System of the Russian Banking Sector
by Rasul A. Musaev & Denis V. Kleshko - 52-59 Russian Oil and Gas Budget Revenues in 2015: Estimation and Risk
by Alexey Yu. Mikhaylov - 60-72 Finding an Optimal Capital Structure under Default Risk
by Pavel E. Zhukov - 73-79 Some Issues of Audit Statistics Improvements
by Evgeny M. Gutzait & Igor A. Yakovlev - 80-88 Administration of Social Security Contributions Abroad: Tendencies and Assessment of Application in Russia
by Vladimir V. Gromov - 89-97 Resource Taxes in the Economy of Modern China
by Evgeniya A. Kuklina - 98-102 Reverse Mortgage as Instrument for Public-private Partnerships in Support of Persons of Retirement Age
by Andrey G. Semenyuk
2015, Issue 1
- 5-16 Problems in the Formation of Financial Model of National Healthcare System
by Ayrat Z. Farrahov & Vitaly V. Omelyanovsky & Natalya N. Sisigina - 17-28 Budgetary Costs, Efficiency and Priorities of Economic Development
by Oleg S. Sukharev - 29-40 Earmarked Budget Revenues and Government Business-Type Operations in the Practices of OECD Countries
by Olga V. Bogacheva & Dmitry G. Bychkov - 41-51 The Development of the Unit Cost Funding of Higher Education
by Olga K. Yastrebova - 52-59 Long-term Target Programs in the USA and Canada: Planning Models and Features of the Structure
by Tatyana V. Tischenko - 60-71 Administration of Technology Park Structures’ Intellectual Capital as a Factor of Effective Management
by Anna A. Maltseva - 72-78 Towards Creation of the Preconditions for the Financial Stability and National Security of the Russian Federation in Long-run
by Anton V. Navoy - 79-88 The Market of Audit Services as a Special Case of the Industrial Market
by Evgeny M. Gutzait - 91-98 Foreign Experience of Development of Cashless Payment System: Practice and Results
by Kristina V. Shvandar & Anastasiya A. Anisimova - 99-110 Barriers to Implementing New Public Management Principles in Public Systems of Developing Countries
by Ekaterina A. Pospelova & Maria V. Kazakova
2014, Issue 4
- 5-15 Self-Regulation in Audit: Main Results
by Leonid Z. Shneydman & Sergey V. Solomyanyy - 20-35 Road Map for Deoffshorization of the Russian Economy:Conceptual Basis and Activities
by Vladimir P. Bauer & Tatiana A. Loginova - 36-46 Controlled Foreign Company Rules: Comparative Analysis
by Nikolai S. Milogolov & Milyausha R. Pinskaya - 47-54 Prevention of Tax Base Shifting to Low-tax Jurisdictions:OECD Experience and Priorities for Russia
by Maxim A. Kotlyarov & Inna N. Rycova - 55-65 The Role of Legislative Authorities in Consideration and Adoption of the Draft Budget Law
by Vladimir S. Nazarov & Olga V. Bogacheva & Tatiana V. Fokina - 66-80 Subnational Debt in Russian Federation: Retrospective and Perspective Analysis
by Arseny A. Mamedov & Nikolay A. Avksentyev - 81-93 The Implementation of Ineffective Regional Expenditure Assessment in the Decision-making Process of Grants Allocation
by Mikhail V. Milchakov - 94-104 The Law on Benefits Monetization: Delineation of Spending Powers and Unfunded Mandates
by Anna B. Zolotareva - 105-117 Towards Transmission to the NEW Russia’s International Finance and International Trade Model during the Period of Global Turbulence
by Anton V. Navoy - 118-128 Actualization of Macroeconomic Forecasts for Aim of Fiscal Process
by Igor Yu. Varjas & Kristina V. Shvandar & Tatiana F. Burova - 129-134 Does VAT Taxation System of Precious Metals Effective?
by - 135-143 Diamond Market: Control at the International and National Levels and Taxation
by Anastasiya A. Anisimova - 144-154 Experience of Implementation Infrastructure Projects of Public-private Partnerships in the Social Sector
by Vladimir V. Trubin & Larisa V. Zhuravleva & Olga V. Korableva & Maria A. Burankova - 155-162 Professional Development of Public Servants: Experience of the Europe and USA
by Natalia S. Matveeva
2014, Issue 3
- 5-19 Development of Consolidated Budgets of Russian Regions in the Medium Term: Problems and Solutions
by Alexander N. Deryugin & Vladimir S. Nazarov & Arseny A. Mamedov - 22-34 International Experience of Funding and Organization of Healthcare Systems
by Vitaly V. Omelyanovsky & Ludmila V. Maximova & Anton P. Tatarinov - 35-46 Public Expenditure on Health in the OECD and Russia: Potential and Methodology of Comparative Analysis
by Varvara Yu. Kulkova - 47-58 Financing Pharmaceutical Expenditures in OECD Countries: Modern State and Tendencies
by Tatiana V. Chubarova - 59-67 The Analysis of Healthсare Spending Structure in OECD Countries and Russia: Attribute-Based Comparison and Factual Description
by Olga A. Zarubina - 68-75 Tax benefits on healthcare and education in Russia and selected OECD countries
by Nikolai S. Milogolov - 76-88 State Policy Prioritizing of the Far East Region
by Inna N. Rycova & Denis V. Korablev - 89-95 Tax policy for the Medium-term Period: Benefits Optimization and Investments Stimulation
by Nina I. Malis - 96-103 Diversification of Fiscal Policy as a Tool of Industrial Development Stimulation
by Dmitriy I. Babansky - 104-110 VAT on Precious Metals in Russian Federation
by Olga V. Medvedeva - 111-120 Monitoring and Analysis of the Effectiveness of State Support to Noncommercial Organizations in the Philanthropy Tax Regime (the Experience of Tatarstan)
by Olga P. Doroshina - 121-133 Long-term Budget Projections in U.S. Federal Agencies
by Galina Ya. Shakhova & Pavel L. Manenok - 134-140 Restrictions and Opportunities of the Budgetary Policy: A View from the region
by Sofiya L. Donskaya - 141-149 New Forms of the Competition in the Insurance Market of the Russian Federation
by Alexander A. Tsyganov & Denis V. Bryzgalov - 150-160 The Export Credit Insurance: Foreign Practice
by Yury A. Spletukhov - 161-166 Financial Market of the Common Economic Space: Problems and Risks
by Roman S. Gubanov - 167-175 China’s Experience in Attracting Foreign Investments
by Svetlana I. Nikulina
2014, Issue 2
- 15-30 Assessment of Efficiency of Realization of State Program «Development of the Industry and Increase of its Competitiveness»
by Inna N. Rycova & Andrey A. Alaev & Pavel A. Avraamov & Denis V. Korablev