2009, Volume 13, Issue Fall
- 2-4 Upfront: Economic news across the region
by Daniel Brooks & Renee Courtois & Betty Joyce Nash & David Van Den Berg - 5-7,33 Federal Reserve: The evolution of Fed independence : how monetary policy and central bank autonomy came of age
by Stephen Slivinski - 12-15 Recessions and entrepreneurship : is necessity the mother of invention?
by David Van Den Berg - 16-19,34 The price is right? : Has the financial crisis provided a fatal blow to the efficient market hypothesis?
by Renee Courtois - 20-22 The business of higher ed : prices and costs of a college education
by Betty Joyce Nash - 24-25,34 Jalopy economics : how to judge the success of \\"cash for clunkers\\"
by Renee Courtois - 26-29 Interview : George Kaufman
by Aaron Steelman - 30-33 Economic history : A tale f two Virginias : the economics of West Virginia's secession
by Stephen Slivinski - 36-43 District digest : Economic trends across the region
by Ann Macheras & Betty Joyce Nash
2008, Volume 12, Issue Win
- 1-1 President's message : Of mortgages and markets
by Jeffrey M. Lacker - 1-6 Jargon Alert : Ricardian equivalence
by Vanessa Sumo - 1-7 Research spotlight : Self-control
by Nashat F. Moin - 1-8,38 Policy update : A new addition to the Fed's toolkit
by Doug Campbell - 1-9 Around the Fed : Urban flight
by Doug Campbell - 1-10 Base beneficiaries : New soldiers to the Fayetteville area offer an economic opportunity
by Doug Campbell - 1-11 Bandwidth bonanza : Spectrum auction uses experimental design
by Betty Joyce Nash - 1-39 Book review : Self-help economics
by Betty Joyce Nash - 1-48 Opinion : In defense of failure
by Stephen Slivinski - 2-5 Federal Reserve : Central bank cooperation
by Vanessa Sumo - 10-11 Welfare makeover : Riding the express to the middle class
by Vanessa Sumo - 12-17 Going private
by Vanessa Sumo - 18-22 Virtual economics
by Doug Campbell - 23-25 Wanted : brains to train
by Betty Joyce Nash - 26-27 From payroll to playoffs
by Ernie Siciliano - 28-31 Building a better market
by Vanessa Sumo - 32-35 Interview : Christopher Ruhm
by Stephen Slivinski - 36-38 Economic history : Rice to riches
by Betty Joyce Nash - 40-47 District/State Economic Conditions: District economic overview and State economic conditions
by Matthew Martin
2008, Volume 12, Issue Spr/Sum
- 1-1 President's message : Financial stability and the Fed
by Jeffrey M. Lacker - 1-5 Jargon alert : Productivity
by Khalid Abdalla - 1-6 Research spotlight : Does unemployment insurance discourage work?
by Khalid Abdalla - 1-7 Policy update : New farm bill extends menu
by Betty Joyce Nash - 1-8 Public transportation : Gas prices boost light rail
by Betty Joyce Nash - 1-9 Fresh food : More shoppers seek local flavors
by Julia Ralston Forneris - 1-10 Around the Fed : The costs and benefits of disclosure
by Khalid Abdalla & Betty Joyce Nash - 1-39 Book review : Good capitalism, bad capitalism, and the economics of growth and prosperity
by Stephen Slivinski - 1-48 Opinion : More theory, please
by John A. Weinberg - 2-4 Federal Reserve : The pragmatic evolution of the monetary standard
by Robert L. Hetzel - 8-9 Drill those hills : Fuel price spike lures new investment
by Betty Joyce Nash - 12-16 The state of modern economics : Unsteady state
by Doug Campbell - 16-21 The state of modern economics : Economist, study thyself
by Doug Campbell - 21-24 The state of modern economics : Econoblogs
by Betty Joyce Nash - 24-27 The state of modern economics : Is rational man extinct?
by Stephen Slivinski - 28-31 Going nuclear : the future looks brighter for a once-maligned industry
by Vanessa Sumo - 32-35 Interview : Charles Holt
by Stephen Slivinski - 36-38 Economic history : Liquid gold
by Charles Gerena - 40-47 District/State economic conditions: District economic overview ; State economic conditions
by Sonya Ravindranath Waddell
2008, Volume 12, Issue Fall
- 1-1 President's message : Henry Thornton, Walter Bagehot, and the modern central bank
by Jeffrey M. Lacker - 1-6 Jargon alert : Principal-agent problem
by Khalid Abdalla - 1-7 Research spotlight : Microbanks : subsidy dependent or self-sufficient?
by Matthew Conner - 1-8 Policy update : Bidding begins for Maryland \\"Racinos\\"
by Betty Joyce Nash - 1-9 Around the Fed : Lending during the Volker disinflation
by Matthew Conner - 1-10 Short Takes : Virginia adds fourth med school
by Betty Joyce Nash - 1-11 Short Takes : Taxpayers subsidize firm's expansion in Virginia
by Betty Joyce Nash & Stephen Slivinski - 1-31 Book review : Bringing life to the dismal science
by Aaron Steelman - 1-40 Opinion : Why the Great Depression matters
by Stephen Slivinski - 2-5 Federal Reserve : Dollarization explained
by Stephen Slivinski - 10-11 Short Takes : State and local governments curtail spending
by Matthew Conner & Betty Joyce Nash - 12-15 House bias : the economic consequences of subsidizing homeownership
by Stephen Slivinski - 16-19 Up in the air : carbon policies weigh environmental and economic risks
by Betty Joyce Nash - 20-22 Immigrant entrepreneurs : talent, technology, and jobs
by Betty Joyce Nash - 23-27 Interview : Joseph Gyourko
by Aaron Steelman - 28-30 Economic history : Gold among the 'Heels
by Betty Joyce Nash - 32-39 District/State Economic Conditions: District economic overview ; State economic conditions
by Sonya Ravindranath Waddell
2007, Volume 11, Issue Win
- 1-1 President's message: Policy trumps luck
by Jeffrey M. Lacker - 1-8 Jargon alert: Pareto efficiency
by Megan Martorana - 1-9 Research spotlight: The next age of globalization
by Clayton Broga - 1-10 Policy update: Fed to begin paying interest on reserves
by John R. Walter & Patricia E. Wescott - 1-11 Around the Fed: Banks of all sizes
by Doug Campbell - 1-12 Update on financial turnaround: Albemarle First boosts new owners
by Doug Campbell - 1-15 West Virginia's medicaid modification: New program to encourage personal responsibility for health care decisions
by Doug Campbell - 1-64 Opinion: Milton Friedman and liberty
by Robert L. Hetzel - 2-7 Federal Reserve: A division of power
by Charles Gerena - 12-13 Best practices: West Virginia encourages IT investment in health care industry
by Charles Gerena - 13-14 The conversion question: Credit unions weigh costs and benefits of converting to banks
by Doug Campbell - 14-15 Raise the roof: Tunnel clearance could open access to Southern West Virginia
by Betty Joyce Nash - 16-22 Options on the outs
by Doug Campbell - 23-27 Phoning it in
by Charles Gerena - 28-31 Opt in or opt out?
by Betty Joyce Nash - 32-35 Bringing in the unbanked
by Vanessa Sumo - 36-39 Midlife Medicare : the case for reform heats up
by Betty Joyce Nash - 40-43 Bad luck or bad policy?
by Vanessa Sumo - 44-49 Interview: Robert Fogel
by Aaron Steelman - 50-53 Economic history: Rooftops and retail
by Charles Gerena - 54-55 Book review: \\"Off the books: The underground economy of the urban poor\\"
by Doug Campbell - 56-63 District/State economic conditions: District economic overview; State economic conditions
by Andrea Holmes & Matthew Martin
2007, Volume 11, Issue Sum
- 1-1 President's message : No guarantees
by Jeffrey M. Lacker - 1-6 Jargon alert : Comparative advantage
by Ernie Siciliano - 1-7 Research spotlight : Buying time
by Charles Gerena - 1-8 Summertime supply and demand : Foreign students fill beach jobs during the high season
by Doug Campbell - 1-9 Update : Progress of Southeast rail corridor
by Doug Campbell - 1-10 Policy update : Federal minimum wage increased
by Vanessa Sumo - 1-28 Interview : Russell Sobel
by Doug Campbell - 1-38 Around the Fed : Why countries default
by Doug Campbell - 1-39 Book review : Sweetwater's capitol
by Aaron Steelman - 1-48 Opinion : Why I want to be an economist
by Andrea L. Waddle - 2-5 Federal Reserve : A great crisis, a long debate
by Vanessa Sumo - 8-9 Storm season : South Carolina law expands coastal coverage
by Betty Joyce Nash - 11-15 Democracy and the other failures
by Doug Campbell - 16-19 Risky business
by Vanessa Sumo - 20-23 Academic labor market's tenure track recedes
by Betty Joyce Nash - 24-27 Banks and business
by Doug Campbell - 34-37 Economic history : Going to market
by Charles Gerena - 40-41 District/State economic conditions : District economic overview
by Matthew Martin - 42-47 District/State economic conditions : State economic conditions
by anonymous
2007, Volume 11, Issue Spr
- 1-1 President's message : Lessons of the Phillips curve
by Jeffrey M. Lacker - 1-6 Jargon alert : Arbitrage
by Kevin A. Bryan - 1-8 Policy update : Interest rate on loans to soldiers capped
by Vanessa Sumo - 1-9 Around the Fed : Taxing questions
by Doug Campbell - 1-10 Fiscal sweeteners : Did North Carolina lure Dell too much?
by Vanessa Sumo - 1-11 Hurry up and wait : Competition at airports affects delays
by Betty Joyce Nash - 1-50 Book review : \\"The disposable American: layoffs and their consequences\\"
by Charles Gerena - 1-51 Book review : \\"The strategist : the life and times of Thomas Schelling\\"
by Aaron Steelman - 1-60 Opinion : In praise of theory
by Kartik B. Athreya - 2-5 Federal Reserve : The evolution of Fed communications
by Doug Campbell - 10-11 No more gas guzzlers in Virginia and Washington, D.C.? : Hotbeds of hybrid sales
by Charles Gerena - 12-19 Academic alternatives
by Doug Campbell - 20-23 Ask the market
by Vanessa Sumo - 24-27,31 Grinding gears
by Charles Gerena - 28-31 Trading spaces
by Betty Joyce Nash - 32-36 A question of money
by Vanessa Sumo - 37-39 Decoding messages from the yield curve
by Eliana Balla & Robert E. Carpenter & Mark D. Vaughan - 40-45 Interview : W. Kip Viscusi
by Aaron Steelman - 46-49 Economic history : Opening the vault
by Charles Gerena - 52-53 District/State economic conditions: District economic overview
by Matthew Martin - 54-59 District/State economic conditions: State economic conditions
by Matthew Martin - y:2007:i:spr:n:v.11no.2 Research spotlight : Global warming and American agriculture
by Betty Joyce Nash & Aaron Steelman
2007, Volume 11, Issue Fall
- 1-1 President's message : Looking forward
by Jeffrey M. Lacker - 1-6 Jargon alert : Signaling
by Vanessa Sumo - 1-7 Research spotlight : Influential chairmen
by Ernie Siciliano - 1-8 Policy update : The Supreme Court rules on retail price pacts
by Betty Joyce Nash - 1-9 Around the Fed : Greenspan's rule
by Doug Campbell - 1-10 The state of the arts : Struggling for an encore
by Vanessa Sumo - 1-11 Relocation station : N.C. workers bound for Richmond
by Betty Joyce Nash - 1-52 Opinion : When disclosure is not enough
by Borys Grochulski - 2-5 Federal Reserve : Before the Fed
by Ernie Siciliano - 10-11 Stability, credibility : D.C. makes fiscal progress
by Charles Gerena - 12-17 Downtown is dead. Long live downtown: America is busy rebuilding its downtowns. But these are not the downtowns of yesterday
by Vanessa Sumo - 18-20,39 Armed against ARMs : Educating low-income borrowers may be an effective - if oft-overlooked - way to help stabilize the mortgage market
by Doug Campbell - 21-23 Professional prognosticators : Is forecasting a science or an art?
by Doug Campbell - 24-27 Runs make the bank : The fragile capital structure of banks make them inevitably prone to runs, and that's a good thing
by Vanessa Sumo - 28-29,43 Crash : In Virginia, private insurers test vehicles for safety. Isn't that the government's job?
by Doug Campbell - 30-35 Interview : Susan Athey
by Aaron Steelman - 36-39 Economic history : The great southern migration
by Betty Joyce Nash - 40-43 Book review : Analyst of change
by Thomas M. Humphrey - 44-45 District/State economic conditions : District economic overview
by Matthew Martin - 46-51 District/State economic conditions : State economic conditions
by Matthew Martin
2006, Volume 10, Issue Win
- 1-1 Noteworthy: Rules, discretion, and the future of the Fed
by Jeffrey M. Lacker - 1-8 Beyond plastic: Capital One sticks with plan to buy Hibernia
by Doug Campbell - 1-10 National flood insurance : Henderson County, N.C., joins the crowd
by Betty Joyce Nash - 1-11 A Danville tradition no more? : Indian firm buys Dan River Inc
by Betty Joyce Nash - 1-12 Jargon alert : endogenous
by Eric R. Nielsen - 1-13 Research spotlight : Should we worry about the current account deficit?
by Aaron Steelman - 1-14 Policy update: Federal terrorism insurance program renewed
by John R. Walter - 1-15 Around the Fed : Another reason to keep inflation in check
by Doug Campbell - 1-64 Opinion : Protectionism's dangerous allure
by Doug Campbell - 2-7 Federal Reserve: William McChesney Martin Jr. : a reevaluation
by John H. Wood - 8-9 A \\"driver's license\\" for workers : Virginia leads in issuing employability certificates
by Charles Gerena - 10-11 Winning ticket : lottery coming to North Carolina
by Doug Campbell - 16-23 Family portrait - life is hard in one of Baltimore's toughest neighborhoods but for Janice Walker, it's home
by Charles Gerena - 24-28 Film at 11 : amid mounting competition, broadcast TV stations like WRAL-TV in Raleigh are committing to local news as their ticket to profitability — and durability
by Doug Campbell - 29-31 Currency conundrum : why are exchange rates out of sync with other economic indicators?
by Doug Campbell - 32-33 Special section : Base closures in the Fifth District
by Doug Campbell & Megan Martorana - 34-37 The sheepskin dividend : a college degree is still the best predictor of financial success, but that's not all
by Betty Joyce Nash - 38-40 Bottleneck : what the Fifth District's only major oil refinery explains about high gas prices in the wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
by Doug Campbell - 41-44 Identity theft
by Betty Joyce Nash - 45-47 Economic history : the Sea Island hurricane of 1893
by Betty Joyce Nash - 48-53 Interview : Tyler Cowen
by Aaron Steelman - 54-55 Book review : not by bullets alone
by Aaron Steelman - 56-63 Regional/District economic developments: District economic overview (and) state economic conditions
by Andrea Holmes & Robert L. Lacy
2006, Volume 10, Issue Sum
- 1-1 President's message: Banking on credibility
by Jeffrey M. Lacker - 1-6 Jargon alert : Rational expectations
by Andrew T. Foerster - 1-7 Research spotlight : Upended
by Vanessa Sumo - 1-8 Policy update: Breaking down barriers
by Vanessa Sumo - 1-9 Around the Fed: Market power?
by Doug Campbell - 1-10 Common ground : big business and the environment shake hands
by Clayton Broga - 1-12 Carolina dreaming : newspapers get new owner in the Carolinas
by Doug Campbell - 2-5 From stagflation to the Great Moderation
by Vanessa Sumo - 11-12 On the home front : housing markets cool off in some states but not in others
by Vanessa Sumo - 12-13 Back-to-school bonanza of boondoggle? : Virginia joins sales-tax holiday bandwagon
by Charles Gerena - 14-18 $afety first
by Charles Gerena - 19-23 The (illegal) immigrant effect
by Doug Campbell - 24-26 Short fall : commodity producers are expanding capacity to meet growing demand, but lags in supply are putting pressure on Fifth District manufacturers. Will this round of short-term pain spread to consumers?
by Charles Gerena - 27-29 Love, money and marriage
by Doug Campbell - 30-33 Productivity postponed
by Vanessa Sumo - 34-36,40 Meet the new Grundy : public works, private education revive Appalachian town
by Betty Joyce Nash - 37-40 Bypassing banks
by Aaron Steelman - 41-43 Economic history: On the waterfront : two million immigrants entered the United States via Baltimore in the 19th century
by Betty Joyce Nash - 52-59 District economic overview / State economic conditions
by Andrea Holmes
2006, Volume 10, Issue Spr
- 1-1 President's message : Pensions in the 21st century
by Jeffrey M. Lacker - 1-2 Jargon alert : Marginal
by Andrea L. Waddle - 1-3 Research spotlight : Fine-tuning
by Vanessa Sumo - 1-4 Around the Fed : Working or shirking?
by Doug Campbell - 1-5 Policy update : New reforms for deposit insurance
by Patricia E. Wescott - 1-6 Carolina bbq .. and H2? : South Carolina jumps on the hydrogen economy bandwagon
by Charles Gerena - 1-7 Another triangle talent : Raleigh region rakes in federal money
by Betty Joyce Nash - 1-8 Filling empty pockets : payday lending regulation tightens, other short-term products emerge
by Charles Gerena - 1-56 Opinion : the economist as policy advisor
by Aaron Steelman