2004, Volume 8, Issue Fall
- 9-10 Serving the unbanked : La Cooperativa educates members
by Aileen Watson - 10-11 Grundy moves on : town relocates to avoid floods
by Jennifer Sparger - 11-12 Greyfield redevelopment : old malls seek new life
by Charles Gerena - 13-16 Why cities grow : economist Richard Florida argues that cities must attract young, talented workers - what he dubs the \\"creative class\\" - if they want to prosper. Is he right? And is there anything new about this theory?
by Aaron Steelman - 17-21 Appalachian diversification : in the heart of Appalachia, the people of Southwest Virginia are creating economic opportunities to replace coal jobs
by Karl Rhodes - 22-25 The fattening of America : as we benefit from greater convenience and efficiency, our waistlines are widening in the process
by Charles Gerena - 26-29 Above the minimum : living-wage statutes are designed to help low-income workers in Baltimore and other Fifth District communities, but do they get the job done?
by Charles Gerena & Julia R. Taylor - 30-34 Interview : Al Broaddus and Tom Humphrey
by Aaron Steelman - 35-37 Economic history : Labor pains : the long and often violent struggle for unionization in West Virginia's coalfields
by Betty Joyce Nash - 38-39 Book review : Market discipline
by H. S. Malek - 40-41 District economic developments
by Robert L. Lacy - 42-47 District economic developments
by Andrea Holland
2003, Volume 7, Issue Win
- 1-1 Noteworthy : Conquering the divide
by Alfred Broaddus - 1-5 Legislative update : Fast track to freer trade?
by Charles Gerena & Betty Joyce Nash - 1-6 Commerce and nature : business park thrives near bay
by Bridgette Craney - 1-8 Electricity markets : as utilities retreat from trading, bank steps in
by Charles Gerena - 1-9 Virginia history : economic impact of preservation
by Amanda White - 1-10 Jargon alert : Moral hazard
by Aaron Steelman - 1-11 Research spotlight : Progress report on welfare : Fifth District caseloads remain relatively stable, despite economic slowdown
by Elaine Mandaleris - 2-4 The Federal Reserve : the check business
by Betty Joyce Nash - 6-7 Mining update : regulation, prices seesaw in West Virginia's coal industry
by Charles Gerena - 7-8 Monsoon season : Virginia revenues plummet
by Betty Joyce Nash - 12-17 Beyond the turmoil : after a period of rapid and uneven growth, the telecommunications industry in the Fifth District is in the midst of a painful reorganization as service providers rethink how to meet customer demand
by Charles Gerena - 18-21 Going the extra mile : broadband internet comes to rural areas in the Fifth District
by Michael Steinberger - 22-25 Carolina vinifera : North Carolina, home of the first cultivated grape in the United States, is joining Virginia in cultivating a regional niche in winemaking
by Charles Gerena - 26-29 The agriculture bill's bountiful harvest : legislation boosts payments to Fifth District farmers
by Carl Brooks - 30-31 To join or not to join : the economic effects of \\"right-to-work\\" laws
by Aaron Steelman - 32-35 Interview : Robert Litan
by Aaron Steelman - 36-39 Economic history : Wheels of change : the automotive industry's sweeping effects on the Fifth District
by Robert L. Lacy - 40-47 District economic developments
by Andrea Holland & Robert L. Lacy
2003, Volume 7, Issue Sum
- 1-1 Noteworthy : Guns and butter
by Alfred Broaddus - 1-5 Legislative update : Budget deficits and interest rates
by Aaron Steelman - 1-7 Reservists deployed : businesses hold own - fill voids
by Elaine Mandaleris - 1-8 Economic freedom : report measures impact of government regulation on free markets
by Charles Gerena - 1-9 Paying at the pump : war, winter, and unrest spike gas prices
by Betty Joyce Nash - 1-11 The economics of...sumo wrestling
by Aaron Steelman - 1-31 No silver bullet : tax and spending limits, though often useful, can't cure all budgetary ills
by Betty Joyce Nash - 1-48 Opinion : Don't bring back the draft
by Aaron Steelman - 2-4 Federal Reserve : Ready to lend : the discount window's evolving role as a liquidity lifeline for depository institutions
by Charles Gerena - 6-7 In the red : pressure on local blood markets
by Charles Gerena - 7-8 Water resources update : rainfall cures drought, but other issues remain
by Charles Gerena - 8-9 Travel and tourism : Fifth District does well in a difficult year
by Charles Gerena - 12-19 Dollars and defense : a closer look at how military spending affects Fifth District communities in times of war and peace
by Charles Gerena - 20-24 Liquid assets : who should sell hard liquor in the Fifth District - state-run monopolies or private companies?
by Karl Rhodes - 25-27 May I see your license, please? : excessive occupational licensing can cost consumers money without necessarily increasing quality or protection
by Betty Joyce Nash - 28-30 Seeing the light : communities in Catawba County, N.C., supported the growth of optical fiber and cable producers to help maintain the county's manufacturing sector
by Charles Gerena - 32-35 Interview : Kenneth Rogoff
by Aaron Steelman - 36-39 Economic history : Roads to riches : how stock car racing became a huge sport and business
by Aaron Steelman - 40-41 District economic developments
by Robert L. Lacy - 42-47 State economic developments
by Andrea Holland
2003, Volume 7, Issue Spr
- 1-1 Noteworthy : Water rights
by Alfred Broaddus - 1-4 Sidebar : An update on check services
by Charles Gerena - 1-5 Legislative update : Covering the cost of terrorism
by Charles Gerena - 1-6 Transportation planning : Charlotte tackles transit and land use together
by Charles Gerena - 1-8 Baltimore boosts pay for some workers : living wage laws
by Aaron Steelman - 1-8 Tuition costs climb : but enrollment is still up
by Elaine Mandaleris - 1-9 Jargon alert : Inflation
by Aaron Steelman - 1-13 Sidebar : desalination opens a new spigot for water utilities
by Charles Gerena - 1-14 Sidebar : the privatization wave
by Charles Gerena - 1-16 Sidebar : water systems on guard
by Charles Gerena - 1-48 Opinion : The more the merrier
by Aaron Steelman - 2-4 Federal Reserve : They're all ears
by Betty Joyce Nash - 6-7 Measuring happiness : how happy are you?
by Betty Joyce Nash - 7-8 Industry clusters : bringing biometrics to West Virginia
by Charles Gerena - 10-17 Running on empty? : while the Fifth District's water supply outlook isn't as dry as you might think, the region would benefit from water policy reform
by Betty Joyce Nash - 18-20 A difficult diagnosis : the shortage of affordable malpractice insurance in West Virginia and elsewhere won't be easy to solve
by Charles Gerena - 21-25 Up in smoke : Fifth District states are burning through tobacco settlement funds to balance their books
by Karl Rhodes - 26-27 To tax or not to tax? : states ponder new ways to collect taxes on online sales
by Betty Joyce Nash - 28-31 A delicate balance : constructing an intellectual property regime that promotes both innovation and social welfare
by Aaron Steelman - 32-35 Interview : Vernon Smith
by Aaron Steelman - 36-39 Economic history : Story of a port town : the evolving economic role of Baltimore's waterfront and location
by Charles Gerena - 40-41 District economic developments
by Robert L. Lacy - 42-47 State economic developments
by Andrea Holland
2003, Volume 7, Issue Fall
- 1-1 Noteworthy : The real value of economic education
by Alfred Broaddus - 1-5 Legislative update : Dividend tax cuts
by Andrew T. Foerster - 1-6 A new foundation : manufactured housing flourishes in South Carolina
by Amanda White Gibson - 1-7 Field goal or fumble? : the economic score on the Atlantic Coast Conference expansion
by Charles Gerena - 1-9 Unhealthy situation : nursing shortage threatens health care
by Andrew T. Foerster - 1-10 Jargon alert : Benefit-cost analysis
by Aaron Steelman - 1-11 Research spotlight : The evolution of property rights
by Aaron Steelman - 1-31 First flight centennial
by Andrew T. Foerster - 1-48 Opinion : Risky business
by John A. Weinberg - 2-4 Federal Reserve : Economic ABCs : the Federal Reserve's role as an educator and a promoter of economic literacy
by Charles Gerena - 6-7 New reactors : energy firms file permits
by Betty Joyce Nash - 7-8 Wine distribution : Virginia uncorks out-of-state shipments
by Andrea Holland - 8-9 Shore breezes : wind farms may harvest energy from coastal communities
by Charles Gerena - 12-18 Building in Uncle Sam's backyard : several factors distinguish commercial development in Washington, D.C., from other real estate markets
by Charles Gerena - 19-21 Making waves : consolidation in the wake of FCC decision will affect Fifth District media
by Betty Joyce Nash - 22-26 The venture adventure : the sharp rise and fall of venture capital was a wild ride for Fifth District entrepreneurs and financiers
by Karl Rhodes - 27-30 Under the influence : the economic consequences of substance abuse and addiction, and how treatment programs tackle them
by Charles Gerena - 32-35 Interview : Mickey Levy
by Aaron Steelman - 36-39 Economic history : Trade trailblazer : the National Road linked communities and helped expand America's western frontier
by Charles Gerena - 40-41 District economic developments
by Robert L. Lacy - 42-47 Regional economic developments
by Andrea Holland
2003, Issue Win
- 1-48 Opinion : In praise of imports
by Aaron Steelman
2003, Issue Sum
- 1-10 Jargon alert : Asset bubbles
by Aaron Steelman