2012, Volume 16, Issue 1Q
- 6-8 Federal Reserve: When the Fed makes fiscal policy : As the Fed targets lending to help specific sectior or institutions, does it jeopardize its independence?
by David A. Price - 12-16 What we don't know about innovation: We know innovation is important - but do we know how to make it happen?
by Jessica Sackett Romero - 17-20,43 The dream behind the Eurozone: How the region's political aims led to a complicated morning after
by Renee Courtois Haltom - 21-25 Open house: Will helping homeowners help the economy?
by Jessica Sackett Romero - 26-28 Sky miles: Small airports support flexible flying
by Betty Joyce Nash - 29-33 Interview: John B. Taylor
by Aaron Steelman - 34-37 Economic history: The counterfeiting weapon: Attacks against American currency began in 1776
by Karl Rhodes - 38-41 Book review: Economic thinking in an age of shared prosperity
by Thomas M. Humphrey - 45-47;48-51 District digest: Economic trends across the region
by Richard E. Kaglic & Sonya Ravindranath Waddell
2011, Volume 15, Issue 4Q
- 1-1 President's message : What should policymakers do about executive pay?
by Jeffrey M. Lacker - 1-7 Policy update : Tribes seek Uncle Sam's seal of approval
by Charles Gerena - 1-10 Jargon alert:
by Karl Rhodes - 1-11 Research spotlight: How consumers respond to stimulus payments
by Louis Sears - 1-39 Around the Fed : Where did the money go?
by Charles Gerena - 1-56 Opinion: No quick fix for the housing market
by John A. Weinberg - 2-6 Upfront: Regional news at a glance
by Betty Joyce Nash & Karl Rhodes & Jessica Sackett Romero & Timothy Sablik - 8-9 Federal Reserve: Checking the paychecks. The Dodd-Frank Act gives shareholders, boards, and regulators new powers over pay
by David A. Price - 12-17 American made : The manufacturing sector is stronger than you might think - but new vunerabilities are emerging
by Jessica Sackett Romero - 18-21 Would a little inflation produce a bigger recovery? : Why some economists actually want the Fed to push prices higher - and what is might cost the economy
by Renee Courtois Haltom - 22-25 Patents pending : The system designed to protect and promote innovation could be slowing down
by Timothy Sablik - 26-28,38 Recession on the eve of retirement : Losses from the recession will cause some boomers to delay retirement, but many others will actually rush into it
by Renee Courtois Haltom - 29-33 Babies, brains, and abilities : How early investments in education shape life outcomes
by Betty Joyce Nash - 34-38 Cloudy with a chance of ... savings : Weather affects every sector of the economy, so there's a lot to be gained from getting the forecasts right
by Jessica Sackett Romero - 40-44 Interview: Michael Bordo
by Aaron Steelman - 45-47 Economic history: Tar and turpentine
by Betty Joyce Nash - 48-51;52-55 District digest : Economic trends across the region
by Robert H. Schnorbus
2011, Volume 15, Issue 3Q
- 1-1 President's message : Is joblessness now a skills problem?
by Jeffrey M. Lacker - 1-9 Policy update: Incentives for greener transportation
by Renee Courtois Haltom - 1-10 Jargon alert: Utility
by Louis Sears - 1-11 Research spotlight: Ties that bind
by Timothy Sablik - 1-41 Around the Fed : The uncertain effects of economic uncertainty
by Charles Gerena - 1-46 Book review: Depression and innovation
by David A. Price - 1-56 Opinion: A focused approach to financial literacy
by John A. Weinberg - 2-5,30 Upfront: Regional news at a glance
by Charles Gerena & Betty Joyce Nash & Karl Rhodes & Timothy Sablik & Louis Sears - 6-8 Federal Reserve: The Dodd-Frank Act and insolvency 2.0
by David A. Price - 12-16 Why aren't we creating more jobs? Job growth usually rebounds quickly after a severe recession, but this time is different
by Jessica Sackett Romero - 17-19 Don't know much about financial literacy : In this classroom, the right choice may be (d) all of the above
by Timothy Sablik - 20-23 The end of nowhere: what can ghost towns teach us about saving small communities?
by Karl Rhodes - 24-27 The fish market: what happened when Virginia brought tradable quotas to the commons
by Betty Joyce Nash - 28-30 A new kind of farm
by Charles Gerena - 31-33,45 Toil and trouble for revenue forecasters : Greater sensitivity to business cycles has made state tax revenues more difficult to predict
by Karl Rhodes - 34-35 Volatility at the pump : Where do high gas prices come from?
by Betty Joyce Nash - 36-40 Interview : Derek Neal
by Aaron Steelman - 42-45 Economic history: Wartime Wilimington : World Ware II shipyards brough a short-lived economic boom to the North Carolina port city
by Renee Courtois Haltom - 47-51,52-55 District digest: The Federal presence in the Fifth District
by Andrew Bauer & Jake Blackwood
2011, Volume 15, Issue 2Q
- 1-1 President's message: Economic growth: two possible paths
by Jeffrey M. Lacker - 1-9 Policy update: Regulators pursue caps on debit card 'swipe' fees
by Renee Courtois Haltom - 1-10 Jargon alert: Division of labor
by Rebecca Johnsen - 1-11 Research spotlight: Assessing state business climates
by Timothy Sablik - 1-19 Targeted charitable giving : Good intentions, unintended consequences
by Betty Joyce Nash - 1-39 Around the Fed: Fed transparency: TMI?
by Charles Gerena - 1-48 Opinion: History as a useful guide... when read carefully
by John A. Weinberg - 2-5 Upfront: Regional news at a glance
by Rebecca Johnsen & Betty Joyce Nash & Karl Rhodes & Jessica Sackett Romero - 6-8 Federal Reserve: Sifting for SIFIs: Federal regulators face challenges in identifying \\"systematically important\\" financial institutuions
by David A. Price - 12-18 Foreign housing finance: America’s unique mortgage finance system is facing renovation. The approaches of other developed nations may provide some guidance for reform
by Renee Courtois Haltom - 20-22 When South Carolina met BMW : Behind the deal that brought a halo effect and Bavarian meatload to Spartanburg
by Betty Joyce Nash - 23-27 Why aren't all countries rich? Economist have long studied how countries develop, but that work hasn't led to growth for much of the world
by Jessica Sackett Romero - 28-31 Organizing in decline: Tracing the (diminishing) role of unions in today's labor market
by Renee Courtois Haltom - 32-35 Interview: Bruce Yandle
by David A. Price - 36-38 Economic history: Harnessing the iron horse : Fifth district companies pioneered railroading in the United States
by Betty Joyce Nash & Karl Rhodes - 40-47 District digest: Economic trends across the region
by Sonya Ravindranath Waddell
2011, Volume 15, Issue 1Q
- 1-1 President's message : Don't I buy food or gasoline?
by Jeffrey M. Lacker - 1-9 Policy update : A pinch of Basel?
by David A. Price - 1-10 Jargon alert : Market failure
by Renee Courtois Haltom - 1-11 Research spotlight: The price of avoiding minor financial loss
by Rebecca Johnsen - 1-37 Around the Fed: The decision to export
by Charles Gerena - 1-39 Book review: Riches from respect
by David A. Price - 1-48 Opinion: Should the financial crisis and historic recession of 2007-2009 change the practice of economics?
by John A. Weinberg - 2-5 Upfront: Regional news at a glance
by Rebecca Johnsen & Betty Joyce Nash & Jessica Sackett Romero - 6-8 Federal Reserve: Stigma and the discount window
by Renee Courtois Haltom - 12-17,38 What drives changes in economic thought? Why economists study what they do - and how the crisis might change it
by Renee Courtois Haltom - 18-20 Tobacco stimulus: Virginia and North Carolina are among the states using money from their 1998 settlement with tobacco companies to spur economic development
by Charles Gerena - 21-23,38 Flexible workforce: the role of temporary workers in recession and recovery
by Betty Joyce Nash & Jessica Sackett Romero - 24-27 Benefits and burdens of expanded military bases
by Betty Joyce Nash - 28-33 Interview: Joel Slemrod
by Aaron Steelman - 34-36 Economic history: Virginia and the final frontier: federal space centers and proximity to customers have helped to attract private space firms
by David A. Price - 40-47 District digest: Econonmic trends across the region
by Ann Macheras & Sonya Ravindranath Waddell
2010, Volume 14, Issue 4Q
- 1-10 Jargon alert : Information asymmetry
by Rebecca Johnsen - 1-11 Research spotlight : Do natural resources support economic growth?
by Rebecca Johnsen - 1-12 Policy update : Fed launches round two of 'quantitative easing'
by Renee Courtois Haltom - 1-13 Around the Fed : The double whammy of foreclosures
by Charles Gerena - 1-31,34 Book review : Calling the shots
by Jessica Sackett Romero - 1-44 Opinion : How many kinds of unemployment?
by John A. Weinberg - 2-5,35 Upfront : Regional news at a glance
by Rebecca Johnsen & Betty Joyce Nash & Jessica Sackett Romero - 6-9 Federal Reserve : The CRA and the subprime crisis
by Renee Courtois Haltom - 14-16,35 What causes recoveries? How good policy and good luck can trigger the upward side of the business cycle
by David A. Price - 17-19 Debt and defaults : the growing market - and tab - for student loans
by Rebecca Johnsen & Jessica Sackett Romero - 20-23 Caretaking the culture : Art museums strive for financial stability
by Betty Joyce Nash - 24-25 Triangulating the recession : Knowledge jobs lend resistance, but not immunity to downturn
by Betty Joyce Nash - 26-30 Interview : David Feldman
by David A. Price - 32-34 Economic history : The Queen's private Navy
by David A. Price - 36-43 District digest : Economic trends across the region
by Richard E. Kaglic & Sonya Ravindranath Waddell
2010, Volume 14, Issue 3Q
- 1-1 President's message : A new approach to federal housing policy
by Jeffrey M. Lacker - 1-6 Policy update : Financial reform moves forward, challenges remain
by Renee Courtois Haltom - 1-12 Jargon alert : Regulatory capture
by Betty Joyce Nash - 1-13 Research spotlight : Unemployment benefits and job searches
by David A. Price - 1-21 Furniture firms eke out gains
by Betty Joyce Nash - 1-35 Around the Fed : Funny money and phone payments
by Charles Gerena - 1-44 Opinion : Macroprudential supervision : proceed with caution
by John A. Weinberg - 2-5 Upfront : Regional news at a glance
by Betty Joyce Nash & David A. Price & Jessica Sackett Romero - 7-11 Federal Reserve : The changing face of monetary policy
by Betty Joyce Nash - 14-17 Fuzzy math : public pensions are underfunded - how bad is it?
by Renee Courtois Haltom - 18-20 Continental divide : how did the European debt crisis become so severe?
by Ross Lawrence - 22-25 Out from the shadows : The run on shadow banking and a framework for reform
by Renee Courtois Haltom - 26-27 Can the music industry adapt to the digital future?
by Ross Lawrence - 28-31 Interview : Bruce Caldwell
by Aaron Steelman - 32-34 Economic history : Utopia, USA : Efforts to reshape society flourished in the 19th century
by Betty Joyce Nash - 36-43 District digest : Economic trends across the region
by Andrew Bauer & Sonya Ravindranath Waddell
2010, Volume 14, Issue 2Q
- 1-1 President's message : Placing limits on Fed 'credit policy'
by Jeffrey M. Lacker - 1-8 Jargon alert : Leading indicators
by Renee Courtois - 1-9 Research spotlight : What immigration means for the economy
by Ross Lawrence - 1-10 Policy update : Currency swaps with foreign central banks
by Renee Courtois - 1-11 Around the Fed : Righting what went wrong
by Charles Gerena - 1-27 Of mines and markets
by Betty Joyce Nash - 1-44 Opinion : Too big to fail and the distortion of compensation incentives
by John A. Weinberg - 2-4 Upfront : Regional news at a glance
by Ross Lawrence & Betty Joyce Nash - 5-7 Federal Reserve : An anchor of gold : how the gold standard works in theory and practice
by Stephen Slivinski - 12-15 Do deficits matter? And if so, how? As fiscal imbalances increase, economists debate their effect on the macroeconomy
by Stephen Slivinski - 16-18 Markets for safety : product recalls yield mixed effects on firms
by Betty Joyce Nash - 19-21 Advancing immunity : what is the role for policy in the private decision to vaccinate children?
by Renee Courtois & Christina Zajicek - 22-23,35 The generosity cycle : charitable giving during downturns
by Betty Joyce Nash - 24-26 High-speed chase : taking broadband to the limit
by Betty Joyce Nash - 28-31 Interview : Justin Wolfers
by Aaron Steelman - 32-35 Economic history : Intranational trade
by Renee Courtois - 36-43 District digest : Economic trends across the region
by Sonya Ravindranath Waddell
2010, Volume 14, Issue 1Q
- 1-1 President's message : Expectations and monetary policy
by Jeffrey M. Lacker - 1-8 Jargon alert : Counterfactual
by Renee Courtois - 1-9 Research spotlight : A tale of two Fed banks
by Daniel Brooks - 1-10 Policy update : Federal debt limit raised to cover shortfalls
by Stephen Slivinski - 1-11 Around the Fed : Stock market investing is a family affair
by Daniel Brooks - 1-44 Opinion : Deregulation should not be blamed for the financial crisis
by John A. Weinberg - 2-3 Upfront : Economic news across the region
by Renee Courtois & Betty Joyce Nash - 4-7 Federal Reserve : Central banking and the merits of a federated structure
by Shannon McKay & Kimberly Zeuli - 12-16 The new normal : economists ponder whether the \\"natural\\" rate of unemployment has risen
by Renee Courtois - 17-19 Shoppers for the long haul : the past, present and future of consumption
by Betty Joyce Nash - 20-21,26 The national headcount : Census emphasizes outreach to improve accuracy
by Betty Joyce Nash - 22-26 Nobody's home : weighing the prospects for neighborhoods hit hard by foreclosure
by Renee Courtois - 27-29 Economic history : The lessons of Jamestown
by Stephen Slivinski - 30-33 Interview : David Friedman
by Aaron Steelman - 34-35 Book review : The birth of the modern Fed
by Stephen Meltzer - 36-43 District digest : Economic trends across the region
by Robert H. Schnorbus
2009, Volume 13, Issue Win
- 1-1 President's message : Time to rethink \\"too big to fail\\"
by Jeffrey M. Lacker - 1-11 Research spotlight : Does democracy lead to economic growth?
by Matthew Conner - 1-12 Policy update : States receive funding from stimulus bill
by David Van Den Berg - 1-13 Around the Fed : How consumers use plastic - and why
by Matthew Conner - 1-47 Book review : Markets in everything?
by Aaron Steelman - 1-56 Opinion : No time for protectionist impulses
by John A. Weinberg - 14-17 Know when to fold 'em: how the corporate bankruptcy system benefits and hinders the economy
by Stephen Slivinski - 18-20 The language of local : Community papers survive by sweating the small stuff
by Betty Joyce Nash - 20-21 Help wanted : business model for hard news
by Betty Joyce Nash - 22-23 Science panel may study Virginia uranium plan
by Betty Joyce Nash - 24-27,46 Ballpark boom : new minor league stadiums spring up across the region
by David W. Berger - 28-32 Learning curves : the economics behind high school economic education
by Renee Courtois - 33-35 Housing cools state-to-state migration
by Betty Joyce Nash - 36-37 The banking landscape in the Fifth district
by Betty Joyce Nash - 38-42 Interview : George Selgin
by Stephen Slivinski - 43-46 Economic history : West Virginia glass houses
by Betty Joyce Nash - 48-55 District digest : Economic trends across the region
by Betty Joyce Nash & Sonya Ravindranath Waddell
2009, Volume 13, Issue Sum
- 1-1 President's message : Decentralization and the Fed
by Jeffrey M. Lacker - 1-8 Jargon alert: Inferior goods
by Renee Courtois - 1-9 Research spotlight: You get what you pay for
by Stephen Slivinski - 1-10 Policy update: Lenders remain slow to modify problem loans
by David Van Den Berg - 1-11 Around the Fed: Safety first?
by Christina Zajicek - 1-44 Opinion: A case against \\"do something\\" policymaking
by Robert L. Hetzel - 2-4 Upfront: Economic news across the region
by Betty Joyce Nash & David Van Den Berg & Christina Zajicek - 5-7 Federal Reserve: How's business? : The role of the Beige Book in Fed policymaking
by Renee Courtois - 12-15 Measuring quality of life : How do you know when a country's \\"standard of living\\" has improved?
by Renee Courtois - 16-18 Postal peril: the checks aren't in the mail
by Betty Joyce Nash - 19-21,27 Health care aisle: retail medicine pushes competition, price transparancy
by Betty Joyce Nash - 22-25 A matter of antitrust: the debate over the role of government as referee of market competition
by Stephen Slivinski & David Van Den Berg - 26-27 Rip currents: how the recession affected seasonal employment in one beach town
by David Van Den Berg - 28-32 Interview: Timur Kuran
by Aaron Steelman - 34-36 Economic history : Too interconnected to fail? : The rescue of Long-Term Capital Management
by Stephen Slivinski - 37-43 District digest: economic trends across the region
by Betty Joyce Nash & Sonya Ravindranath Waddell
2009, Volume 13, Issue Spr
- 1-1 President's message : The (limited) role of credit ratings in the financial crisis
by Jeffrey M. Lacker - 1-10 Jargon alert: Underemployment
by David Van Den Berg - 1-11 Research spotlight: Have free markets failed us?
by Stephen Slivinski - 1-12 Policy update: Are CEOs paid too much?
by David Van Den Berg - 1-13 Around the Fed: What prolonged the Great Depression?
by Matthew Conner - 1-48 Opinion: The importance of luck
by Aaron Steelman - 2-5 Upfront - Economic news across the region
by Renee Courtois & Betty Joyce Nash & David Van Den Berg - 6-9 Federal Reserve : Capital cushions : the Basel accords and bank risk
by Stephen Slivinski - 14-19 Reforming the raters : can regulatory reforms adequately realign the incentives of credit rating agencies?
by Renee Courtois - 20-22 Honeybees : market for pollination services grow
by Betty Joyce Nash - 23-25 Silver screen subsidies : is hoping to land the next Hollywood hit a sound economic development strategy?
by David Van Den Berg - 26-29 Clear skies : the fight for dominance in the airline industry
by Renee Courtois - 30-31 Veto politics : can a line-item veto reduce spending?
by David Van Den Berg - 32-36 Interview : Allan Meltzer
by Aaron Steelman - 37-39 Economic history: Sport of kings : horse racing in Maryland
by Betty Joyce Nash - 40-47 District digest: Economic trends across the region
by Betty Joyce Nash & Sonya Ravindranath Waddell
2009, Volume 13, Issue Fall
- 1-1 President's message : The importance of financial education
by Jeffrey M. Lacker - 1-8 Jargon alert: Prisoner's dliemma
by Daniel Brooks - 1-9 Research spotlight: How forecasts can influence the present
by Daniel Brooks - 1-10 Policy update: New credit card rules cuold harm some
by David Van Den Berg - 1-11 Around the Fed: Lending standards and the foreclosure crisis
by Daniel Brooks - 1-23 Questions grow along with Ginnie's portfolio
by Betty Joyce Nash - 1-35 Book review : The precursors of financial crises
by Stephen Slivinski - 1-44 Opinion: Why efficiency matters...even if you value equality
by Kartik B. Athreya