2002, Issue Q1
- 31-44 Is the personal bankruptcy system bankrupt?
by Loretta J. Mester
2002, Issue Q 1
- 1-4 What monetary policy can and cannot do
by Anthony M. Santomero - 5-11 A summary of the conference on real-time data analysis
by Tom Stark - 12-20 The changing faces of the Third District: a snapshot of the region from the 2000 census
by Theodore M. Crone
2001, Issue Q4
- 1-4 The causes and effects of financial modernization
by Anthony M. Santomero - 5-8 Privacy matters: Payments Cards Center Workshop on the right to privacy and the financial services industry
by Sarah A. Burke - 9-16 How do forecasts respond to changes in monetary policy?
by Laurence Ball & Dean Croushore - 17-26 Knowledge spillovers: cities' role in the new economy
by Gerald A. Carlino - 27-36 Investing in intangibles: is a trillion dollars missing from the GDP?
by Leonard I. Nakamura
2001, Issue Q3
- 1-4 Perspectives on research issues in consumer behavior
by Anthony M. Santomero - 5-9 A summary of the conference on consumer transactions and credit
by anonymous - 10-12 Changes in the use of electronic means of payment
by Loretta J. Mester - 13-22 \\"We control the vertical\\": three theories of the firm
by Mitchell Berlin - 23-32 The gains from international risk-sharing
by Keith Sill - 33-40 How responsive is the demand for residential land to changes in its price?
by Richard Voith
2001, Issue Q2
- 3-6 The complexities of monetary policy
by Anthony M. Santomero - 7-14 Why does countercyclical monetary policy matter?
by Satyajit Chatterjee - 15-22 Understanding changes in aggregate business fixed investment
by Aubhik Khan - 23-29 The interplay between home production and business activity
by Jeffrey M. Wrase
2001, Issue Q1
- 3-4 New beginnings
by Anthony M. Santomero - 5-15 You can patent that? Are patents on computer programs and business methods good for the new economy?
by Robert M. Hunt - 16-25 Who cares about volatility? A tale of two exchange-rate systems
by Sylvain Leduc - 26-33 Rewiring the system: the changing structure of the electric power industry
by Timothy G. Schiller
2000, Issue Nov
- 3-14 A new look at economic indexes for the states in the Third District
by Theodore M. Crone - 15-27 From centralization to deconcentration: people and jobs spread out
by Gerald A. Carlino
2000, Issue May
- 3-15 Why don't banks take stock?
by Mitchell Berlin - 17-29 Has suburbanization diminished the importance of access to Center City?
by Richard Voith
2000, Issue Mar
- 3-26 The changing nature of the payments system: should new players mean new rules?
by Loretta J. Mester - 27-37 From cycles to shocks: progress in business-cycle theory
by Satyajit Chatterjee
2000, Issue Jul
- 3-14 Financial modernization: vastly different or fundamentally the same?
by Edward G. Boehne - 15-30 Economics and the new economy: the invisible hand meets creative destruction
by Leonard I. Nakamura
2000, Issue Jan
- 3-14 The finance and growth nexus
by Aubhik Khan - 15-29 Agriculture in the Third District: fertile fields outside the farm belt
by Timothy G. Schiller
1999, Issue Sep
- 3-12 How useful are forecasts of corporate profits?
by Dean Croushore - 13-23 The Philadelphia story: a new forecasting model
by Theodore M. Crone & Michael P. McLaughlin
1999, Issue Nov
- 3-14 The euro and the European Central Bank
by Jeffrey M. Wrase - 15-29 Patent reform: a mixed blessing for the U.S. economy?
by Robert M. Hunt
1999, Issue May
- 3-14 Forecasts, indicators and monetary policy
by Keith Sill - 15-29 Jack of all trades? Product diversification in nonfinancial firms
by Mitchell Berlin
1999, Issue Mar
- 3-16 Does the federal tax treatment of housing affect the pattern of metropolitan development?
by Richard Voith - 17-28 Regional trends in federal government spending
by Timothy G. Schiller
1999, Issue Jul
- 3-16 Intangibles: what put the new in the new economy?
by Leonard I. Nakamura - 17-27 Do states respond differently to changes in monetary policy?
by Gerald A. Carlino & Robert H. DeFina
1999, Issue Jan
- 3-16 Banking industry's consolidation: what's a small business to do?
by Loretta J. Mester - 17-27 Real business cycles: a legacy of countercyclical policies?
by Satyajit Chatterjee
1998, Issue Sep
- 3-14 House prices and the quality of public schools: what are we buying?
by Theodore M. Crone - 15-29 What's happening in manufacturing: \\"survey says...\\"
by Michael E. Trebing
1998, Issue Nov
- 3-12 Is the Fed being swept out of (monetary) control?
by Jeffrey M. Wrase - 13-21 Why is Europe forming a monetary union?
by Gwen Eudey
1998, Issue May
- 3-14 The retail revolution and food-price mismeasurement
by Leonard I. Nakamura - 15-31 Restructuring during recessions: a silver lining in the cloud?
by Keith Sill
1998, Issue Mar
- 3-15 Does trade with low-wage countries hurt American workers?
by Stephen Golub - 17-27 Has globalization created a borderless world?
by Janet Ceglowski
1998, Issue Jul
- 3-12 Low inflation: the surprise of the 1990s
by Dean Croushore - 13-22 Trends in metropolitan employment growth
by Gerald A. Carlino
1998, Issue Jan
- 3-14 The downtown parking syndrome: does curing the illness kill the patient?
by Richard Voith - 15-26 That thing venture capitalist do
by Mitchell Berlin
1997, Issue Sep
- 3-16 What's the point of credit scoring?
by Loretta J. Mester - 17-29 What determines the exchange rate: economic factors or market sentiment?
by Gregory P. Hopper
1997, Issue Nov
- 3-14 Are bank runs contagious?
by Ted Temzelides - 15-25 Network issues and payment systems
by James J. McAndrews
1997, Issue May
- 3-18 Where have all the factory jobs gone - and why?
by Theodore M. Crone - 19-31 Regional economies: separating trends from cycles
by Gerald A. Carlino & Keith Sill
1997, Issue Mar
- 3-14 Is the U.S. economy really growing too slowly?
by Leonard I. Nakamura - 15-27 The Livingston Survey: still useful after all these years
by Dean Croushore
1997, Issue Jul
- 3-16 Inflation-indexed bonds: how do they work?
by Jeffrey M. Wrase - 17-27 How capital taxes harm economic growth: Britain versus the United States
by Lee E. Ohanian
1997, Issue Jan
- 1-12 Making payments on the Internet
by James J. McAndrews - 15-26 The economic benefits and risks of derivative securities
by Keith Sill
1996, Issue Sep
- 3-10 Taxes, homeownership, and the allocation of residential real estate risks
by Satyajit Chatterjee - 11-21 The travel market in the United States and the Third District
by Timothy G. Schiller
1996, Issue Nov
- 3-12 For better and for worse: three lending relationships
by Mitchell Berlin - 13-25 The suburban housing market: the effects of city and suburban job growth
by Richard Voith
1996, Issue May
- 3-14 Looking ahead: leading indexes for Pennsylvania and New Jersey
by Kevin J. Babyak & Theodore M. Crone - 15-25 Inflation forecasts: how good are they?
by Dean Croushore
1996, Issue Mar
- 3-16 Central city decline: regional or neighborhood solutions?
by Richard Voith - 17-27 Does monetary policy have differential regional effects?
by Gerald A. Carlino & Robert H. DeFina
1996, Issue Jul
- 3-18 Repealing Glass-Steagall: the past points the way to the future
by Loretta J. Mester - 19-31 Value at risk: a new methodology for measuring portfolio risk
by Gregory P. Hopper
1996, Issue Jan
- 3-13 When the bubble bursts: psychology or fundamentals?
by Lee E. Ohanian - 15-29 The cyclical volatility of interest rates
by Keith Sill
1995, Issue Sep
- 3-12 Antitrust issues in payment systems: bottlenecks, access, and essential facilities
by James J. McAndrews - 13-22 Productivity growth and the American business cycle
by Satyajit Chatterjee
1995, Issue Nov
- 3-12 Has deunionization led to higher earnings inequality?
by Martin A. Asher & Robert H. DeFina - 13-25 Measuring inflation in a high-tech age
by Leonard I. Nakamura
1995, Issue May
- 3-14 A primer on currency derivatives
by Gregory P. Hopper - 15-29 Rethinking disclosure requirements
by Sherrill Shaffer
1995, Issue Mar
- 3-18 Entry and exit of firms and the turnover of jobs in U.S. manufacturing
by Rafael Rob - 19-31 Making money in the housing market: is there a sure-fire scheme?
by Theodore M. Crone
1995, Issue Jul
- 3-17 There's more than one way to sell a security: the Treasury's auction experiment
by Loretta J. Mester - 19-30 Do you know how much money is in your public purse?
by Robert P. Inman
1995, Issue Jan
- 3-14 Evaluating McCallum's rule for monetary policy
by Dean Croushore & Tom Stark - 15-22 Do education and training lead to faster growth in cities?
by Gerald A. Carlino
1994, Issue Sep
- 3-13 How a little inflation can lead to a lot
by Carlos E. Zarazaga - 15-23 Public transit: realizing its potential
by Richard Voith
1994, Issue Nov
- 3-15 Small borrowers and the survival of the small bank: is mouse bank Mighty or Mickey?
by Leonard I. Nakamura - 17-31 The impact of geographic deregulation on small banks
by Paul S. Calem
1994, Issue May
- 3-15 Making more out of less: the recipe for long-term economic growth
by Satyajit Chatterjee - 17-27 Is the foreign exchange market inefficient?
by Gregory P. Hopper
1994, Issue Mar
- 3-16 Bank competition in concentrated markets
by Sherrill Shaffer - 17-26 Taxes and the electoral cycle: how sensitive are governors to coming elections?
by Anne Case
1994, Issue Jul
- 3-13 Managing the public debt
by Keith Sill - 15-23 The automated clearinghouse system: moving toward electronic payment
by James J. McAndrews
1994, Issue Jan
- 3-18 How efficient are Third District banks?
by Loretta J. Mester - 19-31 New indexes track the state of the states
by Theodore M. Crone
1993, Issue Sep
- 3-20 Do Americans save too little?
by B. Douglas Bernheim & John Karl Scholtz - 21-31 Highways and education: the road to productivity?
by Gerald A. Carlino
1993, Issue Nov
- 3-15 Introducing: the survey of professional forecasters
by Dean Croushore - 17-28 How costly is disinflation? The historical evidence
by Laurence Ball
1993, Issue May
- 3-14 Testimony on the Third District economy and monetary policy
by Edward G. Boehne - 15-29 The proconsumer argument for interstate branching
by Paul S. Calem
1993, Issue Mar
- 3-12 What causes inflation?
by Laurence Ball - 13-24 Leaning against the seasonal wind: is there a cause for seasonal smoothing of interest rates?
by Satyajit Chatterjee
1993, Issue Jul
- 3-11 Are long expansions followed by short contractions?
by Francis X. Diebold - 13-28 Does money affect output?
by Shaghil Ahmed
1993, Issue Jan
- 3-14 Information externalities: why lending may sometimes need a jump start
by Leonard I. Nakamura - 15-28 Predicting stock-market volatility
by Keith Sill
1992, Issue Sep
- 3-4 City problems and suburban reactions
by Richard W. Lang - 5-20 Can Philadelphia escape its fiscal crisis with another tax increase?
by Robert P. Inman - 21-33 City and suburban growth: substitutes or complements?
by Richard Voith
1992, Issue Nov
- 3-18 Can the government roll over its debt forever?
by Andrew B. Abel - 19-30 Where has all the paper gone? Book-entry delivery-against-payment systems
by James J. McAndrews
1992, Issue May
- 3-16 What are the costs of disinflation?
by Dean Croushore - 17-29 Banking and commerce: a dangerous liaison?
by Loretta J. Mester
1992, Issue Mar
- 3-12 Are regional per capita earnings diverging?
by Gerald A. Carlino - 13-23 Saving and demographics: some international comparisons
by Stephen A. Meyer
1992, Issue Jul
- 3-12 A slow recovery in the Third District: evidence from new time-series model
by Theodore M. Crone - 13-22 Marking banks to market
by Sherrill Shaffer
1992, Issue Jan
- 3-14 The strange behavior of the credit card market
by Paul S. Calem - 15-27 The Livingston Surveys: a history of hopes and fears
by Herbert E. Taylor
1991, Issue Sep
- 3-14 The equity premium puzzle
by Andrew B. Abel - 15-23 Understanding national and regional housing trends
by Leonard O. Mills
1991, Issue Nov
- 3-12 Does inflation depress the stock market?
by Robert H. DeFina - 13-20 Shorter recessions and longer expansions
by Francis X. Diebold & Glenn D. Rudebusch
1991, Issue May
- 3-16 The evolution of shared ATM networks
by James J. McAndrews - 17-27 Interest rate risk: what's a bank to do?
by Sherrill Shaffer
1991, Issue Mar
- 3-14 How accurate are quality-of-life rankings across cities?
by Joseph Gyourko - 17-25 Activist monetary policy for good or evil? The new Keynesians vs. the new Classicals
by Tom Stark & Herbert E. Taylor
1991, Issue Jul
- 3-12 Is access to Center City still valuable?
by Richard Voith - 13-21 Lessons on lending and borrowing in hard times
by Leonard I. Nakamura
1991, Issue Jan
- 3-12 De novo banking in the third district
by Patricia Brislin & Anthony M. Santomero - 13-24 Coping with state budget deficits
by Janet G. Stotsky
1990, Issue Sep
- 3-12 Should states fear the effects of a changing dollar?
by Gerald A. Carlino - 13-24 Curing our ailing deposit-insurance system
by Loretta J. Mester
1990, Issue Nov
- 3-12 How big is your share of government debt?
by Dean Croushore - 13-23 Reducing the costs and risks of trading foreign exchange
by Brian J. Cody
1990, Issue May
- 3-13 The aging of America: impacts on the marketplace and workplace
by Theodore M. Crone - 15-24 Closing troubled financial institutions: what are the issues?
by Leonard I. Nakamura
1990, Issue Mar
- 3-12 Why are so many new stock issues underpriced?
by Anthony Saunders - 13-22 Is there a natural rate of unemployment?
by William W. Lang
1990, Issue Jul
- 3-10 Monetary policy with a new view of potential GNP
by John F. Boschen & Leonard O. Mills - 11-20 The U.S. auto industry in the 1990s
by David Y. Wong
1990, Issue Jan
- 3-12 Income-tax progressivity: a century-old debate
by Harvey S. Rosen - 13-25 How will third district banks fare in the 1990's?
by James J. McAndrews
1989, Issue Sep
- 3-13 Is there too much corporate debt?
by Ben S. Bernanke - 15-27 Challenges to small banks' survival
by Sherrill Shaffer
1989, Issue Nov
- 3-8 The new thrift act: mending the safety net
by Richard W. Lang & Timothy G. Schiller - 9-18 Unequal subsidies in highway investment: what are the consequences?
by Richard Voith - 19-31 The U.S. as a debtor country: causes, prospects, and policy implications
by Stephen A. Meyer
1989, Issue May
- 3-12 Office vacancy rates: how should we interpret them?
by Theodore M. Crone - 13-23 Owners versus managers: who controls the bank?
by Loretta J. Mester
1989, Issue Mar
- 3-12 International policy cooperation: building a sound foundation
by Brian J. Cody - 13-23 Stabilizing the dollar: what are the alternatives?
by David Y. Wong
1989, Issue Jul
- 3-16 The Community Reinvestment Act: increased attention and a new policy statement
by Paul S. Calem - 17-29 How do stock returns react to special events?
by Robert Schweitzer
1989, Issue Jan
- 3-14 A new regional economic indicator: the Mid-Atlantic manufacturing index
by Thomas P. Hamer - 15-27 What can output measures tell us about deindustrialization in the nation and its regions?
by Gerald A. Carlino
1988, Issue Sep
- 3-14 Can stock prices reliably predict recessions?
by Leonard O. Mills - 15-24 Private-sector decisions and the U.S. trade deficit
by Behzad T. Diba
1988, Issue Nov
- 3-11 Monetary policy transmission: through money or credit?
by Ben S. Bernanke - 13-23 LDC debt rescheduling: calculating who gains, who loses
by Anthony Saunders & Marti Subrahmanyam
1988, Issue May
- 3-12 Commodity prices: useful intermediate targets for monetary policy?
by Robert H. DeFina - 13-21 Joint ventures: meeting the competition in banking
by Paul S. Calem
1988, Issue Mar
- 3-13 Going, going, gone: setting prices with auctions
by Loretta J. Mester - 15-25 Experimental economics: putting markets under the microscope
by Herbert E. Taylor
1988, Issue Jul
- 3-14 Banking reform: an overview of the restructuring debate
by Mitchell Berlin - 15-23 Thinking about the deductibility of state and local taxes
by Harvey S. Rosen
1988, Issue Jan
- 3-15 Non-open-market monetary policy operations
by Stephen A. Meyer - 17-27 The Eurocurrency interbank market: potential for international crises?
by Anthony Saunders
1987, Issue Sep
- 3-12 The underground economy: a troubling issue for policymakers
by Joel F. Houston - 13-25 Fact and fantasy about stock index futures program trading
by John J. Merrick
1987, Issue Nov
- 3-12 Productivity in cities: does city size matter?
by Gerald A. Carlino - 13-23 Commuter rail ridership: the long and the short haul
by Richard Voith
1987, Issue May
- 3-14 The CPI futures market: the inflation hedge that won't grow
by Brian R. Horrigan - 15-23 Explaining long-term unemployment: a new piece to an old puzzle
by Robert H. DeFina
1987, Issue Mar
- 3-12 Housing costs after tax reform
by Theodore M. Crone - 13-23 Dividing up the investment pie: have we overinvested in housing?
by Edwin S. Mills
1987, Issue Jul
- 3-8 Is there consistency in monetary policy?
by Edward G. Boehne - 9-18 Bank loans and marketable securities: how do financial contracts control borrowing firms?
by Mitchell Berlin - 19-33 New guidelines for bank capital: an attempt to reflect risk
by Janice M. Moulton
1987, Issue Jan
- 3-14 Interstate bank mergers and competition in banking
by Paul S. Calem - 15-25 Efficient production of financial services: scale and scope economies
by Loretta J. Mester
1986, Issue Sep
- 3-14 What has happened to M1?
by Herbert E. Taylor - 15-25 Trade deficits and the dollar: a macroeconomic perspective
by Stephen A. Meyer
1986, Issue Nov
- 3-12 Low-grade bonds: a growing source of corporate funding
by Jan Loeys - 13-22 Are government deficits monetized? Some international evidence
by Aris Protopapadakis & Jeremy J. Siegel
1986, Issue May
- 3-12 Loan commitments: insurance contracts in a risky world
by Mitchell Berlin - 13-23 Hedging bank borrowing costs with financial futures
by Michael Smirlock