1986, Issue Mar
- 3-14 The private costs of bank failures: some historical evidence
by Brian C. Gendreau & Scott S. Prince - 15-22 Warm feelings and cold calculations: economic theories of private transfers
by Donald C. Cox & Robert H. DeFina
1986, Issue Jul
- 3-16 Charting the course of the economy: what can local manufacturers tell us?
by John Bell & Theodore M. Crone - 17-25 Do regional wages differ?
by Gerald A. Carlino
1986, Issue Jan
- 3-13 New views of the business cycle: has the past emphasis on money been misplaced?
by Carl E. Walsh - 15-23 Productivity and the prospects for outgrowing the budget deficit
by Richard McHugh
1985, Issue Sep/Oct
- 3-11 The health of banking in the Third District
by Thomas K. Desch & Richard W. Lang - 13-23 The Philadelphia area economy: faster growth in the 1980s?
by John M. L. Gruenstein
1985, Issue Nov/Dec
- 3-17 Nonbank banks: catalyst for interstate banking
by Janice M. Moulton - 19-29 The new bank deposit markets: goodbye to Regulation Q
by Paul S. Calem
1985, Issue May/Jun
- 3-15 The tax reform controversy: a guide for the perplexed
by Brian R. Horrigan - 17-25 Interest rate swaps: a new tool for managing risk
by Jan Loeys
1985, Issue Mar/Apr
- 3-12 Time inconsistency: a potential problem for policymakers
by Herbert E. Taylor - 13-19 Monetary rules and contracts: why theory loses to practice
by Donald J. Mullineaux
1985, Issue Jul/Aug
- 3-16 Do public policies affect county growth?
by Gerald A. Carlino & Edwin S. Mills - 17-27 Securities activities of commercial banks: the problem of conflicts of interest
by Anthony Saunders
1985, Issue Jan/Feb
- 3-13 Billion-dollar overdrafts: a payments risk challenge
by Richard L. Smoot - 15-26 Changing tides for North Atlantic ports
by Theodore M. Crone
1984, Issue Sep/Oct
- 3-10 Risk-sensitive deposit insurance premia: some practical issues
by Mark J. Flannery & Aris Protopapadakis - 11-21 Antitrust implications of thrifts' expanded commercial loan powers
by Janice M. Moulton
1984, Issue Nov/Dec
- 3-14 Tax policy effects on investment: the 1981 and 1982 tax acts
by Stephen A. Meyer - 15-21 The link between savings and interest rates: a key element in the tax policy debate
by Robert H. DeFina
1984, Issue May/Jun
- 3-14 Targeting high tech in the Delaware Valley
by John M. L. Gruenstein - 15-25 Sizing up the deficit: an efficient tax perspective
by Brian R. Horrigan
1984, Issue Mar/Apr
- 3-8 Revealing real interest rates: let the market do it
by Donald J. Mullineaux & Aris Protopapadakis - 9-17 Market views of monetary policy and reactions to M1 announcements
by Jan Loeys
1984, Issue Jul/Aug
- 3-12 New markets in foreign currency options
by Brian C. Gendreau - 13-23 The return banks have paid on NOW accounts
by Herbert E. Taylor
1984, Issue Jan/Feb
- 3-12 Private clearinghouses and the origins of central banking
by Gary Gorton - 13-22 Fed pricing and the check collection business: the private sector response
by Joanna H. Frodin
1983, Issue Sep/Oct
- 3-14 New employment growth trends: the U.S. and the Third District
by Gerald A. Carlino - 15-22 Anatomy of a fiscal crisis
by Robert P. Inman - 23-30 Economic development in the Third District: three approaches
by Eleanor Craig & Scott Reznick
1983, Issue Nov/Dec
- 3-10 Exchange rate volatility: is intervention the answer
by Nicholas Carlozzi - 11-19 Cleaning the air with the invisible hand
by Theodore M. Crone & Robert H. DeFina
1983, Issue May/Jun
- 3-12 The discount window and money control
by Herbert E. Taylor - 13-23 When is the prime rate second choice?
by Brian C. Gendreau
1983, Issue Mar/Apr
- 3-12 The condominium trend: response to inflation
by Theodore M. Crone - 13-21 Removing deposit rate ceilings: how will bank profits fare?
by Mark J. Flannery
1983, Issue Jul/Aug
- 3-16 Tax cuts: reality or illusion?
by Stephen A. Meyer - 17-25 Delaware moves toward interstate banking: a look at the FCDA
by Janice M. Moulton
1983, Issue Jan/Feb
- 3-13 Using econometric models to make economic policy: a continuing controversy
by Richard W. Lang - 15-26 Deregulation: a new future for thrifts
by Jan Loeys
1982, Issue Nov/Dec
- 3-13 Spending through the tax structure: are we taxing the revenue system?
by Robert H. DeFina - 15-27 Forecasting with the Index of Leading Indicators
by Gary Gorton
1982, Issue May/Jun
- 3-13 Margaret Thatcher's economic experiment: are there lessons for the Reagan Administration?
by Stephen A. Meyer - 15-25 From centralization to deconcentration: economic activity spreads out
by Gerald A. Carlino
1982, Issue Mar/Apr
- 3-16 Federal deficits: a faulty gauge of government's impact on financial markets
by Brian R. Horrigan & Aris Protopapadakis - 17-22 Health care: getting the right amount at the right price
by Laurence S. Seidman
1982, Issue Jul/Aug
- 3-12 Interest rates: how much does expected inflation matter?
by Herbert E. Taylor - 13-21 Implementing the Monetary Control Act in a troubled environment for thrifts
by Janice M. Moulton
1982, Issue Jan/Feb
- 3-16 The casino industry in Atlantic City: what has it done for the local economy?
by Thomas P. Hamer - 17-31 Deposit insurance creates a need for bank regulation
by Mark J. Flannery
1981, Issue Sep/Oct
- 3-11 Indexation: a reasonable response to inflation
by Brian R. Horrigan - 13-21 Who controls what in the U.S. economy?
by Timothy H. Hannan
1981, Issue Nov/Dec
- 3-12 Did the tax cut really cut taxes?
by Stephen A. Meyer & Robert J. Rossana - 15-22 The merits of efficient taxation
by Ira Kaminow
1981, Issue May/Jun
- 3-10 Efficient markets, interest rates, and monetary policy
by Donald J. Mullineaux - 11-23 Supply-side economics: what chance for success?
by Aris Protopapadakis
1981, Issue Mar/Apr
- 3-13 Managing the money stock: a time of transition
by Richard W. Lang - 15-23 Regulating the eurocurrency market: what are the prospects?
by Nicholas Carlozzi
1981, Issue Jul/Aug
- 3-14 The defense sector: a source of strength for Philadelphia's economy
by John J. Mulhern - 15-27 Can services sustain a regional economy?
by John M. L. Gruenstein & Sally Guerra
1981, Issue Jan/Feb
- 3-9 A personal consumption tax: can it break the capital formation deadlock?
by Laurence S. Seidman - 11-19 Structuring corporate taxes for a more productive economy
by Robert J. Rossana
1980, Issue Sep
- 3-11 The national stock market: taking shape
by John J. Mulhern - 13-22 How do changes in market interest rates affect bank profits?
by Mark J. Flannery
1980, Issue Nov
- 3-12 Paying for public pensions: now or later?
by Robert P. Inman - 13-25 Interest rate futures: a challenge for bankers
by Howard Keen
1980, Issue May
- 3-11 Jobs in the city: can Philadelphia afford to raise taxes?
by John M. L. Gruenstein - 13-23 Pegs and floats: the changing face of the foreign exchange market
by Nicholas Carlozzi
1980, Issue Mar
- 3-6 Commentary: Bank supervisory trends in the '80s
by Edward G. Boehne - 7-17 The productivity perplex: a concern for the supply side
by Timothy H. Hannan - 19-27 How U.S. multinationals manage currency risk
by Janice M. Westerfield
1980, Issue Jul
- 3-8 Foiling the bank robber: what makes a difference
by Timothy H. Hannan - 9-15 What's ahead for housing prices?
by Anthony M. Rufolo
1980, Issue Jan
- 3-11 Fighting inflation with a tax-based incomes policy
by Laurence S. Seidman - 13-21 TIP is not the answer to inflation
by Gary P. Gillum
1979, Issue Sep
- 3-11 A softer landing for housing this time around?
by John Bell - 13-29 Thrifts compete with banks: Getting a clearer view of a changing picture
by Howard Keen
1979, Issue Nov
- 3-4 Commentary: Monetarism and practical policymaking
by Edward G. Boehne - 5-9 Current monetary dilemmas: How effective is orthodoxy in an unorthodox world?
by David P. Eastburn - 11-19 On active and passive monetary policies
by Donald J. Mullineaux
1979, Issue May
- 3-4 Commentary: Preserving discretion in economic policy
by David P. Eastburn - 5-11 Lack of competition: where it's found and how much it costs
by Timothy H. Hannan - 13-18 Economic forecasting: Should you buy it?
by Nariman Behravesh & John J. Mulhern
1979, Issue Mar
- 3-4 Commentary: Can Philadelphia expect a livelier economy?
by Edward G. Boehne - 5-11 Proposition 13 and its aftermath
by Anita A. Summers - 13-23 An index of leading indicators for the Philadelphia region
by Anthony M. Rufolo
1979, Issue Jul
- 3-5 Commentary: The McFadden Act: is change in the making?
by Edward G. Boehne - 7-17 Mass transit subsidies: are there better options?
by John M. L. Gruenstein - 19-26 Unemployment insurance programs: a new look for the Eighties?
by Robert J. Rossana
1979, Issue Jan
- 3-4 Commentary: Voluntary inflation restraint and corporate social responsibility
by David P. Eastburn - 5-12 International banking in Philadelphia
by Janice M. Westerfield - 13-22 A new job map for the Philadelphia region
by John M. L. Gruenstein
1978, Issue Sep
- 3-11 Regulation: whence it came and whether it's here to stay
by Donald J. Mullineaux - 13-20 Philadelphia's economy in the national setting
by Anthony M. Rufolo
1978, Issue Nov
- 3-4 Commentary: Coming: a new phase for Regulation Q
by Edward G. Boehne - 3-13 Bank dividend cuts: recent experience and the traditional view
by Howard Keen
1978, Issue May
- 3-11 Estimating the cost of your bank's funds
by Ronald D. Watson - 13-23 Uniformity in assessment: High on the list of property tax reforms
by Nonna A. Noto
1978, Issue Mar
- 3-11 Measuring income distribution in the United States
by Timothy H. Hannan - 13-21 Housing decay: cause or symptom of urban decline?
by Anthony M. Rufolo
1978, Issue Jul
- 3-17 The influence of monetary policy on commercial banking
by David P. Eastburn & W. Lee Hoskins - 19-29 A primer on the risks of international lending and how to evaluate them
by Janice M. Westerfield
1978, Issue Jan
- 3-8 Our vanishing golden age?
by David P. Eastburn - 7-13 Potential competition and the banks
by Timothy H. Hannan
1977, Issue Sep
- 3-10 The economics of commuting in a higher cost world
by Nonna A. Noto - 11-22 The world business cycle: Is it here to stay?
by Nariman Behravesh
1977, Issue Nov
- 3-16 Why bankers are concerned about NOW accounts
by Howard Keen - 11-18 Commodity agreements: the haves vs. the have-nots?
by Janice M. Westerfield
1977, Issue May
- 3-9 A case for market interest rates
by James M. O'Brien - 11-18 The unemployment rate: time to give it a rest?
by Stewart Schwab & John J. Seater
1977, Issue Mar
- 3-32 Philadelphia's fiscal story: the city and the schools
by Nonna A. Noto & Donald L. Raiff - 34-47 Appendices for Philadelphia's fiscal story: the city and the schools
by John J. Seater
1977, Issue Jul
- 3-12 Inflation expectations in the U.S.: a brief anatomy
by Donald J. Mullineaux - 13-21 The mortgage market: a place for ceilings
by Helen Frame Peters
1977, Issue Jan
- 3-12 Coping with unemployment
by John J. Seater - 13-20 Local government wages and services: How much should citizens pay?
by Anthony M. Rufolo
1976, Issue Sep
- 3-8 The economics of bank security
by Timothy H. Hannan - 9-17 Forecasting inflation: does the method make a difference
by Nariman Behravesh
1976, Issue Nov
- 3-9 Money growth, jobs, and expectations: does a little learning ruin everything
by Donald J. Mullineaux - 11-17 A lower profile for the U.S. balance of payments
by Janice M. Westerfield
1976, Issue May
- 3-11 Capital needs projections: a need for perspective
by James M. O'Brien - 13-21 Profit in a free economy
by John J. Seater
1976, Issue Mar
- 3-13 Small cities and their future
by James L. Freund - 15-22 Regional wrap-up '75: downturn ends, recovery begins
by Howard Keen
1976, Issue Jan
- 3-12 An economic approach to family size: a new perspective on population growth
by Donald J. Mullineaux - 13-23 Tax cuts and economic activity: the role of \\"financing\\"
by Nariman Behravesh & Donald L. Raiff
1975, Issue Sep
- 3-17 Banking's capital shortage: the malaise and the myth
by Ronald D. Watson - 14-17 The dollar at home and abroad
by John Bell - 18-29 Bank loan losses: a fresh perspective
by Stuart A. Schweitzer
1975, Issue Oct
- 3-9 The Fed in a political world
by David P. Eastburn - 12-16 The rising cost of buying a new home
by James J. Bacci - 17-30 Slowdowns and recessions: what's been the government's role?
by Donald L. Raiff
1975, Issue Nov
- 3-22 Selective credit policies: should their role be expanded?
by anonymous
1975, Issue May
- 3-12 Central banking across the Atlantic: another dimension
by James M. O'Brien - 13-17 Inventory valuation adjustments greatly influence corporate earnings
by Robert Christian - 19-30 A perspective on stagflation
by John J. Seater
1975, Issue Mar
- 3-15 Indexing inflation: remedy or malady?
by Vincent A. Gennaro - 16-22 Regional wrap-up '74: Doldrums descend on district economy
by Howard Keen
1975, Issue Jun
- 3-12 Anatomy of a \\"fiscal crisis\\"
by Anthony M. Rufolo - 13-15 Rising medical care expenditures: a growing role for the public sector
by Robert H. Friedman - 17-26 Restrictive labor practices in baseball: time for a change?
by Janice M. Westerfield
1975, Issue Jul
- 3-10 The battle for energy independence: how much of a good thing?
by Timothy H. Hannan - 11-14 The auto industry: slowdown in sales, stall in jobs
by Clara Prevo - 15-25 Forecasting the economy with mathematical models: is it worth the effort?
by Nariman Behravesh
1975, Issue Jan
- 3-10 Why not pay interest on member bank reserves?
by Ira Kaminow - 11-17 Should the Fed sell its services?
by W. Lee Hoskins
1975, Issue Feb
- 4-29 Which school resources help learning? Efficiency and equity in Philadelphia public schools
by Anita A. Summers & Barbara L. Wolfe
1975, Issue Dec
- 3-51 Jobs in Philadelphia: experience and prospects
by anonymous
1975, Issue Apr
- 3-11 Is there a future for economic man?
by David P. Eastburn