- 154 Diversification in banking: is noninterest income the answer?
by Kevin J. Stiroh - 153 Borrowers' financial constraints and the transmission of monetary policy: evidence from financial conglomerates
by Adam B. Ashcraft & Murillo Campello - 152 Self-validating optimum currency areas
by Giancarlo Corsetti & Paolo Pesenti - 151 Uncertainty, exchange rate regimes, and national price levels
by Christian Broda - 150 Stop-loss orders and price cascades in currency markets
by Carol L. Osler - 149 Exchange rate pass-through into import prices: a macro or micro phenomenon?
by Jose Manuel Campa & Linda S. Goldberg - 148 Terms of trade and exchange rate regimes in developing countries
by Christian Broda - 147 How valuable is exchange rate flexibility? Optimal monetary policy under sectoral shocks
by Cédric Tille - 146 On the distributional effects of exchange rate fluctuations
by Cédric Tille - 145 Are larger Treasury issues more liquid? Evidence from bill reopenings
by Michael J. Fleming - 143 The role of bank advisors in mergers and acquisitions
by Linda Allen & Julapa Jagtiani & Stavros Peristiani & Anthony Saunders
- 144 Has monetary policy become less powerful?
by Jean Boivin & Marc Giannoni - 142 One reason countries pay their debts: renegotiation and international trade
by Andrew K. Rose - 141 Common determinants of bond and stock market liquidity: the impact of financial crises, monetary policy, and mutual fund flows
by Tarun Chordia & Asani Sarkar & Avanidhar Subrahmanyam - 140 Specialization and the volume of trade: do the data obey the laws?
by James Harrigan - 139 Is equipment price deflation a statistical artifact?
by Bart Hobijn - 138 Are bank shareholders enemies of regulators or a potential source of market discipline?
by Sangkyun Park & Stavros Peristiani - 137 Does foreign ownership contribute to sounder banks in emerging markets? the Latin American experience
by Jennifer S. Crystal & B. Gerard Dages & Linda S. Goldberg - 136 New evidence on the lending channel
by Adam B. Ashcraft - 135 The overnight interbank market: evidence from the G-7 and the Euro zone
by Leonardo Bartolini & Giuseppe Bertola & Alessandro Prati - 134 Forecasting recessions using the yield curve
by Marcelle Chauvet & Simon M. Potter - 133 Measuring treasury market liquidity
by Michael J. Fleming - 132 Markov switching in disaggregate unemployment rates
by Marcelle Chauvet & Chinhui Juhn & Simon M. Potter - 131 A primer on the economics and time series econometrics of wealth effects: a comment
by Nathan Barczi & Martin Lettau & Sydney C. Ludvigson - 130 Idiosyncratic risk and volatility bounds, or can models with idiosyncratic risk solve the equity premium puzzle?
by Martin Lettau - 128 Home bias in trade: location or foreign-ness?
by Carolyn L. Evans - 127 Border effects and the availability of domestic products abroad
by Carolyn L. Evans - 126 Recent changes in the U.S. business cycle
by Marcelle Chauvet & Simon M. Potter - 125 Currency orders and exchange-rate dynamics: explaining the success of technical analysis
by Carol L. Osler - 124 International dimensions of optimal monetary policy
by Giancarlo Corsetti & Paolo Pesenti - 123 How do stock repurchases affect bank holding company performance?
by Beverly Hirtle - 122 Productivity: what is it and why do we care about it?
by Charles Steindel & Kevin J. Stiroh - 121 Gender differences in the labor market effects of the dollar
by Linda S. Goldberg & Joseph Tracy - 120 Financial market implications of the federal debt paydown
by Michael J. Fleming - 119 When is U.S. bank lending to emerging markets volatile?
by Linda S. Goldberg - 118 What's driving the new economy? The benefits of workplace innovation
by Sandra E. Black & Lisa M. Lynch - 117 Structural change in U.S. wage determination
by Robert W. Rich & Donald Rissmiller - 116 Exchange rates and wages
by Linda S. Goldberg & Joseph Tracy - 115 Information technology and the U.S. productivity revival: what do the industry data say?
by Kevin J. Stiroh
- 129 Bank integration and business volatility
by Donald P. Morgan & Bertrand Rime & Philip E. Strahan - 114 Is the integration of world asset markets necessarily beneficial in the presence of monetary shocks?
by Cédric Tille - 113 How stable is the predictive power of the yield curve? evidence from Germany and the United States
by Arturo Estrella & Anthony P. Rodrigues & Sebastian Schich - 112 "Beggar-thy-neighbor" or "beggar-thyself"? the income effect of exchange rate fluctuations
by Cédric Tille - 111 Pass-through of exchange rates and import prices to domestic inflation in some industrialized economies
by Jonathan McCarthy - 110 Day-to-day monetary policy and the volatility of the federal funds interest rate
by Leonardo Bartolini & Giuseppe Bertola & Alessandro Prati - 109 Banks' reserve management, transaction costs, and the timing of the Federal Reserve intervention
by Leonardo Bartolini & Giuseppe Bertola & Alessandro Prati - 108 Bank commitment relationships, cash flow constraints, and liquidity management
by Donald P. Morgan - 107 Factor supplies and specialization in the world economy
by James Harrigan & Egon Zakrajšek - 106 Uncertainty and labor contract durations
by Robert W. Rich & Joseph Tracy - 105 Rating risks: risk and uncertainty in an opaque industry
by Donald P. Morgan - 104 Public infrastructure investments, productivity and welfare in fixed geographic areas
by Andrew F. Haughwout - 103 Excess volatility of exchange rates with unobservable fundamentals
by Leonardo Bartolini & Lorenzo Giorgianni - 102 Finite horizons, political economy, and growth
by James A. Kahn & Jong-Soo Lim - 101 Microeconomic inventory adjustment: evidence from U.S. firm-level data
by Jonathan McCarthy & Egon Zakrajšek - 100 Towards new open economy macroeconometrics
by Fabio Ghironi - 99 Monetary policy surprises and interest rates: evidence from the Fed funds futures markets
by Kenneth N. Kuttner - 98 Compositional dynamics and the performance of the U.S. banking industry
by Kevin J. Stiroh - 97 What do we really know about trends in outpatient medical expenditures for children, 1977-1987?
by Carol Rapaport & Christopher A. Trenholm - 96 Can vertical specialization explain the growth of world trade?
by Kei-Mu Yi
- 95 Bond market discipline of banks: is the market tough enough?
by Donald P. Morgan & Kevin J. Stiroh - 94 Can world real interest rates explain business cycles in a small open economy?
by William Blankenau & M. Ayhan Kose & Kei-Mu Yi - 93 Resurrecting the (C)CAPM: a cross-sectional test when risk premia are time-varying
by Martin Lettau & Sydney C. Ludvigson - 92 What inventory behavior tells us about business cycles
by Mark Bils & James A. Kahn - 91 Borders and business cycles
by Todd E. Clark & Eric Van Wincoop - 90 Borrower risk and the price and nonprice terms of bank loans
by Philip E. Strahan - 89 Assessing the impact of short-sale constraints on the gains from international diversification
by Kai Li & Asani Sarkar & Zhenyu Wang - 88 Does talk matter after all? Inflation targeting and central bank behavior
by Kenneth N. Kuttner & Adam S. Posen - 87 Nonlinear time series modelling: an introduction
by Simon M. Potter - 86 Settlement risk under gross and net settlement
by Charles M. Kahn & James J. McAndrews & William Roberds - 85 Payment intermediation and the origins of banking
by James J. McAndrews & William Roberds - 84 A general equilibrium analysis of check float
by James J. McAndrews & William Roberds - 83 What was behind the M2 breakdown?
by Cara S. Lown & Stavros Peristiani & Kenneth J. Robinson - 82 Heat waves, meteor showers, and trading volume: an analysis of volatility spillovers in the U.S. Treasury market
by Michael J. Fleming & Jose A. Lopez - 81 International trade and factor mobility: an empirical investigation
by Linda S. Goldberg & Michael W. Klein - 80 Purchasing power parity: three stakes through the heart of the unit root null
by Matthew Higgins & Egon Zakrajšek - 79 Explaining inequality the world round: cohort size, Kuznets curves, and openness
by Matthew Higgins & Jeffrey G. Williamson - 78 Are there "bank effects" in borrowers' costs of funds? Evidence from a matched sample of borrowers and banks
by R. Glenn Hubbard & Kenneth N. Kuttner & Darius N. Palia - 77 Consumption, aggregate wealth and expected stock returns
by Martin Lettau & Sydney C. Ludvigson - 76 The term structure of announcement effects
by Michael J. Fleming & Eli M. Remolona - 75 Sunk costs, contestability, and the latent contract market
by Chris Stefanadis - 74 Importing equality? The effects of increased competition on the gender wage gap
by Sandra E. Black & Elizabeth Brainerd - 73 Liquidity in U.S. fixed income markets: a comparison of the bid-ask spread in corporate, government and municipal bond markets
by Sugato Chakravarty & Asani Sarkar - 72 The nature and growth of vertical specialization in world trade
by David L. Hummels & Jun Ishii & Kei-Mu Yi - 71 Structural estimates of the U.S. sacrifice ratio
by Stephen G. Cecchetti & Robert W. Rich - 70 Determinants of current risk premiums
by John A. Carlson & Carol L. Osler - 69 Bank loan sales: a new look at the motivations for secondary market activity
by Rebecca Demsetz - 68 Looking beyond the CEO: executive compensation at banks
by Rebecca Demsetz & Marc R. Saidenberg - 67 The role of consumption substitutability in the international transmission of shocks
by Cédric Tille - 66 Fluctuations in confidence and asymmetric business cycles
by Simon M. Potter - 65 Nonlinear impulse response functions
by Simon M. Potter - 64 U.S. wages in general equilibrium: the effects of prices, technology and factor supplies, 1963-1991
by Rita A. Balaban & James Harrigan - 63 Exchange rates and local labor markets
by Linda S. Goldberg & Joseph Tracy - 62 Banks' payments-driven revenues
by Lawrence J. Radecki - 61 Nonlinear risk
by Marcelle Chauvet & Simon M. Potter - 60 Do investors mistake a good company for a good investment?
by Peter Antunovich & David S. Laster - 59 Are apparent findings of nonlinearity due to structural instability in economic time series?
by Gary Koop & Simon M. Potter - 58 Competitive devaluations: a welfare-based approach
by Giancarlo Corsetti & Paolo Pesenti & Nouriel Roubini & Cédric Tille
- 57 What was the market's view of U.K. monetary policy? Estimating inflation risk and expected inflation with indexed bonds
by Frank F. Gong & Eli M. Remolona & Michael Wickens - 56 Employment versus wage adjustment and the U.S. dollar
by Jose Manuel Campa & Linda S. Goldberg - 55 The consolidation of the financial services industry: causes, consequences, and the implications for the future
by Allen N. Berger & Rebecca Demsetz & Philip E. Strahan - 54 Microeconomic inventory adjustment and aggregate dynamics
by Jonathan McCarthy & Egon Zakrajšek - 53 Trade inventories
by Jonathan McCarthy & Egon Zakrajšek - 51 Why did thrift goodwill matter in 1989?
by Sangkyun Park - 50 Piggy banks: financial intermediaries as a commitment to save
by Donald P. Morgan & Katherine A. Samolyk - 49 Implied mortgage refinancing thresholds
by Paul Bennett & Richard Peach & Stavros Peristiani - 48 The performance of investment newsletters
by Jeffrey F. Jaffe & James M. Mahoney - 47 Skilled labor-augmenting technical progress in U.S. manufacturing
by James A. Kahn & Jong-Soo Lim - 46 International trade and American wages in general equilibrium, 1967-1995
by James Harrigan - 45 Structural change in the mortgage market and the propensity to refinance
by Paul Bennett & Richard Peach & Stavros Peristiani - 44 The dual nature of trade: measuring its impact on imitation and growth
by Michelle P. Connolly - 43 Soft exchange rate bands and speculative attacks: theory and evidence from the ERM since August 1993
by Leonardo Bartolini & Alessandro Prati - 42 Identifying noise traders: the head-and-shoulders pattern in U.S. equities
by Carol L. Osler - 41 Output fluctuations in the United States: what has changed since the early 1980s?
by Margaret M. McConnell & Gabriel Perez-Quiros - 40 Economic geography and regional production structure: an empirical investigation
by Donald R. Davis & David E. Weinstein - 39 Consistent covariance matrix estimation in probit models with autocorrelated errors
by Arturo Estrella & Anthony P. Rodrigues - 38 How workers use 401(k) plans: the participation, contribution, and withdrawal decisions
by William F. Bassett & Michael J. Fleming & Anthony P. Rodrigues - 37 How big are potential welfare gains from international risksharing?
by Eric Van Wincoop - 36 Estimation of cross-country differences in industry production functions
by James Harrigan
- 52 Institutional affiliation and the role of venture capital: evidence from initial public offerings in Japan
by Yasushi Hamao & Frank Packer & Jay Ritter - 35 The home market, trade, and industrial structure
by Donald R. Davis - 34 Demography, national savings and international capital flows
by Matthew Higgins - 33 Regulatory evaluation of value-at-risk models
by Jose A. Lopez - 32 Option-implied probability distributions and currency excess returns
by Allan M. Malz - 31 Identifying inflation's grease and sand effects in the labor market
by Erica L. Groshen & Mark E. Schweitzer - 30 Growth uncertainty and risksharing
by Stefano Athanasoulis & Eric Van Wincoop - 29 Agency problems and risk taking at banks
by Rebecca Demsetz & Marc R. Saidenberg & Philip E. Strahan - 28 Traders' broker choice, market liquidity and market structure
by Sugato Chakravarty & Asani Sarkar - 27 Price formation and liquidity in the U.S. Treasury market: evidence from intraday patterns around announcements
by Michael J. Fleming & Eli M. Remolona - 26 Language, learning, and location
by A. Andrew John & Kei-Mu Yi - 25 Can competition between brokers mitigate agency conflicts with their customers?
by Sugato Chakravarty & Asani Sarkar - 24 Foreign investment fluctuations and emerging market stock returns: the case of Mexico
by Elizabeth Berko & John Clark - 23 Testing under non-standard conditions in frequency domain: with applications to Markov regime-switching models of exchange rates and federal funds rate
by Fangxiong Gong & Roberto S. Mariano - 22 Entry restrictions, industry evolution, and dynamic efficiency: evidence from commercial banking
by Jith Jayaratne & Philip E. Strahan - 21 Rational bias in macroeconomic forecasts
by Paul Bennett & In Sun Geoum & David S. Laster - 20 Technological diffusion through trade and imitation
by Michelle P. Connolly - 19 A three-factor econometric model of the U.S. term structure
by Frank F. Gong & Eli M. Remolona
- 18 When liberal policies reflect external shocks, what do we learn?
by Leonardo Bartolini & Allan Drazen - 17 Is there endogenous long-run growth?: Evidence from the U.S. and the U.K
by Narayana R. Kocherlakota & Kei-Mu Yi - 16 Housing demand and community choice: an empirical analysis
by Carol Rapaport - 15 Technology, factor supplies, and international specialization: estimating the neoclassical model
by James Harrigan - 14 Investment, pass-through, and exchange rates: a cross-country comparison
by Jose Manuel Campa & Linda S. Goldberg - 13 Rational speculators and exchange rate volatility
by John A. Carlson & Carol L. Osler - 12 Multiple ratings and credit standards: differences of opinion in the credit rating industry
by Richard Cantor & Frank Packer - 11 Capital account liberalization as a signal
by Leonardo Bartolini & Allan Drazen - 10 Error correction mechanisms and short-run expectations
by Angelos A. Antzoulatos - 9 The effects of inflation on wage adjustments in firm-level data: grease or sand?
by Erica L. Groshen & Mark E. Schweitzer
- 8 Preserving firm value through exit: the case of voluntary liquidations
by Michael J. Fleming & John J. Moon - 7 The relationship between government financial condition and expected tax rates reflected in municipal bond yields
by Sangkyun Park - 6 An efficient, three-step algorithm for estimating error-correction models with an application to the U.S. macroeconomy
by Michael D. Boldin - 5 Using option prices to estimate realignment probabilities in the European Monetary System
by Allan M. Malz - 4 Head and shoulders: not just a flaky pattern
by P.H. Kevin Chang & Carol L. Osler - 3 Short-term speculators and the origins of near-random-walk exchange rate behavior
by Carol L. Osler - 2 The costs and benefits of dual trading
by Hun Y. Park & Asani Sarkar & Lifan Wu - 1 Central bank independence and disinflationary credibility: a missing link?
by Adam S. Posen