- 2025-01 Children’s Educational Enrollment and Maternal Labor
by Clemente Pignatti & Alessandro Tondini
- 2024-04 Digital economy, technological competencies and the job matching process
by Anna Zamberlan & Alessio Tomelleri & Antonio Schizzerotto & Paolo Barbieri - 2024-03 Beyond Sight: Exploring the Impact of a Multifaceted Intervention on Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors towards Persons with Visual Impairment
by Sergiu Burlacu & Davide Azzolini & Federico Podestà - 2024-02 Fertility Decline and Tax Revenues in South Korea
by Joan E. Madia & Francesco Moscone & Asieh Hosseini Tabaghdehi & Jong-Chol An & Changkeun Lee - 2024-01 Enhancing SMEs’ Digital Innovation Capabilities: Experimental Evidence from a User Experience Design Challenge
by Davide Azzolini & Nicola Doppio & Luca Mion & Iunio Quarto Russo & Alessio Tomelleri
- 2023-07 Skills training programmes for unemployed workers in mature economies
by Martina Bazzoli & Gianni De Fraja & Silvia De Poli & Enrico Rettore & Enrico Rettore - 2023-06 The Cost of a Vowel: How the Gender-marked Job Title Affects Ratings of Female Lawyers
by Sergiu Burlacu & Dominique Cappelletti & Sonia Marzadro & Alessandro Tondini - 2023-05 Starting the school year on the right foot. Effects of a summer learning program targeting vulnerable students in Italy
by Davide Azzolini & Martina Bazzoli & Sergiu C. Burlacu & Enrico Rettore - 2023-04 Do micro-enterprises ask for local support measures? Evidence after the COVID-19 pandemic
by Alessio Tomelleri & Anna Gloria Billé - 2023-03 Studying the Welfare State by Analysing Time-Series-Cross-Section Data
by Federico Podestà - 2023-02 Returns to ICT Skills Use and Labour Market Institutions
by Giorgio Cutuli & Alessio Tomelleri - 2023-01 Effects of an Online Self-Assessment Tool on Teachers’ Digital Competencies
by Giovanni Abbiati & Davide Azzolini & Anja Balanskat & Katja Engelhart & Daniela Piazzalunga & Enrico Rettore & Patricia Wastiau
- 2022-08 The demand for language skills in the European labour market: Evidence from online job ads
by Gabriele Marconi & Loris Vergolini - 2022-07 Another battle of the have-nots? The Impact of Immigration on the Poverty Risk of Western European
by Martina Bazzoli & Joan E. Madia & Federico Podestà - 2022-06 NEET: una categoria attraente, ma elusiva. Giovani che non lavorano e non studiano in Italia e in alcuni paesi europei
by Nicola Bazoli & Martina Bazzoli & Sonia Marzadro & Ugo Trivellato - 2022-05 Firm-Level Effects of Reductions in Working Hours
by Marta C.Lopes & Alessandro Tondini - 2022-04 The Employment Effects of Working Time Reductions: Sector-Level Evidence from European Reforms
by Cyprien Batut & Andrea Garnero & Alessandro Tondini - 2022-03 Learning Loss and Students’ Social Origins During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Italy
by Nicola Bazoli & Sonia Marzadro & Antonio Schizzerotto & Loris Vergolini - 2022-02 Earnings instability and non-standard employment: cohort-based evidence from the Italian labour market
by Alessio Tomelleri - 2022-01 Multicutoff RD designs with observations located at each cutoff: problems and solutions
by Margherita Fort & Andrea Ichino & Enrico Rettore & Giulio Zanella
- 2021-02 Forecasting Regional GDPs: a Comparison with Spatial Dynamic Panel Data Models
by Anna Gloria Billé & Alessio Tomelleri & Francesco Ravazzolo - 2021-01 Combining process tracing and synthetic control method: Bridging two ways for making causal inference in case studies
by Federico Podestà
- 2020-02 Size, heterogeneity and distributional effects of self-employment income tax evasion in Italy
by Martina Bazzoli & Paolo Di Caro & Francesco Figari & Carlo V. Fiorio & Marco Manzo - 2020-01 Scientifico! like Dad: On the Intergenerational Transmission of STEM Education
by Diana Chise & Margherita Fort & Chiara Monfardini
- 2019-05 Dalla sperimentazione del Partial basic income in Finlandia alla valutazione del Reddito di cittadinanza in Italia
by Francesca Bergamante & Massimo De Minicis - 2019-04 Early Education and Gender Differences
by Daniela Del Boca & Enrica Maria Martino & Elena Claudia Meroni & Daniela Piazzalunga - 2019-03 Why should financial aid affect university participation? A review of the literature
by Elena Vettoretto & Davide Azzolini & Loris Vergolini - 2019-02 Use of extra-school time and child behaviour
by Elena Claudia Meroni & Daniela Piazzalunga & Chiara Pronzato
- 2018-02 Was Pierson right? A synthetic control analysis of Reagan and Thatcher’s welfare state retrenchments
by Federico Podestà - 2018-01 Un'esperienza pilota di integrazione di dati amministrativi e di survey per l'analisi dell'evoluzione delle storie lavorative dei giovani
by Martina Bazzoli & Sonia Marzadro & Antonio Schizzerotto & Ugo Trivellato - 2017-07 L'università conviene? Un'analisi dei costi, dei rendimenti e dei rischi dell'investimento in istruzione universitaria nel sistema del 3+2
by Giovanni Abbiati & Giulia Assirelli & Davide Azzolini & Carlo Barone
- 2017-06 Microdata for social sciences and policy evaluation as a public good
by Ugo Trivellato - 2017-05 ‘Everyone in School’: The Effects of Compulsory Schooling Age on Drop-out and Completion Rates
by Erica Raimondi & Loris Vergolini - 2017-04 Are vocational training programmes worth their cost? Evidence from a cost-benefit analysis
by Martina Bazzoli & Silvia De Poli & Enrico Rettore & Antonio Schizzerotto - 2017-03 The Gender Wage Gap among College Graduates in Italy
by Daniela Piazzalunga - 2017-01 Does random selection of commissioners improve the quality of selected candidates? An investigation in the Italian academia
by Daniele Checchi & Silvia De Poli & Enrico Rettore
- 2016-10 The Italian Blitz: a natural experiment on audit publicity and tax compliance
by Pietro Battiston & Denvil Duncan & Simona Gamba & Alessandro Santoro - 2016-09 The chips are down: The influence of family on children's trust formation
by Corrado Giulietti & Enrico Rettore & Sara Tonini - 2016-08 Internet and Voting in the Web 2.0 Era: Evidence from a Local Broadband Policy
by Samuele Poy & Simone Schüller - 2016-07 Social inequalities in higher education participation in a period of educational reforms and economic recession: Evidence from an Italian province
by Loris Vergolini - 2016-06 Una valutazione degli effetti della legge Sirchia sull’attitudine al fumo degli italiani
by Daniela Vuri - 2016-05 The effect of Intellectual Property Rights on domestic innovation in the pharmaceutical sector
by Simona Gamba - 2016-04 The Impact of Social Pressure on Tax Compliance: a Field Experiment
by Pietro Battiston & Simona Gamba - 2016-03 Universities as engines for regional growth? Using the synthetic control method to analyze the effects of research universities
by Carl Bonander & Niklas Jakobsson & Federico Podestà & Mikael Svenson
- 2015-12 Gender quotas or girls' networks? Towards an understanding of recruitment in the research profession in Italy
by Daniele Checchi & Simona Cicognani & Nevena Kulic - 2015-10 Broadband Diffusion and Firm Performance in Rural Areas: Quasi-Experimental Evidence
by Giulia Canzian & Samuele Poy & Simone Schüller - 2015-09 Bilingual Schooling and Earnings: Evidence from a Language-in-Education Reform
by Lorenzo Cappellari & Antonio Di Paolo - 2015-08 Family background and educational path of Italian graduates
by Loris Vergolini & Eleonora Vlach - 2015-07 The 9/11 conservative shift
by Simone Schüller - 2015-03 IC technology and learning. An impact evaluation of Cl@ssi2.0
by Daniele Checchi & Enrico Rettore & Silvia Girardi - 2015-02 Overconfident people are more exposed to “black swan” events: A case study of avalanche risk
by Nicolao Bonini & Stefania Pighin & Enrico Rettore & Lucia Savadori & Federico Schena & Sara Tonini & Paolo Tosi
- 2014-09 Funzioni di domanda ed implicazioni di policy: un’applicazione al caso del Reddito di Garanzia
by Claudio Daminato & Nadir Zanini - 2014-08 Tracking, Inequality and Education Policy. Looking for a Recipe for the Italian Case
by Davide Azzolini & Loris Vergolini - 2014-07 Evidence and Persistence of Education Inequality in an Early-Tracking System - The German Case
by Annabelle Krause & Simone Schüller - 2014-06 The Impact of the 'Free Choice' Work/Family Reforms of France and Belgium. A Synthetic Control Analysis
by Federico Podestà - 2014-05 Counting Rotten Apples: Student Achievement and Score Manipulation in Italian Elementary Schools
by Erich Battistin & Michele De Nadai & Daniela Vuri - 2014-04 In a Small Moment: Class Size and Moral Hazard in the Mezzogiorno
by Joshua D. Angrist & Erich Battistin & Daniela Vuri - 2014-03 Mixed-Nativity Marriages: a Marker of Immigrants' Integration or Marginality in the Host Countries? Evidence from Italy
by Davide Azzolini & Raffaele Guetto - 2014-02 The Impact of Local Minimum Wages on Employment: Evidence from Italy in the 1950s
by Guido de Blasio & Samuele Poy - 2014-01 TREMOD: a Microsimulation Model for the Province of Trento (Italy)
by Davide Azzolini & Martina Bazzoli & Silvia De Poli & Carlo Fiorio & Samuele Poy