January - April Special 2021, Volume 1
- 3 Human Resource Management is a Prerequisite for Enhancing the Quality of Higher Education in Kosovo
by Shqiponja Nallbani - 3 The Competitiveness in the Light of the Balassa-Samuelson Effect
by Srdjan Amidzic & Kurtes Sinisa & Perica Rajcevi - 3 Government Regulation, Technology and Development of SME-s
by Sorina Koti - 3 Political Parties and Their Role in the Systems of Government
by Vait Qerimi - 3 Semantic Changes of Words in Albanian Language
by Adelina Sula - 3 The Labor Concept of Marx, Calvin, Luther in the Framework of Legal or Religious Rights
by Ago Silvana - 3 The Non-Property Personal Rights and Obligations of Parents Towards Children
by Anilda Shestani - 3 Operational Risk Management and the Case of Albania
by Anjeza Beja - 3 Subtyping Gambling Acitivities: Case of Korca City, Albania
by Besa Shahini - 3 The Impact of Financial and Social Remittances in Perpetuating Migration (Albanian Migration Context)
by Denisa Titili - 3 Sovereign Between Homogeneity and the Social Diversity - Discourse on the Ideas of J. S. Mill
by Eriseld Kalemaj - 3 Aggressiveness in Adolescents Aged 15-18 Years Old, Under the Influence of Social Environment and the Introduction of New Technologies in Every Day Life
by Flora Lamcja & ZEQAJ Armando - 3 Professional Education for Traditional Crafts in Kosovo
by Kastriot Haxhiu - 3 European Economic Integration in Kosovo
by Malush Krasniqi - 3 Evolution of Excise (Coffee, Tobacco and Beer) over the Years. Its Impact on Consumption for the Period 2010 – 2015
by Marsida Harremi - 3 Resiliency, Professionalization and Identity. A Study in Relation to Achievement at University at the Light of a New Paradigm: the Spiral of Three Dimensional of Sens
by Miriam Aparicio - 3 Internal Migration and Integration of Migratory Children in Gymnasiums of Durres
by Nereida Balla - 3 A Compact Embodiment of Pluralities and Denial of Origins: Atwood’s The Year of The Flood
by Rana Sağıroğlu - 3 Change Management in Public Organizations in Kosovo
by Shefqet Zeqir Dervishaj - 3 The Impact of Internal Factors in Time Management
by Shefqet Zeqir Dervishaj - 3 Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
by Shqipe Husaj
January - April 2021, Volume 1
- 1 Modern Forms of Bank Service in Albania
by Jehona Gjermizi - 1 Innovations and Online Marketing Services Trends in Albanian Tourism Sector
by Elton Noti - 1 The Diversification of E- Services in Tourism Marketing – Case of Albania
by Elton Noti - 1 Effects of Socio-Cultural Developments of Gjakovar Society
by Bekim Avdiaj - 1 Aviation Entrepreneur Model (AEM) in Malaysia: A Review
by Suhaila Abdul Kadir - 1 An Albanian Case Study On Measuring the Service Quality in An Academic Library
by Blerim Kola - 1 Application Cases of Main Tourist Destination Competitiveness Models in Different Countries of the World, Especially in Balkan Region Destinations
by Sonila Berdo - 1 Civil Society from Historical to Contemporary Perspectives
by Ardian Kastrati - 1 Disputes and their Resolution in the Electronic Communications Market
by Jonida Gjika - 1 Human Beings Trafficking. the Albanian Legislation
by Nikolin Hasani - 1 Islamic Social Ethics: An Analysis of Miskawayh’s Thought
by Mohd Nasir Omar - 1 Job Satisfaction of Social Service Workers in Penitentiary Institutions in Albania
by Enida Kume - 1 Modernism, God, and Church in the Thinking of J. Macbride Sterrrett
by SimuÈ› Ciprian - 1 Physical Evidence
by Besim Arifi - 1 Provision of Health and Social Services for Drug Addicts in the Republic of Macedonia
by Suncica Dimitrijoska & Natasha Bogoevska & Vladimir Ilievsk - 1 Regulation of Electronic Communications Market
by Jonida Gjika - 1 Cases Where Soft Power is Being Ignored
by Elira Luli - 1 Engagement Ceremony in the Sothern Coastal Area of Albania, An Ethno-Folkloric View
by Blegina Bezo (Hasko) - 1 Components that Enhance Class Motivation in a Class Situation
by Hysen Kasumi - 1 Direct Participation of Citizen in Democratic Decision Making at the Local Level
by Ramiz Fazliu - 1 Personal Data Protection and the Empowerment of Civil Liberty, Justice and Security: Universal Value of Globalization
by Ruzhdi Jashari - 1 Tourism Policy and Enabling Conditions; A Comparative Analysis Related to Mediterranean Destinations
by Ramazan Goral - 1 Roads and Railway Lines in Serbia after the Balkan Wars
by Miloš Jagodić - 1 Classroom Management
by Elida Kurti - 1 Overeducation and Mismatches at the Labour Market - Albania Case
by Migen Elmazaj - 1 The Role of Women in Medical Services in the Early Islamic Period
by Levent Ozturk - 1 Structure, Strategy and Organizational Design in Albanian Context
by Ludmilla Shkurti - 1 Women and Entrepreneurship – Albanian Case
by Anna Xheka - 1 Customer-Bank Relationship in Commercial Banks Operating in Albania
by Jasmina Lumanaj - 1 The Right to Be Heard in the European Union – Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union
by Pranvera Beqiraj (Mihani) - 1 The Impact of Tourism on the National Competitiveness: Case of EU28 and WB Countries
by Matea Zlatković - 1 Tourism Destination Benchmarking Analysis
by Matea Zlatković - 1 Theories of Money Supply: The Relationship of Money Supply in a Period of Time T-1 and Inflation in Period T- Empirical Evidence from Albania
by Sorina Koti - 1 Organizational Change: Employees Reaction Towards It
by Gentisa Furxhi & Doc. Marinela Teneqexhi - 1 Mass Media and Their Relationship with Criminal Law in Albania
by Rovena Kastrati - 1 Aggregate Impact of the Country in Concrete Durability, that Works in Normal Environmental Conditions
by Alma Golgota - 1 Urban Land Markets in Durres
by Alma Golgota - 1 Road Investment and Regional Development Some Evidencies from Albania
by Alma Golgota - 1 Assessment of the Capital Structure and Cost of Capital Using Financial Indicators, the Case of Large Businesses in Albania
by Edlira Luçi - 1 Factors Affecting the Profitability of Insurance Companies in Albania
by Dorina Kripa - 1 Strategies for Prevention: Mental Health Nurse Burnout and Stress
by Violeta Sadiku(Alterziu) - 1 Comparability of Limitation, Deprivation and Termination of Parental Responsibility in Kosovo and in Some Balkans States
by Burim Tahiri
May-August 2021, Volume 1
- 5 The Premises of the National Economy’s Development in the Context of Integration into the European Economic Area
by Chisca Maria & Rodic Crudu - 5 Curriculum Reforms for Entrepreneurship Education and Quality Human Life
by Sam Oluseyi Oyekan - 5 Marketing in Insurance Industry, Marketing Functions in Insurance Industry
by Besnik Zekaj - 5 Religious Tourism and Sufism in Morocco
by Driss Bouyahya - 5 The “Ethos of Compassion†in Contemporary Social Intervention: The Janus Faces of Humanitarian Action Proposals
by Cristina Pinto Albuquerque - 5 Measurement of Economic Development and Interdependence of Countries
by Larisa Korganashvili - 5 Feminist Challenge to the Mainstream IR
by Gülşen Aydın - 5 Violence Against Women and Femicides in Turkey
by Selda Tasdemir Afsar - 5 The Sociocultural Aspects of Merchant Class in the Light of Russian Painting Art
by Kamile Sinem Kucuk - 5 Securitization of Migration and Human Rights in Europe
by Enela Topulli - 5 Order of the International Ban and Albania's Agreements with Other Countries
by Nikolin Hasani - 5 Employing Data Mining Techniques in Testing the Effectiveness of Modernization Theory
by Tolga Aydın - 5 Eco-Feminism in Contemporary Female Iranian Poetry
by Narges Bagheri & Hamidi Shahrouz - 5 The Early Retirement Age Increment in Case of Republic of Srpska Pension Fund
by Nikolina Bošnjak - 5 Notion of Strategic Control
by Qemajl Sejdija - 5 The Role of Ethnic-Based Social Capital in Establishing the Spatial Consensus Among Urban Growth Coalitions
by Mohammad Hossein Sharifzadegan & Behzad MalekpourAsl
January - June 2017, Volume 7
- 1 Study on Measuring of Real Estate Speculative Bubble: Evidence from Turkey
by Niyazi Berk & Biçen Sabriye & Nadire Seyidov - 1 Teaching and Learning with Mobile Devices in the 21st Century Digital World: Benefits and Challenges
by Lina Dias & Victor Angelin - 1 Testing a Methodologic Approach to Territory Categorization Using Census Data
by Margarida Miguel Costeira e Pereira & Nogueira Helena Guilhermina da Silva Marques - 1 The Relationship between Cultural Intelligence and Psychological Well-being with the Moderating Effects of Mindfulness: A Study of International Students in Taiwan
by Yang Tzu-Ping & Chang Wei-Wen - 1 The Representation of Masculinity in Cinema and on Television: An Analysis of Fictional Male Characters
by Hasan Gürkan - 1 The Role of Demographic Factors in Predicting Organizational Commitment Among Security Employees
by Abdülkadir Avcı & ERDEM Ramazan - 1 The Role of Knowledge in Computer Collaborative Learning Research
by Evelina De Nardis
July- December 2017, Volume 7
- 2 Investigation of the Psychological Capital of Security Employees by Nationality and Status
by Abdülkadir Avcı & Erdem Ramazan - 2 Living, Narrating and Enhancing the Landscape Through the Ethics of Responsibility
by Vereno Brugiatelli - 2 Local governments' revenue and expenditure autonomy as a determinant of local public spending on culture. An analysis for Polish rural municipalities
by Agnieszka Kopańska - 2 Managing Multi-Discipline Extended Programmes
by Trudy Sutherland - 2 Post-migration Representations of Istanbul in Turkey’s Independent Cinema
by Zehra Yigit - 2 Research on Consumers' Brain Activations by Means of Electroencephalography Method
by Mahmut Tekin & Köylüoğlu A.Selçuk & Özdal Koyuncuoğlu