January - April 2021, Volume 2
- 1 Importance of Flexibility of Employment in a Professional Education of Persons Endangered by a Social Exclusion
by Malgorzata Dobrowolska - 1 The Management Process at the Pretrial Stage under Malaysian Rules of Court 2012
by Norman Zakiyy & Hassan Kamal Halili - 1 The Development of Small and Medium Enterprises - Their Impact on the Growth of Employment in Kosovo
by Hysni Terziu & Lushi Isuf - 1 Relationship in Between FDI Inflow and Economic Growth in Kosovo
by Xhavit Islami & Mulolli Enis & Nagip Skenderi - 1 Factors Determine Marketing Research Utilization Within Insurance Companies in Albania
by Evelina Bazini - 1 Professional Ethics and Disciplinary System in the KCA
by Albulena Ukimeraj - 1 Change Management and the Role of Leadership in Facilitating Organizational Change in Corporate Takeovers
by Radu Florea - 1 Application of Quality Management System in Tourism Sector in Kosovo
by Samir Lleshi & Syka Xhenet - 1 The Role of Taxes in Economic Development of Kosovo
by Artan Nimani - 1 The Importance of Entrepreneurship Learning in University: An Empirical Research
by Dhurata Turku - 1 Description of Fiscal Legislation and Changes in Years in Albania
by Edvin Xhango - 1 National Culture and the Model of Business Organization for the Case of Kosovo
by Hysni Terziu - 1 Economic Growth, Policies and Influencing Factors: The Case of Albania
by Eleni Vangjeli & Mancka Anilla - 1 Cultural Diversity as a Source of Conflict in the Focus of Non-Governmental and International Organizations: Bosnian Case Study
by Justyna Pilarska - 1 Big Data using Cloud Computing - Opportunities for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
by Narasimha Rao Vajjhala & Ramollari Ervin - 1 The Role of Store Layout and Visual Merchandising in Food Retailing
by Ivana Å tulec & Petljak Kristina & Anja Kukor - 1 The Impact of Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) on Economic Growth: The Solow Model in the Case of Albania
by Llesh Lleshaj & Malaj Arben - 1 Carrying Capacity Assessment - An Essential Tool for Sustainable Tourism Development in Coastal Areas of Albania
by Genci Pasko - 1 Using List of Values as Base of Beer Consumer Segmentation Based on Their Lifestyle-Case of Study City of Pristina
by Arsim Begunca - 1 Cluster Mapping of Medical Tourism in Turkey and Regional Clustering for Health Tourism
by Yalçın Kirdar & Sezer Ahmet - 1 Using Benefit Sought Variables for Soft Drinks Consumers Segmentation-Case Study City of Pristina
by Arsim Begunca - 1 Coordination of Actors, Farmers - Processors and the Social Welfare of the Citizens in Peja
by Sylë Kolica - 1 The Role of Business Dictionaries
by Valbone Zeqiraj Nimani - 1 Investment Property in the Financial Statements of Capital Groups Listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange
by Piotr Prewysz Kwinto & Voss Grażyna - 1 Characteristics of Human Resource Management in SMEs in Serbia
by Azra Hanić & Pržulj Živka & Marija Lazarević-MoravÄ ević
May - August 2021, Volume 2
- 2 Statistical Analysis of the Government Expenditure for Greece: January 2008- September 2015
by Juxhen Duzha & Hoxhalli Brunilda & Enxhi Lika & Steisi Mici - 2 The International Company and Tax Avoidance
by Viola Tanto - 2 The Retention of the Employees as Long as Possible in the Organization, Through Finding the Right Factors of Motivation. Albania as a Case of Study
by Sonela Stillo & Furxhi Gentisa - 2 Financial Development Influence on Economic Growth in Albania
by Eugen Musta - 2 Hospital Location Selection with Grey System Theory
by Halil Åžen & Demiral Mehmet Fatih - 2 Integer Programming Model for Two-Centered Double Traveling Salesman Problem
by Mehmet Fatih Demiral & Åžen Halil - 2 Labour Mobility Within the Eu: Major Effects and Implications for the Main Sending and Receiving Economies
by Noja Gratiela Georgiana - 2 The Analysis of Weak-Form Efficiency in the Market of Crude Oil
by Anna Górska & Krawiec Monika - 2 The Position of Traditional Anatolian Jewellery in the Jewellery Sector and Production Problems
by Birnaz Er - 2 Regular Econometric Model of Taylor for Albania
by Ergys Misha - 2 How Manufacturers Haste and Consumers Taste Turn into Environmental Waste: a Waste Analysis of Picnickers in Eski?ehir, Turkey
by Nazmi Taslacı & Sarı Yaşar & Davut Uysal - 2 Analyse and Survey Variables of Macroeconomic Effects on Credit Risk of Bank Mellat
by Majid Lotfi Ghahroud & Amini eNSIEH
September - December 2021, Volume 1
- 3 Relationship between the Altman Z-Score and Quick Kralicek Test in Assessing Economic Units
by Antoneta Polo & Ladias Christos & Enkela Caca - 3 Crucial Importance of Work Productivity in the Conditions of a-Typical Employment
by Małgorzata Dobrowolska - 3 Financial Analysis and Bankruptcy Risk Identification Model Used by Companies Operating in Poland – Empirical Study Results
by Piotr Prewysz Kwinto & Voss Grażyna - 3 NPLs — The Solution Recipe for Albania
by Elona Shehu & Meka Elvin - 3 Kosovo’s International Trade: Balance of Trade
by Gent Jusufi & Mahmutaj Lura Rexhepi & Gentina Jusufi & Nora Jusufi - 3 Record-Keeping as a Factor Related to Meeting the Personal Financial Ratios Guideline
by Belinda Xarba & Bejko Alketa & Etleva Peta - 3 The Impact of Family Income on Students Financial Attitude
by Dorjana Nano & Llukani Teuta & Antoneta Polo - 3 The Analyses of Albanian Budget Expenditure
by Dorjana Nano & Guga Eduina - 3 Income Inequality Tolerance and Preferences for Redistribution in Turkey
by Ayfer Karayel - 3 Competitive Analysis of the Hotel Industry in Konya by Using Porter’s Five Forces Model
by Ramazan Göral - 3 Indonesian Online Tourism Promotion: a Rhetorical and Discoursal Look
by Diah Kristina & Haryono Tulus - 3 Lack of Credit in Albania; Who is to “Blame†Analyzing the Demand
by Eugen Musta & Meka Elvin - 3 Economic Development
by Tal Shahor - 3 Understanding the Neuromechanisms of Consumer Behavior in Advertising Industry
by Norsiah Fauzan - 3 The Concentration-Profitability Relationship in Turkish Industry
by Meral Ozhan - 3 Cash Benefits for Sickness and Maternity in Selected States of the European Union and Austerity Measures
by Zuzana Horváthová & Abrhám Josef & Iva Chvátalová, - 3 Characteristics of the labor market in Kosovo and Europe
by Artan Haziri - 3 Environment and Women Entrepreneurs in Albania
by Azra Zmijanej - 3 Analysis of Interest Rate Impact on the Profitability Level of the Banking System in Albania during the Period 2005 -2014
by Sokol Ndoka & Bozdo Anilda - 3 E-Banking as a Tool for Competition Advantage in Albania
by Evelina Bazini - 3 The Link Between Innovation Behaviors and Productivity Strategies of Enterprises in Albanian Economic Growth
by Güngör Turan & Gjana Ima - 3 The Role of Finance on Achieving Companies Goals
by Fatmir Mehmeti & Mustafa Pleurat - 3 Progressive Income Taxation and Economic Growth with Endogenous Labor Supply andPublic Good
by Wei-Bin Zhang - 3 Comparison of Economic Performance of Three Trade Free Zones in Iran (Kish, Gheshm, Chabahar)
by Ezzatollah Asgharizadeh & Ajalli Mehdi & Mansoor Momeni
January - April 2021, Volume 1
- 1 The SME in a Globalized Economy. Challenges of the Albania's SME in the Optic of Small Business Act
by Eralda Xhafka & Avrami Elidon - 1 The Integrated Model of Dwyer and Kim as a Tool to Evaluate and Rank the Determinant Attributes of a Tourist Destination Competitiveness
by Sonila Berdo - 1 Comparative Study in Central and Eastern Europe Regarding Restitution/Compensation Process
by Saida Bejtja & Bejtja Dritan - 1 The Distribution in International Marketing - Correlation between International and Local Channels in Kosovo
by Hidajet Karaxha & Karaxha Halit & Ilia Kristo - 1 The Role of Audit in Detecting Errors in Financial Statements
by Agim Kastrati - 1 The Relationship between International Marketing Resarch Process and Innovation Capacity
by Dinçer Yarkın & Yeşil Yeliz - 1 Economic Sustainability of a New Born State
by Afrim Hoti & Bekteshi Fitore - 1 Does Students' Financial Behaviour Differ Based on Their Family Income?
by Dorjana Nano & Lukani Teuta
September - December 2017, Volume 3
- 3 Bitcoins within Georgia s Money Laundering Scheme
by Aleksandre Mikeladze - 3 The Impact of Social Capital on FDI in Georgia
by Natia Aghladze - 3 The Relationship with Ad Clicks and Purchase Intention: An Empiricial Study of Online Consumer Behaviour
by Şakir Erdem & Durmuş Beril & Osman Özdemir - 3 Do Macro-Economic and Technical Indicators Matter?- A Principal Component Analysis Approach for Equity Risk Premium Prediction
by Naveed Ul Hassan & Aziz Bilal & Maryma Mushtaq & Sadia Farooq - 3 The Cross Thai-Cambodian Border s Commerce Between 1863 -1953 from the View of French s Documents
by Nathaporn Thaijongrak - 3 Negotiation Processes as Success Factors in Supply Chain Transactions
by Alexander Stelzer - 3 Measuring the factors that contribute to the quality of services in the restaurants in Republic of Macedonia
by Mislim Zendeli & Vanikj Blagica (Rizoska) - 3 Stock Allocation in Turkish Capital Markets: Industry and Firm Level Perspectives
by Ozlem KUTLU FURTUNA - 3 Variables that affect the purchase intention of Peruvian gastronomy
by Gina Pipoli de Azambuja - 3 The impact of training education on business results and employee satisfaction
by Živka Pržulj & Vještica Olivera Stanišić - 3 The Necessity of Regional Economic Integration: a Lesson for South Asia?
by Md. Rajin Makhdum Khan & Imam Faizah - 3 Development and Structure of the Bulgarian Export After the Country s Accession to the EU
by Oleg Lozanov & Zhivkova Stela - 3 Business Strategies Based on Large Sets of Data and Interaction: Business Intelligence
by Juan Luis Peñaloza Figueroa & Pérez Carmen Vargas - 3 Evaluating the Financial Performance Through Consumer Centric Decision Approach in Pharmaceutical Companies of Bangladesh: a Business Planning Perspective
by Mahmud Uz Zaman & Pritha Sabiha Afroz & Md Mostafizur Rahman - 3 The Effect of Organizational Structure and Ngo-Ngo Relationships on Sustainability in NGOs
by Hasan Metin - 3 An Exploratory Analysis on Entrepreneurial Culture and Financial Education Between Students of the Veracruzana University, Veracruz Region
by Ignacio Ortiz Betancourt - 3 Certificate of Ethics in Accounting and Professional Independence of Accountants
by Grażyna Voss - 3 Organizational Commitment Can Be Predicted? Comparative and Descriptive Analysis
by Reka Janos & Szabo Kinga - 3 Adapting Legal Culture: Legislation and Interpretation in Tax Law
by Eda Özdiler Küçük - 3 Financing of Social Services Towards the Challenges of the Local and Regional Development
by Benedykt Opałka - 3 Public Sector and Budgetary Economy in Transition in Poland in a New Context ofDevelopment Economics
by Krzysztof Jarosiński - 3 Spatial Variability of Soil Aggregate Stability in a Disturbed River Watershed
by Zachary Gichuru Mainuri & Owino James Odhiambo - 3 Strategic Management for Organizational Performance: from Which Come the Mistakes of Strategic Decision-Making
by Ahdil Imane & Driss Harrizi - 3 United Notation 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals: Appraisal and Prospects
by Mohammed M. Saleh - 3 Sharing Economy: The Establishment of Organizational Identity Overtime, Considering Identify Claims and Legitimacy Granting
by João Miguel Oliveira Cotrim & Nunes Francisco - 3 The Relationships in the Process of Knowledge Transfer According to the Triple Helix Model
by Joanna Kurowska-Pysz & Walanci Marek - 3 Moldova s Phenomenon: Can Foreign Investments Help Out of the Poverty Circle?
by Tatiana PÃŽÅžCHINA & Fortuna Romeo
January - April 2017, Volume 3
- 1 Comparative Performance Analysis of Public Sector Sponsored and Private Sector Sponsored Mutual Funds in India
by Anupam Thakuria & Kashyap Shikha - 1 Corporate Governance and the Sustainable Development
by Bistra Boeva & Zhivkova Stela & Ivan Stoychev - 1 Cross Border Shopping from the Perspective of Domestic Tourists in Padang Besar, Perlis
by Azila Azmi & Ibrahim Nurdin & Aida Khalida Mohamed Idris & Zamri Ahmad & Norfezah Md Nor - 1 The Macroeconomic Factors Impact on Liquidity Risk: The Albanian Banking System Case
by Doris Madhi - 1 Village-Based Institutional Development Strategy to Prevent the Paddy-Field Conversion at Pandeglang Regency, Banten, Indonesia
by Yonny Koesmaryono & Kolopaking Lala M. - 1 Village-Based Institutional Development Strategy to Prevent the Paddy-Field Conversion at Pandeglang Regency, Banten, Indonesia
by Yonny Koesmaryono & Kolopaking Lala M. - 1 Bimodal, Multimodal or Platform – What is a Supply Chain Future Strategy?
by Katarzyna Nowicka - 1 Application of Energy Efficiency Techniques While Using ICT Equipment
by Marijon Pano - 1 The Analysis of the Labor Market in Albania
by Zamira SINAJ - 1 Remittance Inflows, Real Exchange Rate Movements and Sectoral Performance in Nigeria
by Afolabi O. Adejumo & Ikhide Sylvanus I. - 1 Customer Preference for Consuming Organic Red Meat - Case Study of Albanian Market
by Fabjan Lashi & Kapaj Ilir & Remzi Keco - 1 Creating Alignment in Employee Performance Management
by Arta Koka Grubi & Mahmutaj Lura Rexhepo - 1 MSMEs Productivity in Nigeria
by Oluseye Samuel Ajuwon & Ikhide Sylvanus & Joseph Oscar Akotey - 1 Opportunities for Increasing Efficiency by Public Utility Organizations
by György Kocziszky & Somosi Mariann Veresné
September - December 2016, Volume 2
- 3 The Reflections of Supply Chain Management Practices on R-D
by Harun Demirkaya - 3 Sustainability Reporting in Turkey: Analysis of Companies in the BIST Sustainability Index
by Gülçin Yildirim & Kocamiş Tuğçe Uzun - 3 Sustainable Development and the Changes is the Modern Economic and Social Life
by Stela Zhivkova - 3 Labour Discrimination Related to Pregnancy and Motherhood in Croatia
by Helga Špadina - 3 Locus of Responsibility for Professional Development in the Perspective of Organizations and Individuals – the Results of Empirical Research in Poland
by Katarzyna Januszkiewicz - 3 Managers in Polish Organizations - the Results of Empirical Research
by Izabela Bednarska Wnuk - 3 The Impact of Remittances on Socio-Economic Development - The Case of Kosova
by Qëndresë Cuci - 3 European Integration and Competitiveness of EU New Member States
by Boris Chistruga & Crudu Rodica - 3 The Deliveries Chain and Value Added in Context of Coopetition Between the Service and Industrial Companies in Poland and UE
by Aneta Ejsmont & Szczepanik Edward F.
January - April 2015, Volume 1
- 1 Waste Management in Ancient Times and Today from the Perspective of Teachers: Reflections to Diaries
by Dilek Erduran Avcı & Çeliker Huriye Deniş