- 15003 The Credit Guarantee System and Policy-based Finance for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises and a Database of Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (Japanese)
by YOSHINO Naoyuki - 15002 Implications for the Development of Local Economies and SMEs in Japan: Perspective from a field survey conducted on Germany, the EU's strongest economy (Japanese)
by IWAMOTO Koichi - 15001 Quantitative Effects of Growth Policies: An overview (Japanese)
by MORIKAWA Masayuki
- 14022 [WTO Case Review Series No. 9] United States—Certain Country of Origin Labelling Requirements (DS384, 386): The impacts of country of origin labelling on international trade (Japanese)
by NAIKI Yoshiko - 14021 Trends and Characteristics of Foreign Direct Investment in Japan (Japanese)
by TANAKA Kiyoyasu - 14019 Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy : Abstract of Tetsuo Nakata (ed.), History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (12) Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (Japanese)
by KAWAMURA Satoshi & TAKEDA Haruhito - 14018 Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy : Abstract of Nobuhiro Nakayama, History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (11) Intellectual Property Policy (Japanese)
by KAWAMURA Satoshi & TAKEDA Haruhito - 14017 Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy : Abstract of Takeo Kikkawa, History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (10) Natural Resources and Energy Policy (Japanese)
by KAWAMURA Satoshi & TAKEDA Haruhito - 14016 Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy : Abstract of Minoru Sawai, History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (9) Industrial Technology Policy (Japanese)
by KAWAMURA Satoshi & TAKEDA Haruhito - 14015 Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy : Abstract of Shigeru Matsushima, History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (8) Consumer Goods Industries (Japanese)
by KAWAMURA Satoshi & TAKEDA Haruhito - 14014 Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy : Abstract of Shin Hasegawa (ed.), History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (7) Machinery and Information Industries (Japanese)
by KAWAMURA Satoshi & TAKEDA Haruhito - 14013 Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy : Abstract of Shiro Yamazaki (ed.), History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (6) Basic Industries Policy (Japanese)
by KAWAMURA Satoshi & TAKEDA Haruhito - 14012 Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy : Abstract of Haruhito Takeda, History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (5) Location, Environment and Safety Policy (Japanese)
by KAWAMURA Satoshi & TAKEDA Haruhito - 14011 Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy : Abstract of Takemasa Ishihara (ed.), History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (4) Commerce and Distribution Policy (Japanese)
by KAWAMURA Satoshi & TAKEDA Haruhito - 14010 Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy : Abstract of Tetsuji Okazaki (ed.), History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (3) Industry Policy (Japanese)
by KAWAMURA Satoshi & TAKEDA Haruhito - 14009 Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy : Abstract of Takeshi Abe (ed.), History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (2) International Trade Policy (Japanese)
by KAWAMURA Satoshi & TAKEDA Haruhito - 14008 Abstract of History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy : Abstract of Konosuke Odaka, History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy (1) General Overview (Japanese)
by KAWAMURA Satoshi & TAKEDA Haruhito - 14007 Foreign Direct Investment in Japan: A review of the empirical literature (Japanese)
by KIYOTA Kozo - 14006 Economic Resilience and Growth: Concept and applications (Japanese)
by FUJII Satoshi & KUME Koichi & KOBAYASHI Yohei - 14005 Reforming Human Capital and Human Resource Management: A bird's-eye view (Japanese)
by TSURU Kotaro - 14004 Response and Evaluation to the Labor Contract Law Revision: Evidences from the RIETI web survey (Japanese)
by TODA Akihito & TSURU Kotaro - 14003 Diversification of Work Conditions, Views, and Employment Situations in Japan: Evidence from the RIETI web survey (Japanese)
by KUME Koichi & OHTAKE Fumio & TSURU Kotaro - 14002 Services Negotiation and Plurilateral Agreements: TISA and sectoral approach (Japanese)
by NAKATOMI Michitaka - 14001 Proposal to Promote the Entry of the Private Sector into Non-clinical Depression Related Businesses as Providers of Low-intensity Mental Health Services (Japanese)
by SO Mirai & WATANABE Takashi
- 13023 Construction and Application of an Innovation Search System in Geographical Space (Japanese)
by SOUMA Wataru & FUJITA Yuji & NAITO Yusuke & NISHIDA Masatoshi & JIBU Mari - 13022 Evaluation of the Restoration of Fisheries and Seafood Manufacturers after the Great East Japan Earthquake: Economic analysis utilizing a dynamic computable general equilibrium model (Japanese)
by AKUNE Yuko & OKIYAMA Mitsuru & TOKUNAGA Suminori - 13020 Lack of Information on Future Supply and Fuel Purchase Rush: Fuel market after the Great East Japan Earthquake (Japanese)
by OKUMURA Makoto - 13019 Proposal to Classify Areas by the Characteristics of their Existing Firms for Better Planning of Regional Industry Policy (Japanese)
by NAKANISHI Hodaka & SAKATA Junichi & SUZUKI Katsuhiro & HOSOYA Jun - 13017 [WTO Case Review Series No. 8] European Communities — Definitive Anti-Dumping Measures on Certain Iron or Steel Fasteners from China (WT/DS397): Dispute over the method of imposing anti-dumping duties on non-market economies (Japanese)
by ITO Kazuyori - 13016 Comprehensive Responses to Global Value Chains in the Era of Mega FTAs: From the perspective of trade strategy (Japanese)
by NAKATOMI Michitaka - 13015 [WTO Case Review Series No. 7] China—Measures Related to the Exportation of Various Raw Materials (DS394, DS395, DS398): A state of play and challenges of interpretation related to disciplines on export restraints (Japanese)
by KAWASHIMA Fujio - 13014 [WTO Case Review Series No. 6] United States—Measures Concerning the Importation, Marketing and Sale of Tuna and Tuna Products (DS381): Implications for future TBT disputes (Japanese)
by NAIKI Yoshiko - 13013 [WTO Case Review Series No. 5] United States—Measures Affecting the Production and Sale of Clove Cigarettes (DS406):The Relationship between Article 2.1 of TBT Agreement and GATT Article III:4 (Japanese)
by NAIKI Yoshiko - 13012 Where is Corporate Governance in Japan Heading? Evidence from a survey of Japanese listed companies (Japanese)
by MIYAJIMA Hideaki & SAITO Takuji & XU Peng & TANAKA Wataru & OGAWA Ryo - 13011 International Labor Movements and Trade (Japanese)
by SATO Hitoshi - 13010 RIETI's Productivity Studies: An updated survey (Japanese)
by MORIKAWA Masayuki - 13009 Global Imbalances and Trends in Japan's Corporate Sector: An overview based on the savings-investment balance, etc. (Japanese)
by GOTO Yasuo - 13008 Study of the Formation of the Semiconductor Equipment Industry in the Bingo District in Hiroshima (Japanese)
by KATO Atsumi - 13007 Designing the "New Public" Legal Framework for Local Governments and Promoting Regional Economic Development (Japanese)
by KITAMI Tomitaro - 13006 Supply Chain Networks Promote the Resilience of Firms to Natural Disasters: Lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake (Japanese)
by TODO Yasuyuki & NAKAJIMA Kentaro & Petr MATOUS - 13005 Are Chinese Cross-Border Outbound M&As Successful? (Japanese)
by INUI Tomohiko & EDAMURA Kazuma & Xiaofei TAN & TODO Yasuyuki & HANEDA Sho - 13004 A Survey of Fiscal Sustainability and Economic Growth (Japanese)
by KOBAYASHI Keiichiro - 13002 Promotion of Women's Economic Activities and the Recovery of Japanese Firms from their Dysfunctions (Japanese)
by YAMAGUCHI Kazuo - 13001 Impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake on Local Industries: Synthesis and analysis from a survey (Japanese)
by HAMAGUCHI Nobuaki
- 12020 A New Converter for Establishments from Japan's Current Survey of Production and Census of Manufactures: 2005-2009 (Japanese)
by KONISHI Yoko - 12019 Japan's Experience with Credit Ceilings for Real Estate Lending (Japanese)
by UEMURA Shuichi - 12017 Standards and Intellectual Property Management Strategy and Policy (Japanese)
by AOKI Reiko & ARAI Yasuhiro & TAMURA Suguru - 12015 Interview Survey Results and Analysis on New Trends in Open Innovation in Large Japanese Corporations (Japanese)
by MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki & UEDA Yoji & MINO Motoyasu - 12014 Economic Effects of Installing Renewable Energy in the Tohoku Region:Analyses of mega solar and wind power generation using the interregional IO table (Japanese)
by ISHIKAWA Yoshifumi & NAKAMURA Ryohei & MATSUMOTO Akira - 12013 Understanding Change in Board Composition: Determinants of board composition and effects of outside directors (Japanese)
by MIYAJIMA Hideaki & OGAWA Ryo - 12012 Legal Structure of the Clause Prohibiting Performance Requirements in International Investment Agreements (Japanese)
by TAMADA Dai - 12011 European Sovereign Debt Crisis and its Implications for Japan (Japanese)
by FUKAO Mitsuhiro - 12010 The Effects of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Policy Priorities for Restoring Economic Growth: Evidence from a survey of Japanese firms (Japanese)
by MORIKAWA Masayuki - 12008 Economic Resilience: A survey (Japanese)
by FUJII Satoshi & KUME Koichi & MATSUNAGA Akira & NAKANO Takeshi - 12007 A New Converter for Establishments from Japan's Census of Manufactures: 1993-2009 (Japanese)
by ABE Takeshi & HITOMI Kazuya & KONISHI Yoko & TOMITA Hideaki & UCHINO Taisuke - 12004 The Economic Impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake: Comparison with other disasters, supply chain disruptions, and electric power supply constraint (Japanese)
by TOKUI Joji & ARAI Nobuyuki & KAWASAKI Kazuyasu & MIYAGAWA Tsutomu & FUKAO Kyoji & ARAI Sonoe & EDAMURA Kazuma & KODAMA Naomi & NOGUCHI Naohiro - 12001 Natural Disasters and Firm Dynamics (Japanese)
by UESUGI Iichiro & UCHIDA Hirofumi & UCHINO Taisuke & ONO Arito & HAZAMA Makoto & HOSONO Kaoru & MIYAKAWA Daisuke
- 11017 Development of Study on Current Account Imbalances and Foreign Sectors in Macro-econometric Models (Japanese)
by TANAKA Shogo & OIKAWA Keita & OKUDA Takanori & NAKAZONO Yoshiyuki - 11016 Evaluation of Venture Policy: Impact of the venture fund program for risk financing (Japanese)
by ISHII Yoshi(aki) - 11015 [2010-2011 WTO Case Review Series No.4]Australia—Measures Affecting the Importation of Apples from New Zealand (WT/DS367/R, WT/DS367/AB/R): Scope of the Obligations under Article 5.1 of the SPS Agreement on a scientific basis (Japanese)
by NAIKI Yoshiko - 11014 Study of the Regional Economies: Factors for Invigoration (Japanese)
by OZAKI Masahiko & NAKANISHI Hodaka - 11013 [2010-2011 WTO Case Review Series No. 3]China—Measures Affecting Trading Rights and Distribution Services for Certain Publications and Audiovisual Entertainment Products (WT/DS363/R, WT/DS363/AB/R): Can the Violation of Non-GATT Provisions be Justified by Article XX of the GATT? (Japanese)
by OZAKI Masahiko & NAKANISHI Hodaka - 11012 EU State Aid Rules to the Banking Sector amid the 2008 Financial Crisis: European Commission's reactions to national measures (Japanese)
by TADA Hideaki - 11011 [2010-2011 WTO Case Review Series No. 2]China—Measures for Protection and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights (WT/DS362/R): Concerning Disciplinary Rules on Enforcement Under the TRIPS Agreement (Japanese)
by SUZUKI Masabumi - 11010 [2010-2011 WTO Case Review Series No. 1]Colombia—Indicative Prices and Restrictions on Ports of Entry (WT/DS/R366): Analysis of Rulings on Customs Valuation Agreement and GATT Article V (Japanese)
by KOBAYASHI Kenichi - 11008 Mild Deflation alongside the Zero-Bound Interest Rate (Japanese)
by WATANABE Tsutomu - 11007 Constructing New Macroeconomic Models (Japanese)
by KOBAYASHI Keiichiro - 11006 Low Fertility, Aging Population, and Economic Growth (Japanese)
by YOSHIKAWA Hiroshi - 11005 On a Need for a Comprehensive Panel Data on the Elderly in Japan (Japanese)
by ICHIMURA Hidehiko - 11004 Challenges for Realizing a Work-Life Balance: Suggestions based on international comparative research (Japanese)
by TAKEISHI Emiko - 11003 Globalization and International Economic Strategy (Japanese)
by WAKASUGI Ryuhei - 11002 Globalization and China's Economic Growth (Japanese)
by ITO Banri & YASHIRO Naomitsu - 11001 Productivity of Japanese Firms and Innovation System: Bolstering growth potential (Japanese)
by NAGAOKA Sadao
- 10028 An Empirical Study for Demonstrating the Possibility of Forming Industrial Clusters Centered on Product-Developing SMEs (Japanese)
by KODAMA Toshihiro - 10027 The Appropriate Policy Mix for China (Japanese)
by THORBECKE, Willem - 10026 Globalization of Japanese firms: An analysis based on firm-level data (Japanese)
by WAKASUGI Ryuhei & TODO Yasuyuki - 10025 WTO and the Environment (Japanese)
by YAMASHITA Kazuhito - 10024 Analyzing the Relationships between Motivation, Entrepreneurship, and Performance: Implications for policy support (Japanese)
by YASUDA Takehiko - 10023 Key Issues of Today's International Investment Agreements: Including their relationships with taxation (Japanese)
by KOTERA Akira - 10022 Global Imbalances and Currency Misalignments in Asia: An Analysis with AMU (Japanese)
by ITO Takatoshi & OGAWA Eiji & SHIMIZU Junko - 10021 A Study on the Economic Impacts of FTAs (Japanese)
by URATA Shujiro & ANDO Mitsuyo - 10020 Official Development Assistance for Poverty Reduction in Developing Countries (Japanese)
by SAWADA Yasuyuki & TODO Yasuyuki - 10019 Offshore Outsourcing by Japanese Firms: An analysis based on micro data (Japanese)
by TOMIURA Eiichi - 10018 WTO Functioning as a Rules-Enforcement Agency: Current state of dispute settlement procedures and multilateral surveillance (Japanese)
by KAWASE Tsuyoshi - 10017 Product Innovation and Economic Growth: Experiences of Japan (Japanese)
by ANDO Koichi & UNAYAMA Takashi & KEIDA Masayuki & MIYAGAWA Shuko & YOSHIKAWA Hiroshi - 10016 Formation of High-tech Industry on the back of Thriving NTBFs (Japanese)
by NISHIZAWA Akio - 10015 A Process Analysis of the "Design-Based Comparative Advantage" Hypothesis (Japanese)
by FUJIMOTO Takahiro - 10014 Exploring the Main Causes of Declining Competitiveness in Japanese Science-Based Industries: Experiences in the semiconductor industry (Japanese)
by CHUMA Hiroyuki - 10013 A Survey on Measurement and Economic Effects of Intangible Assets: Empirical studies at the aggregate, industry, and firm levels (Japanese)
by MIYAGAWA Tsutomu & KIM YoungGak - 10012 Innovation Process in Japan and the U.S.: Major findings from the RIETI inventor surveys (Japanese)
by NAGAOKA Sadao - 10011 Japan's TFP Growth Rates at the Industry Level and their Determinants: An analysis based on the JIP database (Japanese)
by FUKAO Kyoji - 10010 Social Security System and Public Finance: Sustainability, efficiency, and equity (Japanese)
by NAKATA Daigo & MORIKAWA Masayuki - 10009 Productivity Analysis Based on Microdata of Government Statistics (Japanese)
by ITO Keiko & MATSUURA Toshiyuki - 10008 Change in Plant Ownership and Impact on Product Strategy and Productivity in New Industry: Japanese cotton spinning industry, 1900-1911 (Japanese)
by MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki - 10007 Empirical Analysis of IT and Productivity: Comparisons between Japan and the U.S. (Japanese)
by MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki - 10006 Evaluation and Future Direction of Intellectual Property Strategy - Setting out a new intellectual property policy - (Japanese)
by KUGAI Takashi - 10005 Evaluating Japanese Exporters' Performance and Investment Behavior during the 2002-2007 Export Boom (Japanese)
by YASHIRO Naomitsu & HIRANO Daisuke - 10004 The Structural Causes of Japan's "Two Lost Decades" (Japanese)
by YoungGak KIM & FUKAO Kyoji & MAKINO Tatsuji - 10003 RIETI Productivity Studies: A survey for policy planners (Japanese)
by MORIKAWA Masayuki - 10002 How long do Japanese work? - A comparison before and after the shorter work week (Japanese)
by KURODA Sachiko - 10001 Effect of the White Collar Exemption in the Japanese Labor Market (Japanese)
by KURODA Sachiko & YAMAMOTO Isamu
- 09004 Japanese Companies' Investments in China (Japanese)
by SHIBOTA Atsuo - 09003 Consumer Policy and Market Norms: Routes of socioeconomic development abstracted from literature concerning consumer fraud and product safety (Japanese)
by YAMAUCHI Naoto & SUZUKI Wataru & MATSUNAGA Yoshiho & HOTTA Satoko & IWATA Kenji & ISHIDA Yu & OKUYAMA Naoko - 09002 Changes in Japan's Atomic Energy Policy and Historical Considerations of International Policy Cooperation: Implications for the introduction of nuclear power generation in the East Asian region (Japanese)
by SAGARA Nozomi - 09001 Fisheries Subsidy Negotiations at the WTO: An analysis from the perspective of environmental standards (Japanese)
by YAGI Nobuyuki
- 08011 Establishment of Sustainable Local Economic Systems - Analysis of economic structure: Kurashiki city case study (Japanese)
by NAKAMURA Ryohei & MORITA Manabu - 08010 Product Architecture and Corporate Behavior - Empirical analysis of business activities (Japanese)
by OSHIKA Takashi - 08009 New Horizons and an Introduction to Intellectual Property Systems: Perspectives on reviewing intellectual property systems for the future (Japanese)
by KIYOKAWA Yutaka - 08008 Background and Impact of Recent High Crude Oil Prices (Japanese)
by HASEGAWA Eiichi - 08007 A Survey of Research on Productivity Analysis Using Microdata - Impact of Entry, Exit, Economic Globalization, Innovation and Systemic Reform (Japanese)
by MATSUURA Toshiyuki & HAYAKAWA Kazunobu & KATO Masatoshi - 08006 Comparative Study of Regional Finance and Industrial Partnerships in Japan and South Korea - Comparison of the Taegu and North Gyeongsang regions of South Korea and the Tokai and Kansai regions of Japan based on corporate questionnaire surveys (Japanese)
by YAMORI Nobuyoshi & HIRAKAWA Hitoshi & CHOI Yong-Ho & JIN Byung-Yong & BU Gi-Duck & PARK Man-Bong - 08005 Background and Mechanism of Reorganization of European Power and Gas Industries: Multiple games among firms, sovereign states, and international organizations (Japanese)
by SHIRAISHI Shigeaki - 08004 The Effects of Social Security and the Tax System on Income Distribution and Economic Growth (Japanese)
by MORIKAWA Masayuki - 08003 Consumer Policy and Market Norms: Routes of socioeconomic development abstracted from literature concerning consumer fraud and product safety (Japanese)
by TANI Midori - 08002 International Comparison of Crisis Management Policies: For theories of economic policies for crisis response (Japanese)
by KOBAYASHI Keiichiro & OSAWA Jun & YAOITA Shumpei & KIKUCHI Yona & JIBIKI Yasuhito & ITO Koutaro & OGURI Yusuke & HARADA Tomoyo - 08001 Current Situation and Problems in European Common Energy Policies (Japanese)
by KAINOU Kazunari
- 07005 Survey of Productivity in the Service Sector (Japanese)
by KATO Atsuyuki - 07003 Structural Analysis of the Competitive Environment for Education and Research Provided by Universities in Japan (Japanese)
by DOI Ryoji - 07001 Conflicts of Interest with Directors and Officers in Management Buyouts (MBOs) and their Regulations (Japanese)
- 06001 A Study on "Area" Designation of Cooperative Financial Institutions (Japanese)
by KANKI Shozo
- 05004 Mindsets of Constituent Members of an Organization in Institutional Transition: A Case of Transition from a National Testing and Research Institute to an Incorporated Administrative Agency (Japanese)
by FUJIMOTO Masayo - 05003 Japan's Past, Present and Future in East Asia: Thoughts from the Perspective of the Transformation of Urban Agglomerations (Japanese)
by HISATAKE Masato - 05002 Business-Academia-Government Collaboration in Developing Human Resources in Science and Technology: Lessons from the Case of Britain (Japanese)
by GOTO Akira & Lee WOOLGAR