July 2020, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 85-108 Simulation of the effect of COVID-19 outbreak on the development of branchless banking in Iran: case study of Resalat Qard–al-Hasan Bank
by Vahid Shahabi & Adel Azar & Farshad Faezy Razi & Mir Feyz Fallah Shams
December 2020, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 20-39 Investor attention and the response of US stock market sectors to the COVID-19 crisis
by Lee A. Smales
August 2020, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 3-19 A test of the association between the initial surge in COVID-19 cases and subsequent changes in financial risk tolerance
by Wookjae Heo & John E. Grable & Abed G. Rabbani
November 2020, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 51-68 Stock market liquidity, the great lockdown and the COVID-19 global pandemic nexus in MENA countries
by Anas Alaoui Mdaghri & Abdessamad Raghibi & Cuong Nguyen Thanh & Lahsen Oubdi
May 2020, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 435-454 Asymmetric relationship of investor sentiment with stock return and volatility: evidence from India
by Madhumita Chakraborty & Sowmya Subramaniam
April 2020, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 375-409 Do momentum and reversal strategies work in commodity futures? A comprehensive study
by Hanxiong Zhang & Andrew Urquhart - 411-433 Momentum return volatility, uncertainty, and energy prices: evidence from major international equity markets
by Spyros Spyrou
May 2020, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-9 Personal routes into behavioural finance
by Robert Hudson & Yaz Gulnur Muradoglu - 11-20 Investor and market overreaction: a retrospective
by Werner De Bondt - 27-34 My way to the second generation of behavioral finance
by Meir Statman - 35-68 Unfinished business: a multicommodity intertemporal planner–doer framework
by Hersh Shefrin
January 2020, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 21-25 Learning is a social activity
by Charles Goodhart
June 2019, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 354-369 Personality traits and investor sentiment
by H. Kent Baker & Satish Kumar & Nisha Goyal
November 2019, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 317-334 Abnormal trading around common factor pricing models
by Jiexin Wang & Xue Han & Emily J. Huang & Christopher Yost-Bremm - 335-356 Influence of economic freedom and its subcomponents on risk-taking behavior
by Rafik Harkati & Syed Musa Alhabshi & Salina Kassim - 357-374 Dynamics of credit decision-making: a taxonomy and a typological matrix
by Candauda Arachchige Saliya
August 2019, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 242-258 Motivating gender use in financial research: a survey of recent literature
by Kyre Dane Lahtinen - 259-281 Propensity toward financial risk tolerance: an analysis using behavioural factors
by Mahfuzur Rahman - 282-296 Does ownership concentration affect cost of debt? Evidence from an emerging market
by Imad Jabbouri & Maryem Naili
November 2019, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 200-222 Does response time predict withdrawal decisions? Lessons from a bank-run experiment
by Hubert Janos Kiss & Ismael Rodriguez-Lara & Alfonso Rosa-Garcia - 223-241 Household consumption change in the context of labour market changes in Japan during 1984–2014
by Janika Bachmann - 297-314 Evaluation of behavioral biases affecting investment decision making of individual equity investors by fuzzy analytic hierarchy process
by Jinesh Jain & Nidhi Walia & Sanjay Gupta
October 2019, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 185-199 Income diversification and financial performance of commercial banks in Vietnam
by Hiep Ngoc Luu & Loan Quynh Thi Nguyen & Quynh Huong Vu & Le Quoc Tuan
August 2019, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 97-118 Are smart beta funds really smart? Evidence from rational and quasi-rational investor sentiment data
by Rahul Verma & Gökçe Soydemir & Tzu-Man Huang - 119-135 Herding in frontier markets: evidence from the Balkan region
by Fotini Economou - 136-150 Review of behavioral explanations of how rank-based incentives influence risk taking by investment managers in mutual fund companies
by Tommy Gärling & Dawei Fang & Martin Holmen - 151-169 Psychological barriers in the cryptocurrency market
by Vítor Fonseca & Luís Pacheco & Júlio Lobão - 170-183 Investors’ risk aversion integration and quantitative easing
by Athanasios Fassas & Stephanos Papadamou & Dionisis Philippas
July 2019, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 83-96 Time-varying herding behavior within the Eurozone stock markets during crisis periods
by Stavros Stavroyiannis & Vassilios Babalos
September 2019, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 69-82 Disposition effect at the market level: evidence from Indian stock market
by Sravani Bharandev & Sapar Narayan Rao
June 2019, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 393-405 Predictable patterns following large price changes and volume
by Srikanth Parthasarathy - 468-476 Journal of Behavioral Financein retrospect
by Angelito Calma
November 2019, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 373-392 Skin in the game – investor behavior in asset pricing, the Indian context
by Saurabh Gupta & Saumitra N. Bhaduri
August 2019, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 406-425 Sharia-compliance and investment-cash flow sensitivity in oil rich countries
by Moncef Guizani - 426-440 Risk estimation bias and mutual fund performance
by Qiang Bu - 441-467 Do overconfident CEOs stay out of trouble? Evidence from employee litigations
by Blake Rayfield & Omer Unsal
June 2019, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 277-293 Cumulative prospect theory and deferred annuities
by Anran Chen & Steven Haberman & Stephen Thomas - 294-308 A note on the technology herd: evidence from large institutional investors
by Josine Uwilingiye & Esin Cakan & Riza Demirer & Rangan Gupta - 309-323 Sunflower management and life insurance: modeling the CEO’s utility function
by Jyh-Horng Lin & Fu-Wei Huang & Shi Chen - 324-351 The unspoken facets of buying by individual investors in Indian stock market
by Ripsy Bondia & Pratap Chandra Biswal & Abinash Panda
July 2019, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 352-370 Determinants of individual savings among Tanzanians
by Neema Mori
August 2019, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 266-276 Sports sentiment and behavior of stock prices: a case of T-20 and IPL cricket matches
by Gourishankar S. Hiremath & Hari Venkatesh & Manish Choudhury
June 2019, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 102-127 Financing and signaling decisions under asymmetric information: an experimental study
by Angelina Christie & Daniel Houser - 128-143 Behavioral biases in pension fund trustees’ decision making
by Leonardo Weiss-Cohen & Peter Ayton & Iain Clacher & Volker Thoma - 144-164 Disposition effect and multi-asset market dynamics
by Heba M. Ezzat - 165-187 Earnings forecast revisions and securities prices evolution in the Tunisian stock market
by Ahmed Bouteska & Boutheina Regaieg - 188-200 Propensity toward indebtedness: evidence from Malaysia
by Nurul Azma & Mahfuzur Rahman & Adewale Abideen Adeyemi & Muhammad Khalilur Rahman - 201-219 Elucidating investors rationality and behavioural biases in Indian stock market
by Venkata Narasimha Chary Mushinada & Venkata Subrahmanya Sarma Veluri - 220-264 Asset pricing when trading is for entertainment
by Jiang Luo & Avanidhar Subrahmanyam
May 2019, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 2-22 Individual investors’ sophistication and expectations of risk and return
by Oscar Stålnacke - 23-36 Optimism-pessimism effects on money demand: theory and evidence
by Christos Karpetis & Stephanos Papadamou & Eleftherios Spyromitros & Erotokritos Varelas - 56-70 Investor attention using the Google search volume index – impact on stock returns
by Vighneswara Swamy & Munusamy Dharani - 71-98 Relative reference prices and M&A misvaluations
by Zhenlong Li & Jie Guo & Panagiotis Andrikopoulos
November 2018, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 37-55 Investor sentiment antecedents
by Ranjan Dasgupta & Rashmi Singh
October 2018, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 298-319 Short-term contrarian and sentiment by traders’ types on futures markets
by Walid Bahloul - 320-335 A systematic test for myopic loss aversion theory
by Raone Botteon Costa - 336-352 Can advisors eliminate the outcome bias in judgements and outcome-based emotions?
by Kremena Bachmann - 353-369 Behavioral biases and retirement assets allocation of corporate pension plans
by Rahul Verma & Priti Verma - 370-386 January sentiment effect in the US corporate bond market
by Zhongdong Chen & Karen Ann Craig
July 2018, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 210-230 Revisiting the three factor model in light of circular behavioural simultaneities
by Stelios Bekiros & Nikolaos Loukeris & Iordanis Eleftheriadis & Gazi Uddin - 231-251 Local clientele: geography and comovement of stock returns
by Vahap Uysal & Seth Hoelscher - 252-273 Corporate risk and the humpback of CEO narcissism
by Tom Aabo & Nicklas Bang Eriksen - 274-294 Young adults’ subjective and objective risk attitude in financial decision making
by Andreas Oehler & Matthias Horn & Florian Wedlich
June 2018, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 130-145 Confucius confusion: analyst forecast dispersion and business cycles
by Raymond Cox & Ajit Dayanandan & Han Donker & John R. Nofsinger - 146-162 Stockholdings of first-time and more experienced investors
by Kent Baker & Adri De Ridder & Annalien De Vries - 163-182 Deconstructing the corporate psychopath: an examination of deceptive behavior
by Corey Allen Shank - 183-191 Phorced to phish: benefits of a phishing equilibrium
by Nemo D’Qrill & Vincent F. Hendricks - 192-206 Islamic finance and herding behavior: an application to Gulf Islamic stock markets
by Imed Medhioub & Mustapha Chaffai
March 2018, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 2-41 Behavioral mediators of financial decision making – a state-of-art literature review
by Rupali Misra Nigam & Sumita Srivastava & Devinder Kumar Banwet - 42-52 Debt of high-income consumers may reflect leverage rather than poor cognitive reflection
by Sergio Da Silva & Newton Da Costa Jr & Raul Matsushita & Cristiana Vieira & Ana Correa & Dinorá De Faveri - 53-69 Informational cascades in financial markets: review and synthesis
by Oksana Doherty - 70-87 Factors influencing investor’s decision making in Pakistan
by Muhammad Haroon Rasheed & Amir Rafique & Tayyaba Zahid & Muhammad Waqar Akhtar - 88-104 Persistent anchoring to default rates when electing 401(k) contributions
by Bryan Foltice & Priscilla A. Arling & Jill E. Kirby & Kegan Saajasto - 105-126 Divergence of opinion and moderating effect of investors’ attentions in IPO market
by Cheedradevi Narayanasamy & Mamunur Rashid & Izani Ibrahim
October 2017, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 206-226 Evaluating measures of individual investors’ expectations of risk and return
by Jörgen Hellström & Rickard Olsson & Oscar Stålnacke - 227-241 Investor sentiment and US presidential elections
by Carlos Colón-De-Armas & Javier Rodriguez & Herminio Romero - 242-261 Trading against anchoring
by Qingzhong Ma & Hui Wang & Wei Zhang - 262-277 Does ticker fluency matter?
by Stanley Peterburgsky - 278-291 The asymmetric impact of rational and irrational components of fear index on S&P 500 index returns
by Gökçe Soydemir & Rahul Verma & Andrew Wagner
July 2017, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 105-127 Gain attraction in the presence of social interactions
by Rattaphon Wuthisatian & Federico Guerrero & James Sundali - 128-147 Financial threat and individuals’ willingness to change financial behavior
by Lisa Fiksenbaum & Zdravko Marjanovic & Esther Greenglass - 148-168 News and social media emotions in the commodity market
by Jiancheng Shen & Mohammad Najand & Feng Dong & Wu He - 169-186 Hedonic value and crowdfunding project performance: a propensity score matching-based analysis
by Liang Zhao & Tsvi Vinig - 187-202 Affect account of disposition effect and consequences for stock prices
by Tommy Gärling & Mary Blomman & Tim Alexander Carle
April 2017, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 2-13 The accuracy of spread decomposition models in capturing informed trades
by Andros Gregoriou & Mark Rhodes - 14-42 Investor behavior: hedge fund returns and strategies
by Andres Bello & Jan Smolarski & Gökçe Soydemir & Linda Acevedo - 43-62 CEO pay slice and firm value: evidence from UK panel data
by Valentina V. Tarkovska - 63-78 Managerial decision horizon and real estate investment trusts (REITs)
by Kenneth Yung & Diane DeQing Li & Yi Jian - 79-98 Perception of past portfolio returns, optimism and financial decisions
by Mohammad Tariqul Islam Khan & Siow-Hooi Tan & Lee-Lee Chong
November 2016, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 94-113 Add-on goods, contingent services and product bundling
by John Kevin Ashton - 114-136 Does economic freedom matter for risk-taking? Evidence from MENA banks
by Saibal Ghosh - 137-155 Asset price formation and behavioral biases
by Todd Feldman & Gabriele Lepori - 156-173 Analysis of default behavior of borrowers under Islamic versus conventional banking
by Genanew Bekele & Reza H. Chowdhury & Ananth Rao - 174-198 Does investor sentiment as conditioning information help to explain stock returns behaviour? A test of alternative asset pricing models
by Saumya Ranjan Dash
June 2016, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 2-16 Securitisation and banking risk: what do we know so far?
by Alper Kara & Aydin Ozkan & Yener Altunbas - 17-38 Fundamentals, momentum, and bubbles in experimental asset markets
by Sean M Collins & Alisa G. Brink - 39-57 The equity premium puzzle: new evidence on the optimal holding period and optimal asset allocation
by Evanthia Zervoudi & Spyros Spyrou - 58-79 Testing for changes in option-implied risk aversion
by Marie-Hélène Gagnon & Gabriel J. Power - 80-90 The impact of macroeconomic information releases on the smile shape
by Hassan Tanha & Michael Dempsey
November 2015, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 98-115 Corporate social responsibility, stock salience, and the asymmetric market impact of consumer sentiment news on Spanish firms
by Barry Oliver & Blanca Pérez-Gladish & Paz Méndez-Rodríguez - 116-133 Momentum phenomenon in the Chinese Class A and B share markets
by Taufiq Choudhry & Yuan Wu - 134-150 Channels of cash savings: international evidence
by Bruce Seifert & Halit Gonenc - 151-175 Behavioral finance: insights from experiments II: biases, moods and emotions
by Darren Duxbury
June 2015, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 2-41 Do equity mispricing and management compensation incentives drive bank mergers?
by John A. Doukas & Wenjia Zhang - 42-59 From anticipation to anxiety in a market for lottery-like stocks
by Mikael Boisen & Robert B. Durand & John Gould - 60-77 Exploring optimism and pessimism in the Indian equity market
by Jaya Mamta Prosad & Sujata Kapoor & Jhumur Sengupta - 78-96 Behavioral finance: insights from experiments I: theory and financial markets
by Darren Duxbury
November 2014, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 86-103 Does more detailed information mean better performance? An experiment in information explicitness
by Zilu Shang & Chris Brooks & Rachel McCloy - 104-135 On the impact of market mergers over herding: evidence from EURONEXT
by Panagiotis Andrikopoulos & Andreas Albin Hoefer & Vasileios Kallinterakis - 136-154 Do emotions affect insurance demand?
by Gianni Brighetti & Caterina Lucarelli & Nicoletta Marinelli - 155-162 Positive feedback trading: a review
by Gregory Koutmos
September 2014, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 2-25 Pound wise and penny foolish? OTC stock investor behavior
by John R. Nofsinger & Abhishek Varma - 26-45 Informative content of insider purchases: evidence from the financial crisis
by Aydin Ozkan & Agnieszka Trzeciakiewicz - 46-62 Macroeconomic information and implied volatility: evidence from Australian index options
by Hassan Tanha & Michael Dempsey & Terrence Hallahan - 63-82 Contrarian and momentum trading: a review of the literature
by Emilios C. Galariotis
November 2013, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 104-133 Overconfidence, overreaction and personality
by Robert Durand & Rick Newby & Kevin Tant & Sirimon Trepongkaruna - 134-152 Team gender diversity and investment decision-making behavior
by Vicki L. Bogan & David R. Just & Chekitan S. Dev - 153-174 The effect of exogenous information signal strength on herding
by Kimberly F. Luchtenberg & Michael Joseph Seiler - 175-194 Herding in financial markets: a review of the literature
by Spyros Spyrou
September 2013, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 4-34 Managerial gambling attitudes: evidence from bank acquisitions
by John A. Doukas & Wenjia Zhang - 35-57 Cash acquirers
by Alan Gregory & Yuan‐Hsin Wang - 58-76 The effect of US individual investor sentiment on industry‐specific stock returns and volatility
by Mustafa Sayim & Pamela D. Morris & Hamid Rahman - 77-99 Why do firms cross‐list their shares on foreign exchanges? A review of cross‐listing theories and empirical evidence
by Olga Dodd
November 2012, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 68-80 Behavioural finance: the role of psychological factors in financial decisions
by Gulnur Muradoglu & Nigel Harvey - 81-97 Effects on stock investments of information about short versus long price series
by Maria Andersson & Tommy Gärling & Martin Hedesström & Anders Biel - 98-112 Credit repayment decisions
by Sandie McHugh & Rob Ranyard - 113-129 Psychological determinants of consumer credit: the role of attitudes
by Francesco Pattarin & Stefano Cosma
July 2012, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 8-27 Optimism in foreign investors
by Meziane Lasfer & Sharon Xiaowen Lin & Gulnur Muradoglu - 28-45 Catering for security types: the case of warrants
by John S. Howe & Biljana Nikolic - 46-62 Overconfidence and debiasing in the financial industry
by Markku Kaustia & Milla Perttula
September 2011, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 55-77 Perceived Versus Actual Susceptibility to Normative Influence in the Presence of Defaulting Landlords
by Michael J. Seiler & David M. Harrison - 78-90 Testing for Long Memory in the Feedback Mechanism in the Futures Markets
by Antonios Antoniou & Gregory Koutmos & Gioia Pescetto - 91-114 Financing Decisions and Discretionary Accruals: Managerial Manipulation or Managerial Overoptimism
by Dalia Marciukaityte & Samuel H. Szewczyk - 115-140 Double then Nothing: Why Stock Investments Relying on Simple Heuristics May Disappoint
by Stephen Foerster
April 2011, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-26 The Expected Cost of Equity and the Expected Risk Premium in the UK
by Alan Gregory - 27-53 Dividends, Momentum, and Macroeconomic Variables as Determinants of the US Equity Premium Across Economic Regimes
by Anastasios G. Malliaris & Ramaprasad Bhar
September 2010, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 59-80 Investor Sentiment and Corporate Bond Yield Spreads
by Subhankar Nayak - 81-105 Household Investment ‐ The Horizon Effect
by Ping He & Xiaoqing Hu - 106-124 Institutional Shareholder Activism and Limited Investor Attention
by Pornanong Budsaratragoon & Suntharee Lhaopadchan & David Hillier
April 2010, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-18 Optimal Financial Naïveté
by Avanidhar Subrahmanyam - 19-36 Pension Plan Decisions
by Alistair Byrne & David Blake & Graham Mannion - 37-58 Overconfident Managers and External Financing Choice
by Masaya Ishikawa & Hidetomo Takahashi
September 2009, Volume 1, Issue 1/2
- 3-22 Book/Market Fluctuations, Trading Activity, and the Cross‐section of Expected Stock Returns
by Amber Anand & Avanidhar Subrahmanyam - 23-43 Asymmetric Asset Price Reaction to News and Arbitrage Risk
by John A. Doukas & Meng Li - 44-61 Does Risk Aversion Vary with Decision‐Frame? An Empirical Test Using Recent Game Show Data
by Daniel Mulino & Richard Scheelings & Robert Brooks & Robert Faff - 62-82 The Effect of Perceived Uncertainty on Analysts’ Recommendations and Earnings Forecasts
by Susan M. Young