March 2000, Volume 4, Issue 1
February 2000, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 304-308 Preventing Tax Evasion through Money‐Laundering Legislation
by Peter Burrell - 309-316 Money‐Laundering Prevention: A 21st‐Century Spanish Inquisition
by David Kirk - 317-324 Recognising and Reporting Money Laundering: How Well Should You Know Your Customer?
by Andrew Jackson - 325-335 The New EU Draft Money Laundering Directive: A Case of Inter‐Institutional Synergy
by Constantin Stefanou & Helen Xanthaki - 336-344 The Global Detection and Deterrence of Money Laundering
by Harjit S. Sandhu - 345-349 Know Your Customer: What Happened and What Happens Next?
by John J. Byrne - 351-353 India: Money‐Laundering Alert
by B.V. Kumar - 354-358 Jamaica: An Update on Money‐Laundering Legislation
by Bryan Sykes - 359-364 The Netherlands: Anti Money‐Laundering Programmes — The Case of ING
by Bert Ravenstijn - 365-366 New Zealand: Money Laundering
by James Rapley - 367-370 Taiwan: An Examination of the Money Laundering Control Act
by Shazeeda A. Ali - 371-372 Tax Evasion: Update on the Proceeds of Crime Debate
by Martyn J. Bridges & Peter Green - 373-376 A look at the offence of ‘tipping off’ and whether the Court of Appeal has missed an opportunity to offer wider guidance on this subject
by David de Ferrars - 377-382 IsGovernment of India v Taylorreally dead?
by Toby Graham
January 2000, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 199-203 The Facilitation of Money Laundering Through Western Europe and the United States by Russian Organised Crime Groups
by Peter Johnstone & Mark Jones - 204-213 United States and Civilin remForfeiture: The History and Its Ancient Roots
by Fletcher N. Baldwin - 214-222 Money‐Laundering Control: Elusive Dream or Achievable Reality?
by Robin McCusker - 223-232 New Frontiers of Criminal Liability: Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime
by Michael Levi - 233-235 The Electronic Dimension to Money Laundering — The Investigator's Perspective
by Gordon Hutchins - 236-244 The Battle against Money Laundering: An Examination of US Law, International Cooperative Efforts and Corporate Governance Issues
by Kimberly Anne Summe - 245-249 Fraud Control in Offshore Banking Centres
by Ricardo M. Alba - 250-259 New Forms of Transnational Policing: The Emergence of Financial Intelligence Units in the European Union and the Challenges for Human Rights: Part 2
by Valsamis Mitsilegas - 260-265 Singapore: New Money‐Laundering Law under the Corruption, Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Crimes (Confiscation of Benefits) Act
by Tan Sin Liang - 266-279 Corruption — An Indian Perspective
by B.V. Kumar - 280-284 New Zealand: A View of Money Laundering
by James Rapley - 285-287 Robin Hood
by R.E. Bell
April 1999, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 102-103 Money Laundering Control in the Financial Regulation Context
by Michael Blair - 104-112 Prosecuting the Money Launderers Who Act for Organised Crime
by R.E. Bell - 113-114 Washing for a Price: Exposure of the Financial Services System
by Doug Hopton - 115-124 Corruption and Money Laundering: The Role of the Private Sector
by Peter A.M. Diekman - 125-127 Money Laundering: A Prosecutor's Perspective
by Robert Wardle - 128-131 The End of Money‐Laundering Prosecution in the City?
by Michael Chan - 132-134 Anti Money Laundering: A View from the Industry
by Richard Collins - 135-142 Solicitors and the Prevention of Money Laundering
by Andrew Campbell - 143-145 Frustrating the Fraudster — Civil Law Weapons
by Rinita Sarker - 147-160 New Forms of Transnational Policing: The Emergence of Financial Intelligence Units in the European Union and the Challenges for Human Rights: Part 1
by Valsamis Mitsilegas - 161-172 Greece: Money Laundering
by Constantin Stefanou & Helen Xanthaki - 176-192 The Advantages of a Dual System: Parallel Streams of Civil and Criminal Enforcement of the US Securities Laws
by Thomas C. Newkirk & Ira L. Brandriss
March 1999, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 9-16 Money Laundering: Is It Now A Corporate Problem?
by William F. Bruton - 17-24 Corrupt Leaders and Their Bankers
by Michael Brindle - 25-37 How Big is Global Money Laundering?
by John Walker - 39-43 International Measures to Fight Money Laundering
by Javier Garcia - 45-49 Ruined in a Conventional Way: Some Thoughts on Risk and Money Laundering
by Simon Willis - 51-56 Tax Evasion and Money Laundering — An Open and Shut Case?
by Martyn J. Bridges & Peter Green - 59-61 Guernsey: Study of a Finance Centre and Its Fight Against Fraud
by Peter G. Crook - 63-65 Mercosur: ‘Organised Crime, Money Laundering and Harmonisation of Legislation’
by Pedro R. David - 67-80 Mexico: The Black Market in Foreign Exchange and its Relationship with Narcotics Money Laundering
by Robert Grosse - 81-93 Russia: What has Precipitated the Rise of Criminal Activity?
by Kate Ebbage - 94-95 Russia: The Fraudsters' Craftsmanship
by Vladimir Lavrov
February 1999, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 300-302 Parallel Investigations and Litigation
by Michael Chan - 303-311 Strengthening Laws and Financial Institutions to Combat Emerging Trends in Money Laundering
by Michael F. Zeldin & Carlo V. di Florio - 312-316 A Tale of Two Regions: The Latin American and Caribbean Money‐Laundering Connection
by Shazeeda A. Ali - 317-325 Global Cybercrime: New Toys for the Money Launderers
by Jason Haines & Peter Johnstone - 326-330 Examining Tax Evasion and Money Laundering
by Aileen Barry - 331-351 Common Law Bank Secrecy and its Implications for US Securities Laws
by Bonita Erbstein - 353-360 Replacing Safe Havens with a Safe System
by Jonathan M. Winer - 361-362 US Supreme Court Defines Approach to be Used in Determining Excessiveness of Criminal Forfeiture
by John Arrastia - 365-371 Brazil: Money Laundering
by George Henry Millard - 372-374 Singapore: Guidance Notes on Money Laundering for Solicitors
by Tan Sin Liang - 375-383 Switzerland: Money‐Laundering Legislation and Asset Forfeiture
by Paul Gully‐Hart
January 1999, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 197-208 Regina v Charlton, Cunningham, Kitchen and Wheeler
by Martyn Bridges & Paul Atkinson & Robert Rhodes & Rowan Bosworth‐Davies - 209-224 The Limits of the Law: An Analysis of the Interrelationship of the Criminal and Civil Law in the Control of Money Laundering
by Barry A.K. Rider - 225-248 Where are we and where are we going in the offshore context: The Cayman Islands experience
by Timothy Ridley - 249-252 Prevention of Money Laundering: The Practical Day‐to‐Day Problems and Some Solutions
by Doug Hopton - 253-263 Financial Crime: Prevention and Regulation in the Intangible Environment
by Peter Johnstone - 265-278 Austria: Money‐Laundering Prevention and Control
by Andreas Rahmatian - 279-286 United Kingdom: Current and Future Strategies for Tackling Money Laundering
by Simon Willis
April 1998, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 102-103 Key Comment
by C.W. Dickson - 105-114 Tax Evasion and the Internet
by Martyn J. Bridges & Peter Green - 115-119 Money Laundering in the Market Place: Navigating in the Colombia Business Jungle
by Michael M. Ryman - 120-127 Good Offices to Bad Governance: Towards International Rules against the Abuse of Off‐shore Companies
by Paolo Bernasconi - 128-133 Jobs, Crime and Money: Challenges for the G8 Summit in 1998
by George Staple - 134-147 Internet, Casinos and Money Laundering
by Anthony Cabot & Joseph Kelly - 148-157 The United Nations Strengthens International Drug Control Efforts
by Shazeeda Ali - 159-162 Australia: Recent Amendments to the Financial Reporting Legislation
by John Cotton - 163-173 EU: The Perspective of the European Commission
by Paolo Clarotti - 174-180 Gibraltar: An Overview
by Benjamin J.S. Marrache - 181-185 Italy: Suspicious Transaction Reporting: Recent Developments in Legislation
by Carlo Zaccagnini - 186-190 Kuwait: Some Thoughts on Money Laundering
by Ahmed Al‐Melhem
March 1998, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 7-13 The Consequences of Anonymous Access to the Financial Payments System
by Richard T. Preiss - 14-21 Civil Liberties and Privacy
by Fath El‐Rahman Abdalla El‐Sheikh - 22-32 Virtual Money, Vanishing Law: Dematerialisation in Electronic Funds Transfer, Financial Wrongs and Doctrinal Makeshifts in English Legal Structures
by Robin Mackenzie - 33-38 Financial Investigations and Criminal Money
by Marcel Pheijffer - 39-48 Yuppies, Drugs and Tesco: Should the Bank of England Blame Itself for Bank Failures?
by Magda D'Ingeo & Philip Rawlings - 49-58 Money Laundering Regulation: The Micro Economics
by Donato Masciandaro - 59-66 Crime, Illegality and Social Structure: The Road Towards an Integrated Strategy
by Massimo Nardo - 68-73 EU: The EC Money Laundering Directive
by Richard Alexander - 74-81 South Africa: Prevention and Control of Money Laundering
by Angela Itzikowitz - 82-95 Switzerland: Legislation to Combat Money Laundering
by Riccardo Sansonetti
February 1998, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 295-302 Money Laundering
by Michael Zeldin - 303-311 Where Has All the Money Gone? The IRA as a Profit‐making Concern
by W.A. Tupman - 312-315 Commingled Funds: How to Seize Proceeds of Electronic Crime
by Linda J. Candler - 316-318 Offshore Banking Secrecy: Myth or Reality?
by Peter D. Maynard - 319-325 The Constitution, Forfeiture, Proportionality and Instrumentality:United States ? BajakajianThe United States Supreme Court Tries Again
by Fletcher N. Baldwin - 326-328 A Gateway for Money Laundering? Financial Liberalisation in Developing and Transitional Economies
by Shazeeda A. Ali - 331-332 Bulgaria: Major Problems Caused by Illicit Money Transfer are Met with Grim Determination
by Nick Ridley - 333-341 Guernsey: International Cooperation Against the Modern International Criminal
by Peter Crook - 342-351 Nigeria: On the Trail of a Spectre — Destabilisation of Developing and Transitional Economies
by Olukonyinsola Ajayi & Simisola Ososami - 352-359 Panama: Bank Secrecy and Prevention of Economic Crime
by Ricardo M. Alba - 360-373 Russia: Organised Crime and Money Laundering
by Leonid L. Fituni - 374-379 Turkey: Efforts to Prevent Money Laundering
by Alev Izci - 380-382 Zimbabwe: Proposed Additional Money‐Laundering Legislation
by Anthony R. Gubbay
January 1998, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 206-207 Key Comment
by George Staple - 209-212 Money Laundering: A Public Prosecutor's Viewpoint
by C.D. Schaap - 213-215 The Geographic Targeting Order: A Useful Tactic for Combating Money Laundering by Non‐Bank Entities in the USA
by Anita Ramasastry - 216-219 Money Laundering: The Role of Legislation in Developing Economies
by D.C. Jayasuriya - 220-228 The Adoption of a Money‐Laundering Law in Nigeria
by Chibuike Ugochukwu Uche - 229-244 Money Laundering and International Political Economy
by Tracy S. Paradise - 245-253 Living with the Law: A Survey of Money‐Laundering Reporting Officers and Their Attitudes towards the Money‐Laundering Regulations
by Rowan Bosworth‐Davies - 255-258 Australia: Lawyers Should be Treated like Banks, Bookmakers and Bullion Dealers
by John Cotton - 259-260 Estonia: Opportunities for the Control of Money Laundering
by Ando Leps - 261-267 Jamaica: Combating Money Laundering — A Review of the Money Laundering Act 1996
by Shazeeda A. Ali - 268-276 Taiwan: Recent Opposition to the Money‐Laundering Epidemic
by Lawrence L.C. Lee - 277-286 Zimbabwe: Report on Money Laundering (No. 61)
by A.R. Gubbay
February 1997, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 117-124 Taxing the Proceeds of Crime
by John Glover - 125-137 The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Within the American Response to Domestic Corruption
by Henry H. Rossbacher & Tracy W. Young - 138-147 Narcotics Arms Trafficking, Corruption and Governance in the Caribbean
by Ivelaw L. Griffith - 148-153 Securitisation, Money Laundering and Fraud
by Andrew Haynes - 154-164 An Economic Analysis of Money Laundering
by Kris Hinterseer - 167-171 Offshore Centres and Money Laundering
by Saul M. Froomkin - 171-177 China: The Crime of Embezzlement and Bribery — Weapons against Money Launderers
by Ye Feng - 177-180 Bahamas: Civil Liberties and Privacy — The Question of Balance
by Peter Maynard - 181-184 Australia: Taking Stock of the Financial Reporting Legislation — Senate Committee Review and Government Response
by John Cotton - 184-189 Singapore: Money Laundering — Legal Implications for Financial Institutions
by Tan Sin Liang - 189-194 Greece
by Jean‐Claude Zerey - 194-198 India: The Misuse and Abuse of Legal Provisions in Money Laundering
by B.V. Kumar
January 1997, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 5-15 The High Street Solicitor and the Proceeds of Criminal Activity — The Risks
by Andrew Campbell - 15-25 Breaking the Billion Dollar Barrier — Learning the Lessons of BNL, Daiwa, Barings and BCCI
by Thomas C. Baxter - 26-32 Taking the Profit out of Crime
by Martyn J. Bridges - 32-41 Integration of Criminal Capital from Russia into West European Markets: An Assessment of Threat
by Timur Sinuraya - 42-51 Beating the Shell Game: Bank Secrecy Laws and Their Impact on Civil Recovery in International Fraud Actions
by George J. Moscarino & Michael R. Shumaker - 51-63 Money Laundering: Transnational Criminals, Globalisation and the Forces of ‘Redomestication’
by Jarrod Wiener - 63-72 The Business of Organised Crime in Japan
by Hiroshi Goto - 73-78 Drugs and Organised Crime in Latin America
by George Henry Millard - 79-84 European Union: The Fight against International Corruption — Modelling the Member States' National Laws through Multilateral Anti‐Corruption Instruments?
by G. Vermeulen - 84-96 Nigeria: Critique of the Money Laundering Degree No. 3 1995
by Uche Osimiri - 97-100 Hong Kong: Money Laundering Legislation
by Michael Chan - 100-103 South Africa: Money Laundering Regulation — The Way Ahead
by Franso van Zyl - 104-110 Cayman Islands: Anti Money‐Laundering Legislation — The Proceeds of Criminal Conduct Law 1996
by Daniel Harris & Stephen Hellman