July 2014, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 260-268 Corruption correlates: the case of Cyprus
by Andreas Assiotis & Maria Krambia-Kapardis - 269-280 The pursuit of illicit proceeds: from historical origins to modern applications
by Robert G. Kroeker - 281-295 The FATF’s customer identification framework: fit for purpose?
by Louis de Koker - 296-305 Money laundering consequences
by M. Michelle Gallant - 306-326 To be corrupt or not to be corrupt
by Hendi Yogi Prabowo - 327-342 Enhancing effectiveness of anti-money laundering laws through whistleblowing
by Peter Yeoh - 343-354 Money laundering in Dubai: strategies and future directions
by Belaisha Bin Belaisha & Graham Brooks - 355-366 Dirty money in Jamaica
by Mary Alice Young
May 2014, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 128-140 Money laundering and the shadow economy in Kazakhstan
by Nurlan N. Niyetullayev & Paul Almond - 141-165 Laws whitening black money for boosting national economy
by S.M. Solaiman - 166-202 Norway has attained a “low-risk” money laundering rating, how could this be applied globally?
by Gary L. Moore - 203-218 Measuring abnormal pricing – an alternative approach
by Keejae Hong & Cabrini H. Pak & Simon J. Pak - 219-229 Combating money laundering and the future of banking secrecy laws in Malaysia
by Aspalella A. Rahman - 230-242 A critical approach to trade-based money laundering
by Melvin R.J. Soudijn - 243-255 The effect of tax amnesty on anti-money laundering in Bangladesh
by Attiya Waris & Laila Abdul Latif
January 2014, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 4-16 The civil law: a potent crime-fighting device
by Shazeeda Ali - 17-33 Is the South African effort toward reducing money laundering optimal?
by Bernd Schlenther - 34-49 The role and responsibility of credit rating agencies in promoting soundness and integrity
by Graeme Baber - 50-75 Money laundering and terrorism financing in virtual environments: a feasibility study
by Angela S.M. Irwin & Jill Slay & Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo & Lin Lui - 76-95 Customer due diligence (CDD) mandate and the propensity of its application as a global AML paradigm
by Norman Mugarura - 96-109 Institutionalization of risk management framework in Islamic NGOs for suppressing terrorism financing
by Radiah Othman & Rashid Ameer - 110-120 Politicians, political parties' funding in Greece and anti-money laundering regulatory framework
by Spyridon Repousis
October 2013, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 290-297 Enforcement of foreign restraining orders
by Stefan Dante Cassella - 298-320 A burning desire
by Clifford Curtis Williams - 321-332 The growing threat of money laundering to Vietnam
by Chat Nguyen Le - 333-352 Scoping the regulatory environment for harnessing normative anti-money laundering laws in LDCs
by Norman Mugarura - 353-378 Better, faster, smarter: developing a blueprint for creating forensic accountants
by Hendi Yogi Prabowo - 379-388 The disruption of crime in Scotland through non-conviction based asset forfeiture
by Martin Collins & Colin King
July 2013, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 198-208 The exploitation of offshore financial centres
by Mary Alice Young - 209-230 Advance fee frauds messages – non‐declining trend
by Bojan Dobovšek & Igor Lamberger & Boštjan Slak - 231-237 The system integration of anti‐money laundering data reporting and customer relationship management in commercial banks
by Jun Tang & Lishan Ai - 238-248 Modelling the effect of deception on investigations using open source intelligence (OSINT)
by Paul A. Watters - 249-265 An appraisal of United Nations and other money laundering and financing of terrorism counter‐measures
by Norman Mugarura - 266-284 Money laundering, new technologies, FATF and Spanish penal reform
by Miguel Abel Souto
May 2013, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 99-108 A square go: tackling organised crime where it doesn't want to be tackled
by Kenneth Murray - 109-118 Compliance with international regulation on AML/CFT: the case of banks in Lebanon
by Wassim Shahin - 119-125 Tax and the proceeds of crime: a new approach to tainted finance?
by Michelle Gallant - 126-141 The taxing business of money laundering: South Africa
by Bernd Schlenther - 142-158 AML‐CTF: a forced marriage post 9/11 and its effect on financial institutions
by Gauri Sinha - 159-170 The impact of reporting suspicious transactions regime on banks: Malaysian experience
by Aspalella A. Rahman - 171-192 The viability of enforcement mechanisms under money laundering and anti‐terrorism offences in Malaysia
by Guru Dhillon & Rusniah Ahmad & Aspalela Rahman & Ng Yih Miin
January 2013, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 6-40 Are the financial transactions conducted inside virtual environments truly anonymous?
by Angela S.M. Irwin & Jill Slay & Kim‐Kwang Raymond Choo & Lin Liu - 41-54 Money laundering: emerging threats and trends
by Jeffrey Simser - 55-61 Money laundering and corrupt officials: a dynamic model
by Cassandro Mendes & Jailson Oliveira - 62-78 Nigerian anti‐corruption statutes: an impact assessment
by Osaretin Aigbovo & Lawrence Atsegbua - 79-82 Aspects on identifying and controlling suspect funds and laundering
by Fábio Ramazzini Bechara - 83-90 A cost‐effective strategy of implementing international anti‐corruption initiatives
by Lishan Ai
October 2012, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 383-395 Towards the effective ASEAN mutual legal assistance in combating money laundering
by Chat Le Nguyen - 396-406 A new approach to the criminalization of terrorist financing and its compatibility withSharialaw
by Hamed Tofangsaz - 407-420 International anti‐money laundering regulation of alternative remittance systems
by Joanna Trautsolt & Jesper Johnsøn - 421-429 Investigation and prosecution of money laundering cases in Malaysia
by Zakiah Muhammaddun Mohamed & Khalijah Ahmad - 430-441 Characterising and predicting cyber attacks using the Cyber Attacker Model Profile (CAMP)
by Paul A. Watters & Stephen McCombie & Robert Layton & Josef Pieprzyk - 442-457 The impact of money laundering on economic and financial stability and on political development in developing countries
by Ayodeji Aluko & Mahmood Bagheri - 458-482 Endemic corruption in the Iraqi public sector
by Deniz Tas - 483-495 An analytical study of the financial intelligence units' enforcement mechanisms
by Mohammad Al‐Rashdan
July 2012, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 243-256 Key challenges in tackling economic and cyber crimes
by Sundaresh Menon & Teo Guan Siew - 257-266 Regulatory context
by Rusmin Rusmin & Alistair M. Brown - 267-293 A better credit card fraud prevention strategy for Indonesia
by Hendi Yogi Prabowo - 294-303 Financial facilitators: an important component of terror networks
by S.V. Raghavan & V. Balasubramaniyan - 304-315 Online gambling and money laundering: “views from the inside”
by Graham Brooks - 316-335 Modelling of money laundering and terrorism financing typologies
by Angela Samantha Maitland Irwin & Kim‐Kwang Raymond Choo & Lin Liu - 336-361 The role of offshore financial centres in elite money laundering practices: evidence from Nigeria
by Olatunde Julius Otusanya & Sarah Lauwo - 362-373 Gender and white‐collar crime: only four percent female criminals
by Petter Gottschalk
May 2012, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 142-152 State responsibility for human trafficking – perspectives from Malta
by Ruth Farrugia - 153-161 The vulnerability of Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs to penetration by criminal actors
by Jonathan Fisher - 162-174 Institutional will – the organized crime remedy
by Robert Mazur - 175-187 Characteristics of white‐collar criminals: a Norwegian study
by Cathrine Filstad & Petter Gottschalk - 188-197 A suitable case for treatment: money laundering and knowledge
by Kenneth Murray - 198-209 “Rule‐based but risk‐oriented” approach for combating money laundering in Chinese financial sectors
by Lishan Ai - 210-236 Changes in methods of freezing funds of terrorist organisations since 9/11
by Yoram Danziger
January 2012, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 6-24 Police misconduct and crime: bad apples or systems failure?
by Petter Gottschalk & Geoff Dean & Rune Glomseth - 25-37 Emerging threats: financial crime in the virtual world
by Shima D. Keene - 38-57 Combating terrorist financing in the first decade of the twenty‐first century
by Nicholas Ridley & Dean C. Alexander - 58-84 The role of financial intermediaries in elite money laundering practices
by Olatunde Julius Otusanya & Solabomi Omobola Ajibolade & Eddy Olajide Omolehinwa - 85-111 An analysis of money laundering and terrorism financing typologies
by Angela Samantha Maitland Irwin & Kim‐Kwang Raymond Choo & Lin Liu - 112-134 The role of Financial Intelligence Units in combating money laundering
by Musonda Simwayi & Muhammed Haseed
October 2011, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 300-312 Executive positions involved in white‐collar crime
by Petter Gottschalk - 313-323 Underground banking orhawalaand Greece‐Albania remittance corridor
by Panagiotis Liargovas & Spyridon Repousis - 324-333 The role of commercial banks in combating money laundering
by Musonda Simwayi & Wang Guohua - 334-345 Terrorism financing and the threat to financial institutions
by Jeffrey Simser - 346-358 The risk‐based approach to anti‐money laundering: problems and solutions
by Anna Simonova - 359-370 Terrorism and the internet: a double‐edged sword
by Shima D. Keene - 371-386 Building our defence against credit card fraud: a strategic view
by Hendi Yogi Prabowo - 387-422 Corruption as an obstacle to development in developing countries: a review of literature
by Olatunde Julius Otusanya
July 2011, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 198-209 Money laundering laws and principles ofShari'ah: dancing to the same beat?
by Siti Faridah Abdul Jabbar - 210-224 RegulatingHawala: a comparison of five national approaches
by Jonas Rusten Wang - 225-237 Was the recent global financial crisis symptomatic from the challenges of liberalisation of financial markets in Uganda?
by Norman Mugarura - 239-253 Mapping “infected” real estate property
by Luuk Ritzen - 254-265 Enforcement of prudential standards in Turkish banking law
by Nusret Cetin - 266-278 Plata o plomo: penetration, the purchase of power and the Mexican drug cartels
by Jeffrey Simser - 279-296 Anti‐money laundering law of Turkey and the EU: an example of convergence?
by Umut Türkşen & İsmail Ufuk Mısırlıoğlu & Osman Yükseltürk
May 2011, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 110-120 Implementation of the FATF 40+9 Recommendations
by Neil Jensen & Cheong‐Ann Png - 121-129 Citizenship: participation and exclusion in early modern Europe
by Geltrude Macrì - 130-157 Arbitration of investment disputes under Iranian investment treaties
by Ardeshir Atai - 158-169 The dark side of European immigration policy
by Rita Duca - 170-182 The EU's preventive AML/CFT policy: asymmetrical harmonisation
by Melissa van den Broek - 183-192 Intellectual property regime and the global financial crisis: lessons from Nigeria
by Adebambo Adewopo
January 2011, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 7-15 The uses of irresistible inference
by Kenneth Murray - 16-31 General characteristics of civil forfeiture
by Nikolay Nikolov - 32-43 A methodology for analyzing the credential marketplace
by Paul A. Watters & Stephen McCombie - 44-59 The dark triad: organized crime, terror and fraud
by Frank S. Perri & Richard G. Brody - 60-78 The global anti‐money laundering court as a judicial and institutional imperative
by Norman Mugarura - 79-92 Transshipment and trade‐based money laundering
by Jasper Liao & Arabinda Acharya - 93-101 Risk‐based AML regulation on internet payment services in China
by Lixin Yan & Lishan Ai & Jun Tang
October 2010, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 315-335 Counter‐terrorist finance in the UK
by Peter A. Sproat - 336-350 Neglect of Duty and Breach of Trust
by Terrence F. Williams - 351-371 The impact of Schedule 7 of the Counter‐Terrorism Act 2008 on banks and their customers
by Miriam Goldby - 372-393 Accounting and corruption: a cross‐country analysis
by Ricardo Malagueño & Chad Albrecht & Christopher Ainge & Nate Stephens - 394-404 Carrying out a risk‐based approach to AML in China: partial or full implementation?
by Lishan Ai & John Broome & Hao Yan - 405-416 Wives, girlfriends and money laundering
by Melvin R.J. Soudijn
July 2010, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 175-183 Promise and perils: the making of global money laundering, terrorist finance norms
by M. Michelle Gallant - 184-201 AMLCTF compliance and SMEs in Australia: a case study of the prepaid card industry
by Juni Gurung & Marcell Wijaya & Asha Rao - 202-214 Fighting financial crime in the age of electronic money: opportunities and limitations
by Giorgio Merlonghi - 215-225 Combating money laundering in transition countries: the inherent limitations and practical issues
by Jun Tang & Lishan Ai - 226-271 International anti‐money laundering programs
by Marco Arnone & Leonardo Borlini - 272-281 The effect of corruption factor in harnessing global anti‐money laundering regimes
by Norman Mugarura - 282-306 Starving terrorists of their financial oxygen – at all costs?
by Sidney Yankson
May 2010, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 87-102 The “unbroken marriage” – trafficking and child labour in Europe
by Mario Vinković - 103-108 PEPs – let's get serious
by Joy Geary - 109-124 General confiscation regulation in Spain
by Patricia Faraldo Cabana - 125-131 The financial institution as a racketeering enterprise: RICO and beyond
by Frank P. Cihlar - 132-138 The threats that terrorist and subversive organisations pose, particularly by penetration, to the stability and integrity of financial institutions and markets
by Philippe de Koster - 139-154 Promoting financial sector stability through an effective AML/CFT regime
by Abdullahi Y. Shehu - 155-166 Exploring illegal guarantees between group companies: a case from Turkey
by Cenap Ilter
January 2010, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 7-14 Dismantling organised crime groups through enforcement of the POCA money laundering offences
by Kenneth Murray - 15-32 A typological study on money laundering
by Ping He - 33-44 Insulating the vaults from the tide of dirty money: are the floodgates secure?
by Konyin Ajayi & Hamid Abdulkareem - 45-54 What is corruption corrupting? A philosophical viewpoint
by Michel Dion - 55-65 Criminal infiltration of financial institutions: a penetration test case study
by Jerry Hart - 66-69 Misuse of securities and futures market by money launderers – a general overview
by Louisa Lai - 70-78 An evolutionary game theory approach to combat money laundering
by Ricardo Azevedo Araujo
October 2009, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 323-339 The money laundering risk posed by low‐risk financial products in South Africa
by Louis de Koker - 340-352 Prevention of money laundering in Dutch casinos
by Lilith C. Waterman & Jasper J. van der Kemp - 353-370 Data growth, the new order of information manipulation and consequences for the AML/ATF domains
by Dionysios S. Demetis - 371-391 Supply and demand: anti‐money laundering by the compliance industry
by Antoinette Verhage - 392-405 Payback time? To what extent has the new policing of assets provided new assets for policing?
by Peter A. Sproat - 406-416 The international standards of customer due diligence and Chinese practice
by Tang Jun & Lishan Ai - 417-431 The war against corruption in Nigeria: a new role for the FIRS?
by Ige Omotayo Bolodeoku
August 2009, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 215-220 Light is the best antidote
by Joy M. Geary - 221-237 United Statesv.Santos: the US Supreme Court rewrites the money laundering statute
by Stefan D. Cassella - 238-253 How effective are suspicious transaction reporting systems?
by David Chaikin - 254-267 Discussion on the role of epistemic community in Russian AML regime
by Natalya Subbotina - 268-284 Concealing and disguising criminal property
by Evan Bell - 285-298 Small amounts for big bangs? Rethinking responses to “low cost” terrorism
by Arabinda Acharya - 299-314 Section 311 Patriot Act
by Rowan Bosworth‐Davies
May 2009, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 97-100 The search for crime money – debunking the myth: facts versus imagery
by Jackie Harvey - 101-112 The costs of implementing the anti‐money laundering regulations in Sweden
by Dan Magnusson - 113-133 Compliance and AML in Belgium: a booming sector with growing pains
by Antoinette Verhage - 134-150 To what extent is the UK's anti‐money laundering and asset recovery regime used against organised crime?
by Peter A. Sproat - 151-172 Not only banks
by Stefano Caneppele & Francesco Calderoni & Sara Martocchia - 173-188 Hot money, hot stones and hot air: crime‐money threat, real estate and real concern
by Petrus C. van Duyne & Melvin R.J. Soudijn - 189-205 Ten myths about terrorist financing
by W.A. Tupman
January 2009, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 7-18 Limited liability companies (LLCs) and financial crimes
by Benton E. Gup & Navin Beekarry - 19-32 Challenges that Russian banks face implementing the AML regulations
by Natalya Subbotina - 33-49 Did blacklisting hurt the tax havens?
by Robert Thomas Kudrle - 50-58 Banker as victim: an approach to money laundering prosecutions
by Terrence F. Williams - 59-73 Political factors affecting AML/CFT efforts in post‐communist Eurasia
by Elias Götz & Michael Jonsson - 74-87 The development of Islamic finance: Egypt as a case study
by Sherin Galal Abdullah Mouawad - 88-92 Anti‐money laundering under Turkish law
by Güneş Okuyucu
October 2008, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 291-302 Little enthusiasm for enhanced CDD of the politically connected
by Jackie Johnson - 303-319 Money laundering: from failure to absurdity
by Andrew Haynes - 320-330 The measures on combating money laundering and terrorism financing in the PRC
by H.E. Ping - 331-344 Combating money laundering in Malaysia
by Bala Shanmugam & Haemala Thanasegaran - 345-357 An overview of the anti‐money laundering laws of Hong Kong
by David Y.K. Kwok - 358-370 Development of anti‐money laundering regime in Russia
by Natalya Subbotina - 371-387 Politically exposed persons (PEPs): risks and mitigation
by Kim‐Kwang Raymond Choo
August 2008, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 199-209 The USA – no longer a haven for the foreign bank
by Iyandra Smith - 210-233 Russia's anti‐money laundering regime: law enforcement tool or instrument of domestic control?
by Alexandra V. Orlova - 234-250 Comparing AML legislation of the UK, Switzerland and Germany
by Sabrina Fiona Preller - 251-260 Money laundering with particular reference to the banking deposit transactions
by Mahmood Mohamed Sanusi - 261-268 Indonesian stakeholder viewpoints of Indonesia's anti‐money laundering legislation
by Rusmin Rusmin & Alistair M. Brown - 269-272 Politically exposed persons
by Mario Serio - 273-283 Can corruption and economic crime be controlled in developing economies – and if so, is the cost worth it?
by Adam Salifu
May 2008, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 103-122 Fraud and money laundering: the evolving criminalization of corporate non‐compliance
by John L. Masters - 123-134 Tax evasion and avoidance typologies
by Jeffrey Simser - 135-145 Exploitation of the insurance industry for money laundering: the Malaysian perspective
by Haemala Thanasegaran & Bala Shanmugam - 146-171 Regulating the cross‐border movement of prepaid cards
by Courtney J. Linn - 172-178 Organised crime and networking economy: models, features, dynamics and related approaches
by Massimo Nardo - 179-192 The influence of Christian moral ideology in the development of anti‐money laundering compliance in the west and its impact, post 9‐11, upon the South Asian Market
by Rowan Bosworth‐Davies
January 2008, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 8-14 The case for civil forfeiture
by Stefan D. Cassella - 15-24 Money laundering and asset cloaking techniques
by Jeffrey Simser - 25-33 Hawala, hysteria and hegemony
by Thomas Viles - 34-46 Lawyers and client accounts: sand through a colander
by David J. Middleton - 47-66 Third round FATF mutual evaluations indicate declining compliance
by Jackie Johnson - 67-75 Assessing the efficiency of the anti‐money laundering regulation: an incentive‐based approach
by Ricardo Azevedo Araujo - 76-87 The fight against corruption and its implications for development in developing and transition economies
by Edward Fokuoh Ampratwum - 88-95 Financial crime as a threat to the wealth of nations
by Antonello Biagioli
October 2007, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 391-405 Developing financial intelligence: an assessment of the FIUs in Australia and India
by Milind Sathye & Chris Patel - 406-411 Money laundering from Islamic perspective
by Samah Al Agha - 412-428 The risk‐based approach to AML: representation, paradox, and the 3rd directive
by Dionysios S. Demetis & Ian O. Angell - 429-437 International trade‐based money laundering: the Malaysian perspective
by Haemala Thanasegaran & Bala Shanmugam - 438-448 Comments on the law of the People's Republic of China on anti‐money laundering
by He Ping - 449-463 Regulation of money laundering in Africa: the Nigerian and Zambian approaches
by Nlerum S. Okogbule
August 2007, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 215-276 What asset forfeiture teaches us about providing restitution in fraud cases
by Courtney J. Linn - 277-299 The new policing of assets and the new assets of policing
by Peter A. Sproat - 300-317 The wealth effects of the USA Patriot Act: evidence from the banking and thrift industries
by Burak Dolar & William F. Shughart - 318-336 Legal professionals and money laundering in Spain
by Patricia Faraldo Cabana - 337-351 Are OFCs leading the fight against money laundering?
by Alexa Rosdol