August 2007, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 367-378 Problems of black labour, illegal immigration and money laundering in Poland
by Janusz Bojarski
May 2007, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 140-156 Chasing dirty money: domestic and international measures against money laundering
by Angela Veng Mei Leong - 157-169 Problems applying traditional anti‐money laundering procedures to non‐financial transactions, “parallel banking systems” and Islamic financial systems
by Bruce Zagaris - 170-179 A framework for data mining‐based anti‐money laundering research
by Zengan Gao & Mao Ye - 180-188 Anti‐terrorist finance provisions in Jordan: important step but insufficient
by Bashar H. Malkawi & Hikmet O. Malkawi - 189-208 Money laundering – chapter five
by Rowan Bosworth‐Davies
January 2007, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 5-32 Recovering the proceeds of corruption
by Barry A.K. Rider - 33-46 An evaluation of the recovery of criminal proceeds in the United Kingdom
by Anthony Kennedy - 47-65 Money laundering – chapter three
by Rowan Bosworth‐Davies - 66-90 Money laundering – chapter four
by Rowan Bosworth‐Davies - 91-105 The fight against money laundering
by Hans Geiger & Oliver Wuensch - 106-115 Money laundering regulation and risk‐based decision‐making
by Stuart Ross & Michelle Hannan - 116-133 The anti‐money laundering activities of the central banks of Australia and Ukraine
by Mitch Van der Zahn & Mikhail I. Makarenko & Greg Tower & Alexander N. Kostyuk & Dulacha Barako & Yulia Chervoniaschaya & Alistair M. Brown & Helen Kostyuk
October 2006, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 335-345 Money laundering: towards an alternative interpretation – Chapter one
by Rowan Bosworth‐Davies - 346-364 Money laundering: towards an alternative interpretation – Chapter two
by Rowan Bosworth‐Davies - 365-372 Offshore centres post 9/11: economics and politics
by Donato Masciandaro - 373-378 Organised crime today: the evolution of the Sicilian mafia
by Antonio Balsamo - 379-400 Money laundering laws and regulations: China and Hong Kong
by Alain Sham - 401-415 Recovering the proceeds of crime from the correspondent account of a foreign bank
by Stefan D. Cassella - 416-421 Yakuza – organized crime in Japan
by Ko Shikata
July 2006, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 245-264 Civil recovery proceedings under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002
by Anthony Kennedy - 265-271 The effects of money laundering and terrorism on capital accumulation and consumption
by Ricardo Azevedo Araujo - 272-280 Jamaica: “shhh…it's secret money”: lawyers, money laundering and terrorist financing
by Shazeeda Ali - 281-292 Setting global CFT standards: a critique and suggestions
by Nikos Passas - 293-302 The significance of money laundering
by Jeffrey Simser - 303-308 Terrorist fund raising through criminal activities
by Patrick Hardouin & Reiner Weichhardt - 309-321 Old and new threats for business in Poland
by Janusz Bojarski - 322-326 Overview of a securities market strategy to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing
by Robert Vella‐Baldacchino
April 2006, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 129-140 Crime fighting in the twenty‐first century?
by David Fitzpatrick - 141-156 Terrorism PLC
by Sally Leivesley - 157-172 AML‐related technologies: a systemic risk
by Dionysios S. Demetis & Ian O. Angell - 173-190 Nigeria's Money Laundering (Prohibition) Act 2004: a tighter noose
by Andrew I. Chukwuemerie - 191-197 Disclosure in Switzerland – a summary
by Cecile Ringgenberg - 198-202 Natural disasters and money laundering risks
by Mark McKenzie & Kenneth L. Bryant - 203-213 In the shadows of the EFCC: is the ICPC still relevant?
by Oluseye Foluso Arowolo - 214-230 Monetary implications of FATF regulation of secret bank accounts to combat money laundering
by Wassim N. Shahin
January 2006, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 7-18 An analysis of the obligations of gambling entities under the FATF's 2003 anti‐money laundering recommendations
by Jackie Johnson - 19-26 Putting Robin Hood out of business: a proceeds of crime case study
by Anthony Kennedy - 27-47 Testing the limits of solicitor‐client privilege
by Stephen Schneider - 48-61 Protecting the financial system from abuse
by R. Barry Johnston & Ian Carrington - 62-70 Lawyers, notaries, accountants and money laundering
by Ping He - 71-88 International legal war on the financing of terrorism
by Andrew I. Chukwuemerie - 89-98 Financial enmeshment – banking systems in Western, and Central and South‐Eastern Europe
by Nicholas Ridley - 99-111 Underground banking in Malaysia: a case study of ROSCAs
by Elsa Bawani Satkunasingam & Bala Shanmugam - 112-118 Combating terrorist financing and other financial crimes through private sector partnerships
by Marcy M. Forman
October 2005, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 297-304 Australia’s response to the FATF’s 2003 40 Recommendations
by Jackie Johnson - 305-319 Dead fish across the trail: illustrations of money laundering methods
by Anthony Kennedy - 320-327 De‐listing from NCCTs and money laundering control measures: a banking regulation perspective
by Wassim N. Shahin - 328-334 Threshold transaction disclosures: access on demand through latent disclosure rather than reporting
by Peter A. Gallo & Christopher C. Juckes - 335-338 China: anti‐money laundering in a foreign exchange area
by Li Dongrong - 339-345 An evaluation of money laundering policies
by Jackie Harvey - 346-353 The regulatory failure: the saga of BCCI
by Mohammed B. Hemraj - 354-370 Financial supervisory unification and financial intelligence units
by Donato Masciandaro - 371-381 Curbing financial crime among Third World elites
by Gerald Anselm Acqaah‐Gaisie
July 2005, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 200-214 How terrorists exploit gaps in US anti‐money laundering laws to secrete plunder
by Courtney J. Linn - 215-219 Placing bankers in the front line
by R. Barry Johnston & John Abbott - 220-226 The risks for financial intermediaries and advisers in Germany
by Katlen Blöcker - 227-242 Technology and intelligence
by Neil J. Jensen - 243-251 Assessing the impact of the USA PATRIOT Act on the financial services industry
by James Fisher & James Gilsinan & Ellen Harshman & Muhammed Islam & Fred Yeager - 252-259 The suspicious transactions reporting system
by He Ping - 260-262 An inter‐temporal model of dirty money
by Ricardo Azevedo Araujo & Tito Belchior S. Moreira - 263-270 Malta’s role in the international fight against money laundering
by Robert Vella‐Baldacchino - 271-284 Systems thinking about anti‐money laundering: considering the Greek case
by Ian O. Angell & Dionysios S. Demetis
December 2004, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 104-114 Prosecutorial challenges in freezing and forfeiting proceeds of transnational crime and the use of international asset sharing to promote international cooperation
by Anthony Smellie - 115-121 The new weapon for combating money laundering in the EU
by He Ping - 122-126 Money laundering: what will criminal elements think of next?
by Mark McKenzie - 157-158 The financing of terror in the age of the Internet: wilful blindness, greed or a political statement?
by Fletcher N. Baldwin - 159-167 Online crimes and advance fee fraud in Nigeria ‐ are available legal remedies adequate?
by Abimbola O. Salu - 168-172 Indicators of hawala operations and criminal abuse
by Nikos Passas - 173-177 The penalisation of tax violations and criminal tax offences in Slovenian law
by Liljana Selinšek - 178-185 Anti‐money laundering activities of financial institutions in Taiwan
by Ma Yu‐Feng - 186-192 The fight against money laundering in Hungary
by Mihaly Tóth & István Lászlo Gál
December 2004, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 9-18 A guide to money laundering legislation
by Robert Rhodes QC & Serena Palastrand - 19-36 Definitional analysis: the war on terror and organised crime
by Angela Veng Mei Leong - 37-47 Hawala and money laundering: a Malaysian perspective
by Bala Shanmugam - 48-55 New trends in money laundering ‐ from the real world to cyberspace
by He Ping - 56-65 Bank secrecy in Australia: terrorism legislation as the new exception to theTournierrule
by Paul Latimer - 66-74 Ethics in Nigerian banking
by Chibuike U. Uche - 75-94 The 2003 Money Laundering Regulations
by Richard Alexander
October 2004, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 295-297 Periodic account activity and automated money laundering detection
by Carl Young - 298-307 Macau casinos and organised crime
by Angela Veng Mei Leong - 308-319 Recent developments in Taiwan’s anti‐money laundering and anti‐terrorism work
by Chi‐Jen Ching - 320-332 International anti‐money laundering and anti‐terrorist financing: the work of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions in Canada
by Nicolas W. R. Burbidge - 333-346 Compliance and reporting issues arising for financial institutions from money laundering regulations: a preliminary cost benefit study
by Jackie Harvey - 347-366 Regional externalities and direct effects of legislation against money laundering: a test on excess money balances in the five Andean countries
by Michele Bagella & Leonardo Becchetti & Massimo Lo Cicero - 367-375 A survey of money laundering reporting officers and their attitudes towards money laundering regulations
by Laurence Webb - 376-382 Banking secrecy and money laundering
by He Ping
July 2004, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 201-206 The control of risks associated with crime, terror and subversion
by Claes Norgren - 207-217 The Wolfsberg Principles ‐ an analysis
by Andrew Haynes - 218-253 The rule of law, human rights and proportionality as components of the war against terrorism: is the US judiciary in self‐imposed exile?
by Fletcher N. Baldwin - 254-260 Should gambling be a predicate for money laundering?
by Abdullahi Y. Shehu - 261-263 Japan’s efforts in the global fight against money laundering and terrorist financing
by Koji Kishima - 264-271 Migration and illegal finance
by Donato Masciandaro - 272-274 Lawyers and money laundering
by Marcelo Ruiz - 275-280 Interdicting tainted wealth ‐ the perspective from Hong Kong
by D. G. Saw - 281-285 Terrorism and the financial sector: are the right prosecutorial tools being used?
by Stefan D. Cassella
December 2003, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 105-125 The confiscation, forfeiture and disruption of terrorist finances
by R. E. Bell - 126-138 The incorporation and operation of criminally controlled companies in Canada
by Stephen Schneider - 139-144 The threat of terrorism and Singapore’s legislative response to terrorism financing
by Tan Sin Liang - 145-152 The Chinese financial institution campaign against money laundering
by Zhu Li‐fang & He Ping - 153-157 A balancing act: offshore financial centre strategy and the global anti‐money laundering movement
by Conrad Oberg - 158-169 The prevention of money laundering in India
by B. V. Kumar - 170-174 Anti‐money laundering legislation in St Vincent and the Grenadines
by Fitz‐Roy Drayton - 175-185 The Asian alternative remittance systems and money laundering
by Abdullahi Y. Shehu - 186-189 E‐trade and money laundering: countering schemes and patterns
by Massimo Nardo
December 2003, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 9-14 Money laundering through underground systems and non‐financial institutions
by Fath El Rahman Abdalla El Sheikh - 15-17 Money laundering regulations in Jordan: a positive example of Middle Eastern country earnest about catching up with international financial standards
by Lu’ayy Minwer Al‐Rimawi - 18-37 Israel: the impact of the anti‐money laundering legislation on the banking system
by Ruth Plato‐Shinar - 38-49 Repairing legitimacy after blacklisting by the Financial Action Task Force
by Jackie Johnson - 50-60 Canada’s laws on money laundering and proceeds of crime: the international context
by Daniel P. Murphy - 61-68 Money laundering and gambling: the New Zealand experience
by Brian Brooks - 69-74 The function of self‐regulating organisations in the Swiss money laundering control scheme
by Luka Müller‐Studer - 75-83 The anti‐money laundering regime in the Republic of Nauru
by Trifin J. Roule & Michael Salak - 84-91 Argentina: countering terrorism in the aftermath of the 1992 and 1994 bomb attacks in Buenos Aires
by José C. Barbaccia - 92-94 Money laundering, Terrorism, Regulation, Laws and legislation
by Stefan D. Cassella
October 2003, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 301-305 Terrorist financing: foxes run to ground
by David D. Aufhauser - 306-310 The war against terrorist financing
by William Allen - 311-330 It takes two to tango: international financial regulation and offshore centres
by Donato Masciandaro & Alessandro Portolano - 331-336 Mexican suspicious transaction reporting: legislation
by Antonio Herrera Vargas & James Backhouse - 337-343 Chinese criminal law concerning money laundering
by He Ping - 344-354 Using confiscated money
by Daniel P. Murphy - 355-366 Self‐regulation in combating money laundering
by Nadja Capus - 367-372 Recent legislative, regulatory and bureaucratic initiatives to increase anti‐money laundering efforts in Ukraine
by Trifin J. Roule & Michael Salak - 373-378 Money laundering in Malaysia
by Bala Shanmugam & Mahendhiran Nair & R. Suganthi - 379-382 The fight against money laundering ‐ the Swiss way
by Dina Balleyguier - 383-387 The International Monetary Fund’s involvement in combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism
by William E. Holder
December 2002, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 105-136 Money laundering countermeasures with primary focus upon terrorism and the USA Patriot Act 2001
by Fletcher N. Baldwin - 137-140 Abolishing the concept of ’predicate offence’
by R. E. Bell - 141-150 International cooperation and mutual assistance under the Proceeds of Crime Bill 2001
by Giannis Keramidas - 151-156 Legislative and bureaucratic impediments to suspicious transaction reporting regimes
by Trifin J. Roule & Jeremy Kinsell - 157-165 Recovering the proceeds of corruption
by Kevin Chamberlain - 166-181 Money laundering control: the South African model
by Louis de Koker - 182-190 Money laundering in Iranian law: present and future
by Mansour Rahmdel
December 2002, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 9-16 11th September, 2001: will it make a difference to the global anti‐money laundering movement?
by Jackie Johnson - 17-26 The prosecution of lawyers for money laundering offences
by R. E. Bell - 27-41 Money laundering trends in South Africa
by Louis de Koker - 42-45 The underground banking systems and their impact on control of money laundering: with special reference to Islamic banking
by Fath El Rahman & Abdalla El Sheikh - 46-51 Hungary: recent efforts to strengthen legislation and domestic anti‐money laundering agency capabilities
by Trifin J. Roule - 52-56 Reporting suspicions of money laundering and whistleblowing under German law
by Katlen Blöker - 57-65 Internet gambling, credit cards and money laundering
by Paul Hugel & Joseph Kelly - 66-79 Legal instruments to combat money laundering in the EU financial market
by Sideek Mohamed - 80-84 Dynamics and deficiencies of anti‐money laundering efforts in Myanmar
by Brian P. Joyce - 85-87 The hiding of wealth: an Argentinian perspective
by Marcelo J. Ruiz - 88-93 The utility of independence in preventing audit failure
by Mohammed B. Hemraj
April 2002, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 257-262 International Approaches to Combating Financial Abuse and Promoting Stable Financial Markets
by William Witherell - 263-267 Wealth Hidden, Tax Evaded: Strategies for Revelation
by Elizabeth Montano - 268-278 ‘Underground’ Banking in Russia
by Alena V. Ledeneva - 279-286 Towards a Clean World
by Andrew Edwards - 287-295 An Introductory Who's Who for Money Laundering Investigators
by R.E. Bell - 296-301 Surviving the Challenge: The Constitutionality of the Drug Offences (Forfeiture of Proceeds) Act
by Bryan Sykes - 302-317 ‘Harmful’ Tax Competition and the Future of Offshore Financial Centres
by Terry Dwyer - 318-322 Globalisation and the Offshore Dimension — Building Integrity, Confidence and Cooperation
by Carlo Santini - 323-324 Taxation and Money Laundering: A Personal View
by Howard Flight - 325-329 Abuse of Power: Starting the March to Restoring the Competitive Advantage of International Financial Centres
by Peter D. Maynard - 330-337 Informal and Formal Money Transfer Networks: Financial Service or Financial Crime?
by Shahid Nawaz & Roddy McKinnon & Robert Webb - 338-344 Dirty Money, Tax and Banking: Recent Developments Concerning Mutual Legal Assistance and Money Laundering in the Caribbean Region and the Region's Responses
by Fitz‐Roy Drayton - 345-359 Civil Forfeiture of Proceeds of Crime in Australia
by David Lusty
April 2001, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 103-114 Lawyers' Duties under the Draft EU Money Laundering Directive: Is Confidentiality a Thing of the Past?
by Helen Xanthaki - 115-121 Frankencrime: America's Harsh Money Laundering Penalties
by Plato Cacheris & Eric Steven O'Malley - 122-132 In Pursuit of Dirty Money: Identifying Weaknesses in the Global Financial System
by Jackie Johnson - 133-145 Money Laundering Regulation and Bank Compliance Costs: What Do Your Customers Know? Economics and the Italian Experience
by Donato Masciandaro & Umberto Filotto - 146-149 E‐diligence: Money Laundering Risks in the Electronic Arena
by Brian P. Joyce - 150-157 The Polish Financial Intelligence Unit: A New Institution in the Polish Legal System
by Joanna Sieńczyło‐Chlabicz & Wojciech Filipkowski - 158-161 The Caribbean Anti‐Money Laundering Programme
by Alan Lambert - 162-182 Drug Kingpins and Blacklists: Compliance Issues with US Economic Sanctions: Part 3
by Peter L. Fitzgerald
March 2001, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 9-15 Offshore Asset Protection Trusts: Tax Planning or Tax Fraud?
by Harvey M. Silets & Michael C. Drew - 16-24 Australia: Attitudes to Extending the Scope of Anti‐Money Laundering Legislation
by Jackie Johnson - 25-41 The Wolfsberg Anti‐Money Laundering Principles
by Kris Hinterseer - 42-51 Discretion and Decision Making in Money Laundering Prosecutions
by R.E. Bell - 52-65 The Need for Efficient International Financial Regulation and the Role of a Global Supervisor
by Kern Alexander - 66-86 Drug Kingpins and Blacklists: Compliance Issues with US Economic Sanctions: Part 2
by Peter L. Fitzgerald - 87-95 The Dangers of New Technology — Laundering on the Internet
by Steven Philippsohn
February 2001, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 309-319 Dirty Money: How the UK Securities and Derivatives Markets are Used to Launder Money
by Sanjay Sharma - 320-332 Globalisation of Law Enforcement Efforts
by Joseph J. Aronica & Madhuri Mukhtyar & Jennifer E. Coon - 333-343 Undercover Sting Operations in Money‐Laundering Cases
by R.E. Bell - 344-347 Private banks' Initiative Against Money Laundering
by Michael Brindle - 348-349 What's Behind the Wolfsberg Principles?
by Toby Graham - 350-359 Are Tax Evasion Offences Predicate Offences for Money‐Laundering Offences?
by Peter Alldridge - 360-383 Drug Kingpins and Blacklists: Compliance Issues with US Economic Sanctions
by Peter L. Fitzgerald - 384-394 Towards a Convergence of Regulatory and Supervisory Modalities of Offshore and Onshore Banking Sectors in the OECS Sub‐Region
by Nand C. Bardouille
January 2001, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 211-225 Blacklisting: Initial Reactions, Responses and Repercussions
by Jackie Johnson - 226-230 Money Laundering: The FSA Moves In
by Andrew Haynes - 231-248 The International Anti‐Money‐Laundering Regime: The Role of the Financial Action Task Force
by Kern Alexander - 249-252 Hungary: The Legacy of Economic Progress Interacting with Vulnerability to Economic Crime, 1970–2000
by Nick Ridley - 253-263 Ireland: The Celtic Tiger Bites — The Attack on the Proceeds of Crime
by Michael Ashe & Paula Reid - 264-282 Israel: Money Laundering: A Clean Break
by Guy Harpaz - 283-299 Lebanon: The Fight Against Money Laundering
by Mohammad I. Fheili
March 2000, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 7-11 The Financial Services Authority and the Prevention of Money Laundering
by Andrew Campbell - 12-25 Proving the Criminal Origin of Property in Money‐Laundering Prosecutions
by R.E. Bell - 26-36 Legal Privilege in Criminal Cases Generally, and Money‐Laundering Cases in Particular
by Jonathan Fisher - 37-43 Tax Crimes Money Laundering and the Professional Adviser
by Ben Brandon - 44-50 Corruption: Main Dangers to Economic and Political Stability and Root Causes
by Ye Feng - 51-55 Countering Money Laundering: The Global Challenge after the World Drug Summit
by Dayanath Jayasuriya - 56-65 Australia: The Continuing Fight against Money Laundering — Financial Institutions and FATF's Recommendation 19
by Jackie Johnson - 66-69 Croatia: The Economic Crime Legacy of the Past Decade
by Nick Ridley - 70-77 Poland: Counteracting Money Laundering in Central Europe
by Emil W. Plywaczewski - 78-88 Laundering and Lawyers — The Payment of Legal Fees and Money‐Laundering Offences in Germany and the UK
by Daniel Gentzik - 89-93 Heard in the Court of Appeal before Lord Justice Beldam, Mr Justice Dyson and Mr Justice Richards
by Jonathan McNae