March 1989, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 1-1 Transfer Pricing: Some Empirical Evidence from Ireland
by J.C. Stewart - 1-1 Partial Price Stabilisation and National Export Earnings Instability
by D.T. Nguyen - 1-1 Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates under Contractionary Devaluation: A Peruvian Model
by David E. Hojman - 1-1 Education and Youth Unemployment: A Reappraisal
by Mike Ingham
February 1989, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 1-1 Emil Sax’s Contribution to Public Economics
by R. Neck - 1-1 Mises and the Praxeological Point of View
by G.M. Huussen - 1-1 Recent Reinterpretations of the Socialist Calculation Debate
by W. Keizer - 1-1 Evolution and Design of Social Institutions in Austrian Theory
by M. Prisching - 1-1 Böhm‐Bawerk’s Goods Characteristics Reactivated for Modern Austrians
by A.R. Leen - 1-1 Taxation and Entrepreneurship: An Austrian Approach to Public Finance
by J.G. Backhaus - 1-1 Value and Time in Menger’s Grundsätze
by E.E. Berns
January 1989, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-1 The Monetarist Explanation of Inflation: The Experience of Six African Countries
by Abebayehu Tegene - 1-1 The Non‐Equivalence of Equivalent Restrictions: A Further Example
by David Greenaway - 1-1 An Information Theory Approach to Measuring Industrial Diversification
by Mohsen Attaran & Martin Zwick - 1-1 Immiserising Growth with Globally Optimal Policies
by William G. Kaempfer - 1-1 General Equilibrium Analysis of Negative Value‐added
by Gopal Tribedy & Hamid Beladi & Basudeb Biswas - 1-1 An Appraisal of the Performance of Manufacturing Industry in Wales
by M.S. Silver & J.F. Lowe
May 1988, Volume 15, Issue 5
- 5-23 Intra‐industry Trade, Aggregation and the HOS Model
by Joan R. Rodgers - 24-33 United States Market Share of Latin American Wheat Imports: Disaggregated Analysis and Application of the Armington Model
by Seif Shalaby & John F. Yanagida & James B. Hassler - 34-44 Government Deficit Financing and Stabilisation
by Lok Sang Ho - 45-52 A Comparison of Some Inflation, Growth and Unemployment Forecasts
by K. Holden & D.A. Peel - 53-64 Diversifying Mergers and Risk: A Comment
by G.D.I. Barr & R.C. van den Honert
March 1988, Volume 15, Issue 3/4
- 13-35 Carl Menger, Author of a Research Programme
by J.R. Zuidema - 36-54 On the Austrian Notion of “Cost” in 1889
by B.D. Elzas - 55-63 Menger's Valuation of Nature: An Atomistic and “Organistic” Approach
by J.J. Krabbe - 64-78 On the Austrian Contribution to Capital Theory
by R.P. Zuidema - 79-91 Böhm‐Bawerk on Time Preference: Economic Action Based on Future Needs
by W. Heijman - 92-105 The Austrian School on Money and Gold
by L.B. Yeager - 106-122 Austrian Thinking on International Economics
by H. Visser - 123-135 Wieser's Theory of Money
by M.H.J. Dullaart - 136-151 Hayek and Keynes: A Comparative Analysis of Their Monetary Views
by A. Nentjes
February 1988, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 4-74 Stabilisation Targets and Instruments in Developing Countries
by Anthony Clunies Ross
January 1988, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 5-18 The Long‐run Effects of the Sex Integration of the British Labour Market
by Zafiris Tzannatos - 19-31 The Balance of Payments of Trinidad and Tobago 1973–1983: A Monetary Phenomenon?
by Patrick Kent Watson - 32-43 Danish Beef Exports to Canada — A Multinational Dispute
by William A. Kerr - 44-52 Cohort and Cross‐sectional Earnings Profiles: Scientists in Britain and Australia
by John Creedy - 53-70 Optimality and Production Efficiency of Some Cropsharing Systems
by A‐M.M. Abdel‐Rahman - 71-78 Okun's Bucket: A Leak and Two Splashes?
by Peter J. Lambert
May 1987, Volume 14, Issue 5
- 3-23 Patterns of Bilateral Trade Flows Within the Characteristics Approach to Trade
by Allan Webster - 24-37 Remittances and Income Distribution
by Branko Milanovic - 38-53 Effective Protection and Intra‐Industry Trade: Some Positive and Normative Issues
by David Greenaway & Chris Milner - 54-62 The Tight Money Effect, Wage Indexation and Macroeconomic Policy: The Fleming Model Revisited
by Chau‐nan Chen & Ching‐chong Lai & Wen‐ya Chang - 63-72 Review Article: The Economics of Health
by R.G. Brooks
April 1987, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 5-12 Are The General Theory's Central Contributions Still Valid?
by Victoria Chick - 13-23 The Policy Relevance of The General Theory
by Steven Pressman - 24-35 A New Perspective on Shackle's Keynesian Fundamentalism
by John Pheby - 36-50 The Radcliffe Central Bankers
by Nancy Wulwick - 51-64 Time Horizons of Management Decisions: Causes and Effects
by Andrew Tylecote - 65-86 Economics and Systems Theory
by Geoffrey M. Hodgson
March 1987, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 5-22 Markets to Hierarchies and Back Again: The Implication of Management Buy‐outs for Factor Supply
by R.S. Thompson & M. Wright - 23-40 The Impact of Political Change, Debt Servicing and Fiscal Deficits on Argentinian Budgetary Priorities
by Robert E. Looney - 41-54 When Does Market‐Share Matter?
by Graham Hall - 55-60 The Determinants of the Demand for Internationally Traded Primary Commodities: An Empirical Analysis
by David Sapsford - 61-74 The Buy‐American Practices of the US Defence Department and their Repercussions
by Bobby E. Apostolakis
February 1987, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 3-80 Export Instability in Less Developed Countries: Consequences and Causes
by James Love
January 1987, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 5-33 Devaluation, Inflationary Expectations and Stabilisation in Peru
by Santiago Roca & Rodrigo Priale - 34-54 The Theory of Monopolistic Competition: E.H. Chamberlin's Influence on Industrial Organisation Theory over Sixty Years
by R. Rothschild - 55-59 The Non‐Equivalence of Tariffs and Quotas: An Extension
by William J. Reiber - 60-65 Review Article: To Plan or not to Plan
by Jim Tomlinson
May 1986, Volume 13, Issue 5
- 4-15 Natural Law and the Political Economy of Henry George
by Roger J. Sandilands - 16-26 Marshall's Economics of Progress
by Brian J. Loasby - 27-44 Edward Chamberlin: The Theory of Monopolistic Competition: A Re‐orientation of the Theory of Value
by Andrew S. Skinner - 45-57 Decision Making under Uncertainty: In Defence of Shackle
by Frank H. Stephen - 58-62 Decision
by G.L.S. Shackle
April 1986, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 3-29 Models and Forecasts of Inflation in a Developing Economy
by A.K.M. Shamsul Alam & Shyam J. Kamath - 30-43 UK Companies' Demand for Money: An Empirical Study, 1974–1983
by David J. Evans - 44-55 Growth of Income and the Balance of Payments: Keynesian and Monetary Theories
by Hamid Beladi & Basudeb Biswas & Gopal Tribedy - 56-63 On the Division of Labour and International Trade: or, Adam Smith's Explanation of Intra‐Industry Trade
by Richard Pomfret - 64-73 The (Non‐) Equivalence of Quantitative Restrictions
by Mark G. Herander
March 1986, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 3-19 International Migration, Remittances and Economic Welfare in the Source Country
by Francisco L. Rivera‐Batiz - 20-37 A Behavioural Analysis of Demand Elasticities
by Peter E. Earl - 38-50 The Determinants of the Coverage of PBR Systems in Britain
by R.F. Elliott & P.D. Murphy - 51-68 Issues in Measuring the Information Economy
by Neil Dias Karunaratne
February 1986, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 3-13 The Economic Impact of Taxes in the US: Some Tests Based on the St. Louis Model
by Ali F. Darrat - 14-22 Entry and Market Characteristics: A Logit Study of Newspaper Launching in the Republic of Ireland
by R.S. Thompson - 23-37 Earnings and Job Mobility: Professional Chemists in Britain
by J. Creedy & K. Whitfield - 38-51 An Assessment of Cyprus' Association with the EEC
by Nicholas Perdikis - 52-58 Emigrants' Remittances, Non‐Traded Goods and Economic Welfare in the Source Country
by Frank Kirwan & Darryl Holden - 59-64 On Incomplete Current Information and Empirical Tests of the Rational Expectations Hypothesis
by D.A. Peel - 65-70 Review Article: Wages and Shares
by Anthony Clunies Ross
January 1986, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 3-80 The Economics of Professional Team Sports: A Survey of Theory and Evidence
by J. Cairns & N. Jennett & P.J. Sloane
May 1985, Volume 12, Issue 5
- 3-18 Protection and Developing Country Exports: The Case of Vegetable Oils
by Don P. Clark - 19-38 The Employment Effects of Changes in the Structure of UK Trade
by Ciaran Driver & Andrew Kilpatrick & Barry Naisbitt - 39-52 Basic Causes of Soviet Industry's Low International Competitiveness
by T. Fakiolas - 53-57 The Metzler Paradox and the Non‐Equivalence of Tariffs and Quotas: Further Results
by François R. Casas & Eun K. Choi - 58-61 Can Solow's Measure of Technical Change he Applied to Cross‐Sectional Data?
by Chi Schive & Badiul A. Majumdar - 62-64 Money Demand in Saudi Arabia: An Exchange of Views
by Farah Fadil - 65-67 The Money Demand Relationship in Saudi Arabia: An Empirical Investigation: Reply
by Ali F. Darrat - 67-70 Saudi Arabia's Money Demand Function: A Further Comment
by Farah Fadil - 71-71 The Money Demand Relationship in Saudi Arabia: An Empirical Investigation: Rejoinder
by Ali F. Darrat
April 1985, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 3-14 Sources of Growth in Colombia, 1963–80
by F. Desmond McCarthy & James A. Hanson & Soonwon Kwon - 15-29 Does Defence Expenditure Mobilise Resources in LDCs?
by Saadet Deger - 30-40 Reform of Tax Reliefs for Owner‐Occupation
by P.J. Welham - 41-51 Inflation in Saudi Arabia: An Econometric Investigation
by Ali F. Darrat - 52-57 Managed Floating Exchange Rates, Intervention Policy and Macroeconomic Policies
by Ching‐Chong Lai & Wen‐tzong Hsiao & Wen‐ya Chang - 58-61 A Pedagogical Note on Bond Financing of Government Expenditure
by R.L.W. Alpine - 62-65 Further Analysis of the Effects of Offshore Assembly Provisions on the US Tariff Structure
by Dennis R. Appleyard & Alfred J. Field & Edward Tower
March 1985, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 3-20 Asset Markets and the Exchange Rate: A Structural Model of the Sterling‐Dollar Rate 1972–1982
by Colm Kearney & Ronald MacDonald - 21-35 A Dynamic Model of the Competitive Firm with a Forward Market
by John D. Hey - 36-53 Monetary Aggregates, Income and Causality in a Developing Economy
by Shyam Kamath - 54-60 Federal Reserve Money‐Supply Announcements and the Behaviour of UK Interest Rates
by D.A. Peel & P.F. Pope - 61-65 Review Article: Demand Management — An Obituary
by Patrick Minford
January 1985, Volume 12, Issue 1/2
- 3-12 G. L. S. Shackle: A Brief Bio‐Bibliographical Portrait
by J.L. Ford - 13-20 Smith and Shackle: History and Epistemics
by Andrew S. Skinner - 21-33 Profit, Expectations and Coherence in Economic Systems
by Brian J. Loasby - 34-48 How Economists can Accept Shackle's Critique of Economic Doctrines without Arguing Themselves out of their Jobs
by Peter E. Earl & Neil M. Kay - 49-69 Shackle's Theory of Decision Making under Uncertainty: Synopsis and Brief Appraisal
by J.L. Ford - 70-88 The Possibility of Possibility
by John D. Hey - 89-106 Professor Shackle and the Liquidity Preference Theory of Interest Rates
by Peter G. McGregor
April 1984, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 3-22 Minimum Wages, Union Membership and Differentials: The Phillips Curve and the Chilean Labour Market Revisited
by David E. Hojman - 23-32 Gold Price as Another Determinant of Demand for International Reserves
by Mohsen Bahmani‐Oskooee - 33-45 Merger Performance Evaluation: An Empirical Analysis of a Sample of UK Firms
by Brian Sturgess & Peter Wheale - 46-68 Techniques of Monetary Control in the United Kingdom
by Keith Cuthbertson
March 1984, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 3-13 Farm‐Specific Technical Efficiencies and Development Policies
by K. Kalirajan - 14-25 The Monetary Approach to the Exchange Rate and the 1920s' Experience with Floating Exchange Rates
by Ronald MacDonald - 26-42 Comparative Analysis of UK Domestic and International Firms
by Manmohan Singh Kumar - 43-50 The Money Demand Relationship in Saudi Arabia: An Empirical Investigation
by Ali F. Darrat - 51-61 On‐the‐Job Search and the Public Employment Service
by N.J. Adnett - 62-65 A Note on Revenue‐Maximising Oligopoly
by R. Clarke - 66-70 Review Article: Feasible Socialism
by Anthony Clunies Ross
February 1984, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 3-43 The Theory of Vertical Integration: A Survey and Synthesis
by Mark Casson - 44-60 Innovation, Markets and Hierarchies
by Neil M. Kay - 61-74 Imbalance Theory and the Analysis of Investment and Technical Change by Firms
by S.J. Moss - 75-88 Entrepreneurs and Organisation
by Brian J. Loasby
January 1984, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 3-26 Energy Policy in a Price‐Regulated Developing Economy: A Study of Egypt
by David Pearce & Ronald Edwards - 27-39 Models of Interfuel Substitution in the UK
by Richard Westoby - 40-48 Residential Energy Demand: A Case Study of Pakistan
by Mahmood Iqbal - 49-54 Demand Uncertainty, Risk Aversion and the Labour‐Managed Firm
by Leonard F.S. Wang & David Bowles - 55-62 Review Article: Development Economics
by Tony Killick
April 1983, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 3-14 The Scientific Method of Keynes
by B. Littleboy & G. Mehta - 18-28 Joseph Schumpeter and the Austrian School of Economics
by David Simpson - 29-51 Research Programmes in Competitive Structure
by D.P. O'Brien - 52-67 E. H. Chamberlin: The Origins and Development of Monopolistic Competition
by Andrew S. Skinner
March 1983, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 3-11 Capital Utilisation, Capital Intensity and Factor Productivity: A Comparison of Factories in Developing and Industrialised Countries
by J. Stuart Wabe & José Gutierrez‐Camara - 12-21 Diversifying Mergers and Risk: Some Empirical Tests
by R.S. Thompson - 22-41 Functional and Structural Breaks in the UK Demand for Money Function: 1963–1979
by Leslie T. Oxley - 42-48 The “Multiplier” in Economic Literature
by Lauchlin Currie - 49-55 Wicksell's Critique of Ricardo's Chapter “On Machinery”
by Bjorn Hansson - 56-66 Review Article: Decisions, Process and the Market
by G.L.S. Shackle
February 1983, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 3-20 Analyst Forecasts and Dividend Information
by S. Paul Roy - 21-28 Exchange Rate Expectations and the Short‐Run Effectiveness of Monetary Policy
by Joan O'Connell - 29-41 Optimal Size of Firm as a Problem in Transaction Costs and Property Rights
by N.M. Kay - 42-49 Production in the Heckscher‐Ohlin‐Samuelson Model of International Trade Theory: A Simple Mathematical Treatment
by Ulrich Kohli - 50-54 Specific Factor and Optimal Intervention to Achieve Non‐Economic Objectives
by Leonard F.S. Wang - 55-65 Distributed Lag Behaviour in the Housing Market: Some Further Evidence
by June M. Harris & Vani K. Borooah - 66-71 Review Article: The Economics of Labour‐Managed Firms
by Frank H. Stephen
January 1983, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 3-16 Wages, Unemployment and Expectations in Developing Countries: The Labour Market and the Augmented Phillips Curve for Chile
by David E. Hojman - 17-30 The Generalised System of Preferences and Canadian Imports of Manufactured and Semi‐Manufactured Products from Developing Countries
by Ramesh C. Kumar & S. Akbar - 31-45 The Production of Health and Health Care
by Alan Maynard - 46-59 A Binary Choice Model of Foreign Holiday Demand
by Stephen P. Witt - 60-62 The Simple Welfare Economics of Monopolistic Competition
by David de Meza
March 1982, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 3-19 International Big Business, 1957–77: A Sequel on the Relationship between Size and Growth
by Vassilis Droucopoulos - 20-29 Bilateral and Multilateral Cost‐of‐Living Comparisons: A Comment on Methodology
by M.S. Silver - 30-39 Some Analytics of Income Tax/Transfer Systems
by John Creedy - 40-54 Identifying the Gains from Pure Intra‐Industry Exchange
by David Greenaway - 55-60 The Determinants of Export Performance of Developing Countries
by J. Love - 61-67 The “New” Theories of Trade and UK's Comparative Advantage in Engineering Products
by Olasupo Akano & Keith Ingham
February 1982, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 3-22 Demand for Currency and the Black Economy in the UK
by K.G.P. Matthews - 23-35 A New Look at International Monetary Reform
by W.M. Scammell - 36-50 LDCs versus DCs: Trade and Growth
by Theo van de Klundert & Ad Kolnaar - 51-67 Why Growth Rates Do Differ
by M.W. Bell & M.S. Silver & S.J. Stray - 68-70 Oligopoly and Myopic Behaviour
by Roger Clarke
January 1982, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 3-18 The Effects of Offshore Assembly Provisions on the US Tariff Structure
by Dennis R. Appleyard & Alfred J. Field - 19-34 Friedman's Methodology: A Comment on Boland
by Hugh V. McLachlan & J.K. Swales - 35-43 Intergenerational Sharecropping in Haiti: A Re‐Interpretation of the Murray Thesis
by Mats Lundahl - 44-53 Another Incomes Policy?
by Bernard J. Foley
March 1981, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 3-21 Balanced Demand and Supply‐Side Fiscal Policies
by Z.A. Spindler - 22-39 Equilibrium, Disequilibrium and Unemployment Theory: A Simple Illustrative Model
by S.P. Hannah - 41-64 Economic Growth, Savings and Housing Finance in Japan
by Shinichi Ichimura - 65-78 Definitions of Domestic Credit Expansion for the United Kingdom
by David Cobham
February 1981, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 3-24 The Portfolio Selection Approach and Short‐Run Econometric Models of Capital Flows and the Foreign Exchange Market: A Theoretical Analysis
by Peter G. McGregor - 25-37 Income Inequality and the Social Welfare Function
by J. Moreh - 38-45 A Modified Money Supply Multiplier for the UK in the 1970s
by Geoffrey E.J. Dennis - 46-56 Trends in Terms of Trade of LDCs
by The‐Hiep Nguyen - 57-64 Producer Subsidies in the Dairy Industry in Peninsular Malaysia
by R.J.G. Wells
January 1981, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 3-15 Negative Value Added and the Measurement of Production Changes
by M.S. Silver & P. Golder - 16-36 Fifty Years of Ideology: A Selective Survey of Academic Economics in the United States 1930 to 1980
by Alfred H. Bornemann - 37-46 Why Oligopoly Prices Don't Stick
by Graham Loomes - 47-51 Traditional Peak‐Load Pricing Theory: A Synthesis
by A.R. Platts - 52-60 Allyn Young and the Development of Growth Theory
by Lauchlin Currie
March 1980, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 127-139 Economic Growth, Distribution and Incomes of the Poor
by William Loehr - 140-150 Firm Size, Diversification, and Profitability of Large Corporations in Canada
by Richard Pomfret & Daniel Shapiro - 151-162 Portfolio Choice with Imperfect Capital Markets
by Elie Appelbaum & Eliakim Katz - 164-178 Environment Quality in a Marxian Model of Reproduction
by Richard W. England - 179-187 Macro‐economics and Equilibrium in the Commodity Market
by L. Demery & M. Phelps
February 1980, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 69-86 The effect on Macroeconomic Management in the UK of the Transition from Fixed to Floating Rates
by Patrick Minford - 87-98 Portugal, Spain and Greece: On the Dynamic Effects of Joining the EEC
by A.V. Katos - 99-108 The Cost to the United Kingdom of Accession to the European Community
by Keith Penketh - 109-121 Factor Prices and Labour‐Saving Technology in Brazil's Agriculture
by Charles C. Mueller
January 1980, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 3-27 Peru : Economic Policies and Structural Change, 1968 –1978
by John Sheahan - 28-50 Using The Macroeconomic Mix to Stop Stagflation
by J.O.N. Perkins - 51-61 Wages, Sickness Benefits and Absenteeism
by R.B. Thomas
February 1979, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 155-181 An Historical Survey Of The Early Debate On Consumer'S Surplus Theory
by V. Bulmer‐Thomas - 204-215 Starts And Completions Of Private Dwellings: Four Models Of Distributed Lag Behaviour
by V.K. Borooah - 216-226 Internal And External Balance — Problems Of Interpretation
by Ronald Shone - 227-236 A “Post‐Keynesian” Alternative To “Keynesian” Macromodels
by Thanos Skouras
January 1979, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-38 Armament, Disarmament And National Security:
by Lloyd J. Dumas